Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ Without His Harry ( Chapter 15 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Won't You Please Stay With Me? 
WARNINGS: There is a bit of LANGUAGE. But just a bit.  
A/N: Feel that there isn't enough Snarry? I'm working on it. 
Chapter 15: “Without His Harry”
Perhaps it was the sun that shone brightly in the sky, or maybe it was the silly giggles coming from the girls seated by Harry, or perchance the fact that he had just been handed back an exam with a perfect score on it that made Harry feel like what had happened hitherto was just a thing of the past. Then Snape had to walk by and pass a longing glance back at Harry which made everything come rolling back. Groaning impatiently, Harry's restless foot fidgeted and Harry's hands began rubbing together as he watched the vexingly slow clock. Harry was hoping that Snape of all people would suck it up like a man and not pass such yearning inklings of want back at Harry; but then again, like Lupin mentioned, Snape was human just like everyone else and he had every right to detest ignorance. “You alright there, Harry?” Cho asked.
“'Course. Just feeling a little under the weather,” Harry feigned a smile. 
“I reckon you go to the nurse.” 
“Perhaps later.” 
When class let out, Harry had planned to be one of the first to leave, but when he accidentally knocked over his bag and spilled everything out due to his own rushed actions, he cursed and went about picking everything up. Snape stood not too far away watching Harry carefully as he had never done so before. The boy appeared distressed, anxious, and very much unlike himself… Scratch that; very much like himself as he was when under stress. Snape wished to hold Harry in for a moment, but students were already pouring in for the next session and so such an action would be disconcerting. Hastily turning away from his Harry, Snape hustled over to his desk and sharply turned to face his quivering first years. If he desired it so, Snape could have forced his students to wait out side, or he could have even dismissed his presence and brought Harry into his office on the side for a quick tryst. However, by the time he had reached a potential possibility, Harry had finished collecting his stuff and was heading out of the classroom without so much as a casual `see you later.'  
It was like they were back to the days before Christmas when Harry was still his mercurial and unruly self. Or maybe it was just a figment of Snape's imagination. Brushing it off on everyone's expectations on the poor lad, Snape just needed to make sure that he had his tryst with Harry before the week came to an end.  
Today's historical lesson focused on a class debate over Salazar Slytherin's proposal about only admitting purebloods into Hogwarts to study witchcraft and wizardry and the other founders' decisions to broaden the selection of potential students. The class was divided into two and Harry was surprisingly sorted into the pro purebloods only group. Hermione and Ron exchanged sympathetic glances at Harry before they joined their team. When the preparation had begun, Harry anticipated that at least one of the Slytherins in his group would harass him about something, but to his astonishment, not one did more than ask Harry how he was going to support their topic. “Perhaps we can mention something about the monster in the chamber of secrets never having to kill a…” 
“Mudblood?” Malfoy brusquely finished. 
Harry was just about to launch himself at Malfoy again, but his grade depended on how this debate was going to be carried out, and so he figured that punching that pureblood's face to a pulp wasn't worth it. “Yes,” oh, did the word ever sting Harry's lips. 
“I got something,” said Malfoy as he leaned back, “Perhaps that Lily Evans would have never come to Hogwarts, and so she would have never met James Potter,” and then Malfoy turned to Harry, “And so, there wouldn't have been a Harry Potter.” 
“I got something better. Riddle was a mudblood. He would have never been admitted into the school, and so there he wouldn't have had the opportunity to learn as much as he did, so there probably wouldn't have been a Voldemort,” Harry then turned to Malfoy and said, “Then your father wouldn't have been so wealthy. Your mother probably wouldn't have married your father. You wouldn't exist.” 
Malfoy abruptly stood up and looked down over Harry. 
“Sit down and finish your group discussion,” said the teacher as he hovered around the classroom. “We do not have time for such frivolity.” 
Malfoy reluctantly reclaimed his seat, crossed his arms, and quietly seethed as he stared Harry in the eyes. “Suck. It. Up,” Harry said painfully slow; his lips moving carefully to accentuate each and every syllable.  
Harry then turned away from Malfoy and to the other members of the group. They decided to stick with the notion of a potential alternate universe in which Voldemort was nonexistent. Halfway through the class and Harry was fed up with Malfoy's lack of involvement. “Our grade depends not only on content, but on group cooperation as well,” Harry said incisively to Malfoy, “With the slightest non-cooperation, our grade can drop from its potential B to a C. Therefore, if you don't stop being the fractious little bastard you always are, then I may just have to…” 
“What? Beat the shit out of me as you attempted to do before?” Malfoy said tersely. 
“…. Tell the teacher,” Harry grinned. What was the likelihood the Harry was actually going to try and do something inevitably temerarious to the insolent jerk which would only result in losing house points, or worse, a detention and house point deduction? 
Malfoy scooted her chair closer to the group and then glared at Harry. “Happy?” 
“Hardly,” Harry responded coldly. 
Malfoy then smirked, which elicited befuddlement in Harry. Nothing good ever ensued that smirk. Malfoy then scooted uncomfortably close to Harry and only stopped when their knees were nearly touching. “Happy?” Malfoy asked again. 
“I do hate to interrupt the wrangle, but if you boys don't get your work done, then I may have to start deducting points,” the teacher smiled at both Harry and Malfoy then glided away. 
When class ended, the two boys quickly packed their things, but only Malfoy careered out of the room. Harry lingered a bit longer to wait for his two friends to finish packing. “What was that all about?” Hermione asked. “Don't tell me you two got in yet another fight.” 
“Malfoy refuses to do his work. What can you expect?” 
“Good show, mate!” Ron patted Harry on the back. “If you don't put that Malfoy in his place now, he'll walk all over you sooner or later.” 
“Yes, but there's no need to start a quarrel in class,” Hermione stated. “We've already lost enough house points.” 
“Nothing can compare to fifth year,” the two boys groaned at once. “Stupid Umbridge and her gang of cheating, lying….” 
“Bastards,” Harry finished. 
“The lot of them were just a bunch of scums,” said Ron. 
“Got that right,” said Hermione. 
“Harry! Hermione! Ron!” 
The trio looked up and their frowning faces filled with surprise. “Padfoot ! Lupin!” 
Remus was leaning up against a statue with a black, dirty dog on a leash barking beside him. “I didn't expect to catch all three of you at once.” 
“What are you doing here?” Hermione asked ecstatically.  
Remus looked around vigilantly then redirected his attention back at the trio. “There's meeting for the Order, but unlike the other times, Severus cannot get away so easily. Nor Dumbledore. Therefore, the meeting is to be held here at Hogwarts.” 
“Regarding what?” Harry inquired. 
“The war. What else?” 
The three friends exchanged hesitant glances at each other. “What's happening?” Harry asked. 
Remus shrugged. 
“Surely, you will tell us,” Ron insisted. 
“That depends upon the content… however…,” Remus pulled Harry aside, and then whispered into his ear, “Has Severus not mentioned anything to you?” 
Harry gasped. “I haven't really had the chance to talk with him.” 
Remus narrowed his eyes, “Foolish boy. Your Severus doesn't have much time. He's leaving this Friday to respond to Voldemort's call.” 
Harry gaped and his mouth soundlessly opened and closed several times like a fish out of water before he managed a, “You serious?” 
“Oh, where have you been, Harry?!” Remus groaned. “Is this how you've been treating Severus?” 
Harry pulled Remus further away from Ron and Hermione and whispered, “I haven't the time nor…” 
“Bull shit, lad!” said Remus. “Severus will need you now more than ever!” 
Then, as if on cue, coming down the hall in all his bellowing robes of blackness which could almost represent the clandestine affairs which he so willingly involves himself in, came the master of potions and the virtuoso of the Dark Arts, Professor Severus Snape in the flesh.  
Upon seeing Remus leaning over his fiancé, the dear boy who lately hasn't even paid him a longing eye, Snape snapped. Of course he expected Harry to be more than inclined to greet his missed… family, but did Harry not also consider Snape to be a member of his family now who he should also miss and squander energy over till exhausted? Perhaps the boy just wanted to be complaisant to his missed Remus and… dog. (Now, Severus, if you're not the irenic one here, then a boisterous quarrel will ensue.) “Afternoon…,” Snape slightly titled his head, “… Remus.” 
“Good afternoon,” oh my, the werewolf managed a courteous smile. Surely he was just trying to hoodwink poor, old Snape. 
“Harry, why don't you run along now with Severus? I need to talk with Ron and Hermione about something.” 
(Bullshit) Harry and Severus thought instantaneously, yet Snape couldn't have been more grateful to Remus. Harry, on the other hand, fretted about breaking down as soon as he was alone with his fiancé. Merlin, did the boy ever miss Snape, yet, it was not the opportune time for him to express such feelings of endearment. “Actually,” Harry begun while gazing into Snape's obsidian eyes, “I have to take care of something.” 
Hermione and Ron have never looked so bamboozled, and let's not start on Snape. Remus stood there looking dumbfounded until Harry shifted his bag on his shoulder and began walking away.  
For Harry, he couldn't recall doing something like this to another. It pained him like nothing else and he was sure that if he didn't turn around that instant and throw himself into Snape's arms, then he would be cast into a world of utter melancholy from which there was no return. Yet, the lad carried on. His conscience bellowed so vociferously in his mind that his cranium ached and his ears rang. (Turn back! Turn back!) But Harry did not turn back. His legs carried him on reluctantly through the gloomy halls and no matter what inner voice screamed at him, Harry dared not to look back until he had turned the corridor.  
“What would incline Harry to do such a thing?” Remus asked Snape as they patiently waited outside of Dumbledore's office. 
“Stress… perhaps?” Snape wasn't convinced that that was the reason; nor Remus. 
“Stress? How long has this been going on, Severus?” Remus inquired even though he absolutely knew the answer. 
“For a week… or two. I cannot recall exactly.” 
Sirius was lying down against the wall watching the two men as they asked questions back and forth until Tonks and Mad-Eye Moody made an appearance. 
“Remus, Severus, long time no see,” said Tonks cheerfully. 
Sirius barked in the background and Tonks jumped, “Oh, sorry. Didn't see you there,” she walked up to Sirius and patted him on his head. 
Sirius just growled. 
“Where're Mr. and Mrs. Weasley?” Remus asked. 
“'Fraid they cannot get away so easily,” Dumbledore answered as he opened his office door. “Now won't you all come in?” 
The group filed in and Dumbledore closed the door after scrutinizing the halls. “Have a seat,” Dumbledore instructed to everyone. “And we shall commence immediately.” Dumbledore stretched out his arm to Snape as a gesture for him to begin. 
Snape stood up from where he was sitting and began in a voice so resonating and enthralling as a deity's that by his first syllable he had already subjugated his audience's undivided attention, “The Dark Lord is working efficiently and quickly. His aim is to strategically eliminate our Aurors one by one. Evidence of the Dark Lord's methods have not been determined but if so, are subject to change. He has implied that within a week, he will have cleared away enough Aurors to have access to something he wants,” then there was a hesitant pause. “That is when he will summon for me again.” 
Dumbledore stood up to speak, “Did the Dark Lord give the slightest inkling of the whereabouts?” 
Snape shook his head. 
“There are more Aurors out there then Voldemort could have taken account of,” Dumbledore assured his guests. “What is it that he wants?” 
Severus lowered his head for a moment then shook his head. “I do not know.” 
After Snape sat down, Remus stood up and started asking questions. He wanted to know if there was someway the Auror training process could speed up. Dumbledore said that there were ways, but then the Aurors wouldn't be as efficient. They needed all the training they could in order to prepare themselves for a battle against Voldemort. After Remus finished, Tonks and Mad-Eye Moody had their own inquiries. All the while Dumbledore discussed different issues with the members of the Order, he couldn't' help but notice that Snape wasn't as involved as he usually is. He sat there with his head up as if he was listening attentively, but his eyes had been glazed over. Mentally, the Potions Master was off in his own little world. What was troubling him so? 
The meeting didn't continue on for much longer. About an hour later, Dumbledore dismissed everyone but Snape stayed. Once the room was cleared, Dumbledore closed the door then smiled sympathetically at Snape. “Tea, Severus?” 
Snape shook his head, “Perhaps another time.” 
“What troubles you so?” Dumbledore decided that he needed to get right to the case when it came to Snape. 
“It's Potter.” 
Dumbledore wanted to giggle, but refrained from doing so, “What has the dear boy done?” 
“It's not what he has but rather what he hasn't.” Dumbledore sat down and patiently waited for Snape to continue. “Albus, something is bothering him and I need to find out what.” 
“Then ask.” 
“He won't give me the time of the day, Albus. What is a man to do?” 
Dumbledore smiled… actually, it was more a grin. “Be forceful. Resort to your old methods if you have to.” 
Snape arched a brow and Dumbledore's grin just got a bit bigger. 
“It's nearly after hours, Mr. Potter, I'm going to have to ask you to leave,” said the librarian to Harry. 
Harry closed his book, quickly packed, and then left the library.  
Out in the dark halls, Harry passed by a clock that signaled to him that it was two minutes passed the curfew. Curing slightly, Harry hasted his pace and tried to get back as quickly as possible, but luck would have it that he would run into Mrs. Norris. The cat was sitting on the window ledge and when Harry passed by, she hopped off and started following Harry. Startled, Harry jumped around and aimed his wand at the cat. The cat meowed and started to run off to find Filch.  
“Fuck!” Harry then took his wand and with a quick flip of his wrist cast a charm that darkened the entire hall. Now, Harry was completely dependent on the light of the moon. He quickly began walking towards the end of the corridor, but then something else caught his attention. Harry quickly hid himself behind a column and prayed that whoever it was that wasn't too far behind wasn't seeking him out. 
The moment that Snape turned the moonlit corner, his sense heightened. There was this eerie sensation he felt that he had not ever sensed before and it was so very enticing. Snape walked up the hall, opposite from a panicking figure, and inspected every nook and cranny until he sighed and decided to pass the sensation off as paranoia due to the sudden darkness. And then there was a moment just a second later in which Snape was sure that the darkness had swathed around a secret so well hidden before that Snape had not taken the adequate attention to what was lurking just beyond his sense of sight. Snape turned and started down the opposite end of the hall, and then a figure not so steady betrayed its whereabouts with the slightest imperfect stillness. Snape stopped where he was and turned a suspicious eye to the object of his hunt. A quick scrutiny of the scene and Snape could easily detect another's presence lurking about aimlessly. Perhaps a student out of bed for there was no member of the faculty that would creep about the vicinity in such a maladroit sense. Snape steadily walked towards the figure hidden behind the rectangular column and his robe silently wisped across the stoned floor. When the man turned the corner, he had half hoped to get his frustrations out by deducting points from some sorry house and was utterly let down when his eyes distinguished his victim; his juvenile deliquesce. “Potter….” 
“Fifty points for being out after hours and a week's detention is suspect?” 
Here was Harry leaning before him against a stoned pillar; trapped between the solid background and Snape's quivering body. Snape could have hastily dismissed the situation by simply complying with Harry's word, but just as easily, he could have his Harry now. In short, there was no simple way out of this in Snape's mercurial mind other than long, overdue endearments for the one he missed so much. “Where have you been?” were the only words that could escape from Snape. 
“Busy as always.” 
Snape skeptically raised his brow. “You'd do well not to tell me that bullshit,” Snape's hands came swiftly from resting by his side to pin his Harry against the stoned pillar. Harry gasped but allowed himself to be trapped. He didn't have the will to tell himself to just walk away while he had the chance, nor did he have the will to restrain Snape's matchless strength. “Ten points from Gryffindor,” said Snape softly as he leaned into his Harry. 
“Just ten points, sir?” 
There were no rumormongers around to take in the tense scene and then blurt it out to the entire school the following morning. There wasn't a single soul there to witness the moment. Only Snape and Harry remained there in silence to contemplate their possible choices as they gazed into each others' threatening eyes. Snape dared Harry not to look away and Harry dared Snape not to move an inch closer. Whosever will was stronger, though, would have his way.  
“Who's there?!”  
Snape slowly broke eye contact from Harry to redirect his authoritarian death glare towards the moment killer.  
Filch came around with a lantern in his hand and Mrs. Norris right behind him. Filch was about to demand who was there again, but when he noticed who was behind the column, he bit back his tongue, “Oh, sorry for the disturbance,” he nodded towards Snape and didn't even glance at Harry, “Come, Mrs. Norris.” Just as quickly as he came, Filch left with his cat. 
Quickly, Snape turned back towards Harry. “Are you going to let me go?” asked Harry. 
“I'd sooner die,” Snape then leaned in so that his forehead was lightly pressing against Harry's.  
Harry swallowed deeply and then placed his hands on Snape's shoulders. If he only had the will, he could've easily shoved Snape away. Snape's hands were holding him lightly… almost hesitantly. It was as if Snape was asking permission from Harry before advancing any further and the lack of a protest was only urging Snape on. When a minute was up and Snape did not feel Harry putting up a fight, Snape decided to take things into his hands. 
Attentively, Snape's hands tended to the youth's soft, silky skin along his neck. Magically, his ambidextrous fingers caressed and stimulated a missed sensation against Harry's skin. Harry willingly allowed himself to get lost in the moment and moaned obligingly for Snape. “Whatever means inclined you to evade our tryst, please reconsider.” 
“Severus…,” Harry's hand came around to still Snape's probing one. Harry then looked the older wizard in the eye and held his glance. Harry no longer had the will to betray his feelings; but was now rendering to give way to deepest urges. “Kiss me.” 
Snape was about to, but then a thought struck at him. “Do you fancy the notion of being publicly exposed? Do you rather that I mark you while there is, perchance, peering eyes of rumormongers waiting… just lurking behind the crevices that would so willingly give way to newfound rumours?” 
If it meant that Snape would enrapture Harry in ecstasy, then he didn't give a flying arse about his possible audience. In fact, the notion almost thrilled him. “You're such a tease.” 
“And you like playing hard to get,” Snape said, his voice almost as cold as the frozen lake.  
“Can't I be?” 
Firmly, Snape responded, “No.” The mood had suddenly changed and Harry could sense Snape's anger. “You are mine, Harry James Potter. I shouldn't have to try so hard to get you to come to me when I want to see you.” 
“Well, I've been busy lately. My whole world does not revolve around─” 
Before Harry could finish his sentence, Snape's lips covered Harry's and the boy just whimpered upon impact. When Snape's lips began moving urgently against Harry's, the erotic sensation went straight to his groin. The inevitable sensations were nearly aggressive in the way Snape's lips rubbed up against Harry, forcing the boy to turn his head in odd angles; in the way Snape's lips brutally pushed down on Harry, yet it all was greatly welcomed by Harry. Before Snape could really get into the kiss, Harry was long gone. The boy had even opened his mouth in attempt to signal to Snape to allow his tongue to pass through, but the man would not comply. He didn't think that Harry deserved such caresses on his part. “Pleassse, Sir.” 
Snape reduced the aggressive kisses to small pecks, “What makes you think you deserve that?” 
Harry leaned back on the wall and his head clumsily rolled to the side. “I'm your fiancé.” 
Just slightly agitated, Snape leaned in and whispered into Harry's ear, “And you better start acting like one.” 
Harry turned his head and glared at Snape. “I haven't done anything.” 
It was far too dark to see that hurt reaction expressed over Harry's face, but Snape could clearly hear the offense in Harry's voice. “Exactly, my boy. You are my fiancé, so do not feel hesitant when putting trust in me. I am not ignorant, Harry, I notice things and rather quickly. There is something bothering you and you refuse to take it up with me.” 
“There's nothing.” 
“There is, and if you continue to hold back your tongue, then I may just have to probe for information myself.” 
“NO!” Harry quickly said. 
“Legilimens is a truly, wonderful spell; allowing the caster to delve deep into the mind of the victim to see its many memories and hidden emotions,” Snape's fingers held onto Harry's chin, forcing Harry to only look at Snape, “What are you hiding from me?” 
“So then, there must be something.” 
“Alright!” Harry humbly said, “It's a secret and I don't want to spoil it.” 
Snape carefully speculated Harry's eyes, then said, “Fine.” He then leaned in and kissed Harry again. There just wasn't an end to how much Snape enjoyed kissing his little fiancé. “Allow me to escort you back to your dorm then.” Harry nodded then took Snape by the hand.
When they had finally reached the entrance to the Gryffindor dormitory, Snape turned Harry around, held Harry's hand tightly, and asked, “Will you come to see me Friday night?” 
Harry could only imagine what Snape was planning, and that just made Harry want to go all the more. “If I can get away.” 
Snape could hear doubt in Harry's voice and it filled Snape with uneasiness. “Please come to see me before I depart for my next mission.” 
Harry's ear twitched. “You've been called, haven't you?” 
“Yes, and since I am not scheduled to return at any specific date, I wish to see you privately before I depart.” 
Harry nodded then he raised himself on his tiptoes and kissed Snape just for a moment before he stepped back. “Good night,” said Harry before he whispered the password and disappeared into the Gryffindor dorm. 
When Harry entered the dorm, Hermione was the only student awake. She was waiting for Harry by the hearth looking rather eager and yet… annoyed. “Well, I guess that explains where you've been.” 
Harry managed a frail smirk. “You didn't have to wait for me. I'm old enough to take care of myself.” 
“I'm glad to see that you've at least acknowledged Snape's existence.” 
“Well, it's kind of hard to forget a fellow like him.” 
“That's not what I mean, Harry, and you know that.” 
“Fine. So I've been ignoring him… just a bit.” 
Just a bit?” Hermione frowned, “What's wrong, Harry? Please don't say that you're back to stage one.” 
“It's complicated.” 
“Everything's complicated with you! But can you imagine how Snape must feel?” 
Harry just lowered his head in shame. He didn't want to talk anymore; at least not about Snape. “Everything will work out in the end,” Harry tried to assure Hermione. 
“For your sake and Snape's, I sure do hope so,” Hermione gave Harry a warm hug, “Night then. I expect that you will be heading to bed soon too. We have a big exam tomorrow.” 
The following day was not as smooth as Harry intended it to be. He had planned to let Snape go without any formal parting wishes, because he wanted to force himself to believe that if he lets Snape go without saying anything, then maybe the man will try hard and come back to him soon. However, his conscience wouldn't allow him to believe anything other than the cruel truth. Harry didn't want Snape to take any notice to the ring's sudden absence. Such a dreadful thing would most definitely distract Snape.  
But, the sudden absence was a nuisance on Harry's part too. It made Harry's finger feel not so much lighter as bare.  
So, when the school day was over, and dinner was nearly finished, Harry was sitting slouched over and gazing at his cold finger while he waited for Dumbledore to dismiss the entire hall. Hermione and Ron were too busy talking with Neville to pay Harry any mind. But as the clocked ticked and the time for dismissal approached, Harry restlessly rocked in his seat and kept on fiddling with his lonesome finger. Then, Harry could feel someone's eyes, most definitely Snape's eyes, burning into his flesh, trying to allure Harry's gaze to his own. Alas, Harry refused to acknowledge Snape's existence. He didn't want to explain anything to Snape, or at least not until his return.  
But then again, news like that would just be a slap in the face. 
What irrational being wouldn't mind returning to a lover and finding out that their lover is seriously considering break up? 
“What am I doing?” Harry asked himself, and then suddenly the students around him began to get up and exit the Great Hall. “This is my chance.” 
Harry figured that it was now or never. If he looked back now, then maybe he would see a desperate Snape trying to catch up with him, or perhaps, a confused fellow. Either way, Harry tried to duck below the crowd as best as he could in order to avoid Snape's gaze. 
“I'm so sorry,” Harry mumbled to himself as he snuck out of the Great Hall. 
Much later on that night, Harry was in his dorm pacing himself back and forth as the rest of the Gryffindor boys slept soundlessly. Sleep had not and would not come to him. Guilt was plaguing his conscience. If he could just go to Snape now, then maybe everything would clear up. 
In Snape's quarters, the wizard was preparing tea for two while Angelus slept on the couch. Snape wanted to tell Harry something very special before he had to leave, but it was nearing midnight, and if Harry didn't get to his quarters by then, then Snape will not be able to have his tryst. 
In Harry's dorm, the boy finally managed to settle down in his bed. The clock was ticking louder than ever, but not as vociferously as his niggling conscience. “Snape…. Severus….” Harry grabbed his pillow and hoped to God that Snape would forgive him. 
Snape, on the other hand, watched the clocked impatiently and frowned. Why hadn't Harry arrived? He was supposed to have shown up nearly two hours ago. What had gone wrong? Practically every faculty member knew that Snape wanted to see Harry before he departed, so none of the faculty member should've stopped him.   
Finally the clock struck midnight, but Snape refused to give up hopes. Harry wouldn't forget about their meeting, would he? 
Harry snuggled into his pillow and looked out towards the yellow moon. It was blurry and it made Harry's head hurt all the more just like this dilemma he had gotten himself into. “I love you, Severus,” the words had no warmth to them, but a chilly coldness, yet even still, there was something inside that small phrase that made something inside of Harry snap. 
It was twenty minutes pass midnight, and still there was no Harry. Snape sighed and whispered a sealing spell on quarter's door. No one was to enter now. Snape then stood up and managed and unsteady gait to his bedroom all the while trying to come to a reasonable conclusion regarding Harry's sudden absence. Why must he go without seeing his Harry once more?
A/N: Yes, Harry is being a little prat.