InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Wolves in Designer Clothing ❯ Sango Arrives! ( Chapter 6 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyashaand Dr. Whoare the property of the respective copyright holders, who aren't me.
Chapter 6:Sango Arrives!
by Raven Dhancer
Meanwhile, Jii-Chan was getting more and more agitated. O'Nessey tried to calm him down.

"Now then. I'm sure there's an explanation-"

"Yes!" Jii-Chan whirled on him "It's All Your Fault! You and your bloody travel without leaving home! Want to go to the mall! Want to watch TV! Why couldn't you buy your crap over the internet like everybody else!? You've confused everything now!"

O'Nessey confused by this onslaught mumbled " but we can straighten this out ... "

Jii-Chan became very quiet. "Let me explain." He gather up the officer's lapels in both hands and pulled his face close to the other's orb-like nose. "The shrine is in the mall." he hissed. "The mall is in the shrine! And…". He shrieked as loudly as he could "WE AREN'T ZONED FOR RETAIL TRADE!"

He let go of O'Nessey and slumped into a pile on the floor. "We'll lose our tax-exempt status! We have an acre of land! Know what the real-estate tax is on an acre in Tokyo? I don't. I never had to know. Don't know. It's bloody high though, dollars to donuts. Donuts. Selling stuff. Bane of my existence." he seemed on verge of tears "We only get one festival a year. Once a year. Selling keychains. And wieners on sticks..."

He jumped to his feet and started to march toward the tree still pouring out years of repressed frustration. "Wieners on sticks! AND I had to bloody KILL to get permission for THAT! Not even proper wieners. Cocktail Wieners! 'Can't sell food' they said! 'no proper bathroom' they said!. Why can't they can go behind the tree, I said. God knows they do anyway! Damn all wieners!"
Meanwhile Sango got board and jumped into the well too cause she didn't want that man-whore Miroku chasing after any more women without her so she jumped back out in Kagome's era but there was no-one there. Then Sango sensed a jewel shard so she went into the house and threw the door to the mall.

Inside the mall Snago found Shippo and Kagome's brother in a candy shiop and Miroku was asking the woman giving free samples of cheese doodles to bare his children. Sango ran over and kicked Miroku's ass.

“You pervert monk, Houshi-sama!” she yells, whacking him about the head with her hiraikotz.

Just then Shippo and Souta was walking out the shop and they saw Sango kicking Miroku's ass.

“That monk is a such a prevert,” says Shippo. “He knows nothing about girls. Not like me. All the ladies love Shippo.”

“I seen a girl I like today,” says Souta. “Can you tell me how to make her like me.”

“Sure,” says Shippo and they walked off leaving Miroku and Sango behind.

Sango finished beating on Miorku and decided to go shoipping for some new perfume. Once she got there she scensed the jewel shard again and followed it to the teen perfume bargain bin. Sango start moving the bottles away to get the shards but then Naraku showed up in his baboon pelt.

“Stand back and let me have at those shards, wench!” Naraku warns her.

“Would you like a nice silk tie to go with that suit sir?” asks a shop assistant.
Jaken was ignoring the minister down below. He had settled back with his legs sticking out and was trying to sing the lyrics to "It Isn't Easy Being Green." Unfortunately the tune he was singing along to was "Radar Love", but even so he was making good progress. In fact Alastair was just about to join in on the reprise, when Jii-Chan stomped up.

He saw the dress poking out from among the branches and the change was magical. His orbs lit up and he was about to pup out with "Eiko, my love you have returned!" when something started to bother him. He was looking straight up her dress! Now, he thought to himself, my eyes aren't very good anymore, and my memory is a little shaky, but still, he thought, I'd remember THAT! The color, if nothing else, he thought feverishly.

"Who the hell are you!?" he roared. Jaken popped up like a cork, started to snarl, saw who it was yelling at him, squeaked in fright and hid behind a branch.
Jii-Chan squinted. "and what are you?"

"Just some old lady, probably a bit tipsy" said the minister.

"It looked like a toad, minister" said an undersecretary.

"With that beak?" roared Alastair "have some sense man! It's some kind of heron! A green one, in fact."

O'Nessey pushed his hat up to scratch his head. "To be sure, and it's the biggest flea I've ever seen in all me born days"
“I am not wearing a suit,“ Naraku said stiffly and grabbed for 'th vial of Shikon shards while fending the brave Snago off with his green tentacles (copping a smarmy squeeze or too in while he did it.

"YIP!!!" Yipped Sango as he tweaked the pointy parts of her tits, the shop assistantent knocked the bargain bin over in a shatter of purfumey glass, eveyone recoiled in Horror as the smell arose to the ceiling and the body of a dead rat suddenly fell through a sodden ceiling tiel and landed on the Lancome display.


With a sudden “CRACK!” Kikyou came down with internal damge as Kagome sat back and laughed, pushing the clay pot girl aside. Inuyasha blinked and peered cautiously a t Kagome wondering if he was next.

Her chocolate orbs were so beautiful, he wanted to suck on them. They were as good…NO! even better than Ramen.

Kagome blushed at his heated gaze and combed her finger through her blue black raven's wing hair with the nice smells of peach and cherry and mint and lavender and bubble gum and gardenia and and skunk cabbage all rolled into one.

“K-kagome,” he gulped, I l-l-l-l-l-l-lov…”

“You don't have to say it Inuyasha,” She cried, slapping him in the mouth, I'm just the shard detector!!!!!!!!!!!”

“No, really.” he cooed gathering the precious girls close in his arms. “I want you to bear my pups, but first I have to complete the ritual."