InuYasha Fan Fiction / Sailor Moon Fan Fiction ❯ My Last Breath ❯ My Last Breath-05 ( Chapter 5 )

[ P - Pre-Teen ]

My Last Breath-05
NOOOO! I don't wanna write! But the Oni who live in my head tell me that I have to and the wake me up at midnight with various new ideas.
Disclaimer: HOW MANY TIMES MUST I SAY IT! I DON'T OWN EM! I just own Mary/Nezumi and her past, if you wanna use her please ask me first cuz I really like her.
Mary chased after some of the last shards, following a mini twister that had them. Finally when they reached a forest, a boy jumped out of the twister and began sniffing around. Seeing the object of their search stop, Mary jumped off the ATV and ran over. “Oi! You!” Mary called out as she reached the boy. “We need your shards, are you gonna hand them over or do we gotta fight you for em?” Sesshoumaru joined her and whispered to her “His name is Koga, and he probably isn't going to give them up without a fight.” Koga turned at the sound of Sesshoumaru's voice and yelled “What do you want dog? A bone? Sit boy! Come on sit and I'll give you a treat.” Mary felt Sesshoumaru stiffen beside her so she transformed and launched herself at Koga, slapping him. She stopped several feet away “It's not nice to insult your betters wolf, especially when said person is in the company of the goddess of death. So I suggest you apologize. Now!” Koga turned and began to walk away, when Nezumi caught his arm and twisted it behind his back. “I said apologize wolf, and I meant it. Apologize Now!” Koga mumbled something under his breath, so Nezumi yanked his arm up. He dropped to his knees and said “I'msorrydog.” Some loud laughter came from behind the bushes, and pretty soon Inuyasha rolled out from behind it laughing his head off. Cosmos and Kikyou walked out from behind the bushes rolling their eyes. Koga wrenched his arm out of Nezumi's grip, damn near ripping her arm out of its socket. As Koga ran over to Inuyasha, Nezumi grabbed her shoulder and chased after him. She knocked Koga down onto his knees in front of Inuyasha “Oi! Sesshoumaru! It looks like the wolf does know how to respect his betters!” Nezumi yelled as she held back her laughter. Suddenly her expression turned serious “So wolf, are you going to give the shards to me or do I have to take them?” As she said this, she shoved her staff into his back. “Well?” Koga mumbled something through his mouthful of dirt, and since she was feeling generous she said “I'll take that as a yes. This'll hurt less if you hold still by the way.” Grabbing his legs, she whacked her staff against them and grabbed the shards as they fell. She hopped off Koga's back and walked over to Sesshoumaru. Koga jumped up and was about to attack when he froze. Nezumi giggled “Oh yeah did I forget to mention that I poked a temporary paralysis point? It should wear off in a few hours. Bye Bye wolfie!” she said as they turned and walked away. They headed onwards towards the castle, and Inuyasha gave Nezumi Kagura's shard.
They finally reached the entrance to Naraku's castle, and standing in the entranceway was Naraku and Kanna. Naraku absorbed Kanna into his body, and flung her mirror at Inuyasha's head. Nezumi reached up and caught it. She bowed “Thank you Naraku for returning the mirror of souls to me, I was feeling a little powerless without it.” She smiled evilly. “Now see the sins of your life.” As Naraku's gaze was locked on the mirror, Inuyasha-tachi began to attack him. Slowly they began to rip Naraku to shreds. Once he could no longer move, Nezumi absorbed the mirror and walked towards him. “Naraku, for your sins and the mortal crimes you have committed I condemn thou to Yomi-tsu-kuni, may my brother find his pleasure in your suffering. Nezumi Eternal Damnation!” As she ripped open the portal, Naraku blasted the last of his energy at her. It hit. Dead on.
Time seemed to freeze as the attack slammed into Nezumi, everyone ran towards her but no one reached her before her broken body crumpled to the ground. Sesshoumaru reached her side first, desperation giving him the strength he needed. He lifted he lifeless body into his arms and began rocking back and forth, and crying out a mournful keening. Memories of Nezumi flashed through his mind. Even in the short time he had known her, she had wormed her way into his heart. Black sparkles began to glitter around her body, but Sesshoumaru wouldn't let them disappear, he used all of his willpower to try and hold the sparkles. And when that wasn't enough, he began to cry. Suddenly a bright flash lit the clearing as two small glowing crystals hovered between them, one black and one a purplish-silver color. Sadness overwhelmed his mind, and all he could think about was saving Nezumi's life, no matter the cost to him. A sharp searing pain tore through his body, and he looked up in time to see the two crystals breaking apart. A small piece separated from each crystal, and replaced the piece on the other. Once the two crystals had bonded, a bright flash lit the clearing and bathed Nezumi in light. When it dissipated, she was clothed in a flowing black and silver gown. Slowly, her chest began to rise and fall as time resumed its normal pace. Cosmos stopped mid run and stared, then she collapsed on the ground in laughter. She gasped out in-between laughs “Oh…No… I can't… Believe you…Hahahaha…It's just so funny! Sesshoumaru of all people!” Everyone alternated between staring at Sesshoumaru and Cosmos. Cosmos slowly calmed herself. “I know a crystal bond can only be formed if there already is a soul bond, but do you understand the implications of such a bond?” Sesshoumaru pulled Nezumi closer “No and I don't care either, you can worry about that for us.” A pair of large wings sprouted out of Nezumi's back as she and Sesshoumaru disappeared. Usagi sighed happily as she went after Mary's ATV, and then led everyone back to Kaede's village.
when they arrived back at Kaede's village, Sesshoumaru and Mary were already there waiting for them, and Rin was sitting on Sesshoumaru's shoulders. After dropping off Inuyasha and Kikyou, and sending Jaken flying once again courtesy of Mary-Air, Usagi, Rin, Sesshoumaru, and Mary left the Feudal Era, heading back to the outer's mansion.
When they arrived at the mansion, after Mary and Rin moved in, everyone headed downstairs in search of food. Once everyone had gathered in the den with plates of leftovers, Mary spoke up. “I need to go back home, to visit my father, so he doesn't worry anymore. If it's possible, I'd like all of you to join me, I believe my father would welcome you all.
When they arrived at Mary's father's house, Mary grabbed the spare key and opened the door. “Is anyone home?” She yelled as they entered. When no one answered, she looked at the clock, her father wouldn't be home for at least another hour and a half, so Mary gave them the fifty-cent tour of the house. When she had finished showing it all, there was still an hour to go, so she decided to make dinner. “Oi! Usa-chan, Sesshoumaru, do you guys like pizza?” Usagi nodded but Sesshoumaru looked kinda confused so Mary dragged him into the kitchen. “Time for your crash course in modern day cooking, now see if… Oh crap! Sesshoumaru, can you read English?” When he shook his head, she cursed and motioned him to sit down. “Usa-chan, how long would it take you to teach them English?” Usagi tapped her head and held up one finger. Mary nodded and walked in the kitchen to make pizza.
Exactly one hour later, the pizza was ready and Rin and Sesshoumaru knew how to speak English, albeit a little slowly. The table was set, and they were all seated on the couch when Mary's father walked in the door. He stopped just inside the doorway, and stared “M…Mary is that really you?” When she nodded, he ran to her with tears in his eyes. Then he stepped back “Where have you been all this time young lady, and don't you dare lie to me, I think I deserve the truth.” Mary looked around the room at the others, and began. “It all started when the new neighbors moved into the house down the street. No one ever saw them enter or leave the house, so naturally I was curious. I went down there one day, with a fresh baked cake, and when I knocked, a frail-looking old lady answered the door. I was about to introduce myself when a evil man entered the room. He was so evil that I almost saw solid black from his aura, and he also smelt of death magic. It took all my willpower not to run out the door, but I should have. The lady and the man led me down the hallway to the kitchen, and I handed them my cake. They cut it up, and each of us had a piece. After I finished my cake, I left and headed home. When I got back, I felt a little woozy so I went upstairs to take a nap. When I awoke, I saw black, solid black. I could tell I was moving but I had no control, no knowledge of what had happened. When my vision cleared a few hours later, my whole body was covered in blood, blood that was not mine.” She stopped for a second as the tears welled up in her eyes. Sesshoumaru placed his arm around her and she continued “I had killed them all, everyone who was in the house at the time was dead. Killed by my hands. I left the house and wandered for a few days, with random periods of blackness, periods that always ended with me covered in blood. Slowly, I made my way to Japan, to the one person who could help me, Sailor Cosmos. Along the way I still experienced the blackness, but I gained the ability to fight it somewhat. When I arrived in Japan, I was overtaken once again by the blackness, but I managed to fight it until Sailor Cosmos found and healed me.” Mary's dad looked suspiciously at the other three people in the room “That still doesn't tell me who these people are.” Mary looked shocked, she had just told him that it was her fault her entire family was dead, and he just accepted it? She looked around confusedly then snuggled deeper into Sesshoumaru's embrace. “The one on that far couch is Usagi-chan and the girl on her lap is Rin.” Her voice dropped to a whisper “Kore wa atashi no ichiban ai ga imasu yo.” Her voice returned to normal and she continued “And this is Sesshoumaru, all three of them helped me.” Her stomach rumbled loudly, as her dad stood up. “If you're all hungry I can make…” he stopped as he noticed the table all set. “Mary, you didn't did you?” she ducked her head down and her voice came from underneath Sesshoumaru's arm. “But I was bored! You know what happens when I get bored. Now come on you monkeys, I'm hungry, let's eat.” They all stood up and walked over to the table, sat down, and began to eat. Soon after they polished off all of the food, Mary stood up and led Usagi, Rin, and Sesshoumaru, to their beds. Rin and Usagi slept in the bottom bunk of the spare room, and Sesshoumaru was in the top bunk. After they were all tucked in, Mary walked downstairs and collapsed on the folded out couch. She picked up the remote, and turned the TV to some random channel. She stared uncomprehendingly, and finally realized what was on. “Inuyasha…” she whispered softly then giggled. “What's so funny?” Sesshoumaru asked as he walked into the room. Mary turned and smiled at him “What most people don't know, is that anime are real. They are a glimpse into a possible future for that dimension. For example. If Usagi hadn't shown up in your time, Inuyasha probably would have had a very unhappy life, married to Kagome. But every choice we make creates infinite dimensions, that contain all possible outcomes form the choice we did or didn't make. Which explains why there never was a Sailor to guard the dimensions, no one could do it they would go crazy.” Then they both stared at the TV screen as Sesshoumaru came on. He grimaced “Is that what I acted like before you guys showed up?” Mary nodded and he shivered “Turn it off, it's scary.” Mary flipped off the TV and stretched out as Sesshoumaru sat down beside her. “I… Uh… I… I'm sorry for forcing the bond on you, I gave you no choice, just made you do it. I'm sorry.” Mary turned to him “Sesshoumaru, crystal bonds can only be made with the consent of two people. The crystals looked deep in our hearts for the true answers before bonding. Didn't you know that?” When he shook his head, she sighed and lay down once more. Sesshoumaru lay next to her, and wrapped his arms around her before they both fell asleep.
Rin snuck downstairs the next morning and quickly began poking Sesshoumaru. “Lord Sesshoumaru, wake up! Mary's dad is looking for you! And boy is he mad.” Sesshoumaru quickly rolled out of the bed and over to a chair that sat next to the couch. He quickly sat down and pretended to be asleep as Mary's dad stormed down the stairs. He was about to shake him awake when Mary whispered “Let him sleep daddy, he's got one heck of a temper in the morning. Just ask Rin about the last time she had to wake him up. Now what's wrong?” when her dad began gesturing wildly, pointing back and forth between them, Mary snorted. “For starters dad, I'm old enough, and secondly, no offense intended, but it's none of your business.” As her dad stared at her, she crossed her arms and glared until he went back upstairs. Once he was gone, Rin slipped out of where she had been hiding, and Mary said. “Thanks Rin-chan. Although I should have known he'd do that. He always overreacts to everything.” And then they headed upstairs. They sat down around their bowls of cereal and as everyone began to eat, Mary spoke up. “Dad, I know that this was a short visit, but we have to leave. I'll probably come back and visit someday soon.” Her father nodded and headed off to work.
After they had finished eating and cleaning up the mess they made, they left the house. Usagi was about to reopen the portal when Mary drove up in a black 2006 mustang gt convertible. She caressed the leather seats “This was supposed to be my graduation present, but the never got a chance to give it to me.” Mary said as she retracted the top, and everyone jumped in. She peeled off, and headed down to Lakeside Crossing. They entered the mall, and began a day-long shopping spree. By the end of the day, Usagi and Mary were blessing whoever had invented subspace pockets with an infinite amount of storage space. (A.N. Back in the feudal era, Usagi snuck off to Edo and invested half of everyone's money in the bank, and the other half in stocks. They are now the richest people in the world. They own credit cards for just about every dimension.) They all got back in the car and when Usagi opened the portal, Mary drove through.
Okay, now that my fit is over, here are definitions
Kore wa atashi no ichiban ai ga imasu yo- This is my number one love
Minna-san please read and review!