InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Wolves in Designer Clothing ❯ Youkai in the Mall! ( Chapter 5 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyashaand Dr. Whoare the property of the respective copyright holders, who aren't me.
Chapter 5: Youkai in the Mall!
by Raven Dhancer
Jii-Chan started to pace back and forth. “Tree here bad. Bad. Bad. Bad. And what's that noise?”
O'Nessey listened a moment. “Future's So Bright (I Gotta Wear Shades). Are ye sure we haven't gone back in time?”
Jaken lay still - he was playing dead. The last few hours had been confused but he seemed safe for now - nobody was chasing him anyway. If only he wasn't so uncomfortable! He opened one red orb and took a peek. He was in a tree. Under a roof. And there was music. He closed his eyes again and let it wash over him. After a while started to sing "I'm an Omiyo Mystic - I love my master. He's got crazy katanas. I hope he gets here faster. "
Someone spoke under the tree. "I say, do any of you chaps hear that singing?"
Oops thought Jaken. Things are looking bad.
"Seems to be coming from the tree, Minister" another voice replied.
And they're only looking badder; he sat up to get a better view. The tree was defiantly the Goshinboku, but it was indoors. It was in huge space with halls leading off in four directions. There were benches around the base too, all occupied by elderly gaigens, apparently tourists, now all gazing up at him. He nearly panicked briefly, but none of them seemed especially "happy to see him" and besides he thought, I'm pretty safe up here. They're all too old to be climbing trees.
With all the commotion Mama and Kai had gotten separated from everyone. So they went get Kai some new cloths since he was tired of Souta's cloths bunching up on his privates. Mama had to stop herself from drooling when he stepped out of the dressing room dressed in tight jeans and a white t-shirt.
Her orbs sparkled with gleam at the site of his hot butt in those tight jeans. "You look so hot!" she said in a daze.
"You look pretty hot yourself!" Kai said with a evil smirk. He wondered if she would be interested in having his pups. She would make a good mate.
"I'm getting hungry. Let's pay and then go get some food," Mama said.
"Okay! Can we get some more ramen?" Kai asked happily thinking of that yummy yellow stuff.
"Yeah, ramen is good!" she agreed, grabbing his hand and pulling him to the front of the store.
Meanwhile Inuyasha and Kagome's coupling had turn into an origy as Kikyo had decided if you can't beat 'em join 'em. Inuyasha wasn't complaining at first because he was the center of attention but soon his golden orbs bulged in surprise as Kagome and Kikyo began to leave him out.
"Hey what about me!" He shouted with a pout as he watched the site in front of him.
Kagome and Kikyo still ignored him as Kikyo's soul gatherers joined in the fun. Both girls just giggled as a frustrated Inuyasha was left watching look a wet ramen noodle.
Jaken thought the gaigen tourists might be English. They sounded English. They didn't look English. Their trousers were all rolled down and they didn't have handkerchiefs on their heads. The one who seemed to be the head gaigen was standing below him looking up.
"Hello there! Are you in need of assistance?"
"No! No I'm fine" Jaken assured him "Are you English-men? I know a joke about English-men. Two English-men walk into a bar, well a pub it would be -"
"Ahem!" the old man coughed meaningfully, "Perhaps I should introduce myself. I am a senior Cabinet Minister in Her Majesty's Foreign Service. My seven fellows here are all senior government ministers and high ranking officers in Her Majesty's Armed Forces. We are here to attend a diplomatic conference, at the invitation of your government, and thought we would visit your splendid mall. In addition, we are all accompanied by our wives. Now, are you quite sure you wish to continue your little anecdote?"
"Heavens no!" Jaken piped gleefully, "I wouldn't want to have to explain it sixteen times, would I?"
Peals of laughter from the tree, met a frosty silence below except for a guffaw from one old man, who tried unsuccessfully to turn it into a cough. His wife whacked him in the ribs. "Alastair!"
He murmured to her under his breath “Anyway, there's only 15. Minister's wife Ashley couldn't come.”
She smiled. “Nothing new there then” she said. Alastair chortled again. So did his wife. “Trust the minister to forget his wife, I meant.” “Trust him to not be able to count.” Alastair replied.
Meanwhile, the Shikon shards glowed in their own light in the section of air conditioning duct ehy had fallen into. A rat youkai found them, drawn by the powerful power of drawing they had. It touched the vial and it rolled down the sloped airconditioniing duct. Soon it was rolling fast whith the rat youkai in close persuit. It wanted them so!
Just at the last moment with a final clatter the Shikon shards fell through the wide grating of a ceilng tile and into the display of purfumes and cosmetics in the center of the mall's biggist department store.
The girl serving a customer there looked around at the noise but didn't see anything unusual as it had fallen into the teen fragrences bargan bin and its glow was hidden by all the other great things, like Opium for girls and really funky bottles of Charlie.
She shrugged and went back to what she had been doing, "Do you want the matching lipstick with that?
Naraku's shamiyoushou wasps split up through the mall as he strode in, his baboon skin bulging with the tantackles hidden beneath it and pulling it open in the front to show the front of his weird armor.
"Cool threads dude," said a guy wearing feathers on his head. His gang of syncophants stood behind him and murmurred agreement. "Where'd you buy them?"
Naraku stopped and a tenticle snaked itself out from under his baboon robe and grabbed the kid by his spiked collar, "I'm not wearing any clothes. Have you seen any deamons around here?"