InuYasha Fan Fiction / Ranma 1/2 Fan Fiction ❯ When Things Go Awry ❯ The Fall Of InuYasha? ( Prologue )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

When Things Go Awry

A/N- Ah...I am sooo happy that I can put this one up...I am really proud of this chapter...

Disclaimer- Don't own InuYasha or Ranma 1/2, but hell, I would love it if I could...T.T

Anyway, enjoy the story!


Prologue: The Fall of InuYasha?

Naraku's Pov-

"It is almost time, Kagura," turning I watched as Kagura approached me, she was followed by Kanna and Hakudoushi.

"Yes Naraku…"

Feeling a smug smile come to my lips I looked out the window at my side. "You have gathered all the elemental stones, correct?"

Hearing Kagura drop something, I looked over to see a group of stones sitting upon a length of cloth.

Standing I walked over and took one into my hand, turning it around I nodded my head in approval.

"Good, now…I want you and Hakudoushi to set in motion the next part of my plan. Inform me when you have done so," waving my hand in dismissal, I watched both Kagura and Hakudoushi exit the room.

Sitting back down I turned to Kanna, "show me where InuYasha is now." She nodded her head and twisted the mirror, an image slowly appeared upon its glassy surface.

It showed a young woman with black hair and a silver haired half-demon, the half-demon was currently carrying the girl as they traveled through the trees, chasing after a large feather in the sky.

I was pleased with what I saw, "now, show me Sesshoumaru." Kanna simply shifted the mirror again and the image changed to that of a regal looking dog demon. He was flying through the air, followed closely by a dragon demon which carried a little girl and a toad demon.

"Perfect, now show me Kouga." With another twist of her mirror, the image changed again. This time it showed the leader of the wolf tribe, he was running after Hakudoushi, his wolves and companions following slowly after.

"Just perfect, everything is going according to plan…now just to prepare the elemental stones. It is about time that I got rid of InuYasha for good."

Normal Pov-

Deep rumbling laughter filled the air of Naraku's castle, boding ill for InuYasha and his friends.


"Are you really sure Kagome…cause I still can't smell even the slightest trace of Naraku."

Kagome was shaking her head dejectedly, when she suddenly tightened her grip upon InuYasha's shoulder. Worried, he turned his head to glance back at her, "what's wrong?"

"I…I feel Kouga's shards…but I also feel that of Kohaku's. They are directly ahead of us, but what is Kohaku doing with Kouga?"

Sango jerked while in her perch atop Kirara, she could feel Miroku tighten his grip upon his staff, "if your correct Kagome, then we had better hurry."

Nodding her head in agreement, Kagome looked ahead.

Grunting, InuYasha pushed his leg muscles harder as he increased his speed, he could also smell Sesshoumaru headed in the direction that Kagome had indicated and he knew that for whatever reason for his brothers appearance, it couldn't be good.

It took several minutes but as they finally reached the clearing, they knew that Naraku had lead them all there for his own purposes, but little did they know that they were highly unprepared for what Naraku had in store for them.

Kouga was currently growling horrid curses at Hakudoushi and Kohaku while Sesshoumaru was standing silently as usual as he watched his surroundings closely. Naraku was suspended in the middle of the clearing, a look of amusement and anticipation on his face, he had Kagura floating behind him suspended upon her feather and a cloth sack could been seen sitting in her lap.

"Ah…it looks as though everyone is here now, welcome."

As soon as Kagome had gotten off of InuYasha's back he drew the Tetsusaiga and pointed it directly at Naraku, "Naraku! What are you up to now?"

Naraku's smile only widened as he slowly floated to stand on the ground, with a wave of his hand Kagura lifted the sack and tossed all of its contents into the air, "It's a surprise InuYasha…one that is just for you."

With that said, Naraku began chanting the spell that would be needed to rid him of InuYasha for good.

As he chanted, one by one the stones began to glow as their auras began to surround Naraku. Kagome shook as a shiver of fear and apprehension rushed up her spine, something very bad was about to occur, something that Kagome knew would happen to InuYasha.

"InuYasha! Don't…there's something wrong about all this, I…I can just feel it!"

Turning, InuYasha saw the horrified look on Kagome's face and was about to speak when he felt a sudden pain on his head, it felt as though his ears were being ripped off and were re-growing where a normal human's would sit.

Unable to stand such pain, InuYasha's numb fingers slid from the hilt of the Tetsusaiga, causing it to de-transform and fall to the ground at his side. Slowly he sank to his knees as the wind about him began to swirl and surround him within it's vortex, Kagome ran towards him only to be flung backwards by an unseen force, she impacted against a tree with a dull thud and crumpled to the ground at it's base unconscious.

Sango, Shippou, Miroku and Kirara immediately rushed to her side to see if she was alright, while this occurred, Kouga's eyes had bleed red in pure anger and hate as he glared at Naraku, the source of his hate.

"How dare you harm Kagome! I'm going to kill you Naraku!" Snarling, Kouga used the shards in his legs to leap up at Naraku, as he was poised to attack, Kouga was slammed back by a gust of Kagura's wind.

"I'm afraid that he is busy at the moment, might I entertain you instead?" Her smile was full of bitterness and smugness as she circled over Kouga's fallen form. At their side, Sesshoumaru had remained watching the scene about him unfold, apparently no one but he had seen what was happening to InuYasha.

The magic that Naraku was using was ancient, a magic that even he, Lord of the Western lands, had never seen. But he did know this much, InuYasha's fate was sealed and no matter what occurred here, no one, not even himself could save the half-breed, let alone harm Naraku.

So he did what he did best, he watched and waited, memorizing the spell that Naraku was casting and the way that the power of the elemental stones was drawing about him, as if he was some kind of conductor. Once he returned to his castle, he had every intention of researching the spell that Naraku was using, but first, he had to remain where he was to witness what was about to occur.

InuYasha felt as if his body was melting away as he writhed in agony upon the ground, his memories were starting to fade as new one's were coming to the forefront, one's that belonged to someone completely different yet exactly the same. He couldn't explain it, it was like seeing yourself in a mirror, except you're different on the other side, you're unfamiliar yet familiar as well. He knew this person, but how he knew him was unexplainable.

Naraku watched with much pleasure as InuYasha's whimpers and moans of pain began to turn into screams. He was enjoying his revenge upon the half-breed that had brought him so much hate and misery. Once he was done with InuYasha, he would be able to go after that clay whore that had also made his life a living hell.

He was reciting the finishing verse of the spell as all the power from the elemental stones, plus most of his very own, rushed towards the crumpled half-demon, engulfing him as the spell took its course.

The earsplitting scream that tore through the air drew the attention of everyone in the clearing immediately, the air about them grew silent and stale as the scream that had occurred so suddenly, ended just as fast.

As if able to hear the cry of pain from her comrade, Kagome's eyes snapped open and she rushed to her feet, ignoring the pain that shot through her body and the sounds of protest from her friends. Her eyes immediately focused upon the form of the one that she loved so much and she felt her heart rip in two at what greeted her eyes.

He had felt it all, it was as if his mind had ripped in two as two separate yet same entities appeared within his soul. He was InuYasha, yet…at the same time, he was someone else, someone that in this moment, came fully into being.

His lungs were heavy, as if filled with lead…how did they ever get to be so heavy? He didn't know what had just happened, on moment he was eating, the next he was experiencing the worst pain that he had ever had in his entire life. It was like he was being torn limb from limb, but then it disappeared, as if it had never occurred in the first place.

He was preparing to lift himself up from the ground where he had fallen, when he noticed that he wasn't in the same place anymore…nor did he feel the same, there was someone else in the back of his mind. A someone that was very familiar with where he was and what was happening, it was telling him to get up, to fight but he could only rise up to his knees as his eyes roved over his surroundings.

Kagome and the others could only look on in complete shock as InuYasha was bathed in a light brighter than that of the sun almost, but it was when it faded that had not only them, but everyone else in the clearing frozen in complete shock. Just what the hell was happening here? Echoed in all of their minds.

Slowly he stood, his clothes shifting as he turned in a circle. With a shake of his head, his black pigtail flipped over his shoulder as his grey-blue eyes focused upon each of the people who were now gawking at him. He was about to speak when he felt it, his eyes falling to the ground at his feet, he was shocked to see that the wind had started to pick up again but it was turning in the opposite direction this time.

He was being pulled back to his own time and his own life, he knew somehow, that if he fought it, he would die. So he just let it happen, but as he took one final look around as if saying goodbye, his eyes fell upon the girl off to his side. He had never seen anyone more beautiful than her in his life, so as the wind began to drag him through the reaches of time and space themselves, he felt that other inside of him break free for a moment.

It was the second time that a scream moved through the forest, but this time it contained a name, a name that Kagome's heart absorbed and memorized immediately…she had a feeling that she would hear that name again.

"Ranma Saotome!"

And it was with the utterance of that name, that the half-demon InuYasha ceased to be as his heart, soul, mind and body, became one with his other self, forming at long last a perfect soul.

As the wind died down, all of those who stood in the clearing knew that InuYasha was gone and that he would never be seen again. A deep and resounding laughter of sheer evil filled the clearing as with a heavy heart, Kagome sank to her knees and wailed, "InuYasha!" Only to be drowned out by the sudden crack of thunder as a storm began to blanket the area, warning of a retribution that would come swiftly upon the land and erase all traces of the evil that had brewed such a storm.
A/N- And the end has come...anyway...the next chapter will be done soon, so I hope you guys stick around...

Ja Ne