InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mishaps In Motion ❯ Chapter 2

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mishaps in motion




DISCLAIMER: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. YuYu Hakusho belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi.


A/N: Now revised and even better. Thank you, BrokenSouledPoetess for being my beta.







Yuki na looked up from her sewing, curious at the loud laugh Kazuma let loose because of something Kurama had said. She was glad Kazuma was happy; it had just taken him a while to see that it would not be with her. He just was not her type; he was nice, there was no question of that, but he was too loud for her tastes. Him and Botan made the perfect couple; they were both very outgoing, optimistic, passionate people, who fought hard for the things they believed in and loved. Both had such a positive outlook on life and they deserved to be happy. A small sigh passed her lips when she glanced at her brother, would ether of them ever find their soul mates? She certainly hoped so.



She had been elated that Hiei finally admitted to being her brother over a year previous. It seemed to help mellow him out some and he was not as angry at the world anymore. Oh, he still had quite the temper on him but it was harder to set him off now. Even with having each other though, he still seemed very lonely and sad at times, as was she. There was just something missing in their lives.



Keiko’s voice brought her out of her depressing thoughts abruptly. “We knocked but no one answered. Sorry we’re late, the ultrasound took longer then we expected.” Yukina looked down at Keiko’s extended stomach, concern flashing in her eyes, “The baby was ok, right?” Keiko smiled kindly at her, before crossing her arms and glaring at her husband. “Oh yes, the baby is just fine. Yusuke, on the other hand, was not. He insisted that the doctor find out if we were having a boy or a girl, even when we agreed that it should be a surprise. Well we were there for an extra twenty minutes because he was too impatient to wait and find out what the sex of the baby was going to be. I still haven’t forgiven him for it yet ether.”



“Come on Keiko, I was just excited that’s all.” Yusuke pouted a little before sliding up next to her and wrapping his arms around her middle as best as he could. When he buried his face in her neck, she smiled, letting out a little giggle. “Yes, but you didn’t have to make a scene in the middle of the doctors office. And we did agree to wait to find out . . . but I guess I can forgive you since this is our first child and you really are excited.”



Everyone breathed a sigh of relief when Keiko let the incident go without much fight. It seemed that being pregnant agreed with her very well. “So, which are you having? A boy or a girl?” Kurama asked politely, curiosity gleaming in his emerald eyes. Yusuke smiled widely, already slipping into the part of a proud father with obvious enthusiasm. “It’s a boy.” Keiko rolled her eyes in exasperation. God, he made it sound as if he was the one solely responsible for their baby being a boy.



“Hn” Hiei held his hand out expectantly, his eyebrow rising at the surprised looks thrown his way by Yusuke and the girls.



Kurama sighed slightly before smiling good-naturedly and pulling out his billfold. Kuwabara could be heard grumbling even as he made the same motions. Both men placed twenty dollars, each, into the apparition’s hand, then put their billfolds away again.



Yusuke looked at all three of them in suspicion. “What was that about?” Kurama was the one to answer, “Oh that? That was just a friendly little bet. You see Kuwabara and myself thought you would be having a girl, while Hiei thought a boy would be more appropriate for you.” The red head smiled at him, a twinkle of mischief in his eyes.



Before anyone could speak more on the matter, a loud rumbling noise filled the air. Everyone present looked at Keiko’s stomach and she in turn blushed heavily. “Sorry, I’m famished. We had to skip lunch because of the doctor’s appointment.” She threw another pointed look at her husband, causing a pout to curl the man’s lips.



“Well I was waiting for everyone to get here before I started dinner. Shizuru won’t be attending because of work, but I’m sure Botan won’t mind if we start without her.” Kurama waited for any disagreements before heading into the kitchen. So far, this little house warming party was off to a good start. Of course, it helped matters that since Kuwabara had started dating Botan, and leaving Yukina alone in that aspect, Hiei and Kuwabara did not hold as much animosity toward one another.



This would be Hiei’s first real home and with his sister no less. As for himself, this would be his first home away from his mother. He wanted a good start for all of them in their shared living arrangement. The four-bedroom house was perfect for their needs, as it happened to be very spacious. It had a fenced in back yard that was perfect for his gardening. In addition, it was on the outskirts of Tokyo, which was fine with all three of them, but was best for Hiei, seeing as he was a very private person. But the best thing of all was that it gave the siblings a chance to do now what they where not allowed to do before; live together and learn what it was like to have a real family.



Kurama looked down at his hands in surprise, wondering when he had started cutting the vegetables for the stew. He must have been more lost in his thoughts then usual. He put the meat into the large pot, listening to the sounds of his friends banter from the other room with a small smile. When the meat started to sizzle, drowning out the sound of his friends, he stirred it up some. After adding some water, tomato sauce and seasonings to the meat, he then added the fresh vegetables he had just cut up, placed the lid on the pot and set it to simmer.



Kurama was just walking back into the living room when Botan popped into the room, literally. The woman looked stressed, to put it mildly. Kuwabara moved to her side quickly, worry evident in his facial expression and body movements. “Botan, honey what’s the matter, what happened?”



She smiled softly at him in return for his concern. “Koenma was very stressed-out today and you know when that happens, everyone else gets stressed too. He had to see his father today about something important.” She looked at everyone in the room a little sadly, sighing loudly before continuing. “And well, you guys have a mission. It’s different than normal though.”