InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mishaps In Motion ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mishaps in motion



DISCLAIMER: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. YuYu Hakusho belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi.


A/N: Now revised and even better. Thank you, BrokenSouledPoetess for being my beta.







All four young men looked around leisurely when they reached the top of the long flight of stairs, their expressions set in careful lines. A mild-mannered breeze blew through the area, helping to alleviate some of the humidity that still lingered in the air from the springtime rains the city had undergone. The shrine was old but for the most part well kept, with all the great beauty and simplicities of a classic place of worship, a testament to times long past.



A male voice brought them out of their silent inspection. “Ouch, shit! Dammit.” The voice came from around the back of one of the buildings which was, from the looks of it, the shrine keeper’s living quarters.



The spirit detectives exchanged looks before silently following the sound of the voice. When they came to the corner, they could hear what sounded like light scuffling and then even more muttered curses. Kurama raised his eyebrows, surprised at some of the words he could make out. Humans were usually more cautious of the words they spoke when on shrine grounds. ‘How odd’ he thought.



What they saw when they came around the corner was a young male hopping up and down on one foot rather clumsily, while the other foot was grasped tightly in both his hands. On the ground close to the man lay a hammer. Anyone with half a mind could guess what had happened. The man wore faded blue jeans and a short sleeved, plain black T-shirt. His black hair was kept in a short, shaggy style that fell around his face.



Kurama cleared his throat before speaking, trying not to chuckle at the startled look the young male cast their way. “Pardon us. Is this a bad time?”



Souta lowered his foot to the ground slowly, a heavy, embarrassed, blush staining his cheeks a vibrant red. “No, no, this isn’t a bad time at all, please forgive me. Is there something I can help you with?”



“Yes, we came to ask some questions about this shrine. Is the shrine keeper available perhaps?” They all noticed an immediate difference in the young man’s demeanor; it was as if a light had been turned off in the boys eyes. He looked defeated, lost.



“I’m sorry; you’ll have to come again at a later time. There is no active priest here at the moment but the shrine is that way if you would like to pray still.” Souta bent down to retrieve the hammer he had dropped on his foot just moments ago, the plywood covering the well house doors could wait for now. He suddenly did not feel like removing it any more. “If you will excuse me, there’s something I need to see to.”



Kurama sighed lightly, on to plan two. “Yes of course, we understand. But one more thing, if you could just look at this for me, please?”



Souta took no notice of how close the other man sounded, turning around without even thinking on it. He tensed as a fine, sweet smelling powder was blown into his face from the palm of the other man’s hand. “Wha . . .” blackness consumed him and the last thing he heard was the man apologizing to him.



Yusuke pointed to the young man Kurama had just caught in his arms, a frown marring his face. “Are you sure he’s the one Koenma’s looking for? I mean how can you tell? What if he’s not and you just knocked out some poor, innocent guy?”



Hiei snorted, “Look at his neck detective.”



There on Souta’s neck was a chain with what looked like a dull opal marble connected to it. “Oh, ok” Yusuke rubbed the back of his neck self consciously, “well I’ll just call Botan then so we can get this over with as soon as possible.”



A/N: Sorry this chapter was so short; the next one should be longer.

Now to answer some questions; First, yes, Hiei is going to play a very large part in this story. (he he he. Poor guy.) Secondly, to address the questions of “what Koenmas’ father did.” He lost his temper, consequently loosing a folder in the filling room he demolished. If you want anymore then that, you’ll have to read the story, just like everyone else. (Sneaky reviewers! Trying to get details before everyone else. ~, yes you! You know who you are~)

Over n out