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The Orange Islands
A Guide to the Places, People, State and History of the Islands
Outside of Mao's rebellion few events in the post Sukebe era are as well known as the destruction of the Orange continent, otherwise known pre-Sukebe as Australia.
In P.S. 20 a tamer, whose name has been lost to time, was experimenting with evolving her Eva. The tamer was making use of a long range communication device at the time and was in communication with a fellow tamer in the Forest League, the unknown tamer reported that she was about to attempt to evolve her Eva using an Angel Stone. Several minutes later the link with the Orange continent tamer was lost and a massive explosion, more powerful then anything unleashed during Sukebe's war, lit up the sky to the south.
The detonation scooped out a crater more then 1300 kilometers in diameter and fractured the crust of the earth beneath the Orange continent, the end result being the creation of an inland sea and the breaking up of the remainder of the continent into hundreds of islands both large and small.
The most peculiar effect of this accident was the fact that this explosion produced virtually no fallout, which saved the rest of the planet from a nuclear winter.
Casualties from the explosion were minimal in most areas and limited primarily to oceangoing vessels, pokegirls, and flying pokegirls. Obviously the residents of the Orange continent were not so lucky; the casualty rates were 98% for humans and 97% for pokegirls. Most survivors were located in the northwest, behind the peninsular mountains which acted as a shield during the calamity. Other survivors were usually living along the coast behind a line of high hills or low mountains. Almost all vegetation in the exposed areas was destroyed as were many small landmarks.
Following this calamity was a mass exodus away from the resultant islands; most people emigrated to the Forest League though some did emigrate to the Scarlet League. In the end the population of the Orange Islands dropped to a low of 158,000 humans and 211,000 pokegirls. For the next 100 years both populations remained roughly the same, with a growth rate of only 0.31%.
After nearly a century of aversion people began to return to the Orange Islands, enough time had passed for much of the vegetation to return to those areas devastated and people had simply had enough time to forget about the disaster and believe it could never happen again. The immigration began slowly with small groups arriving by boat from time to time until eventually it reached a flood level.
By P.S. 150 the native population growth rate reached 1.5% and there were approximately 200 humans and 150 pokegirls arriving per day. By P.S. 200 the growth rate was up to 4.8% and 1000 humans and 900 pokegirls were arriving per day. In P.S. 250 the population was growing by 7.3% per year and 2500 humans and 2000 pokegirls per day were immigrating. The most recent census in P.S. 295 indicated that the population growth rate seems to have stabilized at 7.2% as had the immigration rate at nearly 3000 humans a day and 3100 pokegirls.
The Orange League ruling council is currently comprised of one representative from each of the five provinces as well as a prime minister. In most affairs the council seeks consensus but when that is not a possibility things can be put to a vote. Each of the representatives has one vote and the prime minister has two.
The islands are divided into five provinces. In the north east is the Ibren province. This is the smallest province by land area but the largest by population, the Sanctuary Mountains shielded many cities on the provinces east coast from the calamity. The capital of the province is Queenstown, located on the northern tip of the Sanctuary Mountains peninsula. The capital of the Orange League is also here, the pre-Sukebe city of Sydney, now know as Pussydney. The province is covered in decideacious forests and grasslands.
The Draaga province is located in the north. This is the second largest province in terms of both size and population. The provincial capital of Sluton is located on the central northern coast of the provinces largest island. Also worth noting is the small town of Trella, home to one of the League's five universities. The primary vegetation of the province is tropical forests and grasslands.
The Khar-Toba province is the largest by land and occupies almost all of the western islands. The capital is Boobtown and is located in the northwestern portion of the province. The primary vegetation of this province is savannah trending to desert towards the interior sea.
Setta province is in the south and is the smallest by population. Setta is sparsely populated, both due to it's primarily desert environment and the fact that the population of the area was completely wiped out due to proximity to the blast. The capital of the province is Whoreton and is near the eastern border with Basa province.
Basa province is located in the southwest area of the islands. Third largest by population Basa is also the fastest growing province. The capital is Eve's Cleft and is located at the southwestern point of the islands.
The primary goal of the Orange League ruling council is the growth and preservation of the League. To ensure that the League grows as quickly as possible the ruling council imposes a minimum of taxes and regulation on the populace. Aside from capital crimes and felonies there are few enforced laws.
The Orange League has the lowest proportion of pokegirls to regular humans in the known world. At the present time there are 1.412 pokegirls per humans. Also there are no known indigenous pokegirl species to the Orange Islands. Pre-calamity records indicate no less then fifteen species known to exist only in the Orange Islands, however there have been no confirmed sightings of any of these species since the calamity.
There have been three major factors in shaping the nature of the pokegirl population in the Orange Islands. First, almost all the pokegirls in the islands, domestic, and feral, either are immigrants, or are descendants of immigrants. Very few of these immigrants have been tamers, and as such there is a very high occurrence of pet type pokegirls, and industrial pokegirls. This has led to a self perpetuating cycle, since few powerful or rare pokegirls immigrate to the islands few tamers are attracted to visit and potentially bring new species into the islands. The only exceptions to this are the ocean going pokegirls, with nothing to stop them these pokegirls moved back to the Orange Islands almost immediately and for the last two hundred years their numbers have been comparable to the numbers of oceangoing Pokegirls in other areas. Second is that the climate and environment of the islands had proven especially beneficial to several breeds, specifically Titmice, cat types, and dog types. These three groups comprise nearly 85% of the island's pokegirl population. The third factor is also the least easily explained. For some reason the rates of pokegirl evolution in the Orange Islands are 172% higher then in the rest of the world. The only explanation given for this has been the calamity itself.
The Orange League has taken steps to ensure that pokegirl rights groups have a difficult time establishing a foot hold. A set of pokegirl protection laws have been enacted which impose stiff penalties on people being unnecessarily cruel to pokegirls. What exactly constitutes unnecessarily cruel is left up to local law enforcement but once the criterion is met the punishment is severe, usually loss of any license, forfeiture of all pokegirls, a stiff fine, jail time, and the preclusion of any future possession of pokegirls.
The most obvious difference between the treatment of pokegirls in the Orange Islands and else where is in the area of their evolution. The intentional evolution of a pokegirl by anyone besides a licensed tamer is prohibited, and even then the tamer must have been in good standing with the League for at least six months. Evolution by E-medal is prohibited until further study is done. Evolution of an Eva is prohibited. Possession of an angel stone is illegal, if you have one upon entering the League you must surrender it to League authorities to be returned upon your leaving. All non-standard evolutions must be reported to League authorities within 12 hours. Proving that an evolution was intentional is difficult however and these laws, outside of possession of an angel stone, are rarely enforced strenuously.
Due to the low number of pokegirls in the League the League has to be careful about the number of tamers it licenses. In order to make sure that they locate only the best applicants for the job the Tamer's test is a day long ordeal meant to profile a person's temperament, basic level of knowledge, and ability to handle the duties they are applying for. Applicants can take the test as many times as they want but it is only offered once every three months. If the prospective tamer passes the test they are then sent to a taming "boot camp". This two week long course is designed to ensure that all tamers begin their careers with all the necessary knowledge to effectively carry out their duties. At the end of this camp the tamers are paired with a pokegirl, generally one that was turned into the League or one that was removed from a tamer. These pairings are not permanent and if the tamer has no desire to keep the girl he can return her and search for his own.
In the Orange Islands all research is carefully monitored and the majority of research into pokegirl evolutions are prohibited.
When encountering a tamer from the Orange Islands it is wise to be very careful around them. These tamers are well trained and due to the small number of pokegirls in the Islands and the high rate of evolutions it is likely that the tamer's harem will be of advanced types and will have been working with the tamer for a long time. Few tamers from the Orange League don't have at least one water type in their harem.
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Orange Island Unique Pokegirls
Before the calamity there were no less then 15 pokegirl species unique to the Orange League, however there have been no sightings of any of these species in more then 250 years. In the few decades following the calamity no concerted effort was made to preserve the rapidly vanishing species and they were quickly lost. Records of these species have been maintained as a reference and historical source only, it should be noted that none of these records have been updated in 250 years.
PLATYPUSSY, the Repentant Pokegirl
Type: Humanoid
Element: Water/Poison
Frequency: Very Rare
Diet: vegetarian
Role: recovering PsiDykes
Libido: bi-sexual, Low/Average (initial) to Extremely High (after doing good deeds)
Strong Vs: Fighting, Fire, Poison, Psychic, Rock, Water
Weak Vs: Dark, Electric, Ghost, Ice, Ground
Attacks: Water Gun, Hydropump, Surf, Bubbles, Tackle, Paralysis
Scratch, Reflect (psychic attacks only)
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Psidyke (Angel Stone or proximity to the Orange Island
Explosion site)
Platypussy are the result of a Psidyke coming in close contact with an angel stone or being within approximately 20 miles of the epicenter of the Orange Island explosion site. The effect of an angel stone on the vicious pokegirl is astounding. Not only removing their hatred of men and love of domination, the evolution seems to kindle a sort of empathy with all other creatures. Due to the repentant nature of this pokegirl, a Psidyke who has little to regret has not been recorded as evolving as of the publishing of this entry. The majority of evolution cases are from PsiDykes who have killed or otherwise greatly harmed one or a number of people. Unfortunately for these newly redeemed man-haters, they remember everything in their previous life. Many spend their entire lives trying to make up for their transgressions, and no Platypussy can easily kill another thing. That also ends up reversing their disgusting eating habits as well. The taste of meat often makes them feel very sick, though they have a special liking of salted tomatoes.
Their considerable psychic powers seem to dwindle as with many of their other previous passions. The only remaining ability manifests itself like a concentrated form of all the rest combined. It allows them to reflect any purely psychic attack or manipulation. No cruel tamer has ever been known to keep control of their Platypussy. It appears that the more you try to control them, the more they rebel, but a caring tamer has unconditional loyalty. Platypussy have thin coats of dark brown fur on their forearms and legs from the knee down. Between their fingers and toes a bit of membrane webbing aids them in swimming, but they don't possess the claws many would expect. Researchers speculate that they declaw themselves shortly after evolution. Otherwise they look perfectly human. They possess ample chests, somewhere in the D-cup range though it doesn't seem to hinder their swimming very much. No recorded cases of threshold, but all Platypussy behave very like most threshold cases. They prefer to wear clothes, and they are highly intelligent.
WOMBUTT, the Hole Dweller
Type: Animorph
Element: Ground
Frequency: Common (In Orange League), unknown in other leagues
Diet: vegetarian
Role: construction
Libido: Average
Strong Vs: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel
Weak Vs: Flying, Ice, Plant, Water
Attacks: Dig, Furry Swipes, Scratch, Bite, Earthquake
Enhancements: Strength x4
Evolves: Koalass (Leaf Stone)
Evolves From: None
Wombutt's are like the tit-mice of the Orange Islands. They aren't easy to spot, but that doesn't mean people care to capture them. They live in holes in the wild and cause little trouble when feral. Because of their hole-dwelling nature, they are nearly always covered with dirt, which seems to be reason enough for most potential pet owners to look elsewhere. Though they can learn Earthquake, only the strongest ever do, and it is very taxing even then.
Some have found them to be highly valuable labor in laying foundations, digging tunnels and laying pipes. Civil engineers and construction workers that can afford it often take Wombutts as pets. They seem to be highly adaptable and learn quickly, as long as what they have to do isn't overly complicated. No self respecting tamer would use a Wombutt in a fight as sometimes in the heat battle, they will even do what their opponents tamer tells them to do.
They don't seem to have any qualms when it comes to taming. Wombutt's are very submissive and are happy in any position as long as they get to orgasm. Several cases of threshold have been recorded. In each case, there was little protest as the Wombutt's submissive nature readily accepts any such change. Families are generally more distraught as said nature tends to eclipse their sister/daughter's personality almost immediately.
KOALASS, the Tree Dweller
Type: Animorph
Element: Ground
Frequency: Uncommon (In Orange League), unknown in other leagues
Diet: herbivore (prefers eucalyptus leaves)
Role: scouts
Libido: Low to Average
Strong Vs: Electric, Fire, Poison, Rock, Steel, Plant
Weak Vs: Flying, Ice, Water
Attacks: Furry Swipes, Scratch, Slash, Bite, Smile, Razor Leaf
Enhancements: Poison Immunity, Efficient Metabolism, Strength x4,
Enhanced Sense x3, Jump x4, Sharp claws
Evolves: None
Evolves From: Wombutt (Leaf Stone)
In the wild, Koalass spend nearly their entire lives in the trees, jumping from one to another and gathering their water from the leaves. It's because of this that it was thought for a time that they had been wiped out in the creation of the Orange Islands. Perfectly happy to sit silently in a tree for days, they have a knack for keeping undetected. Their strongest attack is smile. Koalass are widely regarded as some of the cutest pokegirls in the world. They are covered with short, but bushy, gray fur and have large round ears and a bushy, almost bunny-like, tail. Hair color ranges widely, but always fall into earthy tones. They also tend to have breasts ranging from a large B-cup to a small D-cup. Consistent with their slow lifestyle, Koalass have very cool heads and always think things over carefully. This has led some tamers to call them slow, but a tamer with patience can be amazed at the insights their Koalass come up with.
If they must fight, many pokegirls find to their dismay that these harmless looking creatures have very sharp claws. Quicker opponents can avoid being torn apart, but hardening has little effect on these armor piercing tools. Though the reason is undetermined, Koalass have strong dislike for anal taming. As this differs from their previous evolution, it's theorized that the poisons in their eucalyptus diet might kill off the nerves in that area. They generally prefer to go at it with their legs wrapped around a standing tamer, or if he can't stand, to sit on top of him. Thresholders that become Koalass tend to prefer dark green clothes and stay away from anything made of leather. Few cases of threshold have been recorded, and all of them involved something in their diet containing eucalyptus. Those observed cases seemed to cope well with the transformation, as their developing deep thinking nature leads them to accept the inevitable.
TITMANIAN DEVIL, the Wild Pokegirl
Type: Animorph
Element: Fighting
Frequency: Rare (In Orange League), unknown in other leagues
Diet: carnivorous (They'll eat anything that was at one time alive)
Role: shock troops
Libido: High
Strong Vs: Bug, Dark, Ice, Rock, Normal, Steel, Dark
Weak Vs: Flying, Psychic
Special Weakness: Once they are engaged in battle they will not
listen to commands
Attacks: Berserk, Whirlwind, Dig, Furry Swipes, Scratch, Slash,
Bite, Eat, Screech
Enhancements: Strength x2, Agility x4, Toughness x2, When berserking those abilities increase 4 fold
Evolves: None
Evolves From: None
Titmanian Devil's are some of the craziest pokegirls around. With a slight muzzle and a thin layer of black fur over their entire bodies they can never be mistaken for humans. They tend to range from 4'10" to 5'6" and are thickly built. All Devil's have a patch of white fur resembling a collar on their necks and when they get angry, their ears turn red. They also have a thick tail that reaches to their feet, but is generally not as graceful as a feline's. They also tend to have cantaloupe size breasts covered in a lighter gray fur that reaches down to their belly. Few Devils develop any level of self control and will quickly berserk if made angry. Generally speaking, no matter how intelligent they are originally, when berserking they tend to grunt and spit while whirlwinding in every direction. They also tend to eat everything they can get their hands, though only one case reports a Devil actually eating a portion of their opponent (who happened to be a Bunnygirl, and there was no permanent damage). Only a very powerful attack can even slow them down as they can burrow right through solid rock as if it were paper mache. Any pokegirl who comes within arm's reach is pretty much a write off unless they are very powerful fighters. Their biggest weakness is that if can manage to think of a trap to stop them, they will fall for it every time. The psychological effect against all but a highly disciplined or powerful pokegirl is the biggest effect. Many opponents will simply run outside the ring and hide behind their masters. While they don't fall victim to the same mindless violence during their tamings as they are usually very happy, Devil's are, as expected, wild in bed. It's impossible to drug them, but for some odd reason, they are extremely susceptible to milk and will become almost normal relative to other pokegirls. Most Devil's remain in the wild in a feral state unfortunately as they are difficult to catch. They are only found in the southern reaches of the Orange Islands. No threshold case has been recorded
Note: Thanks to Phinegan for the Orange League specific pokegirls.