InuYasha Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret ❯ Enter the Dragon ( Chapter 8 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Author's Note:
Thank you to all the wonderful reviewers! (Throws out cookies!)
I'm happy to find that everyone is enjoying this story. So here's the newest original chapter in the story.
Sorry for the poor chapter names (Smiles sheepishly)
Enter the Dragon
Stressed words
It had been two days since Kagome's `death' and everyone had finally settled down. Kagome had managed to turn back to her normal human self, well as normal as you could get if you had dark blue hair and ice blue eyes. Her skin was more of ivory now and her nails had turned a dark blue, making her appear to have permanent nail polish on. Gohan had returned and almost squeezed Kagome death. She thought she almost lost her hearing after listening to him apologies.
Vegeta returned to his gruff self, making sarcastic comments at everything. Even the houseplants had suffered his wrath. Inuyasha and Miroku were talking to Goku about the ki blasts that he could do. Miroku had wondered if it was the same as his holy powers and Inuyasha's youki. Sango had been stuck sparing with Yamcha using only her fists and no weapons. Krillin had been watching Shippo practice his transformations as he trained with Gohan.
Tien was out in the wilderness training, no one knew exactly where. Kagome was then called over to Goku where she should him how she formed her attacks of water and ice. Miroku had come to the conclusion that there was a spiritual ki, a primal ki (youki), and life energy ki. Miroku then tried an ofuda on Goku, which amazingly shocked him and sent him to the floor. He let out a whimper after Miroku had removed the ofuda. Inuyasha laughed at this and proceeded to get hit in the face with water ball. He growled and lunged at Kagome only to be sat.
“Miroku, is it possible that Saiyans are a type youkai?” Kagome asked.
“Possible, but they don't draw youki, they use a type of ki,” Miroku pondered. Goku just stood there with a confused look on his face.
“So they could be a type of human that evolved,” Kagome suggested.
“We were never human,” Vegeta growled as he appeared behind her.
“Hey veggie-kun,” Kagome happily greeted as he growled.
“They have too many animalistic features,” Miroku pointed out.
“True.” Kagome sighed as she pulled at Vegeta's tail.
“Stop that!” Vegeta growled.
“They could be a youkai that turned human. That would explain the animal features and ki difference,” Miroku said as he rubbed his temple.
“What ki difference?” Vegeta suspiciously asked.
“This,” Kagome chirped as she shocked him with her Miko ki.
“What the hell was that?” He growled as he noticed his tail smoking. He quickly wrapped it around his waist for safety.
“That was a spiritual ki, then there is the human ki, and a primal ki that we call youki,” Miroku explained as he pointed to each one of them.
“Then there's our ki Vegeta which is like a youkai-human mix,” Goku said, as he felt smart. Kagome nodded as she handed him a cookie. Goku then mumbled something with his mouth full.
“Close your mouth,” Vegeta growled as he wiped cookie crumbs away from his face. Goku mumbled a sorry causing Vegeta to growl at him.
“What's this got to do with training?” Vegeta asked.
“It is wise to know your everything about opponents,” Miroku voiced.
“So what do we train today?” Kagome asked.
“Sango!” Kagome called. Sango punched Yamcha in the face causing him to pass out before she jogged over to Kagome.
“Yeah?” Sango asked as she wiped her forehead of sweat.
“Would you like to learn how to harness your ki?” Goku asked. Vegeta scoffed before he grunted in pain. Kagome had kicked him in the shin and was smiling about it.
“Sure,” Sango shrugged as she followed Goku. Miroku and Inuyasha followed them figuring they could learn a thing or two.
“What to do?” Kagome asked herself as she ignored Vegeta.
“Train,” Vegeta suggested.
“You up for a spar?” Kagome suggested with a smirk.
“Always,” Vegeta answered as he followed her to an open area of the dojo.
“First one to pass out or get knocked out of the ring loses,” Kagome suggested. Vegeta grunted in agreement.
Yamcha walked to the safe zone of the dojo where he turned to stare at Kagome and Vegeta, who were sparing. Pretty soon Shippo shouted something and ran over to watch beside Yamcha. Gohan then sat and watched as tried to keep up with their moves. Krillin raised an eyebrow and stood watching.
“Who do you think will win?” Krillin asked.
“Kagome, she'll eventually get pissed and nail him,” Yamcha casually replied.
“Is that a bet?” Krillin grinned.
“I have twenty Zenie on Kagome,” Yamcha quickly said.
“I have fifteen on Vegeta,” Krillin replied.
Kagome smirked when she heard the bets being placed. She quickly elbowed Vegeta in the face and escaped his hold. He grinned at her before he appeared in front of her and slammed her to the ground.
`Damn that still hurts,' Kagome grimaced as she avoided his foot to the chest by rolling. Kagome swung her leg and Vegeta jumped to the air avoiding crashing to the ground. Kagome then grabbed his foot and brought him to the ground.
“Go Kagome!” Gohan and Shippo cheered as they watched. Vegeta quickly got up and sent a weak ki blast at her. She froze it and sent it back at him, hitting him in the chest with a mini explosion. He slightly stumbled and smirked and as he charged her. She held her hands out in front of her made a ball in her fists. Vegeta slammed into a giant water ball that swallowed him. Holding his breath his cheeks puffed out as his face turned red in anger.
“Don't drown him!” Krillin called out with a laugh.
“Veggie-kun almost down with his bath?” Kagome taunted, as she wanted his eyes narrow.
Yamcha Gohan, and Krillin's eyes widened when the felt the key rising. Kagome watched in confusion as Vegeta's aura dramatically rose in power. The water bubble burst and splashed everyone but Kagome. She froze the water coming towards her into ice and quickly sent it back at Vegeta. His aura melted the ice and then he charged at Kagome. He slammed her to the ground and held her there by the neck.
“Should we help her?” Krillin whispered to Yamcha.
“Do you want to get his anger turned on you?” Yamcha skeptically asked.
“He can't kill her…she's dragon,” Gohan assured as Shippo yelled `get up'.
Kagome pushed her palms over Vegeta's eyes and he smirked at her as her face turned blue. She screamed as she released her ice powers and created an ice patch over his eyes. Goku rushed into the room when he felt the ki's still increasing.
“You bitch!” Vegeta yelled at her as he clawed at his eyes. His hair started to flash gold
“You tried to kill me monkey boy!” Kagome growled as her eyes glowed ice blue.
“Not good!” Goku panicked as he watched both their tempers rise.
“Get him Kagome!” Gohan yelled with a fierce look.
“Gah! Don't encourage her!” Goku scolded as he sensed her ki level raise more.
Vegeta lunged for her before his hair turned gold. They were both knocked out of the ring. Kagome grunted from against the wall as he began to choke. Goku started to run towards them when a flash of Miko ki sent Vegeta flying into the other wall. The ice melted from his eyes and went to fly at her again. Kagome stepped into a defensive stance. She dropped down onto her back and right as he was over her she nailed him. All the males in the room winced. Vegeta fell to the ground as he held his eyes tightly shut.
“That's for going super monkey on me!” Kagome yelled as she stood up and walked out of the room.
“I told ya' she'd nail him,” Yamcha happily said as he collected his Zenie.
“Go Kagome!” Gohan cheered as he and Shippo ran out after her.
Goku being the only one brave enough walked over to Vegeta, where he was still in a fetal position. Goku smiled when he caught bits of Vegeta's rant about `bitches' and `this being the second time'. Vegeta finally stood up and glared at Goku before he slowly walked out of the room. The silence finally ended as they all broke out into laughter. Sango, Miroku, and Inuyasha walked into the room of laughing people.
“What happened?” Miroku calmly asked.
“Kagome nailed him,” Yamcha laughed.
“Who? Vegeta?” Inuyasha asked.
“Right in the bells,” Krillin laughed as he walked out of the room.
“Again?” Sango asked as she remembered Kagome telling her about the first time.
“Again!” Goku repeated, this time cracking up.
Sango only shook her head as her and Miroku left leaving Inuyasha alone with the laughing Yamcha and Goku. Inuyasha shrugged and soon followed.
“Stupid monkey,” Kagome growled as she walked past Bulma. Bulma shivered when Kagome passed by and turned around to follow.
“Kagome!” Bulma yelled.
“The nerve of that guy! Trying to choke me,” Kagome growled as her white scales began to appear.
“KAGOME!” Bulma screamed.
“WHAT!” Kagome yelled back in aggravation.
“Don't yell at me!” Bulma warned. Kagome calmed herself.
“Sorry, Bulma,” Kagome apologized as she and Bulma headed into her room.
“What happened?” Bulma asked, already guessing that it was about Vegeta.
“We were sparing and he tried to choke me!” Kagome growled.
“What did you do? I don't see marks,” Bulma asked as she looked at Kagome's neck.
“I heal fast…but that's not the point! I nailed him in the bells!” Kagome growled. Bulma winced at this information.
“Don't you think that's a bit much?” Bulma tried to reason.
“No,” Kagome snapped.
“You could have permanently damaged something,” Bulma said as she waived her hands in the air, as if fishing for a word.
“He deserved it,” Kagome huffed as she grabbed some clean clothes.
“You should only do that if you're in serious trouble, not just for sparing,” Bulma tried to reason some more. Kagome sighed and ran a hand through her hair.
“I know…I just got so…so pissed,” Kagome mumbled.
“Doing things out of spite is bad. Look it this way…you now owe him an apology,” Bulma said as she walked out with a smirk.
“Damn,” Kagome mumbled as she walked into her bathroom.
“Stupid dragon,” Vegeta growled as he held a heat pack to his head, he had had enough of ice. Bulma walked into the kitchen and rolled her eyes.
“You brought it on yourself,” Bulma sang.
“Are all women in your family crazy?” Vegeta asked through gritted teeth.
“Cheer up Vegeta,” Goku said as he tried to hide his smile. Bulma hand him a foot long sub. Goku took a big bite as he hid his smile.
“Would you like me to do the same honors to you and tell you to cheer up?” Vegeta calmly asked which made Goku pale. Goku shook his head violently.
“Don't threaten Goku,” Bulma scolded. Vegeta only glared at her.
“I know your pain, when I fell asleep on the table Chichi went to whack me with the frying pan and I scooted up in an attempt to get away and well you can guess the rest,” Goku said as his eyes took on a hint of pain.
“Can I get one of those frying pans?” Kagome asked as she came down. Vegeta glared at her. Bulma smiled and shook her head. Goku stuffed the rest of the sandwich into his mouth.
“Your crazy,” Vegeta snorted. Kagome rolled her eyes and sat next to Vegeta. Kagome reached down and grabbed his tail and began to pet it. He calmed down despite better judgment.
“I'm sorry for the cheap shot,” Kagome apologized. Goku spat some sandwich on the table when he heard her apologize. He knew that Kagome could be stubborn no matter how wrong she was in a matter.
“Damn straight you are,” Vegeta growled.
“If you're going to be like that then I'll leave,” Kagome huffed as she stood up and dropped his tail. He grabbed her wrist shocking Bulma and Goku.
“Don't let it happen again,” Vegeta grunted as he let her wrist go. Kagome smiled at him causing him to squirm under her soft gaze. They all knew that was as close to a forgiveness that Kagome would get. “Next time I won't be so ruff…since you can't handle it.”
Kagome's smile grew wider and she knew that it was an apology on his part to.
“Thanks veggie-kun,” Kagome squealed as she hugged him. He then pushed her off and she giggled before skipping out of the room. Vegeta turned away, but growled when he noticed the stares.
(I will take the time to answer questions; I have no problems about it)
Reviewer Answers:
Kogas-mate- Vegeta is about 29 and Kagome is about 23 going on 24. I had the story start at her being 18 and then had it skip five years into the future.