InuYasha Fan Fiction / Dragon Ball/Z/GT Fan Fiction ❯ My Secret ❯ Round 1 ( Chapter 16 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Round 1
Cheers were coming from all around the stadium as they jumped out of the copter. Sango grabbed Miroku's hand for reassurance as they stared at all the people. Chichi wasn't too happy about her son or husband fighting, but he had assured her that he wouldn't let any of them die. Her anger had been calmed, but her worry was not put to rest so easily. Piccolo had remained silent throughout the trip as Shippo bounced around him. Bulma remained in the copter looking through the window and at Kagome. Kagome let her hair blow in the wind as she sighed wistfully.
Looking over she saw Sango and Miroku reassuring each other that everything would be fine. Her eyes saddened as she looked away and towards the entrance. Her eyebrows furrowed in slight anger towards herself as her thoughts turned dark. Feeling a hand squeeze her shoulder, she looked over to see Inuyasha. Casting a reassuring smile, she held her head high and walked out of his grip and towards the registration tables. The guy looked up at her and began to grin.
“Name,” he slyly asked.
“Kagome,” she simply answered.
“You are aware there are no divisions.” The man stated.
“Yes,” Kagome coldly said.
“Good luck,” the man muttered as he thought her not the fighting type.
Kagome scowled as she watched the man take down everyone's name. Rolling her eyes the all walked to their respective changing rooms. Kagome sat on a bench and sighed as she dropped her head into her hands. Sango leaned her Hiraikotsu against the lockers and sat next to the girl. Placing a hand on her shoulder, she worriedly looked at Kagome.
“Are you alright?” Sango softly asked.
“A bit…worried, but I'm fine,” Kagome assured as she stared at the floor.
“Do you miss him?” Sango curiously asked.
“I don't need that jerk…he won't consume my thoughts,” Kagome growled as she stood and left Sango in the room alone.
Crossing her arms over her chest, she stood in the waiting area as she watched the first match take place. Keeping her eyes trained on the arena, she vowed she wouldn't be weak. Kagome watched as the first punches were thrown. As flesh hit flesh her eyes widened in realization. It made perfect sense why he was distancing himself from her. Looking away from the fight she focused on the grass as her mind worked. He had distanced himself once he found out about her pregnancy. Shaking her head, she knew that didn't upset him.
`Did he hear my plan when I spoke to Sango?' Kagome thought, which was the only explanation she could think of.
The man went flying out of the ring and she found herself staring down at a passed out Krillin. Looking up to the sky, she closed her eyes.
“What did you hear?” Kagome whispered.
Watching the next match her eyes focused on the muscle bound idiot that stood against Miroku. His rings on his Shakujou jingled in the slight breeze as he stood there. Yawning she turned to find Sango biting her nails nervously. The committee had along any form of marital arts weapons, as long as no guns were brought. Bows and arrows were banned as well. Stepping closer to Sango, she leaned over to her ear.
“He may know my true name,” Kagome whispered. Sango's eyebrows furrowed before her face lit with shock.
“How?” Sango hissed in worry.
“I think he might have overheard us talking,” Kagome clarified.
“Is that why he's been so distant?” Sango worriedly asked.
“It's highly possible,” Kagome softly replied.
“What do we do?” Sango asked.
“We just have to sit back and wait,” Kagome unsurely said. Sango nodded despite her hesitation to agree.
Turning their eyes back to the match, they watched as Miroku flipped the man out of the Arena. Smiling at her friend's victory, she turned her gaze to the east; she felt something. They called Sango to the ring and she smiled as she turned to face Gohan. Kagome knew that Gohan could take what Sango could through out. Leaving the observation are she walked outside the stadium and leaned against the wall. Sighing as she pinched the bridge of her nose, she punched the wall. Cement cracked and chipped before chunks fell to the ground.
“Damn it,” Kagome hissed as she leaned her forehead against the wall. Fighting back the tears, she wished she knew where he was.
`What are your motives?' Kagome thought as she slid to her rear.
“Do you think it's wise to show your weakness?” A gruff voice commented more then asked.
“Why aren't you watching the match Piccolo?” Kagome questioned as she sat there.
“You're waiting for him,” Piccolo observed. Kagome looked up and smiled at him before she nodded. “Love is a pathetic emotion.”
Kagome frowned at him before she responded, “Love can be weak, but it can also be the strongest force out there.”
“You know he's going to do something stupid,” Piccolo claimed as he stared out.
“I sort of figured that…but I have no choice but to wait,” Kagome sighed.
“What do you plan to do?”
“If he speaks my true name I will be forced to serve him unless Sango calls my name first,” Kagome answered.
“What about the rest…won't they hear it too?” Piccolo inquired.
“No, my name will only be known to the ones who know it and who have learned it,” Kagome assured.
“Can you not fight this bind?” Piccolo seriously questioned.
“All power comes with restrictions,” Kagome spoke, simply choosing to leave an assumed no.
“”So you will choose to have his will forced upon you?” Piccolo growled with mocking snort.
Kagome calmly stood up and smiled up at him. Shaking her head, she began to walk away.
“My will is my own, I am not as weak as you choose to believe me,” Kagome whispered knowing he caught her words. Piccolo scowled at her vagueness but chose not to pursue her. He didn't feel like demanding answers or yelling out.
Looking back over into the ring, she saw Goku stretching as his opponent grinned. Frowning in confusion, she looked over to see Gohan and Sango nursing their own bruises. Walking over to them, she laid her hands upon them and healed their injuries. Within that brief contact, she caught some stray thoughts. It appeared that Sango lost to Gohan in the match, but within that time, he lost to another man. Sighing she patted them both on the head and turned to find Chichi biting her fist in worry.
“There's nothing to worry about,” Kagome assured as Goku took a kick to the head.
“I just worry,” Chichi sighed as she grimaced.
“When did you break your promise?” Kagome teasingly asked.
“Three days ago I suppose,” Chichi sighed as she grimaced again.
“He'll be fine,” Kagome tried to reassure again.
“I know,” Chichi sighed as she watched him flip the man to his back.
“So what will you cook for a victory dinner?” Kagome questioned.
“I swear…all you people ever think of is food,” Chichi teased as she smacked herself in the face. Kagome raised an eyebrow and looked out to see Goku smashed into the wall below them.
“Where's the food?” He asked as he stared at Chichi. Kagome shook her head at how easily he got distracted.
“You lost!” Chichi fumed as she pulled out the frying pan. Backing away, he took to the air for an escape. Crashing to the ground headfirst the frying pan was embedded in the back of his head.
“I'm surprise his brain isn't dead from all those hits,” Kagome mumbled.
“He's thickheaded,” Chichi growled as she watched them clear her husband's body from the arena.
Laughing in response she jumped into the arena when they called her name. Smiling she waived to Shippo who was sitting in the crowd. Kagome turned around and her smile dropped as she watched her opponent enter the ring.
Shippo watched as mother tensed. Then he heard her whisper in his head. It was faint but he heard her.
`Get the shard.'
Jumping off Bulma's lap he ran for where they would keep the shard. Desperate times called for desperate measures. Bulma sighed as she watched Shippo leave in a hurry. Turning her eyes to the ring, she scowled at the opponent.
“Welcome back Vegeta,” Kagome whispered as she dropped into a fighting stance.
“I know your plan,” Vegeta softly growled knowing she heard.
Kagome looked away in shame before she turned to him and smiled, “It's for your own good.”
“I'm a grown saiyan, I can make my own judgments,” Vegeta growled to her.
The bell sounded and Vegeta vanished from sights. Growling she quickly rolled out of the way. Her eyes looked to were she was originally and found a mini crater in the ground. Flashing her fangs at him her skin turned a bit more ivory. Sensing him behind her she brought her foot around in a reverse roundhouse kick. Vegeta dropped to the group and swiped the one-foot she was standing on from under her. As she fell to the ground she kicked him in the face and rolled to the edge of the ring once she got away. Jumping to her feet he charged her and knocked both of them from the ring.
Not willing to lose she shot them both into the air. Grabbing him by the hair she swung him around until she tossed him into the arena. The concrete exploded from under him as he grunted in pain. Charging his ki he sent a shot at her. Knowing if she moved it would hit the crowd and harm people she decided to take it head on. Sending her ice powers out she froze the energy and let it absorb into her body. Her eyes flashed a pure blue from the extra energy as she charged Vegeta. Knocking him in the gut with her shoulder she sent them both to the ground. He successfully got her into a half nelson before she melted her body down to water.
The water wrapped around his neck and slammed him to the ground. Kagome reformed as she held him by the neck on his back. Powering up he tossed her away using his aura. Smirking she gathered the ice to her hands and charged again. Their hands caught were caught in a game of mercy as she began to freeze his hands. Hearing his chuckle she glared at him before she noticed her ice wasn't affecting his hands.
“I borrowed some special gloves from the lab and used the material to remake my saiyan armor,” Vegeta explained.
Snarling she pulled her hand back causing his head to come towards her. Pulling her head back she connected their foreheads and sent him flying into the air. Shippo ran to the observation area and Kagome looked up at him and smiled, she could see the shard within his vest. Nodding she sent a simple thanks to him. He ran over to Sango and whispered that he had the shard in her ear. Sango nodded and Kagome prepared for what was about to happen.
Vegeta looked over at Shippo suspiciously before he noticed him whispering something the woman's ear. Charging Kagome he slammed her to the ground and pulled her into a full nelson. Leaning down to her ear he smirked.
“I know your name,” Vegeta whispered.
“I know you do,” Kagome calmly whispered. They both looked up to see Sango preparing to yell something out.
“Ryoko, don't try any tricks,” Vegeta growled before he threw her out of the ring.
Kagome's eyes widened as she watched the silver shackles form on her wrists. Reaching up she touched the headband. The shackles kept her loyal to her master and the headband showed her imprisonment of her soul. The headband was that of a blue dragon biting its tail at her forehead.
“It's to late,” Sango worriedly whispered.
“We've got to stop the tournament,” Inuyasha growled as he started to leave.
“The tournament has been temporarily canceled to do the weather conditions,” the announcer relayed over the intercom.
Kagome's eyes flashed as it started to hail balls of ice upon then. Everyone left the stadium as quickly as possible. Kagome stood up when everyone left and walked to the arena with confidence. Standing in front of Vegeta she felt her friends behind her tense. Miroku was using an ofuda to block the unnatural storm from them.
“Your wishes are unlimited…but there are rules,” Kagome explained. “I can't force anyone to love you, I can't bring back the soulless, and I may only grant something once.”
Sango looked over at Inuyasha in confusion. Bulma smiled at them and shook her head no. Kagome then bowed to Vegeta in a mocking manner before she stood up.
“What is your wish master?”
Author's Note: