InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction / Crossover Fan Fiction ❯ Wolves in Designer Clothing ❯ Surprises! ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

Disclaimer: Inuyashaand Dr. Whoare the property of the respective copyright holders, who aren't me.
Chapter 8:Surprises!
by Raven Dhancer
Jaken could have sworn that the huge blue box hadn't been there a moment ago. “Hey,” a mall security guard yelled, “who put that porta-potty there?”

“Maaaster,” a voice droned accompanied by a mechanical, whirring sound.

“Who said that? That's my line,” fumed Jaken as he rushed up to kick the mechanical dog-like creature which suddenly appeared in the doorway of the Tardis.

Teenage girls were already swarming the Tardis. “Ruminko, where do you put the money? I wonder if this picture booth has the funny little heart-shaped borders? Say `cheese'!”

On the roof, Inuyasha and Kagome collapsed in exhaustion.

“Inuyasha,” Kagome whined, “I'm having second thoughts. I mean, now that Sesshoumaru is here I've been thinking...that we should date other people.”

She stood and headed for the stairs, “I'd better go catch your brother before Eri gets to him first." Kagome waved and gave him a cheerful smile, "See ya later, alligator!”

Inuyasha sat there unmoving with a shocked expression in his golden-amber colored orbs, “but who will bear my pups,” he yelled after her, “come back my little cabbage! Didn't the fact that we shared ramen mean anything to you?”

“Bitch,” he muttered (meaning in the sense of a female dog) and began to slowly piece Kikyo back together. “Humpty Dumpty aint got nothing on you.”


Naraku and Sango sat across from one another at a tiny table which belonged to the `Orange Julius' stand. Sango placed her hand over his and gave him an understanding look. “I have a few broken pots at home we can use if we can't find all the pieces...” That being said, Sango secretly hoped they wouldn't as she eyed the handsome, misunderstood youkai sitting across from her.

A large shadowy form suddenly loomed over the couple. “This table is for paying customers only,” a great voice boomed.

“And just who are you?” Naraku laughed evilly, his tentacles emerging from their hiding place under the table.

“I am Asmodeus, manager of Orange Julius. Begone, I say you!”

No matter how hard he tried, no matter how much spit he used, Inuyasha couldn't put Kikyo together again. There was simply no soul to glue her together. He broke down and wept into the shards. After a while he looked up face covered with mud from Kikyo and his tears but underneath that were stripes on his cheeks and his orbs were red like nose of the drunken monk Mushin. In a deeper, rougher voice he said, “I'll show her. I'll show them all. I will complete the jewel and become a full demon! Bwahaha!

“But how will I find it without my shard detecting bitch? I'll just follow Naraku's stench and take it from him. Bwahaha!”


The code of Bushido prevented Sessoumaru from attacking Naraku while he was being consoled by Sango so he decided to have some Ramen and an Orange Julius, too. He didn't have any money to pay but that was OK. But there was no where to sit. The food court was packed out with wolves and gaijins. Sesshoumaru was about to kill a few gaijin but then he saw the most beautiful ningen woman,
Look at those pup-bearing hips! and she was with his old friend Kai. So he went to sit there.

“Sesshoumaru-sama!” cried Kai as jumped up and planted a big wet one on the doggie lord. “You're still lord of my heart,” he whispered too softly for Mama to hear.

The sight of those too bishies smooching aroused Mrs. Higurashi something fierce.
Oh, to be the filling in that sandwich! The demons smelled her sweet aroma, gave each other a look and swept her away to somewhere private.

The Doctor smiled at his old friend, "Brigadier Lethbridge-Stewart! Alastair! Well, however did you recognize me?"

"Tree growing up through carpeting? Just your sort of thing. And when you wandered up with Jii-Chan? That clinched it. You can switch bodies, but the gob-smacked expression on your companions faces never changes! So what's the danger this time."

"Something, Brigadier, that bullets will not stop."

"We've faced thirty five years of monsters together, off and on. When did bullets ever work?" Alastair looked a little hurt. "No." he said, "Never fear Doctor. You lead and I'll have your back!"

The Doctor smiled. "And I yours, Brigadier, and I yours..." His voice trailed off and he gazed deeply at Alastair. As a time lord, he knew that all is bound in space, but more than that all things are bound in time, and that someday the two of them would, must, part, and that knowledge tore at him, a pain deeper than any he knew. But he knew that one thing was not bound by time, and that was love, a true love, a love that reached beyond-

"Oh. My. God." said Louisa, "Harry Sullivan was right about you two, wasn't he?"

"Oh dear, awkward moment" said Alastair.


Na raku smiled at Asmodeus "Have you seen my kazana trick?"

He opened a vortex, but Asmodeus stood firm. Winds screamed and tables flew into the hole. Naraku sucked! On the roof, the dust that was Kikiyo was sucked into an AC grate. and into the condenser coils! They were clogged in an instant plugging the whole system! Naraku sucked alot! The condenser was pulled through 200 ft of duct like a melon through a straw! It crashed to the floor.

Naraku looked at the mass of wet clay and small metal blades that had been Kikiyo and the AC condenser coils, and smiled even more. "Now, This I can work with!"

Kagome scanned the food court, rolling her orbs at the two old Englishmen who looked like they were about to snog one another where they stood. She didn't see any sign of Inuyasha's bishie brother, Sesshoumaru. No sign of the wolves either.

`They must be still trying on clothes in the dressing room,' she thought a little guiltily. `I've been neglecting Kouga - what if he ends up wearing off-brand?'

Kagome rushed towards the department store, bumping into Yuki and Eri who were arm and arm with two sexy Goths. “W-what?” she exclaimed as she eyed one of the boys' sexy bodies through the black mess shirt he wore, “Yuki, Eri, where's Kouga? And where are Ginta and…”

“I'm Ginta,” one of the boys said, snickering at her, “guess you didn't recognize me in my new clothes.”

`And the black lipstick,' Kagome thought. “Okay, you guys look great. But where's Kouga?”

“I dunno, maybe in the dressing room still?” Eri shrugged, “he was a tough one. He kept trying on mini-shirts or shorts. Said his legs deserved to be noticed. I finally got him into a pair of tight capris. They left *nothing* to the imagination, if you know what I mean.” She rolled her orbs. "Suffice it to say that ramen noodles have nothing on him."

Kagome rolled her orbs back at her, “that Kouga.” Yuri rolled her orbs as well, just for good measure.

Kagome skipped happily over to the dressing rooms, wondering if she might catch Kouga undressed. She had her disposable camera ready. She heard shuffling in one of the dressing rooms and threw the door open wide. “Caught you, Kouga!”


The disposable camera clicked, capturing forever the scene of Mrs. Higurashi in her bra and panties sandwiched between two half-dressed, incredibly hot daemons like a corn-pup.

“Whoo hoo,” an elderly clerk winked at Mrs. Higurashi, “you go girl.”

“Mom,” Kagome mumbled as she stood there staring with a bewildered expression on her face.

Suddenly, her face clouded in anger, “MOM! Is that my new thong you're wearing?”
Author's Note: All the music in the mall is being played by the Burbank Industrial District Philharmonic Orchestra. There my favorite. Everybody says how world famous the Burbank Industrial District Symphony Orchestra is blah, blah, but the BIDSO only ever plays Mozart's 34th, Ride of the Valkyries and selections from Grieg. Some of the musicians have learned to play in they're sleep. (AN: I swear. We saw them on a school trip. One of the second violinists was so snoring!!!) The BIDPO is way better. (AN: can you have AN's in an AN? Is it a ANN? LOL) They are teh awesome. Because 1) They play anything if you pay them enough. And 2) the best violin teacher in the world (my teacher!!!) plays with them. Dhad uses them for his company, XSH Mall Music Inc. (ANAN: It's my dhad's company!) (ANAN: He told me he named it after me!!) (ANAN: I don't get it!!! LOL!!!)