InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Haunted ❯ Power ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

I do not own Inuyasha or Yu Yu Hakusho. Thank you.

I’m sorry that it has taken me so long to update. My internet went on the frits on me and I’ve have been working. I’ll make sure to get the chapters up as soon as possible. Thank you. And send your reviews!

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Chapter Five- Power

Yusuke and Kurama feel to the ground on the other end of the portal Boton had made from them. Both where laying on their chest on a clean white floor, now covered with black ash from them. Smoke was rolling off of them as they both slowly moved to stand on there hands and knees.

Kurama was shaking ashes out of his hair when he saw a pair of nicely cared for black Italian loafers. And nice white slacks that lead up to the matching loose shirt and finally to the enraged face of Sesshoumaru.

“What the hell are you two doing here? Who’s with Kagome?” Sesshoumaru yelled at them.

Yusuke glared up at the demon lord. He was moving much slower then Kurama was to stand up. Unlike him he had faced the most of the burns from Kagome’s miko powers. His clothes where burned to ashes. The skin that was exposed was facing second and third degree burns. His chest had white, almost clear blisters where he had held her in his arms.

Kurama was standing fully erect as the Makai King glared at them.

“Kagome fell asleep during class. She awoke and was embarrassed. Her powers reacted to her emotions. Yusuke and I got the full blast because of our youkai blood. Boton and Kurabara said they would bring her here when she calmed down.” Kurama answered.

Sesshoumaru glared at Yusuke who finally managed to stand up on his own. It would seem his daughter could take care of herself. She just needed a little training so she didn’t go and turn him into a pile of ashes too.

“Then is seems she needs to focus on training her miko powers.” Sesshoumaru stated aloud, point blankly staring at Yusuke.

“What are you looking at me for you old fart of a demon.” Yusuke yelled, frustrated at letting Kagome snap like she had.

“I demand your respect half breed. As for the fact that I rule both of your races. And I have found that you maybe useful to me and my daughter.” Sesshoumaru hissed.

“Yusuke, do not disrespect the Makai King.” Koenma warned.

Yusuke glared at Koenma for a moment before turning his attention to the asshole of a King in front of him. He could be useful for Kagome. She was already talking to him about what happen during her travels. So he knew more then the others. Except for who he was and what he had done. But she’d tell him eventually.

“And how could I be anymore useful to your daughter.” Yusuke asked, not holding back the sarcasm.

“You will train her to control her miko powers you brainless git. She cannot be running around Tokyo while her powers are free and react violently to her emotions. Do you want the humans to notice that magic?” Sesshoumaru stated, “Even a human from this time could see the Shikon as a tool for power. You won’t just be protecting her from youkai’s but humans alike.”

“But Kagome is much more powerful then Yusuke. Shouldn’t we find someone who has dealt with such power? Genkai would be my first option.” Koenma asked the mighty king.

“Genkai is losing her powers with her old age. I had already thought of that. She declined. It seems she knows that her time is coming, and that she won’t have the power to help Kagome.” Sesshoumaru informed the three men, “It was she who said to use Yusuke, since she herself trained him.”

Yusuke looked at Sesshoumaru, bewildered by the fact that he had asked Genkai who would be the next best choice to train Kagome. At least she had faith in his powers, unlike a certain boss he knew.

“Surely we can find someone who is more qualified for training Kagome. Maybe a monk or miko from one of the temple’s in the mountains. They practice far more then the temple monks and miko’s in the city do.” Koenma stated to the demon lord.

“Kagome will be trained by Yusuke and no other. I, unlike you, trust Genkai’s belief that he maybe able to train my daughter.” Sesshoumaru snarled at the small demi-god.

Yusuke smirked as he watched Koenma trembled in fear at the Makai King’s anger.

Moments later another pink and black portal appeared before them. Boton walked through it followed by Kurabara, who held a passed out Kagome in his arms.

Yusuke went to run to her side but was to late. Sesshoumaru had her in his arms in a blink of an eye. Before he could even say anything Sesshoumaru ordered them out of the room.

Yusuke glared at the king’s back, refusing to leave Kagome. Instincts told him that he should be by Kagome’s side.

As if noticing that someone was glaring at him Sesshoumaru turned to find Yusuke still standing in Koenma’s office. Everyone else seemed smart enough to know to get the fuck out of his way when he found his only child in danger.

“Get Out Now!” Sesshoumaru growled out.

“No. I won’t leave Kagome. You said so yourself, if I leave her she’ll be put in danger.” Yusuke said, throwing the Sesshoumaru’s own words back at him.

“You believe I would do harm to my own child. That after waiting 500 years to see her again after what my brother had done to her, that I would hurt her in any way?” Sesshoumaru yelled.

Yusuke watched as the lord’s youkai took control of him. His eyes where a blood red, while small hairs were growing all over him. He knew he was holding back his transformation, but that didn’t scare him as much as Kagome’s reaction to what was going on.

The girl who opened herself to him and he to her was glowing pink again. The jewel she was guardian was glowing red.

“What’s going on! What the hell did you do to her?” Yusuke yelled, running to Kagome’s side.

He almost made it when Sesshoumaru grabbed the back of his uniform and held him back. He was back to his normal self in seconds.

Yusuke struggled to get to Kagome’s side but Sesshoumaru had a tight grip on his neck also.

“Stop moving fool! The jewel is doing this.” Sesshoumaru hissed in his ear.

At those words he stopped and went limp. The jewel was reacting to what was going on while Kagome rested. It protected her when she couldn’t. Now that he wasn’t running to her side, afraid for her safety, he could see a barrier around her made from her own miko powers.

“Are you sure she need’s training? It seems to me she can take care of herself, all she needs is me to train her powers with her.” Yusuke stated to the Lord.

“When it comes to barriers and healing, Kagome is the best. But when in combat she is a danger to herself and others. She has no knowledge of the true way to use a sword, bow, and body for battle. It is something that I never thought to teach her when I was younger. I was there to protect her so I thought she wouldn’t need training.” Sesshoumaru whispered.

“Guess you decided differently when your brother hurt her.” Yusuke said softly.

“Kagome wouldn’t have hurt Inuyasha even if she knew how. Granted he was her uncle when I officially adopted her, she still loved him to much to hurt him, even after what he had done to her.” Sesshoumaru informed him, letting go of him.

Yusuke almost feel after being released but quickly caught himself.

“So what did your brother do to her anyways?” Yusuke asked, curiosity getting to him.

“He rapped her. We had completed the Shikon and defeated Naraku. Kagome wanted to return to our home and celebrate before she made a wish.” Sesshoumaru told him.

“Why weren’t you there to stop him?” Yusuke asked.

“Kagome had promised the other lords of the lands that they could be there to watch her make the wish. I was in the northern lands when he attacked her. I could hear her mental cry for me. By the time I made it back, the castle was destroyed, he killed everyone but her.” Sesshoumaru whispered, his voice soft from the hurtful memory.

“Why would he do that? From what Genkai told me, she was best friend’s with your brother.”

“Inuyasha had wanted the jewel to make him a full demon. It was because of this that he did what he did to her. When I arrived and found her she was holding her younger sister, Rin. I couldn’t bring her back to life again. My brother had ripped her into shreds.” Sesshoumaru sighed softly at the memory, “Kagome looked up at me with tears pouring from her beautiful blue eyes. She wanted to go through the well, and never return.”

“And you took her to the well and hadn’t seen her till today.” Yusuke finished.

“Yes. Our allies came after they felt the jewel’s power vanish. They thought Kagome had made the wish before the celebration. Only Shippo, Miroku, and Sango know what he had done. They understood why she left.”

“Who are Shippo, Miroku, and Sango? Aren’t they the one’s in the photo Genkai has in her hallway?” Yusuke asked.

“Yes. Shippo is the kitsune cup that Kagome had adopted herself, my grandson. Miroku was a monk cursed by Naraku. And Sango lost her entire village and family due to Naraku. Shippo is still alive. He owns a large club here in Tokyo. Miroku and Sango married at my rebuilt castle and had three children before they passed away. They are Kagome’s ancestors.” Sesshoumaru informed Yusuke.

“So what ever happen to Inuyasha, that is his name right?” Yusuke asked, keeping an eye on Kagome.

“I searched for 500 years for my half-brother. It wasn’t till a week ago that I caught word of him returning to Japan. It was when I found that Kagome had come back home for the last time.” Sesshoumaru answered.

“So he’s been waiting 500 years to finish what he started.” Yusuke spoke, watching Kagome sleep so peacefully.

“It is mine and the others belief. Why hide from us, knowing we wanted his head, to return when Kagome had returned to us all.?” Sesshoumaru said, “Kouga, Shippo, Ayume, and a few of my most trusted friends have been watching Kagome since we heard Inuyasha was back.”

“Dose Kagome know this?” Yusuke asked.

“Kouga is your English teacher. She has already made contact with him. Ayume is the P.E. teacher. You all shall meet her soon. And Shippo wishes for Kagome to come see him and the club. The others are in the makai, in case she should crossover.” Sesshoumaru informed him, “But do not tell her of this. My daughter doesn’t like knowing she is being watched.”

“And what about what you told me about Inuyasha? Should I tell her that I know?” Yusuke asked.

“No. She will tell you the rest on her own time, don’t push her though. I can see that you care for her if you defied my orders. For that you earned my respect. But if I find out you have hurt her, I’ll personally kill you and bring you back and let the others have their turn.” Sesshoumaru ordered.

“I don’t want to hurt Kagome. I mean, she stood up to my ex-girlfriend last night when she put me down. A girl like that deserves to be taken care of.”

“You would make an excellent mate for Kagome.” Sesshoumaru stated.

“I don’t think so. I’m always off on missions. No girl wants to wake up and find her husband had to leave due to his job and not know if he’ll return a live or still in one whole piece.” Yusuke said, using Keiko’s excuse for leaving him for another boy at a different school.

“And knowing Kagome’s love for adventure she would surely follow you. I know my daughter.” Sesshoumaru informed him.

Both men became silent at Sesshoumaru’s words. The only noise was the humming of Kagome’s powers protecting her from them and any other danger. After another five minutes of silence the barrier dropped and the Shikon returned to the light pink color.

“She is waking.” Sesshoumaru informed the curious detective.

Kagome awoke with a pounding headache. Moaning she brought her hand to her forehead. Rubbing her head she slowly opened her eyes to see where she had passed out this time. Thankfully she couldn’t feel strong arms holding her this time. Once her poor eyes adjusted to the light of the room she noticed exactly where she was.

She was back in Koenma’s office. Only problem was that Koenma wasn’t in his office. She could feel Sesshoumaru’s presence in the room, but there was a another with him that she couldn’t figure out who they where.

“Kagome, are you alright?” Her adoptive father asked.

“Just a slight headache otou. With a couple of pills and a glass of water I’ll be fine.” Kagome said softly, her head pounding with every sound.

“Do you remember what happen otome?”

“I remember falling asleep in biology class after talking to you.” Kagome answered, “Why? What did I do this time?”

Frantic that she had hurt someone Kagome sat up quickly, causing her head to pound in protest. Looking towards her otou she saw Yusuke standing next to him. His uniform was burnt, and so was his beautiful chest. Her eyes widen when she realized what she had done.

“I lost control again. Didn’t I?” Kagome asked her otou.

“It seems that the detective here spooked you when you awoke from your nap. Your miko powers reacted and where trying to purify both Yusuke and Kurama.” Sesshoumaru informed her.

Sighing Kagome curled herself into a ball. She didn’t know why she was loosing control of her miko powers. It had been happening when they started getting closer and closer to completing the Shikon. And it always seemed to happen when she was frightened, angry, embarrassed, or any strong emotions. It was frightening to see what she was doing, and not being able to control it. And when she returned from the past she wouldn’t be able to see what was going on. She would black out and awake with a mess on her hands.

“Kagome, your grandmother and I think it is time we find a way for you to control your miko powers. You could have unintentionally killed the two spirit detectives today.” Sesshoumaru said as he kneeled down beside her.

“I know otou. And I plan on asking grandma Genkai to help train me. She was doing so when I was a little girl, maybe we can finish where we ended?” Kagome spoke, tears welling up in her blue eyes.

“Your grandmother said that she wishes Yusuke to help you. She doesn’t feel that she would be able to help you with her energy no longer as strong as it use to be.” Sesshoumaru informed her.

“I already told Sesshoumaru I’d train you. We can start tonight, after school. I don’t think we’ll be able to go out on Friday. Not when your powers are acting without your consent. Lord Sesshoumaru fears that a human might be attracted to the jewel even if they do not know why.” Yusuke informed her.

“I know the jewel can attract unwanted attention to me. But what I don’t get is why my father tells me I’m strong enough to take care of myself, but then turns around and tells me I need to be trained. Both of you and my grandmother can take your training and shave it for all I care!” Kagome yelled.

Both waited for her miko powers to react to her anger, tensing in case they had to run or be purified. Seconds ticked by before they relaxed, opened there eyes and saw that Kagome was no where to be found. She had made her own portal and left them in Koenma’s office.

“We’re going to need Koenma to figure out where she went” Yusuke said outloud.

“Go get him. You all have an important mission.” Sesshoumaru ordered.

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