Harry Potter - Series Fan Fiction ❯ Won't You Please Stay With Me? ❯ Testimonies of Loyalty and Love ( Chapter 23 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Won't You Please Stay With Me?
WARNINGS: Ok, I know that starting from book 6 until 7, Professor Slughorn taught Potions while Snape was moved to DADA and then headmaster. However, in this fic, I decided to just place Slughorn as the DADA while keeping Snape as the Potions Master. It really shouldn't be a big deal, but I'm just letting you know because for some reason, a lot of people get upset when an author makes a switch like that.
Ddamato: I know that usually I don't add personal notes in my fics, but I'll make one exception. You are a really, really amusing reviewer. I love your rants. They always leave me laughing. Thank you.
Disclaimer: I do not own anything HP related. It all belongs to JK Rowling, Bloomsbury Books, Scholastic Inc., Warner Bros., and any other entities involved.
Chapter 23:
“Testimonies of Loyalty and Love”
“But I want to go to Harry's wedding!” Sirius felt overturning the table. “It's not fair! I am his godfather! I am the closest thing he has to a loving relative! I should be the one escorting him down the aisle! I should be the one giving him to Severus Snape!”
Remus rubbed Sirius' back. “I know, Sirius. I understand what you mean, but the Minister is going to be there along with other Ministry officials… all of whom are looking for you. We don't want to take you straight into their hands.”
“But I can go as a dog! I bet no one has ever had a dog escort them to the Alter!”
Remus chuckled. He didn't think so either. “Sirius, you're acting like a child.”
“Let me alone! You have no idea how much this hurts! He's James' son!”
Remus wrapped his arms around Sirius. “Alright… I'll write Harry and we'll see what he's planning to do.”
“No one else had better be escorting him to the Alter!” Sirius pouted against Remus' shoulders.
“I doubt anyone would want to take your place. If worse comes to worse, maybe no one would be escorting Harry up there,” Remus pulled away and looked in Sirius' eyes. “Or perhaps, maybe James and Lily will be there with him in spirit.”
Sirius smiled. He did miss James terribly much.
This was it… the final class of the day and the final class in which Harry had taken a recent test in. He had gotten the desired grades in Charms, Transfigurations, Herbology, and History, and now… Harry just needed that high grade to boost his `B' up to an `A'. As Slughorn came around, passing out a slip of parchment with the grading rubric and points, Harry's foot persistently patted against the floor until Slughorn passed Harry his grade. Harry was so sure that he had gotten that `A'. He knew that he produced the charm effectively and clearly in order to evade the oncoming spell. He had been practicing for hours the day before with Hermione. However, all colour drained from his face once he flipped over the parchment. Next to him, Ron slapped the paper over and slouched. “Another C! Why must this year be so complicated?”
Hermione smiled and showed off her expected `A'. “Honestly, Ron, the spell wasn't that difficult to produce. You just had to have the will to produce it.”
Ron shook his head. “I'm going to fail this class… just like all the others…”
“Nonsense. Last I heard, you have a `B' in Herbology.”
“But that's Herbology,” Ron crossed his arms and pretended for a while that today was over.
Hermione, however, just had to turn over to Harry. “What did you get, Harry?”
“A `B',” said Harry rather disappointingly.
“That isn't bad, Harry.”
“But… it's not going to win his favour,” said Harry as he slipped the grade into his bag. “And I was so close too….”
Ron's eye brow arched and Hermione tilted her head, seeming rather curious. “Did you swipe a deal with Professor Snape?”
“I guess you could say that.”
Ron quickly scribbled something down then passed it to Harry. When Harry read it, his face turned a brighter shade of pink. “What does it say?” asked Hermione.
“Nothing important…,” said Harry as he read the letter a second time.
Did you tell Snape you'd get good grades in turn for topping him?
Harry blushed again then slipped the note into his pocket. He still wanted to figure out a way to top Snape. Maybe on their first go, he wouldn't be able to, but eventually… would Snape give him the chance?
When class finally let out, while every one was trying to get out of the classroom, a certain potions professor was trying to get in. Harry and Ron just finished packing their stuff when they saw him moving around the desks to speak with Slughorn. Hermione looked mystified. “Why is he here?”
“Don't know. D'you reckon he wants to check up on your grades, Harry?” Ron asked.
“For my sake… I hope not,” Harry pulled the strap of his bag over his shoulder and waited a tad bit longer with his friends incase Snape wished to speak with Harry. When Snape finished talking to Slughorn, he walked over to Harry and nodded. “Afternoon, Potter.”
While in public, they had to revert to formalities. “Hello, sir.”
“I need to borrow some of your time,” Snape looked only at Harry, suggesting that it was only Harry he needed and not his two friends. Catching on rather quickly for Gryffindors, Hermione and Ron left.
“What is it, professor?”
Snape pulled out a letter. “It's from your Godfather. Follow me, Potter.”
Moments later and they were in Snape's quarters. Harry opened the letter and set it down on the table before him. He ready slowly:
Dear Harry,
How are you doing my boy?
I've been hearing a lot about who will be attending this wedding,
and I wish to tell you that, even though it is risky to have me there
with the Minister and his subjects, nothing could make me happier
than you allowing me to attend your wedding. I want to be the one
to escort you down the aisle. I want to be the one to see you off
to Severus Snape. I want to witness my godson getting married. I
want to cry besides all the others. I want to see you take that
extra step, Harry! I want to be there when you pledge
your vow and when you finally say, `I do!'
I know it may be difficult to find a way to get me there, but please Harry!
It's not every day your godson gets married! I love you Harry and I want
to see you happy!
Until then,
When Harry finished, he quickly noted that there were several tear stains spotting the parchment. “He really wants to come…,” Harry looked up at Snape, passing him a hopeful gaze.
“His attendance is risky, Harry. Members of the Ministry will be there.”
“Please… even if he just came to escort me down the aisle…”
Snape looked into Harry's eyes and then closed his own for a second. “Alright. I'll see what I can do.”
Harry was smiling again, and it comforted Snape like nothing else to know what it was he who put that smile on Harry's face. “I have another letter for you,” Snape pulled out a thicker looking envelope and handed it to Harry.
Harry opened it then raised his brow in amusement. Fudge had a few requests he wished to make about seating during the ceremony. As Harry read with an understandable smirk on his face, Snape came around from the back, courteously folding his body against Harry as the boy attempted to read. “The Minister's an idiot… isn't he?” Snape whispered into Harry's ear as his arms came around to hold Harry from around the waist.
Suddenly, it was as if there were never words scribbled on the parchment at all. All Harry saw at the moment were little fancy loops and completely indecipherable inscriptions. “Severusss…,” Harry hissed as he pushed his lower, more cushioned anatomy against Snape's groin.
“Mnn…, mind your letter,” Harry could feel Snape's voice vibrating through his chest and into Harry's own back. Snape was that closely pressed against Harry.
“You're making it a little difficult.”
Snape chuckled. “If you want me to get off you… then stop pressing yourself against me. Trying pulling away…,” Snape's lips somehow found themselves attached to Harry's neck. “Play hard to get with me. It shouldn't be that hard seeing that you've successfully done it before.”
Snape's hands then moved to settle on Harry's hips, pushed Harry back and against Snape. “You're giving in far too easily…”
Harry found himself pushing away the letters as he tried to rub his fit arse against Snape's more… sensitive areas. The potions professor pressed forwards, causing Harry to collide with the convenient table. Harry grasped the table to steady himself as he tried to rub against Snape. “Severuss…,” Harry looked over his shoulder and caught Snape's lips before the man planted them anywhere else. Then Snape parted his lips not to give way to Harry's tongue, but to suck in Harry's lower lip. Harry moved his hands behind Snape's head to pull the man closer, brushing and gathering Snape's silky hair. Then, Harry felt Snape's teeth quickly coming down. “Mn!”
Harry withdrew from Snape and touched his lower lip. His lip wasn't pouring blood, but a small droplet had appeared where Snape's teeth had enclosed on him. “You bit me!”
“I'm a grown man, Harry. I enjoy playing rough once in a while,” Snape purred against Harry's ear before turning Harry's face to face him. Snape then licked Harry's lips, causing the younger wizard to feel shivers running from lip to his groin.
Then, to Harry's disappointment, Snape withdrew completely. “Not tonight, Harry,” said Snape as he moved to sit down on the couch.
Standing there feeling rather dumbstruck, Harry turned to look at Snape with one of those you-did-not-just-do-that-then-walk-away glares.
“You need to write your vows and I need to make other arrangements. Between this wedding, graduation, teacher recommendations, and the regular task of preparing class and grading my students' papers, I'm far too exhausted to do much of anything else.”
Harry's jaw dropped. “Then why did you seduce me like that?!”
The Potion Master relaxed against the couch. “Did you not enjoy yourself? I think you were more than eager for some affection.”
“… I'm feeling just a bit affection starved,” Harry tried to demonstrate with his index and thumb in order to accentuate `just a bit.'
Snape passed Harry a glance. “It's a school night, Harry. I have things to grade and other preparations to undergo before tomorrow. Did you honestly think I had time to appease your teenage hormones?”
Walking over to sit beside Snape, Harry felt comfortable enough to rest his head on Snape's shoulder. He was confident that the man wouldn't push him away, and Snape didn't. “I wanted to ask you something now that we are on the subject.”
Raising his brow, Snape asked, “I wonder what it could be.”
“It's about our vows…”
Snape nodded. “Go on.”
“I know what a vow is… but what exactly is a wedding vow? What am I supposed to include in it?”
“Nothing but the truth, Harry. In a wedding vow, you pledge an oath, swearing that you will be there unconditionally beside your partner for the rest of your life.”
“Is that basically what it is?” Harry asked while looking at Snape through his circular glasses. Snape nodded. “How long is it supposed to be?”
“It should take you a few minutes to say it at the most, but it is most certainly longer than a sentence.”
“Can you give me an example?”
“Haven't you seen any Muggle films with weddings?”
“My aunt and uncle never took me to the theaters.”
Coming to the conclusion that he's rather show Harry how it's done rather than wait and see what the teenager would come up with, Snape took Harry's hand in his while trying to think of the simplest example to give Harry, and to his surprise, it came to him like second nature. “I, Severus Snape, take you, Harry James Potter, to be my lawfully wedded husband, my constant friend…,” Snape kissed Harry's hands and watched him carefully as Harry listened closely to each and every word, “…, my faithful partner and… my love from this day forward.” Snape reached out and stroked Harry's cheek lovingly, holding his gaze like he intended for this to be the real vow he would exchange with Harry when they were to be wed. “In the presence of God, our family, and friends, I offer you my solemn vow to be your faithful partner in sickness and in health,” Snape touched the area above Harry's heart then continued. “In good times and in bad,” Snape touched his arm, the very one which bore the mark of a Death Eater, “…and in joy as well as in sorrow. I promise to love you unconditionally, to honor and respect you, to laugh with you and cry with you, and to cherish you for as long as we both shall live,” Snape finished by leaning in and kissing Harry softly on his lips.
The feeling overwhelmed Harry in a way he never thought possible. Snape's lips were like fire against his skin, heating him rapidly, and caressing his heart. But Snape pulled away all too quickly and watched Harry carefully. “Say it again…,” Harry whispered with a rather dreamy look on his face.
Snape shook his head while a small smile lingered on his face. “You need to write your own vow, Harry. Write only what you intend on keeping, and please, do not lie to me again.”
Harry could almost feel the pain in those last few words. Snape must've loved him terribly if his conscience was constantly reminding him of Harry's mistake. Harry shook his head then wrapped his arms around Snape. “I'll write you the best vow there is…”
“Don't get over confident and write something stupid. Think about what you are saying and what it means.”
Harry nodded while removing his glasses then leaning in to kiss Snape again. “I'll get to it… later.”
When Harry returned to the common room, he found that as before, his fellow Gryffindors were preoccupied with their studies. Harry moved to take a seat by the hearth, where he felt he would be able to come up with something romantic to say in his vow.
I, Harry Potter, take thee, Severus Snape, to be…
The end of the quill tickled Harry's lips as the Gryffindor reread the sentence and then frowned. “Too cliché.”
Harry crossed out the sentence and tried writing something else, while reminding himself, `this is an oath, pledging my love and loyalty to Severus.' “My love….”
When Ron entered the room, followed by Hermione, he pointed to Harry and asked Hermione, “You think he's alright? I mean… he's actually doing work without being told.”
Hermione walked over to Harry and blushed just slightly when she realized what Harry was working so diligently on. “Oh, Harry, that sounds so lovely.”
Harry froze then slowly turned his head up to look at Hermione. He pulled the parchment close to his chest. “I'm still working on it.”
“D'you need some help?” asked Hermione.
“No. I need to do this on my own.”
Hermione nodded understandingly. “Good choice, Harry.”
From across the halls, Snape had emerged from the dungeons and was walking to Dumbledore's office. Dumbledore had been expecting Snape's company for nearly an hour and greeted his friend with some lemon drops. “Evening, Severus.”
Snape for once took a lemon drop then helped himself to a chair. Dumbledore moved to behind his desk and then asked, “No doubt you are here with a concern about a certain invite?”
“Sirius Black wishes to attend and Harry won't see reason.”
“Naturally. Sirius is the closest thing Harry has to a caring relative. Maybe if he comes incognito….”
“Polyjuice Potion?”
“Yes, Severus. We have some in stock, and definitely enough to give Sirius to help keep him in disguise.”
“And whom shall we disguise him as?” asked Snape.
Dumbledore smiled. “Good question, Severus,” the elder wizard chuckled. “I was going to suggest Arthur Weasley, but no doubt you've received confirmation of his attendance?”
“He will be attending. We can't have two Arthurs running around at once.”
“Are there any members of the Order who won't be attending?”
Snape shook his head. “I've been notified that they all will be attending. Save Sirius of course if we can't find someone for him to disguise himself as.”
“We can't have a random wizard walk Harry down that aisle. It'll be too suspicious. The Ministry will want to know what their connection is with the boy.”
Snape nodded.
“I think we don't have a choice but to have Sirius show up as a dog.”
Snape arched his brow. “A dog shall walk my future husband down the aisle? I'm not sure what kind of subliminal message that'll send.”
Dumbledore shrugged. “We can just say we were trying something different for a change.”
Snape smirked. “It may not be too suspicious since there will be other animals and beasts attending the ceremony.”
Dumbledore recalled immediately what else was going to be there. “Well, shall we have Hagrid invite Fang along?”
“Might as well. At this rate, we'll have a zoo.”
“It's all for a good reason,” Dumbledore rose. “Will you pass on the good news to Sirius?”
“Seeing as Harry has enough on his hands with just writing out a vow, I suppose.”
“He must be putting his entire heart into it, Severus.”
“As long as he doesn't make it sound stupid I suppose.”
Dumbledore's eyes twinkled. “You'd be amazed at what Mr. Harry Potter can do.”
Snape smirked again. “Good night, headmaster.”
A/N: Thank you for reading. The next chapter will be out soon enough. Please, please review.