InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Cases and Casenovas ( Chapter 3 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): This is so weird. I started writing this(the third in the series) before I started the second, and I'm writing it faster(mostly because I have my major conflict for this, very important) anyway. it's only weird for me, because you'll(hopefully) read the second one before you read this. ^^ enough of my babbling(this is all like . . .filler) enjoy chapter 4.
The screen across from Koenma's desk flips on, drawing the attention of the group of Spirit Detectives. The face of a lower-level youkai pops up, under it's profile and crime: Human Kidnaping(3).
"This is the youkai you're after, he goes by Sai, he's wanted for kidnapping three human children over the span of three weeks." Koenma quints at the screen, pacifier bobbing with ever word. "He frequents this area--" the picture changes to a street map of Kyoto, before zeroing in on an area clustered with warehouses and crumbling buildings
"so original . . .warehouses" Yusuke twists his finger in his ear, getting a disgusted look from Koenma whe he flicks an unseen something in his direction "look is this going to take long?" Yusuke shifts his weight to his left foot "I promised Souta I'd help him get some games with more realistic gore" Hiei scoffs lightly, his posture and aura radiating boredome
"Currupting the youth one at a time, eh detective?" Yusuke laughs
"Yeh, sure, that sounds about right" Ge-ogre*, looks incredulous
"Listen up" Koenma sends a glare in Yusuke's direction "Botan will drop you off in the area. If he keeps to his pattern he should past right by you. She should be he--"
"Hello!" A bubbly voice floats from the door as the blue-haired woman makes her entrance, followed by the less pleasant sound of the door hitting the wall. Koenma and Yusuke wince in unison at the sound. Yusuke makes a face. How could one who deals so often with death be so . . . carefree?
"Botan-san, how are you" the ferry-girl sends a blinding smile in the direction of the formally silent occupant of the room
"Why hello Kurama, I'm great and you?" Kurama smiles
"I'm fine, Thank you" She bounces.
"Yes yes, and all those other pleasantries" Koenma pulls a stack of files from his 'IN' bin and sets them in front of him "Just get going."
"Right!" Botan salutes, opening a portal with her oar "Let's go boys!" waiting for them to enter, she waves back at her pint-sized boss before hopping in after them, the portal closing behind her.
"I'm too old for this" Koenma sighs, stamping a file
"Of course, sir" Ge-ogre nods solemnly from his position to the side of Koenma's desk
"Don't patronize me ogre!" he cowers.
"yes, Koenma-sir"
"Ah~! School's out!" Kagome gives a small laugh as Ayumi stretches upward onto her toes, her other two grin. She was glad school was done for the day as well. The lingering stress of her unplanned departure from the past was wearing on her mentally and physically. Shippo's visits and the upcoming weekend break were the only things keeping her going.
"So Kagome, you doing anything Sunday?" Kagome turns to her friend, Yuka, all of them had been worried about her since she'd returned. Her grandfather had given his last excuse to hide her trips to the Sengoku Jidai. Her long-standing absences had been due to a 'recently detected deficiency in her immune system, very rare but very curable'. She'd supposedly been treated during the time leading to and during the battle with Naraku. There was no longer any reasons not to continue her life as a normal girl, with a few things extras included in the package.
"I don't know" She trails slightly "I don't think I had anything planned but . . . it's been so tiring this week--" She shakes her head, throwing her friends an apologetic look.
"Oh of course!" Eri stops her "you don't have to explain, your body is probably still weak from all those treatments" the others nod in understanding
"Thanks guys" Kagome nods in lieu of a bow. She would have loved to go with them, to the movies or where ever else they planned on going, but she was not feeling up to it at all. It all seems so exhausting, the thought of it setting more weight on her mind and body. At any rate with the free time she could meditate to relax or even work on strengthening her powers, as Shippo has advised in an earlier visit. 'It'll give you something to do, and Kagome, If me and Sesshoumaru are living here in your time there are a lot more youkai out there than you know' Maybe she could figure out how to use her apparently dormant healing power on herself. Then she could be with her friends again.
"Kagome-chan~!" Kagome watches as her friend's eyes widen in surprise, a collective gasp escaping them. Hurriedly, she whips around, the instincts Miroku had done his best to drill into her flaring to the surface. The voice registers before her barrier can form completely. She quickly drops it.
'He wouldn't come here would he!?' She is suddenly face to face with a grinning Shippo
"Shippo-kun!" Her eyes widen as he pulls her into an excited bear hug that lifts her up off of her feet
"I've come to walk you home!" Kagome smiles at his excitement, and the grin that splits his face. He carefully sets her down presenting his cheek expectantly. Glancing around once, she gives him a friendly kiss, cheeks red in embarrassment.
"Hehehe" he give her the 'Victory' sign and her blush fades
"Kagome-chan!" her face twitches in a second of dread at her friends scandalized voice
"Who's this!?" Yuka looks more scandalized than both Ayumi and Eri it seemed
"Your boyfriend!?" Her friends clamp onto her arms and shoulders as they peak around her. Shippo smiles charmingly at them
"Nice to meet you ladies, I'm Shippo, Kagome's relative" a collection of 'oh's come from the three as they step in front of their friends bowing, and in one case blushing.
"Nice to meet you!" they chime
"I'm Yuka" She eyes him a bit suspiciously
"Eri" Eri beams up at him
"Ayumi" She blushes prettily
Shippo bows before looking easily over their heads at Kagome, who at the moment stood a bit helplessly behind them, pulling her through the wall of bodies. He smiles innocently at her
"You never told me you had such cute friends Kagome-chan" Kagome's eyebrows raise in surprise as her friends giggle and swoon. He looks back at the trio
"I'm sorry Yuka-san, Ayumi-san, Eri-san, but we must be heading home" the girls make a few disappointed sound and comments "Kagome-chan needs to rest and I'm going to help Higurashi-san out around the Shrine, maybe we'll meet again" the girls give up reluctantly and Shippo smiles in thanks
"Well" he looks down at the miko "let's go Kagome"
"Right" she nods, turning and addressing her friends "I'll see you guys" She waves back as Shippo drags her off excitedly
"Call us, Kagome!" Yuka demands waving
"By Shippo-kun!"
Kagome shakes her head as they exit the gates
"I never knew you were such a lady-killer Shippo"
"Monks are bad influences" He grins and wiggles his eyebrows, making Kagome laugh. He smiles happily.
Kyoto, Japan - Former capital of Japan. Name literally means 'capital city'. Has a good number of Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines, part of the industrial area of Japan and is also manufacturing center.
Ge-ogre(George) - The leopard skin clad ogre that acts as Koenma's 'assistant'; blue skin, one horn, loincloth.
Lady-Killer - A gallant who captivates the hearts of women.(Source: Webster Dictionary)
Gallant - 1) Smartly or boldly stylish male; 2) A man courteously attentive to women.(Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary)
tbc . . .
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(A/N): This is so weird. I started writing this(the third in the series) before I started the second, and I'm writing it faster(mostly because I have my major conflict for this, very important) anyway. it's only weird for me, because you'll(hopefully) read the second one before you read this. ^^ enough of my babbling(this is all like . . .filler) enjoy chapter 4.
The screen across from Koenma's desk flips on, drawing the attention of the group of Spirit Detectives. The face of a lower-level youkai pops up, under it's profile and crime: Human Kidnaping(3).
"This is the youkai you're after, he goes by Sai, he's wanted for kidnapping three human children over the span of three weeks." Koenma quints at the screen, pacifier bobbing with ever word. "He frequents this area--" the picture changes to a street map of Kyoto, before zeroing in on an area clustered with warehouses and crumbling buildings
"so original . . .warehouses" Yusuke twists his finger in his ear, getting a disgusted look from Koenma whe he flicks an unseen something in his direction "look is this going to take long?" Yusuke shifts his weight to his left foot "I promised Souta I'd help him get some games with more realistic gore" Hiei scoffs lightly, his posture and aura radiating boredome
"Currupting the youth one at a time, eh detective?" Yusuke laughs
"Yeh, sure, that sounds about right" Ge-ogre*, looks incredulous
"Listen up" Koenma sends a glare in Yusuke's direction "Botan will drop you off in the area. If he keeps to his pattern he should past right by you. She should be he--"
"Hello!" A bubbly voice floats from the door as the blue-haired woman makes her entrance, followed by the less pleasant sound of the door hitting the wall. Koenma and Yusuke wince in unison at the sound. Yusuke makes a face. How could one who deals so often with death be so . . . carefree?
"Botan-san, how are you" the ferry-girl sends a blinding smile in the direction of the formally silent occupant of the room
"Why hello Kurama, I'm great and you?" Kurama smiles
"I'm fine, Thank you" She bounces.
"Yes yes, and all those other pleasantries" Koenma pulls a stack of files from his 'IN' bin and sets them in front of him "Just get going."
"Right!" Botan salutes, opening a portal with her oar "Let's go boys!" waiting for them to enter, she waves back at her pint-sized boss before hopping in after them, the portal closing behind her.
"I'm too old for this" Koenma sighs, stamping a file
"Of course, sir" Ge-ogre nods solemnly from his position to the side of Koenma's desk
"Don't patronize me ogre!" he cowers.
"yes, Koenma-sir"
"Ah~! School's out!" Kagome gives a small laugh as Ayumi stretches upward onto her toes, her other two grin. She was glad school was done for the day as well. The lingering stress of her unplanned departure from the past was wearing on her mentally and physically. Shippo's visits and the upcoming weekend break were the only things keeping her going.
"So Kagome, you doing anything Sunday?" Kagome turns to her friend, Yuka, all of them had been worried about her since she'd returned. Her grandfather had given his last excuse to hide her trips to the Sengoku Jidai. Her long-standing absences had been due to a 'recently detected deficiency in her immune system, very rare but very curable'. She'd supposedly been treated during the time leading to and during the battle with Naraku. There was no longer any reasons not to continue her life as a normal girl, with a few things extras included in the package.
"I don't know" She trails slightly "I don't think I had anything planned but . . . it's been so tiring this week--" She shakes her head, throwing her friends an apologetic look.
"Oh of course!" Eri stops her "you don't have to explain, your body is probably still weak from all those treatments" the others nod in understanding
"Thanks guys" Kagome nods in lieu of a bow. She would have loved to go with them, to the movies or where ever else they planned on going, but she was not feeling up to it at all. It all seems so exhausting, the thought of it setting more weight on her mind and body. At any rate with the free time she could meditate to relax or even work on strengthening her powers, as Shippo has advised in an earlier visit. 'It'll give you something to do, and Kagome, If me and Sesshoumaru are living here in your time there are a lot more youkai out there than you know' Maybe she could figure out how to use her apparently dormant healing power on herself. Then she could be with her friends again.
"Kagome-chan~!" Kagome watches as her friend's eyes widen in surprise, a collective gasp escaping them. Hurriedly, she whips around, the instincts Miroku had done his best to drill into her flaring to the surface. The voice registers before her barrier can form completely. She quickly drops it.
'He wouldn't come here would he!?' She is suddenly face to face with a grinning Shippo
"Shippo-kun!" Her eyes widen as he pulls her into an excited bear hug that lifts her up off of her feet
"I've come to walk you home!" Kagome smiles at his excitement, and the grin that splits his face. He carefully sets her down presenting his cheek expectantly. Glancing around once, she gives him a friendly kiss, cheeks red in embarrassment.
"Hehehe" he give her the 'Victory' sign and her blush fades
"Kagome-chan!" her face twitches in a second of dread at her friends scandalized voice
"Who's this!?" Yuka looks more scandalized than both Ayumi and Eri it seemed
"Your boyfriend!?" Her friends clamp onto her arms and shoulders as they peak around her. Shippo smiles charmingly at them
"Nice to meet you ladies, I'm Shippo, Kagome's relative" a collection of 'oh's come from the three as they step in front of their friends bowing, and in one case blushing.
"Nice to meet you!" they chime
"I'm Yuka" She eyes him a bit suspiciously
"Eri" Eri beams up at him
"Ayumi" She blushes prettily
Shippo bows before looking easily over their heads at Kagome, who at the moment stood a bit helplessly behind them, pulling her through the wall of bodies. He smiles innocently at her
"You never told me you had such cute friends Kagome-chan" Kagome's eyebrows raise in surprise as her friends giggle and swoon. He looks back at the trio
"I'm sorry Yuka-san, Ayumi-san, Eri-san, but we must be heading home" the girls make a few disappointed sound and comments "Kagome-chan needs to rest and I'm going to help Higurashi-san out around the Shrine, maybe we'll meet again" the girls give up reluctantly and Shippo smiles in thanks
"Well" he looks down at the miko "let's go Kagome"
"Right" she nods, turning and addressing her friends "I'll see you guys" She waves back as Shippo drags her off excitedly
"Call us, Kagome!" Yuka demands waving
"By Shippo-kun!"
Kagome shakes her head as they exit the gates
"I never knew you were such a lady-killer Shippo"
"Monks are bad influences" He grins and wiggles his eyebrows, making Kagome laugh. He smiles happily.
Kyoto, Japan - Former capital of Japan. Name literally means 'capital city'. Has a good number of Buddhist temples and Shinto shrines, part of the industrial area of Japan and is also manufacturing center.
Ge-ogre(George) - The leopard skin clad ogre that acts as Koenma's 'assistant'; blue skin, one horn, loincloth.
Lady-Killer - A gallant who captivates the hearts of women.(Source: Webster Dictionary)
Gallant - 1) Smartly or boldly stylish male; 2) A man courteously attentive to women.(Source: The American Heritage® Dictionary)
tbc . . .
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