InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Petulant Egoist ( Chapter 7 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): Ah~ Lovely readers, I hope you've had a nice holiday and have a great new year. Don't celebrate too hard if you do ^_^. updates will be back on schedule this Monday.
Slamming his door closed Kurama falls back against it weakly, trying tune out his mother's concerned voice coming from the other side. He covers his hands with his face, never had he had such a strong sense of pleasure in killing another being than he had when taking down they latest youkai fugitive. He knew it was not all him, but it was scary none the less. Because the youkai had 'dishonored him' he took pleasure in killing him
"Shuichi, are you alright? Please talk to your mother, Shuichi . . . you can tell me about your problems. Don't lock yourself away, This isn't like you . . ."
'I can't tell you about them! I can't! I want to, but I can't!' angry tears trickle into his palms 'I can't tell you that my body is simply a vessel for Youko Kurama, notorious Makai thief, that soon I'll be gone with no warning . . . That I'll become a pestering voice in someone else's head'
'Do you understand now?' the Youko's voice sounds almost sympathetic as he makes himself known 'how I must feel? Yes? However I can not give you mercy in this case. I will carry out my original plan. I will have a body again, if sooner than planned'
'At my expense!?' Shuichi pushes himself from the door 'my life for yours! How can you do such a thing with so little feeling! I did not choose for your fate to be as it is and I will be punished!? What makes your life of more value than mine!'
"Shuichi . . .please open the door, sweety" his books and a number of other things are knocked off of the desk in the wake of his lashing out 'Tell me what makes it right to steal someone's life the way you intend!? And what of mother!? Did we not both agree to give up our life for her!?'
'Your life'
'What . . .?'
'Agreed to give up-- your life' the statement is matter-of-fact 'had your life been taken at that time, I would have simply found another vessel. It was possible' Shuichi's hands fly up to bury themselves in his hair.
'You lied--!' the boy drops low to the ground, he really was nothing more than a vessel to him
'I'm a thief . . .we're not known to be the most honest bunch. Besides that, what benefits me is first, always, it did not benefit me to have you depressed at your mothers death. What good would that do me, having you rot in such a way? All that aside, Shori is a human I am quite fond of'
"Bastard . . ."
Shippo grins, watching as the boy has a spaz moment over the lost game. The kitsune sighs dramatically, giving a helpless shrug
"Man, I'm sorry Souta-chan, it's hard for me rocking so hard all the time too" Shippo chuckles dodging as Souta makes a swipe for his head. He sticks out his tongue.
"I can only ever win the first game with you" Shippo shrugs helplessly again
"It helps you get better to loose to me" Souta gives a similar shrug
"I guess so, I do kick almost everybody else's butts at games I play you in"
"Right, besides that, it keeps your ego in check" Souta sends Shippo an incredulous look
"Look who's talking" Shippo laughs "-it's crowded in here with your ego as big as it is"
"What's this? Someone with a bigger ego than me?" Souta's eyes light up
"Yusuke-onee-chan!*" the boy jumps up greeting a familiar teen in a pair and jeans and a white t-shirt "What are you doing here?" Yusuke grins at his welcome
"I don't know, isn't this Yuu's Okominyaki*?"
"Sorry no, they moved" Souto raises an eyebrow "this Souta's Martial Arts College now"
"Ah, well --" Shippo watches the interaction, Urameshi was just the person he was counting on seeing. In fact he'd planned the visit knowing the boy was stopping by today, spending time with Souta and beforehand Kagome, was bonus.
"Yusuke-onee-chan, this is Shippo, he's my onee-chan too" Souta smiles pulling the detective further into the room
"So you're Yusuke huh?' Shippo stands nodding slightly in the place of a bow, Yusuke nods back "You go to Sarayashiki right?" Yusuke shrugs
"So-- ah" he catches himself, remembering Souta "yeh, I do" Shippo nods inwardly in appreciation, he had Souta's best intrest in mind at any rate. No need for the kid to know one of the boys he looked up to hardly attended his own school.
"I actually just started there two days ago" the teen reaches up to scratch the back of his head in disguised disinterest "I'm the new 'American guy'" Yusuke perks up at that, an eyebrow raising in intrest and obviously amusement
"I'm going to go get some of the games from the livingroom" Souta makes his way out
"So, that's you huh?" Shippo stands and allows a once over, shifting his wight to the opposite side as the boy's eyes travel back upward
"Like what you see?" Shippo smirks, his own eyebrow raising. Yusuke shrugs lightly
"I expected someone bigger" Shippo shakes his head, he was at least 5'10 to Yusuke’s 5'7 but he was pretty certain the boy meant in muscle mass, but he knew better than to assume things by size when dealing with youkai as often as he did.
"Reasonable" Shippo's smirk widens "--in muscle mass maybe, but otherwise" the kitsune shoves his hands into his front pockets "I'd say you have very high expectations" Shippo grins good-naturedly, the detective laughs out loud.
"Ha, Kuwabara was right, you are a cocky bastard!"
"Hey, what can I say?" 'and I'm in'
Yusuke-onee-chan - onee-chan is "older brother", Souto also uses a similar phrasing to address Inuyasha in the series.
Okominyaki - a food item simply put, very delicious. Used as in "Frank's Pizza"
(A/N): Let's see, um yes so Youko is kinda, very unlikable at this point and in this chapter. Youko fans do not distress, he's simply acting out for now.
tbc . . .
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(A/N): Ah~ Lovely readers, I hope you've had a nice holiday and have a great new year. Don't celebrate too hard if you do ^_^. updates will be back on schedule this Monday.
Slamming his door closed Kurama falls back against it weakly, trying tune out his mother's concerned voice coming from the other side. He covers his hands with his face, never had he had such a strong sense of pleasure in killing another being than he had when taking down they latest youkai fugitive. He knew it was not all him, but it was scary none the less. Because the youkai had 'dishonored him' he took pleasure in killing him
"Shuichi, are you alright? Please talk to your mother, Shuichi . . . you can tell me about your problems. Don't lock yourself away, This isn't like you . . ."
'I can't tell you about them! I can't! I want to, but I can't!' angry tears trickle into his palms 'I can't tell you that my body is simply a vessel for Youko Kurama, notorious Makai thief, that soon I'll be gone with no warning . . . That I'll become a pestering voice in someone else's head'
'Do you understand now?' the Youko's voice sounds almost sympathetic as he makes himself known 'how I must feel? Yes? However I can not give you mercy in this case. I will carry out my original plan. I will have a body again, if sooner than planned'
'At my expense!?' Shuichi pushes himself from the door 'my life for yours! How can you do such a thing with so little feeling! I did not choose for your fate to be as it is and I will be punished!? What makes your life of more value than mine!'
"Shuichi . . .please open the door, sweety" his books and a number of other things are knocked off of the desk in the wake of his lashing out 'Tell me what makes it right to steal someone's life the way you intend!? And what of mother!? Did we not both agree to give up our life for her!?'
'Your life'
'What . . .?'
'Agreed to give up-- your life' the statement is matter-of-fact 'had your life been taken at that time, I would have simply found another vessel. It was possible' Shuichi's hands fly up to bury themselves in his hair.
'You lied--!' the boy drops low to the ground, he really was nothing more than a vessel to him
'I'm a thief . . .we're not known to be the most honest bunch. Besides that, what benefits me is first, always, it did not benefit me to have you depressed at your mothers death. What good would that do me, having you rot in such a way? All that aside, Shori is a human I am quite fond of'
"Bastard . . ."
Shippo grins, watching as the boy has a spaz moment over the lost game. The kitsune sighs dramatically, giving a helpless shrug
"Man, I'm sorry Souta-chan, it's hard for me rocking so hard all the time too" Shippo chuckles dodging as Souta makes a swipe for his head. He sticks out his tongue.
"I can only ever win the first game with you" Shippo shrugs helplessly again
"It helps you get better to loose to me" Souta gives a similar shrug
"I guess so, I do kick almost everybody else's butts at games I play you in"
"Right, besides that, it keeps your ego in check" Souta sends Shippo an incredulous look
"Look who's talking" Shippo laughs "-it's crowded in here with your ego as big as it is"
"What's this? Someone with a bigger ego than me?" Souta's eyes light up
"Yusuke-onee-chan!*" the boy jumps up greeting a familiar teen in a pair and jeans and a white t-shirt "What are you doing here?" Yusuke grins at his welcome
"I don't know, isn't this Yuu's Okominyaki*?"
"Sorry no, they moved" Souto raises an eyebrow "this Souta's Martial Arts College now"
"Ah, well --" Shippo watches the interaction, Urameshi was just the person he was counting on seeing. In fact he'd planned the visit knowing the boy was stopping by today, spending time with Souta and beforehand Kagome, was bonus.
"Yusuke-onee-chan, this is Shippo, he's my onee-chan too" Souta smiles pulling the detective further into the room
"So you're Yusuke huh?' Shippo stands nodding slightly in the place of a bow, Yusuke nods back "You go to Sarayashiki right?" Yusuke shrugs
"So-- ah" he catches himself, remembering Souta "yeh, I do" Shippo nods inwardly in appreciation, he had Souta's best intrest in mind at any rate. No need for the kid to know one of the boys he looked up to hardly attended his own school.
"I actually just started there two days ago" the teen reaches up to scratch the back of his head in disguised disinterest "I'm the new 'American guy'" Yusuke perks up at that, an eyebrow raising in intrest and obviously amusement
"I'm going to go get some of the games from the livingroom" Souta makes his way out
"So, that's you huh?" Shippo stands and allows a once over, shifting his wight to the opposite side as the boy's eyes travel back upward
"Like what you see?" Shippo smirks, his own eyebrow raising. Yusuke shrugs lightly
"I expected someone bigger" Shippo shakes his head, he was at least 5'10 to Yusuke’s 5'7 but he was pretty certain the boy meant in muscle mass, but he knew better than to assume things by size when dealing with youkai as often as he did.
"Reasonable" Shippo's smirk widens "--in muscle mass maybe, but otherwise" the kitsune shoves his hands into his front pockets "I'd say you have very high expectations" Shippo grins good-naturedly, the detective laughs out loud.
"Ha, Kuwabara was right, you are a cocky bastard!"
"Hey, what can I say?" 'and I'm in'
Yusuke-onee-chan - onee-chan is "older brother", Souto also uses a similar phrasing to address Inuyasha in the series.
Okominyaki - a food item simply put, very delicious. Used as in "Frank's Pizza"
(A/N): Let's see, um yes so Youko is kinda, very unlikable at this point and in this chapter. Youko fans do not distress, he's simply acting out for now.
tbc . . .
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