InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Wolves in Designer Clothing ❯ Kikyou Destroyed! ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyashaand Dr. Whoare the property of the respective copyright holders, who aren't me.
Chapter 7:Kikyou Destroyed!
by Raven Dhancer
Meanwhile Mama and Kai made there way to teh food court to find that Yuka and Kouga were already stuffing they're faces with lots of ramen. They were about to go order there own ramen when a explosion came from the direction of the biggiest department store. The smells of many diiferent purfumes came glidling in the air as Naraku and Snago made three way out of the store fighting. Kai and Kouga grabbed there noses to block out the smell.

"Oh that is so gross!" Yuka said ready to puke out her guts.

Snago then through a dead rat at Naraku while doging his tentceles. "No, I was wrong that is so groos!" yuka said just before she barfed.

Kouga noticed the jewel shards in Naraku's hand and decided tio brave the smell and get those shards.

"come on Kai, let's get those shards!" Kouga comanded as he and Kai run to the battle and started getting they're blews in.


Meanwhile Ginta and Hakkaku were trying on cloths that Eri and Ayumi keep giving to them. Ginta was getting board of tying on cloths. All Eri and Ayumi were doing were squeeing with they're orbs sparkling in desiree.

"Hey Hakkaku!" Ginta wispered. "Do you think these women will have our pups or should we find other wenches?"

"Will score if u shut up and kep tying on cloths!" Hakkaku wispered back.

Suddenly a large crashing sound got they're attencion as Snago, Naruka, Kouga and Kai came fighting threw the store.

"Don't just stand their fools! Help us!!" Kouga yellled.
Meanwhile Jaken was trying to regain some authority from the mob around the tree. "I'm clearly an imp!" he squeaked "and an Omniyo Mystic." He looked down at O'Nessey and Jii-Chan and summoned up his best threaten. "I am a master of time and space, and will destroy you where you stand!"

Jii-Chan glowered. "How?"

"Very easily." Jaken essayed a gloat. "I serve someone who has more power than both of you together. My master will spare you if you go home and wait. He will not harm you if you go home and stay there. After his victory, you may want to serve him. Um ..." But Jii-Chan's face was a building stormfront.

Jii-Chan spoke, his voice low and cold. "That's from 'Face In the Frost'." He growled. "You're quoting John Bellairs at me? How dare you!?"

"Screw you! It's a great book"

"Yes and you're a little fraud. And what's next, Tolkien?" he sneered "Meddle not in the affairs of wizards, they are small and green and soil themselves easily when frightened?"

The strom broke. "Take off that dress!" he roared, "And give it to me - no! Just burn it! Burn yourself too while you're at it! I will go home! - to wash my mouth out!" He stalked off.

"Sure and I better go with him" apologized O'Nessey. "He's headed for the parking entrance. The shrine entrance was back the way we came" he explained.

Sesshoumaru, Buyo and Evil slew all of the saimyoshou then the stink of Naraku's miasma, worse even than cabbage, attracted them towards the big store. Evil lead the way. As they passed the Goshinboku, Jaken cried out happily, “Lord Sesshoumaru!” and jumped out of the tree to follow.

“See? It flies. It's a heron,” said Alastair. “But who was that one armed dog deamon?”

“Lord Sesshoumaru!” cried Rin as the trio ran past. Bad people kept trying to take her to bad places but she had defended herself just the way Jaken taught her. (Jaken had to teach her self defense because he was much nearer her size, Rin couldn't breathe fire like Ah-un and didn't have a poison-whip attack like that Lord Sesshoumaru. Besides, Sesshoumaru just wasn't very good at caring for pups.) She lit out after the cats and dog.


The damage to Kikyou spread until her entire body was covered with fine cracks. These became fissures then she shattered into a million pieces and blew away. Kagome and Inuyasha would have been blinded but they were busy applying mating marks to each other's thighs, after a light snack of ramen to replenish their strength, so their eyes were covered. But the last bit of Kagome's soul zipped back into her.


Suddenly, Naraku howled in anguish, “Kikyou, my darling! What have they done to you?” Crystalline tears rained from his crimson orbs.

Hiraikotsu was ready to fly but something in Naraku's grief touched Sango. She knew what it was to lose a loved one.
Back at the tree, Jaken stared after Sessomeru. O'Nessey tried once again to follow Jii-Chan. "We're coming with you, officer" said the minister, "If this place is hosting an amateur theatrical staffed by lunatics" he eyed Jaken "high time we're taking the bus back to the hotel."

"A moment, minister" called Alastair "I would like to have a private word with 'o'Nessey' here."

"Suit yourself Brigadier, but you'll have to catch us up. I need some fresh air." he stalked off after Jii-Chan. The rest of the party followed, leaving Alastair behind, alone with his wife and O'Nessey. (AN: And Jaken was there too, but he was lost in his own thoughts.)

"Louisa" said Alastair to his wife "no need for you to wait.", using the tone that meant this is government business and man-stuff. Somehow it didn't work. She gave him a look, the look that said she was going to hear about it all eventually anyway plus an eyebrow that said this trip had been pretty lousy up to now and sitting on a bus with a bunch of stuffed shirts might just push her over the edge especially now (AN: continued on next eyebrow) things were getting interesting in here! It was quite a look!

What she said was "Oh, I'll just sit here a bit longer. It's a very nice bench and I'm not as young as I used be."

Alastair was a military man and he knew how to pick his battles. He knew a little big horn when he saw it. He shrugged and turned back to O'Nessey.

"It's all right Doctor" he said, "you can stop the panto irishman act. I know it's you"

"Alastair!" said the Doctor. He smiled.

di-diddy-daa di-diddy-daa, di-diddy-daa di-diddy-daa,
di-diddy-daa di-diddy-daa, di-diddy-daa di-diddy-daa (AN: TARDIS noise)
ooo-waa-OOOW WAAA Ooow Waaa oow waa oow waa oow...