Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ Genesis ( Chapter 18 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Won't You Please Stay With Me? 
A/N: Here is the chapter that will finally explain everything!!!! Please read carefully and if you still have questions then submit a review.  
This chapter takes place during the summer before Harry found out he was engaged to Severus Snape.
Chapter 18: “Genesis” 
Dear Severus Snape,
      Greetings and good day from the Minister of Magic. Now that the new law has been enforced, all witches and wizards over the age of 17 and under the age of 40 must be wed before their 40th birthday and produce offspring before their 45th birthday. It has reached the Ministry that you, Severus Snape, have neglected your duty as a member of the Wizarding world to find a suitor. Sever consequences will be charged if you continue to disregard the laws and the Minister of Magic will have the authority to unit you with another witch/wizard of his choice if you so do choose to continue your inattention. You have one week to find a suitor before the Ministry of Magic will be forced to take action.
      Thank you and have a wonderful day,
            ; The Minister of Magic 
Severus Snape slammed the letter onto the table then took a moment to brush the few strands of thick, black hair away from his face. The Minister had really out done himself this time. The Ministry of Magic was going to coerce the former Death Eater Severus Snape into an alliance with another mortal? Meaning, he was going to be forced to dwell and walk in the presence of another for the rest of his life? The mere notion was scandalous! How dare they meddle in such affairs! Snape paced back and forth like a caged, wild beast while he brooded over the intrusive matter at hand. To make matters worse, now that the Dark Lord was preoccupied with other affairs, Snape had just been released from his services and needed all the time he could get to start on commissioned potions, prepare and collect a new stock of ingredients for his students, and to organize the schedule he will be using over the year. He needed one for each and every one of his classes. Years one through seven, which would also include those advanced, back-to-back classes he had to teach. Snape had less than half the summer to get organized, but only a week to attain a suitor, then he had a few months to get to know that person before they would marry. Whether the man liked it or not, he was going to have to put his busy schedule aside and take this prioritized matter to Dumbledore at once. 
Snape passed an unfriendly glare over at the owl that had delivered the package not five minutes ago and wished to Merlin that the bloody thing was shot down before it could get here. Sensing the hostility radiating off of Snape, the owl took two hesitant steps back, then flew right out the window and into the storm. Snape stood there watching the owl as it flew away silently hoping that lightening wouldn't strike it now that it had already delivered the horrible news successfully. Snape gritted his teeth then grabbed the abnormally large package sitting on the table. He wanted to burn the fat book along with all the letters, but that would just get him into more trouble and the Potions professor didn't need to be delayed anymore than he had been already. Walking towards the fireplace, he snatched a handful of floo powder violently then said, “Dumbledore's office.” He released the floo powder and within seconds, was in Dumbledore's office at Hogwarts. 
Snape stepped out of the fireplace and upon seeing Dumbledore, he said, “Headmaster, there's something I must speak to you about immediately.” 
McGonagall was there as well, “I see you've received the packet as well, Severus. How fortunate for you.” 
Snape gritted his teeth, “Yes. I should only be this lucky.” Snape turned back to Dumbledore who continued to pace his office like mad. Whispering things to himself, throwing his arms around like a monkey, and scratching his chin while he attempted to think in all the madness.  
“Hard as it may be to believe, there are more important matters at hand,” McGonagall's voice suddenly wasn't ringing with sarcasm.  
“What happened now? Did Neville fall two feet off his broom and forget to land on his arse? Did Malfoy get scratched by a bunny rabbit? Or is Potter still having those nightmares that could've been dealt with if he was willing to put forth a bit more effort in Occlumency?”  
“I wish it were only that simple,” McGonagall walked away and opened the packet Snape had been given. “Clearly you haven't flipped through this book yet.” 
Snape looked over his shoulder at that blasted book. Finally someone created a book the Potion Master actually detested. “Is there a name in there, other than my own, that should concern me in some way, shape, or form?” 
“Yes,” Dumbledore, finally reunited with his senses, laid his hand on Snape's shoulder. “Harry has been listed as an eligible.” 
Snape gaped then ripped the book from McGonagall's hand. He placed the book on Dumbledore's desk then nearly tore several pages as he flipped to the P section in the book. With his finger, he strolled down the list, reading the names as he went along. “Poindexter, Polk, Pollard, Polyxena, Poole, Porson, ah, Potter,” Snape looked down the list of first names, “Halley, Hamlet, Hanna, … Harry.” Snape directed his next gaze at Dumbledore. Snape seemed rather befuddled. “Harry will not be of age for another few weeks or so. Why is his name listed in the Book of Eligibles?” 
“That is exactly what we would like to know,” said McGonagall. 
“Harry is far too immature to take part in these obligatory nuptials, plus he has other matters he needs to be focusing on,” Dumbledore seemed restless again. 
“Will you stand for this, Headmaster?” Snape asked as he raised a brow. 
“We have a meeting with the Minister in another hour. We'll get to the bottom of this in a matter of minutes.” 
“If Fudge decides to cooperate,” said McGonagall. 
“Pity. That rarely happen,” Snape turned towards the fireplace. “Then I shall be returning to my manor.” 
“You will do no such thing, Severus. You are coming to the meeting as well.” 
Snape turned around of his heal. “I am not his guardian or the head of his house. How would my attendance benefit the situation?” 
“You are still his professor, Severus. We need you there to put in a few words, if not, we would really appreciate the support,” said Dumbledore as his eyes twinkled. 
“Then we best be on our way. I don't have all day to waste on hearing that poor excuse of a wizard drivel.” 
“Come along then,” said McGonagall as she picked up the Book of Eligibles then handed the book to Snape. “We should be there ahead of time in case the old goof decides to reschedule the meeting under short notice.” 
Not an hour later Dumbledore, McGonagall, and Snape were in the presence of Minister of Magic and a few of his trusted henchmen. “Good evening, Cornelius,” said Dumbledore as he took a seat before Fudge's desk. 
“Good evening, Albus,” said Fudge as he smiled and gave a nodding approval. “What matter of business shall we discuss today?” 
“That in relation to Harry Potter's future. No doubt it was you who approved his participation in the obligatory nuptials.” 
“Ah, Harry Potter will soon be of age.” 
“Exactly. I had come here first in question of why his name was listed as a bachelor in the Book of Eligibles when Harry Potter will not be of age for another month.” 
“Just another month, Dumbledore. His name will go in the book in due time anyways.” 
“Harry Potter has other matters he needs to prioritize. There will be a time for marriage, but not now. Now he must focus on Voldemort.” 
“Voldemort won't be going anywhere anytime soon. What if Harry is killed before his showdown with Voldemort? What say you to that?” 
“Harry will not be fighting Voldemort for a while,” said Dumbledore with confidence. “He will undergo serious training that will greatly enhance his abilities.” 
“So, you have every bit of confidence that he will succeed in fighting a battle against Voldemort and living to tell the tale?” 
“Has he not done so already?” asked Dumbledore as his eyes twinkled. 
Fudge's lips were trembling.  
“Cornelius, he is the Chosen One. He is like everyone else, but he has a special purpose in life. By forcing Harry to marry now you are placing obstacles before his priorities.” 
“Harry Potter's title will not excuse him from taking part in preserving the wizard race. Harry Potter will wed just like the rest of us and he will produce heirs whether it is to his name or another.” 
Dumbledore took a step forwards, “Harry Potter is needed in this upcoming war. He does not have time to be frolicking around looking for a suitor. I beg you, Cornelius, remove him from the book. You have no business meddling in the affairs of a minor.” 
“He won't be a minor for long,” said Fudge as he came around his desk to stare Dumbledore in the eye. “So you better get to work, because now that Potter's name is out there, there won't be a wizard or witch alive that wouldn't want him bonded to them!” 
Snape, who was standing patiently in the background, was listening intently. Perhaps now would be a good time to resolve the dispute. Taking the Book of Eligibles in his hand, he opened it to a random page and watched as names appeared and vanished. Wizards and Witches were being claimed by the minute and if Snape did not act fast, then someone else would force Harry into marriage. Furtively, Snape took a step back and retreated to the very back of the room while Dumbledore's and Fudge's argument heated up. He heard Fudge mention something about how Harry's name was limited to only a select few books that were delivered to very powerful witches and wizards, so if Harry was claimed within the next month, he at least would be safe. Snape rolled his eyes then sat down. He took out a small quill he kept on hand then opened to the page that had Harry's name on it. The name was still there, hidden amongst the many others. How many people knew that Harry was now up for grabs? Were there any others watching his name, wondering whether if it was about to vanish momentarily? Snape grinned, then taking his quill, he circled Harry's name and suddenly, a man ran to Fudge's side and whispered something to him. Fudge was grinning, “It appears that Harry Potter, the Chosen One, was just claimed.” 
Dumbledore's mouth dropped and so did McGonagall's. “Surely, that's not true,” McGonagall stepped forwards. 
Fudge opened the book he had and suggested with an eerie sparkle in his eye, “Let's see who the lucky person is.” 
Snape stood from his seat and watched attentively, a massive smirk ridding his face as he step forwards through the crowd. “Ah yes,” said Fudge, Severus…. Snape….” Fudge looked up and everyone turned to the Potions Master as he walked through the crowd, feeling overwhelmingly victorious. Fudge was beaten at his own game. 
“Is anything wrong, Minister? I was under the impression that Potter's name was up for grabs,” he took in a deep breath then sighed sarcastically, “How could I resist?” 
Fudge's glasses fell off his face and both McGonagall and Dumbledore looked flabbergasted. What was the Potion Master thinking?! “You?” asked McGonagall. 
“I believe this quarrel is over. Harry Potter is mine and I do not intend on giving him up so quickly,” Snape slammed the book closed then exited the room, leaving behind his gasping audience. 
“What were you thinking, Severus Snape?!” Ask Dumbledore once they entered his office. 
Snape was staring down at the wooden floors, afraid that he had made a terrible mistake. “I doubt that Potter's name would have remained unclaimed for much longer. Better me than some wizard who would use him for glory.” 
Dumbledore eyes were twinkling like mad. What had gotten to the old man? “You are brilliant, Severus! Brilliant!” he reached out and shook Snape's hand.  
McGonagall smiled wholeheartedly, “I must admit, I am still surprised, Severus, you were the last person I thought would ever consider Harry Potter's well being. What caused this change of heart?” 
Snape did not answer. He instead walked towards the fireplace and then grabbed a handful of floo powder. “I must leave. I have other things I must attend to.” 
Without saying goodbye, Snape threw the floo and he was gone within moments. 
Once back in the comfort of his home, Snape wished to return to his work, but then there was yet another package waiting for him on his table. He strode over to it, snatching it off the table then ripped the top off. What the bloody hell did the Ministry need now?! He took out the file that was inside and opened it. He took a step back then realized it was about Harry. He sat down on his chair and flipped through it. The file contained nearly every bit of information known about Harry from the moment he was born until his latest year at Hogwarts. There were pictures of him, his family, and an address in case Snape needed to find him. Then, a small envelope fell from the file. Snape picked it up and opened it. Inside was a letter from the Ministry. 
      Congratulations Severus Snape,
We expect that you will act promptly upon informing Mr. Harry James Potter about your engagement and going about wooing him. We wait eagerly for the day when you and Harry Potter will be joined in matrimony,
      The Ministry of Magic 
Snape nearly choked. They weren't going to inform Harry about their abrupt engagement? Snape was going to have to schedule a meeting with Potter, sit down, and tell him about the joyful news? Dear Merlin, this was by far the worst day of his life. Snape wanted to slouch in his chair and forget about everything. Now everything was sinking in. He, Severus Snape was engaged to the boy-who-lived. In less than a year, they were due to be married. Snape sighed. He was going to have to approach the boy about it eventually.  
Snape strolled over to his desk and pulled out his quill. On a piece of parchment, Snape wrote: 
I wish to request an audience with you and members of the Order. I have sudden news pertaining to Harry's future and mine. Unfortunately I will not be available until the evening before the boy's return to Hogwarts. Until then, watch him carefully. (Snape suddenly had the urge to write `for me' before the period, but quickly smashed that though.)
      Severus Snape 
Snape folded the letter and sealed it. He then handed it to the owl perched beside him, “Take this to number twelve Grimmauld Place and give it to Sirius Black.” 
Taking the letter in her beak, the night black owl sore out the window and out of sight. Things began to settle in some more once Severus Snape was alone. The boy was rightfully promised to him first. “Harry Potter, I believe we will soon have a coalition.” 
Harry remained on his broom, hovering high above the ground as he watched the sun set. It was to be the last time he would see the sun set behind the trees were at the burrow. In just a few hours, Harry was going to be transported to Grimmauld Place. “Harry, are you ready to leave?!” asked Mrs. Weasley from below. 
Harry, who was still woolgathering as he bathed in the sun's warm light, slowly looked away and nodded towards Mrs. Weasley.  
When Harry lowered himself onto the ground, he noticed that Remus and Sirius were there, talking almost incisively to each other. Tonks was near by just staring off. Harry frowned. They usually didn't act like that. What was wrong? “Harry, dear, your stuff was already taken to Grimmauld Place. You have your Apparate license?” Harry nodded. He had received it last year after all those lessons from the Ministry of Magic. “Well, hop to it then. I we'll be following you shortly after,” Mrs. Weasley handed Harry a picture of where Harry was to Apparate to. “Whenever you are ready, dear.” 
Staring intently upon the picture, Harry tried his best to memorize the picture. He then handed the picture back to Mrs. Weasley and tried to remember the three D's. Taking a deep breath, Harry held on to his broom and closed his eyes. Momentarily he felt that horrible feeling of being sucked through a tight, rubber tube depriving him of air, and just when he thought he was about to suffocate, he felt the welcomed, cool air against his skin. Harry opened his eyes and took in a deep breath. Hermione and Ron were in the room next to his, reciting useful spells. When Harry walked into the room, Ron was standing on the bed, pretending to be hurling a spell across the room while Hermione was trying to pronounce a rather difficult spell. “Hey you two!” 
Hermione and Ron jumped, “Harry! It's so good to see you!” Hermione hugged Harry tightly and Ron pointed and laughed. “I've been expecting you since Ron showed up two hours ago.” 
“Sorry. I had some things to do.” 
Moody then walked into the room and looked around; his big eye rapidly scrutinizing the place like some hell hole. “Evening, Harry,” he shook Harry's hand. 
Harry smiled. “If everyone here?” 
“Almost. We have one more visitor.” 
“Who?” asked Ron. 
“Professor Severus Snape,” said Mad Eye Moody as he left the room. 
Ron flinched and Hermione shrugged. Harry, on the other hand wondered why anyone in the Order ever trusted Snape.  
When dinner was finished and Mrs. Weasley was tidying up the kitchen, Harry heard someone knocking at the door. Harry was currently engaged in a most fascinating conversation with Sirius when Mrs. Weasley shook him lightly by the shoulders and asked Harry, “Get the door, won't you?” 
Sirius pushed Harry along and Harry hurried to answer it. When he opened the door, he at first had this massive smile on his face while he repeated verbatim the things that Sirius had told him, but once he identified the man on the other side of the door, the curves on his lips dropped. “Evening, Professor,” Harry said in the most uninviting tone. 
Harry noticed right away that Snape's eyes were suddenly quite large. His breathing patterns were shifting and he didn't seem all that eager to be in Harry's presence. What had Harry done this time? “I see you are well,” said Snape in an almost quivery voice as his eyes traveled from the tips Harry's shoes to the top of his head. 
“Mrs. Weasley takes care of me,” Harry responded promptly, feeling uneasy about having Snape eyeing him. 
“Move aside,” said Snape as he walked into the house and away from Harry, his robes just barely gracing Harry's skin as the Potion Master passed by. 
In the kitchen, Harry heard Snape saying, “Molly, I suggest you dismiss everyone but members of the Order. I only have an hour.” 
The next thing Harry knew was that he and Ron were in their rooms with Hermione and Ginny in the rooms adjacent to theirs. “What do you think they are talking about?” 
“Bloody hell if I know,” said Ron. “Snape is probably just reporting some news about you-know-who.” 
“I guess,” said Harry as he rolled over. 
Once Snape finished reporting everything he could recall from his latest meeting with the Dark Lord, he then said, “Listen, what I am about to say I will not repeat,” Snape took out a piece of parchment he had folded in his robes. 
Sirius and Lupin leaned forwards, anxiously waiting to hear what Snape was going to tell them. 
“No doubt everyone is aware of the latest enforced law the Ministry has established.” 
Everyone nodded. Sirius rolled his eyes and then asked, “What does that have anything to do with anything? Are you about to tell us that you are engaged? And that you want us to be happy for you?” 
Snape grinned. “Actually, yes. You see, due to the affairs I engage myself in, I hadn't the time to inform you lot about my most recent acquirement.” 
Snape looked at the parchment then continued. “I am engaged, Sirius, and I believe it would concern you very much to know that my fiancé is your godson, Harry Potter.” 
Lupin was on his toes at once, trying to hold back Sirius who had instantaneously moved to jump Snape. “What the bloody hell do you mean you're engaged to Harry?!” 
“Hush or you'll wake him,” said Snape calmly. 
“Is this your idea of a joke?!” 
Snape snapped his fingers and before everyone appeared a certificate validating his engagement to Harry. “Feast your eyes upon it,” said Snape as he watched in pleasure as Sirius tried to break free from Remus to take a swing at Snape.  
Everyone else sat where they were, patiently waiting for Snape to say more while some of them tried to read the fine print. “My godson deserves so much better than you!” 
“I'm glad to hear that I have your blessing,” said Snape as he waved his wand and waited as his certificate rolled itself up. 
“You don't deserve him!” 
“I will protect him, Sirius, he is in good care.” 
Snape then reached into his pocket and pulled out a small black box. He handed it to Tonks and said quietly to her, “Please give this to Sirius when he is done fuming. It's the ring I intend to give to Harry as an engagement ring. Please see that he passes it on to him.” 
Tonks was momentarily speechless. Snape wasn't kidding. She opened the box and inside was a beautiful ring specially crafted and charmed just for Harry. “Does Harry know?” asked Tonks. 
“No, he doesn't.” 
Mrs. Weasley was about to tell Snape to march upstairs and tell Harry himself, but quickly squashed that thought. “How do you propose we go about telling Harry about… the engagement?” 
“Be blunt with Potter. Beat around the bush and he'll never get it. I'll meet up with him at Hogwarts.” Snape then exited the room, leaving behind fellow members of the Order in deep thought. 
When Snape closed the door, he was on his way out when he felt that he should take a quick detour upstairs to see how his Harry was doing. Quietly, he made his way upstairs and once he opened the door, he whispered a charm that caused both Ron and Harry to fall into a deep sleep. Neither of them would wake so long as Snape's presence lingered. Snape strolled over to Harry's side and leaned in over the boy, casting his shadow over his eyes and face. He took his right hand and gently brushed away Harry's hair to take a close look at the legendary scar marked on his head. “Harry…,” Snape's hand traveled down and over his cheek. He was overwhelmed with the temptation to at least bestow a kiss upon Harry's cheek, but fearing that someone would catch them, Snape fled from the room instead. He had achieved what he intended to do and now he had to leave behind his fiancé until tomorrow.  
A/N: As you can see, Snape didn't choose Harry out of love. He chose him in order to ensure his safety. Dumbledore and McGonagall were surprised at first, but they fully supported Snape's decision.  
Though I didn't quite mention this in the story as of yet, Harry did not receive a packet informing him that he had to select a suitor before he turned 40 because Harry was still a minor.  
Harry's name was limited to a few Book of Eligibles that were distributed to the rich and powerful because the Ministry wanted someone they felt was suitable to claim Harry before he was open to the public. 
Sirius wanted to kill Snape for forcing Harry into an engagement Harry didn't have a say in. Everyone else felt it was a bit unfair on Harry's part, but at this point, Harry was of age and so anyone could've claimed him.  
A/N2: Now for the questions that couldn't quite be answered in this chapter. 
How long is this story going to be? As of right now, I'm not sure. I wanted to end it quickly, but now I may have to involve a battle with Voldemort, however, I don't plan on writing that until I finished reading the seventh book.
Is there going to be Mpreg? I'm not sure I want to include that. You'll have to wait and see.
Why didn't I write this chapter before chapter one? Simply because I didn't want to. I wanted to dive into everything head on and be mean to everyone by not letting them in on everything all at once. I posted this chapter now because I wanted to take a breather from all that has been happening. In reality, I'm not a very mean person. I may love angst and drama and sad endings, but I don't intend for that to happen in this story. I am not a fan of Fred/ George and Harry pairings by the way. If it just so happens to one day show up in the Harry Potter books, then maybe, but for now, I'm all about Snarry.
Don't be afraid to ask me something that isn't making any sense. If I can't directly answer you right away because it would spoil something, then I will write back.
Thank you and please remember to review.