InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Unnamed Blue ( Chapter 9 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): We won't see our favorite red-heads this chapters ^^ but, eh you'll live. This chapter(and probably the one or ones after this) will probably answer the question(s) alot of you have had. Enjoy. *switches music to something slow soft and Canadian*
Looking upward Kagome inhales deeply before moving on, ignoring the stares of the people trying to figure out why she would stop in the middle of the sidewalk. She had been getting a lot of stares lately, somehow she always managed to draw peoples attention, even doing something as normal as she was now--retrieving some bean paste for her mother. It was of course probably due to her new habit of zoning out at random moments, reflecting on life, memories or simply an odd stone she passed in the park. Her friends were concerned, again, of course. Though she had assured them that she was perfectly aware when she zoned out, they were unconvinced, and she was. Upon returning to her own time, her senses had been sharper than ever, spiritually at least. It had strengthened progressively since the day she arrived back and Shippo found her in a heap in her courtyard. She figured it had something to do with the jewel returning to her body. When she'd first arrived in the Sengoku Jidai she'd been able to injure the centipede woman with a burst of purifying energy from her palm, something she hadn't been able to do one the jewel was removed and broken. She had been training almost everyday, but, never would she have thought--especially after poor Miroku's attempts, that she could advance so fast. Perhaps it was Miroku though, that opened the tap somewhat. She stops at the crosswalk as the 'don't walk' light switches on, the people around her following suit. She blinks, rapidly pulling her powers back in with some difficulty, it snaps back in an almost physically painful action. She was no trained miko and that being said, had little knowledge of how to control her powers effectively. The light changes, everyone walks. Her power, she found, at times had a mind of it's own. Someone behind her at the crosswalk was in physical pain, and her power had attempted to reach out and sooth it. Shippo had warned her about this fact when her powers had reached for him approximately two weeks after her return, trying to either purify him or heal the healing wound from sparing practice with Sesshoumaru-sama. She had been increasingly aware of it after that, and very hopeful that Shippo would quicky find a miko to train her properly as he'd promised. Of course, as it were, even though youkai were still many in her time, miko were very rare-- her thought process is suddenly shut down as she's hit with a very powerful youki*, similar in power to Shippo's-- a great feat seeing as Shippo was the most powerful youkai she'd felt since she could feel them. She stops in her tracks, this power was very . . .primal, compared to Shippo's . . .not feral, but primal.
'Why is it familiar, Who?' A small gasp escapes her 'could it be?' Her eyes search the immediate area, she zeros in on a small café with outdoor seating. A group of casually dressed men and boys catch her attention, they're crowded around another who she can't clearly see. Stepping cautiously closer she makes it out of the pedestrian's way and towards the group. The group slowly takes notice of her, almost in layers. Some begin to step back, confused as she bypasses them, trying to see the man in the chair. Her own eyes meet a pair of that she couldn't hope to forget. Her body jerks as some hybrid of a gasp and a sob works it's way free. The man's eyes widen, pools of an un-named blue, uninterrupted by pupils as a human's eyes would be.
"Kouga . . . -kun, ne?"
Laughing openly Kouga shoots a sympathetic look in the direction the guy being teased. The other guys clap the boy on the back, letting him know it was all in good fun
"Don't get upset Fusao buddy, we were only joking!" one laughs
"Yeh, you're not really bird-chested" the boy glares halfheartedly
"Yeh yeh, ok. Jun, you don't really have an Oni's belly"
"What!? Who said that"
"Me?" the boys ducks a swat, laughing. Kouga smiles slightly, pushing back the sad feeling that came rushing back with his fond remembrance. These guys reminded him of his pack, before Naraku, but they weren't them and couldn't replace them. He mentally berates himself for even thinking of going down that road again. He was a youkai, in a high enough class to be able to live for hundreds of years, and yet he found himself constantly stuck on those who'd died before him. Perhaps it was bacause of the way they left him, the fact that he blamed himself, or perhaps it was because he was still weak. He had definetly gained power physically, but not as much as was his father's legacy . . . the legacy he did not want. The legacy he'd given to his own son to continue. Kazuki was a born leader, one who would make Tetsuo* proud like he himself couldn't. At least he could be something to these boys, even if they were human, play pack leader to the ever changing group after hours--boys coming and going, most just looking for a place to belong, and play the man in the suit from nine-to-five. It was what kept him sane atleast. He was satisfied with it and didn't ask for more.
"Hey sempai?" Kouga pulls himself from his thoughts, finally noticing the near silence of the group and an achingly familiar presence approaching. He watching in anticipation and apprehension as the group parts to let the person through. He can feel his eyes widen on their own accord as the young woman comes into view, just as he remembered her, chocolate brown eyes wide and filled with so many emotions.
"Kouga . . .-kun, ne?" She visibly chokes down a sob
"Kagome . . ." He barley has time to register what's happening before he finds his arms full of the woman he'd loved blindly for so long, and forced himself to forget about. She was holding him, not the other way around, and it was almost overwhelming.
"Kagome" He can hear the disbelief and surprise in his own voice, surely she and the other's could. He looks up, his eyes finding the confused faces of eight boys. He returns the look, indicating his own state
"Kouga-kun, I didn't get to say good-bye at all to you!" The girl's voice is muffled against his chest, where her face is buried "I failed you more than once and then that! I hated myself for a long while because of what I caused . . . forgive me Kouga-kun. I want us to be friends again, like old times?" He weakly returns her embrace, pressing his nose hesitantly into her hair, he closes his eyes.
"I'd like that Kagome . . ." her hold tightens
Youki - A youkai's energy, while human energy is just 'ki'
Tetsuo - Kouga's father, name mentioned in the later chapters of "Love From the Ashes"
tbc . . .
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(A/N): We won't see our favorite red-heads this chapters ^^ but, eh you'll live. This chapter(and probably the one or ones after this) will probably answer the question(s) alot of you have had. Enjoy. *switches music to something slow soft and Canadian*
Looking upward Kagome inhales deeply before moving on, ignoring the stares of the people trying to figure out why she would stop in the middle of the sidewalk. She had been getting a lot of stares lately, somehow she always managed to draw peoples attention, even doing something as normal as she was now--retrieving some bean paste for her mother. It was of course probably due to her new habit of zoning out at random moments, reflecting on life, memories or simply an odd stone she passed in the park. Her friends were concerned, again, of course. Though she had assured them that she was perfectly aware when she zoned out, they were unconvinced, and she was. Upon returning to her own time, her senses had been sharper than ever, spiritually at least. It had strengthened progressively since the day she arrived back and Shippo found her in a heap in her courtyard. She figured it had something to do with the jewel returning to her body. When she'd first arrived in the Sengoku Jidai she'd been able to injure the centipede woman with a burst of purifying energy from her palm, something she hadn't been able to do one the jewel was removed and broken. She had been training almost everyday, but, never would she have thought--especially after poor Miroku's attempts, that she could advance so fast. Perhaps it was Miroku though, that opened the tap somewhat. She stops at the crosswalk as the 'don't walk' light switches on, the people around her following suit. She blinks, rapidly pulling her powers back in with some difficulty, it snaps back in an almost physically painful action. She was no trained miko and that being said, had little knowledge of how to control her powers effectively. The light changes, everyone walks. Her power, she found, at times had a mind of it's own. Someone behind her at the crosswalk was in physical pain, and her power had attempted to reach out and sooth it. Shippo had warned her about this fact when her powers had reached for him approximately two weeks after her return, trying to either purify him or heal the healing wound from sparing practice with Sesshoumaru-sama. She had been increasingly aware of it after that, and very hopeful that Shippo would quicky find a miko to train her properly as he'd promised. Of course, as it were, even though youkai were still many in her time, miko were very rare-- her thought process is suddenly shut down as she's hit with a very powerful youki*, similar in power to Shippo's-- a great feat seeing as Shippo was the most powerful youkai she'd felt since she could feel them. She stops in her tracks, this power was very . . .primal, compared to Shippo's . . .not feral, but primal.
'Why is it familiar, Who?' A small gasp escapes her 'could it be?' Her eyes search the immediate area, she zeros in on a small café with outdoor seating. A group of casually dressed men and boys catch her attention, they're crowded around another who she can't clearly see. Stepping cautiously closer she makes it out of the pedestrian's way and towards the group. The group slowly takes notice of her, almost in layers. Some begin to step back, confused as she bypasses them, trying to see the man in the chair. Her own eyes meet a pair of that she couldn't hope to forget. Her body jerks as some hybrid of a gasp and a sob works it's way free. The man's eyes widen, pools of an un-named blue, uninterrupted by pupils as a human's eyes would be.
"Kouga . . . -kun, ne?"
Laughing openly Kouga shoots a sympathetic look in the direction the guy being teased. The other guys clap the boy on the back, letting him know it was all in good fun
"Don't get upset Fusao buddy, we were only joking!" one laughs
"Yeh, you're not really bird-chested" the boy glares halfheartedly
"Yeh yeh, ok. Jun, you don't really have an Oni's belly"
"What!? Who said that"
"Me?" the boys ducks a swat, laughing. Kouga smiles slightly, pushing back the sad feeling that came rushing back with his fond remembrance. These guys reminded him of his pack, before Naraku, but they weren't them and couldn't replace them. He mentally berates himself for even thinking of going down that road again. He was a youkai, in a high enough class to be able to live for hundreds of years, and yet he found himself constantly stuck on those who'd died before him. Perhaps it was bacause of the way they left him, the fact that he blamed himself, or perhaps it was because he was still weak. He had definetly gained power physically, but not as much as was his father's legacy . . . the legacy he did not want. The legacy he'd given to his own son to continue. Kazuki was a born leader, one who would make Tetsuo* proud like he himself couldn't. At least he could be something to these boys, even if they were human, play pack leader to the ever changing group after hours--boys coming and going, most just looking for a place to belong, and play the man in the suit from nine-to-five. It was what kept him sane atleast. He was satisfied with it and didn't ask for more.
"Hey sempai?" Kouga pulls himself from his thoughts, finally noticing the near silence of the group and an achingly familiar presence approaching. He watching in anticipation and apprehension as the group parts to let the person through. He can feel his eyes widen on their own accord as the young woman comes into view, just as he remembered her, chocolate brown eyes wide and filled with so many emotions.
"Kouga . . .-kun, ne?" She visibly chokes down a sob
"Kagome . . ." He barley has time to register what's happening before he finds his arms full of the woman he'd loved blindly for so long, and forced himself to forget about. She was holding him, not the other way around, and it was almost overwhelming.
"Kagome" He can hear the disbelief and surprise in his own voice, surely she and the other's could. He looks up, his eyes finding the confused faces of eight boys. He returns the look, indicating his own state
"Kouga-kun, I didn't get to say good-bye at all to you!" The girl's voice is muffled against his chest, where her face is buried "I failed you more than once and then that! I hated myself for a long while because of what I caused . . . forgive me Kouga-kun. I want us to be friends again, like old times?" He weakly returns her embrace, pressing his nose hesitantly into her hair, he closes his eyes.
"I'd like that Kagome . . ." her hold tightens
Youki - A youkai's energy, while human energy is just 'ki'
Tetsuo - Kouga's father, name mentioned in the later chapters of "Love From the Ashes"
tbc . . .
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