InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mishaps In Motion ❯ 7 ( Chapter 7 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

Mishaps in Motion


DISCLAIMER: Inuyasha belongs to Rumiko Takahashi. YuYu Hakusho belongs to Yoshihiro Togashi.


A/N: Now revised and even better. Thank you, BrokenSouledPoetess for being my beta.




Koenma started stuttering the minute he took his eyes off the rippling figures of the goddesses, placing them on the two, not one but two, women who were currently locked in a compromising position on his office floor. “Wha . . . Wha . . . What is this?!” He looked back to where the three goddesses had once stood, only to see they had faded completely.


He looked to the ceiling instead, stomping his foot once for good measure before speaking (yelling), in a high pitched voice that completely compromised the fact that he was in his teenage form. “You didn’t say there was going to be two! . . . And you certainly didn’t say anything about them being . . . Being . . . Naked!!”


The disembodied voice of one of the goddesses, presumably the goddess of the present, reached his ears.


“Surely you didn’t believe we would only remove one of the two?”


When Koenma did not answer, she continued, her voice sounding quite a bit stricter then before. “Do not be foolish Koenma, we are not your father.” There was a momentary lapse in silence before she continued once again. “And as for them being without clothing, most beings are born in that manner . . . Even if it is a rebirth. Take care of it, if it bothers you so.”


Koenma swallowed hard when his eyes traveled back to the two naked women. ‘At least their hair covers some of their . . . Yeah.’ That thought didn’t comfort him all that much, considering all one of them had to do was move and they’d be . . . Not so covered anymore. Someone cleared their throat, pulling him from his thoughts.


“Care to explain Koenma?” Even while speaking Kurama’s eyes were still riveted to the two naked women on the floor. In fact, the whole group was staring at them . . .


Koenma never suspected his team was a bunch of perverts . . . Though, with the fox and hybrid it was hard to tell anything, them having such private lives and all. But damn! Even Kuwabara and Botan were staring now, though . . . both their faces were covered in a dark scarlet blush . . .


Koenma scratched the back of his head, puzzled. If they were that embarrassed, why did they not just look away? He looked closer at the whole group, studying them one by one. It struck him suddenly, like a punch in the back of the head. His whole team was on guard, their stances conveying their unease.


Damn . . . . He needed to defuse this potential situation as fast as possible. Even if he didn’t know who one of the girls was, these girls had obviously been through enough, they didn’t need his team scaring the daylights out of them, subsequently bringing the wrath of the fates down upon him too. His father was doing enough of that for the both of them!


He walked forward with every intention of helping the girls on the floor as much as he possibly could, thus relaxing his team some. Hopefully.


He had just stepped past the half-circle his team had formed around the girls when he was stopped in his tracks. He sucked his breath in sharply at what he saw . . . It wasn’t possible. How could this be? “Is this some kind of joke?” Koenma’s voice was unnerved. He had never dealt with anything of this nature before.


The smaller girl, the one in the back with her arm wrapped around the waist of the longer woman, suddenly opened her eyes, looking strait at him, seeing he was closest to the pair. The teenage ruler gulped, taking a hasty step back. This was definitely no joke. And if it was, someone had a sick sense of humor.


Hiei had placed his hand on the hilt of his sword the moment he had felt the throb of energy from the women, followed closely by the sound of two more strong heartbeats sounding out in the room. He didn’t care what kind of mistake Koenma’s idiot father made. He would not risk dying for some stupid god’s mess up.


He ignored Koenma’s ranting behind him, choosing instead to keep his eyes on the two females in front of him. He did listen for an answer when Kurama asked the diminutive ruler to explain but no answer was forthcoming from the demigod.


Hiei was half tempted to roll his ruby colored eyes at the demigod when he strolled up, right in front of the team, going straight for the two girls. Who was he to stop Koenma if he wanted to go through the trouble of having to replace his teenage form?


His eyes narrowed on the godling’s back when he stopped suddenly, sucking air past his pacifier quickly. Damn. Wasn’t that just his luck? He really had been hoping to watch the miniature ruler have to replace his body.


Yeah . . . . Apparently, he still had some small hang-ups with being under Koenma’s employment. Oh well, he’d get over them eventually . . . Maybe.


The smallest flicker of movement from the girls’ direction had him moving his eyes back to them immediately. His hand tightened on the hilt of his sword when he once again took in the desirable sight they made. Shit, it really would be a shame to have to destroy ether of the two.


Even if his tastes didn’t run towards humans . . . The one was still pleasant enough to look at . . . For a human anyway.


The other one though . . . She was more then beautiful . . . She, on the other hand, also happened to be more then human, which was exactly why he had his hand on the hilt of his sword.


The way her hair looked like black, flowing liquid metal, struck him as almost odd. He had never seen hair like hers before, and considering he was a demon, and had seen more species of demons then he could count, that was saying something. It actually had a black, wet looking, metallic sheen to it.


Her eyes surprised him a little, looking a lot like her hair did only more liquid with a heavier metallic sheen to them. That wasn’t what surprised him though, what surprised him was the fact that her eyes were completely black with no white in them to speak of whatsoever.


Koenma took a step back from the now wide-awake girl. When he did, the light from behind them shifted, reflecting off the girls eyes quickly, making them shine red for but a moment, before reverting back to there “natural” black coloring. ‘Nice trick of the lighting’ Hiei thought to himself with an inward smirk.


Didn’t matter though . . . Even if the female was striking it would not save her from his wrath should she try something stupid towards himself or one of his teammates. The demigod on the other hand . . . Well he’d have to think on that one. It might even take him a few minutes to do so . . .


“What the fuck Koenma? You said one innocent! Well there’s obviously two girls here, and one of them look’s pretty damn demonic to me . . . So clearly its not her . . .” Yusuke glared out the corner of his eye at the diminutive ruler before quickly looking back to the female who was now looking at him with her creepy eyes. “Do you even know what the hell’s going on here?”


Koenma heaved a heavy sigh of relief now that the female was no longer staring at him. “Yes . . . well . . . . I know parts of it, though evidently I wasn’t informed of everything.” Koenma almost squeaked aloud when the girl’s eyes once again landed heavily on him. ‘Sheesh, her eyes could give Hiei’s a run for the money in the scary department!’ Koenma thought nervously.


Everyone held his or her breath when the girl started to move, pulling herself up slowly. Once she was standing, all could see she was even shorter then Hiei and not the least bit modest about being nude in front of strangers. She stepped over the prone form of the other woman, placing herself in front, closest to them, and then dropped into a slightly defensive position.