Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ I Wed Thee ( Chapter 25 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Won't You Please Stay With Me?
Edited by Amanda Saitou
A/N: Thank you for reviewing the last chapter. Now, before you continue to read, I want to remind everyone that this story is a FANFICTION, or more specifically, my fiction.
If you do not feel comfortable reading about men engaging in sexual activities then do NOT proceed.
Chapter 25:
“I Wed Thee”
Bright and early on a Monday morning, when the students were not coherent in the least and teachers were feeling weary from the many assignments they've been grading, Dumbledore took a moment out of his busy schedule to make an announcement. That Saturday, all students were required to take a trip to Hogsmeade from seven in the morning until seven that evening while the Ministry of Magic did a thorough check on the school for reasons Dumbledore deemed confidential. No students would stay behind unless given a detention, which Dumbledore assured would be one of the most horrid detentions as of yet. Dumbledore mentioned that a few teachers would be required to stay behind, such as McGonagall, Hagrid, and of course, Snape.
He then looked over to Harry and then gave a small nod. Harry instantly understood what he was trying to achieve.
Later that day, Dumbledore passed notes to the professors to hand out to Harry and his student guests. The notes were bewitched to hide the message inside so that it could only be seen by the person meant to receive it. Inside, the message clearly stated that the receiver needed to earn a detention in order to attend Harry's wedding that Saturday, and in some cases, like Neville's and Hermione's, gave instructions on how to go about it. Dumbledore didn't fail to mention that their teachers were fully aware of which students needed the detention and that they were ready to respond promptly. Neville found that he was in Potions when he received the note. Fancy that. The note said that he needed to sabotage Hermione's potion while she was busy fetching another potion ingredient. Neville looked up at Snape, who was busy grading papers at his desk. Hermione looked over at Neville and gave him a wink. She got up and began to walk over to the cupboard to fetch a “forgotten” item, and in the mean time, Neville snatched a handful of Billy Botch Beans and dumped them into Hermione's cauldron just as the note instructed. A boom ensued which was shortly followed by smelly gas. The gas was known to give your throat a rash, but it wasn't anything serious. Either way, the boom nearly gave Snape a heart attack. He rushed over to Neville's desk and seized the boy by the front of his robes. “Explain yourself!”
“I… I…”
“I…,” Neville swallowed then shouted, “I'm sick and tired of Hermione always making a perfect potion while mine are always a failure!” Neville made sure to yell as loud as he could. If what he said failed to agitate the professor, then perhaps the yelling itself would earn him a detention. “So what if I sabotaged hers?! I'm sure that mudblood could afford one mishap!”
Snape released Neville. “Detention, this Saturday, Mr. Longbottom.”
Suddenly, from behind Snape, Hermione yelled out, “He called me a mudblood and all he gets is one, fucking detention?!”
Snape spun around and arched his brow. Hermione, cursing? What was this world coming to? “Detention, Ms. Granger, this Saturday.”
Everyone in the class was more than surprised to witness Hermione Granger, little miss perfect, getting landed in a detention. Harry watched from across the room and smiled to himself. He wondered how Ron was going to be able to land himself in a detention.
“Detention, Mr. Weasley,” said McGonagall as she walked over to Malfoy, who Ron had just transformed into a ferret purely out of curiosity.
“I swear… I didn't mean to…”
McGonagall shook her head as she looked down at the hunch over ball of fur. “Mr. Malfoy, perhaps this time you've learned that provoking a Gryffindor may just be the last thing you want to do.”
The ferret hissed then hustled away. McGonagall looked over the desk to find the ball of fur charging towards Ron. Ron gasped and was just a second away from climbing onto his desk before Malfoy pounced and bit Ron's middle finger. “F…uck…!”
Five minutes later and Ron was sitting in the infirmary with a bandage wrapped around his finger. He was given a potion to drink that would take care of the infection and a sealing charm to help heal the chewed off skin faster, but Madam Pomfrey preferred to let nature take its course. “Your finger will be back to normal in no time.”
Ron looked at it and sighed. A second later and both Hermione and Harry walked into the infirmary. “We heard what happened,” said Hermione while giggling. “I wish I was there to see the look on your face when Malfoy bit you.”
Ron threw a death glare at Hermione. “Bloody ferret.”
“I'm surprised you still have a finger.”
“Well, I guess that's the best news then, isn't it?”
“What's with you?” asked Harry.
Ron sighed. “Malfoy got landed with a detention too…”
“What?!” Hermione and Harry yelled together.
“I don't know if he has to serve it on Saturday… I just know he got one.”
“Bloody hell…,” said Harry as he crossed his arms and shook his head.
“Do you think Dumbledore will keep him locked away on Saturday?” asked Hermione.
“I didn't invite him to my wedding,” said Harry. “I doubt he'll let Malfoy attend.”
“So, on another note, did you get landed yet, Harry?” asked Ron.
Harry pushed up his glasses which were steadily falling. “Yeah. I got landed in one when I tried to levitate Professor Flitwick while he was in the middle of discussing the fundamentals of performing the wedgie charm. I tried to perform it and see if the rumors were true about him wearing blue, raven patterned briefs, but my plan didn't exactly work out.”
Hermione shook her and Ron laughed. “Who else needs to get a detention?”
“I think that's everyone… plus one…”
“Blasted Malfoy!” Hermione groaned.
“Talking about me again, are you, Weasley?” Malfoy approached the trio and stared Ron in the eye. Ron's eyes grew to the size of a tennis ball before Malfoy looked over his shoulder at Harry, who was pushing the tip of his wand into Malfoy's back. “Is Saint Potter always going to have to help you?”
“What do you want, Malfoy?” Harry asked clearly.
Malfoy turned around so that Harry's wand was digging into Malfoy's chest. “You know.” Malfoy lifted both of his eyes brows suggestively.
Hermione said, “He's taken. You know that just as well as the rest of us.”
“Perhaps…,” Malfoy then whispered to Harry, “I need to tell you something… later on.”
Harry narrowed his eyes, then Malfoy passed one last look at Hermione and Ron then left. “What's he up to now?” asked Ron.
“What did he say, Harry?”
“He needs to talk to me.”
“'Bout what I wonder.” Hermione adjusted her bag then looked down at Ron's swollen finger. “You sure that thing's going to heal by Saturday?”
Ron threw a death glare at Hermione.
Now it was Thursday afternoon after the 7th years finished going through the application process with the heads of their houses when Harry was gallivanting down the pleasantly warm halls with no destination in mind, when it suddenly struck him that a short, sweet visit with the Potion's master seemed like the perfect way to pass the hour. Harry stopped and turned towards the corridor he was about to pass. It was time to disturb Snape's few hours of solitude, but the man might as well get used to it, because before long, he was never going to have a moment to himself again. That is, unless he's using the toilet.
When he arrived at Snape's door, he knocked twice then said fuck it, and let himself in. Snape was pacing back and forth in the middle of the room, apparently so deep in thought that he hadn't heard Harry “breaking” and entrance. “Severus?”
Snape sharply turned his head. “What do I owe the honor?”
“I was bored, and I didn't think you would be too busy to see me.”
“Of course, Harry. However endless my work load may be, there isn't a moment when I can't tend to my young groom.”
Harry cupped Snape's face then kissed his lips. “I remember the first time I kissed you.”
“I would hope so. It wasn't that long ago.”
“I couldn't believe it. I kept repeating in my mind, `I'm kissing Snape! I'm kissing Snape!' and my heart was beating so fast, I thought it was going to beat its way out of my chest. Jump out and grow little legs like in cartoons.”
Snape continued to listen, adding nothing else.
“I wanted to have all of you so badly when I first kissed you, but of course you wouldn't let me have my way. Which was probably for the best. So… since I've been waiting don't you dare disappoint me.”
Snape chuckled, “Inevitably there will be pain, Harry. In order to assure your comfort, you must submit yourself to me. If you try to do things on your own if you don't know what you are doing, you'll hurt yourself.”
“How many times have you had sex?”
Snape choked and began to cough violently.
“I'm serious! I know you've done this before! You're nearly forty! You can't be a virgin!”
Snape continued to cough.
“The way you talk about it, it's like you've done it a number of times with other partners! You don't have anything I can catch, right?”
Snape patted his chest and then said, “What I've done and who I've done isn't important. I don't have any transmittable viruses or diseases if you are wondering.”
Harry didn't look pleased with Snape's respond. He wanted answers. Not to be left in the dark.
Then Snape said sincerely, “Harry, my most precious, from now on you will be my everything.”
The next day, the eve of Harry's wedding, Dumbledore himself made sure that Snape was not present during Harry's potion class by calling him away and assigning professor McGonagall, who had a free period, to teach. When the students walked into the classroom, dreading the hour, they were most stunned however relieved to see a Tabby cat sitting on Snape's desk watching everyone as they filed in. When Harry walked in, he raised his brow and then searched the room for his lover. “He's not here, Mr. Potter,” said McGonagall once she morphed back into her human shape. “He's away for the hour on strict business with the Headmaster.”
Harry took his seat then McGonagall pointed to the blackboard. “These are the instruction your professor left. I trust you know what to do.”
The students nodded then got off their seats to fetch the ingredients needed for the potion. “What do you think Severus is up to?” Harry asked Hermione.
“Obviously, Harry. It's bad luck to see your groom or bride the day before the wedding.”
“Huh? That's stupid.”
“Probably, but think of it as a day to gather your thoughts. It's your last day as a free man.”
“Bloody hell… and we didn't even throw a bachelor party for Harry…,” Ron shook his head. “I guess we'll just have to wait until Fred or George settled down.”
Harry chuckled then left his desk before Ron raised any suspicions.
Eight hours later and Harry was sitting on his bed, staring out his window and pondering quietly to himself. In another 12 hours, he'll be getting ready… throwing on his gown and preparing himself for his big day. A day from now, he was going to be a married man. Married! Married to Severus Snape. Harry smiled and folded his legs against his chest. He began swaying from side to side. He was so excited he couldn't keep himself still, and inside him, he felt great big butterflies fluttering around causing a most apprehensive sensation. What if something went wrong? Like if Harry tore his gown or if Malfoy made it into the Room of Requirement? How about if someone in the Ministry recognizes Padfoot? Or worse… what if Snape was summoned by Voldemort?
Harry shook his head to rid himself of all the negative thoughts.
He had to think positive!
Harry reached into his drawer and pulled out a wrinkled piece of parchment. He reread his vows, making sure he knew them by heart. He wanted to recite them while looking deeply into Snape's eyes. He wanted his words to touch Snape's heart when he recited his vows. He wanted to move Snape. Harry had worked so hard on them. There was no way Snape was going to laugh at him. Harry placed his vows back inside his drawer and sighed. He needed to sleep but he couldn't. He wanted tomorrow to hurry. He wanted to hear Snape say that he loves him.
“HARRY!! WAKE UP!” Harry blinked a few times, trying to recognize the blurry face with long, curly hair shaking him.
“Harry, old bubby, you're getting married in a few hours! You have to get up!!!” Ron ripped Harry's blanket off the bed.
Harry sat up and reached for his glasses. In his dorm, he saw not only Hermione and Ron, but Sirius, Remus, Mad Eyed Moody, Tonks, Neville, Ginny, Fred and George, Bill and Fleur, and Mr. and Mrs. Weasley crowding around his bed. Why was everyone up at such an ungodly hour? The sun hadn't even risen. “Hurry, Harry! You must get ready for your big day!” Mrs. Weasley took Harry's hand and helped him out of the bed and towards the dorm bathroom. “Now take a shower and then we'll help you get ready. We gave you some new soaps to try today that should last all day. And don't forget to shave.” She patted Harry's back then pushed him into the bathroom and closed the door.
When Harry turned on the water, he gasped. He wasn't going to be a free man nor a virgin before the night was over. His heart began racing again. He was no longer asleep.
As soon as Harry opened the bathroom door, Sirius pulled Harry out and used a spare towel to dry the boy's hair. Now, only Sirius, Remus, Ron, Fred, and George were in the room. “We had to get rid of the ladies,” said Fred as he searched through a bag Remus had brought. “You know how girls are. They just can't keep their hands off us.”
George chuckled then slapped Fred's arse.
“We bought you a pair of silk briefs,” said Remus as Fred withdrew the briefs from the bag. “Put those on.”
Harry didn't have a choice in the matter. He did as he was told then George fetched Harry's gown. “Nice robes. Just you wait and see what Dumbledore and Snape are wearing.”
Harry was about to ask, but then he found his mouth full of silk. Once the gown had been fitted Fred opened the dorm door and pushed Harry out. “The girls are going to take care of your hair and nails and so on.”
Mrs. Weasley took Harry's hand again and dragged the boy down the stairs. They sat him on a couch and immediately she began charming his nails and hair. “As sexy as you may think your hair style is, Harry, we're not going to let you walk into that room with a bed head.”
Harry smiled and watched as his nails on his hands and feet became glossy and well trimmed. After his nails and hair came a table which was filled with food. Harry looked at Mrs. Weasley who said, “Dobby prepared most of it for you.”
Harry smiled then served himself a plate while the others did so as well. Sirius then sat next to Harry and placed his arm around him. “You grew up too fast.”
“I know… but I sort of didn't have a choice.”
“You always have a choice, Harry.”
Remus sat down next to Sirius. “Congratulations, Harry. Severus has no idea how luck he is to have you.”
Harry wasn't all too sure about that, but he nodded nonetheless.
After breakfast, Mrs. Weasley and Mr. Weasley left with their children, Fleur, and Tonks. They all needed to clean up and get ready for the wedding. Remus and Sirius hugged Harry tightly then said that they also needed to freshen up before the ceremony. As soon as she was done eating, Hermione ran upstairs into the girl's dorm to find something decent to wear. Harry finished his last sausage then looked over at Neville who was finished up his tea, and Moody who was slowly falling asleep on the couch opposite Harry. It was about nine in the morning. Only two more hours left until Harry had to hurry to the Room of Requirement.
When Moody and Neville finally left to get ready themselves, Harry did something he probably shouldn't have done. He left the common room to get a little bit of fresh air.
Out along the halls, it was completely deserted and quiet. The only sounds that could be heard were the brisk howls of the wind and the tapping of the feet on the stone path. Harry was standing next to the large window opening, staring out at the white clouds as they gathered together. It was still spring so it wouldn't surprise Harry if it rained.
Then, Harry heard someone approaching him. He turned around and saw Malfoy walking down the halls like it was just an ordinary day. Harry gaped. He knew that Malfoy knew about him and Snape, but he didn't want to have to hear anything more about it. “Nice dress,” said Malfoy.
“Not today, Malfoy.”
“I guess today is the big day. Never thought this day would come. I bet you didn't see this coming a year ago.”
Harry didn't. He never fostered feelings for the older man. He never spent his leisure time thinking about him. Harry thought if anything, he would never see Snape after he graduated from Hogwarts.
“Anyways, I'm here for another reason.”
“What?” Harry asked.
“For all the bullshit I put your arse through.”
Harry was taken aback. “Elaborate.”
“You know what I'm talking about, Potter. About all that shit you went through just prior to your little make up scene with Snape.”
“What are you blabbering on about?” Harry tilted his head.
“All those pranks… all those rumours… yeah… I started those.”
Harry gaped. “You arsehole!”
“Yeah… so I just wanted to let you know before you took your big step. No one would've known about you and Snape if I hadn't let it slip.”
Harry wanted to punch Malfoy's lights out. “So you were behind everything?”
“I'd beat the bloody shit out of you if I wasn't wearing this.”
“Save your energy for your consummation,” Malfoy then turned around and walked away. “Just remember, you don't have anything to worry about from now on so long as you and Snape keep a low profile.”
Harry quickly returned to his room, seeking comfort and security until the ceremony was about to commence.
A little while later, after Harry had some time to think and rehearse his vows several more times, Mrs. Weasley entered Harry's dorm and touched his shoulder lightly, “It's time.”
For a moment, Harry felt like he was going to die from trepidation. Now was not the time to have cold feet.
“Come along, Harry. Severus is waiting for you.”
“He's there?” Harry asked as he stood up.
“Yes, but before we go, we have a few things to take care of.”
Sirius stepped forwards and began to gather the side of Harry's gown in his arms. “What are you doing?”
Remus then came around with black box and opened it. Inside, there was a white silk garter. It was bunched together by elastic and on the outside a fancy, light green ribbon tied into a bow. Simple, yet it represented so much more. “Give me your leg, Harry,” said Sirius.
Harry didn't bother to ask questions, for be was awestruck. What ever convinced them that Snape would me more than inclined to go under Harry's gown and publicly pull that thing off with his teeth was way beyond Harry. “I don't think Severus will want to do that….”
“Nonsense,” said Remus. “He's the one who suggested it.”
Harry was flabbergasted. “Are there anymore surprises?”
Remus brought forth Harry's tiara and fasted it to Harry's forehead, then with a quick flick of his wand and a smoky, white veil covered the front of Harry's face. It hid his delicate features well, but his eyes did more than pierce through the magical fabric. He looked at Remus and Remus nodded. “What about shoes?”
Remus shook his head. “There won't be any need for that. No one but members of the Ministry will be wearing shoes. Everyone will be addressed for the occasion, except members of the Ministry.”
Harry nodded, then Sirius, who was wearing a bathrobe over his nude body, slow began to morph into his black dog self. The robe dropped and Sirius walked out from beneath it and barked. Remus and Mrs. Weasley stepped to the side and then said, “He'll lead the way.”
It took fifteen minutes to get from the Gryffindor room, up the changing staircases, and to the Room of Requirement, but in those fifteen minutes, Harry saw his entire, single life go by like a rushed gust of wind. Ahead, Harry saw the small, wooden door that lead into a broom closet slowly raise itself into two grand, enchanted gates with Pegasus rearing over the front. This was it. Harry was to walk through those doors a single man, and walk out a married man. Mrs. Weasley tapped her wand over her head and suddenly, she was wearing a witch's ceremony robe. It was a calm baize gown hugging her not too tightly, with embroidering all around the hemming. Remus' wizard ceremony robes weren't too different, except that his was whiter than baize. Together, they pulled on the rose shaped handles and light could be seen through the two splendid doors. Harry squinted and blinked several times to get used to the light. He then felt vines curling around his hand and a gentle tug. Harry moved forwards and then a bouquet was placed in his hands. It was a beautiful bouquet with exotic roses and lilies of every color. Harry held it close to him, then finally had a look at the room inside. The room had shaped itself to resemble a forest, with tall trees and gentle rays of light peering in through the treetops. A path led winded and carried on deeper into the room. “Are we really in the Room of Requirement?”
“Yes, Harry.”
Sirius tugged and Harry continued forwards while turned his head and admiring his surroundings. It was like he was traveling through the Dark Forest, searching for something, and finally, ahead Harry saw the pews and people turning towards him. Harry bit his lower lip and before he looked down, he spotted Hermione dressed in red robes, seated next to Bill who was also wearing red robes, who was sitting next to the rest of the Weasley family and Fleur, all of whom were wearing red. Except for Fred and George, whom were wearing blue robes. Moody seated next to Tonks, while the silly woman turned around and winked at Harry. Beside her was Remus then Neville. The Ministers were sitting on the other side, in their own little secluded section. They were all wearing black suits.
It was then that Harry finally saw little petals of roses scattered over the ground which he walked. He looked up and the only sight that captured Harry's was Snape. He too was dressed in wizard ceremony robes, but his robes were a dark, forest-y green, and like Harry's robes, Snape's had a long tail curled around the ground. Snape also had a tiara minus the veil and he was unshod. Snape was standing besides Dumbledore, who was dressed in royal purple and wearing something much like a wizard's tall hat with gold running down the front of his robes.
When Harry caught Snape's eyes, the elder wizard looked into Harry's eyes like he could see his soul. Forget butterflies, Harry felt bees waging war with his interiors. Then, besides Snape, Harry saw Angelus standing tall and proud and from her mouth a basket was suspended. “Angelus… You're Severus' best man,” Harry whispered to himself as he giggled and finally, stood beside Snape.
The vines around Harry's hand disappeared and Sirius walked to the side, joining up with Remus and Moody. Snape offered Harry his arm and Harry willingly took it. They then turned to face Dumbledore and the elderly wizard began in a vociferous voice, “Severus Snape and Harry James Potter, in presenting yourselves here today to be joined in marriage, you perform an act of faith. This faith can grow and develop and last, but only if you both commit yourselves to it. A lasting and growing love is not guaranteed by any ritual, but by the effort you put into it. If you would have the foundation of your marriage be the devotion you have for one another, not just at this moment, but for all the days to come, then treasure the hopes and dreams that you bring here today. Establish that your love will never be blotted out by the common nor obscured by the ordinary in life. Faults will surface where now you find comfort, and admiration can be shattered by the routine of daily life. Dedication, love, and joy can grow only when you nourish them together. Stand fast in that hope and confidence, having faith in your shared destiny just as strongly as you have faith in yourselves and in one another today. Only with this spirit can you forge a union that will strengthen and endure all the days of your lives.”
Dumbledore turned to Angelus and the dragon stepped forwards, presenting a small ring in her basket. Slowly, Snape removed Harry's veil, took the ring from Angelus, and then picked up Harry's hand in his. He raised it slightly then began to recite his vows. “My beloved, romance may fade, but true love endures. I choose to truly love you, with kindness, faithfulness, and respect through every circumstance that life may bring. Because you are the treasure of my heart, it will be my joy to support, encourage, comfort, and defend you as we together face the coming days of sorrow and joy, sickness and health, poverty and wealth. When I have been wronged, I will forgive. When I do wrong, I will confess with contrition. When conflict dims our days, I will exercise the patience of true love and seek the light of wise counsel. Most of all, I will rejoice and be thankful for the completing gift of you. And I know that no matter what may come, I will remain by your side with enduring devotion and fidelity for as long as we are allowed to share this earthly life. This is my solemn vow because, in you, I have found the one my soul loves,” Snape slid the cool ring onto Harry's finger and then said softly, “Harry James Potter, I give you this ring as a symbol of my vow, and with all that I am, and all that I have, I will honor you as my equal.”
Harry felt like he was about to break down and shatter into tears, but he couldn't. He had worked far too hard to not make his vow sound perfect. He took a deep breath and after looking at his new ring, he took Snape's hand in his and began his vow.
“Here we stand before witnesses, to make vows this day,
Love, honor, cherish, until death, do they say.
This is my pledge, my promise, my creed,
These faith-given words, that I will not read.

For you, all my love, both body and soul
It's what brought us together, it's what makes us whole.
With our faith in each other, we will walk most bold,
My life for yours, our destiny to unfold.

Honoring you is a task well received
For respect and commitment is something we need.
I will always respect you, on this long road ahead,
I commit my life to you, My love whom I wed.

One cherishes a treasure, something dear to the heart,
I will cherish your love, and always impart,
My thoughts and concerns, remain open, sincere,
Through good times and bad, every day of the year.

Until Death is a theme that is best left unsaid
For death has no place with the man I wed.
But Eternal life, stating that our life has just begun,
Means that even in death, we will always be one,” Ron then walked forwards and passed Harry his ring. Harry opened the fiery box and out stood the snake dragon, looking straight at Snape as if the dragon knew exactly to whom he was to be presented. Snape's soft eyes widened with astonishment as the dragon lowered its head and then began to coil. Harry slide the dragon around Snape's finger then Snape was rather enthralled as he watched it swathed around his finger without being charmed to do so. Harry then held on tightly to Snape's hand and finished

”This ring that I give you is my promise of love,
Of our future together, till the end of.
I take you as my husband, let true witness bear,
With this ring I wed, your life in my care.”
Dumbledore placed his hand beneath Harry's and Snape's and said, “With this statement made of love and trust, which we are witnesses to, I now wish you to greet Mr. Severus Snape and Mr. Harry Snape as husband and husband. May this day shine eternally in your lives. May it add brilliance to every achievement and cast a divine light over any misfortune. May you care for each other in all sadness. May you give cheer to each other. May you give vitality to each other in all undertakings. May all that is virtuous, beautiful, and honest remain with you always,” Dumbledore turned to the couple and whispered more to Snape than Harry, “You may kiss your young husband.”
Without a second thought, Snape stepped forwards and softly kissed Harry's lips before a gasping crowd. For a moment Snape forgot where he was and after everything that Harry had said, he impulsively whispered into Harry's mouth, “I love you.” He wanted Harry to know. He needed Harry to know. Snape had been holding back for far too long.
Harry stepped back and for that precious moment, all the cheering and clapping coming from his audience fell silent on his ears. He kissed Snape again and then nestled his head in the crook of Snape's neck. He wanted so badly to slip away with Snape, but alas, that would have to wait. Snape turned towards his audience and Harry blushed as he stood closely to his new husband. “What are you so shy about, Harry?” Snape asked as Harry unconsciously began to hide his face and lean in towards Snape.
Harry shrugged bashfully. Then his legs felt unimaginably wobbly. That was all he needed right now. “Carry me,” said Harry as he wrapped his arms around Snape's neck.
Snape did just that. He swept his new husband off his feet and carried his away from the small Alter. There were some people whistling at him, and of course, Harry's friends were clapping like crazy. Harry tried to burry his face in the crook of Snape's neck, but it really wasn't working. Snape carried Harry down the aisle and towards a small gate that would take them to another room. Once they passed through that gate, everything went silent and Snape finally set Harry down on his feet. The room looked very much like the other, but no one was there besides Harry and Snape. “Where's the photographer?” Harry asked as he leaned against Snape for support.
“He'll be here shortly,” Snape leaned into Harry and nestled against him. He hummed lightly and then said, “I love the ring. Its power is far beyond anything I've ever felt from a materialistic object.”
“I'm glad you like it. It's one of a kind.”
“Harry, I love you,” Snape said again while nibbling onto Harry's ear. The first time he said it, he just needed Harry to know, but now, he needed to hear Harry say it back to him. He pressed forwards and kissed Harry's neck, not really doing a good job at getting the answer out of Harry, but doing a great job at getting a hard response from Harry's nether regions.
Harry moaned and then the gate opened again before Harry could manage a response. A little goblin wobbled in with a camera and snapped his fingers. Equipment appeared from all around and then he began instructing Harry and Snape.
Two hours later and Snape and Harry were back with their friends and the Minister with his henchmen had left. Tables had been set up and a fabulous feast was being served. Snape didn't let the opportunity to feed Harry pass. He picked up some steak pieces and fed Harry like a baby. Harry didn't complain. He opened his mouth, feeling rather thrilled about getting so much attention from his beloved husband. Harry ate greedily and snuggled close to Snape after each and every bite. In truth, both Harry and Snape had forgotten that they were surrounded by guests. They were far too focused on each other and far too content to bother paying anyone else any mind. Snape then wrapped his arm around Harry's shoulders. He couldn't remember for how long he had been waiting for this day, but finally, it had arrived and Harry was his. Only his. He had secured a mate. One he loved and cherished.
Eventually, music began to be played and Snape happily led Harry out onto the large dance floor. He held Harry against his body and they danced in each other's arms, looking only at each other with such love, desire, and lust. Inevitably, once they were surrounded by other couples, Snape began to press himself against Harry's body. Harry groaned and rested his forehead against Snape's chest. They found that they rather liked this; just swaying gently to romantic music and surrounded by people they knew they could trust.
In all of this, he never noticed Mr. and Mrs. Weasley giggling at them from the side, nor Dumbledore and McGonagall who were dancing together on Harry's other side.
Ron and Hermione, who were watching from the side, giggled. “D'you think they're going to run out of here as soon as the wedding is over and fuck like there's no tomorrow?” asked Ron.
Hermione gasped, “Honestly, Ron, there's no way Harry can do that. He has to return to the Gryffindor room right after the ceremony.”
“Psh, I doubt he'll do that unless he's mental. Look at them! I mean, even Snape looks like he's getting hard.”
“Well, it's just going to have to wait.”
Ron shook his head. There was no way that Snape was not going to have his way with Harry before the evening was over.
Two hours later and most of Harry's and Snape's guests were completely wasted. They figured that since everyone was friends and family with everyone, that no one would try to do anything to anyone. Sirius stood up on the tables and began dancing like crazy. The Ministry had left and Sirius wanted to party like an animal in his human shape. Harry, in the mean time, had moved himself onto the dance floor and turned his back to Ginny, Hermione, Tonks, and, surprisingly, McGonagall; they all tried pushing and shoving each other out of the way as Harry got ready to throw his bouquet at them. When he finally did, as a joke, he threw it to the side, and instead of one of those girls catching it, it ended up in Remus' lap. The werewolf jumped and Sirius jumped off the table he was dancing on. He sat close to Remus and then began whispering incoherent words into the man's ears that made his blush like a ripe cherry. Hagrid, who was sitting just behind Remus, laughed while he fed Fang some left over turkey legs. “I bet Sirius will want ter get married.”
Remus smiled and winked at Harry as he scooted closer to Sirius. Then all of a sudden, Harry felt himself being pushed back into a chair. It was finally time for the removal of the garter. Harry chuckled and blushed as he watched Neville, Ron, Fred and George, Moody, Dumbledore, and finally Sirius gather around as Snape approached him. The older man grinned and Harry looked up innocently as Snape got down on his knees and literally had to crawl over to Harry with provocative music playing in the background. Harry tried to cross his legs, but was unable to once Snape got under his gown. Harry began to laugh and thrash around. Snape was tickling him by licking his thighs, but then, Snape turned the tables. One he had that garter in his mouth he began to stroke the inner walls of Harry's legs, and this drove the Gryffindor crazy. He wanted to moan and just allow himself to get hard, but while there were all these people around him, he found it rather difficult. Snape slide the garter off with his teeth, then tossed it behind him. It went far over the crowd and ended up in Fred Weasley's hands. The Weasley danced around and waved the garter then turned to George. “It's raining garters!”
The twins chuckled and turned to Harry who was a fierce red.
After all those events came the wonderful, unforgettable cake. It was modeled after Hogwarts and was complete with a Quidditch field, courtesy of Snape. Snape and Harry then took the knife and held it over the cake as the goblin took a picture of them, and then together they slowly began cutting the cake. “I love it, Severus! It's amazing!”
When you looked closely enough at it, there were balls flying around and famous Quidditch plays swooping around on their brooms. Then, if you looked at the tallest tower, there was Snape and Harry, standing next to each other and holding each other's hand. They occasionally kissed then looked back out at the real Harry and Snape. “I want to eat Severus!” Harry said to Severus as he pointed to Snape's replica.
Snape leaned in and whispered, “Yes, and I want to eat you… Harry.”
The cake was wonderful. Every slice was different from the other. Hermione found that her slice tasted like peaches. Ron's slice was chocolate ice cream flavoured, and Fred and George had sherbet. Dumbledore found that his was a white cake with strawberries, and McGonagall got cherries in hers. Snape had cheesecake, and Harry's had the splendid tres leches flavour. And when a small drop of milk fell trickled down Harry's lip, Snape didn't think twice about leaning in and licking it off. It was his wedding. He needn't be shy about anything. Harry blushed and tried to eat more of his cake, because on top of his piece was a Severus Snape looking around desperately for Harry, who was on top of Snape's piece of cake. “What's going to happen after this?” asked Harry.
“More dancing, then I'm afraid that the ceremony will be over. Students are going to be heading back soon. We can't have you walking back into the common room wearing that.”
“Severus,” Harry leaned into Snape's ear and whispered, “I want to consummate our marriage tonight. Can we…?”
Snape set down his fork and looked over at Harry, his eyes looking deep into Harry's. Consummating their marriage that night wouldn't be very difficult to do, since tomorrow would be Sunday, giving Harry a day to rest. There was no telling how Harry's body would respond to anal sex. “Hmmm…,” the end of Snape's lip twitch upwards.
“Is that a maybe?”
“Severus and Harry,” Dumbledore approached the newly wed couple and then said, “Students are going to be returning back momentarily. It's time to say your goodbyes and get ready to dispatch.”
Harry nodded and got up, “Alright.”
It took about fifteen minutes for Harry to say his goodbyes. Normally, it would have taken fifteen per person, but since Harry was working with a limited amount of time, everyone had to be out of there quickly. Once that was over, Dumbledore had some elves take the food and cake away to be stored away until Harry wished to have some more. Then Dumbledore opened the door to the Room of Requirement and said, “Now, Harry, we will go to Snape's quarters then we'll decide some things from there.”
When they got into Snape's quarters, the first thing that captured Harry's eyes was the stack of presents occupying the rug around the sofa. “Are those all for us?” Harry asked as he stared at the gifts.
“Why, yes, Harry. Who else would they be for? But if you don't want them, I could use a box of Muggle chocolates,” said Dumbledore as he approached a box wrapped in red gift wrap. “Some of those presents may be useful. You'll want to take the time to unwrap those and send back thank you letters.”
Harry nodded.
“Now, Harry, seeing that you are a married man, we no longer want you to stay in the Gryffindor common room.”
Harry turned to Dumbledore, appearing more thrilled than surprised. “What do you mean?” He asked anyways. He needed the clarification.
“If I remember correctly, I had suggested that to Snape back in August to have you move into his quarters. However, Snape said that wouldn't be wise and so I dropped the thought. Now, though, you are married men, and I would like to ask you, Harry, if you'd be alright with staying in your husband's quarters for the remainder of the year.”
Harry jumped up and nodded vigorously. He looked like a little kid who just got the one thing he wished the most for, “That would be fantastic!”
Dumbledore nodded. “Alright then, Harry. The elves will move your stuff to this room immediately.”
Dumbledore turned towards the door and then grinned, “Don't make too much noise. I don't want to have to come back down.”
Harry looked fearful and seemingly embarrassed and Snape was this close to throwing something at the old man.
Harry sat on the couch and Snape joined him shortly. As soon as Snape's arse touched the cushion, Harry straddled him and asked desperately, “Today was like a dream. Please tell me it wasn't. Please tell me this isn't a dream.”
Snape shook his head and took Harry's hand in his. “This isn't a dream, Harry.”
Harry then found himself kissing Snape, licking his lips, and tasting him. “You're my husband…,” said Harry softly as he pressed himself closer to Snape. “Now you don't have an excuse.”
“What if I told you I was tired?” asked Snape as he cupped Harry's cheeks.
“Well… I could still do you,” said Harry as he hooked his finger on Snape's robes.
“You would never…,” Snape grinned and held his head up high. “Get into my pants before I get into yours? It's unheard of.”
“Touch me, Severus. Touch me in ways you've never touched me before,” Harry whispered as he ran his hand over Snape's chest and neck. “Look at me sinfully. Drink me all in. Take all of me, and make me yours,” Harry kissed Snape after cupping his cheeks and bringing them to his. “Do it, or I'll do it to you…”
“Behave, Harry,” said Snape as he kiss Harry soundly. “Tonight is still young… I'll make love to you.”
Snape stood up, bringing Harry along with him so that his thighs tightly held Snape's waist. “So strong…,” said Harry as he wrapped his arms around his husband.
“Either that or you're too light. We'll have to fatten you up…,” Snape gave Harry's arse a tight squeeze and Harry gasped.
“Behave, Severussss.”
“Never!” Said Snape as he laid Harry onto the bed. “Now hold on a moment,” Snape left the room quickly to fetch what it was that he desired.
Harry sat up on the bed and gasped. He was going to have sex with Snape. He looked around the room, and then down at himself. He felt frightened suddenly; more terrified than he has felt in a long time. Perhaps this feelings was most normal, since he was about to engage in very intimate affairs and give his virginity to Snape. He tried to dig deeper into what his body was feeling. Besides fear, he knew he felt hot inside, as well as eager and frustrated, but was his bottom ready to receive? He looked behind himself at his arse. He couldn't tell for the life of him. Then Harry heard Snape coming back. Harry, feeling rather eager to get fucked and not teased, pulled over his gown and tossed it to the side. He then laid down and stretched out his arms.
When Snape came through the entrance, he froze for a second and Harry could feel Snape's eyes looking over him. Harry breathed in deeply through a little part in his mouth. “Severuss…”
Snape set the bottle he brought on the side and climbed into the bed and over Harry. “I feel like jumping you…,” Snape crushed his lips again Harry's and ran his hands along Harry's ribs. Harry opened his mouth and licked Snape's lips while his hands went to Snape's hips and began gathering the fabric franticly.
Snape held himself up so that Harry could get all the extra fabric over Snape's hips, then once Snape lower body was exposed, Harry pulled away from Snape and watched the man as he forced Snape's hips to lower onto his. He was most pleased when he found out that Snape had removed his briefs so their cocks could rub, stirring up their sexual drive. Harry cried out, “Oh, Severus!” and Snape grunted.
“Press harder!” Harry tried to move against Snape's hips while he grasped the sheets. Harry tried to stimulate Snape's prick, but nothing seemed to make that limp extension into an erection. “Help me…,” Harry order as he reached between their legs to touch Snape.
“Let's take of you first,” Snape allowed Harry to continue stroking him as he pulled away from Harry's face and looked down at Harry's nipples. They were pink and perky and crying out for some attention. Snape kissed on and ran his index finger over the other. Harry's ministrations slowed and soon, Harry's hand dropped. “Ah!” Snape bit and sucked a little, drawing out that sensual feeling a nipple feels when touched in all the right places.
Snape knew that he was doing everything right when he felt Harry just running his hands through Snape's hair and another member poking him in the stomach. “Harry, we need to do something about your erection.”
Harry nodded and kissed Snape's forehead. “Just don't stop.”
Snape's thumbs came to roll Harry's nipples around and Snape's lips met with Harry's. He wanted to see what Harry would do when being pleased and as he guessed, Harry didn't wait for an invitation. He slipped is tongue into Snape's mouth and friction ensued. They were rough, needy kisses, which were expected for an anxious, determined teenager. “Careful, Harry…”
“Why… aren't you… hard?” Harry asked as he kissed Snape some more.
“Want to make me hard, Harry?”
“Flip over and raise your hips…”
Harry flipped over and did as he was told. Almost instantly he could feel something thick and runny being pressed against his entrance. Harry bit onto the blanket and pushed back against what he guessed was Snape's finger. Feeling that first finger enter him made his stomach flop and his thighs feel wobbly. He grasped the pillow and cried into it. Snape's finger was moving inside of him while Snape's other hand was fondling his balls.
Everything started moving faster from then on. Two, then three fingers were inside of Harry, and his erection was beginning to twitch in Snape's hands. He picked himself up and leaned against Snape, resting his head back against Snape's shoulder while the man pumped him and his fingers stretched him from the insides. Harry was moaning and screaming all at once with abandon. And Snape found this stimulating.
He withdrew his fingers then decided to concentrate on just Harry. While one hand teased his nipples, the other pumped him, and moments later, Snape drained Harry of everything he had. Harry fell back against Snape, feeling overwhelmed and loose. “This isn't over,” said Snape as he lifted Harry's arse so he could feel Snape erection, which was also dying for some attention, against his bottom.
Snape ran his erection along Harry's bottom, then reached over and tried spreading Harry's legs out a little. Harry stared ahead and held still as Snape prepared him for penetration. “Harry, don't forget to breathe.”
Harry nodded while he gulped and held his eyes shut tight. “Just get in me!”
Snape held Harry still with one hand around his waist, “It's alright to shout.”
He then guided his penis to Harry's entrance and slowly began pressing. “Oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck oh fuck!” Harry cried and tried to pull away, but since Snape was holding him tightly, Harry had no choice but to give way to Snape.
“Breathe, Harry…” Snape voice was hoarser than ever before as he tried to get more comfortable inside of Harry.
Harry moaned and gasped. He felt filled inside and stretched to the maximum capacity. “Severuss…”
“Hold still,” Snape began pulling out and Harry let out a long, slow moan.
“Back in…,” said Harry as he tried pushing against Snape.
Snape began thrusting and his body forced Harry's to move along with his. With every push, Harry's body went forwards, and with every pull back, Harry body found itself moving backwards, seeking the source of its pleasure. Now Snape was moaning and crying out as he felt his entire cock easily slide into Harry, and Harry, in turn, cried out every time Snape's prick hit his pleasure button. He could do this all night.
Harry then pulled away and got on all fours. He looked over his shoulder and Snape slipped his cock back into Harry. “Yess…!”
Harry found this easier. Snape moved faster when they were like this while his hand attended to Harry's new erection.
Harry pressed his head against the sheets, trying to wipe away some of the sweat he felt pouring over him, then he felt Snape thrusting faster and faster. Harry arched and enjoyed feeling completely swept away. “Severuss…, faster…”
Snape tried to keep up with his husband's demands. He tried pounding into Harry's arse faster while keeping up his steady stroking, and then he felt himself coming over the edge. He leaned over Harry and kissed his shoulders, “Come again for me, Harry.”
Harry nodded and gasped. He felt Snape's fingers running over his whole, and that did it. Harry arched and shot out his seeds once again. “F…uck! Severusss….”
Snape kissed Harry's back then said, “C…oming…”
Harry moaned and half smiled as he felt a hot, milky substance run deep inside. It was odd at first, but then Harry didn't think it was half bad. “Let's do it again…”
Harry turned around and kissed Snape's lips wholly. “Not tonight…,” Snape withdrew and Harry giggled a little.
Taking Harry by the hand, Snape laid his lover down then brought him into his arms. “And that, my love, is sex.”
“I like sex,” said Harry as he kissed Snape.”
“Do you?”
“I like feeling you inside of me.”
“I like hearing your scream.”
“D'you think Dumbledore heard?”
“I think the Owls all the way up at the Owlery heard.”
Harry shook his head. “Can we do it again soon?”
“If you'd like.”
“Don't think that I'm a sex addict now. I like it and all, but I like cuddling too…”
Snape kissed Harry. “Do you like cuddling with me?”
“Yes. I like cuddling with you.”
“Do you like me?”
Harry cupped Snape's head, “Yes… I love you.”
A/N: This isn't over yet!
One more chapter to go!
Visit my profile for further information.
So, please review! Tell me what you think of Snape's and Harry's vows, about Angelus being Snape's best “man,” and whatever else caught your attention.
Now, here's a riddle for you!!
I'm thinking of a five letter word. If you remove the first letter it's a homophone. If you put back that letter and remove the second, it's still a homophone. There is one vowel.
This word everyone should've learned in first grade (if you grew up where English is the vernacular). I wanna see if anyone can guess that word. Type it in your review, or think about it and send it as a PM. I'll give everyone the answer in the next chapter.
HINT: It relates to change.