Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ Willy's Wizard Carnival ( Chapter 11 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Won’t You Please Stay With Me?

Summary: Before his 40th B-day, Snape must acquire a potential spouse before the Ministry arranges one. Of all the people, he chooses Harry. Everyone seems to think it’s a great idea, except Harry. Can Snape woo Harry’s love before it’s too late? SSHP Slash later.

Disclaimer: I am not the author of the Harry Potter series.

A/N: Thank you for all the reviews! Anyways, I have not been oblivious to the constant wishful thinking. Quite a few of my readers seem to fancy a kissing scene with Snape. Rest assured. That will be coming up soon.

Chapter Eleven: “Willy's Wizard Carnival"

The Holidays were finally over, and school was back in session. Harry waited patiently in the Gryffindor common room for his two best friends. Hermione was the first to arrive, followed by Ron just moments later, “Harry!” Hermione ran over to him and gave him a hug, “It’s so good to see you!”

“And you, Hermione!”

Ron came over and gave Harry a handshake. “Good you see you’re still alive, mate!”

Harry playfully hit Ron’s shoulder. His mistake was that he hit him with his left hand. Hermione didn’t miss the object swathed around his finger, “Harry… What’s that you’ve got there?” she asked excitedly.

Harry looked at the ring and said, “Oh this?” he shrugged, “Nothing much.”

He proudly held out his finger for Hermione to see. She slapped her hands over her mouth, trying to hold in her squealing as she jumped up and down, “Oh, Harry!” She waved her hands around as if she was burning.

Harry smiled; Ron looked sick, “Merlin no… Don’t tell me….”

“Harry, you’re wearing Professor Snape’s ring!” She hugged him again, “This is so exciting! So tell me, when is the ceremony?!”

“We haven’t set a date yet,” said Harry, “But I hope it’ll be soon.”

Hermione turned a fierce red, “That’s wonderful, Harry!”

Ron just stood there, completely satisfied with being ignored. He didn’t need to know anything further about Harry’s and Snape’s love life. However, unable to ignored Ron for much longer, Hermione turned towards him, “Just look at the ring, Ron! Isn’t it splendid? Our Harry is finally growing up!”

Ron grimaced, “Please, I need not hear anymore.”

“Oh, shut it. You’re ruining the moment!” Said Hermione disappointedly.

(Please, the moment was ruined the second you saw that ring.) Ron thought. “So, Harry, does Professor Snape love you?”

“I hope he does. Well, I’m pretty sure he does. He wouldn’t have given me his ring if he didn’t, right?”

“Trust me, he wouldn’t have touched you if he didn’t love you,” Hermione assured Harry.

“Ok, enough with the engagement news!” said Ron, “I’m starving! Let’s head to the Great Hall for dinner.”


The very moment that the trio stepped through the door, everyone turned their attention towards Harry. The great hall suddenly became very quiet and still. Taken aback by the silence, Harry was wondering that he had done this time to attract so much attention. “Just ignore them,” Hermione warned as she pushed Harry on.

They reached their seats at the Gryffindor table, and bewildered when their fellow Gryffindors scooted a bit away. “What’s this?” asked Ron.

Ginny was sitting just a few people away, and not even she was giving Harry a friendly smile. Harry anxiously looked towards the head table. Most of the staff were present, save Professor Snape and the headmaster. Soon, however, the door opened and everyone held their breath as the two men entered together. Snape and Dumbledore were not oblivious to the suddenly hushed groups of students, and turned to look at them skeptically. Snape took a seat while everyone kept his eye on him. Dumbledore pretended not to notice as he stood at the front and center and gave a quick speech, “Welcome back everyone! I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas…,” and so on. It wasn’t until Dumbledore noticed that no one was looking at him save three certain students, did he finally begin to worry. Soon, he had dinner appear on their tables, hoping that would catch their attention. It did, but for only so long. Had it not been for the silent eating, Snape wouldn’t have bothered to look up from the table. Everyone’s eyes were on him. Snape stared back at them for a while and thought: (What on earth is wrong with these students? It’s like they’ve never seen a man dressed in black before.) Of course Snape knew there had to be something else disturbing everyone, but at the moment, he decided to pay it no mind.

As the students finished their meals one by one and two by two, they exited the hall to their dormitories. Harry, Ron, and Hermione were some of the last to leave. As Harry walked away, he made sure to turn around to look at Snape. Snape looked back up at Harry and mouthed a ‘goodnight’ to Harry before he turned his attention back to McGonagall. Happily smiling, Harry left the great hall.

Now resting in his bed, Harry pulled his sheets up to his lower lip and smiled a bit. He couldn’t wait to see Snape again. But, little did he know that things from now on were going to change.


Once Harry arrived at his potion’s classroom, he expected to find a seat next to Ron, however, for some reason; everyone in the classroom organized themselves into two groups. Boys sat on the left side, and girls sat on the right. Ron had filled that last boy seat on the male side of the room, so Harry was being forced to fill the last seat on the girl’s side of the room. When Snape finally walked in, at first he didn’t notice the sudden arrangement, “Today will be making an antidote for a variety of poisons. Turn to page….” Then he turned around. He sat there looking puzzled, then asked, “Why the sudden arrangement?”

Almost everyone shrugged. Snape looked amongst the male group to see if he could spot Harry. To his surprise he didn’t, until he caught eye of Harry in the dead center of the girl’s group. Harry smiled weakly; clearly he was embarrassed. “Turn to page two-hundred and sixteen.”

Towards the middle of the class, Snape pointed out, "By now, if the potion is not shimmering, then you have failed to follow the procedures adequately, and have produced a waste product," Snape then grinned, "Because the skills required to make this potion were mediocre, two points will be deducted if the potion isn't finished."

Snape took satisfaction out of hearing his students moan. Nothing like torturing students on a Monday. As Snape approached his desk, Harry got up and quickly brought his potion to Snape. Harry didn’t want to rise any suspicious that he and Snape were together for their sake, but some gestures were almost inevitable As Harry carefully set the testing tube on its tray Snape walked by Harry and whispered, "Five points for a successful potion."

Harry tried to hold back his smile as he quickly got back into his seat to put his things away. As soon as class ended, Harry exchanged glances with Snape before he left the room with Ron. As they made their way up the stairs, Ron asked, "Are you and Snape intimate?"

"What?" Harry nearly jumped when Ron asked him that.

"It's a simple question, Harry. Are you two shaggin' or not?"

"Ron, we haven't even kissed yet."

"What?!" Ron and Harry stopped dead in their tracks when Hermione had suddenly appeared in front of them, "What kind of a relationship are you two living?"

"Well... I... Um... it's kind of complicated, Hermione," Harry said unsurely.

Ron began to chuckle, "I knew you didn't have it in you, mate."

"It's not like that," Harry struggled to explain, "You see, I've... well, we've tried to... you know, but things just always seem to happen."

"It shouldn't be that hard, Harry," said Hermione, "All you have to do is pull him in and kiss him. You should've had loads of opportunities to do that."

"Yes, but I want our first kiss to be... special."

"Now you just sound like a female," said Ron.

"Fine," said Harry, "Let's just change topics. I don't have a class for this block; how about you two?"

Hermione and Ron shook their heads.

"Alright, then lets just go do something."


A few hours later when the three of them were skipping rocks by the lake, Hermione decided to bring the topic back up, "You know, Harry, Willy's Wizard Carnival is coming into town this weekend. Maybe you could ask Snape out on a date?"

Harry's skipping rock plopped into the water. "What?"

Ron looked at Hermione as if she was crazy, "Oh, come on! For Merlin's sake, Harry! You two are already engaged!"

"Yes I know; it's just that I'd rather not be the one asking the other out on dates. Snape is suppose to ask me."

Ron couldn't hold back the laughter, "You got to be kiddin' me, mate! Snape, asking someone out on a date?!"

Harry kicked the rock next to him and stuffed his hands in his pockets. As much as Harry detested it, Ron was right. What were the chances of Snape asking him out on a date? But then again, Snape did ask Harry to watch the sunrise with him just a week ago. Harry pulled out his left hand and admired the ring thoughtfully. He shouldn't be nervous when it came to Snape, but it couldn't be helped. "Fine, I'll ask him."

"Excellent!" Said Hermione.

"Rubbish!" Said Ron, "You got to be kiddin' me!" He threw a rock as far as he could with all his might.

Harry blushed a little, "I just have to collect my thoughts and figure out how."

"Well, ... I can't help you there," said Ron as he chucked another rock.

"Boys," Hermione rolled her eyes, "Harry, you need to be direct. I know Snape isn't a girl, but the same rules apply. It isn't really that hard. The only thing you can possibly be afraid of is rejection, but technically, Snape can't reject you. But, if Snape confesses that he doesn't have the time, do everything you can to make him go. Even if that means persuading him with you body."

Harry never looked redder, "Wait, hold on a second!"

"No," Hermione held up her hand, "Snape is human too. But if you want to keep it more innocent, then just give him the sappy puppy-dog eyes. No one can resist those."

Harry gave her a satisfactory smile, "Thanks."

"Anyways, you have all week to think about how you are going to approach him," said Ron, "So why don't we just do something else?"

"No!" Hermione waved her hands in the air, "Snape is a busy man. In order to fit you into his schedule, you need to tell him ahead of time."

Harry looked like he was about ready to collapse. He did so by sitting on a larger rock. He looked up at Hermione and then dropped his gaze to the pebbles. He was really no good at these sorts of things. "Let me help you," said Hermione, "This is what you are going to say."


Once classes had finished for the day, despite the fact that Harry had a lot of homework, and without taking into account that Snape might have a lot of papers to grade as well as potions, Harry paced just outside of Snape's quarters, trying to collect his thoughts before he checked the halls to make sure no one was around, "Locomotive," Harry whispered.

The gargoyle blocking the entrance shifted aside, and Harry latched onto the door knob behind it. Without even knocking, Harry entered; not surprised to see that Snape was busy at work grading papers. "Proffes... Severus?" Harry corrected himself.

Severus set his quill aside, "Yes, Harry?" he asked in a soft tone.

Harry smiled a bit. Though now he clearly knew that he had interrupted Snape's work, the man didn't seem the least bit irritated. "I want to ask you something."

"I'm listening," said Snape.

"Well...," Harry looked down at his fingers, which were currently tangling themselves up, and then Harry quickly ran over to Snape's side. Snape scooted back in his chair to allow Harry to sit on his lap. Harry always felt the safest here.

"Is there something wrong?" Snape asked with concern and he held onto one of Harry's hands. Merlin, did he ever miss their soft texture and they way interwove with his fingers.

"No, nothing is really wrong," (Geez! Why did this have to be so hard?!) "I just wanted to know..."

"Go on," Snape insisted when Harry stopped talking.

"...if you were free this weekend."

Without answering Harry's question just yet, Snape reached over and grabbed a little black book. He opened it, glanced in it, then shut it, "Apparently not. Why?"

Harry felt like he just swallowed a brick. "Oh then, never mind," Harry moved to get off Snape's lap, but the man held him in place.

"You didn't answer my question."

"Well, I just wanted to know if you wanted to go with me to Willy's Wizard Carnival," Harry whispered.

Snape looked at his schedule, and with one tap of his wand, whatever Snape had scheduled that weekend, we removed and written across the white page in gold letters was 'Go to Willy's Wizard Carnival with Harry.' It just took away all of Harry's displeasure. “Thank you…" Harry sat up and Snape's lap and hugged his tightly. Snape was sure Harry would kill him in his embrace if he didn't let go soon. When Harry finally pulled away he asked, "But are you sure? What about your work?"

"You come first," Snape said as he tapped the tip of Harry's nose with his index finger.

"Always?" Harry asked.

"Always," Snape responded.

"Thank you," Harry was still trying to register that Snape had agreed to go with him to possibly one of the jolliest and annoying, according to Snape, place on the planet. "I promise you won't get bored."

"Boredom isn't the issue," said Snape, "It's irritation," Harry was able to tell that Snape had definitely gone to a carnival before, and hated it. Leave it up to Snape to harbor animosity towards any kind of festivity.

"Let's meet here on Saturday. You pick the time."

"When does the carnival open?"

"I believe at eight," Harry just realized he made a mistake saying that. So much for sleeping in.

"Meet me here at seven thirty at the latest. Am I correct in believing that it will take place just outside the whereabouts of Hogsmeade?"

Harry nodded.

"Then we shall walk. Don't give me that look. Merlin knows I need it."

"You do not!" Harry chuckled as he pressed his hand onto Snape's stomach, "You're just saying that."

Snape smirked. "Well, if you are all done occupying my time..."

Harry dismounted Snape, "Do I have to go?"

"To accomplish the tasks you need to fulfill for your classes tomorrow, yes."

"Can I bring my stuff here and work on it while you work on yours?"

"Not today. Another time."

"Really?!" Harry asked as Snape guided him to the door.

"As I've said before, you are always welcomed," before Harry could leave, Snape drew him in and gave him a rather long kiss on his forehead. Anywhere else, besides the cheek, Snape felt would be too sudden. "Now, off with you," Snape said while closing the door on a blushing Harry.

Once Harry moved away from the statue, he placed his hand over the area where Snape had kissed him then chuckled. Snape had kissed him a few times already and maybe he was telling Harry that it was about time they stepped things up a bit. Certainly Snape had given Harry enough time to adjust. It was only a matter of time now before Snape would try something a little different. (I want that…). Harry thought to himself... (I want Snape to really kiss me.)


The next day in potion's class while Harry was giving it his all to finish this more complex potion on time, Snape walked by and slipped a letter into Harry's robes while Harry was getting a forgotten ingredient. Once Harry got back to his seat, he made sure everyone was busy with his own work, and opened it. Inside, it was written:

Dear Harry,
I am displeased to say that something urgent has called my attention
and I will not be able to escort you to the carnival until a later time.
Please do not let my absent alter your schedule. I will find you later
during the evening. Do not wait up.



Harry quickly refolded the letter and slipped it back into his pocket. He then looked for Snape, who was busy grading potions at his desk. (I thought I was your priority!) Harry wanted to scream.

As soon as class ended, Harry didn't even give Snape time to explain as he rushed out of the room. Ron chased after him. "Harry, what's wrong?" Ron asked as soon as he caught up to Harry.

"Severus isn't coming until later," Harry said in an almost inaudible voice.

"Man, I thought he dumped you or something."

"Don't jinx me!" said Harry.

"It's alright, mate. He'll still be coming."

"Yes, but last night he told me that I'm his first priority! And now he tells me that he has something bigger to attend to?"

"Did you have a lover's quarrel, Potter?" Malfoy was perched on the ledge of a window and for once alone.

"Get lost, Malfoy," said Harry.

"I was here first, so why don't you get lost. Go on. Shoo," Malfoy made little hand gestures, and Harry gave him a dirty look.


It was finally Saturday, and Harry was still in bed. Ignoring Ron as he desperately tried to get him up. "Come on, Harry! Get up already! Hermione's waiting and you're delaying us!"

"I don't feel like going."

"Bloody hell!" Ron moved to Harry's side and deliberately grabbed onto his arm, "Come on!" He had to literally drag Harry into the washroom, "Now get ready! I'll come back to check on you if you don't come down."

Ron then left Harry, and Harry groaned as he reached for his toothbrush.

Several minutes later, Harry was dragging himself down the stairs, "I don't want to be here."

"Stop it!" said Ron as he grabbed Harry's arm. "Let's go. I want to buy tickets for the shows before they sell out."

Ron dragged Harry all the way to the carnival, and once they finally arrived, Harry gaped. He had never been to a wizard’s carnival. Hell, he has never even been to a Muggle carnival. There were ticket booths outside with goblins managing the money. Figures. There were dragons perched on the entrance gates ready to burn you alive if you didn't have an entrance ticket. There were many foreign smells emitting from the carnival, and loads of jolly music. If Snape was here now, he would have turned around and walked away long ago.

As Harry and his friends approached the booth, they got their entrance tickets and walked towards the gates. They held up the tickets for the dragons to inspect, then entered. It was amazing. Just behind the gates was what muggles called the petting zoo, where kids would get to intermix with geese, rabbits, chickens, and goats, but at this carnival, there were funny little animals that Harry couldn't quite distinguish. One of them, however, was in fact a phoenix. She sat perched on the fence looking down at the children. Contiguous to the petting zoo, there were unicorns tired to a pole. Kids would mount them, then they would all move around the pole. This would be where muggles would have kids ridding ponies.

As they moved on, Harry noticed a lot of other things that related to Muggle carnivals. There were painting stations where a couple of Ravenclaws where getting their faces painted with paint brushes that worked themselves; there was a ceramics booth where the pots would form themselves into what you wanted; there was a moon bouncer where several Hufflepuffs were jumping around like kids; and close to that, there was a fork in the road that led into the gaming section and an area that featured a variety of rides. That's where most of the Slytherins had gone. "Harry, you should get Snape to win you a puppet!"

"Merlin, no!" Harry blushed. Though he did want to see Snape playing some game like shooting the Muggle and winning him a giant teddy bear.

So, after the trio settled on eating some roasted animal, they moved into the gaming section. Some of the games were just like your typical Muggle games with a slight magical twist. There was shooting a target that never died, popping a balloon what instantly re-inflated itself, tossing a ball into a fish bowl that would actually win you a mini sized mermaid, shooting hoops that moved around, knocking over a bowling pin that would immediately make itself stand once knocked over, and other things that were completely new to Harry. "So this is a magical carnival?" Harry asked.

"You see that over there?" Ron pointed towards these large, blue tents that were set up, "That where they are going to be hosting the shows. There is going to be this one where a wizard fights against a dragon!"

"Poor dragon," said Hermione.

"Don't worry; they won't kill it. Just stun it. They also have this one water show where you can hear the mermaids singing. But that's like more for the older folks. What else..."

"They have what muggles have at carnivals too. You know, with the trapeze?"

"I've always wanted to see one of those," said Harry.

"Well, we could get tickets now, and just do some games in the mean time. I want to get one of those miniature mermaids for Hagrid."

So, for the day, the three of them just walked around; doing their utmost best to avoid the Slytherins; Malfoy especially. It wasn't until later on, did Harry notice that everyone was breaking up into couple. He, along with Hermione and Ron, were the only ones that came from Hogwarts that didn't have someone to partner up with. "I hate this," Harry sighed as his head dropped.

"It isn't that bad," assured Hermione. "I'm sure Snape will come for you soon."

Harry gave a weak smile. It was already seven at night. How much time did Snape need until he was going to bother showing up, "If Severus knew he wasn’t going to be able to come, he should’ve just been honest about it and not gotten my hopes up," said Harry.

"Harry, you are suppose to understand him more than anyone. He must have had something incredibly important to do if he's not here."

"It either has to do with Voldemort, or it's something for the Order," just thinking that Snape could have possibly been called made Harry feel anxious. He had just paid Voldemort a visit not too long ago. What could the wizard possibly want now? "I wish he'll turn up soon," Harry was growing impatient.

"Well, come on then," Ron said, "Let's go shoot something."

Ron dragged Harry over to the booth where the one can shoot a miniature Muggle walking around helplessly. Ron gave the guy six tickets, then stood back to watch Harry take his aim. Harry lifted the enchanted gun and positioned it accordingly. While Harry took his aim, Ron nearly gasped when a certain older wizard made an appearance. Harry pulled the trigger, but missed. The Muggle pointed at Harry and then laughed. "Bloody hell," Harry was about to aim again, before someone pressed themselves against him. Harry quickly picked up on a familiar scent, then whispered hopefully, "Severus?"

"Here, let me help," Snape positioned Harry's gun straight ahead at the Muggle, then whispered, "Wait for him to come to you, then shoot."

As soon as the Muggle began walking towards Harry's range, Harry pulled the trigger, and the Muggle winced as a sign that he was shot. The man volunteering at the booth brought a gun that shot spit ball at people and handed it to Harry, "It was our last one too. Take care."

Now Harry knew why the Slytherins were all huddled around here. Harry was about to show Ron, but both he and Hermione had vanished. "Where did they go?" Harry looked bewildered.

"Does it matter?" Snape asked as he placed his hand on Harry's shoulder.

"No," Harry leaned in against Snape's touch and then decided he had had enough, "Why were you so late?"

Snape leaned in and whispered into Harry's ear, "I was called."

Harry didn't looked like he was satisfied with that answer, "So then, in reality, he's really your first priority?"

Snape, taken aback, said, "Harry, I cannot neglect my obligation as a member of the Order."

"Would Voldemort have killed you if you ignored his call?" Harry asked while looking over his shoulder at Snape.


Harry turned away, and Snape sighed. "Here," he held out two tickets, and Harry gasped, "You got tickets?! They were sold out when I went to buy one with Ron and Hermione!"

"Special connections," said Snape, "Now come along, or we'll miss the show."

When Snape and Harry arrived, they were already letting people in. So, the couple hurried, hoping that they could still grab good seats. Luckily, there were. Snape and Harry got seats close to the front, because most of the teenagers that got in were sitting in the back; snogging. As Harry settled himself in, he looked towards the back to see the teens completely lost in each other. Snape quickly took notice of Harry's musing, and had the boy turn around. "Don't stare," he felt like he was talking to some two-year old.

As the tent began to dark, Harry could hardly see or make out anything around him. Snape took this opportunity to snake his arm around Harry's waist. Instinctively, Harry leaned against Snape as the lights focused themselves on this girl who was by a ladder that went up to the top of the tent. What had taken Harry’s breath away was that the top of the tent was bewitched to look like outer space. As the show went on, Snape had this strong urge to touch Harry; this simple position with Harry leaned against him wasn’t helping the situation.

As the show continued, Snape moved the hand that was wrapped around Harry's waist along his side. He stroked Harry for a few minutes before he allowed his hand to trace Harry's side until he reached his arm. Snape then moved his hand up Harry's neck, and combed his fingers through Harry's hair. Harry moved in closer to Snape, and rested his head on his shoulder. Snape shifted a bit to give Harry some room. Then his hand began to massage Harry's scalp. "Severus...," though Snape could not see it, Harry was smiling contently.

As the performing girl jumped from the ledge, someone else caught her by her feet and swung her. Harry had somehow moved one of his legs over Snape's while he breathed against Snape's neck. "Harry...," Snape lifted his head a bit to allow Harry closer. With so little space between them, Harry couldn't resist the temptation to just lean in a bit more and.... he was doing it; kissing Snape's neck. His gentle, skillful lips seemed to communicate the inaudible words, ‘I want you.’ "Har...," Snape stroked Harry's neck as softly as he could. "I'm going to get you later for this," Snape whispered.

"Please do...," Harry kissed Snape's neck again. Once, twice, then licked it. The new sensations sent shivers along Snape's spin for all the good reasons. When was this show going to end?

Within the next thirty minutes of the show, Snape had managed to pull Harry onto his lap without attracting too much attention. No one would see them in this darkness anyways. Harry was completely supported by Snape's arms, which possessively held onto him. He was snuggled and tried to pay attention to the woman ridding a unicorn, but Harry found it nearly impossible, "What time is it?"

"The show should almost be over," whispered Snape, "Why?"

Harry wanted to be honest. He needed to be honest, "I want you...," Harry tugged a bit on Snape's collar and then ran his hand over Snape's chest.

The effect the comment had on Snape went straight to his groin, "Merlin," Snape was right about ready to run out of the tent with Harry in his arms.

Luckily, they only had to wait five minutes more. The show ended, and the audience began to shuffle. Snape was quick to act. He picked up Harry in his arms and carried him through one of the many exits. By then, Snape placed Harry back on his feet, and Harry reached for Snape's hand. "Let's go someplace private," Harry said while trying to keep himself under control.

“Follow me,” said Snape as he led Harry towards the rides.

In seconds, they had a clear view of the Farris Wheel. This was the first time Harry had ever seen such a contraption. “Are we going in that?”

Snape reluctantly released Harry’s hand incase anyone saw them and led Harry towards the Farris Wheel. He handed two tickets to the operator, then stepped into one of the compartments with a nervous Harry. “Sit here,” Snape instructed.

“Why did you bring me here?”

“I need to talk with you.”

“’Bout what exactly?” Harry asked as he scooted closer to Snape.

The ride shifted a bit so that the people in the compartment next to theirs could get out, making room for new ones. “I thought that would be obvious.”

“What will happen from here on?”

Snape grabbed Harry’s hand in his and said, “If you are serious about validating the engagement certificate, then I will do so. However, if you still have any doubts…”

Harry leaned forwards and pressed his lips to Snape’s cheek. He then turned away shyly to hide his blush. Snape ran his hand over Harry’s ring and then pulled it to his lips. “I shall proceed then with validating the certificate, then we can work on getting a marriage license.”

Harry then shifted. He wanted to ask Snape something, but was still nervous about the whole engagement thing. He looked up at Snape and thought, what the heck. “I want to get married to you soon.”

“Why is that?”

“I want you to hold me.”

“We don’t have to be married to hold each other.”

“Don’t you want to hold me, Severus?”


“Hold me,” Harry whispered.

“Brat,” Snape pulled Harry into his lap and situated his head in the crook of Snape’s neck.

“What I wouldn’t give for a million plus moments like this.”

A/N: Well, technically, there was a few kissing scenes in this one. Review please! And enjoy the fluff while it lasts.