Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ A Sudden Turn of Events ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Won’t You Please Stay With Me?

Summary: Before his 40th B-day, Snape must acquire a potential spouse before the Ministry arranges one. Of all the people, he chooses Harry. Everyone seems to think it’s a great idea, except Harry. Can Snape woo Harry’s love before it’s too late? SSHP Slash later.

Disclaimer: I am not the author of the Harry Potter series.

A/N: I know that perhaps the Ministry would prefer heterosexual marriages for safer/easier reproduction, but because this is my fic, there are such things as potions that can males can take to ensure the same safety. I have not read anything about there being such potions in any of the Harry Potter books, and I doubt that J.K. Rowling would get into such matters.

Chapter Eight: “A Sudden Turn of Events”

“Bloody hell. Why me?” Ron sighed.

“Oh, come off it. It’s only going to be our second dance since the Yule Ball, fourth year,” Hermione turned her attention to Harry, “You have to go too, you know.”

Harry was forking his eggs and sighing. They were only a week away from Christmas, then his friends would leave and he’d be stuck here. “Yeah. I know.”

“Who are you going to take?” Hermione glanced up to see Snape passing by in the halls, paying them no mind. “Professor Snape, perhaps?”

“Cho Chang. I’d die before I ask him to a dance.”

“That’s not very nice, Harry.”

Harry ignored her.

“Well, Hermione, who are you taking to the ball?”

“It was just announced. No one has asked me yet.”

“Well then,” Ron took in a big gulp of air, fixed his shirt, and said very slowly, “Her…Hermione, w…will you go to the… dance with… me?”

Ron looks like he’s going to be sick. Harry mentally chuckled. “I can’t believe you asked!” Hermione nodded her head, “Of course I’ll go with you.”

Ron smiled and then fell over on his bench. “Ron?!” Hermione and Harry cried at once.

Ron was on the other side of the table, smiling in his dreams. “Well, at least it wasn’t as bad as the other year’s.” Harry pointed out with relief.

Hermione and Harry were both trying to hoist Ron back up into his seat before Cho lightly patted Harry on his shoulder. “Harry, I need to talk to you.”

“Oh, sure,” once Ron was seated, Harry left the hall with Cho. “What about?”

“Harry,” Cho was fiddling with her nails again, like most girls do when they are nervous about something.

“Do you want to go to the ball with me?”

“Yes I do, Harry, but that’s the problem. No one is allowed to ask you to the ball. I’m sure you’ve heard of that new rumour.”

“What? But, if it’s just a rumour, then we can go together.”

“No we can’t. I’m not sure why, but I think Snape has something to do with it, and Dumbledore has taken his side on this.” Cho took Harry’s hand in hers. “I think it would be appropriate if you just go with Professor Snape, Harry.”

“What if I just go alone and meet up with you?” Harry was determined to find some way to go with Cho and not Snape.

“I guess we could do that, but won’t Professor Snape get angry? Isn’t he expecting you to…”

“I not going to ask him, and I’m sure he knows that.”

Ron and Hermione had just left the hall and decided to join Harry and Cho. Hermione was going to ask Harry later if he and Cho were really going together, but from the look on his face, she guessed that they weren’t. “Harry, what’s wrong?”

“I’m being forced to go with either Snape or no one. Maybe I can just avoid the whole thing together.”

“You can’t, Harry! It just simply isn’t done. You must go to the ball,” said Hermione.

Harry rolled his eyes. “It’s not like Snape dances anyways.”

“Come on, Harry. We can go to Hogsmeade today and find you something suitable for the ball,” Hermione grabbed Harry’s free hand, “Cho, do you want to come along?”

“Sorry. I can’t. But have a good time,” Cho dropped Harry’s hand and returned to the Ravenclaw table.


“Ok, everyone, quiet down please!” cried McGonagall as she tried to neatly arrange all the signed permission slips for Hogsmeade in her hands that the students were passing to her.

“Hey, look, it’s Potter,” Malfoy grinned as Harry, Ron, and Hermione exited the castle, “Bet you’re going to meet up with you-know-who!”

Harry passed his permission slip to McGonagall, “Just ignore him, Mr. Potter,” warned McGonagall in that sweet voice of hers.

Harry nodded and went to stand with his fellow Gryffindors as McGonagall checked each and everyone of the permission slips handed to her. Just then, Lena came walking out of the castle. She flashed an ugly look at Harry and then joined her fellow Ravenclaw peers. “Augh, it’s Lena,” said Ron, “Bloody hell, she’s annoying.”

“Maybe we can just avoid her,” said Hermione.

“Did I get everyone’s permission slip?” asked McGonagall.

The some students replied with ‘yes,’ and others nodded.

“Let’s go then. Stay close.”

McGonagall led the way with the students packed closely together behind her. From a distance, the group looked like a big, dark, moving lump. As soon as the group reached Hogsmeade, the mass broke up into smaller clumps that gradually divided themselves. Harry, Ron, and Hermione walked slowly with a couple other students that had visited Hogsmeade more than enough times. “Sometimes I wish they would expand this town,” said Hermione, “Put a couple of new clothes store over there, maybe a shoe shop in that corner.”

“Girls,” the two boys said together.

“Oh, Harry! Look over there!” Hermione pointed eagerly to this blue painted store at the end of the block.

Harry and Ron smirked. It was a men’s formal wear shop complete with a flower inside. “There’s a chocolate shop around the block,” said Ron, “Maybe Harry could just get himself a tux, buy a bouquet, and grab a box of chocolates before he presents himself to Snape. I’m sure that’ll cheer the git right up.”

Harry elbowed Ron in the side, “Shut up, will you.”

Once Hermione managed to get the two boys into the shop, a little, bald man approached them, “Good morning. Please ask if you need any help.”

“Actually,” said Hermione, while glancing at Harry and Ron, “We need suits for these two,” she said in a matter-of-fact tone.

“Ah, what fine young men. Please, this way,” the little man led the way to the back, “These should do,” he pulled a suit complete with socks, shoes, a shirt, and tie, “You can try these on in the back.”

Ron occupied one stall while Harry went into the next. While they were changing, they heard the front door open. A deep voice could be heard, but it was much too far away from Harry to distinguish it. Once Harry got the entire outfit on, he opened the door to his stall, and was about to ask Hermione how it looked, but instead came face to face with Snape. “So, there is a civilized side to you?”

Harry stared at him for a second and then tried to find Hermione, “Hermione?”

Hermione was behind Snape, “Oh! It looks really good on you, Harry!” She clapped her hands together, “Don’t you think so, Professor?”

“Quite the becoming young man you are,” sarcasm was ringing in Snape’s voice.

Harry shut himself back in his stall and quickly changed. When he got out, he raced towards the door, “Harry, wait! What about your suit?!”

“I’m not going to the ball!” With that said, Harry slammed the door closed.

Hermione looked towards Snape and then Ron. “Don’t look at me. I barely have enough to pay for this.”

“I’ll pay for the suit,” said Snape. He walked into the stall, folded up the clothes, and brought them to the front desk. “Will you two give it to him?”

Hermione and Ron nodded. Once they left the store, Hermione and Ron came across Harry, who was sitting on a bench covered in snow. He cheeks, ears, and nose were red. “Are you alright, Harry?” asked Hermione.

Harry shook his head. “I want to get sick so that I won’t have to go to the ball.”

“You know they can cure you in a split second,” said Ron.

“When is the ball?”

“This Friday night,” said Hermione.


Friday night came faster than Harry could say ‘abracadabra.’ Everyone seemed to have something to wear and someone to go with. Harry, on the other hand, was sitting on his bed in his school robes waiting for Ron to finish dressing. “Harry, you have to go.”


“You can come with Hermione and me. We can go as a group.”

“Forget it.”

“It won’t be that bad, trust me.”

“I don’t even have something to wear.”

“Yes you do,” Ron emerged from the washroom and hustled over to his bed. He pulled out this large red box and handed it to Harry.

Harry took the box, opened it, and gasped. “Ron… You couldn’t have… it was so expensive…”

Ron knew better than to say it was from Snape. “It’s Ok. Hermione helped me with it. Now, you can’t possibly say you don’t want to go. We spent a fortune on it, Harry.”

Harry’s sour face turned into a little smile. “I guess it can’t be that bad. Just as long as I avoid Snape.”

Harry took the suit that was presented to him, ran into the washroom, and changed. Once he emerged, Neville was the first to comment on the outfit, “You look spectacular! That suit must’ve cost a fortune!”

“It did,” said Ron.

“Thanks Ron,” Harry smiled again.

“Ok, so now that we have that settled, let’s get moving. Hermione will meet us by the stairs.”

The ball was held in the Great Hall this year, and Hermione was waiting patiently for her two escorts by the door. When she saw Ron, she felt happy for him. At least he didn’t have to wear that thing his mother called a formal robe like he did the other year. Harry, on the other hand, looked absolutely gorgeous. (Just wait ‘til Snape sees you, Harry.) Ron and Harry both bowed, “Good evening,” they said.

“Wow, you guys looks great! Well, come on; let’s go show you two off!” Hermione suggested excitedly.

Ron and Harry each linked their arms with Hermione’s. They entered the great hall where there were already people dancing to the music played by the orchestra. The first couple that Harry noticed was Neville and Ginny. “They sure seem happy.”

“Well, they do love to dance,” said Ron.

“So, do you two want to dance with me?” Hermione asked.

Harry and Ron looked hesitant. “Well, there is nothing but couples on the floor right now,” Ron pointed out, “How about I dance with you first, Hermione, and then we all can dance with Harry once the cool music starts.”

“I think that’s a good idea,” said Hermione, “That way, Professor Snape doesn’t become suspicious.”

At that moment, all three of them looked towards the front of the hall. Snape was standing there, looking annoyed as a group of Slytherin girls swarmed in around him. “He looks preoccupied to me,” said Ron.

“Better go claim your man, Potter,” Malfoy pushed on Harry’s shoulder, “Before those idiots do.” Malfoy then walked off with Pansy Parkinson on his right, and another Slytherin girl on his left while laughing.

“He’s right,” said Ron, “Better go claim your man,” Ron started to giggled a little.

“Oh, come off it!” Hermione dragged Ron onto the dance floor, leaving Harry to stand alone in a large group of people.

Harry crossed his arms and sighed. There was nothing for him to do now. Just to stand there… just to wait… just to watch the others while the dance. (I could ask him to…) “Never…,” Harry shook his head as if it would shake the ridiculous idea out of his head. (I would never!) Harry looked up in the direction he had last seen Snape. Those girls were still there. They were laughing, pushing on each other, drinking punch, and trying to get Snape to smile, which they were miserably failing at. “Come on, dance with me, Professor!”

Harry raised a brow. They were trying to get him to dance?! Whatever their reason was, they were failing miserably at it. Harry would’ve just stayed where he was and remained calm, if it wasn’t for this new, jarring sensation he felt on his nerves. Harry sat down on the seat closest to him. He would’ve been able to relax, but that feeling was quite bothersome; it was irritating him. (I’m not going to go over to him. I’m not going to go over to him. I’m not…) One of the girls managed to get Snape to talk to her. (If he wants to dance with me, he’ll ask me.)

(And what if he does?)


(Will you say yes?)

(I… of course not!)

(Then why are you so eager to have him join you?)

(I… I just don’t know!)

Before Harry could stop himself, he was making his way through the crowd of people; pushing towards Snape. He only got so far, before his feet glued themselves to the marble floor. He was reluctant to go any further. His mind was crying for Snape to come to him. But why? How much more of an imbecile could Harry be? He was on a roll! If he could keep up his act, then maybe he would eventually rid himself of Snape. “Harry, are you Ok?”

Harry turned his head slightly, “Cho?”

“I saw you just walking through the crowd aimlessly, so I wanted to know if something was bothering you.”

For a moment, Harry looked as if he didn’t comprehend a single word the Ravenclaw said. Cho looked in the direction that Harry would’ve reached ultimately. “Were you going to ask Professor Snape to dance?”

“Merlin, the man doesn’t dance, Cho.”

“Well, I…,” a new, slow song had just started, “Harry, will you dance with me?”

Harry quickly took her hand, and led Cho onto the dance floor close to Snape, but not too close to make it obvious that he wanted him to see them dancing. Harry positioned himself, and Cho wrapped her arms around his neck. He held onto her from around the waist, and they slowly, like the couples around them, rotated. The lights dimmed themselves slightly, and the loud talk quieted. The only sounds that could be heard were the quiet whispers from around them, the slow music, and their partner’s gentle breathing. Once they had fully rotated, Harry settled his eyes on Snape. He wondered if Snape’s breathing would be this calming if he was this close to him. (Look at me…)

(Why are you so set on exchanging glances with Snape?! )

(I don’t know!)

Harry held tighter to Cho. He distinguished her feminine figure, he shared her warmth, and he noticed her daintiness. Did he want what he had in his arms, or did he want what had captured his eyes only feet away. (This is ridiculous! I’ve never even really held Snape before! How am I suppose to know what he feels like?)

“Admiring him?” Cho asked.

“Huh?” Harry pulled away from her; only just enough so that he could look her in the eye while she talked to him.

“You stopped moving. The only person you could possibly be watching is Professor Snape, Harry.”

Harry held her tight again, and was about to start moving, but then Snape’s eyes fell onto him. Harry froze, “He’s spotted me… What should I do?”

“Just keep dancing, Harry. I’ll explain it all if he starts asking questions.”

But Harry couldn’t dance anymore. Hell, he couldn’t move. It wasn’t until Snape was a little too close that Harry finally pulled away from Cho. He was about to run out of the hall, but then Snape firmly grabbed a hold of his wrist. (Stupid wrist! Why were you lagging behind?!)

Harry didn’t have to turn around to figure out who the owner of the hand was. “Let go.”

Harry nearly yelped as Snape forcefully pulled Harry around. Harry had expected Snape to inquire as to why he was dancing with Cho, and to scold him for not asking him to the dance, but instead, Snape appeared to be quite calm. “Will you dance with me?” Harry felt like slapping his hand over his mouth. What the fuck had compelled him to do that?! (Bloody hell! I just asked Snape to dance with me!) “I’m sorry; I didn’t mean to ask you to…”

“Dance?” Snape gave that impression that he was about to reject Harry’s offer. He raised a brow looked around the hall. “Here, alongside all these inelegant adolescents?”

“I… um, what?”

“Follow me,” Snape ordered, but Harry remained still, “Come along, or I’ll force you to hold my hand, and Merlin knows what rumours will dawn by tomorrow morning.”

Harry quickly followed Snape out of the hall. “Might I ask where you are taking me?”

Snape didn’t reply.

“If you are going to steal me away for the night, I think I have a right to know where you are leading me.”

Stealing him away… that sounded a little funny.

Snape continued to walk, and made a turn around the corridor. They arrived at a door, and Snape mumbled a password before it opened. The door gave way to a small room that was filled with the music played in the hall next door. “What is this place?”

Snape didn’t feel the need to explain. He was sure Harry knew exactly what this place was and what it was used for. “Come here.”

“Wait, what are you we going to do here?”

“You asked me to dance with you; do you not recall?”

Harry gasped.

“Take my hand,” Snape reached out with his right hand, and Harry didn’t even notice that his hand had eagerly extended to meet Snape’s until he was pulled against Snape’s body. Harry gasped again and Snape softly wrapped his other arm around Harry’s waist. The man did not hold Harry tightly just to assure Harry that he would not force his fiancé into anything. His hands held his so gently that the slightest wrong movement would separate their hands in an instance. Snape’s arm around Harry’s waist likewise was just as loose. “Wrap your arms around my neck.”

Harry did just that on command, and soon, he felt Snape’s body leading him. “You… know how to dance?”

“Of course I know how to dance, brat,” Snape whispered against Harry’s neck; his voice vibrating in his ear.

Harry felt like moaning. He would have never guessed that Snape could make him feel this good when alone. Plus, he had even given Harry a nickname. A quite appropriate nickname. “I’m not a brat.”

“Yes you are, brat.”

Harry found himself chuckling. Why? Not even Harry knew the answer to that. It’s just that he felt… emancipated from his restrictions once he found that he could feel prized, treasured, and protected in Snape’s arms. Hell, Harry could feel Snape’s hand and arm holding just a bit more tightly on him like his embrace was the only thing keeping them together. They were so close that Harry could’ve sworn that he felt their hearts beating as one, and it had this astonishingly calming effect on the boy. Harry wasn’t used to intimacy, and this new experience was slowly undermining his strength. His knees felt feeble, his arms were a little too relaxed, and his eye lids were becoming improbably heavy. Snape wasn’t oblivious to Harry’s declining posture and responded promptly. “It’s not nap time yet, boy.”

Merlin, Harry never realized how strong and deep Snape’s voice was. He even began to wonder what other sounds the older wizard could make when enticed. “I’m not falling asleep.”

Snape felt like chuckling at Harry’s denial but wouldn’t allow himself to do so. This was, finally, their first intimate act, and he was not going to mess it up. If he was going to be married to Harry before the beginning of summer, then he needed to do all he could to win Harry’s affection, and if not, at least his trust. With the Dark Lord on a rampage, Harry was going to need all the protection and constant supervision he could get. Plus, the Ministry will make Snape marry someone anyways. Might as well be someone he cared deeply for. “If you begin to sway again, I will not hesitate to release you and watch as you fall on your arse.”

Harry snapped his eyes open, pulled away a little and looked at Snape. The man looked back at the boy just as intensely. What was going on between them? Harry wanted to think that they were finally beginning the relationship that they should’ve started over the summer, but he just couldn’t bring him to accept the thought of being a relationship with his teacher. “Do you bring students here often, Professor?”

“What in Merlin’s name possessed you to think that?”

“So then… I’m the only one?”

“You may be polygamous, but let me assure you, I am not.”

Harry opened his mouth to say something, but then closed it. (So…you’re serious about me? You’re… faithful to only me?) “Yes, I am.” Harry stared agape at Snape. Had he just… “You forget that I’m a proficient in the art of Legilimens.”

“Have you been probing thought my thoughts the entire time?”

Snape grinned. “An open mind is a vulnerable one.”

Harry withdrew his arms from around Snape’s neck and took a step back. Snape took a step forwards. “I’m going to make this clear,” said Harry, “I don’t like it when other people probe my thoughts without my authorization.”

(What he doesn’t know won’t hurt him.) Snape thought to himself.

“There are things… thoughts in my head I’d rather you not know about,” said Harry.

“We aren’t supposed to have secrets,” said Snape as he crossed his arms.

“I’m not your fiancé!” Harry yelled.

“Deny it as you like, but legally, you are promised to me first,” Snape snapped his fingers, and a document signed by the Ministry of Magic appeared before Harry, “It’s an engagement certificate that will be upgraded into a marriage license once we are bonded together in matrimony.”

It was the first time Harry had ever seen an engagement certificate. Hell, he didn’t even know they existed. Must’ve been something new. He looked at it very carefully, and in big, bold letters, it was stated clearly that Severus Snape literally is entitled first to Harry James Potter. For the first time, it was finally beginning to sink in that he really was engaged to his potions’ professor. That some time in the future, they really will married. This awareness make Harry feel like he had gulped down a big, heavy bolder. “Why so sudden though? You could’ve at least have given me a heads up,” said Harry.

“Now that the Dark Times are at hand, the Ministry has stated that all witches and wizards are obligated to be married before their fortieth birthday. A few weeks before the beginning of the school year, I was notified of the new law, and it was either pick from a list provided by the Ministry, or….”

“Me? But why?”

“I never imagined myself in this predicament, and most of my time was preoccupied with work for the Order. I couldn’t devise a plan to tell you, and enlightening you wasn’t my main concern just then. It wasn’t until a few hours before midnight did I finally realize that you needed to be informed. Of course, you weren’t awake and so…”

“You told Sirius. And how did he take it?”

“What do you think? That your godfather was ecstatic to hear that his godson was deliberately engaged to Snivelus? I think he fainted before he could blow me a punch.”

“How did the others react?”

Snape shrugged. “They were shocked to say the least. But after I explained my reasons for the sudden engagement, they were…”

“Ok with it?”

Snape passed a smirk in Harry’s direction. “Ready to cast upon me an Unforgivable.”

Harry didn’t look surprised. “So in short, everyone’s against our marriage?”

“It’s difficult to say. They’d rather you have a choice in the matter, but they are not completely against it.”

Harry didn’t say anything.

“Of course Dumbledore and the rest of the staff here at Hogwarts have given their approval, but their approval isn’t the one that counts,” Snape extended his hand and brushed away from of the hair covering Harry’s face.

Harry suddenly tensed under Snape’s touch. “Then… whose matters the most?”


“Mine, sir?”

“Are you not the one getting married to me?” Harry gulped and smoothed his left ring finger with this thumb. Snape took notice of it, and reached out to hold onto Harry’s hand, “I want you to wear your ring.”


“I want the entire school to know that you belong to someone.”


“Do you think I take enjoyment out of watching girls and boys flirt with you?”

Harry’s eyes widened for just a second. Was Snape telling Harry something that he’s been oblivious to since day one? Jealousy? “Professor, are you by any chance… jealous?”

“As my fiancé, I’m very protective of you, and very mistrustful of others.”

The music around them was beginning to fade. “The formal part of the dance must be over,” said Harry as he pulled his hand away from Snape’s and began to walk towards the door. He was just about to turn the knob when Snape grabbed Harry’s left hand again forced Harry to turn around. “Please visit me in my quarters over the break,” he leaned down slightly and pulled Harry’s hand forwards. In a split second, Snape’s warm lips had kissed Harry’s left ring finger, leaving Harry in a daze. “I know you carry the ring with you always. But I want to see it on your finger.”

Snape opened the door and vanished into the halls before Harry could say anything more.

Once Harry stepped out of the room, he reached into his pocket and gently ran his finger over his ring, “I should really get back to the dance.”

Inside the Great Hall, the students were dancing like crazy to more modern hits. Ron and Hermione were lost in the crowd, but Harry managed to spot them quickly. They weren’t even dancing. They were more like jumping and acting wild. It took a moment for Harry to get back into the dancing mood, and once he did, he jumped around like never before. He needed to release all his balled up energy before the winter break started.

A couple of hours later, and Harry was sitting by the bowl of punch. He was exhausted to say the least, yet Hermione and Ron were still at it in the middle of the mass of students. Only two of three students had left, and they were Hufflepuff first years. Harry didn’t want to seem like a wimp, so he tried to stay around for as long as possible. However, his eyes were giving out on him, and his eye lids. They were getting so heavy. The music didn’t seem to make his wild with energy as it did. It tired him out and gave him a headache. He wanted to go to bed. His feet ached. His back felt stiff. His legs were ready to give out on him.

From the other side of the room, another man had noticed Harry’s exhaustion. He looked towards the mass of students, and since they were all way too busy dancing, Snape casually walked over to Harry and mumbled a spell as he approached the weary student. Harry was about to fall over, but Snape caught him in just in time. He picked up the teen like a bride and walked out of the Great Hall before he attracted any unwanted attention.

With everyone down in the Great Hall, Snape knew that no one would be in their common rooms. So, Snape felt safe when he entered the Gryffindor common room, and brought Harry over to his bed. He gently laid the teen down on his bed and stroked his face before he whispered, “Good night.”

Snape quickly left then before he was tempted to do anything more.


At some point later that night, Harry woke up and found it difficult to go back to sleep. He wondered how he even got to bed. Did Snape carry him back? And then there was that other question that bewildered his mind. How did Snape know that he did indeed carry the ring with him everywhere he went? Why did Harry even carry that ring everywhere? Even now, while resting on his bed, Harry kept the ring in his left pocket. His hands smoothed over it in acknowledgement, and he sighed. Harry brought his left ring finger to his lips and kissed the exact spot Snape had kissed. He kissed his finger for several seconds before he finally pulled it away. (Why did I do that?)

A/N: Like the chapter? Want another one soon? Review.