InuYasha Fan Fiction / Fan Fiction ❯ Tainted Spirit ❯ The home of Tantalus ( Chapter 7 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]

"Inu-Yaaaashaaaa!" Kagome screams.

"Please try and not yell obnoxiously. I have no reason to harm you, anyway. Just calm down, and this will be over soon." Tantalus says, in a calm voice.

Kagome surprised by his sudden gentleness, glances up at him with a confused look. She then realizes that the shard is around her neck still, and she does her best to cover up so as not to let Tantalus find it.


A dazed Shippo sits up, trying to get a grasp of who and where he is. He looks around just in time to see Inu-Yasha running, and a small figure in the air, much farther away than Inu-Yasha.

`Inu-Yasha's running after that guy all by himself! He's gonna need help!'

Suddenly, the damage Tantalus dealt him registers, and he rubs the place he got hit.

`Er…! I must be brave! I'm coming to help, Inu-Yasha!'

Shippo begins running as fast as he can, trying to keep Inu-Yasha in his view.


Tantalus and Kagome arrive at a large mountain with a dark and dreary castle on top. With one large flap of his wings, Tantalus begins to soar up the side of the mountain, until they are in front of the large doors to the home of the Dark Dragons. Without even a word or movement, the doors swing open, and Tantalus pushes Kagome inside.

"What is this place?" Kagome says, looking around the main room. There are beams of light coming from out of nowhere. There are many floating platforms above them, and staircases that lead into the middle of a wall, or connect the wall and the ceiling.

"It is the home of my clan. It's made of material that can almost be considered alive. It responds to our commands, such as the door opening itself. Now, follow me." One of the platforms descends to the floor. Tantalus steps on to it, leaving Kagome little choice but to follow, as she is still tied in the wire.

As she steps on, it immediately begins to move, heading straight for one of the walls! She watches, and when they get near enough, the wall separates, allowing them to pass through. They now are in what looks to be a dungeon, and the platform stops in front of one of the cells.

"Here's your home until that foolish hanyou arrives. I wouldn't touch the bars if I were you." As he says this, he taps one of the bars with his index finger, and electricity seems to jump from there to every bar before settling inside the metal and disappearing.