InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Back to School? ( Chapter 5 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): Where am I? How did I get here? What is my purpose? I think my computer has a virus T.T I need new software.
Shippo watches from the top of a building opposite the front entrance of Sarayashiki High School, as three of the Reikai Tentai enter the gates. For whatever reason the red-head was there as well, even though information from their intelligence stated that he attended another school. If what Reika-sama had said was true, and Koenma did fear the West, then he may have put his Tentai together for their own safety. He filed this bit of information away for later, his eyes shifting from his target, Urameshi Yusuke, to the red-head. He'd found out from the file he went by Minamino Shuichi, or 'Kurama'. That only fed into the almost confirmed suspicions that he was in fact housing the spirit of Youko Kurama, legendary theif of Makai. Shippo supresses a smirk. The file has also said that Minamino Shuichi was quite the intellectual prude despite his various fanclubs. How long did he intend for that to stay the same, that is, with someone like Youko Kurama in your head? The kitsune's eyes shift slightly to the right when they three enter the building. The other Tentai, Makai's Forbidden Child, moves from a tree in the school's courtyard to to top of the building. Shippo fingers the tip of his ponytail, a look of antisipation coming to his face. Tomarrow he would be starting as Takeda Taishi, 2nd year student*.
Staring forward, Kurama wills himself to turn invisible. He had been moved, on Koenma's order, to Yusuke and Kuwabara's school. Though the dress code was an improvement, and alot was for a feminine looking boy stuck in a pink uniform, not much else was. The school was one known for low grade averages and poor quality supplies. A downgrade from his previous school, much to the surprise and disappointment of his human mother. Aside from that, the potential fanclub members here looked even more willing to do something crazy than the ones at his other school. Even if they stared out of the corner of their eyes, no doubt because of Yusuke's reputation, he could feel their eyes on him. He kept his head high however, hands tucked into the pockets of his new uniform, trailing at the lead tentai's side. His eyes flicker to the green clad human, breaking the dress code without a care, his posture all attitude. Perhaps being close to Yusuke would benefit him in the fanclub department.
'Of course it will' it takes all of his muscle control for his face to remain stoic as the youko's voice sounds without warning 'our little tentai is what we call a connection. Simply standing next to him, you're developing a reputaion' the image of Youko lounging carelessly on a bed of grass, cleaning his claws, is forfront in Kurama's mind as he stops next to Yusuke when he pauses to 'ask' another student the location of rm 2-D. It was Kurara's home room of course*, Yusuke having agreed to show him there. 'You see yes? When a boy like Yusuke suddenly has someone at his side--ally or lover, it is immedietly established that said person is off limits unless you want trouble' Youko shrugs. 'Few want trouble with Yusuke, as it were'
"Thank-you Yusuke" Kurama nods slightly in the boy's direction upon reaching his class. He gets a noncommitinal grunt in responce
"Yeh, whatever" Yusuke shrugs, fingers laced behind his head "anywayI'll see you at lunch or something" Kurama nods, smiling politely as the tentai makes his way down the hall, most likely to ditch. He makes his way into the class handing the teacher his note. The older man scans it and sets it asside before picking up an open book from his desk
"I'll introduce you after the bell rings" Kurama nods.
"Koenma!" the demi-god bows his head, his small form steeled under the force of his father's anger. It was one of top 5 rules when it came to Reikai. Koenma was always to consult Enma-Daioh* when it came to things of a certain magnitude. The treaty between the West and Reikai was very much in that area of seriousness.
"Father . . ."
"Without my permission! Such an important contract!" His shouders curl further inward. Enma's voice was thundering even when he did not yell, and right now-- he was yelling.
"It was that or war" Koenma's own voice seems fragile and small in his father's wake
"A bluff!" the room shakes as Enma's fist slams down against the armrest of his throne chair.
"By the general of their army!?" Koenma's eyes glare down at the floor tile.
"Insolent little--!" Koenma's eyes widen as he is suddenly knocked off of his feet
2nd Year Student - In Japan, senior highschool(as opposed to jr. high) starts in the 10th grade. 10th grade is the first year, 11th the second and 12th is the third.
Home room - In Japanese high school instead of the students rotating classes each bell, the teachers rotate.
Daioh - suffix meaning "great king"
tbc . . .
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(A/N): Where am I? How did I get here? What is my purpose? I think my computer has a virus T.T I need new software.
Shippo watches from the top of a building opposite the front entrance of Sarayashiki High School, as three of the Reikai Tentai enter the gates. For whatever reason the red-head was there as well, even though information from their intelligence stated that he attended another school. If what Reika-sama had said was true, and Koenma did fear the West, then he may have put his Tentai together for their own safety. He filed this bit of information away for later, his eyes shifting from his target, Urameshi Yusuke, to the red-head. He'd found out from the file he went by Minamino Shuichi, or 'Kurama'. That only fed into the almost confirmed suspicions that he was in fact housing the spirit of Youko Kurama, legendary theif of Makai. Shippo supresses a smirk. The file has also said that Minamino Shuichi was quite the intellectual prude despite his various fanclubs. How long did he intend for that to stay the same, that is, with someone like Youko Kurama in your head? The kitsune's eyes shift slightly to the right when they three enter the building. The other Tentai, Makai's Forbidden Child, moves from a tree in the school's courtyard to to top of the building. Shippo fingers the tip of his ponytail, a look of antisipation coming to his face. Tomarrow he would be starting as Takeda Taishi, 2nd year student*.
Staring forward, Kurama wills himself to turn invisible. He had been moved, on Koenma's order, to Yusuke and Kuwabara's school. Though the dress code was an improvement, and alot was for a feminine looking boy stuck in a pink uniform, not much else was. The school was one known for low grade averages and poor quality supplies. A downgrade from his previous school, much to the surprise and disappointment of his human mother. Aside from that, the potential fanclub members here looked even more willing to do something crazy than the ones at his other school. Even if they stared out of the corner of their eyes, no doubt because of Yusuke's reputation, he could feel their eyes on him. He kept his head high however, hands tucked into the pockets of his new uniform, trailing at the lead tentai's side. His eyes flicker to the green clad human, breaking the dress code without a care, his posture all attitude. Perhaps being close to Yusuke would benefit him in the fanclub department.
'Of course it will' it takes all of his muscle control for his face to remain stoic as the youko's voice sounds without warning 'our little tentai is what we call a connection. Simply standing next to him, you're developing a reputaion' the image of Youko lounging carelessly on a bed of grass, cleaning his claws, is forfront in Kurama's mind as he stops next to Yusuke when he pauses to 'ask' another student the location of rm 2-D. It was Kurara's home room of course*, Yusuke having agreed to show him there. 'You see yes? When a boy like Yusuke suddenly has someone at his side--ally or lover, it is immedietly established that said person is off limits unless you want trouble' Youko shrugs. 'Few want trouble with Yusuke, as it were'
"Thank-you Yusuke" Kurama nods slightly in the boy's direction upon reaching his class. He gets a noncommitinal grunt in responce
"Yeh, whatever" Yusuke shrugs, fingers laced behind his head "anywayI'll see you at lunch or something" Kurama nods, smiling politely as the tentai makes his way down the hall, most likely to ditch. He makes his way into the class handing the teacher his note. The older man scans it and sets it asside before picking up an open book from his desk
"I'll introduce you after the bell rings" Kurama nods.
"Koenma!" the demi-god bows his head, his small form steeled under the force of his father's anger. It was one of top 5 rules when it came to Reikai. Koenma was always to consult Enma-Daioh* when it came to things of a certain magnitude. The treaty between the West and Reikai was very much in that area of seriousness.
"Father . . ."
"Without my permission! Such an important contract!" His shouders curl further inward. Enma's voice was thundering even when he did not yell, and right now-- he was yelling.
"It was that or war" Koenma's own voice seems fragile and small in his father's wake
"A bluff!" the room shakes as Enma's fist slams down against the armrest of his throne chair.
"By the general of their army!?" Koenma's eyes glare down at the floor tile.
"Insolent little--!" Koenma's eyes widen as he is suddenly knocked off of his feet
2nd Year Student - In Japan, senior highschool(as opposed to jr. high) starts in the 10th grade. 10th grade is the first year, 11th the second and 12th is the third.
Home room - In Japanese high school instead of the students rotating classes each bell, the teachers rotate.
Daioh - suffix meaning "great king"
tbc . . .
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