InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Plans vs Fate ( Chapter 11 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): I'll hopping all over the paper here with what I planned out, but: good news, it's still going pretty well. Did I mention I'm bad at keeping to schedules . . .
--Madmiko - Though I'm mostly clueless as to how the Sesshoumaru/Hiei thought came about(I guess the summary isn't as clear as it could be.), I'm glad you decided to look into the story and more so to review. Unfortunetly, I can say for certain that there will be no Kagome/Hiei pairing. I have plans for her though, for sure.
"I saw her today" Kouga slouches down into his chair, waiting as the taiyoukai flips through a thick file, a barely retained mask in place. The only time the former wolf prince had seen the lord's mask this close to breaking was when Shippo got in trouble in Makai. "Sesshoumaru-sama? Are you listening?" The youkai lord looks up, raising an eyebrow
"Hn, did she see you as well?" Kouga nods shortly
"She approached me" the eyebrow raises further "she literally threw herself into my arms and apologized for leaving all those years ago. I didn't know what to do" Kouga's brow creases "she asked me for things to be like old times, for us to be friends again . . . I said yes" Sesshoumaru straightens himself up fully, closing the file
"And what of Ayame? Do you intend to persue the miko again?"
"No!" the wolf's answer is immediate "No, I won't-- I promised myself I wouldn't" blue eyes gaze off towards the side of the room, falling on a painted black bookcase, the case surrounded by two large pots holding Makai Blood Ferns. "Besides that . . . my relationship with Ayame was simply for a heir"
"You care for her, and she loves you none the less" Sesshoumaru rests his elbows on the desk top, lacing his fingers together "--but that's not important, correct? You won't pursue Kagome"
"That's right" Kouga sends a steely gaze in the taiyoukai's direction. Sesshoumaru gives a small nod in affirmation, not acknowledging the look. He turns his attention back to his work
"Still, I suggest you distance yourself" he ends the conversation there.
Laughing Kagome catches the ball at her chest, sending a mock glare in her brother's direction, she bounces it back over his head
"hey! That's not fair!" he quickly turns to run after it, stopping suddenly as it goes over the courtyard stairs. Something suddenly hits her sensory wall
"Souta what's there?" She makes her way forward 'is it a demon that I sense? It feels so . . human, but at teh same time . . .'
"It's fine Kago-chan! It's a visitor" Her approach slows as a boy becomes visible over the stair landing. Souta smiles at the boy, getting a kind smile in return. The boy, about her own age by the looks of it, sports long red hair that catches slightly in light breeze. He's pretty, his school uniform the first thing tipping her off to his gender, his eyes a green unlike Shippo's.
"Hi! I'm Higurashi Souta welcome to our shrine!" the boy nods in lieu of a bow at Souta's own formal greeting, handing over their ball. A small smile graces his almost effeminate features.
"Thank you Souta-chan, it is a very nice shrine" Kagome reaches Souta and placing a hand on his shoulder, her eyes watching the boy, who turns his gaze to hers.
"Souta, why don't you go finish your homework, ne? I'll show our visitor around" the younger boy groans, pouting softly, but is sent off by a stern look from the young miko.
"Kagome Higurashi" Kagome bows shallowly
"Minamino Shuichi" the boy returns it just as something prickles at her shields, a surprised grunt excapes him and he straightens up in a quick and jerky move. An equally surprised gasps excapes her lips as she feels her power darting out towards the boy intent on reaching him 'Oh no!'
"Kagome-chan! Who's our visitor?" She swallows a pained hiss as a familiar aura surrounds her, pushing her power back into place.
'Shit, move!' Kurama quickly straightens as his probe is met with resistance, a sudden pain reaching him, he backs up slightly before remembering the steps. 'It's her power!' hearing her own gasp he tried to push the power back, pin pricks of pain shooting across his skin. His eyes close momentarily
'You never said it would hurt!' Youko pushes Shuichi's resistant presence forward
'What did you think, idiot!? She's a priestess, I'm a youkai! It won't tickle!' it suddenly stops. Kurama's eyes open, widening as they meet a familiar forest green. Shippo's smiling eyes gaze in his direction, his lanky form draped affectionately over the girls, like a protective big brother. The girl seemingly relieved and embarrassed.
'It's him! What is he doing here!?'
'This complicates things'
"Ah, I know you" the auburn haired teen grins "The boy from the stairwell, ne? Did you say hello to Yusuke-kun for me?" the girl, Kagome, looks up at the boy then back at Kurama
"You know Yusuke-san?" Kurama nods slowly, Shippo's position not changing
"Yes, I'm a friend" 'You're aware he stopped us from being purified correct?'
'It could have been an accident, he came to see who we were-- he could have run into the boy inside'
"Yusuke is Souta's friend as well" Kagome fidgets discreetly
"I see, I wasn't aware of that" 'You'd like that hnm? Your crush to be a 'normal boy'?'
"He's more of a big brother" Shippo adds "like me" he grins, his overlong canines showing
"Well, Yusuke has no siblings of his own, I guess it's not uncommon" Kagome smiles uncomfortably
'He's hardly a crush, and at the moment our compromised mission is more important'
'We'll simply have to come back, for now-- since I can admit wanting the boy, we'll have some fun'
"Ah, yes I suppose not" the girl fidgets again "By the way, did you come for the tour?"
"Actually" 'no tour' "I heard from a friend that Yusuke might be here, but I'm guessing he is not" Kurama gives a sheepish smile "I am sorry for interrupting your game" She shakes her head, dismissing it
"Kagome-chan, why don't you go practice, I'll walk Shuichi-kun to the gates" Shippo smiles, releasing the girl from his hold. She nods, a guilty look touching her face, before she excuses herself in a hurried fashion. Shippo makes sure she's out of sight before turning back to Kurama.
'Practice what I wonder?'
'It could be anything'
'Hopefully her control of her powers' Shuichi agrees silently
"So why did you really come?" the auburn haired boy moves away from the steps, inviting Kurama to do the same, he complies.
"I came looking for Yusuke-kun of course" Shippo stops, spinning on his heel and taking a step towards kurama. He clasps his hands behind his back, he leans forward slightly, a slow grin playing across his face.
"You're lying" he states this matter-of-factly
'Confident isn't he?' Youko's voice gains a familiar smirking tone
'Almost as much as yourself?'
'And why not? I have every reason to be'
'Hiei still hasn't found out anything about him'
'We know on our own a few things-- did you notice he gave us the name 'Shippo' even though student files say 'Takeshi Takeda'?'
'When did you--?'
'You were sleeping'
"And what gives you the right to make such an accusation?" Kurama's voice is carefully affronted. Shippo grins, straightening his posture
"You have a very obvious--but also very cute, face you make when you're thinking" Shippo chuckles "In this case, it was thinking of a lie" Kurama's face takes on a red tinge. The accuser looks pleased
'Ah, there it is again! That blush' Youko grins
"Don't think me so readable" Kurama crosses his arms carefully
"Oh I don't" the fox raises an eyebrow "actually you seem very skilled in being just the opposite, you're considerably . . .clever" Shippo cups his elbow, index finger extended as if to make a point "but also, you're apparently easily flustered when your around--me" the boy's own arms cross, his stance regal "totally understandable I assure you" he laughs
"Oh! Never have I met someone so cocky!" 'there you go, lying again' Youko chuckles
"No?" Shippo raises an eyebrow "are we counting Yusuke-kun?"
"Even him!" he gestures expansively, a small smirk carefully suppressed "so much bark" Shippo catches the smirk, his grin widening
"I'm not sure you're ready for my bite . . . Shuichin*" Kurama scoffs, ignoring the alteration of his name "You're sure that I'm not?" Shippo shrugs lightly
"You seemed very . . . timid in the stairwell before, ne? But now-- who knows" he gives an amused look. Kurama takes a step towards him
"You caught me by surprise is all, Shippo-kun" he emphasizes the suffix purposely, taking another step forward so that they are practically nose to nose
"Is that right?" Kurama gives a small sound in affirmation, tilting his head, lips parting slightly
"It won't happen again" He grins before pulling back, a satisfied smirk on his lips as the other boy seems to snap out of the temporary daze. "I'll be seeing you at school, yes?" he turns around heading for the steps. He throws a small wave over his shoulder "Until then"
'And that, is how it's done'
'Backseat driver'
Shuichin - Shuichin is a play on Shuichi's name, making it like a nickname or pet name. Changing a name like 'Kimura' to 'Kimurin' would do the same
tbc . . .
Give back to fanfiction authors. Review
(A/N): I'll hopping all over the paper here with what I planned out, but: good news, it's still going pretty well. Did I mention I'm bad at keeping to schedules . . .
--Madmiko - Though I'm mostly clueless as to how the Sesshoumaru/Hiei thought came about(I guess the summary isn't as clear as it could be.), I'm glad you decided to look into the story and more so to review. Unfortunetly, I can say for certain that there will be no Kagome/Hiei pairing. I have plans for her though, for sure.
"I saw her today" Kouga slouches down into his chair, waiting as the taiyoukai flips through a thick file, a barely retained mask in place. The only time the former wolf prince had seen the lord's mask this close to breaking was when Shippo got in trouble in Makai. "Sesshoumaru-sama? Are you listening?" The youkai lord looks up, raising an eyebrow
"Hn, did she see you as well?" Kouga nods shortly
"She approached me" the eyebrow raises further "she literally threw herself into my arms and apologized for leaving all those years ago. I didn't know what to do" Kouga's brow creases "she asked me for things to be like old times, for us to be friends again . . . I said yes" Sesshoumaru straightens himself up fully, closing the file
"And what of Ayame? Do you intend to persue the miko again?"
"No!" the wolf's answer is immediate "No, I won't-- I promised myself I wouldn't" blue eyes gaze off towards the side of the room, falling on a painted black bookcase, the case surrounded by two large pots holding Makai Blood Ferns. "Besides that . . . my relationship with Ayame was simply for a heir"
"You care for her, and she loves you none the less" Sesshoumaru rests his elbows on the desk top, lacing his fingers together "--but that's not important, correct? You won't pursue Kagome"
"That's right" Kouga sends a steely gaze in the taiyoukai's direction. Sesshoumaru gives a small nod in affirmation, not acknowledging the look. He turns his attention back to his work
"Still, I suggest you distance yourself" he ends the conversation there.
Laughing Kagome catches the ball at her chest, sending a mock glare in her brother's direction, she bounces it back over his head
"hey! That's not fair!" he quickly turns to run after it, stopping suddenly as it goes over the courtyard stairs. Something suddenly hits her sensory wall
"Souta what's there?" She makes her way forward 'is it a demon that I sense? It feels so . . human, but at teh same time . . .'
"It's fine Kago-chan! It's a visitor" Her approach slows as a boy becomes visible over the stair landing. Souta smiles at the boy, getting a kind smile in return. The boy, about her own age by the looks of it, sports long red hair that catches slightly in light breeze. He's pretty, his school uniform the first thing tipping her off to his gender, his eyes a green unlike Shippo's.
"Hi! I'm Higurashi Souta welcome to our shrine!" the boy nods in lieu of a bow at Souta's own formal greeting, handing over their ball. A small smile graces his almost effeminate features.
"Thank you Souta-chan, it is a very nice shrine" Kagome reaches Souta and placing a hand on his shoulder, her eyes watching the boy, who turns his gaze to hers.
"Souta, why don't you go finish your homework, ne? I'll show our visitor around" the younger boy groans, pouting softly, but is sent off by a stern look from the young miko.
"Kagome Higurashi" Kagome bows shallowly
"Minamino Shuichi" the boy returns it just as something prickles at her shields, a surprised grunt excapes him and he straightens up in a quick and jerky move. An equally surprised gasps excapes her lips as she feels her power darting out towards the boy intent on reaching him 'Oh no!'
"Kagome-chan! Who's our visitor?" She swallows a pained hiss as a familiar aura surrounds her, pushing her power back into place.
'Shit, move!' Kurama quickly straightens as his probe is met with resistance, a sudden pain reaching him, he backs up slightly before remembering the steps. 'It's her power!' hearing her own gasp he tried to push the power back, pin pricks of pain shooting across his skin. His eyes close momentarily
'You never said it would hurt!' Youko pushes Shuichi's resistant presence forward
'What did you think, idiot!? She's a priestess, I'm a youkai! It won't tickle!' it suddenly stops. Kurama's eyes open, widening as they meet a familiar forest green. Shippo's smiling eyes gaze in his direction, his lanky form draped affectionately over the girls, like a protective big brother. The girl seemingly relieved and embarrassed.
'It's him! What is he doing here!?'
'This complicates things'
"Ah, I know you" the auburn haired teen grins "The boy from the stairwell, ne? Did you say hello to Yusuke-kun for me?" the girl, Kagome, looks up at the boy then back at Kurama
"You know Yusuke-san?" Kurama nods slowly, Shippo's position not changing
"Yes, I'm a friend" 'You're aware he stopped us from being purified correct?'
'It could have been an accident, he came to see who we were-- he could have run into the boy inside'
"Yusuke is Souta's friend as well" Kagome fidgets discreetly
"I see, I wasn't aware of that" 'You'd like that hnm? Your crush to be a 'normal boy'?'
"He's more of a big brother" Shippo adds "like me" he grins, his overlong canines showing
"Well, Yusuke has no siblings of his own, I guess it's not uncommon" Kagome smiles uncomfortably
'He's hardly a crush, and at the moment our compromised mission is more important'
'We'll simply have to come back, for now-- since I can admit wanting the boy, we'll have some fun'
"Ah, yes I suppose not" the girl fidgets again "By the way, did you come for the tour?"
"Actually" 'no tour' "I heard from a friend that Yusuke might be here, but I'm guessing he is not" Kurama gives a sheepish smile "I am sorry for interrupting your game" She shakes her head, dismissing it
"Kagome-chan, why don't you go practice, I'll walk Shuichi-kun to the gates" Shippo smiles, releasing the girl from his hold. She nods, a guilty look touching her face, before she excuses herself in a hurried fashion. Shippo makes sure she's out of sight before turning back to Kurama.
'Practice what I wonder?'
'It could be anything'
'Hopefully her control of her powers' Shuichi agrees silently
"So why did you really come?" the auburn haired boy moves away from the steps, inviting Kurama to do the same, he complies.
"I came looking for Yusuke-kun of course" Shippo stops, spinning on his heel and taking a step towards kurama. He clasps his hands behind his back, he leans forward slightly, a slow grin playing across his face.
"You're lying" he states this matter-of-factly
'Confident isn't he?' Youko's voice gains a familiar smirking tone
'Almost as much as yourself?'
'And why not? I have every reason to be'
'Hiei still hasn't found out anything about him'
'We know on our own a few things-- did you notice he gave us the name 'Shippo' even though student files say 'Takeshi Takeda'?'
'When did you--?'
'You were sleeping'
"And what gives you the right to make such an accusation?" Kurama's voice is carefully affronted. Shippo grins, straightening his posture
"You have a very obvious--but also very cute, face you make when you're thinking" Shippo chuckles "In this case, it was thinking of a lie" Kurama's face takes on a red tinge. The accuser looks pleased
'Ah, there it is again! That blush' Youko grins
"Don't think me so readable" Kurama crosses his arms carefully
"Oh I don't" the fox raises an eyebrow "actually you seem very skilled in being just the opposite, you're considerably . . .clever" Shippo cups his elbow, index finger extended as if to make a point "but also, you're apparently easily flustered when your around--me" the boy's own arms cross, his stance regal "totally understandable I assure you" he laughs
"Oh! Never have I met someone so cocky!" 'there you go, lying again' Youko chuckles
"No?" Shippo raises an eyebrow "are we counting Yusuke-kun?"
"Even him!" he gestures expansively, a small smirk carefully suppressed "so much bark" Shippo catches the smirk, his grin widening
"I'm not sure you're ready for my bite . . . Shuichin*" Kurama scoffs, ignoring the alteration of his name "You're sure that I'm not?" Shippo shrugs lightly
"You seemed very . . . timid in the stairwell before, ne? But now-- who knows" he gives an amused look. Kurama takes a step towards him
"You caught me by surprise is all, Shippo-kun" he emphasizes the suffix purposely, taking another step forward so that they are practically nose to nose
"Is that right?" Kurama gives a small sound in affirmation, tilting his head, lips parting slightly
"It won't happen again" He grins before pulling back, a satisfied smirk on his lips as the other boy seems to snap out of the temporary daze. "I'll be seeing you at school, yes?" he turns around heading for the steps. He throws a small wave over his shoulder "Until then"
'And that, is how it's done'
'Backseat driver'
Shuichin - Shuichin is a play on Shuichi's name, making it like a nickname or pet name. Changing a name like 'Kimura' to 'Kimurin' would do the same
tbc . . .
Give back to fanfiction authors. Review