InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mishaps In Motion ❯ 6 ( Chapter 6 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mishaps in motion





Disclaimer: I do not own any part of Inuyasha, Yu Yu Hakusho, the music band (The Calling and their song, Your Hope), or the music band (Cold and their song, When Angels Fly Away).


A/N: Now revised and even better. Thank you, BrokenSouledPoetess for being my beta.



Your Hope; When Angels Fly Away.


Five hundred and fifteen years prior.


‘Blood, blood everywhere.’ Kagome could feel her heart hammering in her chest, each heavy thud sounding deafening in her ears. She was going to die. They were all going to die. A hollow, mirthless laugh bubbled up out of her before she could stop it and she bit her tongue to cut the disturbing noise off as quickly as she could. She couldn’t lose it now; there were still things that needed completing.


When your hope is lost
When your hope is fading...


Everyone that could was fighting; what was left of her friends, the villagers, everyone. Gods, there was so much blood, too much. Naraku, sick bastard that he was, had decided to attack Kaede’s village while they had been out trying to find his manipulative ass or rumors of the shards they were always on the lookout for. The well had been destroyed, probably before the village had even come under attack. She could still feel the tears lingering on her cheeks, the suppressed sobs burning her lungs.


What would you do if you had
Just one little pill in your hand
That changed around all you could be
That helped you forget what you're seen
If all you ever wanted, was to let go...


(There are so many things that we just don't know about)


Inuyasha had raced from the clearing that housed the well to the village without a word to her, most likely smelling the blood that already heavily tainted the air and earth in the village. The rest of them had followed after him as fast as they were capable of. Sango, seeing the tears leaking from her eyes, had pulled her up onto Kirara’s back with her. No one said a word, silently following Inuyasha’s retreating back with their hearts in their throats.


When your hope is lost and you can't take it
Now you're come too far, to let them break it


Pandemonium. That was the only word for the sight that greeted them. Half the villagers had already been slaughtered, Kaede being one of the unfortunate. Inuyasha had jumped right into the fight against Naraku as was to be expected. Death threats and taunting was exchanged, along with bodily harm whenever it could be slipped in.


You think it would be all right
To live someone else's life
Trust what you already have
Cause once you fall in, you can't turn back
If all you ever wanted, was to let go...


(I think we all knows what it's like to feel alone)


One by one, their small group joined the fight. After having dropped Shippo and the shaken miko off a safe distance from the fighting, both Sango and Miroku joined Inuyasha in trying to defeat the dark half-demon once and for all.


When your hope is lost and you can't take it
Now you're come too far, to let them break it


Kagome and Shippo both watched in fear as their small group started loosing ground in the fight. Their friends might have been able to hold their own if Naraku hadn’t called in his minions and the never-ending hoards of demons always at his disposal. Hiding as usual behind others and letting them do his dirty work. Coward.


You've got to throw those thoughts away
Before you make a big mistake
You've lost control, been thrown off track
But now it's time, to take it back, take it back
You have to want to
You have to want to...


(There are so many things)


Fear gripped Kagome’s heart tightly. Her vision took on a surreal quality, like time had slowed down, noise fading to the background until all she could hear was the blood rushing in her head, sounding like a volcano erupting. She looked around in a daze, suddenly feeling very out of place.


When your hope is lost and you can't take it
Now you're come too far, to let them break it


She watched as one of the women from the village cried, clutching a bloody child to her bosom, screaming to the sky, yet she still could not hear anything over the roaring of her own blood in her ears. An explosion behind the woman and child, off to the left of the village, sent dirt and rock flying into the air. A man, backing away from one of the many demons under Naraku’s control in fear, was impaled with a piece of wood sent flying from the explosion. The demon looked for his next intended victim, no thought whatsoever of the man now lying on the ground, his life trickling out in rivers of red.


When your hope is lost
When your hope is fading
When your hope is lost…


She knew what she had to do. The madness needed to stop. There was too much blood. She felt numb, and tired. . . So tired of the fighting and the blood and the death. Nevertheless, before there could be peace, more blood would have to be shed. She started walking closer to the fighting, where she knew she needed to be. Her hearing was still failing her, which was just fine with her, she did not want to hear and see all the suffering going on around her. She didn’t even hear Shippo calling her name, urging her to come back to where he was hiding in the tree line on the edge of the village.


When your hope is lost
When your hope is fading
When your hope is lost…


Once she was within firing distance, she started instinctively shooting her arrows at any demon under Naraku’s control she could see. Usually she would feel bad about killing, even if it were a demon in Naraku’s arsenal. This time though . . . She new there was something different with her, almost wrong, but at the same time so very right and she found she didn’t care, could not feel anything but the numbness that had settled into her very soul.


When your hope is lost
When your hope is fading


She was drawing closer to Naraku’s position, could clearly see the strain on Inuyasha’s face. Horror and fear replaced the strain on his face when he looked over his most hated enemy’s shoulder, only to catch her eyes. Time seemed to stop altogether. In those seconds, they could clearly read the emotions in each other’s eyes, the love, the pain, anything and everything that was usually buried too deep to identify. Both understood where they stood with the other. Time started again.


Naraku swept Inuyasha to the side with one of his many tentacles, knocking him off his feet. Once that was taken care of one of the larger demons under the bastard’s control stepped forward, pinning Inuyasha to the ground with his foot. Inuyasha raged, trying without success to gain release. Naraku turned his body, looking at her, his eyes telling her he had been aware the whole time of her proximity to himself.


-I'll make a soldiers decision to fly away
Load my gun, paint my face, call me misery
I can see the sky light up and the ground explode
Got my sights locked in I can see you breathe
Then I watched you fall and somebody scream
Its the saddest thing when angels fly away-


Naraku’s grip was painfully tight, his breath against her cheek stale and ragged. He lifted her up off her feet, turned both their bodies so she could see Inuyasha and Inuyasha likewise could see her. Sick bastard was still trying to play mind games with them. He wrapped his arms around her pinning her arms to her sides. With his mind set on what he thought was his impending victory, he didn’t seem to notice her total lack of struggle.


-I cant be home tonight, I'll make it back its alright
No one could ever love me half as good as you-


When her eyes caught Inuyasha’s and held again, he stopped struggling, the fight seeming to go right out of him. There was a quiet understanding passed between the two of them. She felt a sense of peace blanket her, tranquility settling over her mind and quieting the raging pain in her soul.


-Gotta badge for my scars just the other day
Wore it proud for the sake of my sanity
I could see the flames burn bright from the windin road

Like a haunting page from our history
Watched a young girl cry and her mother scream
Its the saddest thing when angels fly away-


“Goodbye my friends. Please forgive me.” Her whispered plea carried on the wind, traveling farther then should have been possible.


-I cant be home tonight, I'll make it back its alright
No one could ever love me half as good as you

half as good as you

If you cant be strong tonight, love makes you sad its alright
No one could ever worry half as good as you
half as good as you-


‘I wish to help Midoriko, right all the wrongs created by the jewel in this era.’

“Find happiness my friends, my love.”


-I cant be home tonight, I'll make it back its alright
No one could ever love me half as good as you

If you cant be strong tonight, love makes you sad its alright
No one could ever worry half as good as you-


A bright flash of light signaled the passage of one time traveling miko and one evil half-demon.


Once the light faded a small village could be seen and on the outskirts of that village played a group of children. A heavily pregnant woman, carrying a woven basket from the village herb-garden back to her hut, called out, “Kikyo come in now. We need to start dinner. Your father will be home soon.” One of the children in the group stepped out, running towards the pregnant woman, a smile lighting her whole face. “Coming momma!”


“Wait!” a slightly older boy, one with long silver hair and dog ears, also stepped out of the group of children, a blush darkening his cheeks. “Will you be out again later? My mom said I could go to the river later. . . And well.” He dropped his gaze, choosing instead to look at his bare-feet, hiding his flush behind his hair.


Kikyo’s smile brightened even more, her eyes sparkling in joy. “I’d go anywhere with you Inuyasha.” Then she was running to catch up with her mother, her bubbling laughter reaching back to the stunned half-demon’s ears.


A grin tugged at his lips. Kikyo was so funny sometimes.