Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ In Harry's Hands (Part 1) ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Won't You Please Stay With Me?
A/N: K, because I'm not likely to update again for a while, I decided to give everyone a super long chapter. I enjoy these… sometimes…. Once in a while writing them is a pain in the arse. Anyways, so far Harry is definitely considering postponing the marriage until a later time, but remember that Snape doesn't know about Harry's intentions. Snape did leave for battle in the last chapter, and I will briefly touch that, but I'd rather not make war the main dish of this chapter. My prime focus is, bluntly, on how Snape and Harry will get together.
WARNINGS: THERE IS EXPLICIT CONTENT AHEAD! YOU HAVE BEEN WARNED! I will not alert you in the middle of the chapter when the scene comes, because it annoys me and some other readers when an author does that.
Chapter 16: “In Harry's Hands (Part One)”
There was only a split second between the time Snape had to fire the curse and then duck for cover. In just a second, Snape will have reached the point between life and death, yet the man was as calm and composed as a spider that waits for his prey upon his web. Behind the crumbled pillar, Snape stood and help his wand tightly. He listened vigilantly with delicate care; the slightest sound would indicate that there was another lurking near by.
Then there was the sound of rolling rocks. Someone had slipped. Instantly, Snape turned around just as a flash of light was coming at him. Instantaneously, Snape bellowed, “Avada Kedavra!”
Then slowly, all light faded.
“Severuss…, awake,” a dark hiss demanded, “You've been out for three days… How do you feel, my loyal servant?”
There were uneasy rumblings in the background that were quickly silenced… then started up again. It was unnerving quietude between the eerie echoes.
When Snape did open his eyes, he stared into nothing but darkness. “My Lord?” Snape looked to the side.
A green light flared and Voldemort's image was apparent, “Severusss, you're alive.”
Snape fought the sleep that lingered in his eyes, “Yes.”
“I thought that you'd be dead.” Snape was about to sit up, but Voldemort anticipated it and instead he pressed his skeletal like hands against Snape's chest, forcing the man to remain as he was. “Your body went way beyond its limits to keep you alive. Rest a while, won't you?” Voldemort grinned.
Snape relaxed beneath Voldemort's hands and Voldemort's nail began tracing Snape's bloody arm, “You killed the Auror. Your aim is precise. `Tis a same that so few of my Death Eaters are so well disciplined. I'd love to keep you at my side... always.”
Snape whispered, “It'd be an honor to serve at your side.”
“However, who else would I send to Hogwarts to spy for me? I haven't asked for any reports lately, but now I must know. How goes the old fool?”
“Dumbledore seeks to prepare an army as we speak.”
“Of what? Aurors? There are none that you can't handle alone.”
Snape grinned and so did Voldemort, “Severus, how is the golden boy?”
Snape closed his eyes for a second. Any longer and Voldemort would have become skeptical of Snape's loyalties. “He poses no threat.”
“Yet,” said Voldemort, “But in time, if I do not kill him, he will be a nuisance.”
“I'd be difficult to bring Harry to you.”
Voldemort's sinister grin just widened, “Of course. If Harry ever went missing, then the entire Wizarding world would be on my arse. I'd rather kill him in battle, before everyone's eyes. No one would question my powers ever again.”
Behind the crumbling pillars, several lingering shadows moved stealthily through. Their foot placements, precise. Their maneuverings, flawless. They worked individually, trying to get as close to Voldemort as they could before their whereabouts were discovered.
Quick hand gestures beckoned to others to move forwards. If they could just inch in a bit more, then they could have a fair shot.
“Severus, what is it that wanders into these plains of ruins?”
Severus scrutinized Voldemort's grin. “Aurors,” said the wizard.
“Precisely,” Voldemort looked up and took out his wand. “Pesky, insolent wizards trying my patience.”
Just as the Aurors positioned themselves to take their shots, Voldemort turned, held up his wand, and declared in a rasp voice, “I will show you no mercy. You will all die here, together.”
“Harry, come quickly!!” Neville shouted as soon as he entered the Gryffindor common
“What's the matter?” asked Ron who was nearly scared out of his wits. “You look terrified.”
“Snape! He's back! Harry, come quickly!”
Harry didn't need to be told twice. He dashed out of that room so fast that anyone would've thought that Voldemort had tried to grab him from behind.
Out in the halls, Harry raced as fast as he could over to the infirmary. However, this time, unlike before, there wasn't a mass of students gathered outside. Hell, there wasn't even one. The doors were closed and a sign was posted out that read `Closed'.
Determined, Harry beat the door with his fist, “Let me in!” He demanded from outside then slammed his fist against the door a few more times.
Harry could hear feet pacing towards him. He stepped back and them McGonagall opened the door, “What's with all the rackets?”
“Let me in.”
McGonagall stepped back, “He's here, headmaster.”
Dumbledore smiled, “Harry, `fraid to tell you that Severus will need some rest. Now, you are welcomed to stay here, but you must let Severus be for a while.”
Harry walked over to Snape, expecting the usual bruises and blisters only to be baffled when he did not see a single one anywhere on Snape's exposed skin. Curious to see if it was true, Harry reached out only to have his hand slapped away by McGonagall. “You are not to disturb him. On the outside, he may appear unharmed, but there are several internal damages that will need serious tending to, and we cannot help Severus until he has awakened. In the meantime, Pomfrey went out to fetch a few potions.”
Harry nodded and sat down on the stool by Snape's bedside. “He'll be alright though, won't he?”
“A few Aurors ambushed Voldemort and Snape when they had their guards down. Naturally, they chased after Voldemort and a few attacked Severus, who already was in a critical state. Luckily though, one Auror recognized Severus and brought him to us before he could sustain any more injuries.”
“What would've happened if he didn't recognize Severus?”
Dumbledore looked around the room as if an easier explanation was plastered to the walls, but finally he said bluntly, “They would've killed him.”
Harry dropped his head and then Madam Pomfrey entered the room and quickly stated, “McGonagall, there are some hexed students in your office. They need help. Dumbledore, you have a visitor from the Ministry. Best be on your way. I'll deal with Severus and Potter.”
McGonagall left and Dumbledore followed shortly after he pasted Harry a hesitant look.
When the door closed, Harry asked, “Were you telling the truth, or were you just trying to get rid of them?”
“Both. They are needed, and I need them out. I can't work when others are swarming around the place.”
“What about me then?”
“I could tell you now that Voldemort was raiding the joint, but I bet that not even that would get you to leave Severus' side.”
Harry shook his head.
“Might as well get comfy. Severus isn't due to wake up anytime soon, but in the mean time, I have a few potions to prepare for him,” said Pomfrey as she started pulling out pots and test tubes.
“Whichever… Just as long as I'm able to stay here with him.”
Madam Pomfrey placed her hands on his hips and then asked, “How long was Snape gone this time `round?”
“Two and a half weeks.”
Late at night, when Pomfrey had left and the infirmary was empty, Harry had fallen asleep on his chair with his head resting on the bed. An owl was hooting outside, and a potion was bubbling next to Snape for him to take as soon as he awakens. Then, there the Potion Master began to stir. Harry immediately woke up and stood up so suddenly that his chair fell back, which sent echoes through the room. “Severus?”
Snape opened his eyes, then winced, “AH!” The internal pain was ripping through him. Severus hissed and gripped the sheets until his knuckles turned white and his hands shook.
Harry spontaneously grabbed the potion that Pomfrey left, then while lifting Snape up just a bit, he pressed the tube against Snape's lips and began to empty its liquids into Snape's mouth. Snape drank willingly, then began to pant. He closed his eyes tightly as he felt the potion work magic on him, then he began to calm down. “Are you alright?” Harry asked anxiously.
Snape began to take long and slow breaths before he managed a painful, “Unfortunately for you, I'll live.”
Suddenly, Harry extended his arms and wrapped them possessively around Snape's trembling body. He held the man as if his embrace was the only thing keeping him alive. “I'm glad,” he whispered.
“Pardon?” asked Snape, completely flabbergasted by the sudden gesture of affection, “I didn't quite catch that.”
Harry suddenly grinned then quickly jumped onto the bed and straddled Snape's waist. Snape gasped, and Harry just stared into Snape's obsidian eyes. “You were gone for two weeks…”
Snape kept quiet to see where Harry was going with this.
“And… I…. I….”
“You what?” Snape urged on.
“I missed you….”
“Did you now?” Snape was stunned to say the least.
“…Yes…. Did you miss me too?”
Snape extended his arm and his hand gracefully caressed Harry's cheek. His honesty may edge Harry on, but denying his feelings may push Harry even further away. “Very much,” Snape admitted in an almost inaudible whisper.
Harry then leaned over and snuggled his face into Snape's porcelain neck. Unable restrain himself any longer, Snape rearranged Harry so that his most tempting neck only hovered above his lips at the perfect angel. Unrushed, yet longed for, Snape smothered rough kisses all along Harry's neck; searching desperately for that one spot that would make Harry whimper. When Harry's hands clenched onto Snape's shoulder, Snape bit and licked the soft skin while his hands mercilessly caressed Harry's back.
When Snape pulled away, he held Harry's gaze until Harry felt utterly uncomfortable, yet the man never looked away. “Harry…,” he leaned in painfully slow and then brushed his lips against Harry. A little bewildered, Harry wanted to ask what Snape was trying to elicit, but was stopped short when Snape pressed his lips against Harry's and held still for a few moments. When Snape pulled away and held Harry against his warm body, Harry figured that albeit Snape may never verbally admit his feelings, he will try to convey them by physical means.
Snape then rested on his left side and pulled Harry into rest on his right. Smiling, Harry reached for Snape's hand, then turned utterly pale. Snape's eyes were lingering on Harry's left ring finger. He had finally taken notice to the absence of the engagement ring. Snape then shifted so that he was leaning against his right arm, “The ring…,” Snape took Harry's left hand in his and stroked the bare skin. Snape tried to remain as calm as possible in order to assure Harry that he wasn't angry, but it was more than evident that Harry was frightened for the anticipated ferocity. “Where's the ring?” Snape asked as softly as he could muster.
“I put it away…,” Harry responded as he turned away in shame.
“I… I don't think I can marry you.”
In his attempt to hold back a gasp, Snape choked and coughed.
Harry winced and tried to pull back a little.
“I don't love you that way, Snape. I can't marry someone I don't love.”
What?” Snape spat while narrowing his eyes.
“I thought that at one point, I was falling for you, but it was lust… not love. I can't continue to do that to someone like you.”
(“That's a goddamn lie, Harry, and you know it!”) Harry's conscience bellowed.
Snape's quivering lips moved like they wanted to say something, but all in all, Snape was utterly speechless.
“I gave you a chance, Snape, just like what you wanted. But it didn't work. Anyways, it's too dangerous for us to be together.”
Snape bit his lower lip in fury.
“What if Voldemort found out and used it against you?!”
Harry could've sworn that he felt his heart tear and bleed as he watched pain spread across Snape's face.
Then, just when Harry was about to add more to the already bleeding wound, Snape said in a dangerously low tone, “You've said enough, Potter. Get. Out. Of. My. Sight.”
Harry quickly fled from the room before Snape considered killing the foolish adolescence. Too much had been said at once, and now, if anything, Harry was going to pay dearly for it.
The next morning, Dumbledore decided to pay Snape a visit. After he collected a few sweets, he walked into the infirmary, hoping to find Snape resting peacefully, and clothed. Surely Snape wasn't into the kinky stuff late at night when he was alone with Harry.
Dumbledore spotted Snape asleep with his back turned towards the door, and Harry was no where to be seen. “Good morning, Severus. How are you feeling?”
Snape turned around and took in a deep breath. “I had a rough night. I think I need more rest.”
“Don't worry about it. We've already made arrangements for a substitute. Hopefully you will feel better by tomorrow. Madam Pomfrey suggested that we move you into your quarters so that you can sleep undisturbed… except for meals of course.”
Snape nodded and smiled to himself.
Dumbledore raised his brow suspiciously, “Something has happened.”
“No… nothing, headmaster.”
Dumbledore decided to dismiss his observation. “Rest up, Severus. You need every bit of sleep you can get.”
By the next hour, Snape had been moved down into his quarters and was sitting on his bed, holding the list of eligible wizards and witches that he had received back in July. His finger ran down along the list and back up. Every now and then, new names appeared and others vanished. “I've had all I can take from Potter,” Snape whispered, “Perhaps another will suit me better.”
Snape pulled out the full package and flipped through the papers. He searched for the annulment of an official engagement. When he found it, he pulled it out and read the fine print:
In order to fulfill an annulment, both must
find another potential spouse and produce
legal signatures on the following document.
Then a witness and the Minister of Magic
must sign beneath the signatures before
the two year deadline.
Didn't sound too complicated. It was explaining to Dumbledore that Harry refused to marry him that would take some work. Signing to himself, he knew that this week was going to take a lot out of him; between setting an appointment for the Minister to come, convincing Dumbledore that a marriage between him and Harry would fail, and trying to find Harry another suitor while he still wanted to be with him, which knowingly, will be downright excruciating… it would be heartbreaking.
Glancing over at the owl sitting on the far window, Snape began to write a quick note, then passed it to the owl. “To the Minister of Magic.”
“Harry, you have to eat breakfast!” Hermione demanded as she tried to get Harry to come out of the boy's dorm.
“NO! Go away!” Harry bellowed from inside.
Hermione, Ron, Neville, and Dean all winced. “What's eating him?” asked Dean.
“Harry, please, won't you tell us what's wrong?” asked Ron.
“I fucked up, ok?! Now go away!”
Neville and Dean walked away, “Well, good luck trying to convince him. Sounds like he'll kill you if you go in there.”
“Just give him some time,” Neville proposed.
Ron and Hermione nodded to each other, “We'll bring you back some food for when you get hungry,” said Hermione before they left.
Harry didn't respond. He waited until they were gone, then he screamed into his pillow. Why the hell was he so stupid?! He shouldn't have done that… Snape would never take him back now. “Why did I hurt him?”
Perhaps, Neville was right. Given some time, maybe Harry's heart will mend… and hopefully, Snape's too. Someday, maybe, Harry will meet someone else; someone good looking who has a great sense of humor. Someone who'll make him feel special.
Perhaps, someone dark… mysterious… tall… with silky black hair… entrancing black eyes… a wizard who takes on dangerous tasks….
Maybe, there really was no other for Harry.
But the world was such a huge place… surely there would always be others. However, there would be none other like Severus Snape.
Later that evening, Harry was still in his little ball resting on his bed when Ron came in. He saw Harry and squinted. What was Harry doing? “Harry? You alright?”
Harry opened his eyes, then hissed. They had swelled up and stung terribly from all the crying he had been doing. “Ron?”
Harry made the mistake of looking over his bed. Now that Ron had seen his swollen eyes and tear stained cheeks, he couldn't help but want to know what was eating at his best bud. “Hey, you alright?” Ron asked as he came around to sit by Harry's side.
Harry shook his head. There was no use lying to Ron. Soon enough, he would find out. Hell, everyone would find out. “I just messed up a little. Big deal. I do it all the time.”
“Well, sometimes you do mess up, but it's never left you this upset. What did you do this time `round?”
Harry shook his head. “I don't want to talk about it.”
“Come on. We're best buds. You can tell me anything. I'll try to help if I can.”
“No, Ron. This one is different. This time, it really was my fault.”
Ron raised his brow, then looked around the room. “Does it have something to do with Snape?”
How the boy guessed was far beyond Harry. “Yes.”
“Did you pass up something?”
“Did you two get into another argument about you cheating on him when you really weren't?”
“Kind of…, but not really.”
“What? Did Colin try something on you, and did Snape catch you?”
“No. Nothing like that.”
“Then what? Did you make him angry?”
Harry nodded vigorously.
“Hmm,” Ron scratched his chin, “Did you tell him something that you really shouldn't have said?”
“I'd take it back now, but maybe it's for the best.”
“Well, whatever it is, I'm sure Snape will forgive you.”
“He doesn't forgive and forget…”
“I'll be alright,” Ron awkwardly reached around Harry's body and attempted to hug the lad.
Two seconds later and Harry said, “Ron, you're scaring me.”
“Oh, k. Sorry,” Ron pulled away.
“I… I told Snape some pretty hurtful things… Bloody hell, I wouldn't want to be with me after I said that.”
“Then go apologize!” Ron told Harry. “You don't do that to someone and then walk away!”
“Give me a few days. I need to recover and so does he… We just need a little time from each other before either of us has the strength to see the other.”
Ron grinned then suggested, “Then why don't you come with me and a few of the blokes? We're going to ditch to see this new action movie that just came out starring the famous celebrity wizard Leo Astro.”
Didn't sound like a bad idea, “Is Hermione going to come with us?”
“Nah. She'll never ditch,” Ron flipped his wrist and shook his head.
“K, then. But, you sure we won't be caught?”
“'Course not. Sirius is going to help us.”
“Yeah, I wrote to Sirius, and he said that he'd be more than happy to get us out. He told us that he'd used to do that stuff all the time anyways, and it'll be just like old times. He's even dragging Lupin along.”
Harry smiled and nodded. Tomorrow, hopefully was going to be a good day, and if anything, was going to get his mind off a few things.
Early the next day, Ron, Harry, Dean, Seamus, two Slytherin blokes, and one Ravenclaw fellow all snuck out of Hogwarts through the front gates before most of the staff were up. They walked down the dirt path and came across and old and leafless tree. Ron walked up to it and said, “Sirius, we're here.”
An old and shabby black dog crept out from around the tree soon followed by a man dressed in a green suit, “Good morning delinquents.”
“Morning!” they all responded as cheerfully as ever.
“Now, if anyone asks, you do not attend Hogwarts. You are from a Spanish wizard academy enjoying your only day off from actual studying. Now, come along. This four hour movie will start in about two hours and before then, I'd like to have some breakfast.”
The group of boys only spent an hour chomping down some eggs, pancakes, and eggy bread in Missy Mopsy's Breakfast shop in Hogsmeade. As soon as they had paid the bill, they all headed over to the theatre where they, by no surprise, had to wait in an extremely long queue that stretched all the way to the back of the building. “Bloody hell. We're going to be in line for hours,” Ron moaned as he followed his group of friends to the back.
Harry rolled his eyes and followed only until someone grabbed his shoulder. Harry gasped and turned around. He expected his aggressor to have been a professor, not a fellow student, “Didn't expect to see your ugly arse here.”
Malfoy was there as well along with ten other Slytherins. Both blokes and girls. What made it all worse was that they were rather close to the front. When the hell did they sneak out? “Bugger off,” Harry demanded as he tried to get away. He was in no mood to fight.
“Pussy,” Malfoy dismissed as he turned away.
As Harry walked over to his fellow mates, Ron and Sirius shook their heads, “Why am I not surprised?” Lupin commented.
“Because that two-faced son of a death eater is everywhere Harry goes.”
After thirty minutes tedious minutes, the queue began to move. Ron never looked so thankful, and the rest of the group were about to burst with joy. Sirius preoccupied with talking to Remus while furtively trying to hold onto his hand. It was kind of cute to Harry to see his godfather acting affectionate with Harry's former Dark Arts teacher. Harry smiled then turned around as they headed into the building.
Most of the boys broke off to purchase some snacks and beverages, but a couple went in to save some seats. The theatre was already packed with… blokes. There wasn't a single girl in sight… except for the few Slytherins. “Over here, Harry!” Ron signaled to Harry as he directed the other boys.
When everyone had taken their seats, trailers were barely being featured. Immediately to Harry's right, Harry noticed Remus and Sirius moving their hands closer to each other. After one trailer passed, they were holding pinkies. Harry fought the urge to giggle. Holding pinkies just didn't seem manly enough for a dog and a werewolf.
Once the lights dimmed more so than before, everyone hushed down and the movie opened with a dark background.
Potions class had begun, but there must've been at least six students missing. Snape was sitting at his desk staring at all the empty seats. Where on earth could those students have ventured off to? To make matters worse, both Potter and Malfoy were absent. “Ms. Granger,” Snape called from across the room.
“Yes, professor,” Hermione responded.
“Do you, by chance, know the whereabouts of any of your classmates?”
Hermione shook her head.
“Really? Pity,” Snape also noticed that Pansy and Weasley were missing. Odd sort of bunch to be missing. Crabbe and Goyle as well as Dean and Seamus were also missing from the lot. “Hmmm, more than six students are missing.” Most of them did seem the type.
“Perhaps they're all sick,” Hermione proposed.
“Or all playing hooky,” Snape frowned, “Open to page seven-hundred and sixty-four. Your potion need not be a bubbly purple, but it must be boiling by the end of class or you do not get any credit.”
After his quick announcement, Snape retreated to his office. Perhaps Dumbledore knew something about his student's absences. The fact that both Potter and Malfoy were missing pinched his nerve.
Back in the theatre, after nearly two hours, there was a tender pause in the movie as the star actor graciously courted a beautiful witch. Out on a meadow close to an old, abandoned barn, the wizard kissed the witch and then brought her down with him onto the tall grass. The moon was full and zenith from the couple. The scene seemed too idealistic and opportune to be true, yet, something stirred in Harry as he watched the wizard undress the alacritous witch. “Make love to me,” said the witch. Pity Snape wasn't there to cuddle with Harry.
Then, a soft moan was emitted from Harry's immediate right. Looking over furtively, Harry saw that Sirius had covered Remus' ear with his hands, like he was trying to tell Remus a secret, but the needy look portrayed on Remus' face betrayed the misleading set up.
Harry looked away and closed his eyes. He could hear the loud moans from the witch on the screen and the soft whimpers of pleasure from Remus beside him. Then, there was the sound of passionate lips meeting in a heated kiss on screen and that entrancing click it makes when the lips are pulled apart, and to Harry, they sounded no different than when Snape's lips would kiss then pull away from Harry's. Rolling his head back, Harry closed his eyes and his breathing became lengthy. He missed Snape's virile hands touching and stroking his skin the way the wizard in the movie was doing to that witch. He missed the Potion Master's warm lips claiming Harry and forcing Harry into submission. But most of all, he missed the man's inimitable, sonorous voice. “Severus…”
Remus and Sirius both heard Harry. They looked over at the boy. He wasn't watching the movie attentively like everyone else was. He was relishing in his own fantasy. “I think Harry misses Severus,” Remus smiled.
“My godson has a boner,” Sirius looked away, completely disturbed.
Harry had heard Sirius. He looked down and sure enough, beneath his pant stood tall and proud his other member. “Shit,” quickly standing, Harry tried to cover his pants as he fled to the closest lavatory. He knew he should've brought a jumper.
Luckily, there were three lavatories next to each other and none were in use. Harry locked himself in the far left one then turned towards the toilet. He wasn't accustomed to masturbating in public lavatories, but seeing his situation, he didn't have much of a choice. He reluctantly unzipped his pants and reached into his boxers and as soon as his fingers graced his length, an electric sensation dispersed throughout his body and in his mind, for only a moment, he fancied his hand being Snape's. “..MN!”
Harry released his cock and opened his eyes. He couldn't do this. He couldn't think of Snape and stroke himself… or could he? Positioning himself over the toilet, Harry grasped a hold of himself once again and spontaneously thrust into his fist. He moaned again and threw his head back. His eyelids were shut light, and already there was sweat coming down along his cheek. He was warm and his knees were weak. In his mind, he saw Snape coming over to him, standing behind Harry and whispering incomprehensible words. “What?” Harry caught himself mumbling.
He wanted to hear Snape's words… but since he really wasn't there, Harry fancied his professor saying, (You are mine, Harry. All of you… even this…”)
Harry squeezed himself tighter and his thumb circled over the head. Harry gasped and pressed his right hand against the cold, stone wall to steady himself, “Severus... I love your voice…”
(“Press yourself against me.”)
But that wasn't possible, and Harry almost found himself pressing himself back into nothing. What he was imaging was so real. He could've sworn that he almost felt Snape's hot chest pressed against his back and that alone was like a heat wave washing over him. Then Harry threw his head forwards and he stroked himself a little faster. (“Let me satisfy you, Harry.”)
“…un…Ahh…,” the voice was so real, the heat washing over him almost felt like it was coming from another, and Harry's repeated movements, the forceful, handful he had on himself was slowly becoming Snape's hands. But… what was it really like to be petted by his fiancé? Oh, just imaging Snape kneeling before Harry like he was his lord and master drove Harry wild, but fantasying about a more realistic Snape, who would have Harry pressed against a wall, or better, against a bed, weighed down by Snape's weight threw Harry over the edge. He felt every bit of himself come alive, and then he fantasized Snape breathing against his neck, kissing him softly, (“Come for me, Harry.”)
Harry braced himself as he imagined one more picture, then emptied everything he had into the toilet. (“Never forget who you belong to. I love you, Harry.”)
“I love you too, Severus…”
“Apparently, they aren't in their dorms,” said Dumbledore, “Perhaps they really did ditch,” Dumbledore giggled and took a bite out of his scone.
Snape narrowed his eyes and crossed his arms, “I couldn't careless about the others, it's knowing that both Potter and Malfoy are out there… loose. Merlin knows what Malfoy could do to Potter when given the chance.”
“Harry's alright,” Dumbledore's eye sparkled, “In fact, he's more than alright.”
Snape raised his brow, “What are you on about?”
Dumbledore picked up an extra scone then offered it to Snape. “Harry should be back shortly.”
“Where'd you run off to?” Ron asked as the group left the theatres.
“I had to take care of something,” Harry blushed.
Remus smiled fondly at Harry while Sirius tried to ignore what had just happened. He could smell the evident odor off of Harry and it made Sirius feel extremely uncomfortable.
As they approached Hogwarts, Harry was lagging behind. He was still thinking of Snape and how much he really did want to stay with him. “Hey, Harry, hurry up!” Ron shouted from over his shoulder.
Harry nodded then sped up a bit. He did want to stay with Snape, regardless of what they would have to endure. Together, they could get through anything. “I'll have to talk with Severus,” Harry said to Ron once he caught up.
Ron smiled approvingly, “Good choice, mate.”
Once they entered Hogwarts, Remus and Sirius each hugged Harry, then they said their farewells before they took off. Now the boys were on their own. They scattered incase a professor came out of nowhere, that way, not too many points would be taken.
“So, when are you going to talk to Snape?” asked Ron.
“Tomorrow… I can't today… it's still too soon, but I miss him.”
Ron gripped Harry's shoulder and nodded, “Whenever you're ready.”
A/N: This chapter happened to have been divided into two parts, this being the first. I could have just left them as they were, but then the chapter might've been like 30 pages long.
A/N2: Ok, I have no idea whether or not you guys/girls prefer realistic sexual scenes or the idealistic kind. I know that some prefer the ones that may make you feel a little uncomfortable because of detail and such stuff, but then there are those who prefer the idealistic kind in which everyone is perfect, everything is perfect, and nothing goes wrong. I want to see how many people prefer realistic graphic scenes and how many prefer the idealistic graphic scenes, so please include that in your review if you feel like it.
Also, feel free to elaborate on what you like in a slash/yaoi/sex scene.