InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Multiple Personaly Conflicts ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.

(A/N): Ahhh, some direction. I actually took the time to plan some things out(on paper) for the future of this story. Don't know how that'll work out but . . .eh, if it doesn't I'll go back to keeping it all in my head. I can remember almost everything about my story but can't seem to memorize a math equation without using it 50 times.
Note: [words] = telepathy
I neglected to respond to reviews before
-- HeartStar: I'm glad you like, it's nice to see new . . . account names, heh ^^;
-- Hirumakage: I couldn't not have Youko having a it of his own fun, though he treads pretty close to the badboy/bully line. Bad guys? What can I say, predictable, it's most of the reason behind why the 'heros always win'(I'm a bit of a fan of the villain having the last laugh at times myself). As for Shippo and Kagome, I have plans for both of them, you've probably figured out half of my plans for Shippo. Koenma, we'll see about him.

"Class, listen up. We have a transfer student starting here today" Sliding the door open Shippo steps in, hands tucked into his pockets, a small confident smirk on his face. He would have a reputation from the beginning, hopefully one that would lead him to Urameshi, and through him the human housing Youko Kurama's soul. He stops next to the teacher's desk, eyes scanning the class. He finds his target discreetly, Urameshi's supposed rival/friend Kuwabara Kazuma.
"This is Tekeda Taishi, his family just recently moved here from the US" The teacher seem mostly uninterested, but the class appears to perk up a bit at the information. Of course it was bluff, part of his character, but mostly it was to get away with his long auburn hair--pulled back in a low ponytail for now, and his green eyes. Bowing shallowly Shippo allows his smirk to broaden, he sends a wink in one of the girl's direction making her blush and nudge her friend, they both giggle. Kuwabara notices and his aura dulls in jealousy.
"Tekeda-san, you can have a seat next to Terano-san" Shippo silently makes his way to his seat, Smiling in Kuwabara's direction. Feeling the human's surprise, Shippo allows a bit of satisfaction.


Rubbing his ear tenderly, Yusuke makes his way over the tree Kurama was sitting under. It was first lunch and he'd promised Keiko he would stay all day for his friend's sake, though Koenma wanted him in school as well. That promise he'd been keeping to, however he'd never promised to actually go to class. That was, the fact that she disagreed with, and his ear got punished for it. The redhead was sitting back against the trunk of the maple near the outdoor gym area. His face shows relief when he spots the detective. Yusuke remains standing, leaning against the tree as well
"So how was it?" Yusuke looks down at his team mate, a small smile tugging at his lips, he knew first hand how stressful the school was
"surprisingly less stressful than I'd though it would be" Kurama manages a weak smile. Yusuke shakes his head. It was probably worst than Kurama would admit.
"He's most likely relieved your reputation keeps the stalker types at bay" Kurama's hand comes up to cover his face in exasperation
Yusuke shifts his gaze up into the branches of the tree at the familiar voice
"Still here Hiei?" there is a short grunt from the tree, recognizable as a 'hn'. Yusuke grins
"not bored yet?"
"It's reaching that point"
"You're here on Koenma's order as well Hiei" Yusuke's gaze returns again to Kurama as he speaks, the redhead's face slightly upturned, head resting against the tree.
"I don't recall my parole description saying anything about being a baby-sitter" Hiei leans down out of the sparse cover the tree provided, face coming into view "I don't recall your saying anything about needing baby-sitting either" Kurama's brow creases lightly. Yusuke raises an eyebrow when the he doesn't respond. Hiei scoffs lightly, disappearing back into the shadows
"No need to be so harsh Hiei"
"It's not because of me" Hiei's voice is slightly gruff and unconcerned "the fox is having other problems" Yusuke watches as Kurama's face twitches slightly, his brow creasing even further. A worried look reaches the human's face
"Other problems?"

'Hiei's right you know' Shuichi's brow creases as Youko's voice interrupt his thoughts and their conversation. It had been happening more an more lately, at the most inconvenient times. More than a few people now thought him a bit crazy, adding onto his 'scary' element at being the infamous Urameshi's friend. Some of the tough guys were already planning to challenge him.
'Of course he's right . . . there's no need for your commentary'
'Is that anger I here?' Youko's voice is already amused 'There's hardly the need for that. I was simply speaking my mind after all. Isn't that my right?'
'You're comments are bothersome and unnecessary' Shuichi puts the effort into keeping the scowl from his face. He'd scared his poor teacher half to death when Youko had started an argument second period, over a historical fact he said the teacher had wrong.
'Says you, but hey, I say your existence is bothersome an unnecessary" Shuichi's eyes widen considerably, and he can suddenly feel Yusuke and Hiei's eyes on him 'though we won't have to worry about that for long will we?' the Youko's voice is flat and cutting
'You . . .' the red-head's fingers dig into the grass and dirt at his side
'No, of course that can't happen now' Youko's voice smirks cruely 'it's what I get for waiting really, our being joined to this point, but have no doubts you'll be the one pushed back into the corners of my mind soon. Not poetic justice, but . . . either way, Shuichi. It's not wise to call the one with your future so readily under control . . . bothersome and unnecessary. Shori taught you better than that didn't she?'
"Kurama . . " Kurama jumps as he's pulled back to reality, he looks up to find Yusuke's concerned face. He slowly removes his hands from the dirt, nails aching from being forced away from the skin by the soil. Yusuke moves his hand from his shoulder.
"Are you alright Kurama?"
"I'm fine . . .sorry about that, Yusuke-kun" his attempt at a reassuring smile all but bombs this time
"You sure?" he nods weakly, leaving the detective unconvinced "well . . . the bell rang, lunch is over"
"Ah, yes" Kurama stands "sorry again" Yusuke nods slowly
"No prob" worry still shows in the boy's eyes
'The girl wastes his potential. No doubt the detective would make a worthy lover to break your prudish habits' Shuichi's face flushes 'and frankly 17 years is long time for someone such as myself to practice celibacy' his blush darkens and he ducks his head, quickly dismissing himself from the human boy's presence, unaware of a set of forest green eyes watching his departure.


[Sesshou, love, can you hear me?] Reika smiles, twirling slowly in the high backed chair behind her the taiyoukai's desk, a scroll in hand.
[We are a reasonable distance apart now] She frowns a bit, tapping the scroll absently in her palm
[You talk so formally with me, my mate, even when we cannot be heard by others]
[Hn, a habit, I apologize] she smiles again
[Of course, however expect a proper greeting upon your return, without formalities]
[Hn] she can almost picture her mate's tight nod [Tell me, did things go smoothly in my absence?]
[For the most part, yes] Reika's eyes travel around the room, landing on a picture of Shippo and herself placed by the kitsune in question. A personal touch, as he had called it, after deeming the taiyoukai's office 'uncozy'.
[For the most part?] of course that ever present raised eyebrow would make itself known there
[Reikai, Koenma, decided to overstep his jurisdiction. One of the West's citizens was killed by his tentai after they entered Western territory, breaking the terms of our treaty] She stares down at the scroll in her hand, the original treaty [I trust you trusted me to handle the situation?]
[Hn, you are ruling Lady after all] the corner of the bat youkai's lips twitch upward. Her mate trusted no one completely when it came to running his lands, but he did trust her decisions, even if he made sure things fit his standards after the decision was made.
[I paid him a visit as soon as the report came in, Reikai cannot say we are slow on the uptake] She sets the scroll onto the desk, weaving her fingers together and crossing her khaki clad legs [I proposed a revised treaty, he of course agreed when I made it clear to him that such things would have called for war in other times. I scheduled a meeting] she wiggles bare toes, a pair of flats sitting next to the base of the desk [I knew you'd want to be there yourself]
[Hn, very good] She grins
[Of course. You didn't mate me for my looks alone, after all]
[They are a plus] She laughs

(A/N): A bit random but I though it was kind of funny; my spell check was convinced Kuwabara should be changed to ‘cabaret’ or worst yet ‘cowberry’.

tbc . . .

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