Harvest Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Enemy, My Friend ❯ Claire's Pants ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Wow! I got ….a confession of love and an award for being so awesome- and evil- and awesome….XD
I'm not going to end with a bad Cliffy like the last one this time guys- I'll have mercy, and I'll double post this week as well- probably another chapter by Monday and then Saturday's post. Very special thanks to Reima-chan for helping me with my writer's block. I'll do something fluffy for you soon- promise. Thanks to everyone who reviewed and due to popular demand we backed the scene up to Gray's POV on the panties…lol!
So- Thanks : Lady Rosses, SangoXMiroku Ninjaness, hajiscevalier12, HmGirly12,shadow-goddess99, Libra1, Lady-Batson, Kairi Tsubsa, The- Music- of-Hands, naru-chan, koorazyXsukiyaki, and Odin(I'm trying to keep your tips in mind when I'm writing- thanks!)
Gray's P.O.V.
The trip to Claire's farm was just as long and silent as the one to the ankle biters' house. I opened the old heavy door and twisted the wheel chair back and forth to drag it over the pile of snow the wheels seemed to want to merge with. When we entered the darkened house I grasped Claire's hand, giving it a stern pull. With my help she was able to stand and she flipped the lights on, making me squint at the sudden brightness. I looked at the ground and Claire began hobbling towards the left side of the room.
“You can go if you want.” She said tiredly with a shrug. I snapped my head up and shook it quickly.
“No- I promised Mary I would make sure you got to bed…” I said. A promise was a promise. The day couldn't get much worse. I'd already been smacked, pushed, fallen down from the second floor, was beaten by books, squashed by a shelf that weighed a ton, was stitched up, and attacked by rabid ankle biters. I noticed that during my lapse in thoughts that the blonde had folded her arms over her chest in annoyance. Ah, we were at phase 2 of the 5 phase protocol that it takes to get Claire pissed. I had narrowed it down in the fall:
Phase 1- 1 hand on hip (annoyance)
Phase2- arms folded (slight aggravation)
Phase 3- Both hands on hips (Verbal Retaliation/Abuse )
Phase 4- legs locked and clinched fist at sides ( Near detonation)
Phase 5-physical contact (Maximum Rage)
“Then you might be here awhile. I have to wash up before I go to bed.” She replied and tried to walk to her dresser. She began leaning to the left and I was right there to steady her. I was surprised she didn't object when I wrapped my arm around her waist and pulled her against me securely. I put her arm around my neck so I could help her walk with-out carrying her. I'd seen Rick help Karen home like this after a long night at the inn. I waited as she gathered a change of clothes and thought about how my head was really starting to bother me. I wish Tim had given me some pain killers instead of trying to kiss Claire. I don't even think he'd given her any and her leg was broken- some Doctor.
“Turn around.” The lowly growled statement brought me out of my thoughts and I noticed her cheeks were flushed. Maybe she's getting a fever. Gosh I hope not- I didn't want to go back the clinic again.
“What-why?” I asked and saw her shut her eyes tightly- something she did when she was trying not to lose her temper with me. She mumbled something I couldn't understand and opened her eyes to look at me. I didn't know what she wanted- I wasn't a mind reader.
“What did you say- you're mumbling?” I was curious as to what her answer could be. It also appeared that she was embarrassed and I like to make her squirm.
“I need to get some panties and I don't want you to see!” She screamed at the top of her lungs and then slapped her hands over her mouth.
I think my brain just shut down…panties…what kind? GAH! NO! Don't even go there! Bad brain! I could feel the blush starting on my ears- the one that spreads all over me and makes my face look redder than my hair. When my brain decided to function again I just turned around as quickly as I could and refused to look at her. “Panties….” Just shut up, you voice in my head! Suddenly I felt a light touch to my arm and realized I needed to take her to the bathroom now.
“Which way is the bathroom?” Oh great- now I sound like Mickey Mouse. Just great! Get it together Gray- it's nothing to be like this over. Every girl wears panties! “Not every girl…” Just shut up before I stab you with a q-tip! I saw her point towards the bathroom and helped her into it until she could hold the sink. “I'll….just…uh….wait out here.” I muttered and turned around
“Thanks,” she whispered and I stopped, turning my head towards her questioningly. She wasn't going to say today was my entire fault? Surprise, surprise. “But this doesn't really change things,” she added with a smirk.
“It already has,” I said with a smirk of my own and closed the door. I've never thought about Claire's underwear before today. That crossed the line of `strictly enemies'. “hot enemies that wear skimpy panties.” I shook my head and dismissed the thoughts. Perhaps I was only having these thoughts because of the books that fell on my head. But things are changing…we'd actually spent most of the day together, and both of us are still alive. I took my gloves off and tucked them in my pocket. I heard the door behind me open and turned towards it.
“I need help,” she whispered as her face flushed. I walked towards her, but stopped when she stepped out all the way with her overalls unsnapped and hanging, the straps dragging behind her.
“I need you to help me get out of my pants.”
Her simple statement sounded so wrong on so many levels of decency to me, but then again I was a guy and there was a woman standing in front of me half way undressed and I wasn't thinking the purest thoughts about the situation. My perverse side went into hyper over drive while my rational side panicked. Even if the woman was Claire it was still one of many normal guy fantasies. Good-looking girl ask you to help her out of her pants…of course her leg wasn't usually in cast and she was giving you a `come and do me' look and not this `I'm dying from embarrassment because I need your help for THIS and I'm going to look at the wall to make sure the paint stays in its place' avoidance look.
“Where do you keep your scissors,” I mumbled and brought the bill of my hat down lower to cover my eyes.
“I don't have any.” She whispered so lowly I almost didn't catch it. Oh great, this was getting weird…doesn't she have sheep?
“What about your shearing clippers,” I offered hopefully.
“I gave them to your grandfather today to sharpen them,” she muttered and I let out a defeated sigh. I pulled out my pocket knife and opened it up.
“Let me take a look,” I said quietly and turned to kneel in front of her. My hat was blocking the light so I removed it and tossed it gently on the floor next to me. I examined the material and slipped my fingers underneath the cuff to pull it away from her leg, brushing her thigh on accident with my fingertips. I noticed that Claire felt surprisingly soft and also that she stiffened a little at my touch but I dismissed all of it. I didn't want to make this anymore embarrassing then it already was.
“Hold still, this knife is really sharp,” I said and carefully sliced her overalls at the seam- but only a few inches before I thought the blade was getting to close to her skin. I closed it and returned it to my pocket before grasping either side of the split material. I yanked it and it ripped a little more.
“Just- do it quickly,” she whispered and placed her hands on my shoulders to balance herself and brace her body for the tug of the material. I nodded and moved to a squatting position to put more force into the pull and snatched the material very hard- evidently to hard because the motion of my arms and the sudden give way of the material sent me tumbling into Claire and her onto her back. She cried out in surprise and I reached up to attempt to keep her head from hitting the floor. I landed ungraciously on top of the blonde woman and mentally screamed. Exactly how many times am I going to end up on the ground today?
When I used my arms to push myself up I locked my gaze with wide surprised light blue eyes. Claire's hands were above her head and her hair was splayed out widely beneath her. Kiss her. I head a mental whisper and turned my head away from Claire's face. What I realized caused the mental voice to stop taunting me. I saw a bare creamy white thigh framing mine hip and gulped. We had fallen in a very intimate position and for some reason my body wouldn't move. I turned my head back to Claire and saw her blush a deep crimson red. Then the door opened.
I looked towards the door and saw Ann standing with a set of crutches and a large bag. She blinked after a long moment and her lips curved into that evil smirk that grandpa had sometimes. I narrowed my eyes at her in a way that as my sister she should know meant `don't say a word- not one damn word.'
I quickly pulled back from Claire, sitting on my knees. But that was a big mistake, because when I looked down at her again I could see that her flannel shirt had risen up her abdomen to reveal….lacey blue panties.
Ann's P.O.V.
I am so happy that I was duped into bringing the pain medicine to Claire's. This was priceless. I can't believe I walked in on this! I officially had the best blackmail I've ever gotten to dangle over Gray's head, plus more teasing material than ever before. This was officially the best day of the year for me, walking in on my brother laying on top of my friend. Wait a minute…was Gray…staring at Claire's panties. Gross! I figured he had those…urges- he was a guy after all. But…cheese and rice Gray! Close your mouth- I think you're starting to drool.
“Am I interrupting anything,” I asked teasingly and snickered as Claire turned redder than Gray. Honestly- I was surprised that she hadn't knocked him off of her. Maybe she was just in shock, or tired after the accident. Then again I had a sneaky suspicion that Claire really didn't find the position that bad. After all, even if she did hate Gray with `the white hot intensity of a thousand bright suns' he wasn't a bad looking guy. I'm not just saying that because I'm his sister either. Hmmm….Claire seems to have come back to reality.
“Gray,” Claire muttered and grabbed his jacket collar, pulling his spaced out face close to hers and bringing his ear to her lips. “Are you going to get off me?” she bellowed, making my own ears rings at the shriek. I bet Gray will not be able to hear very well for a few hours. I shook my head as he jumped away from her like he had been splashed with scalding water and walked towards them , crutches in hand.
“Come on Claire,” I said with a giggle and grabbed her hand. I hoisted her up and helped her to the bathroom, giving Gray a 'Wait until we're alone' teasing glare. I paused as Claire waddled into the bathroom and pointed to the bag I'd placed on the ground. “Gray, there is a bottle of pain medicine in that bag for Claire. There is one for you too, but could you get it ready for when we come out. She probably needs to get to bed soon. Just have that dosage and a glass of water ready when we come out.” I didn't wait for his reply, seeing as how he had that look on his face that screamed `I just want a giant hole to appear swallow me right now.' I closed the bathroom door and helped Claire into the tub, supporting her cast leg and looking away from her while she quickly washed.
“So, how was your day after the Clinic,” I asked her and heard her snort.
“Gray got attacked by the Harvest Sprites,” she said. I'd seen those little boogers around her farm in the summer and fall. They looked like they could cast some wicked elf voodoo on you if you crossed them.
“Was it funny,” I asked her with a smirk.
“Hilarious. How is Cliff,” she asked me with a small smile.
“Well, we're going to spend Starry Night together,” I muttered, feeling a blush rise in my cheeks. “But only as friends,” I added quickly.
“Well…that is still nice. I'm happy for you.” She whispered with her face turned down. I helped her out of the tub and she began to dry off.
It was heart breaking to see the look on her face when one of us had a romantic event. I wish Claire would let us know what happened to her, her love life. I don't know how her first love broke her heart but he'd done a bang up job. I personally wondered if Claire would ever love anyone again. She just kept people at distance, like she didn't want us to get to close.
I don't know why I'm sure it was a guy that made Claire the way she is- but I just have this gut feeling about it. She gets really sad sometimes when she looks at Cliff and me together- but she always just avoids the questions. But Karen had gotten a clue out of her one time when she was drunk. Cliff reminded her of someone she used to know.
“I'm tired,” she muttered and took the crutches that lay against the wall. I nodded and opened the door for her.
It took everything in my being not to laugh when Gray spotted Claire in her nightgown. It was a long sleeve, knee length, tight lavender shirt. His eyes were so huge it almost looked like he had a pair of thick glasses on. I snickered as he watched her make her way to the bed on her crutches, the shirt rising to mid thigh when she moved. Goddess, I bet Gray takes a long cold shower when he gets home.
Well….what will happen next? The Starry Night Festival is fast approaching- will Claire be all alone to fend for herself with a bum leg? If you want to know just tune in for chapter 6 of My Enemy, My Friend. So that's it for now guys. Leave me a review or suggestion if you have time. This is officially the longest day in fanfiction history- five chapters….wow! Ummm….We'll officially be time skipping after the next chapter…and umm.. yeah. No more five chapter days! XD
Thanks for reading, love you guys!