Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ And So It Begins ( Chapter 10 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Won’t You Please Stay With Me?

Summary: Before his 40th B-day, Snape must acquire a potential spouse before the Ministry arranges one. Of all the people, he chooses Harry. Everyone seems to think it’s a great idea, except Harry. Can Snape woo Harry’s love before it’s too late? SSHP Slash later.

Disclaimer: I am not the author of the Harry Potter series.

Chapter Nine: “And So It Begins”





(Who the bloody hell could that be?)

(That would be me, Mr. Potter
,) and oddly familiar, older voice echoed in his mind.

(Headmaster?) Harry thought sleepily.

(It’s nearly noon. Won’t you and Severus join me for a spot of tea, and maybe some biscuits?)

Harry propped himself up on his elbows and looked towards the door. He immediately crawled out of bed and walked towards the bedroom door. He peaked out through the small opening he made, and met Dumbledore’s twinkling eye. “Maybe I should come back at a more convenient time?”

“Uh…,” Harry’s mouth opened and closed like a fish, “No....?”

“That won’t be necessary,” said a deeper voice from behind Harry.

“Severus, is that you?” Dumbledore inquired, “I never knew you to be a late sleeper. It’s nearly one.”

“If I had gone to bed at my usual time, I would have long since been up.”

“Ah, I see,” Dumbledore stepped away from the door, “I shall wait by the fire while the two of you get dressed then.”

Harry opened the door a little wider and stepped out. Dumbledore’s eye twinkled, “Ah, so you are dressed.”

Harry looked down at himself confused, “Shouldn’t I be?”

Dumbledore chuckled lightly, “I guess Severus refrained from the nightly activities.”

“Huh?” Harry stood there dumbfounded, “What do you mean?”

Before Dumbledore could further explain, Snape had fully opened the door and was throwing death glares at Dumbledore, “Speak one more word of you false predicament, and I will hex you into your next life.”

“Surely you don’t mean that,” said Dumbledore.

"Try me.”

“Pssh. Death Eaters,” Dumbledore mumbled as he walked towards the kitchen.

Snape merely smirked as he walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Harry stood there completely stumped, then looked at the clock. One O’ two. It was still way too early to put his brain into action.

Several minutes later, Snape emerged from the bathroom and Harry walked in. Dumbledore was sitting by the coffee table with the Daily Prophet held tightly in his hand. “There seems to be more and more attacks by the month.”


“If Voldemort keeps this up, there won’t be a wizard or witch left in this world.”

“It’s that bad?”

Dumbledore nodded. “This is a most serious issue, Severus.”

“Perhaps Harry will be able to do something about it in the near future. He is, after all, the Chosen One.”

“Let us hope.”

After Dumbledore had ordered some lunch from the house elf, Harry emerged from the bathroom; his hair soaking wet and dripping onto his shoulders and floor. “I couldn’t find a towel.”

Dumbledore began to chuckle as he continued to read his paper, and Snape sat there looking annoyed. Several minutes later and Harry was sitting on the table with a towel around his shoulders, and his hair not as wet. The house elf finally brought their lunch, and before Harry could serve himself, Snape had already started to make a plate for him. Dumbledore’s eyes twinkled as he watched Snape remove Harry’s towel, place it behind his chair, grab him a fork and knife for Harry, cut his sandwich, and serve him some pumpkin juice. Dumbledore had never seen this side to Snape before.

Quite annoyed with the unwanted attention, Snape finally asked, “Might I inquire as to what is so fascinating, you continue to watch me with amusement?”

Dumbledore decided it was a perfect time to start eating his lunch; completely avoiding Snape’s question. Harry smiled when Snape finally settled himself down and served himself something. “Thank you, Severus,” Harry said while trying to make eye contact with his fiancé.

Snape gave Harry the privilege he was waiting for only to look away a split second later.

After lunch, Snape was hoping that Dumbledore was finally going to leave them to be, but unfortunately, it was not to be. “You’re not going to get rid of me that easily,” Dumbledore whispered.

Snape sighed as he seated himself on the loveseat. Harry joined them after he washed his hands. He sat on the opposite side of the couch, crossed his arms, and slouched down. Snape passed Harry a look and Harry lazily got up and reseated himself on Snape’s lap. Dumbledore grinned at Snape as Harry wrapped his arms around Snape’s neck like he had done last night. “Potter,” Snape said warningly.

“Severus,” Harry mimicked sarcastically, in an almost whinny tone.

“Aren’t we friendly this morning,” Dumbledore was about to burst out laughing. Harry was now burying his face in the crook of Snape’s neck deliberately breathing against his sensitive skin; trying to tease Snape. However much Snape was trying to hide it, it was in fact, having a drastic effect on him. If he could only get Dumbledore to leave…. Now, Harry was beginning to nudge Snape a bit with his nose while he brushed his lips against Snape’s neck. (I swear, when Dumbledore finally leaves, I’m going to kill you, Harry!)

“My, my. Should I start shopping for a wedding suit?”

Harry pulled away from Snape and grinned. Snape did not miss the expression and desperately wanted to playfully wrestle Harry to the floor and kiss that grin off his face. “Not quite yet,” said Snape while gazing at Harry, “Too short of a notice. Plus Harry has school to think of.” Harry rolled his eyes and head then looked at Snape, “Don’t give me that look,” said Snape.

“Regardless, the wedding will collide with his schooling. Harry must be wed to you, Severus, before the school year ends.”

Snape nodded, “I will leave Harry in charge of the planning.”

Dumbledore nodded and then noticed that Harry begun unbuttoning Snape’s collar; Snape was of course completely oblivious to Harry’s newfound occupation. (Maybe I’ll just wait until he finally notices.) Dumbledore thought.

“Harry, do you have anything in mind?” (Besides working on removing Snape’s clothing?)

Harry temporarily averted his attention from the buttons on Snape’s robe, “I just got engaged a few hours ago. I haven’t really had the time to think about it.”

Technically, you’ve been engaged to me for months now,” said Snape.

“Well, traditionally, I wasn’t engaged to you until just hours before,” said Harry, “As I was saying, I haven’t planned anything. Just that I want it to be a quiet wedding. Nothing big and extraordinarily expensive.”

“Thank Merlin,” said Snape.

Harry settled his hand on Snape’s cheek, and forced the man to look him in the eye, “I want what you want, Severus,” Harry looked intently at Snape, then switched his gaze to Snape’s lips. Harry leaned in just a bit more, as if to suggest Snape to kiss him right then and there in front of a gaping Dumbledore. Of course, Harry did not move any closer, knowingly fully well that Snape liked to be discrete with his actions, and partially in fear of what Snape would do if Harry wasted their first kiss during a situation like this. Naturally, Snape did not advance on Harry, but remained as he was. When the couple finally looked towards Dumbledore, they found that he was unusually quiet because he had his eyes glued to them attentively. “Don’t get your hopes up,” said Snape.

“Should I take this as my cue to leave?” Dumbledore asked considerately.

Snape gave one, quick nod, and Dumbledore was up and heading towards the fireplace, “I will see you two at dinner then. Goodbye,” Dumbledore flooed to wherever he needed to go.

Now that they were alone, with the exception of Angelus who was still napping in another room, Harry was beginning to feel a bit shy. He wanted to kiss Snape now that they were one, awake; and two, alone, but he just couldn’t bring himself to do it. Was Snape even the kind of person that you could kiss? Harry pulled himself away from Snape, bewildering him for a second, but then pushed Snape back against the couch with his hands on Snape’s shoulders. Slowly, Harry removed one hand from Snape’s shoulder, placed it on Snape’s cheek, and ran his thumb over Snape’s lips. Sure, they seemed inviting, soft, and definitely warm, so why couldn’t he kiss them? “Harry?”

Harry moved in a bit while looking into Snape’s eye, waiting for a sign that told him to stop, but none came. Harry advanced a bit more, and felt more inclined once Snape began moving towards him. Harry parted his lips slightly and slowly closed his eyes as he decreased the amount of space between them moments before Angelus pounced on the couch; startling both Snape and Harry. Snape jerked away, and Harry leaped back. Angelus was now settled on Snape’s lap, chirping. (Bloody dragon…)Snape mentally cursed.

Now, even Harry was upset with Angelus. One, because she interrupted; and two, because she ruined the moment. Now Harry didn’t feel much like kissing Snape anymore. He made a mental note though to try later. “I think she’s hungry,” said Harry.

“Then feed her,” said Snape.

“But I don’t have any freshly killed meat around.”

“Then take her up to the Owlery. It’ll be a feast.”

“Merlin, no, Severus! Poor owls!”

“Then take her outside. She’s perfectly capable of getting her own food.”

“She’s a baby!”

Snape looked over to Angelus and then back to Harry with a skeptical look. “So?”


“She proved to be most capable of providing for herself earlier.”

“Fine!” Harry stood up, collected Angelus in his arms and then said, “We’ll be back shortly,” before Snape could protest, Harry was long gone with Angelus.

“Bloody dragon,” Snape huffed. Why on earth had even bothered to rescue that egg?


Harry kicked the snow that slowly piled up around him as he trotted through it while Angelus playfully hopped in his footprints. Finally finding a rock, Harry sat down and sighed. Angelus chirped. “I wish Severus was here,” he said wishfully to her.

Angelus nodded as if she was able to understand.

Harry took out his hand, held it away from his face, and examined it longingly. “I want a winter wedding now, but that’s not going to happen. I have till the end of the school year. Maybe a cliché spring wedding would be nice.”

Angelus began to hope away towards the lake. Harry watched her go, then picked up the stick that was resting on the snow and began to trace Snape’s name. He made a big ‘S’ and then stopped after he finished Snape’s first name. “Severus…P…O…T…T…E... R,” Harry lifted the stick and admired the sensational twist, “Severus Potter. Harry Snape. Severus Potter-Snape, Harry Potter-Snape,” maybe if he fused the names together, “Harry Snotter. Merlin no! Severus Potnape. Sounds like a drug…”

Just then, Harry heard someone walking towards him. He knew it couldn’t possibly have been Snape, so who was it? Harry looked up and then heard snickering. “Who’s there?!” Harry demanded.

There was some whispering. By the tone of the voices, they were sarcastic remarks. “Hey!” Harry tried to get their attention.

The voice subsided for a second, and then, in a second, a great blaze emerged from the writings in the snow. It melted the snow quickly, then exhausted. Harry stared in horror at the dirt where he had just traced his lover’s and his name. Angrily, Harry stood up and shouted, “Show yourselves!!”

No one seemed to be there, and the voices were gone. Harry quickly started to run towards the doors of Hogwarts, hoping to catch whoever had set ablaze his and Snape’s name. Once Harry reached the castle, he could that there were millions of foot prints in all directions. There certainly weren’t that many when he had left the castle just twenty minutes ago. Ignoring it, Harry ran into the castle halls, and listened carefully. There were definitely rushing foot steps coming from the left of Harry, so he quickly began to run in that direction. He ran as fast as he could, and to his surprise, the foot steps were growing faint. Harry tried to speed himself up, and finally he could hear them loudly; he could even hear girls laughing mischievously. The hall eventually ended with a classroom that Harry had never seen before. Regardless, Harry slammed the door open, but stopped dead in his tracts when he saw that the classroom was completely empty with the exception of a record playing. The record featured the tapping of shoes when people ran, and the hysterical laughter of girls. Why would anyone want to listen to that? Just then, the record changed, and it featured the crackling of fire on wood. It was the most bizarre thing Harry had ever heard on a record. “Can I help you?”

Harry turned around and saw a little old lady standing by the door. Harry quickly glanced back at the record player and asked, “The music… It’s most strange.”

The old lady raised her brow, “Funny, I don’t remember leaving that on,” she wobbled over to the record player, and then asked, “Is this record yours?”

Harry shook his head quickly, “No.”

The old lady nodded and then asked, “Do you by and chance know whom it might belong to?”

Harry shook his head.

The record changed again to crunching sound of someone trotting through the snow. “Well, that’s bizarre,” said the old lady while rubbing his chin, “You may go now.”

Harry nodded and left. When he had closed the door behind him, he was nearly scared out of his life when he felt something pulling at the hem of his jeans. Harry quickly turned around and looked down. Angelus looked up at him and chirped. Her eyes looked a little strange, but at the moment, Harry didn’t think too much of it. “Angelus, did you get something to eat?”

The dragon chirped.

“I guess that means ‘yes’ then?”

The dragon chirped again.

“Ok then, let’s get back to Severus,”

Harry held out his arm, and the dragon climbed up onto Harry’s shoulder without so much as puncturing him with her sharp nails.


“Glad to see you’ve finally returned,” Snape stood there leaning against the door frame with his arms closed.

“Did you miss me, honey?” Harry asked sarcastically.

“Oh darling, where do I begin?” shot back at him with just as much, if not more, sarcasm.

“I’m not quite sure I like the sappy name calling,” Harry mentioned as he walked pass Snape into.

“Yes, sweetie.”

“Severus!” Harry said firmly.

“Harry,” Snape said.

“Severus,” (so now you want to play games?)



Snape was now moving towards Harry, “Harry.”

Harry found himself cornered, “Severus.”

Snape placed his hand against the wall, adjacent to Harry’s face, “Harry,” he leaned in and rested his cheek against the side of Harry’s face.

“Severussss…,” Harry hissed.

Snape ran his fingers tenderly against Harry’s sides, “Harry…”

Harry snaked his arms around Snape’s neck, forcing the man to move in closer to him. (Kiss me now!) Why didn’t Snape bother to use Legilimency during situations like this?! Well, if Snape wasn’t going to make the necessary moves, then it was up to the Golden Boy. Harry turned his face slightly; brushing his lips against Snape’s cheeks, hoping that it would elicit Snape’s dominating nature. Instantly, Snape had finally moved to face Harry, “Love me?” Harry suddenly asked.

Before Snape could answer, someone behind abruptly cleared their throat. Snape turned around and saw not just Sirius Black standing behind him, but Remus Lupin, Tonks, and Moody. Snape took a full step back and Harry was left standing there against the wall completely flushed. He looked towards Snape and then back at everyone else, “Um… Merry Christmas….?” Too bad the bunch of them weren't Snarry fans.

Sirius was too busy sending death glares at Snape to hear Harry, and Remus seemed a little unsettled since he discovered Harry in a submissive position. Tonks and Moody paid no mind to the little scene they had caught Harry in, and gladly replied, “And a Merry Christmas to you too!” Tonks hugged Harry like he was her own child, completely oblivious to the death glares Snape was now throwing at her. He did NOT want anyone touching his Harry.

Moody reached over and shook Harry’s hand firmly, “Good to see you, boy.”

Harry smiled then looked over to Remus who was now standing there shaking his head. “Remus?”

“Harry, can I talk to you for a second?”

“About what?” Harry asked as he followed Remus away from the group that was currently harassing Snape.

“Harry, I do not mean to pry, but if you are not comfortable as you are, then I am not at peace,” Remus spoke with his usual caring, sincere voice; “Are you happy with Professor Snape?”

Harry had expected this question to come up at some time in the future, but he expected it more from Sirius than Remus, “Why wouldn’t I be?”

Remus looked over to Snape, who was currently trying to ignore Sirius, “I must admit, when Severus first came to the house to announce that he was legally engaged to you, I for one was not thrilled. In fact, I was appalled. I believed that you deserved so much better than my old, childhood enemy,” Harry tried to speak, but Remus stopped him, “Put yourself in my situation. Imagine… twenty, thirty years from now, your best mate, Ron, has a son, and one day, Malfoy comes to the door and says ‘according to the Ministry of Magic, I am Ron’s son’s fiancé.’ (Harry grimaced) Of course, Ron’s son had no say in this whatsoever, and what more? He’s not even there to hear it. He’s upstairs, asleep, dreaming about a new year at Hogwarts. Malfoy is probably no where in that dream, most likely not even in his thoughts.”

Harry felt he was beginning to understand the turmoil that Snape had dumped onto his older friends. He’d be damned if Malfoy ever announced that he was engaged to his best mate’s son years from now without a heads up. He wants Ron’s son, if anything, to choose who he will spend the rest of his life with. Harry didn’t quite have a say in this situation, but the idea of being with Snape until the day he breathed his very last breath didn’t sound unbearable. He definitely didn’t hate Snape. Not one bit… perhaps just his bitter personality; which, surprisingly, he’d done his best to keep under control. No, if anything, Harry felt a strong, deep attraction for the man. It was drawing him in, keeping him there, and when apart, it made him long for the older wizard. Love perhaps? It was a difficult word for Harry to swallowed, but he couldn’t imagine how difficult love could be for Snape. Whether to love someone, or be loved by someone, for Snape, it just didn’t seem like a frequent occurrence. “Maybe this talk is a little early - or perhaps a little late - but do you honestly, truly, and deeply want to spend the rest of your life with Snape?”

Harry nodded twice, “I can’t think of anyone else I’d rather be with,” Harry looked over his shoulder and fondly at Snape, “I want to be with him.”

“Harry, you do realize what you are setting yourself up for?”

Harry gave Remus a blank stare.

“Harry, you are the last of the Potters and you will be marrying into the Snape family. You will take Snape’s name, and you will bear his children.”

The thought of having Snape’s children made Harry feel weak in the knees while his stomach knotted. It was a pleasant idea, but Harry couldn’t handle any young lads now. “I’m aware of that,” (I just never gave it any thought.)

“If you are sure about all of this Harry, then you have my approval. I only want your happiness, and as long as Snape is the one who can not only wake you up with a smile on your face, keep you going through the day, and being there for you when you return at night, but also be the one to tell you that he loves you, to treat you as you should be treated, and to care and protect you as a husband should, then that’s all I need to know. Does he love you, Harry?”

Snape has not yet said anything about loving Harry, but Harry has not been oblivious to the caresses, the sweet talk, the pure concern Snape has expressed numerous times, or the clear pain shown in his eyes when Harry had hurt him. “He does. And I’m sure he does very much too,” there was pure confidence in Harry’s words.

Remus smiled, “Keep in mind, Harry, that no matter how much two people love each other, there will always be bumps along the way. Some far more grave than others. However, you need to be there for him as he will be for you. Do not abandon him in the mist of a problem. Snape is a very intense man. Do not take him lightly,” Remus patted Harry on the back, “I meant to talk with you about all this before you went back to school, but I decided against it because you and Snape had hardly spent any time together. I felt that it would be wiser to bring this up after you had become better acquainted with him. Then I thought I should just wait until the night before the wedding, but Merlin knows where we’ll be by then. Your relationship with Snape is just starting out. Give it some time, Harry, if you have any doubts,” Snape and Sirius had suddenly raised their wands, and both Tonks and Moody had their hands full trying to settled the dispute. “Now, I think I’ll let you get back to Snape before he hexes Sirius into another dimension.”

Harry looked stunned, “Can he do that?”

“Let’s not put it to the test,” Remus and Harry both returned to the group, and quickly, Remus tried to hold back Sirius, “Now, Sirius, didn’t we say that we wouldn’t allow you to come if you continued to misbehave?”

“Severus!” Harry jumped up and grabbed a hold of Snape’s raised arm, “Don’t you dare!”

For a moment, the two looked at each other as if their eyes alone promoted powers far beyond comprehension, then they averted their eyes. “Pssh. I still do not approve of this marriage,” Sirius mumbled to Remus.

“Now, now, Sirius, we didn’t come here to give the happy couple a hard time.”

What happy couple?!”

Remus looked at Sirius sincerely. “Sirius.”

Sirius turned around and glared at Snape who was now talking with Harry. “What forsaken homicidal maniac invited that blasted mutt here?!”

“Severus,” Harry said warningly with his arms folded over his chest.

“Taking his side of the defense?”

Harry unfolded his arms, “I just don’t want you two fighting! He’s my godfather, Severus, and you…..”

“Yes, Mr. Potter?”

Harry closed the distance between them, and possessively embraced Snape, “You’re my fiancé. I don’t know what I do if he ever hurt you.”

Snape grinned at Sirius as the dog gave him that ‘if you try anything on him right now I’ll rip you to shreds’ look. ‘He’s mine’ Snape mouthed to Sirius. This only made the man tremble with anger. He didn’t come here to put up with Snape. He came here only to see his godchild. “Harry,” he said.

Harry leaned away from Snape and looked at Sirius, “Yes?”

“You’ve hardly said anything to me since I’ve arrived! I’ve missed you, boy!”

Snape moved one of his hands behind Harry’s head, and brought the boy back to him. “I’ve missed you too, Sirius,” Harry said while still in Snape’s arms. He would have walked over to give Sirius a hug, but right now, Harry wanted nothing more than to stay wrapped up in Snape’s arms.

Sirius began to tap his foot impatiently. “Well, aren’t you going to give your godfather a hug?”

Reluctantly, Harry slide away from Snape and walked over to Sirius, “I just wanted to see how long it would take you to snap.”

Sirius gasped as Harry hugged him. “You purposely wanted to make me angry?”

Well, not quite purposely. “Don’t worry about it, Sirius!” Harry laughed.

Harry then walked over and gave Remus a hug. “Thanks for the pep talk,” he whispered.

“Anytime, Harry.”

“Now,” said Harry once he was done distributing hugs, “I wasn’t expecting anyone to visit me during the Holidays, so I don’t have any treats to offer, but I do have gifts!” Harry was about to run off to get them, but then he stopped, “They are back in the Gryffindor Dormitory.”

“It’s Ok, Harry,” said Remus.

“No it’s not. I don’t know when I’ll be able to see you all again,” Harry looked towards the door, “Wait here everyone, and please,” he switched his glances between Snape and Sirius, “Don’t kill each other.”


Harry was out in the halls when suddenly, he heard someone following him. Harry turned around and saw no one, but he had this strange feeling that whoever it was, was the same person from earlier. Harry snaked his hands into his robe and held tightly onto his wand incase he needed it. Harry continued to walk towards the Gryffindor common room, but then there it was again. Harry quickly turned around and this time, the person didn’t bother hiding. There were two Slytherin boys. Possibly fifth years, “What do you want?” Harry asked firmly.

The two boys exchanged looks, then one said, “Didn’t know the Golden Boy was a fairy!”

Harry was astonished, “Say that again,” he dared the boy as he approached him.

“You fancy blokes?” asked the other boy, “Rumour has it, you’re shaggin’ Snape!”

“Piss off!” Harry turned around, and that’s when he made his mistake.

One of the boys mumbled a hex. The hex would have affected Harry tremendously, but because of the charmed ring Harry was wearing, they bounded right off and straight back at the boy who conjured them. “Jake!” cried the other boy.

Jake was passed out on the floor for a few seconds before he came back to his senses. The hex was a nasty one; caused the victim to have sunburned skin that pealed. The boy began to scratch his face, and the skin just pealed. Harry grimaced as the boy pealed off the skin on his nose. It was disgusting. The two boys then walked away, leaving Harry alone. So, Harry then quickly ran off towards the Gryffindor common room, then to the boys’ dormitory where he quickly collected the gifts for his friends, then hurried back to Snape’s quarters. Harry was very pleased to see that no one had been killed, but it seemed that Snape had locked himself up in his room, and Sirius never looked better. “What happened?” Harry asked firmly.

“The usual,” said Moody.

“Shut it,” said Tonks, “They had an argument.”

“’Bout what?” Harry asked with concern.

“Sirius thinks that you deserve so much better and that really hit a nerve. Snape didn’t even bother trying to argue with him, because he knew that it would end with one of them casting an Unforgivable, and the other… well, you know. So he locked himself in his room,” Remus explained, “He won’t come back out until Sirius is gone.”

Harry looked back at Sirius who was currently in his Animagus form wagging his tail. “Bad Sirius!” Harry pointed his finger at Sirius like he would a real dog and scolded him.

Tonks chuckled, “Aww, poor doggy.”

Sirius turned towards her and slowly morphed back, “Say that one more time.”

Tonks kept her mouth shut while snickering.

“Enough. Let me just pass out the presents,” Harry reached into his bag, and slowly distributed the gifts among his guests. “I got one for everyone, and there is a couple in this bag for Mr. and Mrs. Weasley. Can I trust you to give them their gifts, Remus?”

“Of course Harry,” Remus said as he admired his gift from Harry.

“You’re so thoughtful, Harry!” Tonks gave Harry a tight hug.

Harry had the house elf bring them some tea and Christmas cookies, then after sitting a while by the fire and talking, Harry had to say good-bye to them. The group slowly moved towards the fireplace the flooed to the burrow. Sirius was the last one to go, but before he did, he gave Harry the tightest hug he could possibly give and even kissed his godson on his cheek, “Take care, will you? I worry day after day, hour after hour about you.”

“I’m perfectly fine, Sirius.”

“Remember, if Snape tries anything funny….”

“Don’t worry!” Harry chuckled, “Severus will never hurt me.”

“It’s not only you I’m worried about,” before Harry could ask what his godfather meant by that, Sirius had already flooed away.

‘It’s not only you I’m worried about’… (What did he mean by that?) “I think you need another bath,” Harry quickly turned towards the kitchen, “You reek of dirty mutt.”

“Severus…,” Harry made a sad face.

Snape walked towards Harry with a damp cloth in hand. He raised it up and gently rubbed Harry’s cheek. “What are you doing?” Harry asked.

Snape cupped Harry’s cheeks with the cloth still in hand, “It is bad enough when that lowlife mutt hugs you, but when he kisses you…”

“Jealous?” Harry asked.

“Hardly,” Snape dropped the cloth and firmly kissed the very spot Sirius had touched, “Unlike him, I have you. You are mine; no one else’s, and he cannot stand that thought of that.”

A/N: Visit my profile for any news. Please review!