InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Breech of Contract ( Chapter 4 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): Chapter 5 yay! Currently listenng to: Aaliyah feat. DMX - Come Back In One Peice.
Flipping out his communicator Yusuke makes a face at the bubbly woman who appears on the screen, his eyes trail over the scorched concrete and dented trashcans that marked the place of the fight with the youkai Sai. His eyes go back to the communicator
"Mission complete Boton"
"Alright Yusuke--" The tentai watches as the ferry girl flinches at a loud bang in the backround, like a door hitting the wall upon her own entrance, she turns to her left in surprise
"Where is Koenma!" a angry woman's voice demands
"Uh" Boton looks back, suddenly nervous "I have to go"
"Boton!" Yusuke's brow creases "Come pick us up."
"wha-- Yusuke"
Pressing her palms silently to the chunky desk the diety was hiding behind, Reika displays all the control she disreguarded in her entrance. She pins Koenma with a look perfected during her first hundred years as the Western general.
"Reika-sama" Her name and the forced suffix tumbled nervously from the demi-god's smaller form "To what do we owe this visit?" The ferry had left, she didn't bother trying to stop her, but kept her ears open
"You sent your tentai on a mission recently?" an eyebrow raises in question as Koenma's brow creases
"Yes, they leave constantly on various missions . . . why?" the pleasantries disappear
"Sai-san" Her palms raise off of the desk, her weight resting on her claws, Koenma's eyes shift to her hands as the charmed wood is easily peiced leaving halfmooned scars
"What of him?" Koenma's eyes suddenly flicker to the door, she's noticed footsteps approaching a while ago. Her ears pick up four sets entering as the door swings open hitting the wall, with less force than she'd put against it earlier
"Koenma, what's going on here!?" 'two humans with abnormally high reiki*, a youkai, and a . . . human housing a youkai soul?' She doesn't turn as Koenma shakes his head in the groups direction
"I'm fine" he assures
"Who cares about that?" Koenma's face reddens in anger and embarrassment
"Quiet Yusuke!" there's a low chuckle
"Koenma-sama" the ferry girl speaks "what's going on?"
"Botan--" Reika turns smoothly, the movement of her feet hidden under the long folds of her formal kimono. She takes in the group, nothing very impressive in the looks department, all seemed realatively strong and could probably face a mid-level youkai with ease.
"Reika-sama" The redheads eyes widen considerably and his body seems to force itself into a prostrate bow at the moment of discovering her identity, the others show in obvious surprise
"Now, now my dear guide" Reika regards the blue haired being, a guide of souls across the River Stix "it is rude to inturrupt when someone is talking" Boton turns red in embarrassment
"who the hell are you!?" Her eyes stray to the human in green, slicked back onyx hair and fire in his brown eyes. He reminded her a bit too much of young Inuyasha, she almost smiled fondly, her training keeping her face impassive.
"Do you not train your tentai in youkai culture, Koenma?" She addresses him without turning
"What importance is that to their job!?" 'How predictable, a strong front in the presence of his inferiors'
"You may rise young one" She watches as the boy stands, breaking his nearly perfect position, his body seemingly back in his control. "Clearly Koenma, such training is essential for a tentai dealing with youkai" Her eyes narrow as she again adresses the pint sized ruler "Just as those under myself are exspected to learn human culture" Her eyes go back to Yusuke "I'll answer your question boy, despite your rudness. I am Reika, Ruling Lady of the Western Lands of Makai and of the main island of Japan, Second in Command of the Western Army only to the ruling lord, my mate, Lord Sesshoumaru of the Inu-Tai-Youkai* Line" She watches as the boys eyebrow raises and the the shorter youkai in black quickly masks his surprise. Satisfied, she turns back to Koenma, pulling a double-rolled scroll from her sleeve and unrolling it under his nose
"Your tentai killed one of the West's citizens" she drops it onto the desk "outside of your jurisdiction" a thick single-roll scroll in dumped onto the desk "There is a standing contract between Reikai and The Western Lands" Her hand comes down hard on the desk making Koenma jump "it has been breeched! Cause for war!" Koenma's eyes widen comically wide, and the blue haired ferry girl gasps
"For one youkai!?" he stands in the chair, his voice an incredulous yell. She leans forward causing him to shrink down into the tall-backed chair
"Every citizen is important to us Koenma, just as every human is important to you . . ." she trails off pointedly "though, bigger than the loss of the citizen's life, there is the breech of contract. There has been war over less" she pauses "However these are not warring times" She looks down at the being in disgust "I am willing to strike a deal between us"
"What are the conditions?" Koenma's brow creases in apprehension
"Koenma-sama! You can't, your father--"
"I will handle it Boton!" She can hear the girl's mouth click shut.
Shifting uncomfortably Kurama stares forward as the youkai makes plans for a meeting to arrange the conditions of the new treaty, one where the ruling lord can be present. His hands twitches angrily. Youko had taken control of his movements, to bow to this youkai of all things, he had only been able to do that before with his consent.
'Don't act so arrogant, boy' Kurama twitches again subtly, not wanting to draw any more attention to himself. Kuwabara kept looking over, and surely Hiei would question him later. Him arrogant?
'What do you mean?' Shuichi's anger slips a bit 'You are one of the most arrogant person I ever had the displeasure of knowing, who are you criticizing!?'
'Oh, temper temper' Youko is obviously amused by his anger 'arrogant in the fact that you feel one of the most respected women in Makai isn't worth bowing to'
'Why should I postrate myself for someone I have never met!' Youko makes a soft dismissive sound
'You do not need to know such a thing, just know she deserves respect, and has earned such'
'Don't speak to me like a child' Shuichi's inner voice is angry again
'And why not?' Youko gives an amused 'hnm' 'You are a child, afterall'
reiki - spirit energy
Inu-Tai-Youkai - Inu=dog tai=supreme/superior youkai= does not directly translate(for all this purpose 'demon')
tbc . . .
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(A/N): Chapter 5 yay! Currently listenng to: Aaliyah feat. DMX - Come Back In One Peice.
Flipping out his communicator Yusuke makes a face at the bubbly woman who appears on the screen, his eyes trail over the scorched concrete and dented trashcans that marked the place of the fight with the youkai Sai. His eyes go back to the communicator
"Mission complete Boton"
"Alright Yusuke--" The tentai watches as the ferry girl flinches at a loud bang in the backround, like a door hitting the wall upon her own entrance, she turns to her left in surprise
"Where is Koenma!" a angry woman's voice demands
"Uh" Boton looks back, suddenly nervous "I have to go"
"Boton!" Yusuke's brow creases "Come pick us up."
"wha-- Yusuke"
Pressing her palms silently to the chunky desk the diety was hiding behind, Reika displays all the control she disreguarded in her entrance. She pins Koenma with a look perfected during her first hundred years as the Western general.
"Reika-sama" Her name and the forced suffix tumbled nervously from the demi-god's smaller form "To what do we owe this visit?" The ferry had left, she didn't bother trying to stop her, but kept her ears open
"You sent your tentai on a mission recently?" an eyebrow raises in question as Koenma's brow creases
"Yes, they leave constantly on various missions . . . why?" the pleasantries disappear
"Sai-san" Her palms raise off of the desk, her weight resting on her claws, Koenma's eyes shift to her hands as the charmed wood is easily peiced leaving halfmooned scars
"What of him?" Koenma's eyes suddenly flicker to the door, she's noticed footsteps approaching a while ago. Her ears pick up four sets entering as the door swings open hitting the wall, with less force than she'd put against it earlier
"Koenma, what's going on here!?" 'two humans with abnormally high reiki*, a youkai, and a . . . human housing a youkai soul?' She doesn't turn as Koenma shakes his head in the groups direction
"I'm fine" he assures
"Who cares about that?" Koenma's face reddens in anger and embarrassment
"Quiet Yusuke!" there's a low chuckle
"Koenma-sama" the ferry girl speaks "what's going on?"
"Botan--" Reika turns smoothly, the movement of her feet hidden under the long folds of her formal kimono. She takes in the group, nothing very impressive in the looks department, all seemed realatively strong and could probably face a mid-level youkai with ease.
"Reika-sama" The redheads eyes widen considerably and his body seems to force itself into a prostrate bow at the moment of discovering her identity, the others show in obvious surprise
"Now, now my dear guide" Reika regards the blue haired being, a guide of souls across the River Stix "it is rude to inturrupt when someone is talking" Boton turns red in embarrassment
"who the hell are you!?" Her eyes stray to the human in green, slicked back onyx hair and fire in his brown eyes. He reminded her a bit too much of young Inuyasha, she almost smiled fondly, her training keeping her face impassive.
"Do you not train your tentai in youkai culture, Koenma?" She addresses him without turning
"What importance is that to their job!?" 'How predictable, a strong front in the presence of his inferiors'
"You may rise young one" She watches as the boy stands, breaking his nearly perfect position, his body seemingly back in his control. "Clearly Koenma, such training is essential for a tentai dealing with youkai" Her eyes narrow as she again adresses the pint sized ruler "Just as those under myself are exspected to learn human culture" Her eyes go back to Yusuke "I'll answer your question boy, despite your rudness. I am Reika, Ruling Lady of the Western Lands of Makai and of the main island of Japan, Second in Command of the Western Army only to the ruling lord, my mate, Lord Sesshoumaru of the Inu-Tai-Youkai* Line" She watches as the boys eyebrow raises and the the shorter youkai in black quickly masks his surprise. Satisfied, she turns back to Koenma, pulling a double-rolled scroll from her sleeve and unrolling it under his nose
"Your tentai killed one of the West's citizens" she drops it onto the desk "outside of your jurisdiction" a thick single-roll scroll in dumped onto the desk "There is a standing contract between Reikai and The Western Lands" Her hand comes down hard on the desk making Koenma jump "it has been breeched! Cause for war!" Koenma's eyes widen comically wide, and the blue haired ferry girl gasps
"For one youkai!?" he stands in the chair, his voice an incredulous yell. She leans forward causing him to shrink down into the tall-backed chair
"Every citizen is important to us Koenma, just as every human is important to you . . ." she trails off pointedly "though, bigger than the loss of the citizen's life, there is the breech of contract. There has been war over less" she pauses "However these are not warring times" She looks down at the being in disgust "I am willing to strike a deal between us"
"What are the conditions?" Koenma's brow creases in apprehension
"Koenma-sama! You can't, your father--"
"I will handle it Boton!" She can hear the girl's mouth click shut.
Shifting uncomfortably Kurama stares forward as the youkai makes plans for a meeting to arrange the conditions of the new treaty, one where the ruling lord can be present. His hands twitches angrily. Youko had taken control of his movements, to bow to this youkai of all things, he had only been able to do that before with his consent.
'Don't act so arrogant, boy' Kurama twitches again subtly, not wanting to draw any more attention to himself. Kuwabara kept looking over, and surely Hiei would question him later. Him arrogant?
'What do you mean?' Shuichi's anger slips a bit 'You are one of the most arrogant person I ever had the displeasure of knowing, who are you criticizing!?'
'Oh, temper temper' Youko is obviously amused by his anger 'arrogant in the fact that you feel one of the most respected women in Makai isn't worth bowing to'
'Why should I postrate myself for someone I have never met!' Youko makes a soft dismissive sound
'You do not need to know such a thing, just know she deserves respect, and has earned such'
'Don't speak to me like a child' Shuichi's inner voice is angry again
'And why not?' Youko gives an amused 'hnm' 'You are a child, afterall'
reiki - spirit energy
Inu-Tai-Youkai - Inu=dog tai=supreme/superior youkai= does not directly translate(for all this purpose 'demon')
tbc . . .
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