InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction / Yu-Gi-Oh! Fan Fiction ❯ Kisa's Anime Interview! ❯ Mokuba Kaiba (Yu-Gi-Oh) ( Chapter 8 )

[ T - Teen: Not suitable for readers under 13 ]
Host: Hello, my name is Kisa, the host of Anime Interview! I interview anime characters from all over the world. When people tell me to interview an anime character, I do it with a smile! My guest here for the day Kaiba! Please welcome, Kaiba to the studio!

Kaiba: Hi.

Kisa: Heya cutie!

Kaiba: Um.. hi...

Kisa: Can I ask you something?!?!

Kaiba: Sure, why not.

Kisa: Is it true you have had sex with Yugi?

Kaiba: No!!

Kisa: What about oral sex with him?

Kaiba: O.O No...

Kisa: Oh ok... I have.

Kaiba: Huh?????

Kisa: Just kidding. I'm married.

Kaiba: To who?

Kisa: Wanna see him?

Kaiba: I guess.

Kisa: Ok. Hey Sesshoumaru!

Sesshoumaru: I am not married to you!!

Kaiba: HA HA!!

Kisa: I know I was kidding. I'm married to Shuichi Minamino

Shuuichi: No your not! I'm your cousin!

Kaiba: Bla! Incest?

Kisa: No, i was kidding..

Kaiba: Eh.. you better be..

Kisa: Try Shinobu Sensui! He is my best friend.
Shuuichi: Gah! What are you talking about!

Kaiba: Who is that?

Kisa: Him! *points and waves*

Sensui: *growls* Eh...

Kaiba: Heh.. heh.. he is ugly..

Kisa: I know! Isn't he?!

Kaiba: Um... yea.. i guess...

Kisa: Hey, i'm not married but I am in a relationship.

Kaiba: With who?

Kisa: Well it used to be Yugi, but I dumped him because he talked about puzzles.

Kaiba: O.o right...

Kisa: I'm currently in a relationship with the older Koenma.

Kaiba: Who?

Shuuichi: Oh.. him... Kisa.. I didn't know.

Kisa: Heh he... we started going out 3 days after his Yusuke's interview.

Kaiba: Who is he??

Kisa: Wanna see him?

Kaiba: Yea...

Kisa: Ok... Koenma!

Shuuichi: I think it's cute that you can find something special about him. But, what is it?

Kaiba: He is four year old todler!

Kisa: No he isn't!

Koenma: *turns bigger* Yea, I'm four...

Kaiba: O.o um.. are you a teen or are you four?

Koenma: Find out yourself.

Kisa: Hey, I'm not sure either.

Koenma: I'll tell ya late but for now.. I best be off.

Kaiba: Then go.

Kisa: Bye Koenma! ^_^

Koenma: See ya! *jumps off*

Shuuichi: O.o

Kaiba: Um... he is four..

Kisa: Or older...

Kaiba and Kisa: or both.

Kisa: *Looks at Kaiba* Heh...

Kaiba: *Looks at Kisa* Hmm?

Kisa: Yea... were out of time...

Kaiba: Ok...

Kisa: Thank you for watching Anime Interview. I'm your host Kisa, interviewing anime characters from all over the world, doing it with a smile! See ya next time!

~Curtons Closed~

Disclaimer: I own only Kisa and my fanfiction!!

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