InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Life And Living It ❯ Coversations With Stalkers ( Chapter 12 )
[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: The series Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho belong to their respective creators and related companies, I do not own them. No money is being made off of this fic. Any OC in this fic belong to me.
(A/N): I found myself thinking about the name of deviled eggs as I ate them today. My thinking came down to something like this: it seems like a devilish thing to do to scoop out some boiled eggs' insides, put them in a bowl, mix them up together(with other nice things) and spoon them back into the egg white-- even more so when you think of the boiled eggs as little roundish people. I now have a very gorey image in my head, and since I just watched CSI(which I don't own), this thought process: This seems like a very plausible release for a psychopath who was teased for being different but constantly told that everyone was the same on the inside. If everyone's the same on the inside it won't matter much if Sally has Paul's spleen and Jhonny's intestines, they can have her extras.
--On a note actually related to the story: I added a pic of Kurama's current state . . . It occurred to me, looking back at the pictures I have posted here, that I dislike drawing shirts on the characters.
Leaping from one of the park trees to the top of a building Hiei continues to trail the red-head walking casually below. After failing to locate him with his Jigan in previous attempt he'd decided to go the scenic route and trail the boy after school. He'd come to the park and simply sat under a large tree-- with his eyes closed, for an hour. He'd finally moved and was heading for what seemed like the lower income side of town, the side of town youkai hiding in the human realm seemed to hang out in. He makes a turn, verifying Hiei's suspicions of his destination. Where was the boy headed? Surely he didn't live in this area, his possessions and mannerisms indicated that much. Could it be that he was meeting someone? Was this boy mixed up with youkai, it would exsplain his cockiness. Humans who got into dealings with youkai often start feeling falsely confident or influential. The boy stops suddenly in a wide alley between two warehouses.
'A meeting place?' Hiei stops as well
"Why exactly is it that you're following me, hybrid?" The boy turns in Hiei's direction, his eyes finding his location immediately. Hiei's eyes widen a fraction, going on guard
'It's established that the boy is at least a gifted human' He doesn't answer the question 'What is he playing at . . .if he knew I was trailing him, why lead me here? To get away from the public eye?'
"Are you going to do this regularly?" the boy's voice comes again, it remains a normal speaking tone, hinting at the fact that he knew of youkai hearing "I was under your impression you only regularly trailed Shuichi-kun?" He takes a step in the hybrid's direction "Maybe you have a thing for red-heads?" there is a small laugh "but then there's Kazuma-kun, ne? Not your type?"
"You seem to enjoy hearing yourself speak" Hiei moves to stand on the edge of the structure
"Ah, so you finally respond" Shippo raises an eyebrow "Now that we've established that you are not mute, you never answered my first question"
"I don't intend to" Hiei's gaze doesn't waver, both pausing as someone makes their way past the alley, Shippo is the first to speak when the person is out of range
"Then I'm wasting my time here" he shrugs lightly, arms crossing "and so are you"
Shippo watches as youkai studies him intently. He wasn't going to give up that was certain, a youkai's element often said a lot about them. It was almost a sure thing with this particular hybrid being both fire and ice, two relentless forces of nature, that he had similar traits.
'If anything Reikai knows how to build a team' He once again catches his gaze, allowing a smirk to grace his features, before taking off towards the side of the building the hybrid was perched upon. Crimson eyes suddenly narrow, his hand going to his side, his eyes widen once again as the kitsune jumps landing on a third floor window sill
'Does he have a sword then?' he leaps the rest of the way up, using other sills as footing. The hybrid leaps back, sword drawn as Shippo lands on the flat surface of the roof
"Then you're not human" the kitsune shrugs, it really wasn't a question
"Was the third floor a bit much?" he gives a mock sheepish look "I do get carried away sometimes"
"What is your business with Kurama" the hybrid's sword remains raised
'This guy doesn't ask actual questions does he?' Shippo stuffs his hands into his pocket, his school bag still down in the alley
"What business of yours is my business with him?" Shippo steps forward, giving a satisfied 'hnm' when the youkai holds his ground "his scent is nearly non-existant on you, surely you are not involved" he crosses his arms again, his posture relaxed "why so interested . . . and put that thing away will you, I'm not going to attack you" The youkai scoffs, but chooses to sheath his sword, he leaves his hand at his side 'close as I'm going to get I suppose'.
"That is none of your concern, youkai" he steps forward "but this is my concern"
"Then is it you, hybrid, that I must go through to get to Youko?" red eyes narrow "I am aware of Youko Kurama's existence within the human boy, and I am not so blind as to be fooled by a simple glamour" Shippo gestures expansively "--when I am a master of illusions and spells. I know what I want" the kitsune steps forward "he wants me as well, have you not noticed? It's all a matter of who gets the other to submit first. I'm sure neither of us cares much who's where after that however" Shippo smirks.
Turning the page of the math book Kagome sighs, balancing a plum on her open palm, a slowly swirling barrier surrounding it. She was sitting outside once again, under the Goshinboku. She'd developed a favoring of the outdoors since she'd returned from the past, developing major bouts of cabin fever when she stayed inside too long. Despite all this she'd really had energy for lately was studying and training, she had to make herself run every morning to stay in shape, and she'd joined her school archery club to keep up her training in that area. Meeting up with Kouga hadn't done as much for this as she'd hoped, she hadn't called the number on the card he'd given her yet . . .maybe sometime soon. She'd also neglected to ask Shippo more about Sesshoumaru-sama and she hadn't gotten to actually see him yet, apparently he was even more important now than he was in the Sengoku Jidai, and a lot less . . . intense. According to Shippo, he'd even managed to acquire a mate not long after her disappearance. For a moment she wonders what kind of person . . .youkai, his mate was, before she directing her attention back to her work.
'I'm starting to get back into the groove of things, I can understand most of this now . . . though that shouldn't make me sad' she jots down a note on her notepad 'all I seemed to want when things got tough in the past was to have a normal life again, now that I have it, I can't stand it' There is a rustling in the tree above. Her hand closes around the plum and she moves quickly from the bench, on guard. A scroll falls harmlessly onto her open math book, coming to rest in the valley created by the pages.
'What the . . .?' she hesitantly reaches out with her power, a new and slightly shaky skill, feeling nothing threatening from the object. Her brow creases, her free hand going to her pocket, she tosses a yen coin at it and nothing.
'Where did this come from?' she steps forward, setting down her plum, taking the scroll. She unrolls it, her eyes scanning the page ' "Dear Miko Kagome, you have great potential, and great power that should not go untrained for it would be both a waste and a hazard. Come to my shrine and I shall train you personally. It is located--" ' she closes the scroll 'is this . . . from the miko Shippo said he would find for me? How else would she know my name?'
'Hn' Watching the girl pack up her things and head for the house Hiei moves from the large tree to one outside of the shrine ground. He mentally shakes off the strange feeling the tree was giving him.
[Kurama, it's done, she has it]
[Oh, thank you for doing this Hiei]
[Hn, you will repay me]
Goshinboku - The tree that Inuyasha was pinned to, that exists both in the Sengoku Jidai and in Kagome's time
tbc . . .
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(A/N): I found myself thinking about the name of deviled eggs as I ate them today. My thinking came down to something like this: it seems like a devilish thing to do to scoop out some boiled eggs' insides, put them in a bowl, mix them up together(with other nice things) and spoon them back into the egg white-- even more so when you think of the boiled eggs as little roundish people. I now have a very gorey image in my head, and since I just watched CSI(which I don't own), this thought process: This seems like a very plausible release for a psychopath who was teased for being different but constantly told that everyone was the same on the inside. If everyone's the same on the inside it won't matter much if Sally has Paul's spleen and Jhonny's intestines, they can have her extras.
--On a note actually related to the story: I added a pic of Kurama's current state . . . It occurred to me, looking back at the pictures I have posted here, that I dislike drawing shirts on the characters.
Leaping from one of the park trees to the top of a building Hiei continues to trail the red-head walking casually below. After failing to locate him with his Jigan in previous attempt he'd decided to go the scenic route and trail the boy after school. He'd come to the park and simply sat under a large tree-- with his eyes closed, for an hour. He'd finally moved and was heading for what seemed like the lower income side of town, the side of town youkai hiding in the human realm seemed to hang out in. He makes a turn, verifying Hiei's suspicions of his destination. Where was the boy headed? Surely he didn't live in this area, his possessions and mannerisms indicated that much. Could it be that he was meeting someone? Was this boy mixed up with youkai, it would exsplain his cockiness. Humans who got into dealings with youkai often start feeling falsely confident or influential. The boy stops suddenly in a wide alley between two warehouses.
'A meeting place?' Hiei stops as well
"Why exactly is it that you're following me, hybrid?" The boy turns in Hiei's direction, his eyes finding his location immediately. Hiei's eyes widen a fraction, going on guard
'It's established that the boy is at least a gifted human' He doesn't answer the question 'What is he playing at . . .if he knew I was trailing him, why lead me here? To get away from the public eye?'
"Are you going to do this regularly?" the boy's voice comes again, it remains a normal speaking tone, hinting at the fact that he knew of youkai hearing "I was under your impression you only regularly trailed Shuichi-kun?" He takes a step in the hybrid's direction "Maybe you have a thing for red-heads?" there is a small laugh "but then there's Kazuma-kun, ne? Not your type?"
"You seem to enjoy hearing yourself speak" Hiei moves to stand on the edge of the structure
"Ah, so you finally respond" Shippo raises an eyebrow "Now that we've established that you are not mute, you never answered my first question"
"I don't intend to" Hiei's gaze doesn't waver, both pausing as someone makes their way past the alley, Shippo is the first to speak when the person is out of range
"Then I'm wasting my time here" he shrugs lightly, arms crossing "and so are you"
Shippo watches as youkai studies him intently. He wasn't going to give up that was certain, a youkai's element often said a lot about them. It was almost a sure thing with this particular hybrid being both fire and ice, two relentless forces of nature, that he had similar traits.
'If anything Reikai knows how to build a team' He once again catches his gaze, allowing a smirk to grace his features, before taking off towards the side of the building the hybrid was perched upon. Crimson eyes suddenly narrow, his hand going to his side, his eyes widen once again as the kitsune jumps landing on a third floor window sill
'Does he have a sword then?' he leaps the rest of the way up, using other sills as footing. The hybrid leaps back, sword drawn as Shippo lands on the flat surface of the roof
"Then you're not human" the kitsune shrugs, it really wasn't a question
"Was the third floor a bit much?" he gives a mock sheepish look "I do get carried away sometimes"
"What is your business with Kurama" the hybrid's sword remains raised
'This guy doesn't ask actual questions does he?' Shippo stuffs his hands into his pocket, his school bag still down in the alley
"What business of yours is my business with him?" Shippo steps forward, giving a satisfied 'hnm' when the youkai holds his ground "his scent is nearly non-existant on you, surely you are not involved" he crosses his arms again, his posture relaxed "why so interested . . . and put that thing away will you, I'm not going to attack you" The youkai scoffs, but chooses to sheath his sword, he leaves his hand at his side 'close as I'm going to get I suppose'.
"That is none of your concern, youkai" he steps forward "but this is my concern"
"Then is it you, hybrid, that I must go through to get to Youko?" red eyes narrow "I am aware of Youko Kurama's existence within the human boy, and I am not so blind as to be fooled by a simple glamour" Shippo gestures expansively "--when I am a master of illusions and spells. I know what I want" the kitsune steps forward "he wants me as well, have you not noticed? It's all a matter of who gets the other to submit first. I'm sure neither of us cares much who's where after that however" Shippo smirks.
Turning the page of the math book Kagome sighs, balancing a plum on her open palm, a slowly swirling barrier surrounding it. She was sitting outside once again, under the Goshinboku. She'd developed a favoring of the outdoors since she'd returned from the past, developing major bouts of cabin fever when she stayed inside too long. Despite all this she'd really had energy for lately was studying and training, she had to make herself run every morning to stay in shape, and she'd joined her school archery club to keep up her training in that area. Meeting up with Kouga hadn't done as much for this as she'd hoped, she hadn't called the number on the card he'd given her yet . . .maybe sometime soon. She'd also neglected to ask Shippo more about Sesshoumaru-sama and she hadn't gotten to actually see him yet, apparently he was even more important now than he was in the Sengoku Jidai, and a lot less . . . intense. According to Shippo, he'd even managed to acquire a mate not long after her disappearance. For a moment she wonders what kind of person . . .youkai, his mate was, before she directing her attention back to her work.
'I'm starting to get back into the groove of things, I can understand most of this now . . . though that shouldn't make me sad' she jots down a note on her notepad 'all I seemed to want when things got tough in the past was to have a normal life again, now that I have it, I can't stand it' There is a rustling in the tree above. Her hand closes around the plum and she moves quickly from the bench, on guard. A scroll falls harmlessly onto her open math book, coming to rest in the valley created by the pages.
'What the . . .?' she hesitantly reaches out with her power, a new and slightly shaky skill, feeling nothing threatening from the object. Her brow creases, her free hand going to her pocket, she tosses a yen coin at it and nothing.
'Where did this come from?' she steps forward, setting down her plum, taking the scroll. She unrolls it, her eyes scanning the page ' "Dear Miko Kagome, you have great potential, and great power that should not go untrained for it would be both a waste and a hazard. Come to my shrine and I shall train you personally. It is located--" ' she closes the scroll 'is this . . . from the miko Shippo said he would find for me? How else would she know my name?'
'Hn' Watching the girl pack up her things and head for the house Hiei moves from the large tree to one outside of the shrine ground. He mentally shakes off the strange feeling the tree was giving him.
[Kurama, it's done, she has it]
[Oh, thank you for doing this Hiei]
[Hn, you will repay me]
Goshinboku - The tree that Inuyasha was pinned to, that exists both in the Sengoku Jidai and in Kagome's time
tbc . . .
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