InuYasha Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret ❯ Party ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Stressed Words

It had been years since Kagome had seen her friends from the other realm. She often wondered what it would be like if she didn't know anything about her cousin. She definitely knew that she would know something was missing from her life. Her blue haired cousin was like a sister to her. They both knew each other like a coin, and if one side flipped the other was there with no hesitation. Kagome yawned and noticed Inuyasha was stepping off of the copter and back onto land.
Kagome stared at Inuyasha as he began to walk away from the copter. She tilted her head to the side and wondered what it could be like. She knew she still had a chance to run into his arms, but there was always the shadow of doubt in her mind. She would always have to be worry about being a replacement…a shadow. Kagome softly sighed and wondered if he looked at her and saw Kikyo still there. Shaking her head she closed her eyes and figured it was time to look for a guy in a new direction.
“Hey, ice wench,” Vegeta said as he tapped her on the shoulder none to gently. Kagome turned around and was definitely looking in a new direction with a bit of a scowl.
“What do you want?” Kagome asked with an annoyed tone.
“We're here,” he blandly said. Kagome looked around and saw that everyone was out of the copter and people were meeting people.
“Why'd they leave me?” Kagome whined. Vegeta shrugged and got out of the copter and walked over to where he sat on a lone part of the island.
Kagome got out of the copter and walked into Roshi's house and before she stepped in she looked at Vegeta's figure. She was about to go and get him, but Goku spotted her and pulled her into the house. She looked over as she was being pulled over and could of swore she saw a look of loneliness pass over Vegeta.
“Kagome! How are you doing?” Goku asked as he gave her a literal bone- crushing hug.
“Can't ... breath,” Kagome gasped as she tried to push away. Goku gave her an innocent smile as he let her go. She smiled as he scratched the back of his head sheepishly.
“Where have you been these past years?” Yamcha asked as he smiled with his arm around Bulma's waist.
“You know the usual teenage stuff. Falling down wells into the past, being attacked by demons,” Kagome said with a smile.
“That's not normal,” Goku said with a confused look.
“I know, but before I begin a long explanation, let me introduce you to my other family,” Kagome excitedly said as she lined them up like new toys.
“Miroku, Inuyasha, and Sango, and her Nekomata Kirara,” Kagome said as she pointed to each one of them.
“What happened and how did you meet them?” Krillin asked, not quite believing they're from the past.
“I was pulled down my well by a youkai and into the past where I first met Inuyasha,” Kagome began as they all took a seat. She then went on to tell about her adventures with Inuyasha and how they met Shippo. She left out the part about half of her soul missing and how each one of them tried to kill or harm her when they first met.
“So you fight youkai, you got turned into a dragon, and managed to befriend another Master Roshi?” Yamcha asked with a disbelieving voice.
“Don't forget I'm a Miko and the guardian of the Tama and have Kitsune as a son,” Kagome said with a calm even smile.
“And here I thought my life was strange,” Yamcha muttered before he was elbowed in the gut by Bulma. Kagome soon noticed a silence was coming on. She looked around the room and smirked when she thought of her distraction.
“So, where's master Roshi?” Kagome asked. Gohan turned bright red before he buried his face into his mom's legs.
“That pervert had cherry flavored motion lotion fall onto his head. He then told my poor baby to tell nobody that he's home!” Chichi huffed in anger. Bulma's face turned a pure red before she let her head hide in her hands. Kagome broke into laughter and soon ran out of the door with a pissed Bulma chasing after her.
“So, who's ready to swim?” Krillin asked as he walked outdoors.
Yamcha ran outside after Bulma and Krillin hoping to see some clothes being ripped. Gohan smiled and ran towards the stereo before he took off his shirt and jumped into the water with his orange trunks. Kagome pushed Inuyasha outside so he could get into the water. Miroku tried to drag Sango into the water, but she punched him into the water herself. Kagome pulled Miroku onto shore in hopes of him not drowning before she turned to see Gohan running towards her. He jumped into her open arms and smiled at her. Kagome fell onto her back with boy sitting on her stomach.
“How old are now Gohan?” Kagome asked.
“I just turned twelve,” he proudly stated. Kagome sat up on her elbows before she sat up and set him next to her on the sand.
“Last time I saw you, you were a cute baby with a tail,” Kagome said. Gohan lightly blushed before he looked up at her and smiled.
“Want to swim with me?” He asked as his cheeks turned redder. Kagome was about to nod when she noticed Sango on the other side of the island alone.
“I'll swim with you later, but how about you brother Inuyasha?” Kagome asked. Gohan seemed to contemplate this before he nodded and took of speeding towards the unaware hanyou. Kagome then stood up and walked over to Sango where she seemed to be out in thought.
“Kagome, do you think I can talk to you alone?” Sango asked knowing that Kagome was there.
“Sure,” Kagome said. They both walked further down the sand unaware of Vegeta in a nearby palm tree. Sango ran a hand through her hair before she sighed.
“Kagome, I've been thinking. I was wondering if we could bring Kohaku back?” Sango asked with a silent plea.
“I don't know if it's a good idea,” Kagome said as she thought about where this was going.
“After I know your true name, I'll just wish him back and then set you free,” Sango pleaded.
`Is that woman insane? What does she mean her true name?' Vegeta asked himself as he listened with all his attention.
“Sango, I know I can trust you so, after we beat Naraku I'll let you know my true name and then you can wish Kohaku back, plus wish Kouga's tribe back,” Kagome said.
“This means so much to me,” Sango said as she drew Kagome into a hug.
“I know and I'd do anything for you…anyone of you,” Kagome whispered. Sango smiled and thanked her before she ran off into the water where Miroku swam. She splashed him and he wiped his eyes before chasing after her.
“I know you're there,” Kagome said watching her friends with said eyes. Vegeta jumped down and walked towards her. He frowned at the fact that this human could sense his well-hidden ki.
“What are you hiding from us that you're not hiding from your friends?” Vegeta asked as his tail twitched.
“Something that will always keep me separate from the real world,” Kagome regretfully said. Vegeta gave her a curious look and then scowled as he looked towards the others.
“What is your real name?” Vegeta asked.
“If I was to tell you that the whole world might be in jeopardy,” Kagome numbly said as if it was a normal answer.
“Whatever,” Vegeta scoffed.
“What are you hiding that keeps you separated from your friends?” Kagome asked as she looked over at him.
“They are not my friends,” Vegeta growled.
“Then why are you here?” Kagome asked.
“I am here because my planet was destroyed and I have nowhere else to go,” Vegeta said with an edge.
“I'm sorry,” Kagome sadly said.
“I don't want your sympathy!” Vegeta snapped at her.
“I'm not offering sympathy or pity,” Kagome explained, “I do know what it's like… to not be able to get what you want.”
“You don't know anything about me! So, don't try to compare,” Vegeta growled at her.
“I know more about you than you think,” Kagome calmly said.
“How do you know?” Vegeta asked.
“I know because I'm an elemental dragon, at least part,” Kagome offered.
“So, that's what you mean by your true name,” Vegeta stated more than asked.
“I think I said to much,” Kagome said as she started to walk away. Vegeta grabbed her arm to stop her.
“Tell me what you know,” Vegeta demanded. Kagome scoffed at a demanded she got all the time.
“Let go ... now!” Kagome growled as she let a wave of Miko power hit Vegeta in his chest throwing him into the water. Kagome then took off her pants and ran over to the party where they were all swimming.
“Where's that vegetable person?” Sango asked as she looked around the area.
“Let's just say he needed to cool down,” Kagome said with a grin. Sango lightly laughed when she saw the wet saiyan fly out of the water. They all swam around till the stars began to shine brighter. They eventually got tired from swimming and they all dried off and went inside to watch movie that was playing on TV. Kagome and Gohan were talking about what they could do while Miroku and Sango were snuggling. Yamcha and Bulma were nowhere to be seen and Chichi was talking to Krillin and Tien who recently arrived. Goku and Inuyasha were talking about different fighting techniques.
“I'm so glade that he's moving on,” Kagome said to herself forgetting Gohan was there.
“Who?” He asked.
“Inuyasha,” Kagome said.
“What are you hiding for the mutt?” Vegeta asked as he interrupted them.
“It's rude to interrupt,” Gohan scolded.
“I can interrupt anytime I want to,” Vegeta growled.
“Calm down veggie-kun,” Kagome lightheartedly scolded. Vegeta growled at her as Gohan then stood up and jumped in front of Kagome. He growled back at Vegeta in defiance.
“Back down kid,” Vegeta ordered.
“I won't let you hurt Kagome!” Gohan growled. Kagome sighed as she began to blush and think about Inuyasha and Kouga fighting.
“Gohan it's alright…veggie-kun won't hurt me,” Kagome said as she put a hand on Gohan's shoulder.
“Don't call me veggie-kun,” Vegeta dangerously growled.
“Stop growling, because this challenge you won't win,” Kagome dangerously warned as she put Gohan behind her.
“Is that a challenge?” Vegeta growled with a sadistic smirk.
“It's a promise veggie-kun,” Kagome surely said.
“Get in here wench!” Inuyasha yelled distracting the ready to quarrel couple. Kagome was about to argue when she saw the words Shikon shard flash across the screen.
Grab the fighting gear and get training for the new martial arts tournament. This year the prize is a shard form the actual Shikon no Tama! This is a once in a lifetime opportunity! This is a one on one competition with limited rules! This is being held in one month.

“Where the fuck did they get that shard!” Inuyasha yelled as soon as the commercial ended.
“Take this as a good sign Inuyasha,” Miroku calmly said.
“How is this fucking good?” Inuyasha asked.
“Yes, Miroku how is this a good sign?” Kagome all but growled.
“This isn't a good sign,” Sango sighed.
“The last shard is here and safe,” Miroku offered.
“That's the problem Miroku. It's here…in another dimension,” Kagome tiredly said.
“We have to figure out how the shard is here,” Sango said as she looked at Kagome.
“First we have to get the shard,” Inuyasha growled.
“This shard is a prize so we'll have to fight for it,” Kagome said.
“Don't worry, I'll fight in the competition too. That ways you'll have a better chance of wining the shard,” Goku said.
“I'll fight also,” Gohan said.
“Gohan, you'll not fight one punch!” Chichi yelled at him.
“I have to help Kagome mom!” Gohan said without waver.
“You can count me in,” Krillin said.
“Me too,” Tien also volunteered.
“I'll fight,” Vegeta said.
“What are you going to do? Leave us out of the fun?” Inuyasha asked with a hint of sarcasm.
“We'll have to train Sango and Miroku a little better though,” Goku said.
“Just come over tomorrow and we can use the dojo,” Bulma offered.
“Thank you all,” Kagome gratefully said with a huge smile. When her smile landed on Vegeta his heart stopped and he choked on his breath. He chose to scowl at her.
“Well, I think we should get going,” Bulma said with a yawn.
“You go ahead, I want to fly home,” Kagome said.
“Since when do you fly?” Bulma asked.
“I just recently learned,” Kagome said.
Everybody left and Kagome walked towards the back of the island making sure now one was around. She walked to the edge of the water and looked around one more time. She was unaware of the pair of eyes that suspiciously watched her. She sighed and stepped into the water letting its cool waves calm her hot tingling skin. She took a deep breath and prepared for the change that would happen for the first time in her life. She remembered doing this, but that was another life when she wasn't around.
She let the cool air caress her pale skin in the moonlight as the water lightly tickled her legs. She let a soft glow surround her body allowing her glossy white scales to roam free over her body. Kagome's hair grew down to her knees and her nails became longer in the process taking the form of talons. Her body flashed a bright white and she could feel her bones shift to form what was ... and now is her true dragon form. She looked at herself in the water and noticed that her body was very long and slender, but not weak. She had the build of a warrior that screamed fluent, graceful, and deadly opponent.
She then noticed that her underbelly had metallic blue scales that shone in the moonlight. Her hair was still the same color, but it was attached to her shoulders like a mane. Her neck was obviously longer leaving her tail as the only thing that she didn't see. Her tail was long with the same white scales and underneath it laid the metallic blue scales. Kagome looked over her snout and was pleased to find that it was nothing to big or small. Kagome then jumped into the air and instead of flying, it was like she was swimming threw the air like a snake on the desert sand. Her body slithered threw the air with ease leaving her only watcher amazed.
He jumped into the air and followed after her, he tried to keep a safe distance, but that's hard to do when you're flying. He decided that he might approach her. He knew that her friends didn't know about this other form she had and he could tell she wasn't ready to tell. He ran his hand threw his hair before he blinked and found that she was gone from his sight. He looked around and couldn't see the creature that he was following. He was about to start flying again, but he came face to face with an upset dragon.
`Why are you following me, Vegeta?' Kagome asked him with confusion in her dragon eyes.
“How can you speak?” He asked aloud.
`I send what I want you to hear into your mind,' Kagome simply said.
“I followed because I have my reasons,” he roughly said.
`If you keep acting the way you do, I might begin to pity myself,' Kagome thought to him.
“What the hell is that supposed to mean?”
Kagome transformed into her normal body and said, “It means that you're lost in your own confusion of pain and hate, like I am.”
“I have no hate for myself,” Vegeta asserted.
“I never said you did,” Kagome quietly said before she flew off.
Vegeta looked at her with a shocked face before they flew back home in silence. Kagome landed on her porch and got into her sleeping wear before she went to her bed to sleep. Vegeta landed at the bottom of the building before he walked to his room. He had many unanswered questions that he wanted answers to. He stared at her door as if hoping it would crack and divulge all her secrets to him. He knew this constant thinking over one human could not be good for his health.
`I will find out your secrets,' he silently promised before he went to his own room.
If there was one thing that Vegeta couldn't stand, it was someone who was more powerfully than him. He was the Prince of the Saiyans and yet a common girl could sense him following her. He knew she was one of those eternal dragons that would just take a host body to let their power survive. Vegeta put on his regular training suit and growled when he had to make a hole for his tail. He walked to Kagome's bedroom door and found that it was closed. He turned the handle and cursed when he found it locked. So he just twisted the lock and broke it letting it make a click.
Vegeta silently slipped into the room and sniffed the air following Kagome's scent to her bed. He walked over there and slid his tail around her waist making sure he had a good grip on her. He then picked her up bridal style and walked towards the window. He jumped out and began to fly to the dojo. He could her Kagome's breathing become uneven and knew she was about to wake up. Her eyes fluttered open and when she saw who was holding her she shocked his arms causing her to fall. His tail was still around her waist making sure she wouldn't fall to her death.
“What the hell do you think you're doing?” Kagome snarled demanding to be answered.
“I want answers and you'll give them to me,” Vegeta stated as he walked into the dojo with her still wrapped in his tail.
“What do want me to tell you?” She asked almost screaming it.
“These walls are sound proof, so no one will hear you scream,” Vegeta calmly said.
“Is that a threat?” Kagome asked with a glare.
“Maybe,” he said with a smirk.
“I will not tell you anything else,” Kagome said as she crossed her arms and looked away from him.
“You dare to turn away from the Prince of all Saiyans?” He challenged.
“Get this straight monkey boy. You and Goku are the only full blooded Saiyans left on earth,” Kagome said as a fact.
“What about in the galaxy?” He asked before he could stop himself.
“Put me down and I promise I'll answer any of your questions if possible,” Kagome softly said with a smile.
“Answer my first question,” Vegeta demanded.
“I need us to sit down. Then, I need your hand,” Kagome said. Vegeta held out his hand and gave her a weird look. “Trust me.”
Kagome took his hand and allowed her mind to search the different planets that he hand been to. She then allowed herself to see into the plants people and found that one person out of six hundred people saw a Saiyan working on a brown planet. Kagome opened her eyes to see Vegeta giving her another look.
“I saw one Saiyan, and she is on brown plant called Naiads. She is a servant that that works as a belly dancer next to the king's throne,” Kagome explained as she looked at Vegeta's shocked face.
“How do I know you're telling the truth?” Vegeta questioned.
“You have my word as a dragon,” Kagome answered.
“How did you become a dragon?” He asked.
“That's just say I was hit pretty hard,” Kagome ironically said while scratching her head sheepishly.
“Where do you come from?” Vegeta asked.
“I don't know. I do know that I will lead a very lonely existence,” Kagome forlornly said. Vegeta gave her this yeah-right look before he decided to talk.
“Why?” He asked her. Kagome lightly chuckled before she answered.
“I was not always a dragon, I was born human. Since dragons are eternal and my loved ones and friends are human, I will have to watch them die,” Kagome answered.
“There are always others,” Vegeta simply said like it solved everything.
“You talk of friends like they were nothing but, trash,” Kagome said quite distressed.
“They are. They use you and you use them,” Vegeta said.
“That's horrible! I would never use my friend like that!” Kagome gasped in horror.
“It's not like they would die for you,” Vegeta said like it was a fact.
“There have been plenty of times that Inuyasha almost died protecting me,” Kagome said.
“Friendship is such a foolish concept,” Vegeta said.
“No it isn't, let me show you,” Kagome said as she grabbed his hand and let all the memories of Inuyasha risking his life for her. She then showed him other moments of friendship, even when she stood by his side after what happened with Kikyo.
“Let me be your friend, I won't betray you,” Kagome promised after she released his hand.
“You chose to stay by his side even when he chose that counterfeit?” Vegeta asked with disbelief.
“I couldn't just leave him, he was my friend and always will be,” Kagome explained.
`She's loyal,' Vegeta thought.
“I'll be your friend,” Vegeta mumbled.
“I'll make sure to earn your trust,” Kagome said as she played with her hair.
“Fine, just don't go blabbing it around,” Vegeta ordered.
“Yes, my prince,” Kagome sarcastically said with a salute.
“It's time you showed me proper respect,” Vegeta arrogantly said.
“You think I need to show you respect? You're the one that took me out of my room and constantly belittle me,” Kagome argued.
“Yes,” Vegeta said.
“I wonder what's bigger, your ego or your ...”
“Someone has a dirty mind,” Vegeta said with a snort.
“Or your ki blast,” Kagome finished giving him a glare.
“Why did you stay with him?” Vegeta asked.
“Why do you care?” Kagome asked back.
“I don't,” Vegeta scoffed.
“I can feel your pain. You must have had an awful past,” Kagome tenderly whispered.
“How can you feel my pain? You have no idea of pain!” Vegeta yelled at her.
“I have watched my friend's brother try to kill me and her because he has no memory. I have had to watch Inuyasha suffer because my previous incarnation wants his death. I've had my heart broken because the one I loved was promised to another. So don't you dare tell me I don't know pain!” Kagome yelled at him with her eyes glowing a frosty blue.
“Well you're not the last of your race,” Vegeta said.
“In a way I am. I'm no longer human, but a dragon,” Kagome explained.
“Life is ironic isn't it?” Vegeta laughed out more than asked.
“In a way, it is,” Kagome quietly said. “Do you mind if I ask you a question?”
“Sure,” he said with a suspicious look.
“Why do you have a tail?” Kagome asked as she grabbed it. Vegeta fell to the ground unable to move. Kagome let go of his tail and he pushed himself up back to eyelevel with her.
“A Saiyan is born with a tail that they are able to have all their lives. Since my tail grew back I now have the power to transform into my giant ape form. If someone grabs my tail I lose all power and am practically helpless. If you cut my tail off I lose my power to transform,” Vegeta explained.
“Your tail is so cute, but it seems like hell trying to take care of it,” Kagome said.
“My tail is not cute,” he seethed.
“Yes, it is,” Kagome, pressed.
“It is not,” Vegeta said.
“I know that it's late, but would you like to spar?” Kagome asked as she stood up.
“You're on,” Vegeta said.