Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ Petty Problems ( Chapter 20 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Won't You Please Stay With Me?
A/N: Chapter twenty already? Sweet Merlin, what have I been babbling on about for the last nineteen?
OK, just to clear up a few things, the end of this story isn't coming just yet!!! I doubt that there'll be another 19… 20 chapters, but there are quite a few more on their way. Now, regarding Voldemort, I'm not sure if I want to have a showdown with him and Harry. Well, when the time comes we'll see.
Thank you all for all those wonderful reviews!
Disclaimer: I do not own anything HP related. It all belongs to JK Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Inc., Warner Bros., and any other entities involved.
It has been two days since the last chapter.
Chapter 20:
Petty Problems
“Are you certain? Is that your final decision, Harry James Potter?” asked Fudge as he sat on the chair opposite of Harry and Snape.
“Yes. I am certain,” Harry did not blink and his voice did not crack. He was firm and coherent.
Fudge glanced over at Snape who was sitting beside the younger man. The elder wizard sat calmly in his seat. His face never gave away the emotions bubbling inside of him. Little did anyone in the room know that Snape was fidgety inside; he wanted the Minister quietened and gone at once. “Very well then,” said Fudge as he got up to shake Harry's hand. “I hope you've made the right decision.”
“I have,” Harry said firmly once again.
Fudge turned to Snape, “Mr. Snape, if you please.”
Snape snapped his fingers and the certificate appeared before Fudge. The Minister took out what looked like a rubber and slowly erased both his and Snape's signatures from it. Instantly, the certificate changed into what it once was and a massive paragraph appeared in the middle with two lines below it. “I will need both of you to sign.”
Snape quickly did so, then passed it over to Harry. Harry recognized the certificate as soon as he saw it. Since it would acknowledge his and Snape's engagement, Harry eagerly signed his name beneath it and then the certificate vanished. “Well, have a good day then,” said the Minister as he walked out of Snape's office, brushing pass Dumbledore as he left through the door.
Dumbledore had this massive smile on his face and he seemed effervescent. “Congratulations Harry and Severus,” there was a pause, and then when Dumbledore felt like he couldn't hold back anymore, he asked quite rapidly, “When's then wedding?”
Snape crossed his arm and looked the other way, like something far more intriguing had caught his black eyes; forcing Harry to answer Dumbledore, which was just what the old wizard wanted. “I suppose… in another month…”
“Careful, Harry, you still have to graduate. Do you want to handle both at once? Mind you, they will both need a lot of tending to.”
A graduation and a wedding both in the same month?! Harry frowned. There was no way he could handle both at once. “Might I suggest you hold the wedding within another week or so?”
Snape quickly turned to eye Dumbledore threateningly. Dumbledore's grin just got wider, “I'm sure Severus' thrilled. Just look at him. He can barely contain his excitement,” Dumbledore sighed, “Ah… youngsters; always eager to charge ahead.”
Dumbledore then dismissed himself and closed the door behind him. Harry looked back at Snape, who was currently trying to hold back his annoyance with the old man. “Do you want to get married next Saturday?”
Snape gaped then turned to Harry. “Harry, I'm afraid that's too short of a notice.”
“Sunday then?”
Snape shook his head.
“When then? You heard Dumbledore. I can't handle a graduation and a wedding all at once.”
“Then allow me to the honor of arranging the ceremony, Harry.”
Slightly taken aback, Harry closed his eyes for a second and tried to picture Snape's idea of a wedding. Everything seemed black and dark. “You'd make it look like a funeral, Severus.”
“Excuse me?”
“I want my wedding to be a joyful one. One I can reminisce about and not regret.”
Snape walked forwards and took Harry's smaller hand in his. “Harry, we cannot afford to have a huge, elaborate celebration; at least not until the Dark Lord's death.”
Harry's eyes widened then he dropped his gaze to the floor. “I understand.”
“Whatever we have, it must be celebrated in secrecy. You will only invite those who are noted as trustworthy, such as your two friends and members of the Order, but outside of that, we must take extra caution; for your sake and mine.”
Harry nodded understandingly. He then looked up and straight into Snape's eyes. The man did not bother to look away or hide the excitement it contained. In Snape's eyes, Harry could see that his fiancé was more than eager to please Harry. He wanted this one chance to make Harry smile at him; be proud and pleased that Snape was going to be his husband. Snape never again wanted to see Harry embarrassed and hesitant about his presence. Snape cupped the back of Harry's head and then he pulled Harry into his arms. “Let me take care of the wedding. You have to worry about graduating. If I'm not mistaken, there are a few grades you need to pick up before the month is over.”
Harry blushed a little and then tried to make himself comfy against Snape's chest. “I'm working on them.”
Snape smirked. “Sorry, Harry, but resting against my chest isn't going to help you lift your grades. If anything, it'll only help them drop.”
Harry pulled away, “Some of them aren't exactly the easiest of classes.”
“Harry, if you were passing easily with outstanding marks, then I would be worried about our education system.”
“I'm not an idiot!”
Harry was definitely not an idiot. He just hadn't the motivation to achieve those outstanding test scores. He would need a little pushing and maybe a goal to work towards in order to raise his standards. Snape pulled away from Harry, “Listen to me, Harry. If you can manage to bring each and every one of those grades up, then I'll give you a little reward.”
Harry seemed intrigued. “What kind of an award?”
Snape chuckled a bit then brought himself down so that his lips could caress Harry's ear as he breathed, “One worth your efforts.”
Snape deliberately held Harry's gaze for a few seconds, then abruptly looked away. “Off with you now.”
Harry walked away from Snape, collected his things then narrowed his eyes at Snape as he left the office.
“A wedding already? Didn't you two just make up?” asked Hermione, feeling that everything was moving far too fast.
“Yeah, but Severus has to be married before a certain time and I need to be married before I leave the school.”
“Blimey, Harry! That's mental. You barely know how to keep a relationship going. How on earth do you plan on holding up a marriage?”
“I can do it!”
“Whichever, you're going to need some help with the wedding plans,” said Hermione, her voice inkling that she was more than willing to help out.
“It can't be anything big and elaborate. Anyways, Severus is taking care of the whole thing.”
“What?!” Hermione and Ron yelled.
“He wanted to. Anyways, we have a graduation to prepare for.”
Ron and Hermione rolled their eyes. “By the way, Ron, I want to ask you something.”
“Yeah, mate?”
Harry walked in front of Ron and then asked, “I know this is kind of out of the blue, but I haven't much time. Will you be my best man?”
Ron gaped and looked back between Harry, who was staring at him eagerly, and Hermione who looked just as excited as Ron. Ron then cleared his throat, stood up straight, and nodded. Trying not to seem too shocked by it all. “Yeah… sure. I can do it.”
Harry threw his arms around Ron and squeezed him as hard as he could. “Thanks mate!”
Harry… you're… choking me…”
“Sorry,” Harry pulled away and then Hermione hugged Ron. “Congratulations!”
Ron smiled after Hermione pulled away, and then asked, “Who's going to be Snape's best man?”
“Probably Professor Dumbledore,” said Hermione.
“Probably,” said Harry and Ron at once.
As they entered one of the main halls in Hogwarts, Harry caught Snape walking with two other professors. Harry turned and as he watched them walk away together, he couldn't help but notice how much taller and intimidating Snape was than the other two. It made him seem even more so like a man's man. (He's really tall. Way taller than me. Makes one just want to submit to his will…)
Harry gasped as his thoughts continued on. (Shit! I haven't a chance topping Severus!)
(Nope. Not a chance.)
Harry gulped and once Snape turned the corner, he turned back to Ron and Hermione who were staring at him. “Is something wrong, Harry?” asked Hermione.
“Not getting cold feet are you, mate?” asked Ron.
“… I just realized something obvious.”
“What?” asked Harry's two friends.
“Severus… he's… he's a lot bigger than me… more powerful than me…”
“And giants are tall and dwarves are short. What else is new?” asked Ron.
Hermione nudged Ron away. “Seriously, Harry, what's wrong?”
Harry, who seemed rather tense, looked away from Hermione and then said, “It's complicated.”
“I've said this before, Harry. Everything with you is complicated. I won't laugh, Harry. Ron might, but I won't.”
“Actually, Hermione, this is something Ron may understand.”
Hermione turned to Ron looking rather baffled. Ron pointed at himself and swamped glances between his two friends. “Ron? Why Ron?”
“Cause we're both blokes.”
Hermione eyed Harry carefully, then asked, “Do you want me to leave then?”
“No! Not yet. I don't quite want to talk about it yet.”
But later, while in Potions class, Harry did. Even during the exam he didn't want to do anything more than just speculate Snape. While massing up the lotus flower with herbs of various herbs, Harry would look up and keep his eyes glued to Snape as the man strolled around the room, grimacing at some of his students' potions and nodding at others. The authoritarian way Snape would glance down at his students was enough to make Harry shiver. The man in just his height alone seemed powerful. (But looks can be deceiving.)
(I know Severus. He's not to be taken lightly. He ispowerful and demanding of respect.)
(… and obedience…)
As Snape glanced up at Harry, the boy quickly averted his eyes. His potion was no where near completion and there were only ten minutes on the clock. “Fuck,” Harry whispered to himself a bit more loudly than he assumed.
“Excuse me, Potter?”
Harry wanted to bite his tongue. He looked up along with the rest of the class. “Sorry, sir.”
Snape did not take kindly to Harry's use of profanity, “See me after class.”
Ten minutes rapidly flew by and then Snape said, “Time's up. Essays are due tomorrow. Leave your mishaps on the desk and get out.”
As Hermione passed by everyone else's potions, she grimaced and tried to get out as fast as possible before one of them exploded. Harry packed slowly and waited until everyone was out before he approached Snape's desk. “Yes, sir?”
Snape came from around the desk after scribbling something down. “Repeat the word you said.”
“Sir?” responded cheekily.
“No. The word that's holding you back from going to lunch.”
The tips of Snape's lips curved slightly. “Mind your language in the classroom, Potter. However… while in bed…” Snape then changed the subject. He had other things he needed to discuss with Harry, who was suddenly wide awake and listening attentively. “Have you picked out your best man?”
Harry nodded while still thinking back to what Snape had said. “I figured there was another reason for you holding me back.”
“Well? Who is it?”
“Why am I not surprised?”
“Did you pick Professor Dumbledore?”
“No, since Dumbledore will be the man bonding us together.”
Harry was surprised. “It won't be a priest?”
Snape shook his head. “We do things differently than Muggles.”
So Dumbledore wasn't going to be Snape's best man. Harry stood there trying to discern who Snape would ask. Sadly, the man didn't have any close friends, so if he asked anyone, it would be someone Harry would approve of. “Who is going to be your best man?”
“You'll see,” Snape's fingers then pushed up on Harry's chin so the boy was looking up at Snape. Snape then moved forwards and pressed his forehead against Harry's while his arm came around to pull Harry's body against his. “Harry…”
They both closed their eyes and relaxed against each other, breathing in each others' palliative scents, enjoying their shared warmth, completely content to be alone in each others' company. “I'll be sending out wedding invitations to members of the Order tonight, so I need a list of people outside the Order that you wish to invite. Albus suggested to me that we use the Room of Requirement to host the wedding.”
Harry nodded as he continued to press himself against Snape. “I can't believe we are getting married.”
Snape's grip around Harry tightened. “We'll be married in three weeks on Saturday. You have plenty of time to get ready for it. Dumbledore and I will make all the necessary arrangements. You just have to worry about your grades and graduating.”
“But I want to help!” Harry said as he looked up at Snape.
“You have enough to worry about,” when Harry gave Snape that pleading look, Snape sighed and then continued, “There isn't much work to be done, Harry. Just setting up the room and getting the necessary records done. When the time comes for you to sign certain certificates and the license, I will call for you.”
Snape looked towards the door and whispered a spell. From behind him, Harry could hear the door closing and locking itself; then Snape, unable to suppress his deeper desires, leaned forwards and pressed Harry against his desk. Harry held still and willingly parted his lips as Snape's descended upon him, shuddering and gasping as their lips touched and pressed fervently together. Harry's arm instinctively wrapped around Snape's torso, holding the man close as the elder wizard's hands cupped Harry's face softly, holding their lips close together; kissing him deeply.
It felt like only a second later when Snape reluctantly drew back. If he continued any longer, he would have been unable to prevent himself for seeking more from his young lover. Harry groaned with dissatisfaction, and tried to reclaim the man's lips, but Snape had pulled all the way back and stood up straight, so Harry couldn't reach his lips even if he raised himself up on his tip toes. “But we're alone…,” Harry whined discontentedly.
“Bring me a praiseworthy grade from each of the classes you are doing inadequately in, and we'll figure something out.”
Harry crossed his arms and looked off into the distance while in his mind he guessed that that was Snape's intended reward. Suddenly, Harry felt all giddy and energetic.
Snape then closed in on Harry's ear and whispered against it softly, “I will not take you entirely until we are wed. Afterwards, brace yourself, Harry, because I will be unable to suppress my longing for you.”
Harry wanted to just fall asleep listening to that deep, sensual voice. “Severus…,” Harry tilted his head against Snape's, resting his there while Snape's warm breath breathed into Harry's ear.
“In the mean time, perhaps we can find other means of alleviating you of your frustrations.”
Harry nodded and Snape gently bit Harry's ear, causing the younger wizard to moan and shiver. Snape had no idea why he had just done that, especially since he had just pulled away from a tender kiss in order to suppress his developing dissipated feelings. Harry though didn't seem to mind as he tried to move close to Snape, giving more of himself to his fiancé. Harry rather liked the feeling of Snape biting him, licking him, and purring against his ear.
Snape then pulled away entirely, leaving Harry rather unsatisfied and unfulfilled. “You did that on purpose.”
Snape grinned, “Perhaps if I leave you frustrated, you'll have the motivation to work for more.”
“Is this the part where I walk away feeling determined and ready to conquer my problems?”
Snape nodded, then slightly pushed on Harry. “I'll see you later, Harry.”
While Harry lied on his bed, he stared at the parchment sitting on his book while he twirled his quill between his fingers. “Who to invite… who to invite…”
Harry then dipped the tip into the ink and began to write:
Ron Weasley
Hermione Granger
Fred and George Weasley
Ginny Weasley
Bill and Fleur Weasley
All members of the order
Minerva McGonagall
Harry then allowed his quill to hover over the parchment while he contemplated the next name he was about to write.
And on the side, Harry made sure to add:
Make sure he appears in his Animagus form.
Once Harry was finished, he heard someone entering the room. Harry quickly slipped the parchment into the book and waited to see who it was. Ron then entered, dragging himself like he had just won a race. “Ok… I have one little problem that needs to be dealt with soon,” said Harry as he got up and paced back and forth in the male's dormitory, not even giving Ron a moment to breathe.
“What is it?” asked Ron as he plopped himself down on the bed.
“I need to find a ring… A nice ring…”
“Oh…,” Ron shrugged, “I think they also opened a ring shop down in Hogsmeade. We should go and check it out soon.”
“Perhaps this weekend.”
Harry then sat down on his bed and began fiddling with his fingers. It was a nervous habit. Ron glanced his way then asked, “You said something was bugging you the other day. Care to explain?”
“Yeah…,” Harry walked over to sit by Ron while still fiddling with his fingers. “You see… I'm a bloke… you're a bloke… so maybe you should understand what I mean by this.”
“Does this have to do with dominating Snape?”
Harry squeaked out, “How did you know?”
“Bloody hell, Harry. How can I not? If I were with him, I'd be worried too.”
“Well then… what should I do?”
Ron shrugged. “I don't know. Maybe Fred and George can help.”
“Fred and George?” Harry frowned. “Then again… they do seem to know a bit about everything.”
“Yeah, so I'll owl them, and we can meet up with them in Hogsmeade.”
Harry nodded. He was going to take care of two things all in one day: getting a marriage ring for Snape, and figuring out a way to have a shot at topping Snape. Harry could see the light coming already. Now he just had to deliver that guest invite to Snape.
A/N: Thank you for reading and once again, thank you for all those reviews.