Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ The Necessary Preparations ( Chapter 24 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Won't You Please Stay With Me?
Disclaimer: I do not own anything HP related. It all belongs to JK Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Inc., Warner Bros., and any other entities involved.
WARNINGS: There's a reason why this fic is rated `M'. Mature content ahead. If you feel you are mature enough to continue, do so, otherwise, leave. This chapter contains
A/N: I would have updated soon, but between my birthday and some recent incident, I've been preoccupied with managing what we know as life.
Chapter 24:
“The Necessary Preparations”
Severus Snape was in his quarters occupied with grading assignments when Harry burst in unannounced and unexpected and bewilderingly, instead of bothering Snape, plopped himself down on the couch and did just what the Potion Master hated. Slouched. He stayed like that for several minutes before Snape finally asked. “What's biting your arse now?”
“Let me alone. I'm just frustrated.”
Frustrated?” asked Snape curiously as he looked at Harry through the black hair hanging over his face.
“Just a few classes refuse to give me my much deserved `A'.”
“Then study harder.”
“I have been! I've been wracking out my brains lately trying to keep ahead. I haven't a clue how Hermione did it all through these years.”
Snape stood up and walked over to Harry, gently touching his shoulders. Harry reached over and placed his hand on top of Snape's. He then innocently looked up when Snape did not withdraw and felt encouraged to whisper, “I really… really want you.”
“And you can have me when you fulfill your end of the bargain.”
Harry sat up then got up on his knees. He looked into Snape's eyes and then said, “We're engaged… Why can't we have a little fun?”
When Snape did not answer him, Harry felt that Snape was not inclined to raise protest or decline. Harry pressed forwards, resting his hands on Snape's shoulders and pulling him forwards. “I want you so badly…”
Harry stepped over the couch and stood before Snape, their bodies aligned suggestively close and their eyes staring intimately into the others. He's not going to make a move… I have to do it…Harry slowly inched his way towards Snape as if asking permission before proceeding. Snape, feeling rather cruel, moved backwards while smirking at the now sexually frustrated teen. “Stop moving back…”
Taking a hold of Snape's waist, Harry spun the man around and pressed him against the couch. Snape arched his brow, but didn't put up a fight as Harry pressed his body against Snape's and lips against his neck. Harry opened his mouth, sucked in and bit at Snape's skin, delighted at the fact that Snape did not try to pry himself lose. Snape gripped the couch and rolled his head back for Harry. While one had was occupied holding Snape in place, the other hand wondered up Snape's chest and latched on to a fastened button. Harry had no problems undoing the first few and once Snape's collar bone was exposed, the boy eagerly trailed his lips down Snape's neck until it reached the base. Snape groaned a bit then said, “I thought it was you who needed attention.”
Harry pulled back then looked into Snape's eyes again. Snape didn't have to use Occlumency to figure out that Harry was going to try something that Snape wouldn't stand for without his consent. Harry slowly pressed a thigh between Snape's legs, sliding it up against Snape's groin and then away. Snape breathing shifted but he didn't take his eyes off of Harry. Seeing that Snape didn't object to Harry's ministrations, Harry pressed harder against Snape and tried to move his thigh faster against Snape. Finally, the man closed his eyes, but a moment later, and Snape turned the tables. He had Harry pressed up against the sofa and into his ear, Snape whispered, “You'd like to make me hard, wouldn't you?”
Harry gasped when he felt Snape cup him through his trousers. “I'd like to make you hard too …Harry,” Snape's fingers stroked him with an ample amount of pressure. “In fact, I'd dare to fancy you writhing in pleasure once I penetrate your… fit… virgin bottom. Would you like that, Harry?”
Harry managed a nod and a, “Very much, sir…”
“If we're to have sex, Harry, there's no need for formalities.”
Harry moaned when he felt Snape move his entire hand back and forth against his growing erection. All reason and sense of his surroundings were slipping from Harry's mind as every bit of him focused on Snape and his mischievous hand pressing against Harry's crotch.
Harry spread his legs and wrapped his arms around Snape's neck while nestling his forehead against Snape's neck. “Ah… ahh…” Harry was more than ready to let Snape see him without his clothes. He was more than ready to let Snape probe in places no one has ever seen or touched him before. Hell, Harry was more than ready to start their overdue sexual part of their relationship.
Abruptly, Snape withdrew his hand and then said, “You're just going to have to wait.” Snape skedaddled towards the door to put more distance between himself and his gorgeous temptation, for Mr. Harry Potter was a temptation like nothing Severus Snape had ever encountered hitherto. Only lately did he realize that even if Harry didn't receive the scores Snape desire for him to achieve, he was eventually going to need to have his way with the Gryffindor.
Once abandoned on the other wide of the room, Harry didn't know what to do first. Address Snape with the fact that his half alive erection needed immediate attention, or to kill Snape for ending such a heated moment. “… you do not just do that then walk away after something like this,” Harry looked over at Snape. He was clearly upset. “This is the second time you've done this.”
“And there will a third time if you don't get your priorities straight,” Snape said firmly as he reached for the knob. “Albus is almost here.”
Through gritted teeth, Harry slowly spoke, “Fine. I see how it is.” Harry collected his stuff then as soon as Dumbledore walked through the door, ready to greet the lovers Harry stepped around him and ran out into the halls.
Dumbledore looked back at Harry and then asked Snape, “What's eating him?”
“You know teenagers, Albus. Always moody when they don't get their ways.”
Dumbledore eyes twinkled. “Oh, my. Did you not let Harry have his way?”
Snape chuckled and Dumbledore sympathetically shook his head.
“You ready for that test?” Hermione asked Harry.
“Which one? We have three today.”
“The one in charms, silly. Honestly, the other two will be a breezy. It's practically a review test in Defense Against the Dark Arts, and in Potions, we're just going to be tested on the potion we finished yesterday. Everything should look brighter soon, Harry. You may not get a perfect grade in the class, but you'll still score high.”
“That's the problem. Severus wants me to get a perfect score,” Harry stared at Hermione as he leaned his face against his hand. He then looked down at his text book and sighed. I'll never get laid, let alone top Severus.
Hermione sat across from Harry and took out her text. “Perhaps I should help you prepare for the exam. We're just going over those few ward charms we learned.”
“It's just the wrist motions I keep forgetting. For this one, you need a quick flip. For that one, you need a spin and flip. And don't even ask me about the other five. Why do these charms need certain wrist movements in order to be effective?”
“Not everything in life is fair, Harry,” said Hermione. “Do you want some pumpkin juice? I'm going over to the Great Hall to pick up some snacks.”
“Sure and thanks.”
Hermione got up, “Make sure Ron studies too.”
Once Hermione left, Harry looked over to Ron, who had since fallen asleep on the sofa. Nothing makes a better bedtime story than a boring, old text book. Harry chuckled and wondered if he could put one of those hexes he learned to use. “Maybe later.”
By eight a.m. the following morning, Harry was in his Defense Against the Dark Arts class, restlessly tapping his fingers against his desk as Slughorn came around with the exam. “You have until the end of the class.”
Once Harry got his, he took a deep breath then looked down at the questions.
1) State the Curse of Misfortune
2) Why is such a curse difficult to perform?
3) Why must its use be used with caution?
4) What is the only known counteraction?
There must've been three pages front and back demanding information about the curse. Harry dipped his quill into the ink and began without further delay.
1) Malfortunus
2) The curse itself is cursed. Most wizards and witches find their tongues tied when trying to produce the curse.
3) If used excessively, the curse will cause its caster great misfortune.
4) The Felix Felicis potion
Nearly an hour later, Harry finished writing the surprise essay in the back and after massaging his hand, moved back against his chair. The test wasn't easy, but it wasn't hard either. Slughorn came around collecting the exams when he saw that the students were finished. Ten minutes later and he said, “There's no homework. See you tomorrow.”
Harry sighed. The first test of the day was down. Now he had two more to go.
When Charms rolled around, Harry sat beside Hermione and practiced his wrist movements as he waited for Professor Flitwick to call him into his office. Two minutes later and Ron came out looking rather devastated. “I practically failed,” he told Hermione and Harry as he sat down.
Hermione passed a sympathetic look at Ron. “It's just one test.”
“I don't exactly have a satisfactory grade in the class as of right now, Hermione. I didn't need my grade to go any lower.”
“Harry Potter,” Flitwick called from his office.
“Good luck, Harry,” Hermione patted Harry on his back then sent him off to his doom.
Fifteen minutes later and Harry emerged from Flitwick's office. He walked up to Hermione and just nodded. “It wasn't too bad, although I know I screwed up on one of the spells.”
“Which one?”
Harry shrugged. “There were so many. I've forgotten everything already.”
Hermione shook her head and sighed. “What's going to happen to you?”
I'm going to be screwed either way. Harry grinned. Just one's not going to be as gratifying as the other.
It was finally time for Potions. Snape was behind his desk watching everyone file in. On his students' desks were the exams flipped over and on the blackboard were the instructions. “You may begin as soon as you are ready,” Snape said rather quietly.
Harry stretched out his fingers then looked up and caught Snape's eye as the man scanned the classroom. Snape arched his brown and Harry grinned. He held his gaze for a second, then winked suggestively. I'm going to ace your test and then…Harry's thought was cut short when Snape licked his lips. Harry felt all warm and fuzzy and for a moment forgot that he needed to take a test.
“What are you doing back in the dorm so soon?” asked Ron as he climbed onto his bed.
“I'm finishing up my vows,” said Harry as he stared at a piece of parchment filled with scribbles.
“Oh… that… Good luck.”
Harry nodded. “I'm almost done, actually. I just hope it sounds like a vow… and not ridiculous. The last thing I need is to make a fool of myself in front of everyone on my wedding day.”
“Blimey, I still can't believe you are getting married.”
“Yeah… Neither do I. Oh, and by the way, Ron, we have a rehearsal meeting tomorrow in the room of requirement.”
“D'you think Hermione wants to come?”
“I reckon she'd want to.”
Harry smiled and chanted happily, “I'm getting married. I'm getting married.”
“Hey, Harry, can I ask you something?”
Harry nodded.
“Promise you won't get mad.”
Harry looked up from his parchment at Ron. “What d'you need to ask me?”
“Are you still a virgin?”
Harry's eyes widened and then quickly narrowed. “Why are you asking me that?”
“Well… every now and then you take off for a while and… I don't know… I thought you were off shagging Snape.”
Harry threw a pillow at Ron then turned back to finishing his vows. Getting blown off is more like it…
When classes were finished for the day, Harry was walking down the hall alone when Hagrid came to greet him. “Hey, Harry, are yeh busy?”
Harry shook his head. “No, why?”
“Well, it ain't nuthin' much. I jus' wanted ter let yeh know that Lupin arrived with Sirius. They want ter see yeh.”
The news elated Harry. “Where are they?!”
“By the gates. I'll take yeh ter `em. Come along. Oh, an' Harry…”
“Yes?” Harry looked up at Hagrid.
“I haven' had the chance ter say… well… congratulations. I know that Severus will treat yeh well.”
Harry smiled again and then said, “Thank you. You're coming to my wedding, right?”
“O' course I'm goin', an' nuthin' going ter stop me.” Hagrid patted Harry on the back.
When they reached the gates, the first thing Harry spotted was a big, black, fluffy dog weaving between Remus' legs. “Harry! It's about time!” Remus greeted Harry in order to set another target of affection for his mutt.
The black dog turned around, and just as Remus hoped, left the werewolf and took off towards Harry. Harry smiled and braced himself as the fluffy dog came charging towards him. Right before he reached Harry, the black dog jumped and pounced on Harry, knocking the lad to his arse. “Padfoot!”
The dog woofed and licked Harry's face. “He's happy to see you,” said Remus as he yanked Padfoot by the collar. “Excuse him, won't you? And morning, Hagrid. Thanks for bringing Harry.”
“O' course.”
Harry wrapped his arms around Remus and pulled the man tightly against his body. “I can't believe you and Padfoot are here.”
“Neither does Padfoot or me. Padfoot was worried that he wouldn't be able to attend at all.”
“I made Severus see reason.”
“Ah… here the youngster has mastered a skill we've been working at for decades. It must be a good omen.”
“He's going to be married to me, so he might as well start collaborating with me now.”
“Harry, glad to see Hagrid fetched you.” Harry turned around as Dumbledore approached the group. “How are you, Remus and… Padfoot,” Dumbledore greeted warmly.
Sirius barked and wagged his tail. Remus shook Dumbledore's hand, “How are you, Albus?”
“Quite alright. Just a little busy with Mr. Harry Potter's wedding,” he directed a smile at Harry who was busy petting Sirius.
“Come along. I'll have the house elves take your things to the room and I'll show you to the room of requirement.”
Upon reaching the room of requirement, Harry paused so he could take a moment to scrutinize the area. Harry couldn't conjecture the ensuing if anyone ever sabotaged his rehearsal or worse, his wedding. He then slipped through the door that magically appeared in place of the broom closet that only allowed entrance to the few that were in desperate need of it. Inside, the room looked no different than it did when Harry was using it as headquarters for the D.A. meetings and it was just about as warm too. “Harry!” Harry turned and walked over to Dumbledore who was now waiting eagerly besides a patient and calm Snape. “Will Mr. Weasley and Ms. Granger be attending this rehearsal?”
“Yes… they should be here shortly… It's alright, right?”
“It's perfectly fine, Harry. Ms. Granger can watch while we rehearse.”
Snape was holding a packet in his hand titled:
The Ceremony
Harry arched his brow and Snape, quickly noting the look of interest, explained. “It's the guide we'll be using to help direct us.”
“Oh…” Harry looked up from the guidebook to Snape, who was, though not through a smile, was freely allowing inklings of utter happiness and excitement to seep through his obsidian eyes.
After Ron arrived with Hermione and they received their warm greetings from Padfoot and Remus, Hermione stood in the corner while Ron came close to listen to Dumbledore's instructions. “When the actual wedding takes place, the room will look nothing like this. However, you will use certain signs to help you position yourself.” Dumbledore clapped his hands and rows of pews appeared. “Our guests will obviously sit in those, and I…,” Dumbledore walked to the front and center, “…will be here. Severus will be on my left and Harry will walk up through that aisle and position himself on my right.”
Snape moved to take his place not beside Dumbledore, but just a little before and to the left. “Severus' best… eh…, man will stand next to, but not extremely close to Severus. Mr. Weasley, you will stand here, on my right, but leave room for Harry.”
Why isn't Severus' best man here? Harry asked himself as he walked towards Padfoot who was wagging his tail.
“Padfoot, while you lead Harry down the aisle there will be a short leash on you for you to guide Harry. It will look something like this,” Dumbledore snapped, and around Padfoot's neck appeared something like a vine with little leaves reaching out to touch Harry's hand. When Harry stepped forwards to grab the leash, the vines obligingly swathed around Harry's hand. Padfoot woofed then pulled Harry towards the mouth of the aisle. “Padfoot will lead you until that point,” Dumbledore pointed at an area after the end of the aisle. “At which time Padfoot will turn to you, and give you one last look before handing you over to Severus.”
Padfoot advanced and the vines tugged on Harry's hand and wrist. As they proceeded down the aisle, the affectionate and ecstatic gazes from the attendees inevitably instigated the gooseflesh which didn't reside on just one area, but continued traveling up Harry's arms, down his legs, around his chest, and up his neck. Then, besides the gooseflesh, Harry waged war between showing his excitement or just being bashful, but either way, a deep, red blush stood out proud on his face. Padfoot tried to look up at Harry who deeply entrenched in his own fantasies and ignorant of his environs, and managed a gentle bark. Harry gaze averted from ahead and down to the dog. In Padfoot eyes, he was trying his best to tell Harry he was alright with Harry's marriage to Snape. Harry reached over and stroked Padfoot's ear, causing Padfoot's leg to twitch. The dog stopped momentarily, then shook himself and walked forwards with definite pride. When they had reached the end the vines withdrew and Harry leaned down to pat Padfoot, making sure he rubbed behind the dog's ear which made the dog's leg twitch again. Harry then turned towards Dumbledore who instructed, “You will stand here, Harry.”
Harry moved to stand over the spot Dumbledore had pointed to. “Now, I will say a few words, then to keep this short, you will take your rings from your best men and then exchange both vows and rings. Afterwards I will say a bit more, then you both will travel down the aisle and into a room which will appear on the side. It will lead you to a room in which we will take your wedding photos. After the photos you will come back and the party will ensue.”
Harry gasped and his eyes widened, “Are we going to recite the vows now?” he asked in a panic.
“No, Harry. You will save those for the wedding.”
“Good, cause I haven't finished mine.”
Snape shook his head while his eyes burrowed deep into Harry's and Dumbledore's eyes twinkled.
When rehearsals were over, Snape quickly caught a hold of Harry's hand and said, “Come along.”
He pulled on Harry's hand, the forcefulness flaunting his determination to get Harry to follow him now. What ever it was that Snape was so impatient about was starting to intrigue Harry. When bypassing Harry's friends, Snape blurted out, “I need him right now,” then carried on. Neither Hermione nor Ron dared to ask why.
Dumbledore stood by Remus and Padfoot with a rather big twinkle in his eyes as he watched Snape steal Harry away for the remainder of the evening.
“Where are we going?” Harry asked as he nearly sprinted behind Snape as the man dashed through the halls and corridors.
“My quarters,” said Snape over his shoulder as he headed down into the dungeons.
Harry couldn't fathom why Snape needed him in his quarters, but he followed Snape obediently nonetheless.
Upon entering Snape's quarters, the man wasted no time in slamming the door shut by pressing Harry up against it. Before Harry could consider questioning Snape's forceful and most forward actions, the wizard's lips fell upon Harry's neck, which helped in evading any and all inquiry. Snape's persistent and needy kisses were rapidly undermining Harry's strength, and the teen found himself stumbling slightly as he desperately searched for something to give him ample support for he was in great need of it. Then Snape bit hard and Harry whimpered. He would have just slipped down the door, but Snape was a remarkable observer so naturally, he noted Harry's feeble joint and responded by pressing his body against Harry, trapping the boy just as he wanted. Harry gasped and rolled his head to the side. Snape's most erect member was nudging into Harry's stomach and this wasn't short of a major turn on for the boy. Snape was then kissing instead of biting Harry's skin, and shortly after, licking. “Wha…,” was all Harry could manage at the moment.
“Time for you to collect your spoils,” said Snape as his tongue traveled up Harry's neck. “Nearly perfect scores in all recently taken exams… your professors took the liberty of informing me.”
Harry gasped and then Snape's lips were kissing his. The elder wizard kissed him forcefully and hungrily, and Harry, just as eager to get something started, was also rather violent with his kisses. “Perhaps we should rehearse the night after our wedding…,” Snape suggested as he felt Harry pressing his hard on against his own. “…seeing that you're up and ready for some action.”
Harry smiled against Snape's lips, “Yess….”
Snape pulled Harry from the door and turned to Angelus who was sprawled out on the floor feigning sleep. “Keep watch, Angelus. Harry and I have other things to attend to. Do not allow a certain twinkly eyed wizard near us.”
Angelus peaked out at Snape through her slightly parted lids as the two aroused wizards disappeared into Snape's bedroom.
Harry's shirt was the first to go, but not his tie which Snape used as a leash to drag Harry to his bed. Snape forced Harry to sit down, then he worked on his pants while exchanging fervent kisses and frequent caresses. Harry's hands moved from Snape's neck to begin a clash with the many buttons on Snape's robes. When it clicked that the buttons were going to take some time to undo, he then said, “Fuck this,” and pulled out his wand. A quick spell and all were undone. He pushed Snape's robes aside and the found another shirt.
Fuck… Snape was going to be done with him by the time Harry had all of Snape's buttons undone.
But luckily, Harry was allowed to use the spell once again to undo all the bothersome buttons. Snape held still while Harry pried off his shirt and then pulled at the hem of Snape's pants. Those were gone within a matter of seconds and standing tall and proud was Snape's dominant sized cock. Harry gaped at it through the black briefs while Snape leaned in and kissed Harry's forehead. “I'm not penetrating you tonight, so stop your gawking.”
Harry reached out to brush his finger tips against Snape's briefs while looking up at the man. Snape arched his brow and Harry slipped one finger between the material and Snape's flesh. Snape watched the boy with curiosity and then did the same to Harry. He slipped one finger into Harry's briefs. Harry then moved to stand up, but Snape shoved Harry back against the bed. Before Harry could ask Snape what he was doing, Snape ripped off Harry's briefs and the cold air swathed around his attention demanding erection. Snape then climbed onto the bed over Harry, his legs positioned on either sides of the younger wizard. Harry quickly noticed this then tugged at Snape's briefs. The elder wizard simply watched as Harry pulled Snape's briefs until they reached his mid thighs. Harry's finger hesitantly wondered over and ran along Snape's cock while Harry watched Snape's reaction. The man huffed against Harry's ear and then said, “You can touch me.”
Harry's finger touched the tip of Snape's erect cock then both his index and thumb slide down the shaft and Snape thighs shook. Harry got up and pushed on Snape's chest, forcing them to switch positions and rather surprised that Snape didn't object to the sudden turn of events. Harry took the top while Snape rested beneath him.
Harry's hands fastened onto Snape's briefs, pulled and then slipped them all the way off. Snape then carefully speculated Harry as the boy tried to settle himself down. He grinned then said, “No, Harry.”
Harry looked up and instantly, their positions were switched. Snape took top and Harry was flat on his back, still trying to figure out what had just happened. Snape leaned in and whispered, “You're a prat if you thought I would let you top me.”
Harry blushed and Snape pressed his arousal against Harry's. The boy completely forgot about what had just happened a moment before as the feeling of carnal pleasure took him by storm. He bucked his hips and Snape grinded his hips against Harry's. The men were moaning in a matter of seconds and Angelus was outside wondering what the two wizards were grunting about.
Moments later and Snape was sitting up, holding Harry against him while the boy tried thrust forwards. Snape was gripping their cocks and fisting them in time with Harry's thrusts. Harry held on tightly to Snape and rolled his head back, delving deep into the pleasure that they're little encounter allowed him. “F…uck…!”
Snape rolled over against and kissed Harry like mad and their tongues did what they did best; they tasted and fondled each other. Snape's hips continued to buck against Harry's causing friction between their swollen cocks. Harry's nails were then digging into Snape's back as the boy held Snape as close to his body and as tightly as possible. His legs, which were also fastened around Snape, cradled Snape and cushioned his thrusts. Upon reaching the end, Snape took Harry's hand and had the boy wrap it around his pulsating cock. Harry gripped Snape and fisted him as Snape returned the favour. “Hard…er, Harry…”
Harry gasped and grunted as he felt his body preparing for release. Parts of him were stiffening, but others were opening up. He bit onto his lower lips and his eyes shut tightly. He didn't know how much longer he would last, but he didn't want Snape to stop touching him in ways he's been aching for. Alas, Harry could feel release, and a second later, he was arching and screaming as he unloaded everything he had against Snape's stomach. Snape followed shortly after and helplessly sprayed his seeds all over Harry's hand and chest. He then lowered himself onto Harry and kissed the boy soundlessly. Sweat was still trickling down Harry's face and neck, his heart's beating hadn't decelerated, but his breathing was slowly becoming steadier. “Lets do it again…,” said Harry as he smiled and kissed Snape's ear.
Snape grinned, “If you liked this, then just wait until I penetrate you…”
Harry shivered and tried to visualize Snape's massive cock trying to penetrate his small hole. The graphic notion made Harry's member twitch and Snape quickly rolled off. “We'll play all we want after I marry you,” Snape leaned in and kissed Harry again. “And later we can worry about producing little spawns.”
Harry felt a weird sensation turn his stomach. “I don't want to have kids.”
“Not thrilled at having little Potter-Snapes running around the house? Disturbing us at each and every moment possible? Eating all our food and wasting all of our money? Preoccupying all of our time and exhausting us of our energy?”
“I'm not good with handling kids.”
“And you think I am?” Snape pulled out his wand and whispered a spell to get rid of their semen.
“Severus… I want it to be just us…”
Snape kissed Harry again, “You say that now, but once you've defeated the Dark Lord… putting out minions may not be such a bad idea.”
“You want me to carry them, don't you?”
“Yes, and I want three.”
“Yes. I was hoping for five, but that may be pushing it a little.”
“A little?!”
“Quiet, Harry, we'll sort out this issue later. I want to have a family now that I have you. I don't want to be alone again.”
Harry nodded and then nestled into Snape's neck, “Alright… just as long as we don't try to compete with the Weasley's.”
“Six or seven mini-us running rampant… hmm…”
“No, Severus.”
A/N: Thank you for reading, please review!! And for any news, visit my profile.