Hellsing Fan Fiction ❯ Hellsing Goes American ❯ You Remind Me Of Him ( Chapter 28 )
[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
Hellsing Goes American
Chapter 28: You remind me of him.
Candy sat quietly at the end of the sofa, nearest the door and watched as Alucard and the Queen chatted like old friends. It wasn't until Walter brought in the tea that they even acknowledged that she was there. It reminded her of the way the other children would treat her at school; act like she wasn't there, hoping that she would just dissapear and they wouldn't have to share the same room with her. She looked down at her tea as they continued their disscusion, completely ignoreing her. Earl Grey again.. yuck. She set it back on the table and sat back in her seat slightly depressed. She really just wanted a hug right now.. But everyone was far too buisy oogling over the Queen.
After a good thirty minutes of listening to their mindless chatter, she decided to go on up and do some more paperwork. It was better than being treated like she wasn't even there. No one even spared her a glance as she made her way out of the festive parlor, all decorated for Christmas. She didn't feel like being in such a happy looking room right now anyways. She slid into the chair behind her desk and sighed. She prefered to be alone with no one in the room than alone in a croud. The paperwork helped to take her mind off of things for a while, but she still wanted that damned hug.
Alucard waited a few minutes after his Fluff Ball left before changing the subject. "So, about my new Master.." The old lady smiled, "She's a cute little thing, isn't she?" His smile turned to one of pride, "Yes she is. And I was just wondering-" "If I know anything about her history?" she finished for him, catching him off guard. "I don't know much, but I will tell you what I do know." He smiled gratefuly as she began, "Let's see. Her parents were Amelia Anderson and Richard Willis Hellsing. I'm sure you know Ms Amelia Anderson was Father Alexander Anderson's little sister." He noded as she continued, "Their mother was Clarice Anderson and their father was known only as Damien. He was quite a strange fellow. My elder brother was aquaintences with him." She took a sip of tea before adding as a bit of an after thought, "Miss Candice really reminds me quite a bit of him. Mostly shy and quiet, but occasionally silly, especially when he would trip or something to try and cover up his clumsiness." she laughed a bit at the memory. "He most certianly had a short fuse, though. I remember when I was very young he and my brother got into an arguement. I don't really remember what was said, but it angered Damien to the point where he actually picked my brother up and threw him across the room with only one hand. And you know how overweight my brother was." They both had a good laugh at that.
"But I will never forget those eyes of his. They were the same hazle green as Miss Candice's, but that time he threw my brother, the had turned a bright red. I still don't believe he was completely Human." She closed her eyes and tried to remember more as she took another sip of tea. There was something else strange about him.. Now what was it? "Ah! I remember, now! Remember when we first met? I said that you reminded me of someone? It was him. Same nose, same charming smile, black hair, vary pale.. And when he got angry that time, his eyes were just like yours... You wouldn't happen to have a son or brother, would you?" He chuckled softly and shook his head. "No ma'am. All of my siblings died as children. And I'm dead, remember? It's not possible for me to have a child." "Such a shame." He nodded in agreement. It would be nice, if it were possible, to have at least one little munchkin to watch grow up and terrorize the world.
They talked until nearly sunset before she left and Alucard went out for a bit. Candy watched from her office window as the cars drove away and Alucard walked leisurely down the street toward town. She sighed as she watched his fading form as the sun's last few rays dissapeared. He didn't even say goodbye or that he was even going anywhere. Damn. What a great day this has turned out to be. She leaned against the window, her forehead touching the cool glass as her arms wraped around herself. Hell, it looked like that was the only way she'd get a hug today. Not without going and bothering someone.
Seras found Candy in the kitchen around 9:00pm drinking a pack of blood. She seemed to be in her own little world. "Um, Miss Candy? Are you alright?" She took a seat next to her boss and gave her a worried look. "Hm?" She looked up at the blond Vampire, "Oh, yea. I'm fine." "No you're not." The older lady gave her a knowing look, "Tell me."
Candy sighed, "I don't know. Just down I guess." She went to take another drink, but found tha packet empty, so she settled for just chewing on the spout. "Well, you and Master seem to be pretty close. What's going on there? I mean, I've never seen him so happy before. Well, not unless he's slaughtering something." Both ladies laughed, he did love killing things, didn't he? Candy sighed again, this time a small smile graced her face. "He really is something else, isn't he? I love him." Seras just about choked on her own spit. "Y-You What? Does he know?" Candy giggled shyly and nodded, "He's the one who said it first.. That he loves me.."
Seras' jaw dropped. There was just no way! Her Master and his Master were in love?!?! "A-Are you sure? I mean, what if it's just..?" She stopped, seeing Candy shake her head. "I know we haven't known eachother long, but.. I just can't immagine being without him.. And he's old enough to know the difference between love and lust, right?" Seras just sat there staring at the redhead, bewildered. She honestly didn't know what to think about this information. Candy gave one last sigh before standing and tossing the empty blood pack into the trash, "I guess I'm going to bed.. I'll see you later." She gave the ditzy blond a warm smile before heading up to bed.
She opend the door to find the lights off and candles lit all around the room, giving the room an ageless feeling, almost as if she'd stepped back in time. And there in the middle of her bed was a sexy, half-dressed Vampire. She couldn't help but smile as she crawled up next to him. He was in nothing but a pair of leather pants that were un buttoned. "I was starting to wonder if you were ever comeing to bed." He teased as she leaned in to give him a kiss. "I was hungry." He smiled at her and rolled them over so he was on top, "Well then, are you ready for desert?" He licked his lips at the thought of what he had planned for her tonight. She shivered at the lusty look he gave her as his hands wandered down to undo the latch on her skirt and then removed her bloomers, top, and bra, leaving her in nothing but her Hello Kitty panties.
He kissed her deaply before moving down to kiss and nip at her neck. He loved how sensitive she was there. All he had to do was give her a few licks and nibbles on the side of her neck and she was wet and ready to go. But he didn't just want a quick fuck, he wanted to play with her a bit first. Her hands were tangled in his hair, her breathing heavy as one of his large hands massaged her small breast, the other holding him up so as not to squish her. Not that she minded. She actually enjoyed his weight ontop of her, she found it rather comforting.
He smiled into her neck as she hissed in pleasure. Oh how he loved those little noises of hers. She squeeked softly when he pinched her nipple harder than usual. Her hips were grinding against his, begging him to hurry up and stop teasing her. He chuckled softly and moved a hand down to hold her hips still, "Impatent much?" He teased and laughed when she gave him a little whimper. He kissed her once more before sliding off the bed and going over to the coffeetable for something.
He returned with several things she had never thought about useing in bed. He set them down on the nightstand and pulled a rope and knife out of his back pocket, a sadistic smile on his face. Now that she had thought of useing. He tied her hands to the headboard, making sure the knot was tight enough so she couldn't escape. She licked her lips in anticipation, her eyes following the sharp, shiny blade as he stratled her hips again and ran the blade over her pale skin, just grazing the skin so it left no marks. She shivered at the feeling of the cool metal gliding over her flesh and the look in his eyes as he imagined all the things he could do to her with the six inch blade.
He ran the blade back up from the waist band of her panties up her stomach, between her breasts and eased up on it as it reached the base of her throat. His smile widend as he saw her eyes roll back in pleasure at the pain and he dipped his head down to lick up the blood, savoring the coppery taste as his toung caressed the shallow, rapidly healing cut. It healed up far too quickly for his likeing and cut her even deeper, causing her to hiss at the pain. He looked up at her to make sure it wasn't too much. He didn't think it was too deep, but he didn't want to really hurt her. She just laughed at his worried expression and arched her body up into the knife, making the wound even deeper. "Don't worry, I've been wounded much worse than this before."
His sadistic smile returned with a vengence as he tore through the flesh of her abdomin, making her scream out in delicious pain, blood pouring from the wound, which he greedily lapped up. She looked so damn good covered in blood. He carved various designs into her skin, savoring her pained gasps and moans. He took great pleasure in the fact that he could do this to her and not worry about scarring her, as he wrote a sweet love note in her skin in German. He sat back and admired his work as his living canvas trembled beneath him from the pain and excitement, a dark lust filling her hazle eyes as the brown and blue were quickly being overtaken by green. He kissed her passionately and tossed the knife to the side, his hands tangling in her auburn hair as the knife hit the floor noisily and he relished in the taste of her sweet mouth as their toungs fought for dominince.
She didn't know how much more of this sweet torture she could take. She had already cum twice from just the damn knife tearing through her flesh. Damn him. Why did he have to be so good at this? He decided to save the other items for later and quickly disposed of his pants, that, by now were far too tight, even being left undone. Her now bloody Hello Kitty panties were also discarded as ke kissed his way up her blood coated body to give her another kiss. She moaned softly as she tasted her own blood on his toung and he easily untied the rope, leting her run her hands over his body that was also covered in her blood.
He thrust into her roughly, without warning and continued to drive into her with a force that would shatter a normal Human's bones and at speeds that no Human could even imagine. It was pure heaven as she wraped her legs around his thrusting hips and held onto him for dear life. Their combined screams, moans and growels of ecstasy could be clearly heard all over the manor along with the thudding of the headboard of her bed against the wall.
Seras stood in the traning room along with almost half of her soldiers, all paused in what they were doing to listen to the elder Vampire and his Master go at it like a couple of damned rabbits. Seras' face was red as a tomato as she heard them scream/growl eachother's names, then all went quiet. After a few minutes everyone seemed to come back to their senses and went back to what they were doing. Murmers could be heard from the men as their commander continued to stare at the celing in horror. "Damn. Think she's still in one piece?" "That must have been one hell'va fuck." "No shit. Man, if I could last that damn long, I'd have all the girls!" Laughter filled the room and Seras snaped out of her stooper. "That's enough! Back to your training! All of you!" She really needed to have a talk with her Master.
AN: Sorry, we got a little stuck on this one.. =-__-U=
And please remember: Reviews and comments are to us as Blood and gore is to Alucard-sama! <3
Chapter 28: You remind me of him.
Candy sat quietly at the end of the sofa, nearest the door and watched as Alucard and the Queen chatted like old friends. It wasn't until Walter brought in the tea that they even acknowledged that she was there. It reminded her of the way the other children would treat her at school; act like she wasn't there, hoping that she would just dissapear and they wouldn't have to share the same room with her. She looked down at her tea as they continued their disscusion, completely ignoreing her. Earl Grey again.. yuck. She set it back on the table and sat back in her seat slightly depressed. She really just wanted a hug right now.. But everyone was far too buisy oogling over the Queen.
After a good thirty minutes of listening to their mindless chatter, she decided to go on up and do some more paperwork. It was better than being treated like she wasn't even there. No one even spared her a glance as she made her way out of the festive parlor, all decorated for Christmas. She didn't feel like being in such a happy looking room right now anyways. She slid into the chair behind her desk and sighed. She prefered to be alone with no one in the room than alone in a croud. The paperwork helped to take her mind off of things for a while, but she still wanted that damned hug.
Alucard waited a few minutes after his Fluff Ball left before changing the subject. "So, about my new Master.." The old lady smiled, "She's a cute little thing, isn't she?" His smile turned to one of pride, "Yes she is. And I was just wondering-" "If I know anything about her history?" she finished for him, catching him off guard. "I don't know much, but I will tell you what I do know." He smiled gratefuly as she began, "Let's see. Her parents were Amelia Anderson and Richard Willis Hellsing. I'm sure you know Ms Amelia Anderson was Father Alexander Anderson's little sister." He noded as she continued, "Their mother was Clarice Anderson and their father was known only as Damien. He was quite a strange fellow. My elder brother was aquaintences with him." She took a sip of tea before adding as a bit of an after thought, "Miss Candice really reminds me quite a bit of him. Mostly shy and quiet, but occasionally silly, especially when he would trip or something to try and cover up his clumsiness." she laughed a bit at the memory. "He most certianly had a short fuse, though. I remember when I was very young he and my brother got into an arguement. I don't really remember what was said, but it angered Damien to the point where he actually picked my brother up and threw him across the room with only one hand. And you know how overweight my brother was." They both had a good laugh at that.
"But I will never forget those eyes of his. They were the same hazle green as Miss Candice's, but that time he threw my brother, the had turned a bright red. I still don't believe he was completely Human." She closed her eyes and tried to remember more as she took another sip of tea. There was something else strange about him.. Now what was it? "Ah! I remember, now! Remember when we first met? I said that you reminded me of someone? It was him. Same nose, same charming smile, black hair, vary pale.. And when he got angry that time, his eyes were just like yours... You wouldn't happen to have a son or brother, would you?" He chuckled softly and shook his head. "No ma'am. All of my siblings died as children. And I'm dead, remember? It's not possible for me to have a child." "Such a shame." He nodded in agreement. It would be nice, if it were possible, to have at least one little munchkin to watch grow up and terrorize the world.
They talked until nearly sunset before she left and Alucard went out for a bit. Candy watched from her office window as the cars drove away and Alucard walked leisurely down the street toward town. She sighed as she watched his fading form as the sun's last few rays dissapeared. He didn't even say goodbye or that he was even going anywhere. Damn. What a great day this has turned out to be. She leaned against the window, her forehead touching the cool glass as her arms wraped around herself. Hell, it looked like that was the only way she'd get a hug today. Not without going and bothering someone.
Seras found Candy in the kitchen around 9:00pm drinking a pack of blood. She seemed to be in her own little world. "Um, Miss Candy? Are you alright?" She took a seat next to her boss and gave her a worried look. "Hm?" She looked up at the blond Vampire, "Oh, yea. I'm fine." "No you're not." The older lady gave her a knowing look, "Tell me."
Candy sighed, "I don't know. Just down I guess." She went to take another drink, but found tha packet empty, so she settled for just chewing on the spout. "Well, you and Master seem to be pretty close. What's going on there? I mean, I've never seen him so happy before. Well, not unless he's slaughtering something." Both ladies laughed, he did love killing things, didn't he? Candy sighed again, this time a small smile graced her face. "He really is something else, isn't he? I love him." Seras just about choked on her own spit. "Y-You What? Does he know?" Candy giggled shyly and nodded, "He's the one who said it first.. That he loves me.."
Seras' jaw dropped. There was just no way! Her Master and his Master were in love?!?! "A-Are you sure? I mean, what if it's just..?" She stopped, seeing Candy shake her head. "I know we haven't known eachother long, but.. I just can't immagine being without him.. And he's old enough to know the difference between love and lust, right?" Seras just sat there staring at the redhead, bewildered. She honestly didn't know what to think about this information. Candy gave one last sigh before standing and tossing the empty blood pack into the trash, "I guess I'm going to bed.. I'll see you later." She gave the ditzy blond a warm smile before heading up to bed.
She opend the door to find the lights off and candles lit all around the room, giving the room an ageless feeling, almost as if she'd stepped back in time. And there in the middle of her bed was a sexy, half-dressed Vampire. She couldn't help but smile as she crawled up next to him. He was in nothing but a pair of leather pants that were un buttoned. "I was starting to wonder if you were ever comeing to bed." He teased as she leaned in to give him a kiss. "I was hungry." He smiled at her and rolled them over so he was on top, "Well then, are you ready for desert?" He licked his lips at the thought of what he had planned for her tonight. She shivered at the lusty look he gave her as his hands wandered down to undo the latch on her skirt and then removed her bloomers, top, and bra, leaving her in nothing but her Hello Kitty panties.
He kissed her deaply before moving down to kiss and nip at her neck. He loved how sensitive she was there. All he had to do was give her a few licks and nibbles on the side of her neck and she was wet and ready to go. But he didn't just want a quick fuck, he wanted to play with her a bit first. Her hands were tangled in his hair, her breathing heavy as one of his large hands massaged her small breast, the other holding him up so as not to squish her. Not that she minded. She actually enjoyed his weight ontop of her, she found it rather comforting.
He smiled into her neck as she hissed in pleasure. Oh how he loved those little noises of hers. She squeeked softly when he pinched her nipple harder than usual. Her hips were grinding against his, begging him to hurry up and stop teasing her. He chuckled softly and moved a hand down to hold her hips still, "Impatent much?" He teased and laughed when she gave him a little whimper. He kissed her once more before sliding off the bed and going over to the coffeetable for something.
He returned with several things she had never thought about useing in bed. He set them down on the nightstand and pulled a rope and knife out of his back pocket, a sadistic smile on his face. Now that she had thought of useing. He tied her hands to the headboard, making sure the knot was tight enough so she couldn't escape. She licked her lips in anticipation, her eyes following the sharp, shiny blade as he stratled her hips again and ran the blade over her pale skin, just grazing the skin so it left no marks. She shivered at the feeling of the cool metal gliding over her flesh and the look in his eyes as he imagined all the things he could do to her with the six inch blade.
He ran the blade back up from the waist band of her panties up her stomach, between her breasts and eased up on it as it reached the base of her throat. His smile widend as he saw her eyes roll back in pleasure at the pain and he dipped his head down to lick up the blood, savoring the coppery taste as his toung caressed the shallow, rapidly healing cut. It healed up far too quickly for his likeing and cut her even deeper, causing her to hiss at the pain. He looked up at her to make sure it wasn't too much. He didn't think it was too deep, but he didn't want to really hurt her. She just laughed at his worried expression and arched her body up into the knife, making the wound even deeper. "Don't worry, I've been wounded much worse than this before."
His sadistic smile returned with a vengence as he tore through the flesh of her abdomin, making her scream out in delicious pain, blood pouring from the wound, which he greedily lapped up. She looked so damn good covered in blood. He carved various designs into her skin, savoring her pained gasps and moans. He took great pleasure in the fact that he could do this to her and not worry about scarring her, as he wrote a sweet love note in her skin in German. He sat back and admired his work as his living canvas trembled beneath him from the pain and excitement, a dark lust filling her hazle eyes as the brown and blue were quickly being overtaken by green. He kissed her passionately and tossed the knife to the side, his hands tangling in her auburn hair as the knife hit the floor noisily and he relished in the taste of her sweet mouth as their toungs fought for dominince.
She didn't know how much more of this sweet torture she could take. She had already cum twice from just the damn knife tearing through her flesh. Damn him. Why did he have to be so good at this? He decided to save the other items for later and quickly disposed of his pants, that, by now were far too tight, even being left undone. Her now bloody Hello Kitty panties were also discarded as ke kissed his way up her blood coated body to give her another kiss. She moaned softly as she tasted her own blood on his toung and he easily untied the rope, leting her run her hands over his body that was also covered in her blood.
He thrust into her roughly, without warning and continued to drive into her with a force that would shatter a normal Human's bones and at speeds that no Human could even imagine. It was pure heaven as she wraped her legs around his thrusting hips and held onto him for dear life. Their combined screams, moans and growels of ecstasy could be clearly heard all over the manor along with the thudding of the headboard of her bed against the wall.
Seras stood in the traning room along with almost half of her soldiers, all paused in what they were doing to listen to the elder Vampire and his Master go at it like a couple of damned rabbits. Seras' face was red as a tomato as she heard them scream/growl eachother's names, then all went quiet. After a few minutes everyone seemed to come back to their senses and went back to what they were doing. Murmers could be heard from the men as their commander continued to stare at the celing in horror. "Damn. Think she's still in one piece?" "That must have been one hell'va fuck." "No shit. Man, if I could last that damn long, I'd have all the girls!" Laughter filled the room and Seras snaped out of her stooper. "That's enough! Back to your training! All of you!" She really needed to have a talk with her Master.
AN: Sorry, we got a little stuck on this one.. =-__-U=
And please remember: Reviews and comments are to us as Blood and gore is to Alucard-sama! <3