Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ The Boy of His Dreams ( Chapter 26 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Won't You Please Stay With Me?
A/N: Alas, we reach the last chapter. I want to take a moment to thank everyone who's stuck with this story since the beginning, and hopefully, you'll stick around for my next fan fiction.
This chapter isn't very long, but I didn't have much to say in the end anyways.
WARNINGS: mature content ahead.
Chapter 26: “The Boy of His Dreams”
Harry Potter's hand twitched. He had a wedgie and couldn't pull it. Merlin help him. He looked at Neville who was behind him, looking ahead, but then behind Neville, a fellow student was looking down… his eyes just staring at this ant crawling around close to Harry's foot. Harry cursed and then looked at McGonagall who was walking up the row. There was no way he could pick it without catching someone's attention. “You alright, Harry?” asked Neville, “You seem fidgety.”
“Yeah, I get like that when I'm anxious.”
“When you exit through those doors, you will join together with Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, and Slytherin. The lines will intertwine, so that the pattern repeats itself until the very last student. Then, at the end, you will branch off to your respectful spots. If I find a single one of you falling out of line, I will hex you. If I find that any of you are trying to start something with anyone else, you will be punished… severely. We have a few professors who'd rather discipline students then attend the after party,” McGonagall looked down her line of Gryffindors. “On another note, congratulations. I am very proud of you. Hopefully, your education here will not be put to waste, and you will use what you've learned to make something of yourselves. Whatever that may be.” McGonagall looked at Harry and smiled. “I will be expecting great things from many of you.”
The doors opened and McGonagall stood by and watched as her students filed out to join with the other three houses. The Gryffindors, dressed in their red graduation robes joined together with the Ravenclaws in their blue robes, then the Hufflepuffs in their yellows robes, and finally, the Slytherins in their green robes. They created a pattern; the shortest student, who was a Hufflepuff, led the way, followed by the shortest Ravenclaw, then the shortest Gryffindor, and then the shortest Slytherin.
They walked up in-between the aisles of parents and members of faculty towards the platform. As they passed by, the parents would turn and first tried to identify the color of their child's house and then see if they could pick them out. As Harry walked by, cameras began flashing at him from all around. Harry tried ignoring it by looking down then up, and focusing on that wedgie he had to pick, which he was getting more fidgety about by the second. “Mr. Harry Potter, please look this way!”
“Harry Potter!”
“Mr. Potter, it's an honor!”
“Please, Mr. Potter, may we take your picture?!”
Harry tried to smile and not look directly into the flash. Apparently, because the entire Wizarding world had heard that he was graduating, everyone who had connections came. Even the Ministry showed up and reserved seating long ahead of time. The Minister came up with some crazy idea that attending Harry's graduation and being there for support every time would help him be reelected.
When Harry got onto the platform, there were even more flashes from below aiming at him. “Man, Harry, you'd think we were at the premiers or something,” said Neville.
“Just as long as they don't interfere with the entire ceremony.” Harry was ecstatic that he wasn't the valedictorian.
Once everyone sat down in their seats, Dumbledore walked forwards, followed by the Heads of the Houses and shortly after, the ceremony begun.
Dumbledore took a thin scroll out of his sleeve and stepped back as he allowed the thing to unravel. It fell to the floor and continued unraveling until it hit the grass below the platform. Dumbledore smiled as some of the students' eyes bulged out. “I thought Dumbledore was only going to say a few short words.”
“Well, I guess there was a change of plans,” irritation was evident in his tone.
When it came to Dumbledore, a few short words meant a novel was about to be told from cover to cover.
Half way through what Dumbledore was saying, Harry looked away from the soft eyes of the audience and towards Snape who was sitting on Dumbledore's right, in front of his house. The words of wisdom, pride, and accomplishment were but the last things on Harry's mind, as was the wedgie. Snape was dressed in fine, black wizard robes and looked most dashing. He was sitting up tall and straight and his hair was combed and styled. He was gorgeous. He was enviable. He was his husband and future father of their children. Harry sighed unabashedly. He couldn't wait until the after party. He planned on getting wasted then showing up in Snape's chambers and living a night he'll never forget.
When Dumbledore finished his speech, the valedictorian, a member of Ravenclaw, stepped down to make an additional speech about the hardships the seventh years had to face over their years at Hogwarts. Many people seemed upset about Harry Potter having not been chosen to give such a speech. Everyone knew that even though Harry wasn't the brightest boy, he had overcome far more difficulties than all of the seventh years combined.
The Ravenclaw then finished up and the proud parents and family members applauded their children. Dumbledore then called up the Heads of the Houses to give out the diplomas. Harry Potter looked around. There were at least three hundred students in his year's graduating class. He was going to be there for a while.
But at last, McGonagall reached his name. His name read as `Harry James Potter-Snape,' but she knew better than to call him down by such a title. “Harry James Potter,” she said with an unmistakable smile. Harry came down and the flashes went off again and again. Harry wanted to lift his arm to block the flashes, but he didn't want to look stupid on the Daily Prophet the following morning. Harry received his diploma from McGonagall who hugged him, and then whispered to him, “Congrats, Mr. Potter-Snape.” Harry chuckled then turned and shook hands with Dumbledore and even more flashes and cameras came out of nowhere. “Congratulations, Harry,” said Dumbledore with a twinkle in his eye.
“Thank you, professor.” Harry was going to miss those twinkly eyes. They had rubbed off on him over the pass seven years.
As Harry walked back to his seat, he wondered how many people out there knew he was married before he graduated.
Snape, who stood by the bottom, watched with a straight face as Harry returned to his seat, but definite pride in his eyes.
“Congratulations, Harry Potter!” was all Harry heard once he stepped down from the platform. Everyone had approached him to shake his hand and take a picture with him; seven parents of students who had never spoken a word to Harry over his seven years. Harry tried to be polite and just smile, but after a while, he began to get irritated. He wanted to see Remus, Padfoot, and other members of the Order who had come to see him graduate. Harry tried to get lost in the boisterous crowd, and eventually, it worked. He moved towards a crowd that was secluded. There, a black, scruff dog barked and wagged it tail. Harry patted Padfoot's head and then hugged Remus. “Congratulations, Harry! We are so proud of you!”
Tonks ran her hand through Harry's head and gave him an approving nod. “Now, go find Severus. I think I saw him run off into the halls.”
Harry looked towards the entrance to Hogwarts and nodded. “Thanks!” He waved and took off. He knew that he had barely spent a minute with his friends and family, but Snape to him was considered the most important person in his life. He wanted to hear some sort of approval coming from Severus Snape.
In the halls, Harry saw Snape leaning against a pillar. Harry smiled and ran up to him while trying to hold his cap in place. “There's no one here,” said Snape once Harry was within reach.
Snape leaned forwards and kissed the waiting lips. Harry sighed and cupped Snape's cheeks. He continued to kiss the older man longingly until Snape withdrew. “Don't do anything stupid,” said Snape. “That includes drinking. Riding the express with a hangover and a bunch of rowdy children isn't in your best interest.” Snape's thumb caressed Harry's cheek fondly. “Please be careful. I worry about you.”
Well, that scratched off Harry's first idea. So much for getting drunk and invading Snape's quarters. “
“You're coming to the party, right?” asked Harry as he grabbed a hold of Snape's hands.
“Do you want me there, Harry dear?”
“Yes. I always want you around.”
“You may, perhaps, but I doubt the other students do.”
“Well then, don't bother them. Watch me.”
“As if I don't already?” Snape managed a small, but apparent smile.
Harry nodded and smiled back. Just one more day to go, then he could start his new life by this man's side.
Later that evening, the moment Harry stepped into the Great Hall, poppers blew up beside his face and graffiti fell everywhere. There were flashing lights, fog, and a band playing upfront. In the center of the hall, above everyone else, hung the words `Congratulation Seven Years!' and above that, Dumbledore had bewitched the ceiling to look like the night sky. Complete with shooting stars. There were teachers stationed at the sides, but some were out and dancing with the students. A few Ravenclaws had kidnapped Flitwick and were dancing around him. He looked so completely lost and confused, but it was most amusing. McGonagall was also on the dance floor, dancing along side Sprout and a few of her Hufflepuffs. Harry figured he would miss both of them. McGonagall he might see again, but unless Harry personally pays a visit to Hogwarts in the future, he may never see Sprout again. And then there was Filch with his cat, sitting in the corner, minding themselves. The old man looked content just being with his furry companion. Dumbledore was amongst the students along the side. He was taking pictures and drinking punch. Hagrid was up front, dancing along side Ron and Hermione. It was great to see everyone having such a good time, but he knew that a lot of people would be crying before the night was over. Everyone has been together for seven years. It was difficult for Harry to imagine never returning to Hogwarts again as a student.
Harry moved away from the entrance as his fellow classmates filed in. There was a feast set up for the hungry students, and on the other side there was punch and other beverages. He wasn't hungry, but thirsty he would be within a few minutes.
However, before he could consider his choices, a few of his classmates pulled him onto the dance floor and he agreed to dance with them. Seeing everyone smile made Harry feel happy inside and for a moment, he felt like he could pretend that there was nothing but the present. He had to enjoy the moment, for there would never be another like it. These were memories to be cherished.
When Hermione and Ron found him, they pulled him away to spend some time with them, since they presumed that Harry wasn't going to be there long. “You're going to visit Snape, aren't you?” asked Ron when he noticed that Harry kept looking back at the entrance.
“In a few minutes, perhaps.”
“But you have your whole life ahead of you to see him. Stay with us,” said Hermione.
“But I have my whole life ahead of me to see you too. We're going to stay friends forever.”
Ron and Hermione nodded. The people they were close to they planned on keeping in touch with. It was more the professors Harry was displeased about leaving behind. “Can you imagine if this was the last time you were ever going to see Snape?” asked Ron.
“I probably wouldn't have fallen for him anyhow if it wasn't for the engagement.”
“Has he told you yet why he picked you?” asked Hermione.
Harry shook his head. He had a guess, but he didn't know for sure. “He won't tell me why. He keeps prolonging it.”
“You should ask him.” Said Hermione with a grin. “Make it his gift to you. You have a right to know anyways.”
“Yeah,” said Harry. “I do.”
Harry walked into Snape's quarters and found the man dressed in his black robes sitting on the couch, drinking fire whiskey while Angelus was sprawled out by the hearth. “She's coming to live with us, right?”
Snape didn't expect to see Harry so soon. It wasn't even eleven yet. “Angelus is your dragon. You decide.”
“But, isn't it your home?”
“It's our home,” Snape corrected him.
Harry tried to suppress the most exultant of smiles, but he failed miserably. “Come, sit,” said Snape. “I trust you didn't get wasted.”
“Not tonight. Maybe another time.”
“You're early, Harry. I thought you'd like to be with your fellow classmates.”
“Yeah, but I don't really talk to a majority of them. But those I actually know I'll be keeping in touch with.”
Snape grimaced. “Does that mean Ms. Granger will still be plaguing my life long after graduation?”
“She's my friend. I want her around.”
“The justification of my insanity. There are days I wish that girl never came to Hogwarts.”
“D'you really mean that?”
“Some days, Harry. Some days.”
“So, since there's time before I have to get to bed, I wanted to ask you something that's been on my mind for a really long time.”
Snape's eyes followed Harry as he came around to sit besides the older wizard.
Harry preferred to beat around the bush. Perhaps throw hints at the Potion Master, but when Harry considered how ambiguous the man could be, Harry had to boil it down to the question that would ultimately get him his answer. “Why did you pick me?”
Snape knew this question was coming. It was just a matter of time. “My motives for my choice sort of jump all over the place. Do you wish to know them all? I can sum up a few, but I can't remember all.”
Harry nodded.
“Of course there was envy, pride, … and bragging rights in reserving you and eventually having you as my husband. Who didn't want the boy-who-lived? It's only human to desire the envious. However, those reasons were but the substandard. I am human too, Harry. I want more than the world's most eminent boy. I wanted a partner that would care for his spouse, no matter who that person was. I am not loved by many, and most days, not even a few. I have very few friends and people I can trust. I cherish those I can and I knew that you did too. I gambled a bit on luck by choosing you, but your values were the same as mine. I figured that if we shared strong beliefs that would be the key to gaining your friendship. But when it comes down to the very reason that made you stand out above all the others was because I… I was already infatuated by you. It was small, and I didn't share it with anyone. No one needed to know.”
Harry had become restless. He finally had an answer from Snape and this answer was good. Snape was honest, but no one could blame him for such responses. “I guess that makes sense. But, what if you really didn't like me at all?”
“Then I wouldn't have chosen you.”
“So you fancied me?” Harry chuckled.
“Quite a bit. Where are you going with this?”
“I'm just thinking. The Potion Master had a crush on me. Who would've thought.”
“Anyone would've thought I wasn't in my right mind…,” Snape tilted Harry's chin backwards, “To desire a young man nearly half my age…” Snape's eyes held Harry's most suggestively. “Just once will never be enough….”
Snape stood up and walked over to Harry. Harry's eyes never left Snape's as the man slowly backed him up against the wall, pressing his body against Harry's and holding his young lover by the waist gently. “But I will prove to whom it concerns, that I love, husband. I didn't marry him for the title.” Snape then forced Harry to turn his head at an angle so that he may bestow kisses along his neck. Harry's limp arms hung at his sides. Harry looked down at Angelus, who continued to sleep peacefully despite the gentle moans and the sounds lips made when pulling away from the skin.
Snape unzipped Harry's slacks, snaked his hand inside and cupped the boy. “Merlin, Severus…” Harry watched Angelus. He feared the oncoming moment when she would wake.
“When the infatuation for you begun, I cannot recall…,” Snape shifted Harry that his legs were against Snape's outer thighs, bringing the boy in closer, “but once I accepted it, I couldn't bear to lose you… I wanted you near me. Always…,” Snape pressed against Harry's chest and breathed against his neck. “I wanted it, so that this young man would always be by my side.”
Harry wrapped his arms around Snape's neck and gradually allowed his neck to curve to the side as his hips gripped Snape's hips and his cock hardened in Snape's ferociously hot hands. “That… can't… ahhh… be all…”
“Though, as much as I wanted you, I wouldn't allow myself to be consumed by greed. I held back the desire… as much as possible. But several times before, I've found that I wanted to take you. Married or not. In love or not.” Harry removed his glasses and set them down on the stand behind the couch. “No one… no one would take you from me.”
“You sound passionate,” Harry commented as he closed his eyes.
“That's only the beginning.”
In mere seconds Harry's clothes were gone and he was higher against the wall, his legs tenaciously holding onto Snape's waist. His eyes closed, his chest, rising with the intensifying ministrations, and his hands combing through Snape's hair. He felt himself far more alert and sensitive to the gentlest touches from his older lover. He loved Snape's lips against his lips, but he found that he needed them more against his perky nipples. Snape licked them first, moisturizing them then he touched them and pinched them. Harry pressed his chest against Snape's hands and drank in the scene. He wanted Snape to worship his body, to tend to their needs, and satisfy those arching parts that longed for his touch. Snape's hands moved down Harry's body and gripped his arse. Harry smiled while closing his eyes. “I'm going to penetrate you without preparation,” Snape warned as he moved Harry up higher against the wall.
Harry's eyes shot open, but before he could say a word of protest, Snape's tip was against his entrance and it was going in. “Ah… ahhh… ahhh! I'm going to tear open!” Harry tried to loosen his muscles but it had been a while since anything of Snape's size had gone through.
Snape held still and brought a hand around to stroke Harry's cock. As impulsively as his lower member wanted to dive deep into Harry, Snape remained in control and first tended to Harry, hoping that it would distract Harry's mind from the pain. And it did for a second. Harry began panting and gasping and sweating. Then Snape loosened his grip around Harry, letting the young man slide down his cock. Harry cried out. He held onto Snape and his nails began to dig into Snape's back. “Slowly!” Harry panted as he tried to shift around with Snape's erection half way inside of him. Harry ran his hand through his hair ruffled hair and tried to maintain a steady breathing pace as Snape kissed his neck.
Snape pulled out entirely and moved Harry onto the couch. He then got onto of Harry and pulled a leg over his shoulder. “Hold still,” Snape tried entering Harry again and Harry's foot cringed and his toes curled. He wanted Snape to pound him like before, but his cavern was still to tight to allow such hasty actions without tearing his walls. Harry threw his head back. “Next time, give me ah… a potion… ah… before you break entry…”
“Don't think about it… Think about something else…”
Harry dug his nails further into Snape's back. How the bloody hell was he supposed to do that when a massive erection was half way up his sensitive arse.
Snape pushed until he was all the way in and then he moved a hand between them, pumping Harry until the boy was about to go over the hill. He watched as precum began to ooze out from the tip and then he pulled out of Harry again. The boy nodded and Snape began to thrust in and out of Harry. Harry then felt that fire inside of him again. This time more powerful than before and it had quite the effect on his body. That tender spot Snape kept hitting sent something hot through the nerves in his legs down to his toes. It then gathered there and made his feet numb. That same sensation gathered in his stomach and exploded, sending shivers to his finger tips and making them numb as well. “I'm cuming…,” Harry said as he tried to hold onto Snape with that last bit of energy he had.
When Harry came, Snape took a moment to watch it all happen before he resumed until he hit his climax as well. He emptied into Harry then brought the boy up until they were facing each other. “We can have as many nights as you desire like this.”
Harry smiled and gasped. He looked over to Angelus, who was wide away and staring at the two men. Snape, who was still inside of Harry, tried his best to cover Harry's body as he chuckled. “I don't think she cares.”
“Look at her! She's traumatized!”
Snape looked down at then stroked Harry's cock. “You scared yourself into another erection, Harry.”
Harry shivered and looked back at Snape. “Can we first take this elsewhere?”
They didn't have to bother, because Angelus got up quickly and ran off into another room.
Snape grinned and Harry just fell silent as Snape also became hard inside of him.
The Hogwarts Express whistled and its steam filled the platform. Harry stared out the window at Snape and Angelus as the train began to move. Snape said that he had to wait one more week at Hogwarts to give the students their finals, but Harry was sent away home, to take care of it and do with their home as he preferred. They had one summer to enjoy and to be with just each other before Harry would start training and Snape would return to Hogwarts. One summer before their time before the climax of the war was on its way.
The young wizard pressed his hand against the window and sighed. One summer left before his entire life would change.
A/N: There may be a sequel, but for now, I don't know. If you still have any questions, I can answer them personally through a PM or email. Please review and I'm sorry it took forever for me to finish this fic. Please though read the next snarry I have coming out: Situational Ethics.