InuYasha Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret ❯ Internal Struggles ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Internal Struggles
Stressed Words
Flashback, Dream, and Mind Meetings
Vegeta's P.O.V
Everything was fuzzy and the room was dark. I could hear them talking, or it was more like mumbling on my ears. I tried to lift my left arm, but found that my arm and leg were strapped to something. I laid my head back and immediately noticed that I was tied down to a bed. I snapped my eyes open and took in the blurry image of Bulma sticking a needle in my arm.
“What the hell are you doing?” I asked, shocked at how dry my voice sounded.
“I'm just ... giving you something to relax,” Bulma nervously stuttered. I flexed my muscle trying to break the needle, but only found that the damn thing was already out.
“I'll go get Goku,” Bulma said as she practically raced out of the door.
“Great,” I sarcastically said as I rolled my eyes. I watched as Goku walked into the room and pulled a seat up next to my bed.
“How do you feel?” Goku asked.
“Stop walking on fucking eggshells. You know I feel like shit,” I growled out as I felt the pain in pound in my head.
“You sure had us all worried,” Goku said.
“How is she?” I calmly asked.
“Who?” Goku asked.
“Don't play dumb,” I growled out trying to control my temper.
“I don't think it'd be best to tell you her condition,” Goku calmly said not letting any emotion slip in that sentence.
“I may have been a ruthless killer ... but I'm no fool,” I warned him.
“We don't want you to over react,” Goku tried to reason.
“If she was fine then she would have no condition,” I growled out at him. I watched as Goku stood up and left through some doors. I struggled until everything began to get fuzzy. The darkness eventually came taking me under its wing once more.

Normal P.O.V
Dr. Briefs stared at the only patient he had in the hospital room. He could hardly get near her once that Inu hanyou sat next to her bed. He would growl every time he got within two inches of the bed. Bulma tried to sedate, but do to his youkai blood it didn't work. Shippo was the only one that Inuyasha would allow by her side, and Kirara. Sango and Miroku could get near the bed, but they couldn't touch her at all. They finally had Shippo put one of his statues and ofudas on him. Kagome's condition hadn't improved for the last three days.
“Do you think she'll last?” Chichi asked Dr. Briefs. Krillin rolled his eyes at Chichi's rudeness.
“I think her condition will pull through,” Dr. Briefs answered.
“Kagome's the best woman fighter in the world, she will always pull through,” Sango stated to everyone in the room.
“What I want to know is WHO THE HELL CAUSED THIS!” Inuyasha yelled as he tried to pull away the statue.
“Inuyasha, you need to calm down,” Miroku advised as he noticed Gohan's guilty look.
“How the hell can I calm down when Kagome's fucking hurt?” Inuyasha demanded to know.
“Kagome is fine, her mind is stable,” Chouzu quietly said as he stood by Tien. Kirara growled and walked towards the door. She mewed once Pu'ar entered the room with Yamcha. They walked out of the room leaving the people alone.
“So, what happened?” Yamcha asked as he hugged Bulma.
“Numb nuts over here hit Kagome with his Kame Hame Ha thingy,” Shippo pointed out as he pointed at Gohan.
“IT WAS YOU?” Inuyasha roared as he struggled even more against the rock.
“Lets get you to a safer area,” Miroku suggested as he led Gohan out of the room.
“You better cover the door in ofudas,” Sango suggested. Miroku nodded as they left the room.
Bulma walked over to the other side of the bed and lightly touched Kagome's forehead with the back of her hand. She narrowed her eyes in confusion. She then touched her forehead again, but this time she used her palm. Bulma tilted her head in confusion and looked up.
“I'm going to need everyone to leave the room,” Bulma said as calmly as she could.
“Why?” Yamcha asked.
“I need to bandage her injury again,” Bulma said. Shippo went to jump off Kagome, but was held back by Bulma. Bulma took Shippo out Inuyasha's range and closer to Vegeta's room.
“Shippo, I need your help,” Bulma stated.
“Yeah?” Shippo cautiously asked.
“Do you know a way to make Inuyasha pass out?” Bulma asked.
“Why?” Shippo asked.
“Something's wrong with Kagome and I need Inuyasha to be out of the way,” Bulma explained.
“He passes out when he smells ink,” Shippo quickly said.
“So anything that smells strong?” Bulma asked. Shippo nodded. Bulma set Shippo down and picked up a jar. She then handed the jar to Shippo who gave her a confused look.
“I need you to wave that under Inuyasha's nose, but breathe through your mouth,” Bulma advised.
Shippo nodded and tucked the jar into his vest before he went up to Inuyasha. He pulled off the ofuda causing the statue to shrink. Inuyasha smacked him on the head and followed Shippo out of the room. Inuyasha sat right next to on the outside of the room. Shippo rolled his eyes and then began to sniffle. Inuyasha looked away trying to tune out the Kitsune, but he just began to wail harder. Inuyasha finally growled and yelled.
“I think I got scratched,” Shippo sniffled as he turned away from Inuyasha and took the jar out. Shippo then began to breathe through his mouth as he put the stuff on his hand.
“Where at? Show me,” Inuyasha growled.
“Here,” Shippo said as he pushed his hand in the hanyou's face. Inuyasha gagged before his eyes went all swirly and he passed out. Shippo chuckled before he ran back into the room and had Bulma wash his hands.
Bulma pulled the sheet away from Kagome's body and felt for her pulse. She could tell that it was weak. Bulma then checked her heart rate only to find that it was skipping beats. Bulma growled and threw her equipment down as she listened to Kagome's shallow breathing.
“What wrong?” Shippo asked as he walked over to Bulma.
“This,” Bulma tonelessly said as she picked up Shippo and showed him the wound.
“Why is that doing that?” Shippo asked as his emerald eyes frantically searched for answers.
“I don't know,” Bulma helplessly said as she touched the wound. It was frozen over in a layer of ice. Kagome's body was beginning to freeze from the outside in. Her skin was already a pale blue and her wound already was frozen.

The sky was a blue so deep that it bothered Kagome's eyes to look at it for a certain amount of time. She watched the clouds and swore that she could see the silver lining around them. She then lay back, letting the soft green grass bend to her shape as she happily closed her eyes. She listened to wind catching every word that it whispered in her ear. She could hear its gleeful words of how the mayfly had found its love. Kagome sighed and giggled to herself.
I wish I could stay here forever,” Kagome whispered to the wind as she felt its warm breeze caress her cool skin.
Forever is a long time, don't you think?” A gruff voice asked as she listened to the footsteps.
How did you end up here?” Kagome asked in an calm annoyance.
How should I know,” Vegeta growled.
Even in a realm of peace, you are still tense veggie-kun,” Kagome said with a smile.
I hate that name you dubbed me,” Vegeta growled.
I like it. It shows your softer side,” Kagome happily said.
I don't have a softer side,” Vegeta weakly argued.
I don't mean soft as in weak…but soft as in caring,” Kagome tried to explain.
So, you want to stay here forever?” Vegeta asked.
No, forever is just a word, and time is just a concept that we have all accepted. If you think about it there is no time,” Kagome explained as she looked over at the form that sat next her now.
Everything is a concept,” the voice gruffly replied.
Vegeta ... love, friendship, and even hate are not just concepts,” Kagome explained. Vegeta snorted at her as she sat up.
What are they then ... ideals of your pathetic race?” Vegeta sarcastically asked.
No, they are not ideals. They are nature, even emotion that all races feel,” Kagome said with a smile.
Hate is apart of nature? That's fucked up,” Vegeta said with disbelief.
Hate, anger, and even death. We all feel and we can't help but feel this emotions and go with the flow,” Kagome simply said. Vegeta sighed and rubbed his temples. “Death is a natural cycle, expect I'm like a phoenix.”
How is our current location related to your ideals?” Vegeta asked.
Our minds simply connected because I need to tell you something,” Kagome said.
Well? What is it?” He impatiently asked.
My body is freezing from the inside out and I'll technically be dead in the next couple of minutes,” Kagome casually said as if it was the most normal thing in the world to say.
WHAT?” Vegeta yelled as quickly stood.

Kagome went to say more, but her voice began to fade as their surroundings went dark. Vegeta quickly opened his eyes and squeezed them shut until he could get used to the light. He relaxed and gained control of his breathing and found that his strength was coming back. He darkly chuckled before he ripped the arm bindings off. He then easily moved his legs and snapped the other two off.
He fell to the floor and caught himself before his head could hit the ground. He pushed himself up and regained balanced as he grabbed the bed bars to stand. He looked around and spotted the door, he stood up straightly and pointed a palm at the door.
“What's happening?” Shippo frantically yelled as he saw Kagome frosting over.
“I don't know,” Bulma yelled tried to wipe the ice from Kagome's eyes.
“What should you do?” Shippo asked.
“Go get my father!” Bulma yelled. Shippo nodded and jumped off the bed. Shippo slide on the floor but managed to rush into the waiting area and grab Dr. Briefs.
“Oh my,” Dr. Briefs said as he glanced at Kagome's icy features.
“What do we do?” Bulma fearfully asked as her eyes began to water.
“I don't know,” Dr. Briefs sighed.
Bulma and her father fell to the ground when they heard an explosion and felt a sudden gust of wind. Bulma looked over to see that the door to Vegeta's room was now smashed on the floor with some charred pieces. Kagome watched as a naked foot stepped onto one of the small embers. She stood up and saw a pissed Vegeta on the other side of the room standing up straight with all his Saiyan pride.
“Goku!” Bulma yelled as she watched Vegeta take a slow step towards herself.
“Where's ... Kagome?” He demanded as he took another step.
“She's ... she's ... I uh ...”
“Damn it! Spit it out!” He barked.
“What's all the ...” Goku's question trailed off as he saw Vegeta.
“Where is she Kakarot?” Vegeta demanded.
“She's here,” Goku said as he moved his head towards the area of Kagome's bed. Vegeta gave them all a warning glare before he took another few steps towards them. Goku stood where he was, but Bulma and Dr. Briefs left the room.
Vegeta pulled the blanket off her body and gasped when he saw her. He let his fingertips trace over the thin lair of ice as he felt the rough grooves. Kagome was cover in a misty white ice and didn't appear to be alive. He scratched at the ice's surface, but found that it made no mark. He stared in shock before he fell to his knees.
“What the hell happened to her?” Vegeta whispered. Goku made no signal to answer or anything.
“What the hell happened to her?” Vegeta yelled at Goku as he faced him.
“We don't know,” Goku answered as he saw Vegeta's anger for what it really was.
“Is she alive?” Vegeta asked already knowing the question to that.
“Maybe ... most likely ... no,” Goku truthfully answered.
Vegeta gently touched the ice prison afraid that it would break. He knew that pain was apart of life and he would not show weakness in front of Goku. He refused to show any emotion at this time as he stood. Just like his barriers, Kagome began to crack all over her body. Goku and Vegeta stared at her body in horror as she broke into millions of pieces and scatter around the floor.
“Mama!” Shippo screamed as he frantically tried to pick up the pieces.
Everybody ran into the room see a distraught Goku, a paralyzed Vegeta, and a hysterical Shippo. Sango covered her mouth and buried her face in Miroku's shoulder. Inuyasha went over and picked up Shippo and tightly held onto him as he struggled to get to his broken mama. Gohan ran into the room and stood in shock as he took in everything. Shippo saw Gohan and jumped away from Inuyasha as he fell to the floor and rushed to Gohan.
“YOU BROKE MY MAMA!” Shippo screamed as he bit, kicked, and punched Gohan in the legs.
Inuyasha quickly grabbed Shippo away from Gohan and left the room, even though he wanted to be there. Gohan stood in silence as he heard Shippo's screams and cries. He glanced at the people in the room to see all but his father and what looked like a dead Vegeta staring at him. He did the only thing he could do.
He ran.
He ran out of Capsule Corp. and into West City.
Then with a blast of Ki he flew as fast as he could, and as far as he could.