Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ In Harry’s Hands (Part 2) ( Chapter 17 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Won't You Please Stay With Me?
A/N: Thank you to all who reviewed. I've been working super fast to bring you the second part. This will be the final chapter before I post a chapter that will answer almost all your questions and concerns, but it will not be the last chapter. I don't know how long I'm going to make this fic, because there are some things I would like to touch on, but they don't go with the actual plot of this fic. Perhaps I'll make a sequel.
Chapter 17: “In Harry's Hands (Part Two)”
There was a soft knock at Snape's door, but the man was not there. He was away, busy in a meeting and could not attend to his unexpected, uninvited guest.
The visitor knocked again a bit more loudly, then repeated his banging until he decided to let himself in.
When Harry opened the door, the first thing that caught his attention was the odd and crammed décor of papers stacked everywhere. They were on the couch, piling up beside it and behind it. The papers were laid out on the floor in files with pictures of wizards and witches smiling and posing. They were thrown together on the tables and there were even more that appeared untouched on Snape's little table in the back. “What's all this about?” Harry asked to no one specifically as he tried to step over the papers.
Then something caught and held his gaze. It was a letter from the Ministry of Magic and behind it, a large book containing names. Every now and then, new names appeared and others vanished. Harry noticed that some names had circles around it and others had slashes through it. Harry picked up the book and closed it, “The book of eligibles… Severus… what's the meaning of this?”
There was no answer.
“Severus, are you here?”
Once again, nothing responded to his call.
Harry peaked into the kitchen and saw on one. He then wondered down the little hall and peered into every room. Snape wasn't there. Then, he opened the bedroom and poked his head in. Snape wasn't in there either, but there were three files resting on Snape's bed. Harry placed the large book on the dresser then approached the bed. He opened the files and gasped. One was Fred Weasley. The second was George Weasley. And the third was woman named Grace Gale. She was thirty years old and lived in Whales. She had a special interest in potions and even had her own potions shop. However, what surprised Harry the most was that she had short, jet black hair and brilliant green eyes just like Harry. If she was a few years younger, she could've passed as Harry's fraternal twin, otherwise, his mother.
Harry looked at Grace's picture a tad bit longer, then sat on Snape's bed and closed the file. Why were these files here? Was Snape plotting something of some sort?
Harry then picked up Fred's file. It had a picture of him smiling and beneath that it had some personal information about where he was from, what school he attended, and what his occupation was. Harry closed the files then left the room. He had a theory about what the files could be about, but he didn't want to acknowledge it.
Was Snape really going to replace him?
“I don't know what they were for,” said Harry to Hermione and Ron as they all leaned against the bridge.
Hermione held her head up high and enjoyed the wind weaving through her hair. “They were files that contained names and other things, right?”
“Fred and George have a few of those too,” said Ron. “I saw a whole bunch of them when I went to visit him during the Holidays.”
“Did you? Why didn't you tell me?”
“I don't know. The subject never came up.”
“So, what are they for,” asked Hermione.
Ron looked down and shook his head, “Well, now with that new law in place, everyone has to get married, and so when you become legal, you are sent this book called `The Book of Eligibles' and basically, your name along with thousands of others bachelors and bachelorettes are in there. You circle a few names and then a week later, those persons' files come to you in the mail if they haven't already been claimed. You then just have to read over them and select a potential suitor.”
Hermione gasped and Harry looked utterly flabbergasted. “So, unless those files are old, then Snape must be looking for another suitor,” Hermione commented.
“Harry, you better find Snape and talk to him about those files,” Ron gave him one of those your-in-hot-water-now looks.
“What did you do to him? I thought he was happy with you!” said Hermione. “Was my assumption incorrect?”
“We had a pretty bad talk after he returned from his latest mission.”
Hermione felt like slapping Harry, “You idiot, you have it really good! Don't ruin it!”
“It's in Snape's hands, Hermione. If he decides that he can take more bloody bullshit from me, then he'll keep me.”
“You can't have that sort of attitude towards Snape, Harry! You just can't! He loves you!”
(“He loves you.”) “But I don't love him.”
“That's bloody troll shit and you know it!” Hermione shoved Harry against the wall, “Please… just please open your heart to him.”
Towards the end of the day, Harry was walking down the halls when Colin Creevey came out of nowhere and stood right in front of Harry. “Hi Harry,” the boy smiled.
“Hello, Colin.”
“I… um, I wanted to know if you wanted to get a drink with me.”
A drink? “Alcohol isn't allowed in school. You know that. We'll get in trouble.”
“Not that kind of drink. My friend bought some Butterbeers and I wanted to know if you wanted to have one with me.”
Harry was about to nod, but then he spotted Snape coming down the hall. The man's timing was really outstanding. “Perhaps later, Colin. I have some business I need to attend to.”
Colin was about to say something, but then he felt a strong hand grip his shoulder, “Run along, Mr. Creevey.”
Colin looked up and nearly yelped. Snape wasn't looking at him though. His dark eyes were settled on Harry. “A word if you please, Potter.”
Harry nodded and both he and Snape walked away.
In Snape's office, Snape quickly said, “Have a seat. This shouldn't consume much of your time.”
Harry sat down on the chair and immediately, his eyes fell on a small stack of files sitting on Snape's desk. Snape then sat on his desk in front of Harry, blocking the boy's view. He crossed his arms and then looked at Harry as if he had something he needed to say before all of this, but instead he just said, “It's been a while, Potter.”
Harry nodded, “What did you need, Professor?”
Everything was to be strictly business. “I've been thinking a lot about what you said last time we were together.”
Harry nodded and just listened.
“Did you mean it?”
(“No…”) “Every word.”
Snape lowered his head and closed his eyes for a second. “You've made it clear… numerous times that you don't want to be with me, am I wrong?”
“What do you propose we do, Potter?”
“I… I think you should find someone who'll love you.”
Snape then reached behind him and held out four files. “Do you know what these are, Potter?”
Harry shook his head while mentally screaming, (“Get them away!”)
“During the summer, I had only one file reserved and do you know whose file that was?”
Snape took in a deep, unsteady breath of air. “Yes, Potter. I selected you, and would you prefer to know why?”
Snape just smirked and shook his head, “What if I felt that you didn't have the right to?”
“You picked me and never told me why! I think I have the right to know why.”
Snape massaged his temples and then said, “I possess neither the strength nor patience to deal with you today, so please don't yell and lets make this as short as possible. Do you want to stay with me, Harry Potter?”
“What do you mean?”
“This is not the time or place to be daft, Potter. It's a simple question. Do you want to marry me or do you wish to seek another's company?”
“You're giving me a choice?”
Harry looked at the files, “I doubt we'll be happy together.”
“Do you want to stay with me? Yes or no?”
“No,” Harry felt an intense pang slash through his chest.
Snape swallowed and then placed one files back on the desk, “These two files are yours. Being the senior in our relationship, the privilege of choosing a potential spouse for my former suitor has been invested in me,” he handed the two files to Harry, “You must pick from one of them. Better a friend than a total stranger.” It was amazing how Snape was still looking out for Harry even when picking someone to replace himself.
Harry knew exactly who Snape had just offered to him. Two of his best buds. Fred and George. “I think they should have the right to pick their own suitors.”
“Potter, your choices are limited. Be grateful that I didn't pair you off with Draco Malfoy or Pansy Parkinson,” Snape's eyes suddenly appeared very glossy… like he was on the verge of tears.
Harry opened each of the files and then closed them. Snape then snapped his fingers and their engagement certificate appeared. Something was different about it though. The word `void' was printed over the document and in dark, red ink, on the bottom the Minister of Magic had signed the certificate. “What does that mean?”
“Once we sign it, the certificate will become void,” Snape took out a thin razor. “However, it's much more difficult to end something, so our signatures must be signed in our blood so that the Ministry of Magic knows that it wasn't forged.”
Harry gasped then looked more closely at the Minister's signature. It was signed in blood. Harry's hands began to shake and then Snape reached out with the razor in the palm of his hand. He was offering it to Harry… to cut his finger and sign his name away… to end what he had with Snape.
But Harry didn't take the razor. He looked up at Snape who was looking back at him just as intently. It was clear as crystal that Snape didn't want Harry to take the razor from him. He wanted to keep Harry, but he also wanted Harry to want him back.
The razor being held out to Harry suddenly appeared like a dare. Snape was daring him to take the razor from him. Harry reached out with one hand, but it froze in midair. His heart was racing painfully like never before. He had no will to reach out any further and he felt iron restraints holding back his hand. Snape watched from above and waited anxiously. (“Don't take the razor, Potter…”) Snape mentally commanded.
Harry then looked up at Snape and withdrew his hand. Snape was about to ask what Harry was doing, but then Harry quickly collected his things and fled before Snape had the chance.
That night, Harry made sure he put up soundless charms around his bed so that no one could hear him cry even though Harry wasn't planning on it. He should be strong enough to get over things like this, but as he got into bed, tucked himself in, and stared at the top of his bed, everything came flooding back. Him alone with Snape in the infirmary… then him on top of Snape and kissing the man… then Snape kissing him back tenderly followed by that false statement. He told Snape he didn't love him… that he was just lusting over him. No one ever needed to hear that from the one they loved.
Harry rolled over and gripped his sheets. Perhaps from this angle his mind would be free… but no. It came back again. Snape was upset. It was portrayed in his obsidian eyes… He looked like he was about to burst into tears… but instead, the man told Harry to get out. What Snape did afterwards Harry would never know, but he couldn't bring himself to believe that Snape would cry. “I'm so sorry,” Harry whispered into his pillows.
Then Harry was in the theatre lavatory. He was stroking himself and fantasying about Snape being there… touching him in those way. He allowed his licentious devil to overpower him and he eagerly emancipated his mind. Inside, he knew that he has always wanted to do things with Snape, but he was never given the chance… and Snape didn't seem like the man who wanted to have nothing more than a sexual relationship with Harry. The man wanted more… he wanted love.
But did he really love Harry?
He must've… otherwise it wouldn't be so hard for him to part with Harry. If he didn't love him, then he would hold bitter animosity towards Harry… he would've sought revenge by leaving Harry in the hands of someone who would never look after him. But Snape didn't. He looked and found two eligibles who Snape knew would care for Harry. Neither of them would ever see Harry as a potential lover, but at least they would love him and make sure he was alright. There was really no one else Harry could see as that person he could fall in love with. There was only Snape.
A tear had slide down Harry's cheek. It was warm and small, but left a long, cold trail once it passed over. Harry buried his head in his pillow. He felt like an insolent little prat. He wanted to be with Snape, but at this rate, he didn't deserve the man. Hell, he didn't deserve to find happiness after he destroyed another's joy.
But there was still that unanswered question. Why did Snape pick Harry?
The following day was just one big headache. While up in the boy's dorm, Harry picked up low vibrations from blokes talking. Well… some were laughing. Either way, Harry knew that something was going on downstairs.
“So, why are you here?” asked Ron.
“To take care of business,” said the first twin.
“Personal business,” added the other.
When Harry opened the door and began making his way down the stairs, all the chatter and laughter seized. Fred and George looked up and froze. Harry could have guessed why there were here, but at the moment he couldn't careless. He raced down the stairs and eagerly greeted the boys, “Fred, George, it's been so long!” He threw his arms around both of them.
Fred and George nodded to each other. It was ok to be as friendly as they have always been with Harry, “Good to see you too, mate,” said Fred while George chuckled. “Glad to see that things aren't awkward.”
“You don't stop by our store as often,” George commented.
“Sorry. I haven't been able to get out much.”
Fred and George nodded sympathetically. “Well, come along. We have some matters to discuss.”
Ron was about to head out with them too, but George stopped him, “Not you, little bro. This conversation is for men only.”
“What's all this rubbish?” asked Ron as he looked over at Harry.
Harry nodded and forced a weak smile, “It's a little personal, Ron. I'll tell you about it later.”
“But we're best mates. Why would you ever trust those buffoons before me?”
“…It's personal,” said Fred.
Suddenly, there were no smiles on anyone's face, “Believe me. This doesn't concern you, little bro,” George finished.
They then left the Gryffindor common room and decided to take a little walk. “Listen, Harry,” Fred began, “You're like a brother to us.”
“If it can be helped, we'd prefer friendship over matrimony any day,” said George.
“Hell, I don't think either of us could ever stay monogamous. It just isn't our thing.”
“We don't do long term relationships.”
“We do one night stands.”
“I get it,” Harry commented, “I wouldn't have chosen either of you if I was given the choice, but I wasn't.”
“You have a choice, Harry,” that both said at once.
“You have three people who love you very much to choose from,” said Fred.
“But you only have one who loves you in that way,” George whispered.
Harry blushed and all movement seized, “Is there a way out of this?”
“Kill Fudge, then kill Voldemort. A hero like that won't be sent to Azkaban.”
Harry smiled, “K. That I'll do.”
“But not until the meeting has been carried out,” Severus Snape was leaning against a wall with a plastered look of exhaustion shrouding his delicate features, “the Minister, Dumbledore, and I have been eagerly awaiting your arrival,” Snape then forced himself to nod a thanks to the twins.
“Wait… what's going on?” sheer panic was apparent in Harry's eyes.
“Since you will not willingly cooperate with Snape, according to him, you must attend this meeting.”
“In which you will be forced to sign that engagement certificate in order to make it void,” said George.
They then had Harry enter a room he had not seen before. It was decorated with all the colors of the four Houses and up front there was the large, golden Hogwarts seal hanging against the wall. A long, dark wood table rested in the middle with a delicious assortment of food and beverages on top. “What's the occasion again?”
The door's closed and an eerie sound echoed. Harry turned around and confirmed his audience. “Good morning, Headmaster,” said Harry.
Dumbledore nodded and then Fudge stepped forwards, “Good day, Mr. Potter. Do you know why you are here?”
Harry was about to choke a no, but said, “Yes.”
“Clearly you have demonstrated a lack of interest in your promised partner, no?”
Harry chuckled a bit. He didn't know whether it was from Fudge's silly, serious expression or the fact that he was actually being forced to sign a silly piece of paper. “What of it?” Harry asked.
“Do you wish to proceed with the marriage or do you wish to decline?” asked Fudge as he took a seat.
There was a small man in the corner writing away with a huge feather. Obviously he was taking notes on the whole event. “What does it matter?”
“You, Mr. Potter, are the most sought after man in the entire Wizarding world. Now, I know hundreds of eligibles who would be perfect suitors for you who will please you if you are not happy with Severus Snape.”
“I've already arranged for two other potential spouses for Mr. Potter, Minister, if he so does desire to void our engagement,” Snape mentioned from behind Fudge.
Harry popped open a Butterbeer then decided to have a seat. He then nearly drank half the bottle then pulled away. “Are you listening to me, Mr. Potter?”
Harry shook his head, “No. Sorry.”
“As I was saying, if there is evidence of clear detestation, then there is no need to carry the marriage out.”
“Do I have to get married?”
“Yes, Mr. Potter, you most certainly do!”
“It's not rubbish, Mr. Potter, let me assure you of that. You have been given two choices. You are either to marry Severus Snape or you can pick from either Fred or George Weasley.”
Snape closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Fudge had made the certificate appear and now it was just sitting besides Harry with a small razor. All the boy had to do now was sign away his name… and life… Fred looked at George and tried to smile. If Harry did sign his name away now, he would then have to pick from either one of them. “This is silly, Minister,” said Harry, “Something like this is a personal matter to me. You needn't get involved.”
“If it were anyone else, Mr. Potter, I couldn't careless.”
Harry pushed away the engagement certificate and tried to relax in his seat. “Stop staring at me,” Harry ordered, “You're making me uncomfortable.”
“I'm waiting for your decision.”
“We'll we're going to be here all day. I'm not going sign.”
Snape's ear perked.
“Then you'll marry Mr. Snape?”
“I never said that,” Harry chuckled. “I need some time to consider some things.”
“What sort of things?” asked Dumbledore.
“Like who has the bigger pay check, who has more power… whom has a higher status…”
“I never thought such things mattered to you, Harry,” said Fred.
“If such things did matter, then wouldn't you pick Snape?” asked George.
“Well… I have other things to consider too.”
“Like what?” asked Snape who was feeling rather offended.
“Who looks better and smells better…,” Harry chuckled some more, knowingly pissing off his professor.
“I never thought of you as swallow,” Snape commented. If such things wavered Harry's decision in choosing a mate then Snape hadn't a chance. He sat down and waited to see what the Golden Boy was going to do next.
“Potter, you need to make a decision this instance!”
“No I don't,” Harry said matter-of-factly, “Don't tell me what to do!”
“I am the Minister of Magic! Don't you dare raise your voice at me!”
“I'll raise my voice at whoever tries to dictate my life!”
“All wizards and witches must get married! What makes you think that you are an exception?!”
“I am the Boy-Who-Lived! I am above and beyond all eligibles!”
Snape glared at Harry from across the table. He had seen Harry raging mad before… such as the times when Umbriged walked on Hogwarts' ground, but he had never seen Harry claiming superiority over all others. “Potter, you are trying my patience!”
“Bother bother bother bother,” Harry repeated over and over again. Maybe this would make all of the wizard's hair fall off his head.
“Leave me alone. Haven't you ever thought that perhaps, I don't want to marry anyone and that finding a suitor and settling down at my age isn't something I want to think about right now? I have other priorities!”
“That, Potter, you have made clear,” Snape came around, settling himself between Fudge and Harry. He then decided to keep the conversation simply between himself and Harry, so he asked in hushed voice, “Now, listen here, you are being given two immediate options. You can either sign or not. Which will it be, Potter?”
Harry had to look up in order to hold Snape's gaze. “I don't know.”
“You don't know? Let's try this again, Mr. Potter. Since this has all come down to your personal desire, do you wish to spend the rest of your life with me or would you rather have one of the twins?”
“I don't want you,” Harry said coldly.
Snape had to bite back his tongue in order to keep himself from creaking. Harry's words had become cold swords that pieced any heart that tried to reach out to him. What had caused Harry to become so heatless? “You don't? Are you certain?”
“You don't want me by your side?”
Snape then reached for the razor, “Mr. Potter, seeing that you don't want me, I can't continue to force this marriage onto you,” Snape sliced open his finger with the quickest slash of the blade then over the contract, he allowed his blood to fall. In a split second, his signature appeared over one of the lines and now all it needed was Harry's signature. Snape then tossed the blade aside and his black robes flared out as he turned away sharply and left the room, “Goodbye, Mr. Potter.”
Harry couldn't believe what had just happened. Two of the three signatures were present. Now everything was ridding on him. “Mr. Potter, you have a week to speak up or this certificate will become void with or without your signature, and you will pick from either Fred or George or I will choose for you. Do I make myself clear?”
Harry's eyes were fixed on Snape's signature. The fine lines and curves seemed almost too apparent to be counterfeit. This wasn't a dream.
“Very…,” said Harry.
“Good,” Fudge then walked out and Dumbledore followed. Fred and George stood there watching.
“You alright, Harry?” They asked.
“Fine,” Harry snatched up the certificate and ran out of the room.
“He loves you… he loves you not… he loves you… he loves you not… he loves you…,” Harry picked the last yellow petal and then watched as it fell to the floor to join the rest of the plucked petals.
Harry wasn't in his dorm. He was out sitting on the grass close to Hagrid's hut. He was staring out at the stars and wondering what he had just gotten himself into. What had happened between himself and Snape was something miner erupting into a larger dilemma. Now Harry had a certificate that would ultimately determine who he'll be with in less than a week. He had never planned on such a misfortune. If everyone would have just let him be, then maybe Harry would've had a normal year… free from such worries.
Harry wanted to reach for another wild flower, but decided to just fall back on the grass. Summer was coming. Soon, Harry would be married off… He had to be married before the end of the summer. “Why me?”
He turned over and gazed at the certificate. There was a razor sitting on top of it… a shiny, titanium razor that held his apparent reflection and as Harry gazed into his own reflection he could almost hear the razor was calling for him… tempting him into cutting himself and allowing his blood to flow freely from his body. Harry sat up then picked up the razor. If he did this now, then Snape would be safe. Voldemort will never have to force Snape into trying to bring him over to his side and Snape will free from fretting about other petty things while away on his missions. Harry could marry Fred or George and be able to help them out doing what they love to do. It didn't seem like it could be such a bad life. Harry might even learn to love one of the twins… and then maybe he wouldn't mind having a child with one of them…
Taking the razor, Harry pressed it against his skin, and the metal burned his skin as he slowly pressed and pulled to the side. “Sss….” Harry hissed and then pulled away. There was a very fine red line across his white finger. Barely any blood leaked, but it was still enough for the certificate to recognize the owner as Harry Potter.
Harry then looked at the certificate. Maybe, it he just signs, then he can make their life easier.
A/N: Please, please, please review.
Besides that, does anyone have any questions regarding what has happened throughout the story? Ask anything you want because I am determined to answer any concerns you have in the next chapter.