InuYasha Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret ❯ I Can Feel Your Heart ( Chapter 7 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Note:
I'm going to add Videl into this part of the story, and both him and her are about twelve.
This is the last chapter that was in revision, now I'll work on the new chapters.
I Can Feel Your Heart
`Thinking or mind talking'
Stressed words
Dreams or Flashback

Vegeta looked at the broken shards of ice on the floor that was now Kagome. He could not believe that she was gone; only though he knew her for a short time he had let feelings grow for her. Inuyasha comforted the whining Shippo his tears soaking his clothes. Miroku held Sango in his arms as she cried for Kagome.
`Damn Gohan! Damn him to hell!' Vegeta angrily thought as he walked out of the room with Goku's watch only on him.
`What is he up to?' Goku thought and followed Vegeta.
“Vegeta,” Goku called out as he walked after him.
Vegeta made no move to stop or respond. He just kept walking until he got outside. He looked around and found no quiet place, so he jumped into the air and used his ki to fly up.
“Vegeta!” Goku forcefully said. Vegeta looked over his shoulder at Goku. Goku almost gasped when he saw that Vegeta's eyes held no fire in them.
“Where are you going?” Goku asked.
Vegeta began to fly out of the city and Goku flew after him.
“Damn it Vegeta, answer,” Goku growled.
Vegeta stopped flying and turned around so he could face Goku. He looked bored and truly tired.
“What do you want?” Vegeta asked as he stared Goku in the eyes.
“Where are you going?” Goku asked.
“Fine, why'd you leave?” Goku asked as they floated in the sky.
“Because I'm going to hunt your son down and kill him,” Vegeta mocked. Goku began to panic.
“That's not funny!” Goku shouted as pouted.
“Just leave before I actually decide to do so,” Vegeta growled as he took off North. Goku just sighed and watched Vegeta disappear into the distance.
Goku sighed and turned around to go back to West City.

Vegeta landed in the Northern Wastelands. He looked around the deserted area and sneered in disgust. He growled in anger and punched a nearby rock, causing it to explode. He growled and began to attack the nearby rocks in his panicked anger. He ran through the wasteland attacking the rocks. He collapsed to his knees when he reached a lake. He stared into the water and remained unmoving.

Inuyasha had left Shippo with Sango and Miroku. He had made sure that Miroku had sealed the door shut with ofudas. He was now in the room with Bulma and the shattered pieces of Kagome. Kagome was now in a pile on the floor. Kirara was mewing and gathering pieces of Kagome. Inuyasha couldn't help but be in shock at what happened.
Bulma was sitting in a corner of the room staring at the broken pieces. She could tell that the pieces were melting. Bulma stood up and went to get a bucket from a nearby closet. She started to gather the ice pieces and put them in the bucket. When she was done she noticed that she had been staring into the bucket for five minutes. Bulma sighed and rubbed her eyes in agitation.
`Why does the water feel so warm?' Bulma asked herself.
`Push it over,' a gentle voice whispered.
“What?” Bulma asked as she watched the water pulse.
`Tip it,' the voice said. Bulma looked over toward Inuyasha to see him sniffing the bed.
Without further delay Bulma tipped the bucket. She watched the water spread across the floor and into the shape of a person in a fetal position. The water then began to take a form. Inuyasha sniffed the air and looked over to see the water forming Kagome.
He ran next to her side and smiled when she was solid. He was upset to see she was naked. His eyes widened when he noticed thick, dark blue scales covered her chest and stomach. The dark blue scales made a v shape when they reached her crouch. Thick, ivory scales covered her legs and the rest of her body, leaving her face normal.
“Kagome,” Inuyasha whispered as he tapped her cheek. Kagome's eyes slowly opened and she smiled.
“Hey, that bucket was getting cramped,” Kagome, said as she sat up.
“SHE'S AWAKE!” Bulma yelled. Goku ran into the room and grabbed Kagome into a big hug.
“How are you feeling?” Goku asked.
“Squished,” Kagome gasped out. Goku smiled as he set her down and rubbed the back of his head nervously.
“Sorry,” he said.
“Where's Gohan?” Kagome asked as she looked into the waiting room and stretched her senses across the city.
“He left, I think he went home,” Goku said.
“Why?” Kagome asked with confusion.
“He thinks your dead,” Goku nervously said. Kagome's face blanked and her eyebrow twitched.
“What about Vegeta?” Kagome asked.
Goku grumbled when he saw the hope in her eyes.
“He left, traveling north,” Goku mumbled and sighed when he saw her smile turn into a frown.
“How dare that stupid monkey leave?” Kagome madly yelled.
She stomped over to the nearest window and threw it open. She stepped onto the window ceil causing Goku and Inuyasha to panic. Inuyasha gently grabbed her wrist and she looked at him. She smiled at him and he nodded knowing that this was something she had to do.
“Be safe,” he said as he hugged her.
“Always,” Kagome promised as jumped out the window and flew north.

Vegeta went SSJ2 and blew up the lake making it a crater of nothing. He laughed as he went around and destroying every little thing in site. He turned around when he felt another's ki land behind him. He looked at the person in front of him.
“Vegeta,” Kagome said as she smiled and took a step forward. He fired a ki blast and she dodged it. She growled at him as she looked to see the ki blast had blown up a tree.
“Who ever you are, you will die for taking her form,” Vegeta growled as he charged at her. She avoided another attack and couldn't help but growl again.
“You stupid monkey! It's me ... Kagome!” She yelled at him.
“No lies! She's dead ... your dead!” Vegeta growled.
Kagome rolled her eyes and punched him in the face. His head snapped up and she jumped away. Her pupils narrowed when she heard dark laughter. She went to move. He already had her in a half nelson. She struggled to get out, but then remembered his tail. She threw her head forward causing him to lose his balance. She then reached underneath him and grabbed his tail.
“What the?” Vegeta yelled as he fell to the ground. Kagome laughed when she saw his surprised look. He instantly went back to normal and struggled to get up. She put her foot on his back keeping him down. She sighed as he continued to struggle and she `tsked'.
“Listen, I am Kagome!” Kagome growled out as she held him down.
“Liar!” He growled out as he lay on the ground.
Kagome let go off his tail and he kicked her feet out from under her. He then pinned her down to the ground. She rolled her eyes and started to freeze his hands. This was becoming an irritating situation to her and she didn't want it to continue.
“Damn it!” He yelled as he jumped up and away from her. She threw her hands up and decided to give up.
“Since your to stupid to realize it's me ... I'm leaving,” Kagome said as she jumped into the air and started to search for Gohan's ki.
Vegeta jumped into the air to follow her since she was running away.
“Get your ass back here!” Vegeta demanded as he flew after her.
“I have more important things to deal with other than a ranting prince,” Kagome growled as she tried to calm herself. She stopped flying and expected Vegeta to ram her to the ground, when he didn't she closed her eyes. She let her senses flow out and she finally sensed a distraught aura. With a grin of victory she took off towards the direction of the aura.

Gohan now sat in the middle of the park staring up at the sky. He just closed his eyes curled into a fetal position. He tightly squeezed his eyes and wished that today didn't happen. He began to sob as he covered his face, not noticed a pair of curious eyes watching him. Gohan scooted closer to his tree that he was currently hiding under and he thought about recent events.
“I killed her,” he cried as the tears burned his skin. He heard footsteps walking behind and didn't bother to move. He just hoped it was a person walking by that could care less and leave him. He let out a few more sobs when the person just stopped a few feet from him. He realized that the person wouldn't leave him.
“Are you okay?” A soft voice asked. He sat up and made sure to keep his face hidden.
“Go away,” he chocked out.
“Why are you crying?” The voice he identified as a female asked him.
“I'm not crying!” He firmly stated as he rubbed his eyes.
“I heard you so don't lie!” The girl stated. Gohan stood up and faced her with his puffy red eyes and pouted.
“See! No tears! I wasn't crying!” He firmly said.
“But your eyes are red,” she pointed out as she examined him with her blue eyes.
“It's allergies,” Gohan firmly stated as he narrowed his brown eyes.
“My names Videl,” she introduced with a smile.
“Gohan,” he cautiously said.
“Are you going to tell me why you were crying?” Videl asked.
“I wasn't crying!” He growled. She gave him a sad look before she shook her head.
“It's okay to cry, my dad cries too,” Videl whispered.
“Boys don't cry so I wasn't!”
“Whatever, but everyone cries,” Videl said as she began to walk away.
“Hey? Where you going?” Gohan asked.
“To finish playing volleyball with my friends,” Videl answered as she tilted her head and smiled at him.
“Want to come play too?” Videl asked with a slight blush.

“Why the hell are you following me?” Kagome demanded to know as she landed next to a lake.
“Because you ran and are still running away from battle!” Vegeta yelled back.
“If you want to fight me, I won't fight back because I have to find Gohan,” Kagome growled.
“You are not Kagome and don't have any claims to that body!” Vegeta growled as he lunged at her and sent them flying into the lake.
“I won't fight you,” Kagome said with determination as they fell towards the lake.
“Then it will be all the easier to kill you,” Vegeta replied with a cold smile as they went crashing into the cold water.
Kagome didn't struggle, she just smiled as she watched him power up a ki blast. He stopped powering up and watched her smile.
`I'll always be your friend,' Kagome whispered in his mind.
It seemed like everything stopped. He could feel the water around them. He watched as she gasped water into her lungs and her eyes closed. He grabbed her around the waist and flew out of the water. He landed on the shore and watched as she coughed up the water. He leaned down and listened to her heart.
“I can feel your heart,” he said.
She looked up at him and giggled since the water plastered his hair slightly down.
“Of course you can feel my heart, I told you I'm alive,” Kagome angrily said.
Vegeta pushed his hair back and squeezed the water out of it and into Kagome's face. He laughed when she growled.
“You JERK!” Kagome screamed as she froze a strand of his hair. He tapped the strand and it broke and fell to the ground. She laughed and started to run when he started to growl.
“Get back here!” Vegeta demanded as he flew after her.
“Do you think I'm that stupid?” Kagome asked as she kept up her even pace.
“Why, yes I do,” he replied as he still chased her.
She turned around and started to charge after him and they both went crashing into each other. They both smiled as they wrestled each other happily. Kagome grabbed Vegeta's tale and went flying into the air while Vegeta protested in vain. Kagome just smiled and continued to drag him to Capsule Corp. When she let his tail go she found that he dropped a couple of feet before he regained control of his body.
“What about the brat?” He grunted. Kagome closed her eyes and concentrated for a few minutes.
`Gohan?' Kagome calmly entered his mind.
“Kagome?” Gohan whispered in fear as he looked around the area, ignoring the people around him.
`Don't speak out loud, I'm in your head,' Kagome ordered.
`Am I crazy?' Gohan nervously asked.
`No! I'm alive and safe. Don't worry about Vegeta or anyone being mad,” Kagome tried to calm.
“Are you sure you're okay? I thought…he…hurt you and then I went and killed you…”
`Gohan don't worry, just have fun,' Kagome demanded.
“So, where were you at?” Vegeta demanded to know as he tapped his foot in the air.
“Just assuring Gohan he's not in trouble and that everything's fine,” Kagome simply answered before she took of flying faster than Vegeta could think.