InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mishaps In Motion ❯ 5 ( Chapter 5 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mishaps in motion




DISCLAIMER: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. YuYu Hakusho belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi.


A/N: Now revised and even better. Thank you, BrokenSouledPoetess for being my beta.





The Goddess of Present Fate held her right hand out to the boy lying on the couch, still sleeping peacefully. In slow motion, everyone watched as the necklace that rested innocently upon the young man’s collarbone unclasped itself and gently floated across the room to the goddess’s hand. The moment she touched it, power surged in the room, knocking the breath from the spirit detective’s lungs.


‘Holy hell! Is that coming from the goddess lady or that jewel thingy?’ Kuwabara gripped Botan’s hand a little tighter, pulling her slightly behind him out of reflex.


“You have done well in masking and protecting the jewel Souta. May you be blessed and take peace in the knowledge that you have protected those that could not protect themselves.” Firumena spoke quietly to the still slumbering boy, knowing it would reach him.


The jewel that was now glowing brightly flew from the deity’s hand, hovering in midair about two feet in front of her. All three goddesses started making intricate patterns in the air with their hands. As a bright glowing design started to form were they moved their hands and fingers, an unnatural wind swept through the office, blowing papers off of Koenma’s desk and whipping clothing around.


Koenma didn’t even seem to notice his papers rapidly disappearing from the top of his desk; his vision was completely centered on the three goddesses. He had never felt the Fate’s powers like this and would probably never feel its likeness again. This was a once in a lifetime opportunity and considering he was a god - even if he was only a minor one - that was saying something and he was determined not to miss anything.


When the goddesses spoke, their voices were more like disembodied echoes then that of their normal voices.


“As goddess of the past, I release you.” Arufa’s hands stopped moving, staying in the same position they had been in when she spoke her last word. The glowing symbol she had formed kept glowing brightly but seemed to waver in the unnatural wind that continued to blow things about the room.


“As goddess of the present, I embrace you.” The blonde’s hands also stopped moving and just like her sister before her, her symbol continued to glow. Firumena’s didn’t waver like her sister’s did though, instead pulsing regularly like a heartbeat.


“As goddess of the future, I await you.” Desutini’s hands did not stop right away as her sisters had. They continued moving in there hypnotic pattern for a good thirty seconds after she had finished speaking. When her hands finally stopped there movements, her glowing symbol appeared to repeatedly fragment and then become hole again.


A heavy fog swept into the room, concealing everything from sight. The fog was so thick that it hindered the demons senses, blocking sight and sound almost immediately, and its unnatural quality only further served to put them on edge. The wind that still rustled through the room, sending fog and papers spinning in an unknown dance, effectively incapacitated their hearing. Everyone that did not know exactly what was happening felt their bodies tense in preparation, ready for anything that could come there way from such abnormal occurrences.


A blinding flash of light reflected off the fog, casting an almost rainbow effect through out the room for just a few seconds before everything came to a standstill. The wind stopped blowing, almost as suddenly as it had began, bringing a death like silence to the room. With the noise suffocated in such a way, the quiet was almost deafening and the detectives shifted uneasily on their feet.


The mystical fog that had blanketed the room was now dissipating just as fast as it had appeared.


All four members of Koenma’s team had slipped into defensive positions with their bodies, ready for anything. Kuwabara was the first to straighten back up to his normal height. “What was that?”


No one answered him, not knowing the answer themselves.


Botan gasped aloud from her position huddled behind Kazuma, drawing the attention of all the men grouped in front of her. She was shocked beyond belief by what caught her eyes when she finally dared to open them. The men followed her line of sight and were also quite surprised.


There behind Botan was what appeared to be a giant black hairball. However, upon closer examination, the hairball turned out to be two women. From what they could make out, though it was hard because of all the hair being in the way, was that one of the women was in a fetal position, while the other woman had her arm wrapped around the first one, spooning her tightly. Possessively. It looked as if they were lovers.


All the men in the room were getting quite the view - with the exception of Kuwabara who, of course, closed his eyes upon finding out the huge hair ball was actually two women wrapped in their own extremely long hair, each other, and nothing else.