InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Dreams of Reality ❯ Found and Haunted ( Chapter 4 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]
It had been three days since Leyna had disapeared. Inuyasha had spent those days looking for her, and cleaning her house. Everyone except Kagome, Kouga, and Miroku had stayed out of school to look for her. If they missed even one day of school, they would have been suspended. Inuyasha tried to clean the mess in her house, but most of the furniture was unsalvagable. He drove around looking for any signs of her, but he couldn't find any. There were also no signs of her "mom" and jack. He didn't care if he found them. He just wanted Leyna to okay. After three days of searching, he went home to rest. Miroku promised that he would drive around that night. It was almost midnight when he spotted something in a field a little off the road. He pulled over to the side of the road and got out. He walked over and saw a young woman kneeling on her knees, but her back was to him. It was nearly dark, so he couldn't tell if it was her. The woman sounded like she was speaking, but it was in a strange language.
"Leyna? Is that you?" she didn't reply. Miroku walked around her so he was looking down at her face. It was Leyna, but tears were falling down her bruised and bloody face. He grabbed her shoulders and gently shook her.
"Leyna!" Her eyes shot open in an instant.
"Miroku?" She whispered.
"Yeah, it's me. Inuyasha's had everyone looking for you. Come, on I'll drive you home."
"No, I can't go home. They'll come back for me."
"Who?" Leyna didn't answer, she only put her head down and cried.
"I guess I'll have to take you to Inuyasha's then." He leaned down and helped her up. When she tried to walk, her exhausted legs gave out. Miroku lifted her up and carried her to his car. He drove to Inuyasha's as Leyna slept. She was obviously having a nightmare, because she was tossing her head back and forth and mumbling things. When Miroku pulled up into Inuyasha's driveway, Inuyasha was sitting outside. He couldn't stand being inside, so he had gone outside for some fresh air. When he saw Miroku's car pull up his drive, he wasn't sure why Miroku had come. Inuyasha stood, and walked towards him as the car came to a stop. Miroku stepped out and Inuyasha was furious.
"What the hell are you doing here Miroku? Why aren't you looking for Leyna?"
"Inuyasha, calm down. I found her." Inuyasha walked over to the passenger side and opened the door. His heart broke when he saw her bruised and bloodied face. As he looked over her body, he saw her clothes were ripped in several places, and her shirt was soaked with blood. Inuyasha reached into the car and picked her up. As he carried her into his house, he told Miroku to ask the maids to find the first-aid kit. Inuyasha carried her into the guest room and laid her onto the bed.
'How could anyone do this to her. Damn, if I find out who did this, they won't live to regret it.'
"Found it." Inuyasha looked to see Maria entering the room. Maria had been with the family ever since Inuyasha was born.
"Inuyasha, I think I should clean her wounds. I looks like I'll have to remove her clothes to get all of the blood off. I'm going to need some clean clothes. You two go find her some, and I'll take care of her wounds."
Inuyasha and Miroku left the room as Maria began to inspect Leyna's wounds. Just as she was about to pull away Leyna;s shirt, the room around the young girl filled with light. The light engulfed the her body. Maria watched in awe as the light left, leaving behind a completely healed girl.
"Master Inuyasha! Come quick!" Maria screamed. Inuyasha and Miroku came running into the room. Inuyasha rushed over to Leyna, only to see no blood or bruising anywhere.
"What happened?" Miroku asked
"Light filled the room and covered her body. When it was gone, her body had healed itself."
"mmm...Inuyasha?" Inuyasha turned to see Leyna's eyes opening.
'Leyna you're awake. What happened to you?"
"I.. was followed again. I can't remember how, but they kidnapped me. They beat mea and cut me, and cursed at me. I had to fught my way out. For a day and a night, I walked trying to get home. In a field, I collapsed on my knees. I couldn't walk anymore. I started crying and I began to pray. A few... I don't know how long it was really., but someone shook my shoulders. When I opened my eyes, Miroku was standing there."
"Leyna, who kidnapped you? Do you have any idea why?"
"Inuyasha, I've been hunted all my life. I still have no clue as to why they want me."
"Master Inuyasha, I believe this young lady will want to rest, now. Let's leave her alone."
"No, I've been alone for too long. Inuyasha, please stay with me."
Inuyasha nodded at Miroku and Maria. The two left and closed the door. Inuyasha turned to Leyna and tried to hold back tears. Leyna patted the bed, motioning for Inyasha to lay down with her. He laid down on his back and she snuggled up to him.
"Leyna, can I ask you something?"
"Sure." Inuyasha paused. He really wanted to ask about her vision, but he knew she wouldn't tell him unless she thought it was important that he know.
"Do you remember when we first met?"
"It was in the eighth grade. I was ou front with a buch of the guys. You were sitting under the old oak tree, writing in an old looking journal. One of the guys dared me to go over and talk to you. Normally, I wouldn't take a dare, but something drew me to you. I still have no idea what that was."
"Maybe we were meant to meet."
With that Leyna fell asleep. Inuyasha looked at her face as she slept, soon he too was asleep.

Inuyasha awoke to the sound of rain against the window. He tried to move, but felt someone against his body. He looked down to see Leyna's head and arm laying on his chest. As he looked at her face with her hair laying around it in curls, he realized she was crying in her sleep.
'I wonder why she's cring' he thought to himself.

Leyna could hardly believe the sight in front of her. She was in front of a large mirror, and she could see her entire body. She cried as she looked at what she had become. Her body was engulfed in an iridescent blue glow. Her eyes were a fierce green. However, her hair was changed drastically. Most of it was still the deep red, but it was filled with silver, and it reached down to her knees. As she looked down at her feet she gasped. She was floating above the floor. She heard a noise behind her. She turned to see a young girl enter the room.
"I'm sorry, but Mi'lady, they're waiting outside." Leyna nodded and the girl left. Leyna looked around the room and found a dress laying on the bed. She slowly "glided" over to it and picked it up. The material was strange to her. It felt so soft, like it really wasn't there. It was a soft pale green. Leyna was about to put the dress on when she heard screams. She rushed outside and was horrified at what she saw. People all around and demons alike were dead, surrounded by their own blood.
Leyna awoke with fight. The dream had been so real, but it was nothing like most of her visions. It had been more like a memory.
"Leyna, are you okay?" Inuyasha asked
"Mm? Oh, I will be. It was just that my dream was more real than ever before. It seemed more like a memory."
"Strange. Hey, it stopped raining. Lets go get some breakfast." Inuyasha jumped out of bed and Leyna followed. They walked downstairs to the kitchen.
"Let me guess, you want Ramen."
"How did you know?" he asked sarcastically. Leyna waited as he cooked the ramen. When it was finished they sat there and ate together.
"Inuyasha, can you take me to my house. I need to get my stuff and find a place to stay."
"You're staying here. I don't want you to get hurt again. But, yes I will take you over there."
"Inuyasha, i don't think Kagome will be happy with me staying here."
"Kagome won't mind. She knows we're only friends. Besides, i think she's hiding something."
Leyna's eyes grew big when Inuyasha said that.
'She's already cheating on him. Maybe I should tell him. But if I do, he'll be hurt, and if I don't and he finds out anyhow, he'll be hurt.'
"Shit." she said aloud.
"I need to get out of here." Leyna started to run towards the door but stopped when she saw a room she remembered. When Inuyasha caught up with her, she was staring at his father's study.
"Leyna, what is it?"
"I've seen this before. I was in that room, but it was different. It was new."
"That's impossible. It was built four hundred years ago."
"I saw it in a dream Inuyasha. I was standing in that room, but I wasn't really there, I mean there in spirit, not body."
"Creepy. My ancestor built it after losing the woman he loved In Ireland two hundred years before that."
"Ireland? That explains a lot, sort of. Most of my dreams and visions of the past have taken place in Ireland."
"Hey lets just get over to your place. I need to talk about something anyways." Leyna nodded and followed Inuyasha out to his car. As he drove to her place, she began to tense up as thoughts of the other night filled her head.
"Where's the fucking book bitch?"
"What book?"
"The book of the angels! We know you have it."
That's when they starting beating her. All they kep saying was 'where is the book?'
"Are you alight Leyna?" Inuyasha's voice broke her from her trance-like state.
"Huh? Ya, I'm just thinking. Yash, have you ever heard of a book known as the Book of Angels?
"No. But I bet Sesshomaru has."
"That's right. He likes to collect odd boo doesn't he?"
"Yup. We're here. I tried cleaning the place up a bit, but there was so much damage."
"Damage. It was fine when I was there before they captured me."
"Well they must done it after they got you."
Inuyasha stopped the car and they walked up to the house. Leyna reache din her pocket for the keys realizing they were in her purse, in the house.
"Shit" she said as she looked towards the beams of the porch above her. She jumped up, grabbed the beam and hung there with one hand as the other fumbled around for the spare key. After finding it she jumped back down.
"Where'd you learn to do that?"
"From a certain Hanyou."
Leyna unlocked the door and walked in. She stopped and stared at the mess in front of her.
"I tried to clean it up, but there was too much damage." Obviuosly they had smashed all of the living room furniture, but the stereo and tv were still there. Leyna walked upstairs and opened her door. Her furniture was still intact. The only thing that was smashed was her window.
"Your skethes had been torn off of the walls and were all over the floor. They had thrown all of your clothes onto the floor. Oh, I fed your cats so don't worry."
"I have some boxes in the basement. I think there's enough for everything. Wanna help me go get them?"
"Sure." He followed her back downstairs and to another door. She hit a light switch and headed down. The stairs were old and rotten. Halfway down, one gave out under her foot. Before she went through, Inuyasha caught her around the waist. Leyna was grateful her back was to him because she couldn't stop blushing. Inuyasha picked her up and jumped down the last steps.
Leyna looked around and found the boxes in a back corner.
"Leyna, why don't you go up to your room and change. I'll bring these up."
"Okay. Umm, how do I get up past the whole in the stairs?" Inuyasha picked her up and jumped up the stairs. He placed her down and smiled as he saw her blushing and the violet in her eyes. Leyna slowly walke dupstairs. She found a pair of low-riders and a red tank top. She undressed and put her jeans on. As she was about to put on her shirt, Inuyasha walked in. Luckily her back was to the door. She put her shirt on and that's when Inuyasha noticed it.
'What's on your shoulder?"