Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ A Christmas Gift ( Chapter 9 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Won’t You Please Stay With Me?

: (1) Angelus[ánj?l?ss] : I’ve given Harry’s gift this name, but it also the names of a set of prayers to commemorate the Annunciation and the Incarnation according to Roman Catholics. I am not very religious by the way.

Chapter Nine: “A Christmas Gift”

“Well, we’ll be seeing you, mate,” Ron gave Harry a pat on the back as he left the Gryffindor common room with Hermione.

“Yeah… see ya,” Harry whispered.

Now it was just him, alone in the common room. The very few other Gryffindor members had fled to either Hogsmeade for last minute Christmas shopping or the library to catch up on some work. Even though he was bored, our Harry didn’t feel like doing either. He had already bought all the gifts he was going to give, and he definitely wasn’t going to waste his break doing work. Merlin, the mere sound of the word work sent shivers up Harry’s spin.

Maybe Harry could just stand there and wait for the break to be over… or he could go outside and catch some fresh air… while freezing his lungs up in the process. No, Harry wasn’t too fond of the cold weather. There was always just wondering around Hogwarts… and of course someone would become suspicious of his actions. Bloody hell. There really wasn’t anything Harry could think of doing… except…. (Merlin, no!)

Harry strode over to the crimson couch and sat down before the hearth. He’d have to be desperate before he paid Severus Snape a friendly visit. After their latest encounter, Harry wasn’t sure if he was quite up to another intimate interaction. (But he won’t touch me unless I let him…right?)

(He has claimed ownership over you, Harry! He can touch you whenever he wants!)

(But that’s considered sexual harassment!)

(And who would you run to? Dumbledore? I can just see it now, ‘Severus, please try to contain yourself’. Yeah. That’ll go just swell.)

Harry sat anxiously in his seat while twitching his foot. He then looked up at the grandfather clock. It was nearly nine in the morning. Of course Snape would be up. Harry sighed and stood up. He was already feeling desperate and needed someone to occupy his time. He would go senseless if he stayed in the common room any longer.

Once out in the halls, Harry was already feeling a littler better, but still bored. He slid his hands in his pockets and lowered his head a little while he passed a group of Slytherins. Apparently, several people had seen him leaving the hall last night with Snape, and already, there were rumours. Maybe they’ll die out before the break is over? Nah, but one can always dream. Just as long as people believed it was just a rumour. If word got out that Harry and Snape were in a relationship, then that surely would be dangerous for both Harry and Snape if it reached the ears of a Death Eater. Just then, Harry noticed that a group of Slytherins was beginning to move. Towards him? Hopefully not. Harry walked a little faster towards Snape’s quarters… which unfortunately, were pretty close to the Slytherin common room. Maybe it just so happens that they are heading the same way as Harry. Harry’s hopes were dying as a few of the boys moved forwards and were walking a little faster. Finally, Harry stopped and moved towards the wall to give the group room. He thought that they would just pass him by, but they didn’t. They spread themselves out so that Harry was surrounded against the wall. Harry tried to stay calm as one of the guys spoke to him, “Where ya goin’? Didn’t you know the Slytherin common room is the only thing in that direction?”

“Or maybe he’s off to see Snape,” one of the girls began to chuckle.

“Ooo…. Then we shouldn’t stop him,” one guy raised both his hands as if to surrender, “The professor might get mad if his bitch isn’t there to warm his bed.”

The group began to laugh maliciously, making their intentions clear though it contradicted the statement previously made. Suddenly, one guy slammed his hand on the wall besides Harry’s face. He leaned in and whispered, “Is that how you get off; by seducing Hogwarts teachers?”

Harry shoved the Slytherin aside and made a run for it. It was the first day of break, and already Harry was getting himself into trouble! He headed for the dungeons, and quickly found the gargoyle statue, “Locomotive!”

The statue began to move, and before the group could reach him, Harry slipped inside Snape’s quarters, and slammed the door closed. The sudden intrusion startled Snape, who was, just a second ago, lost in one of his favourite books by the fire. Taking a deep breath, Harry turned around and leaned his weight against the door. “Made it…,” he panted while he slid down onto his arse.

Snape blinked a few times disbelievingly It wouldn’t register with him that Harry had bothered to pay him a visit. But that at the moment wasn’t as intriguing as why on earth was the boy so out of breath? “What in Merlin’s name happened?”

Harry shot a cold glance at Snape, “I just escaped a group of Slytherins.”

“Really?” Snape didn’t sound too surprised. What else in this school could make Harry run like a little scared boy?

Harry stared Snape in the eye. Snape didn’t seem in the least bit angered by the fact that his precious Harry was nearly assaulted by Slytherins. “Is that all you have to say?”

“You’ve killed a basilisk single-handedly. Surely handling a couple of thugs wasn’t problematic,” Snape picked up the book forgotten in his lap, marked his spot, and then sent it back to the shelf, “Can I offer you anything to eat or drink?”

“Maybe some Chocolate Frogs?” Harry sat on the couch and waited for Snape to summon a house elf.

Snape snapped his fingers and a house elf appeared, “Bring me an order of Chocolate Frogs, some British tea, and a chocolate chip scone.”

The elf bowed and vanished and Snape turned his attention to Harry. “Tell me; were you so bored that out of desperation you decided to pay me a visit?”

There was no use lying to someone who was skilled in Legilimency, “Yes.”

“And he’s honest about it,” Snape shook his head.

“You’d figure it out if I was lying anyways. Might as well tell the truth.”

“Well, at least it gives us time to bond,” Snape stood up from his seat, strolled over to where Harry was sitting, and sat down besides the boy.

“What are you…?”

Snape sighed, “Whether you like it or not, you are going to have to get used to my presence.”

It wasn’t that Harry disliked Snape’s company; it was that being this close to him was making his reminisce about their previous encounter. They had awakened new feelings in Harry that he never thought he could feel. He was sure that Snape had left an everlasting effect on him. Harry was sure that he would snap if Snape ever got that close to him again. “Do you enjoy my company?”

“I welcome it if you must know.”

“So then, I can come over to visit whenever I want?”

“Alone of course. I won’t welcome any extra company.”

“So, let’s say we’re in the middle of a testing week, and you have a lot of exams to grade. Would you drop everything and tend to me like a good host?”

“If it were anyone else, you would never hear from them again.”

“You sure know how to make me feel special.”

“You don’t sound too pleased by this.”

Harry slouched on the couch, and Snape had this voice nagging him to demand that Harry sit up. However, Harry was finally making himself comfortable and Snape didn’t want to give him a reason to shorten the visit. “Can I lie down?”

“On me or the couch?”

Harry swamped glances between the couch, Snape’s lap, and the couch again. Without answering Snape’s question, Harry kicked off his shoes, rearranged himself so that his legs were sprawled out on the cushion, and his head rested on Snape’s lap. When Snape did not put up the slightest inkling of resistance, Harry closed his eyes and sighed. If only his friends could see him now. Hermione would be so proud of him, Ron would be disgusted no doubt, Cho would probably be cheering him on, and Malfoy… oh Merlin, the boy would never let him forget it.( I feel like an obedient dog.)

(Potter looks tense. Maybe he thinks I’m opposed to the physical interaction. )

“As much as you hate me, to do this right, we will need to collaborate,” Snape pointed out.

“I know, I know!” Harry turned a bit and snuggled his face into Snape’s robes. He could feel Snape becoming tense beneath him. If he could just get a little closer, then maybe he could spark those feelings again and figure out for once and for all what he feels towards the man.

“You know, do you?”

Harry nodded a bit.

Just then, the house elf appeared and placed the tray on the table. Harry groaned a little. He didn’t want to move. Not now that he had made himself comfortable on Snape’s lap. Once the elf vanished, Harry made a move to get up, but Snape stopped him, “We have a visitor.”

Harry looked up and saw Dumbledore coming in through the fireplace. “Good morning, Severus, how are you…. Harry?” Dumbledore adjusted his glasses a little, “What a surprise. How are you doing, my boy?”

(Your boy?) Snape frowned.

“Fine, thank you.”

Finding Harry resting in Snape’s lap was a rare scene for Dumbledore to behold. Last he had heard that Snape and Harry were having friendship problems, and now they were quite at peace with each other, looking rather disturbed by Dumbledore’s presence. “Am I interrupting anything?” Dumbledore asked before he took a seat.

(Yes.) Harry and Snape thought together, but both shook their heads anyways.

“Well, I decided to drop by, Severus, because I thought you were wrapped up in one of your old books again. I was hoping to take you out on a walk, but now I can see that you are…,” he looked down at Harry, “…busy.”

“Perhaps later this evening, headmaster?” Snape proposed.

“Perhaps,” Dumbledore shrugged, “If I can get away that is. Minerva wants to go ice skating.”

“Oh,” Harry and Snape said at once.

“A good portion of the lake has been frozen over. Of course, with a little magic, we can make the ice sturdy.”

“Maybe we can join you,” said Harry, “I’ve never gone ice skating before! It sounds like a lot of fun!”

“Yes, my boy, it is.”

(Stop calling him your boy!) Snape gripped the cushion of the couch.

“Professor, have you ever ice skated?”

“I my earlier years, I have,” said Dumbledore.

“Oh, umm, that question was for Professor Snape,” Harry specified.

Snape looked down at him and raised a brow. “Severus, Harry still addresses you formally?” Snape looked up at Dumbledore, “Surely that can’t be the case.”

“Afraid so, headmaster. The brat dislikes it when I state his name, and I have not yet granted him the luxury of addressing me by my given name. I would have been addressing him as such long ago, is he wasn’t so opposed to it.”

Dumbledore’s eye pierced right through Snape. He wasn’t pleased with the man’s answer. “I…,” Harry sat up and looked at Snape, the one who had taken his words to heart. “I really didn’t mean what I said, S… Severus.” Snape looked taken aback. “I apologize.”

For Snape, words meant little if nothing to him. So of course the man longed for Harry to express his apology in some sort of physical contact. However, the proud man would never admit it. Who ever heard of a Snape who wanted a hug from the person who hurt him? Dumbledore’s eyes were sparkling again. He never missed a beat. “Harry, my dear, you’re Severus’ fiancé, are you not?”

For the first time, Harry was going to acknowledge it, “Yes.”

“Then I think words are just half of the apology,” his eye twinkled and Harry made a mental note to get back at Dumbledore later, “You need to show him that you are sorry.”

Harry turned to Snape and grinned. “Forgive me, Severussss,” Harry hissed as he gently wrapped his arms around Snape’s neck, bringing the two wizards closer.

It was then that Harry felt something inside him melt. Feeling this stronger man against his body caused Harry’s body to want to make this man understand that he wanted to be his little lover. (Lover?!) Dumbledore didn’t miss this sudden little simulation either. He quickly got up and headed for the fireplace, “I must go then, have a pleasant day you two,” with that, he was gone, leaving Harry and Snape alone.

Harry began to tremble. He didn’t know what was causing him to show Snape such submission. Cautious of Harry’s anxiety, Snape reached over for a Chocolate Frog, opened it, and held it up, “Here.” Maybe this would ease the tension between them.

Harry pulled away a little and looked at the treat. He reached over and ate it right from Snape’s hand. “We should drink some tea before it gets cold,” Snape poured some tea into a cup along with a reasonable amount of sugar and cream. He then passed it to Harry before he served himself some.

Harry sat back and began taking little sips. Since when did Snape know just how Harry liked his tea? “Given the circumstances, I believe we should discuss the fundamentals.”

“In other words, you want to lay down some ground rules?”

“Glad to see that you’ve caught on,” Snape set his cup of tea on the table, reached over and took Harry’s hand in his, “While in class, we will address each other formally. I will not tolerate being called ‘Severus’ in front of my other students.”

(So I guess Sev, darling, honeybunch, sweetie pie, and sweetheart are out of the question?)

“You are more than welcome to come to my quarters at any time, however, you may not bring along any of your pesky friends. Obviously that means my quarters will not provide the desired space for your festivity.”

(You’re quarters are much too small to hold a bachelor party anyways.)

“You will not take any of my possessions out of my quarters without my permission. You will respect my belongings and handle them with the utmost care. And please, do not come here if you are looking for a way to vent your frustrations or anger; which brings us to our next discourse. If you are upset with me, if something is troubling you, or if you are insecure about something, please bring it to my attention,” his grip around Harry’s hand just got a little tighter, and Snape spoke sincerely, “Harry, I want to be the person you turn to. Is that too much to ask for?”

Harry shook his head.

“Look me in the eye when you reassure me. Promise me you’ll come to me.”

Harry looked up and met his onyx eyes, “I promise.”

They finished their tea in silence, and soon after, Harry left Snape’s quarters. For the remainder of the break, Harry would occasionally drop in on Snape for a spot of tea, a good chat, or simply because he was bored and needed something to do to pass the time. It was finally Christmas Eve, and while Harry sat in the library reading comics, he realized that he still hadn’t shopped for a present to give to Snape. He was sure the man bought him something extra expensive and extra special. The guilt would just pile on him tomorrow morning when Harry will arrive at Snape’s quarters empty handed and Snape will present him his gift. “Bloody hell,” Harry pushed the comic away, crossed his arms, and leaned his head on the table. Everything, as far as he knew, was closed today. “Maybe Dumbledore can help me.”

Harry left the library and headed for the head office. It wasn’t until he reached the large statue of the bird did he realize that he had forgotten the password. Harry stood there was tapping his foot restlessly. He would have continued to stand there, but then Harry felt someone resting their hand on his shoulder. “Yes?!” Harry was quite startled.

“Is something wrong, Harry?”

Harry gulped and began to sweat. He wasn’t planning on Snape catching him here like this.
“I’m looking for the headmaster. Is he here?”

“Afraid not. He went to visit someone and will not be back until tomorrow afternoon.”

(Shit!) Snape did not miss the panic expression. “Something’s bothering you.”

“Nothing’s bothering me.”

“Don’t make me resort to probing your mind.”

“Please don’t! It’s a surprise! You’ll ruin it if you do!”

“Very well.”

So much for plan A. Now Harry was back in the safety of his dormitory, away from Snape. He still didn’t have a resolution to his problem. “Maybe I’ll have something that I can give to Snape.”

Because the boy only had so few possessions, it didn’t take long for him to go through everything he had. And no, he didn’t have anything that would catch Snape’s attention. Alas, Harry would have to resort to something mushy, cliché, and definitely not what Snape would need. “But it’s not like I have a choice.”

Pulling out his comic book, Harry continued to read about a hero who wears tights and always saves the day. Why couldn’t someone like that exist in his life? He needed someone to save him from turning up in Snape’s quarters empty handed.


Harry didn’t know when it happened, but at some point while reading his comic book, he had dozed off. “Shit,” Harry reached for the clock besides his bed and glanced at it.

He quickly jumped out of his bed, ran into the washroom to freshen up, and then headed towards Snape’s chambers. “I overslept!”

It was 11:53 P.M., just minutes away from Christmas, and Harry was racing against time to get to Snape’s quarters. He was far down the hall when he noticed a grandfather clock with the minute hand over 57. Harry began to run faster. He was close now, and wasn’t about to let time win. Finally, he had reached the stairs, and while taking three at a time, he noticed another clock. 11:59. Now at in front of the statue, Harry nearly yelled the password as he threw open the door just when the clock stroked midnight. “Merry Christmas, Severus!” Harry said with his arms stretched out over his head.

Snape was sitting on his couch grinning, like he had expected Harry to make an entrance. “What took you?” He then patted the couch and Harry took a seat besides him, “Merry Christmas, brat.”

“So, did you get me a present?” Harry asked innocently. Snape motioned towards the strange box sitting by the fire. “Can I open it?”

“I suppose,” Snape responded nonchalantly, while secretly he was extremely happy to see Harry walking over excitedly to the gift that he had bought for him, “Careful now. It’s quite fragile.”

There was mistletoe sitting on the box that was swathed in white ribbon. Harry carefully removed the mistletoe and ribbon before he removed the lid. What was inside the box was probably the last thing Harry ever expected Snape to present to him; probably the last thing that Harry ever expected to get as a gift. Hell, Harry didn’t even know that something like this existed. Nonetheless, Harry turned around and mouthed a ‘thank you so much’ to Snape, who seemed rather pleased with the gift he got for Harry. Harry reached into the box with both of his hands and took out the opal egg that was nestled in the feathers of a phoenix. He examined it closely, and then walked towards Snape with the egg cradled in his arms. “It’s beautiful, Severus,” Harry said.

“Keep it warm. It’s bound to hatch any second now.”

Hatch?!” Harry looked astounded, “You mean there’s something inside this thing? It’s not just a pretty rock?”

“Come here,” ordered Snape. Harry sat by Snape while continuing to handle the egg with the utmost care. “When that egg opens, you need to be the first thing it sees. Do you understand?”

Harry nodded vigorously, and then, he felt it; something moving frantically within the opal egg. Harry looked panicky as he glanced from Snape to the egg and back to Snape. “What should I do?”

Snape made Harry reseat himself so that Snape was behind him and the egg was resting on the couch. “Now, just watch,” Snape whispered into Harry’s ear.

Harry closed his eyes shut for a second to allow himself to relish in the unique sensation that Snape caused for him. Quickly, however, he had to bring himself back to reality as the egg began to crack. Slowly, bits and pieces of the shell would fall onto the couch, revealing a silvery secretion that began to ooze its way out. It wasn’t until the top flew off that Harry was finally able to detect what kind of creature laid the egg. “A dragon?!”

Harry stared at the snow white dragon with the slanted opal eyes and already razor sharp, pearly white claws. The dragon looked up at Harry and held its gaze for a long time until it finally began to chirp. It sounded just like a little chick! Snape then looked over Harry’s shoulder and said, “It’s known as the Siberian Silica Dragon. Also known as the White Ghost. It’s nearly invisible in its snowy habitat; a rare sight for the eye to behold.”

“It’s beautiful!”

“It’s a she, Harry. Males have red opal eyes.”

The dragon chirped again and began to flap its paper thin wings. “Is she hungry?”

“Perhaps,” said Snape.

“What do they eat?”

“The flesh of any animal as long as it’s freshly killed.”


“You know the killing curse. Go kill a fish.”

Harry gaped at Snape, and Snape lightly chuckled. “I’m kidding. There’s a fresh piece of fish sitting by the sink. Fetch that for the dragon.” Harry did so, and when he came back, he looked for Snape for further instructions. “Just give it to her.”

Harry placed the plate of meat besides the dragon, and watched as she clawed and ripped the meat into shreds before she ate it greedily. “Vicious creatures aren’t they?” Snape grinned, “If given the chance, she’ll make quick work of any student here at this school.”

“Severus, that means she’s dangerous! Why did you bring her here?”

“Relax, Potter. If your words are absolute, she’ll obey anything you say. Siberian Silica Dragons are the smartest creatures in this world. They can be taught almost anything, they learn fast, and quickly learn where their place is in this world. They only obey the words of the first other being they see. You are the mother figure here, Harry, and all she will ask of you is to nurture her as her real mother would’ve.”


“S hall we think of a name for her?”

Harry looked over to the dragon who was now fast asleep on the plate where the piece of fish had been. She was just the right size for a shoulder pet. However, Harry wasn’t sure if he wanted her claws digging into his skin. Her wings were wrapped around her like a blanket; her long neck was stretched out on the plate, and her long, whip like tail was curled around her body. “I think I’ll name her Angelus (1).”

One of the dragon’s eyes snapped open. She lifted her long neck gracefully to look at Harry. It chirped again. Harry smiled, kneeled before her, and said very carefully, “You’re name is Angelus.”

Surprisingly, Angelus nodded, and roared, “Auungerruussss.”

Harry gaped, “Severus, did you hear that?!”

“Occasionally, while in its youth, it’ll chirp when happy. Because it’s a dragon, it roars. This specific dragon can roughly mimic some of our words.

Harry was enjoying his stay in Snape’s quarters very much; so much, in fact, that he gaped in astonishment once he glanced over at the clock a few hours later and realized what time it was. “Excuse me, Severus, but I must be going. It’s nearly five!”

Snape turned his attention to the old clock hanging over the mantle. “So it is.”

Harry stood up, “I’ll try to come by later if it’s Ok with you,” yet Harry’s body did not move from its position, as if secretly desiring for Snape to bid him farewell with an affectionate gesture.

Snape did not catch on; he was busy trying to think of a way to keep Harry around, “Harry, would you care to care to watch the sun rise with me?”

Harry was, if anything, a little taken aback. He never knew Snape to be a romantic. “Are you sure?”

“If I wasn’t, why would I be asking?”

Snape hand lightly touched Harry’s shoulder as he guided them towards the door. It wasn’t until Snape turned the knob did Angelus wake up. She lifted her head at an angel and focused her vision to adjust to the dimly lit room. When she noticed that Harry was close to the exit, she chirped. Snape mentally cursed himself as Angelus scurried over to Harry’s side. Snape wasn’t going to get the chance to be alone with Harry as he had hoped. (I wonder what kind of potion includes grinded baby Siberian Silica Dragon parts.) “Severus, Angelus can come along, right?”

“As long as you watch her.”

Several minutes later, Snape was quietly seething, wishing that he had forbid Harry from inviting that bloody dragon. Harry was hugging her, holding her, playing fetch and peek-a-boo with her; nearly forgetting that Snape was there. (This is ridiculous! I cannot be jealous of a four-legged beast!) Ah, but, that he was.

Once Angelus had finally worn Harry out, he leaned against a tree, which was about ten feet away from Snape. Snape continued to watch Harry longingly, until he had had enough and decided to regain his fiancé’s attention. “Follow me; we can see the sun rise better from the lake.”

“Oh, but Severus, I’m tired,” Harry had expected for Snape to ignore him, not to suddenly be lift up into his arms like a fatigue child. For a second, Harry hung there completely dumbfounded and limp like a doll, then once it settled in that Snape was carrying him, Harry graciously wrapped his arms around Snape’s neck. Mentally, Snape smiled. He finally had Harry all to himself.

Once down by the lake, Snape placed Harry on a rock in the clearing by the water. Angelus was currently hunting for fish while Snape settled himself besides Harry. For a moment, just a moment, the couple sat there feeling tense. It was Snape who daringly broke the tension by wrapping his arm around Harry’s waist; pulling him closer. Harry quietly gasped when drawn into Snape so suddenly, and closed his eyes when Snape nudged his cheek with his nose. He would never have guessed that Snape could be so affectionate. Snape’s face was incredibly warm, but no where near as hot as Harry’s face had suddenly gotten, “…n… Severus, I thought we were going to watch the sunrise….”

Snape did not answer as he drew Harry in a little closer; having him settled his head on Snape’s shoulder. Sure enough, from this point, Harry was about to see the sun rising from between two mountains. Its golden, morning rays warmed the couple as they watched the sun rise in silence. It was Angelus who disturbed the peace when she finally caught a fish and now was ripping it up while tossing it up in the air. Harry tried to look back to see her play, but Snape prevented it by moving closer, having Harry relax against his chest. “Severus?”

“Angelus is fine. Don’t pay her any mind.”

Harry raised a brow skeptically. Was Snape jealous?

Several minutes later, the sun was much higher in the sky and Snape said, “Come; let’s take a walk.”

Keeping his arm tightly around Harry, Snape guided him as they walked around the lake. Angelus was following of course, but was hoping around, trying to get all of her energy out. After maybe ten minutes of walking in silence, it began to lightly snow again. Harry extended his right hand and smiled as the snowflakes melted in the palm of his hand. Harry looked up at Snape, hoping to catch his eye, but then he noticed that the man was in deep thought. “Professor?”

Snape stopped walking and forced Harry to face him, “Where’s the ring I left for you?”

Harry reached into his pocket, and withdrew the ring. Snape took it from Harry and then said, “Hold out your hand.”

Harry did so and Snape slide the ring onto Harry’s ring finger while saying, “With this ring, Harry James Potter, I pledge a vow of life long loyalty to you and only you. I swear to fight for your protection until the day I breathe my very last breath. I give you my entire heart, body, and soul which no one has claimed before. I promise to do my utmost best to ensure a long and happy life for you. All I ask for in return,” Snape leaned in and whispered into Harry’s ear, “is for you to be my husband. Marry me.”

Harry was so overcome with this newfound happiness that he never realized that he had thrown himself into Snape’s arms; holding onto him as if he was the only thing that would keep him alive. “Yes…,” he said softly while wondering when this infatuation with Snape had begun.


They took their time walking back; at first, just quietly with Harry swinging his arms back and forth like a child while thinking about reaching over and grabbing Snape’s relaxed hand. (I bet he’s never held hands before.) Harry looked up at Snape and grinned. (He wouldn’t mind right?)

(On second thought, he might.)

(But he just asked me to marry him and I said yes. So, it’s not like the sudden gesture would be out of place.)

(Snape’s not the romantic type, Harry!)

(It’s just holding hands. How bad can it be?)

(He’ll probably get nervous.)

(We’re getting married for Merlin’s sakes!)

Finally, having enough of his mental debate, Harry reached over and was just about to grab Snape’s hand, but missed my and inch. Harry frowned, and took a larger step to keep up with the man. Once in range, Harry reached out again and brushed his hand against Snape’s. Harry held his breath and looked up at the taller wizard. He seemed oblivious to the gesture. (One more time!) Harry reached out and this time, he managed to weave his fingers through Snape’s hand softly and waited to see how his partner would respond. He was not surprised when Snape tried to jerk his hand away at first, and was far from regretting his actions once Snape intertwined their fingers. Though Snape did not show his smile, Harry knew Snape was pleased when he felt the ring he had given Harry between his fingers. Now, if Snape could only get Harry to buy him a ring, then they would be all set. “I’m sorry I couldn’t get you a Christmas present,” Harry finally admitted.

“Stop fretting about it. Accepting me as your fiancé meant more to me than any materialistic item that you could’ve purchased. I…,” Snape seemed hesitant about what he was about to say, “…couldn’t have asked for anything more.”

That was beyond out of character for Snape to say, but Harry knew that Snape was trying to convey that Harry had made him beyond happy. “That’s good to hear, Severus.”

Once they had reached Snape’s quarters, Harry was so tired that even the hardwood floor looked comfy. “I really need to get some sleep, Severus,” said Harry while he rubbed his eyes sleepily.

“This way.”

“What?” Harry removed his hand from his eye, “Huh?”

“There’s no way I’m going to let you leave me on Christmas day,” Snape tugged Harry towards his bedroom, where a large, four-post bed was resting in the dead center. “This is my bedroom, Harry.”

Well duh, anyone could see that, but for some reason, Harry found it hard to believe that Snape had brought him here. Snape lifted his wand and said a quick spell that changed their day clothes into nightwear. Snape then pulled the silky sheets back and had Harry climb in first. Snape then climbed in after Harry and whispered a quick spell to make the curtains shut. Concealed in the darkness of Snape’s room, Harry felt it was the opportune time to get to know Snape personally. The first thing Harry wanted to try out was kissing. Harry shifted a bit and pulled the sheets up higher. He couldn’t see Snape’s face, but he had a good idea where it might be. Slowly, Harry stretched out his right hand and searched for Snape through the darkness. He came into contact with something, and then he felt Snape wincing, “That was my eye, Harry.”

“Opps, sorry,” Harry was blushing furiously.

“Go to sleep, brat. I’m tired.”

So much for the kissing. Harry finally decided that he would save it for a better time; like when he’ll finally be able to see Snape. (I want to see a blushing Severus...)

A/N: Sorry for the long wait. Please review.