InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Missing pieces ❯ Figuring Things Out ( Chapter 6 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hellloooo Mina ^^ I'm excited that I'm able to start updating again, my muse is working with me for once lol. I'm pretty giddy about this chapter. It decides the final relationship prospects for Keiko and Yusuke who has kinda been having a rocky time it's a bit slow but very good. . Again I'm suuuuper sorry about not updating and all but all four stories will have updates to them soon :3 So as always my dear fellow readers…. WHO I LOVE !
Dazzling rays of sunlight shined wonderfully and it was a beautiful day to be outside. She walked the streets in time with her companion. The two of them truly enjoying each other's company, which for her was something she hadn't done in so long. Keiko couldn't remember the last time she shared common hobbies with another male, especially one who shared the same aspirations in life as she did. It was nice, and she was growing addicted to the normality that was being offered to her since it was severely lacking in her everyday life.
*Yusuke, why can't you be more like this? * She thought to herself. The girl had always wished the detective would be more kind and gentile. In all the years she'd known him Keiko never really saw that side of him much. There were moments between the two of them where he would be gentile with her, but it never happened often and never openly. He was always so rough and unpolished. Then it comes to the one thing she really wanted, he wouldn't budge. She couldn't understand how his job was so important when they could have a peaceful happy life.
Keiko knew it her heart however that unless her life was in danger, Yusuke would never give up the job of a spirit detective. That left a small ache in her heart, when she thought more on it. To her it just wasn't fair. She loved Yusuke, she really did. So was it wrong of her to want him to be safe? To leave the dangerous life behind for the safety of the family they may have in the future? She didn't think so at least.
“Keiko?” he questioned, she looked up startled into almond colored eyes. “Oh Houjo! Sorry, I spaced out again didn't I” she asked, thoroughly embarrassed at her lack of attention to her guest. Houjo laughed and brushed it off. “Don't worry about it. It's fine honestly. It just means that you have a lot on your mind.” He told her. She smiled at his thoughtfulness. *Yusuke would never say anything like that. * She thought sadly. There were so many traits Houjo possessed that she wished Yusuke would act on with her. However…that wasn't who Yusuke was.
“So Keiko, how did that last test go for you? You have exams coming soon right?” He asked, taking her hand to lead her on a walk. She blushed at the contact, but continued to let him guide her. “Y-Yeah. I-It went pretty ok. I didn't score as high as I would have liked but I'm pretty satisfied with what I did. Next time I'll study harder!” she said with determination. Houjo looked at her with warm eyes, holding her hand a little firmer. “We'll both do better next time. Heh, I didn't really do as well as I wanted on mine either.” He admitted sheepishly.
Keiko laughed, her brown eyes sparkling with mirth. “Well we'll just have to increase our study sessions.” She said when the two of them turned the corner. It still amazed her just how at ease she felt with him. Even the aspect of them holding hands, just felt…natural. “So what do you plan to do after you've graduated?” Houjo asked casually. Keiko startled by the question faltered a bit in her stepping. “Ano…I. Well, I want to see the world. Maybe go to America or the UK. I want to travel. I also want a family as well.” She told him honestly. “Really? That's amazing Yukimora - San. I want to see the world as well. Go to Egypt, India, Ireland all the great places in the world.” He said dreamily, gazing at the clouds.
Keiko giggled. “After all this time you still slip up. Please, call me Keiko. We're friends aren't we?” She teased playfully. “Hai, Hai. Gomen, Keiko - Chan.” He corrected, leading the two of them to the park. “So what about yourself? Any kids or family life in your future?” she asked. “Well, I would like to have a family. I want two boys and a girl, or two of each.” He mused. “I bet you would be a great dad.” She grinned. “Oh? Why do you say that?” he asked grinning curiously. “Well you becoming a pediatrician. You wouldn't have become one if you didn't have a care or love for children.” She said confidently.
Houjo smiled, lifting his hand to run the pad of his thumb across the smooth expanse of her cheek. “Keiko, you truly are something special you know that?” he said gently holding her gaze. In that moment it seemed if time itself had stopped. The two of them saw nothing but each other. They were connected, suddenly pulled together by the force of gravity, the distance becoming smaller with every second. When Houjo's lips were but a mere inch from her own, Keiko turned away. “Gomen nasai.” she whispered softly.
The inside of Keiko's head had never felt so chaotic. There was a part inside her that longed for her to continue and have his lips touch hers, but what boggled her was why? Why would she want Houjo to kiss her when she was with Yusuke? That was one factor she couldn't understand. She was happy with her boyfriend wasn't she? Realizing the situation she quickly turned her attention back to her friend. “Gomen ne, Houjo - Kun. It's not right to do this.” She said awkwardly.
Houjo smiled and bowed. “It is I who is sorry Keiko - Chan. I should have had better control of my actions. However this does reinforce what I've thought for some time now. Ah, but that's a story for a later day.” He said to her. Keiko looked at him with eyes full of confusion, wondering the meaning of his words. “I believe I will leave things here for today.” He told her, leaning in to give her a hug. “Call me when you get home so I know you've made it all right. Otherwise I'll worry.” Houjo told her warmly before departing. “Ja ne!” he called to her while Keiko somehow managed to wave.
Her feet moved automatically on the familiar path, which lead home. *Why do I feel this way? * She asked herself. What happened with Houjo replayed constantly within her mind and left her with so many questions. She had Yusuke so why would she want to kiss him? She thought about the man in question, all the time that they've spent together. All of it such enjoyable time that she happily shared with him, which led her to think of Houjo himself. Keiko thought of his dreams, aspirations, goals, and hunger for life and a family. All the things she prided herself in as well. It was then something clicked and she paused, realization dawning upon her.
“I…I like Houjo.” She said in awe, completely dazzled at the fact. She liked him, the more she thought on it the clearer she could see. He had the makings of being a fine boyfriend and so much more, she could see it so clearly. It was only natural she should be drawn to him in that light. He was everything her ideal partner would be. Her thoughts turned to Yusuke. He was someone special but she knew that if they hadn't grown up together they more then likely wouldn't have dated. Yusuke was the complete opposite of Houjo, their relationship starting more from a sense of comfort from knowing each other for so long rather then having common interest and such. Also Keiko was drawn to the fact that he was her protector. “We come from two very different worlds.” She said to her self sadly. She couldn't help the heaviness that rested in her chest when she thought on that. However she wondered … she wondered if maybe the relationship could still work despite all the conflicts they've been having.
“I want to see him.” she whispered to herself. She needed to see Yusuke. Seeing him and spending time with him would put everything into perspective. Thinking on that it made sense, the two hardily spent time together. Keiko wondered when the last time she saw her boyfriend was. She had spent so much time with Houjo lately until Yusuke became an after thought. *A date. * She thought, resuming her walk to her intended destination. She would hold all of her current thoughts. Keiko would not make any final decisions until she had the chance to spend quality time with Yusuke. “Yusuke.” She sighed, walking down the sun filled path to home.
A groggy voice groaned, snuggling into the warm figure in front of him. He couldn't remember a time when he felt so…relaxed, so free. *I could stay here. * He thought to himself, basking in the limbo of sleep and awakeness. It felt like he was floating on cloud nine, he just felt so free. It was then his cautiousness kept nagging at him to fully join the realm of the living. “Just can't fuckin enjoy it can you?” He mumbled to his mind, slowly opening weary eyes. His eyes opened fully when he saw tresses of red hair in his view. “Huh?” he mumbled. Trying to shake the sleep from his mind Yusuke lifted himself slightly and saw he and Kurama naked as the day they were born.
The toushin looked down to see the avatar sleeping contently in the crook of his arm. It was then the full memory of last night came crashing over him. “Shit.” He sighed leaning back against the pillow. He fully remembered now. Last night while it was experimental honestly, had been amazing. He never imagined being with a male or more specifically with the Kitsune could be so pleasurable. He thought about it, and he wasn't really attracted to guys. He didn't like any of `em like that really. However there was something about Kurama that after that one incident with Youko changed everything.
“But I like Kagome.” He thought aloud. There was a pull and an attraction to the blue-eyed miko that had a fire in his blood. While he had an attraction for the avatar, everything within him yearned for the odd vixen. “What the fuck to do.” He mumbled in thought. He groaned when he felt the Kitsune shift; it was then he noticed that his manhood was still buried deep within the fox. “Damn it, I gotta get that out.” He thought aloud attempting to slowly extract himself. Normally this would have worked fine, however said Kitsune was against having said item extracted and suddenly clenched up to prevent the spirit detective from moving. Yusuke hissed at the avatar's unknowingly dirty actions. “Fucking Kurama.” He growled, trying to fight the want in driving himself inside and waking the slumbering Kitsune a different way. Sadly it seemed that the toushin wouldn't be able to remove himself with waking his companion. Yusuke shifted trying to fight the arousing sensations and gazed at the ceiling, sighing in defeat.
The boy couldn't help the nervous feeling that threatened to consume him from what he'd done. He wondered if maybe it was a mistake and that their relationship would change. Yusuke was completely unsure of the fox's feelings for him and if he even had feelings for him. He wondered if the avatar would want him to leave Keiko and forget about Kagome. He chuckled at that. He didn't think Kurama would want that of him, though he knew that Kitsune's were very possessive of what they deemed as theirs. Honestly he didn't know what to think of that. “So you attempted to sneak out with me unaware did you?” Came a smooth velvet voice.
Yusuke's eyes widened in surprise when the supposed sleeping figured released his manhood and rolled over to look at him with mischievous green eyes. “Y-You mean you did that shit on purpose? You were awake?” He asked in disbelief while Kurama laughed. Yusuke punched him in the arm. “You ass.” He growled at the still laughing Kitsune. The fox smiled giving a very innocent look. “Yes I know I'm sitting on it. You however thoroughly enjoyed mine very much last night if I recall correctly.” He mused, chuckling once again at the detectives blush. *He really can be quite cute. * The fox thought to himself grinning. “In all seriousness Yusuke, we do need to talk about that.” He sighed, Yusuke nodding in agreement. “Sure.” He said.
Kurama stretched, wincing slightly from the action, sitting upright while propped with a bunch if pillows. “So what did you think of your experience with me?” he asked, amused by the sudden increasing redness on the boy's cheeks. “Really Yusuke. After what you did to me I don't think you have a reason to be shy anymore.” He said bluntly, trying to ease the other's tension. The dark haired man chuckled sheepishly then sighed, running a hand through his dark tresses. “Shit, ya always gotta make things fuckin complicated.” He said, resituating. “To tell you the truth Kurama, last night was incredible for me. I never knew that being with you like that would be so much fun. On the other hand it's weird because I don't like guys. I've looked at all these fuckers here ningen and youkai and you are the only bastard who's caught my attention that way since the incident with Youko. When that happened something I guess changed and I can't figure out why.” he sighed, his lips forming in a frown.
“I know that I love girls.” he continued. “ Because there's still nothing sexier to me then a woman's body. Then there's Kagome. Kurama I don't know what it is, but there's this feeling that I get from her that's unlike anything I've ever felt. I mean last night was awesome and I enjoyed it immensely, but…there's just something about Kagome that…I dunno.” He sighed flopping down on the bed. Kurama leaned over with his head resting on the detective's shoulder. “Yusuke, it's fine. Really. Kagome is indeed special and I do understand what you mean when it comes to her because I feel the same way. I don't mind being the one you have an attraction for and you need to realize that regardless of what happened, you're still my friend just like I am yours. What happened between us doesn't change that.” He told the toushin sincerely.
“How do you feel?” Kurama asked. Yusuke thought on that. How did he feel? He never thought that he would have had sex with his best friend. Granted next time he knew to be more careful when he drank sake, but still. He wasn't sure if this was what he wanted, but he couldn't deny feeling closer to his friend. As if there was a better understand. “I feel like I get you more, closer, but I still have a strong attracting to Kagome. And Keiko, oh shit Keiko!” he said, alarm filling his voice. “I…” he paused, unable to finish the statement, he knew, he had been unfaithful. “Yusuke, whatever it is you're thinking isn't so.” He said to his friend. “There was no temptation, this was merely an experiment. You know the youkai laws, and our ways have always been different from ningens. Yusuke what we did was not an act against Keiko; you're the most loyal person I know. So please my friend. Clear your conscious.” He asked, when brown eyes looked at him in wonder.
“You're giving me all these questions, but what about you? What's your take on everything?” he asked. The red head was silent for sometime before responding. “Well, Yusuke you are I believe the best fuck I've had in a long time.” He said when the detective took on a cocky grin. “Please understand that you are the second male that has been given the rare pleasure of topping me. Feel privileged.” He mused, smirking to himself at the detective's expression. “While it was enjoyable, it doesn't really change you and me and I still plan on pursuing Kagome also.” He told him. “Now come Yusuke, you have a date to plan for ne?” he said smiling. The tentai smiled also and the two of them spent the remainder of the day planning the outings for Keiko and Kagome. On his way home the detective was nervous. Yusuke knew, whatever it was that took place between him and the two girls, would change everything.
She sighed, snuggling into her favorite pillow. *Oh days of sleeping how I have missed thee. * She thought enjoying the sleepy feeling that covered her. That is…until her blanket suddenly ripped away from her, exposing her half dressed form to the cold. “Wah?” she mumbled, half asleep looking around for the cause until she found…Hiei. “The fuck?” she mumbled, rubbing her eyes to make sure she was fully awake. Realizing she was, a scowl adorned her face, glaring at the hybrid. “What the hell do you think you're doing?” she hissed.
Hiei narrowed his eyes. “You will learn how to speak onna.” He snapped, her eyes filling with liquid furry. “I will speak however the hell I WANT!” she shouted. “I am going back to sleep, so go crawl back under whatever rock you came from.” She spat, snatching her cover from the floor and wrapping back within it angrily. Hiei grabbed the end of the fabric once again and ripped it off, consuming it within flames. “MY BLANKET YOU BASTARD!” she shrieked, jumping to stand on the bed. It was then she realized what her attire consisted of: a pair of low cut, sheer, black underwear and a thin blue tank. “GET OUT!” she screamed, hitting him with a wave of pure energy that sent him sailing out the door.
Kagome pulled on a pair of pants and a sports bra quickly to wear under her tank. She was livid. She ripped the door open, hunting for the little youkai who woke her. “Hiei!” she yelled, calling for him. “You need to work on how you awaken onna.” He growled, thoroughly unpleased. “What the hell is up with you?” she snapped. The hiyoukai dangerously narrowed his eyes in warning. “I am here miko to see about your training. On the night of Halloween you agreed. It seems however your ningen mind has forgotten. Get ready. I will be waiting outside.” He informed, before instantly departing.
Kagome groaned, slumping against the wall. Why? Why couldn't she sleep like a normal person? The miko looked back into her room at the charred fabric. “I think this training may be a good idea after all.” she said softly, thinking of all the ways she could pay back the colored impaired punk for burning her favorite blanket. Kagome dressed into her favorite royal blue pants with a black tank. She looked into her closet and chuckled at how most of it was fighting and training gear. Sending a wave of magic to her blanket to reform it, she walked out and to the grounds. It was time to teach a little hiyoukai a lesson.
Hiei was found resting in a tree when he saw her. Landing on the ground to meet the girl he silently inspected her while she came to meet him. All in all he found her muscle tone to be decent and her body seemed fit enough to handle the work they would do today. He remembered the battle he witnessed when she fought the thing named Yanka. She indeed had skill and was far more capable then any ningen he'd seen. However to a youkai like himself, her skills were a bit below the bar. The moment she came within five feet of him he crouched low. “Show me.” Were the only words he said before he attacked.
Blades crashed against each other without mercy, the two sword wielders intent on being the victor of the match. “Is this all you have, miko?” Hiei snarled, slashing his katana catching her on her side. Kagome hissed, drawing back, holding her newly developed injury. “Oh I can give you more.” Kagome cooed dangerously. In a flash, she darted at the hybrid slashing violently, every strike more lethal then the next.
To any onlooker it would seem as if the two were out for blood. And to the way the two of them were fighting, death it seemed was inevitable. “Take this!” Kagome yelled slamming the flat end of her blade into his back, sending him face first into a rather heavy oak tree. She was more then fed up. First he woke her early, then he burned her favorite blanket, and now he was trying to turn her into a pincushion! “Oh hell no buddy, no more nice miko.” She said darkly, filling the piece of steel with a small trace of her powers.
Hiei yanked himself from the tree violently spitting out a stream of blood, clearly stating the distaste he had for his current situation. He knew the girl was strong, but he didn't think that she'd be able to stand on almost equal footing. *My sword skills are still superior. * He thought bitterly, preparing for his next attack. Instantly on guard, Kagome flew at him with breathtaking speed. The blunt of her blade, crashed toward his skull, to which he narrowly avoided. Bringing up the hilt, he pounded it into her midriff, sending her flying into the nearest trunk of a tree, watching with satisfaction while she burst through two trees before finally sliding down to the ground.
“I have won.” He stated, walking towards her crumpled form. Hiei looked down at the girl who glared angrily in hid direction. “I could have won.” She mumbled softly. She felt like a freight train had just given her a crushing hug. *At least now I get to sleep. * She thought idly, faintly closing her eyes, until he began speaking again. “I will admit. You skills for a ningen are indeed impressive.” He told her.
Kagome blinked. Did he really just give her a compliment? Even thought they nearly just killed each other? He truly didn't know how close he came to being purified. “Well of course. Had I been fully awake it would have been you slumped on the floor.” She said in annoyance. “Don't misunderstand.” Hiei said crossly. “Your skills are indeed great for a ningen. They surpass any ability in a human that I have ever seen. However, when compared to Youkai? Your skills are lacking. So be ready. Our training will continue.” He told her, darting away before she could even blink. “Damn runt!” she screamed, grumbling while she stood and staggered to her house.
“Ah, this is more like it.” She sighed contently. Kagome was currently lounging in an orchid scented bath to ease the abuse Hiei inflicted on her body with his `training.' “Friggin sadist.” She mumbled stretching within the pampering liquid. She closed her eyes and sunk down thinking on the current changes her life had made. So many things happened to her within the time she returned home. A package and letter from Shippo, the meeting of three youkai and two of them gaining their friendship, the incident with Houjo, and the fight they had against that odd being on Halloween. Kagome thought things like that would have ended here. She never thought that she would have run into more Youkai in her time. She truly thought they had died out or some other countermeasure to keep their existence from other humans.
Kagome thought on the two youkai who were now at some point during the day always on her mind. *I wonder what their doing. * She wondered. She knew that Yusuke was having some issues with Keiko and truly held concern for her friend and hoped he could fix his relationship. There was also Kurama…he was such a mystery to her, one that she truly felt the need to figure out. There was also another odd factor. Ever since they all came within contact of each other, the sexual dreams had stopped. That was something she couldn't think of an explanation for if she wanted. *Why did we need to come together? * She thought absently.
Then…there was Hiei. She didn't know what to make of him. In a lot of ways he painfully reminded her of Inuyasha. Kagome wondered if he even had anyone who loved him or if he knew what love even was. A part of her wanted strongly to get past those walls and barriers that kept people away so she could get to know the real him. The true person he kept hidden inside. She wondered if anyone really tried to get to now the odd youkai. He seemed so lonely, but damn if he wasn't an infuriating little firebug. “Next time I'll squash you.” She growled, thinking of her previously charred comforter.
There was another thought that constantly came to mind when she thought particularly on two of her youkai friends. She wondered how the two demons made their way into the ningenkai. What was their story? What was their journey? Kagome wondered especially in the terms of Kurama. She could tell that the fox held a history filled past and briefly wondered how old he truly was. “Bah, no good will come contemplating like this.” She sighed, slipping beneath the line of the water to clear her thoughts. Little did the miko know, certain youkai were all wondering about her past as well.
Yusuke walked the path to his home his nerves more then on edge. He had left Kurama's house not too long ago after a wells spent day in planning and also rummaging his well stocked fridge for food. The occurrences of the previous night dealt with and talked about thoroughly. Also the plans on him concerning the two girls were swiftly strategized on and planned. He however, couldn't help the nervousness that filled his system. *C'mon you gotta buck up here. * He told himself in an attempt to calm his nerves, which were working very poorly. The growing feeling inside however did not budge and only got worse as more time went by.
The boy sighed, walking into his battered apartment. He looked around and found his mother apparently hadn't been home. “Guess another guy got lucky tonight.” He said bitterly, heading off into his room. Yusuke crashed against his bed, gazing at his ceiling when his clock caught his attention. It was only 6:30. *Shit, it's earlier then I thought. * He realized, rolling over to his side. He thought on Keiko. He loved her. He knew he did. The two of them had been through so much, but it scared him also to think that it could all come falling to an end. At the same time he could not deny what he felt for Kagome. It boiled deep within him like lava in his blood and only grew stronger each time he spent with the temping tenshi. She called out to his soul and it yearned to answer back.
“Man this is a lotta shit.” He sighed, thinking over the strategies Kurama helped him with. He appreciated it, but at the same time he wanted to do things his way. Glancing at the clock again, he picked up his cell and held it. *Maybe we can do something tonight…or tomorrow. * He thought. It wouldn't be odd if he asked. It'd been way over a week since he saw her last saw her and the last time he called her on the phone…. Well with a lot of help from her and some sake that night led him into Kurama's bed. Sitting up he held the device in his hand and flipped it open. *Ok, I'm gonna call her. It's not like I can't. I am her freakin boyfriend for cryin out loud. * He thought with irritation, when his phone rang. Surprised he answered.
“Hello? Keiko?” He asked, seeing her number as the incoming call.
“Hi Yusuke.” She said.
“Hey yourself. Um, how are you?” He asked awkwardly.
“Good. Studying as usual. Anything new?” Keiko asked
“Um…uh…N-Nothing worth repeating.” He stammered.
“Oh. Ok Yusuke.” She replied.
“Well I was actually gonna call you when you buzzed me.” Yusuke told her suddenly breaking the silence.
“Oh?” She responded.
“Yeah, well it's been a while since I've seen you, ya know?” Yusuke said.
“I know. You stay away too long.” She replied accusingly.
“I stay away? What do you mean I stay away?” he asked.
“You're always gone! With a mission, slacking off, or whatever. You never spend time with me Yusuke!” she yelled.
“Bullshit! The reason I never spend time with you is because all of a sudden your ass is never home!” He rumbled.
“Oh, don't you dare try and pin this on me!” she snapped.
“Well if your ass it at home then fuckin call me! I can't know you have free time if your not spending it with me.” He growled.
“Yusuke your impossible!” she cried.
“Damnit look. I don't want to fight ok? I was gonna call because I want to take you out.” He sighed. He hated arguing with her.
“Oh.” That was the only word she said.
“Keiko look, are you free tonight or tomorrow? I do want to spend time with you. Onegai?” he asked.
“O-Ok Yusuke. Tonight's not good so tomorrow. Pick me up at seven. Goodbye.” She ended with a click.
Yusuke could only stare at the electrical device in his hand. Twice. It had happened twice now. Both times on the phone she hadn't even said anything to indicate she had any warming emotion for him. “Do you even fucking care?” he asked the phone. All that met him was silence. Didn't she know that he was trying? So much he did for her and she never acknowledged hardily any of it. “Don't think like that. You have a date with your girl. It's time to work your magic.” He scolded himself, spending the rest of the evening laying out clothes, working on his date and then finally heading to bed.
She turned to the side again, snuggled deep within her pearl colored blanket. “Brain can't you quiet down tonight?” she asked in vain. She rolled on her back and gazed into the nothingness. So many thought flittered through her mind, and most of them centered on one person. Houjo. Keiko sighed, laying an arm over her eyes. *I wonder what' he's doing. * She thought, drawing up one of her legs. Ever since they had that almost kiss her mind betrayed her. Thinking of what it would be like to date him, kiss him, marry him, have kids with him. He seemed so perfect and it scared her.
To her he was beautiful. His looks were so clean and refined, his personality such a kind and gentile soul with a small hit of playful mischievousness. Houjo had such a caring nature and she could feel her heart respond to that. Keiko had Yusuke though. Her and Yusuke went through so much; she had even brought him back to life with her kiss and her kiss alone. That was something truly special between the two indeed. Not only that but Keiko knew him since she was a child.
Her and Yusuke held so much history, and it saddened her to think that it might all be fading away. Then to top it off Houjo said a vague statement that might mean he's attracted to her! “How could he like me?” she thought to herself, turning to gaze out the window. Then there was the phone call today. She had gone and called Yusuke because she figured the two needed to go on an outing. Keiko didn't think it would have turned into a war zone. It was strange to her; the two of them use to be able to talk to freely…now everything was awkward and strained.
The two of them were fighting so much lately. It was one thing or another and she could hardily remember the times they spent together when they weren't arguing. She knew where his time was spent. If he didn't have a mission, he was either with Kurama, that girl she saw him with, or both. Just how she was now spending all of her time with Houjo, and she couldn't really complain. “Ugh, why does this have to be so complex?” she grumbled. Keiko pulled the covers over her frame and snuggled within their warmth. *Tomorrow. * She thought, slowly drifting away. Tomorrow was the day she had to spent time with Yusuke. Her boyfriend. She would let the time she spent with him tomorrow reveal to her the path she needed to take. Everything would come to the surface tomorrow.
He awoke thinking of his blue-eyed vixen. She had been on his mind increasingly lately, especially after the incident that happened the other night. ~To which I will never forgive you! ~ A voice howled in his mind. ~Really is that necessary? ~ He countered. It was much to early to deal with such a squabble. ~Could it be that you're jealous Youko? ~ He asked. Instantly he felt the anger of his counterpart. Yep that's exactly what it was. ~Like I would be jealous of a ningen! It's merely a shame that I was unable to show him the true talent of a Kitsune. What you did was an embarrassment. ~ He growled.
Kurama sighed, rubbing his temple. ~Well Youko you never know. There may be a repeat performance and you can be the star. ~ He said sardonically. His other self growled and turned away “Silent treatment.” He mused, splaying a hand over his face. “Kagome.” He sighed. The woman was a mystery that he yet had the chance to solve. So many things he wondered about her. How did she really grow to learn about youkai? Why is she so comfortable with them? How did she learn to hone her power? Had she ever taken a lover? Well, he knew the answer to that one. He could smell it. ~You aren't the only one who wants to know her. ~ Youko said quietly.
That caught Kurama by surprise. ~What do you want of her? ~ Kurama asked, curious on the silver's true intentions for the woman. He could see the fox flicking his tail in irritation. ~I want to see her! You get to touch her, interact with her, and have her get to know you. I can only sit back and watch through your human eyes because you wont let me out. ~ He said angrily. ~She's an amazing creature and should we come to love her we could make her ours! ~ Youko said intently. ~You mean as a real mate? Youko are you sure you want that from her? ~ Kurama asked hesitantly. ~You know also why you can't see her. Even demons themselves have a hard time understanding us…I don't want to take any chances of where we can be hurt. ~ Kurama sighed. ~ Your hesitation isolates me …I'm tired of being alone. ~ The fox said softly, fading into the back of their mind.
Kurama groaned, grabbing a fistful of scarlet locks. He had never suspected that the fox spirit would truly care. He merely thought his pursuit for the girl had been purely conquest. He thought about it, and could honestly say that he was lonely. He'd never given much thought to taking a girl for real. No normal ningen woman could understand what they were or any of that; also Kurama didn't want to lie about who he really was. Whatever mortal he claimed would only know him as Minnamino Suuichi, never as Kurama, the Kitsune avatar who was the host of two souls.
The avatar got off the bed and proceeded to his bathroom where he took in his rugged appearance. *Ugh, I really need to clean up. * He thought. No good would come seeing Kagome like this. He thought on the girl again, unlike most she wasn't a normal human and she held relations with youkai freely. She knew what he and Yusuke were yet she never held it as important. “Ok, Kurama. It's time to sink or swim.” He said to himself. The more he thought about it, the more he knew that Youko was right. Kagome was more then just some girl to him. Some force brought them together and he'd be damned if he came all this way to walk off with nothing. While he valued his friendship with the girl, he couldn't deny the growing feeling of wanting more.
~OK Youko. You win; I too am tired of being alone. ~ He admitted quietly. ~I know. I feel it in you as well as I do myself. However I want her to know me. ~ The spirit declared, Kurama sighed heavily. He really didn't want to get into that just yet, but it was fair. She needed to know exactly what he was…what they both were. ~Fine Youko. As much as it displeases me, for your sake I will tell her all about us and truly stake a claim on the girl. I want her as well. ~ He said, turning his attention to the prepping and cleaning of their body. ~It's about damn time you came around! ~ The fox yelled. ~But what about Hiei? Don't forget that he was in those special dreams as well. While I'm fine with Yusuke, we need to see if he holds an interest in her as well. ~ Youko pointed out. Kurama sighed, stepping out of his shower to head to the clothes he preset that were waiting in his room. “Well, then we'll just have to question him.” Kurama said, dressing quickly to find his color voided friend.
The fox found his friend perched high in a tree. Leaning against its side, he looked across at a field full of playing children. “Hello Hiei.” He said, gazing at the distance. “Hn.” Was the only reply Kurama received. ~What do you want fox? ~ Hiei asked, full of irritation. ~I know you have something on your mind. ~ He added. “I do.” Kurama admitted. “I want to know if due to the dreams you've had of the girl, if you have any interest in Kagome.” Kurama said quietly. ~Fox, your jokes these past five hundred years have gotten poorer. ~ Hiei said in much distaste.
Kurama was silent for some time. “We have decided to officially pursue her.” He said quietly. ~You and Youko? ~ He asked, Kurama could mentally see the surprised expression the hybrid wore. “Yes Hiei, both of us. We tire of being alone. We feel that she may truly work for us and accept us.” He said. ~The onna is ningen. You will outlive your own mate. ~ Hiei reminded, he couldn't believe the fox would willingly pursue a ningen. “Then I will enjoy the time I have with her while I can. However, I want to make sure that you have no desire for the girl. If you do it's fine, I just wish to know who all the players are.” The fox rolled of smoothly.
Him? It was absurd to even think it. Hiei couldn't understand why Yusuke and Kurama were fixated on the girl. He had to admit to himself that he had indeed grown a certain amount of respect for her. She was a fine fighter and her skill was nearly on par with his own. He never thought a human could hold that much power and he couldn't help but wonder at times how she acquired it since she was young. *She may be beautiful, but she will die. I have no need to become fixated on someone who will one day leave me. * The hybrid though scowling, then quickly turned his attention back to the fox.
Hiei scoffed. ~You can do whatever you like with the onna. I have no desire for a mate who is weak and has a short life span. The girl has no idea what life is truly like. I have no interest in such a childish onna. ~ He told the fox gruffly. “Very well Hiei. Know however that I will not forget your words.” He noted, waving goodbye before departing. ~You don't have to worry Youko. He has no interest so we can openly and freely pursue her. ~ He told the fox within his head, who preened with glee. ~Well then go to her! ~ He said excitedly, on the verge of bouncing up and down. So off Kurama went, after all, they had a blue-eyed Tenshi to see.
He stood there with a towel around his waist staring at his reflection. “Tonight's the night.” He told himself, trying to ease some of his nerves. A glance at the clock told him it was 6:15. *Almost time. * He thought, slowly making his way to the closet to pick something to wear. He had gone over everything the night before but found himself second-guessing his choices again. The spirit detective sighed, Yusuke thought on how to plan the night long and hard. He decided that the best thing to do would be to let her have control of the evening. Since he knew that she liked more uppity things, he knew he had to dress up a bit in more than just jeans and a shirt.
He shuffled through his closet, sighing angrily at the fact he was still having problems with his clothing. “It shouldn't be this fuckin difficult,” he swore, when something caught his eye. Digging on the floor in the corner of his closet, Yusuke unearthed a soft black dress shirt. He pulled it out for better inspection and found dazzling intricate silver designs on the back and sleeves, which were long with bright silver buttons on the cuffs. “Where the hell have you been?” He wondered, grinning at the newly found shirt he was wearing that night.
Finally figuring out an ensemble, he pulled on his semi baggy black khaki pants with a royal blue sleeveless shirt. Yusuke grabbed the black and silver shirt and pulled it on buttoning it up, leaving a few at the top undone so you could see a peek of blue. Pulling on a silver chain and matching hoop, he looked himself over. All in all he thought he looked pretty awesome. “Hey good lookin.” He said to himself, smiling widely at his appearance.
Yusuke looked at the clock again and saw it read 6:35. He would have to leave soon and pick up Keiko. A sigh left him, thinking of the girl in question. He wondered if tonight would be worth the effort he was pulling or if there would be another fight. The toushin thought back on their past and saw that in all four years nothing had really changed. Keiko was still the same studious, up tight girl, so what happened? It was then he found his answer. He was the one who had changed. In all his dealings with the Rekai his life had widely and greatly changed. Not only that but all of the experiences he went through changed him as a person as well.
He knew he could never be a normal human. Heck, he wasn't even human to begin with. “Keiko.” He sighed, rubbing his face. “Will you be the one to be my mate?” he thought aloud, picking up his keys to head for the door. That was something he wanted for so long, someone to call his and love him unconditionally. He knew that whomever he was with would have to know the secret side of him, the part of him that was so fully submerged into the dealings of youkai he could never get out. Sadly there weren't many human girls who could deal with that and youkai women while beautiful he couldn't trust them not to kill him. He thought briefly on Kagome. The girl lifted his heart and made him feel so free. Nothing he did was wrong and he could feel an understanding in her he hadn't felt in anyone. Not even Keiko. He pushed that thought from his mind. *No, I'm focusing on Keiko tonight and no one else. * He told himself, full of determination and headed out the door.
Yusuke arrived in Keiko's driveway at 6:55. Instead of honking like usual, he went and rang the doorbell. His eyes widened when the door opened. There she stood dressed in a soft silky lavender strappy summer dress that ended just above her knees. Pink dazzling sakura petals covered the dress with a thin pink ribbon pulling around right under her bust. Silver flower pins decorated her currently curly hair, and silver accessories covered or dangled on her neck, wrist, ears, and ankle. He looked down at the matching heels she wore and whistled. He'd never seen her look so good. “Keiko…You look amazing.” He told her honestly, a pretty pink blush graced her cheeks.
“Arigato Yusuke, you look great as well.” She told him when he took her arm and led her to the car. “So where are we going?” she asked, strapped into the vehicle. “Well, I thought we could go wherever you want. Tonight you control the show.” He told her, her eyes widening in surprise. “Really Yusuke? Everything?” She asked in awe. The detective chuckled at her reaction. “Yes Keiko. We will go where ever you want to go.” He told her. A shy smile played on her lips while she thought. *This is amazing; Yusuke's never let me choose much on a date before. Where to go…. * She thought to herself, when it struck her. “I want to go to the Kabuki Theater.” She said to him.
Yusuke raised a brow, cranking up the car. “K-Kabuki? Are you sure?” he asked hesitantly, wondering if maybe letting her pick was a good idea after all. “Yes I am. I want to see it. I haven't seen one in such a long time and we're dressed for the occasion so why not?” she said, glancing at the structures racing past them. *You said it, so no way you can take it back now. * He thought to himself sadly. Letting out a sigh he gave a defeated nod. “As you wish. Kabuki.” He said bitterly, while she laughed. “Aww c'mon Yusuke. You might even like it.” she said enthusiastically, the two going to the destination of his companion's choice.
If he didn't know it then he damn well sure knew it now. It was a mistake to let her control anything. He sat there struggling to stay conscious, his date glued to the performance with tears running down her face. *How can she like this shit? * He wondered, pissed to the fact that he paid 30 bucks a ticket to see men dressed in drag and bad makeup. He looked up in time to see one of the end songs between the two leads end in a kiss. “Aw bloody hell.” He whispered, shutting his eyes. Granted he had no reason to complain as a few nights ago…*Not going to go there! * He thought quickly pushing the thought from his mind. There was no point going back down that road, besides it wasn't that he liked guys, just for some strange paranormal reason he held an attraction to Kurama. Go figure.
Turning his attention to his date, he watched her stand and clap vigorously. Looking around noticing everyone else was also, Yusuke turned his attention to the stage and saw that the cast was lined against the curtain and bowing. “Yes, it's over!” He said excitedly, standing to clap with the others, thankful that his torture ended swiftly. “Yusuke! It was so…beautiful!” Keiko gushed, the tears still streaming. Unsure of what to say, Yusuke nodded while ushering her along the isles to exit the building.
Returning to the car, he revved the engine, flying full speed ahead, eager to forget the show. “So where to now oh queen?” he asked, playfully. She grinned and gazed out the window. “I am somewhat hungry. Would food be ok?” she asked. She could hardily believe it. It was actually turning out to be a good night! Seeing him like this cast him in a whole new light in her eyes. It made her see that it was possible for him to be the prince she always wanted. *Yusuke. * She thought, smiling. If he could only be like this more of the time things would be perfect.
The dark haired boy rubbed his chin, thinking on the offer. Food to him sounded grand. “Food it is. I know just where to go.” He said eagerly, speeding down the highway…much to Keiko's disappointment. Twenty minutes later, the two pulled into the drive of the restaurant. Keiko looked around and saw it was unfamiliar. Stepping out of the car she turned to him. “Yusuke, what is this place?” she asked. He smiled and took her arm. “It's an American diner.” He told her, leading the girl through the door. “American?” she said, hesitantly. This wasn't what she had a taste for at all, but they were already there and through the door.
The two of them sat in their booth, and already sent an order for their drinks. Keiko looked around. “It's…cute.” She commented. Yusuke grinned. “I've come here for a long time. They have the best burgers you could ever find. Way better than any of that fast food crap.” He said, chugging into his now delivered coke. “Really.” Keiko said politely, sipping from her diet lemon tea. “So tell me, didn't you love it? Kabuki Theater is so amazing!” she said happily, looking to him expectantly. The detective scratched the back of his head in thought. “Keiko, I'm happy you enjoyed it but that's just something that's definitely not for me. Honestly, I couldn't wait for it to end. It nearly made me comatose.” He said, leaning back.
“Yusuke! How could you not like such a lovely performance? You need to take better appreciation in your culture. It's historic! For ages we have performed such things like Kabuki for the masses. You need to be a bit more cultured.” She said with disappointment. “Keiko look, I don't need to-.” He started, cut off by the arrival of their waitress. “Hello! What can I get for you two?” She asked politely. “I want the beefy deluxe with fries.” Yusuke said, not even looking at the menu. “Hmm…I'll have the Gyro with a Chicken salad.” Keiko finally decided.
Their orders placed, an unsettling silence covered the table. Keiko's eyes glued to the window, looking out into the darkness. “Keiko, look I'm sorry if you're disappointed but that's just not me. You already know that you and I have never liked the same things and we've never had the same interest. Those kinds of things just aren't me. It's all you; I'm not that kind of guy and never will be. I'm just me.” He told her. “Your right Yusuke, You are just you.” She said flatly, turning to look at him. “What do you mean by that?” He asked defensively. “This is how you'll always be won't you? You'll never change.” She whispered softly. “Now look he-.” Yusuke began, effectively cut off by the arrival of their food. The former conversation forgotten.
“Mmmm soooo good.” He sighed thoroughly enjoying the contents of the plate in front of him. “I have to agree Yusuke, this is good.” She added, taking another bite from her Gyro. The food was definitely far better then she thought it would be. He looked at the food on her plate. “Are you going to order more food?” he asked. She looked at him confused. “Why would I do that?” She questioned. “You hardly have anything there. A Gyro and a Salad, and they aren't even that big. None of that's gonna stick to your stomach and you'll be hungry later.” He told her, digging into his fries.
“I don't eat like you do Yusuke. I'm a GIRL remember? Food affects me differently then you.” She grumbled, suddenly disinterested in her dinner. “Well I just want to make sure you're well fed, that's all. If anything your too thin as it is. It wouldn't hurt to gain about fifteen or so.” He said, munching on a single fry thinking of what she would look like filled out. Doing the only thing she felt she could do, Keiko kicked him under the table. Hard. “Ow, what the fuck did you do that for?” he hissed angrily. “Yusuke you cow, how dare you talk to me that way.” She spat. “How the fuck did I talk to you, I just said you could eat more, damn I didn't know that was a friggin crime.” He yelled. “I'm a woman you ape. Do you have any idea how hard it is for me to watch my figure? No you don't. You can just stuff your face and never gain a pound. Don't EVER tell me to gain weight again you bastard.” She hissed, full of anger.
It was like watching a scene from a horror movie. *What the bloody fuck? * HE thought, looking at the girl across him glare. He had to think of a way to save the night. He didn't go through this much trouble just to have it end on a bad note. “Look Keiko, I'm sorry. I didn't realize that talking about that would upset you so. I never knew you felt that way about it and I'm sorry. To me no matter how you look you'll always be beautiful.” He told her, smiling gently. Felling the anger ebb away a small smile slipped on her face. “Thank you Yusuke.” She said, grinning softly. Feeling playful, Keiko smirked and threw a piece of lettuce at him. “Well watch it buddy.” She teased grinning, the two enjoying the now pleasant feeling; glad to be rid of the tension. Polishing off the last of his burger, Yusuke held Keiko's gaze. “So, I hear you have a new friend. The guy who answered your phone right?” he asked, downing the rest of his beverage.
Keiko jumped a bit in surprise, dropping her fork on the table with a loud clack. “Um, uh, yeah I-I do.” She said quickly, setting the utensil on her plate. “So, tell me about him.” He asked, propping himself in the corner so he could look at her. She didn't know why Yusuke's questions about Houjo were making her so jittery and nervous. *Relax Keiko. * She told herself. She almost felt the need to lie, but that would have meant she did something wrong and she didn't…did she? “Well, his name is Houjo. He's studying to be a pediatrician. He's smart, bright, kind, sweet, wonderful and…a very…dear friend to me.” She said softly, a small smile gracing her face, gazing off to the distance.
Yusuke froze. He knew that look that she had in her eyes and he also knew they weren't fixed on him at all. That was the look she held in her eyes when she first began to realize she loved him. *You've gotta be fuckin kidding me. * He thought angrily. He really wondered if his jerk was putting the moves on his girl. *Wait, Keiko isn't the cheating type so there's no need to worry,” * he said to himself, trying in vain to gain some type of reassurance, but he'd be lying if he said it didn't hurt. Those words hit him hard. *Fucking bastard. * He thought angrily. He brought himself back to where he was and looked at her. *What's the point anymore? * He thought to himself. No longer were those eyes for him and him alone. They were lost to him and given to someone else.
*Kagome wouldn't want you to get all heated up like this. * He thought and sighed. She would definitely freak on him if he lost it in the middle of the date and imagined the scolding he would get. Chuckling, he ran a hand through his hair, which he noticed was becoming a bit long. “Well Keiko, I'm glad that you have a friend you care about.” He said quietly, giving her a smile that didn't quite reach his eyes. He didn't know why but at that moment even though she was right across the table she felt miles and miles away and out of reach. Like a star, something you could see but never reach or touch.
Yusuke exhaled deeply, flagging down their waitress for a last minute order. One last attempt couldn't hurt right? He didn't know why but the longer the silence lasted at their little table; the more it hurt in his chest. Like a dark sinking feeling taking all the air with it leaving an ache. Why did it hurt him? “Do you even see me?” he mumbled looking at the way her hair framed her face. Tonight she truly was beautiful yet her eyes no longer lingered on him but through the window. Her thoughts turned to someone that wasn't him.
Unable to deal with it he excused himself, walked quickly to the front, and sighed. He leaned heavily on the wall, looking up to see his waitress. Running a hand through his hair again he approached her. “Excuse me miss?” he asked, watching her turn around quickly. “OH! Hello, did I forget something for you?” she asked, rinsing off a dirty tray. “No you didn't um…I'm not quite sure how to say this but, how do I look to you?” he asked, awkwardly. Her eyes grew wide at his question and immediately he regretted. “Sorry, probably was pretty stupid of me. Forget I asked.” He said, walking away.
“Wait!” she called, looking his way. “It just caught me off guard. To tell you the truth, you're the most gorgeous guy I've ever seen. You look good enough to eat and if your single I'd love to take you home.” She grinned, giving him a wink. Yusuke laughed, smiling back. “I appreciate it. It's just my girl and me well we're having issues. She hates my work. I work for a protection agency. I took her out tonight to try and work things out but it seems I'm just not doing anything right. I was just thinking maybe I just don't look good to her or I just don't look right dressed like this.” He said, looking over to where his date was currently sitting alone.
“Awww, don't say that.” The waitress said. “I'm sure you're a great boyfriend and hell if she doesn't want you I'll take you.” She said, causing him to laugh. “Thank you I really appreciate that.” The detective said. “We'll I speak from observation. You never know, she could just be on her rag?” the attendant said. “I think it might be a guy. Not really sure.” He said very much in thought. “Well don't worry and I'm Yuzu.” She said, smiling. “Well wish me luck oh and make sure the shake is strawberry. She loves strawberries. Thanks Yuzu-San” Yusuke added, walking back over to take his seat.
He paused at the scene he saw. There were two punks hitting on his girl and he could evidently see the distress in her face. “So pretty, why don't you hang out with me and my friend here?” the first guy asked. Keiko looked between the two nervously. “N-No thank you. I'm with someone.” She said quickly. “But sweetheart, all we see is you. If it were me I'd never leave someone like you alone at all.” The other guy grinned at her. “T-That's very kind, but if your smart you'll leave. He has a heck of a temper.” She said bravely. “Oh? A Tough guy eh? I heard about those types. They don't treat their women well at all. Don't worry we'll save you.” He chuckled at her, taking hold of her wrist and pulling her up. “Ah, Houjo!” she cried, cringing into a ball. She was so scared. Keiko's normal wit had failed her. She didn't know why but she knew that these men were dangerous and it terrified her. She was just so scared.
“Hey you assholes, what the fuck do you think your doing with my girl?” Yusuke growled approaching the scene. “Oh are you this Houjo kid she was calling for?” one of them snickered taking him in. That caused our hero to pause. He couldn't believe that she has just called for some punk who wasn't even there ,when she should have been calling for him. She was dating him wasn't she? “If you don't let her go, it wont be pretty. Trust me I don't have the patience for this.” He warned them. “Well I think she likes it with us don't you?” One of the two cackled gripping her wrist harder. “Yusuke.” Keiko called to him with pleading eyes.
“Yusuke? I thought your mans name was Houjo?” one of them said paling some. “You-your not Urameshi Yusuke are you?” the other asked nervously. The detective gave them a heated glare. “The one and only you shit stains.” He sneered. “You have to the count of three before I rearrange your face.” He said darkly. “One.” He began. Apparently not that bright, the two pushed Keiko back into her seat and charged him. “You can't take two on one.” One of them cried. With two swift hits, the punks were down and twitching. “Dumb fucks.” He mumbled, kicking them to the door. He looked and saw Keiko looking in disbelief sitting all alone.
“Hey.” He said, sitting down. “Hello Yusuke.” She told him, looking at him. “Thank you so much.” She told him, reaching for his hand. “Well what else was I going to do? You are my girlfriend you know.” He smiled at her, however the smile wasn't real and she didn't notice that. Keiko looked him over. In all honestly he was handsome tonight. The best she'd ever seen him look, but she couldn't help but compare him to Houjo the entire night. *Why do things feel so different? * She thought to herself. It almost felt like she was out with a stranger, instead of her boyfriend. *What is happening to us Yusuke? * She wondered. She knew she wasn't completely playing her part. Yusuke was trying and she saw that, also he was her savior. *I need to try to. * She thought.
“Yusuke, I'm sorry.” She said quietly. “I haven't really been the best date tonight have I?” she asked, a wry smile on her lips. “I just have had so much going on you just wouldn't believe. School is hectic, the business my family owns is growing and…just a lot of things.” She said, thinking about Houjo. “It's fine. Just don't space out on me anymore.” He said, grinning at her. In that moment Yusuke felt the distance between them grow smaller and his heart a little lighter. “You know Keiko, I really have missed you.” He told her softly looking into her eyes.
Mixed feels washed over the girl, the sincerity she saw in his chocolate eyes was overwhelming. She knew then what it was that drove her away. There was a passion and an intensity inside Yusuke that threatened to burn her to the very core and it terrified her. That was the reason she always had to turn away, to pull away from him before it became to late. If she became swept away there's no telling what would happen to her. “You fool, I'm here now.” She said laughing lightly, doing her best to change the current mood.
“Order up!” Yuzu said, delivering an extra creamy thick strawberry ice cream shake with whip cream on the top and a slight chocolate drizzle with an actual strawberry on the edge of the glass and two spoons. She gave Yusuke a wink and mouthed `Good Luck,' before skirting away. Yusuke eyed it and his mouth watered. It looked absolutely delicious. He flashed her his signature grin and offered her a spoon Keiko only smiled and looked away. He'd gotten the thing mostly for her but knew she wouldn't be able to finish.
“C'mon, you know you love it.” he said, extending the curved piece of metal to her. “Its even strawberry. You know you love strawberry shakes.” He said. Keiko smiled politely and shook her head. “Gomen ne, Yusuke. I just don't really want any.” She said honestly, turning her gaze once again for the millionth time that night to look out the window. It was a good thing she did, for in that moment Yusuke's features looked like someone who had been struck harshly across the face.
He didn't know why those words hurt him so, instantly he felt the tightening in the back of his throat. Tale-tell signs of how those words affected him so. *Keiko… * He thought, unable at that moment to speak. Trying not to give his face away, Yusuke pulled out a straw and popped it into the shake, taking it in his mouth trying to swallow the pink confection with much difficulty due to the emotional constricting of his throat.
He flagged down the waitress again, asking for a container for the rest of the frozen treat. Everything wrapped up he turned shielded eyes to Keiko. “So are you ready to go? Or is there something more you want to do?” he asked quietly. The girl smiled. “No Yusuke. I'm really just ready to go home.” She said lifting to get out of her seat and wait. Standing as well Yusuke sighed in defeat and paid the bill, giving Yuzu a big tip, the two of them leaving to drive her home.
“So yeah and I never really understood why the girls in my college are just so… depraved.” Keiko said passionately. Yusuke merely nodded with his eyes on the road. His mind still on the night and the time he spent with Keiko. He didn't understand. He just could not understand what it was he did wrong tonight. Everything was supposed to go swell and they were to have fun. The night however took a turn far from that. This was more then likely the worst night he'd ever had with her. He paid for EVERYTHING, he let her pick where they went for the main event, he took her for food and what did he get? NOTHING! Not even a damn thank you.
He could feel the distance between them returning, even though she was sitting right next to him she seemed so far away. Keiko continued talking idly, switching the conversation now to her parents. He listened halfheartedly, his mind still on them. Mostly for the moment concerning the way she was tonight if anything he would guess that she was distracted considering how she kept looking off or at least something on her mind, which if there was why the hell did she even go out? Or did she just didn't want to be there with him? It was all starting to piss him off a little. He listened to her prattle on about school, entrance exams for college her next semester and other matters. Finally he paused the car two blocks from her house and cut the engine. There was something he desperately needed to feel and figure out from her.
“Yusuke?” she questioned, looking at him with inquisitive eyes. “Is everything ok? Why are we-.” She started, when Yusuke cut her off with the gentile touch of his finger against her lips. “Keiko, would you kiss me?” He asked gently looking into her honey colored eyes. Keiko was filled with surprise at this unusual side of the detective. “Yusuke.” She whispered, looking at him in pure awe. Keiko nodded and leaned forward to brush her lips softly against Yususke's before pulling away blushing madly. *I forgot how soft they were. * She thought, absently touching her lips.
Yusuke chuckled and rubbed the bridge of his nose in frustration. “Keiko I appreciate that.” He said looking at her with heated eyes. “However, I want a real kiss.” Yusuke told her slowly, moving in. Keiko froze when she felt Yusuke's digit invade her orifice. Yusuke pulled her against him, dominating her mouth, determined to make her feel. Hands ghosted themselves at her sides, caressing her. “Yusuke.” She whispered against his lips. Even though the touches were more innocent this time the passion was still the same and threatened to swallow her whole.
Unable to withstand the onslaught of emotions she felt, Keiko gently pulled back and pushed him away. “I can't.” she whispered, unable to look at him. Yusuke sighed, running a hand through his hair. “I'm sorry. Are you all right?” He asked. “I'm fine Yusuke, I just…I'm not ready.” She said shyly. Yusuke was quiet for some time, gazing into the night. “Keiko, I wasn't trying to have sex with you.” He said blandly. “ But there's something I want to ask you.” He said. The girl looked at him with large curious eyes. “What is it Yusuke?” she asked. “Keiko, do you like me? I mean really like me?” He asked her honestly.
Confusion flooded her eyes, unable to process what he meant. “I'm sorry Yusuke, I don't really understand. I think it's obvious considering you're my boyfriend.” She said, unsure of where the conversation was heading. A hand slid down Yusuke's face in obvious aggravation. “I mean Keiko, have you ever thought once about touching me? Loving me, embracing me, showing me in some physical way that you care or even love me? Something more then just grade school kisses?” He asked frankly, Keiko's eyes widened in the realization of what he meant. “Well Yusuke, I…I mean to consider that, is a bit much. I mean…we're not even married yet. Who's to say we'll be married at all. Are you even thinking of taking our relationship to that level?” she asked.
Yusuke groaned into his hand. “Keiko, I told you before I'm not talking about sex. I mean that'd be awesome, but I wouldn't ask that of you.” He said thinking. “I'm asking Keiko, have you ever thought of being physical with me in any way? I mean we've been dating for four years and nothing has changed. It's still the elementary school grade relationship we've always had. Don't you want something more?” he asked, honestly curious of her response. A rosy red color flooded along the girls' cheeks. She focused her gaze at the window, wishing she were anywhere right then than her present location. “Yusuke, this is ridiculous. You're ridiculous.” She whispered, barely audible to even his youkai hearing had difficultly understanding her.
Yusuke felt his heart scrunch a little and turned away. Why couldn't she understand? He didn't want her body, while it was a nice body still. He wanted more then that. He wanted her fucking heart, her love, her soul, hell something within her to love him unconditionally and understand him. He cranked the engine and pulled up the two blocks to her house. “Goodnight Keiko. I hope you have pleasant dreams.” He said softly, opening her door and leaving a very lost and confused Keiko on her doorsteps. “Yusuke.” She whispered, shaking her head, walking through the doors into her home.
Yusuke traveled blindly down the road. His eyes couldn't focus while he thought on his disastrous night with his girlfriend. Before he knew it he pulled into his drive at his little battered apartment. Sighing he walked through the door and paused. “Will you ever take care of yourself?” he asked the drunken figure on the floor. He picked her up with great care, cradling her to his chest. The detective made his way to her bedroom, tucked her in, and checked her vitals, somewhat relieved that she would make it through the night.
“Kaa-San, I really wish you wouldn't drink.” He whispered, disappearing from the door to clean up the empty liquor bottles from the floor. There were times for the young Toushin that he wished his mother was just that. A mother, someone who would comfort and care for him like a real mother should. As much as he despised her, he could not help but love her also and it hurt him that he couldn't hate her. Many nights when he was young he would wonder what a life was like to have a real mother. One who said they loved you all the time, taught you things that were wrong or right. Be there for you during all the stages of life instead of drinking it away and spending the majority of that time passed out on the floor and in the beds of strangers… that was Yusuke's life.
The fact that both women he came in contact with tonight were nothing more but a disappointment was a bit much for the spirit detective. He looked around the apartment that was broken in more ways then one. “I can't stay here.” He said to himself. Yusuke checked on his mother, making sure that she was still all right before going to grab his coat and keys. “I need to talk to Kurama.” He said, softly. He knew that the fox would have the answers and could help him figure out his mess of a night. With one last look inside the damaged home, he left without another look back.
He pulled up into the familiar drive and knocked on the door waiting for the reply that was always there. After some time passed he knocked on the door again. “Hello!” he called, hoping that the resident was occupied. “Shit, Kurama where are you?” he said, annoyed that his friend wasn't home. He peered around and felt no life within the small house. “Well I guess he's not here.” He said in defeat, walking back to his vehicle. Wishing very much so that he called before he came, maybe then Kurama would have been home and he wouldn't have been met with an empty reply.
The roads blurred by in his vision, speed being the one thing he needed. His mind and heart were a wreck, which was a first for him. The situation with Keiko effected him badly, it angered him that he might become second best and there was nothing he could do about it. He knew he had an undeniable attraction and string of feelings for Kagome. He could openly admit that. His heart however still housed feelings for Keiko that were quickly fading. *What do I do? * He thought, while pulling his car to a stop. Looking up he found himself in a familiar place, the object of his secret affections.
Bounding up the ungodly amount of stairs, he rapped heavily on the door hoping that someone would give him an answer this time. He was not disappointed when sparkling blue eyes greeted him. A look of surprise graced her features when she didn't see the usual smile that always greeted her when the dark haired boy would appear on her threshold. A boy on the verge of breaking took his place. “Yusuke, what's wrong?” she asked, looking at him with open concern. Without saying a word he reached out and held her, gripping her tightly against his frame. She stroked his back in soothing circles, giving him words of comfort, his arm continuing to stay tightly in place around her. “Shhh.” Kagome told him softly. “Everything will be ok.” She whispered. In that moment he gripped her harder, feeling if he let her go his very presence would shatter.
“Yusuke, come inside?” she asked, wiping a stray tear from his cheek. He hadn't even known he was crying. Cleaning his face quickly he slipped inside the door and made his way to the sofa. Not missing a beat, she quickly put on a pot of tea and went out to join her companion moving to sit beside him. Kagome said nothing, she allowed her hands to do the talking for her while she lovingly stroked his back and cradled him. She would let him speak when he was ready, until then she would just offer him the small comfort she could. Closing her eyes she tapped her powers through him and saw the discord of his heart. *Oh Yusuke… * She thought sadly. Slowly she pushed her powers into him purifying his heart of all negative emotions and pain. “I don't know if I can do much to help, but I hope this eases your pain.” She whispered softly, leaning against him.
A hand gripped hers lifting it lightly to press it against soft lips. “Arigato.” He whispered, looking ahead. “I may have told you this before Kagome, but I have a girlfriend.” He admitted, focusing his gaze on the wall in front of him. “She knows that I'm not human and what it is I do and yet that really seems to be the whole issue.” He sighed, leaning his head back in thought. “Kagome, I…I don't know what to do anymore. I love her, but it seems like the love I have is just going away.” He said sadly. “What I do is complicated. I can't just leave because she wants me to, they wouldn't allow it. Even if I did leave, if the person who replaced me wasn't strong enough I would feel horrible and responsible because I let the people who depend on me down.” He paused. “She wants a normal safe human life. Because I'm not human and the things I've done I can't give her that. Even if I left it all behind we would never be safe, there are too many who want my blood and the blood of those I care for. Keiko wants a peaceful life…and that's something I can't give her. Kagome, I'm a demon. How the hell am I supposed to be human for her now after all these years?” he asked in frustration. “I just can't make her understand.” He said quietly.
Kagome nodded and pulled him to lean against her. Wrapping her arms around his neck she rested her forehead against the back of his shoulder. “Yusuke, during the time I've know you, I know that you are truly an amazing guy and anyone would be lucky to have you. I think you should spend time with her, maybe go on an outing or something and see how it goes before you act rashly.” Kagome suggested. Yusuke laughed, holding the bridge of his nose. “I've already done that. Tonight and it was the biggest mistake I've made yet.” he said bitterly. “Kagome I've tried. I don't love her like I use to and I don't know what to do. I thought it might help so I took her out tonight, let her pick wherever it was that we went. Trying to be a good sport about it ya know? She took me to a friggin Kabuki theater.” He said with exasperation, missing the small smile that quickly flashed on the miko's lips.
“That doesn't sound like something you'd enjoy Yusuke.” She said knowingly. “The FUCK it is!” he yelled angrily, standing. “Kagome I did everything I could. I got yelled at for not liking the Kabuki; I was glared and bitched at for commenting on her food. Two fucking punks tried to hit on her when I walked away and got into a fight which when she called for help she didn't even say my name!” he snarled. The miko winced at that one knowing how much it could hurt to be called someone else's name. “Ouch.” She said in sympathy. “On top of that I was made to feel like a complete stranger when she talked about some new guy friend she met. Kagome… I could see the look in her eyes she had for him that she use to have for me…. and that fucking hurt.” He said sullenly. “ To know that my girl is having feelings for someone else…” He trailed thinking on the night.
“ Not only that, but I even tried to get the things she liked. No matter what I was shut down. Kagome she wouldn't even look or talk to me.” He scowled. “ She spent half the night looking out the fucking window. I tried to talk to her, hell I even saved her ass, which I would have done anyway but still.” He sighed. It was all so frustrating. “Eventually I want a mate. So I even asked her if she ever had the intention of maybe giving me more then just kindergarten kisses, not that I was referring to sex or anything but hell I just want a real kiss an she wont even give me that!” he roared letting everything out.
Letting out a big sigh, he fell back onto the couch and gazed at the ceiling. “What do I do?” he asked tiredly. The miko crawled beside him and held him in a loving hug. “Yusuke, the only thing you can do is be yourself… nothing more and nothing less. It may be very sad for you to let this relationship go, but if that's the only choice then you have to move on. Trust me, nothing hurts more then fighting to have a relationship that isn't there.” She said, her thoughts reflecting to her own past. “If there is a chance in saving your relationship then by all means do so. But she'll have to understand and accept the fact that you aren't human and with the things you've done you can't give her that life. Not only that but look into the past and see where things changed in your relationship. If you look at everything you'll find the path your meant to follow.” She told him wisely.
He nodded and looked down at her. “Ya know you're not too bad at this advice giving business.” He said grinning. She laughed and swatted his arm. “Well considering my life I should be an expert on broken relationships.” She chucked, missing his puzzled look. Before she knew it she was once against crushed against a firm chest. “I really mean it, thank you Kagome.” He told her snuggling in the embrace. Yusuke didn't know why but it just felt so good, so right to hold her like this. Brown eyes met blue when they caught each other's gaze and stared for some time. For Yusuke no matter how many times he'd seen her, she always looked amazingly beautiful to him and it only got better day-by-day. He doubted if there was a being in this world that could match her magnificence.
Realizing that he'd been staring, Yusuke smushed her face together, grinning impishly while she squealed. “Yusuke!” she shouted, covering his chest and arms with hits while he laughed. “Gomen ne Kag, I couldn't help it.” he sighed, feeling better now then he had all day. It was then he realized he also needed to spend time with the miko. “Hey Kagome, are you free tomorrow or the day after?” he asked. She blinked and looked at him. “I'm not sure, why Yusuke?” Kagome asked. “Well I figured that you and I could do something together. We haven't really done anything since Halloween and I feel I owe you a day of fun to make up for my stupidity. That and I want to spend time you.” He said sheepishly.
“Ahhh, I remember that day. You nearly got the two of us killed.” She said smiling darkly, causing the toushin to flinch. “I said I was sorry.” He apologized again for the matter and jumped when she crashed on top of him in a leaping hug. “I know and I forgive you. The day after sounds good. I could use a day of fun and your treating for everything right?” she asked, grinning wickedly. Yusuke sighed grinning in defeat. “You're a demon sometimes I swear.” He grumbled, gazing at the girl who suddenly rewarded him with a beautiful smile that nearly took his breath. “Oh hey, do you like strawberry?” he asked abruptly.
Kagome looked at him with curious eyes while she nodded. “I love strawberry, why?” she asked. He grinned and pulled from inside his jacked the container that held the rest of the strawberry shake. “It's still cold and taste rather good, but if you don't want it I can always throw it out.” He said, shifting awkwardly. “It's perfect, I was thinking on munching on something and this works.” She said, eagerly grabbing the styrofoam cup and digging into the pink contents. “Ohh sooo good.” she purred, happily spooning the pink confection joyously into her mouth. Yusuke could only look at her and smile. He couldn't even express how much that simple little thing made him overwhelmed with a feeling he couldn't even name.
The two spend the remainder of the time simply just enjoying each other's company and digging into each other's lives. Kagome learned that in all the years he'd been here, he never got the opportunity to know his father since he had been absent for many years. The detective had also learned she had been without a father also in her life since hers died when she was young. He saw that Kagome was indeed quite silly, like how she chased him around the house attempting to cover his face in whip cream. He was still counting his lucky stars that she didn't catch him. Yusuke saw the time on his cell and sighed. He knew he couldn't stay there overnight no matter how much he wanted too. The petite girl beside him was just too much temptation for him.
“I guess I should get going then. It's pretty late.” He sighed. “Aww Yusuke do you have to? I don't mind if you stay over.” She offered, hoping he wouldn't leave her there alone. She was beginning to hate sleeping in an empty house, so many nights she was on her own. She didn't like being by herself, the solitude she faced was beginning to grind against her nerves in a most unpleasant way. While Kirara was a comfort, having Yusuke's company this night would be ideal for her at the moment. “You would really let me stay?” he asked, surprised. “Of course. It's late and I can see you're tired. There's no point making the drive if you don't have too. My couches and spare beds are all comfy.” She said, hoping she'd bait him in.
“Sleeping overnight here does sound incredibly tempting.” He said in thought, knowing he didn't really want to leave or make the drive home. His feelings however for the young girl were a bit too intense to chance a sleepover, especially considering his difficult relationship issue. Much to her dismay the boy shook his head. “No Kagome I can't, it wouldn't be right of me to stay here while I'm in a relationship.” He told her, grinning at her pouting response. “It's not like you'll do anything. I'd clobber you if you did. But seriously Yusuke ,I trust you.” She told him and he could see in her eyes how much she did. *If only I could trust myself with you. * He thought to himself, knowing how much he would like to make those previous dreams they shared a reality.
“You'll have to forgive me but I really can't. I have something I need to do tomorrow anyways. I'll make it up to you on our outing I promise.” He leaned down and kissed the top of her forehead. “Goodnight Kagome. May you have pleasant dreams and I will see you tomorrow at eight.” He whispered in her ear, missing the way she shivered from his touch. Facing defeat Kagome pouted. “Night Yusuke.” She sighed, watching him let himself out and close her door. Kagome couldn't deny the worry she felt on letting him drive home this late at night but knew he had a point, however he needed to watch more in the way he interacted with her ears. She rubbed the irritated appendage and sighed. “Boys.” She mumbled flopping down on her couch in frustration. Sleep seemed like a good idea.
Sighing she stood and made the way to her own bed. Kirara looking at her with knowing eyes and mewed loudly. “What? I didn't do anything you know. But I do get to see Yusuke the day after tomorrow. You like the two of them don't you? Yusuke and Kurama?” she asked, the neko sneezed in reply. Kagome laughed and nuzzled to the little youkai. “If I have no one else I'm happy that I have you.” She whispered, stroking her fur lovingly. It was then thought on her own about the three new youkai in her life. She never thought she would be in the presence of youkai again. She honestly though that part of her life would be her past, the only remaindered of it being the scar on her side and the little cream ball of fur purring on her chest.
“Yusuke.” She whispered, thinking of her companion. Her heart went out to him so much. The way he suffered was unreal and it pained her to see him go through so much hurt, when all he wanted was to be loved. She could see it so clearly since it was something she desired herself. That Keiko girl had it great. She had someone who loved her and was fighting to keep their relationship going. The bake onna was too clueless to hold on to that. Why couldn't she see the great guy that Yusuke was? If it were her, she would be more then happy…She paused the thought there in its tracks. “If it were me?” she said aloud. Where had that come from? It was then that something clicked. She liked him. She could see it now. She liked Yusuke.
*But what about Kurama? * She thought. The miko knew she couldn't just not count the flirty Kitsune. The more Kagome thought on it, she could also see that she held great feelings of attraction for both Yusuke and Kurama. “What should I do? I can't have them both. They're also friends…Kami why does all the complicated stuff happen to me?” she voiced angrily. Suddenly she was drained. The matter of the two would be thought on later, and also she had an outing with Yusuke also. “It will be fun.” She told herself, muffling a yawn. With one last look at Kirara, Kagome closed her eyes and drifted off to sleep. Life for the moment was simpler there.
Hiei narrowed his eyes in annoyance at the stupidity that was beginning to affect the minds of his comrades. “What has happened with this girl and those two buffoons?” He grumbled, taking this time to polish his sword. He thought upon when he went to stop upon the shrine the other night to pull Kagome up for a surprise training session. When he arrived he saw the interaction with the toushin and the girl and was at a loss. Their closeness bothered him and he couldn't really figure out why. He knew that there was so much more to a woman then a pretty face. He could see why Kurama was involving himself more then he needed to. The influence of him being raised in the ningen world had much to do with that. That and also the fact he was of Kitsune blood.
The hiyoukai thought on the strange girl. He could admit that she was rather beautiful to look at and knew that if he wished, would get a grand price for her if he sold her in the Makai. It was odd for him that it bothered him so when he didn't care. He didn't …did he? Sitting there thinking of the girl, she was indeed a puzzle he couldn't quite figure out. She had spiritual powers, knew of youkai, and also befriended them. Many times Kagome tried to become close with him and he shut her out. “What is it she wants with us?” Hiei mumbled to himself. It unnerved him that he couldn't figure out what her objective was in developing a companionship with him. What did she gain out of befriending Kurama and Yusuke?
Hiei knew that in his relationships with the two, he gained the ability to have them better protect him should the event happen that he falls in battle. Plus there were many benefits, including that since Yusuke happens to be Koenma's favorite there was the possibility that he could get his sentence reduced. That was more then enough reason to attempt to befriend the toushin since he was more then fed up with being that binky sucking fool's lap dog. That and the other two had power. He respected power and knew that should anything happen it would be more then wise to take their side. So what about the girl? She had power and he respected her to a point, but she still wasn't on par with him. He would only accept her if she defeated him and why hadn't fought enough for her to have that opportunity. “We shall see what you aim for miko….we shall see.” The hybrid whispered to the shadows sheathing his sword. For death would be the only option if she betrayed his companions…he would be sure to see to that.
She tried desperately to fight the waking feel and stay in the midst of her good dream, but that apparently wasn't possible since her mind was growing more and more awake. A groan escaped her lips, turning on her back to gaze upward she sighed. The pleasant dream she'd been having quickly faded and reality set in. “I guess I don't have a choice today.” She mumbled rising to stretch and gather clean clothes for her morning bath. After she was fully clean she dressed in a tan knee length pleated flared skirt. A simple white Tank top with a purple heart on the corner gave it a hint of color. Simple dressy white sandals slipped on her feet and she was ready for the day.
“Why wont you leave my mind?” she asked in irritation, brushing her brown locks. Keiko still couldn't forget about her date yesterday with Yusuke and it annoyed her to no end. She knew why however. It hurt to see that her and Yusuke's relationship had changed and drastically so. “When did we grow so far apart?” she asked aloud. The poor girl just didn't know. The entire night Houjo was in her mind in comparison with Yusuke. She still wished that he could be more elegant and refined, but like he said yesterday, he could only be who he was. “Yusuke.” She sighed disappointedly. Could he really not be the man she needed him to be? Were they really that different?
So lost in her thoughts, Keiko jumped when she heard the ringing of her phone. “Who could it be?” she wondered, not bothering to check the ID.
“Hello?” she asked.
“Hi Keiko - Chan. How are you?” the male voice asked.
“Houjo, Hi!” she said excitedly.
“I'm ok, how are you?” she asked.
“Ok? I don't like the sound of that. You of all people should be more then ok.” He said.
“Houjo really.” She giggled. It was nice to have someone be pleasant.
“Well Keiko, you sound a bit blue. How about this, are you free for the rest of the day? If so I would love to spend time with you. I just received my paycheck so everything is on me, how about it?” he asked.
“Oh Houjo! Really you don't have to. You've done more then you need to for me.” She said bashfully.
“Nonsense, nothing is to great for my Keiko - Chan.” He said warmly
“C'mon. Come out with me.” He said.
“OK Houjo. I'll go.” She said in defeat
“Great! I'll pick you up in about an hour. Does that give you enough time?” he asked.
“It's plenty, and thank you. I really need this today.” She said softly.
“I know Keiko and don't worry about it. I love spending any time I can with you. See you in an hour.” He told her and the two said goodbye.
“Houjo.” She whispered to herself smiling. There was just something about that man that made her feel on top of the world, like she could do anything and it was exhilarating. *You like Houjo, but your dating Yusuke. * Her mind reminded her. That was the dilemma of her life at the moment. However she needed this night with Houjo for another reason. To see exactly how the two of them were together, it would truly tell her a lot about her future. Pushing all of that aside she focused on the now. “I wonder what we're going to do tonight?” she thought to herself, overlooking her outfit. Deciding she wanted to look a bit nicer, Keiko headed to her closet once more eagerly anticipating her night with Houjo.
He sighed walking into his doorway it was rare for him to come home this late, however it wasn't like there was anyone waiting for him at the moment anyway. Mother had decided two months ago that it was time for him to have the place to himself since she had just recently gotten married and needed to spent time with her husband. He approved of him, the man he gave his mother too was a good guy and could trust that he would treat his mother as the queen she should be. Were he to do otherwise he would be brought forcefully to the Makai and left there while he arranged for his mother to receive the man's insurance checks. His mother was an angel and anyone who dared to treat her un-accordingly would be dealt with and eliminated swiftly.
Nonetheless, he was happy for the joy his mother found. What he was not happy with was how this seemed to increase her questioning of when he was going to settle down and provide her with grandchildren. Needless to day Kurama was not happy with that at all. “I'm home.” He said to himself, setting his things by the door. Yesterday had been quite disappointing. He'd come by to see Kagome, but he didn't say anything to her of which he wanted to speak about at all. It just clearly slipped his mind. “I'll have to try again soon.” He thought. ~Damn right you will. ~ A voice he knew all too well seethed. ~I wondered when you would wake. Hello Youko. ~ He greeted tiredly. ~If you don't do it soon, I'll increase it by four. ~ The spirit threatened. ~Now that's not fair! You know how it is when one is around Kagome. Also I for one do not like these guilty thoughts. I'm not even committed to her and yet I feel as though I've done wrong by her~ the avatar sighed.
Last night's for punishment of not speaking to Kagome about the complicated person he was, Youko made them go on a hunt to release is frustration. And relieve it he did since he went home with five different women that night. ~You know, I honestly can't believe you. ~ He said, reflecting on the night before. ~Ah but it was fun, I especially enjoyed that mixed girl. She was the best out of the night. I wouldn't mind seeing her again. ~ He mused. Kurama couldn't deny that the ethnic girl had been breathtakingly beautiful. She was exotic and lovely. However she couldn't hold a candle next to Kagome. To him, Kagome was a goddess for him and him alone and her heart would be his to capture. ~Your fickleness annoys me. ~ He sighed, walking to lie on his bed. He sighed within the fabric and relaxed. “Ah, that's right, Yusuke had a date last night with Keiko. I should call to see how it went.” He thought to himself.
~You already know how it went Red, horrible. The two of them are like fire and ice. They just can't mix. ~ The silver said. ~My, such an interesting slimily, but you know, we DO know someone of the fire and ice variety. ~ Kurama pointed out. ~Yes, but no matter what he's still incompatible with anything that has a pulse. ~ The fox said, causing Kurama to laugh. ~Hiei would sizzle you for that. ~ Kurama said. ~HA! I'd like to see that overgrown firefly try. ~ He preened, tail flicked challengingly. The Kitsune picked up his phone, but became lost in his thoughts once again. He thought about Yusuke and what happened not too long ago. Was it really ok to let such a thing happen when he was trying to court Kagome? He sighed. “This is really annoying,” he said out loud to the empty apartment.
~I envy you for that you know. I've always had a soft spot for the idiot boy and you had the chance to experience something I've wanted for a long time. ~ The fox spirit said quietly. ~Youko, I'm sorry but there is nothing I can do to change that now. If there were a way to reach you I would have woken you so that you could be aware. But is it really ok? ~ He questioned wondering intently on that specific question. ~Red, your human mind astounds me with its stupidity. Of course it's fine! Having a sexual experience with a youkai male is different then with a woman you twit. They don't get emotionally connected. You forget I saw and felt your memories. All that happened that night was lust in its purest form. And must I say that Yususke is one great Seme. ~ He purred in remembrance of the memory.
~So how do the two of them fit into this? ~ Kurama asked. ~Simple, we try and win Kagome as our mate. If Yusuke is interested as well then we all mate together and the two of the will belong to us just as we will belong to them and they to each other. And then we can sex them both anytime. ~ Youko said excitedly. Kurama sighed in displeasure. ~Your perverseness shames me. ~ He sighed mentally. ~But are you really ok with sharing Kagome with Yusuke? ~ He asked. ~I am. Yusuke is special, so I wouldn't mind sharing with him. ~ The silver spirit said softly.
Kurama thought on something else that's been on his mind since yesterday. ~If it comes to the fact that our little hybrid is interested in the miko as well, could you share with him also? ~ He questioned. ~That Red, is something a bit more difficult. I do not believe I can. You already know that he is your friend and not mine. ~ The Kitsune said coldly. *As I thought. Unlikely * he mused to himself and sighed again into his pillows. ~Red, don't forget. We need to also think of how we can get Kagome for our self. There's no point in talk of sharing if she does not look at us with love. ~ Youko reminded him. ~I know, I'm aware of this. Don't forget that I want her too. I really think you might be right. She has an understanding that I haven't seen in anyone. I think she truly could accept us. ~ He said to his other half. ~As long as you remember… ~ Youko trailed to a sighing Kurama who glanced at the clock. 1:15am. “I guess I'll call Yusuke Tomorrow.” He mumbled, curling into his bed falling fast asleep.
He groaned, trying his best to block out the annoying buzzing. Realizing it wouldn't end he finally picked up his communicator and flipped it open. “What the fuck you want? I'm trying to sleep.” He growled. “Yusuke! I'll yell at you about your manners later, but I nee you to check into something. There's an odd creature that looks fully human but preys on the blood of other beings. He's recently been loose and feeding on rouge Youkai. Granted this is a bit of a help to us, but however we need to find if he is a threat or not. Look into it.” Koenma snapped, flicking off the screen.
“The brat realllly want me to kill him, I swear It.” he groaned, trying to curl back within his covers and return to his dream. Sadly Yusuke was not favored since his mind was now to awake to slumber once again. “Shit.” He swore staring at the ceiling angrily. At that moment Yusuke's brain clicked into awake mode and he realized what today was. “Kagome.” He said sitting up quickly. Today he would go out with Kagome. He could feel his nerves acting up just thinking about it. “I gotta keep it cool.” He thought to himself. He stood and feeling a little scummy took a shower and washed his hair. Felling intently better and also clean he looked at his damp reflection in the steamy mirror. His hair indeed had grown since it was now reaching at about his jaw line. If anything the slightly longer hair just made him look wilder. “To cut or not to cut. That is the question.” He said to himself, running a hand through wet locks.
He wondered momentarily how he would look with longer hair. Hell his youkai form had hair up the ass, so it couldn't look bad in his more human looking appearance right? “Fuck it, I'll think about it later.” He grumbled walking to his room. Fully dried and dressed in dark blue jeans with a black shirt, he finger combed his damp locks for the second time and headed out the door. If there was one thing he needed he needed Kurama's support with Kagome more then anything right now and knew Kitsune wouldn't disappoint and so, drove out to see the red headed fox. *I wonder if he has any good ideas. * He thought, racing down the highway. Whatever happened today couldn't be worse then what happened the day before. “Ugh, I definitely don't want to think about that.” He thought to himself, pushing the horrid date with Keiko out of his mind. He'll go back to it again later when he talks to Kurama. “OK fox boy, I hope your ready because I need your brain today.” He said, speeding the entire way to the avatar's house.
Her blue eyes sparkled in happiness, spooning another mouthful of ice cream. Nothing made her feel better then the sweet confection and it was just what she needed after kicking Hiei's ass to make the day just that much sweeter. The two of them had been training for a few weeks now and while he was yummy to look at he was a devil. A short sadistic devil that Kagome had no problem, none at all beating and smacking him around to take the edge off. “Seriously, why is he such a bastard.” She grumbled angrily, taking another spoon full of ice cream. “Even so at least I have my strawberry chocolate delight.” She voiced happily, digging into her frozen treat. It was that moment that the phone rang. Placing the container quickly in the freezer, she went to grab the phone.
“Hello Higarashi Residence. May I ask who's speaking?” she said politely.
“Kagome!” the voice on the other line squealed.
“Mom?” she asked hesitantly.
“Well of course Kagome! Don't tell me you've forgotten the voice of your own mother.” She scolded playfully.
“Oh mom, I've missed you so much! When are you and Ji- Chan coming home?” Kagome asked.
“Now, now, sweetie. Things are a bit complicated and also your grandfather is sick too. He caught whatever it was your aunt had… only it's worse with him since he's older. I told him he should have stayed home but he's just so bull headed.” Her mother sighed.
“Kaa- San, I'm sure he'll be ok. He may be old but he's strong.” She told her mother comfortingly.
“Hai, Hai, I know Kagome. Enough about that how about you? Are you ok down there by yourself?” Her mother asked.
“I'm doing ok. It can be lonely sometimes, but I'm really ok. I have friends now and they come by and check on me a lot.” She said happily.
“Oh Kagome that's great. So how about boys? You are a beautiful girl so I'm sure you've found someone to replace Inuyasha right?” her mother said.
“Mom!” she exclaimed embarrassedly. “Well, I-I guess you could say so, I'm not 100% sure things will go in that direction. Right now were honestly just friends.”
“Well there's nothing wrong with that. You father and I were best friends when we were dating and even after we were married. If it happens that great and if not I understand. I do however want grandchildren Kagome. You're the only daughter I have.” She persisted, while Kagome Laughed.
“Ok, ok you baby crazed woman. I will try. Do be safe and watch over Ji-Chan. If anything happens call me and I'll be there in a second. Don't forget, your daughter is the most powerful miko in history. If doctors can't save him, I can.” She said earnestly.
“I know sweetie, and I will. Take care of yourself and I'll call you soon. I love you.” Her mother said softly.
“I love you too Kaa - San, I will and you take care as well.” She whispered before placing the phone back on the receiver.
She couldn't describe how good it felt to have her mother call. She missed the woman more then words could say or even attempt to express. “Kaa - San.” She thought, praying that her family was safe. The only thing that worried her would be if her mother would really call her if there was trouble or not. The woman liked to try and protect her and keep her life as normal as possible. However…she was beginning to accept the fact that having a normal life is an impossible feat for her. So the miko changed her mindset to trying to have a happy life. Kagome would get by staying in a big empty house. She had to; it was her job to look after it right? “I can do this.” She thought, pushing that aside she looks at the clock. “Well hell, it'll be time to go soon.” She realized. With that she miko sped around the house to get ready for her outing with Yusuke.
“Now don't forget to be a good date.” The red head scolded lightly. “Remember, to feel free to be completely yourself.” Kurama sighed, glancing at the nervous toushin. They had been at it for a while now, going over suggestions and ideas that the detective could use on his outing with the dazzling young miko. The fox really hoped that this would be what he needed to really pull the final piece of wool from his eyes. Not to mention when Yusuke told him of the outing he had with Keiko… well it was hard for him to contain Youko who wanted to punish the ungrateful wench. “I still can't believe I had such a lousy night with Keiko.” Yusuke said quietly. “What if I have another night like that with Kagome? I don't think I could deal with it.” he said with much worry.
“Yusuke, the girls are different like night and day. You and Kagome get along extremely well, don't let one night of mishap dictate how the night will end.” He said supportively. ~It's because they are too different. We've told him time and time again that she isn't suited. Maybe this time he'll listen. ~ Youko sighed. Kurama knew the fox spirit was right, the human girl wasn't right for him at all. Keiko was like a fragile piece of glass, and in the world they lived it she would easily break. ~This is why we need to push him in this. Kagome is his match; hopefully this night will let him see that as well. ~ Kurama added, returning his attention to his companion.
“Youko was giving you an earful I'm sure.” The raven haired boy chucked knowingly. “I'm not going to forget, I don't plan on this night going like it did with her. Heh, and I know she isn't Keiko.” Yusuke laughed lightly looking to the sky. “Hey fox, do you really think things will go ok? I mean, Kagome is…unlike anything we've ever met. Maybe I should just forget it.” he sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Yusuke, you need to have more confidence. You are a very handsome guy and I do believe that Kagome has a bit of attraction for you. Don't let what happen the night before with Keiko distort that.” Kurama said, encouragingly. Yusuke turned and grinned feeling very appreciative for his friend. “Yeah your right. Thanks Kurama, I really don't know what I'd do without you.” He grinned. “When this is over I'm treating you to anywhere you want to do. So be ready.” The toushin called, hopping into his car.
The fox chuckled mischievously. “I wouldn't dream of missing a date with you Yusuke.” He smirked, causing the dark haired boy to laugh. Kurama waved while he watched the black car pull out of his driveway. “However, don't thank me just yet detective.” He sighed. “Just because I'm helping you doesn't mean I won't be attempting to take her for myself.” He said to himself, returning once again inside his home. “ After all, I do believe this is a competition.” The avatar chuckled to himself. ~Red, there really are times when I'm glad to share one body with you. ~ Youko chittered. ~Well Youko, all these talks about sharing her have been with just you and I. We haven't sought Yusuke's approval or Kagome's. If it comes to the conclusion that only one of us can have her and she doesn't want to be shared, while the boy may be my dear friend it will come down to the point of may the best man win. ~ Kurama expressed, turning to his own thoughts.
~You do make a point Red, so are you in this for sure? You really want her? ~ Youko asked. ~I do, she is an amazing individual and I honestly don't know how long it will be until I come across another ningen who knows about Youkai, can combat with them and be so understanding. Plus she's nothing like the other women we've met. ~ Kurama pointed out. ~True, she doesn't throw herself at us, or any of the usual things we had to go through with the fan club we have. She's a world apart, and I want to see what makes her click. ~ Youko admitted. The girl was a mystery to him and he like Kurama wanted to figure it all out. ~I am quite serious. ~ Kurama reaffirmed.
~Good, then the next time you see her tell her about me and let me out. I want to meet her.~ The silver fox said seriously to his human host. ~I know already. I really hope it works out since mother is hounding us for off spring. Much to my dismay. ~ Kurama frowned mentally. Youko laughed, ~Well we could have given her grandbabies a long time ago. ~ He grinned lecherously. ~This is exactly why I don't let you out. You would have given me 10 children to people who I've never met. ~Kurama sighed, a cackling Kitsune loud in his ears. Rubbing his temple, he made his way to his bed. It was indeed time for sleep.
He sighed again pulling up to the old shrine that had quickly come to feel like home to him. “C'mon Yusuke, get over it. You're just hanging out.” He told himself for the millionth time that night. Pushing nerves aside he slipped out the car and bounded up the steps. He'd be lying if he said he wasn't nervous, hell he couldn't stop his bloody arm from twitching if he tried. He smoothed out his black jeans and electric blue button down top when he made his way to the door. Before his hand touched the woodened frame, the door opened and blue eyes greeted him cheerfully. “Hi Yusuke. Wow you look great.” Kagome said appreciatively.
Yusuke could only nod while he took her in. She looked absolutely gorgeous. Her long silky black hair hung in waves around her face while two pieces where braided back to make a small circlet around her head, her azure eyes looked like shining blue sapphires, with thanks to the black liner around her eyes. She wore a peasant styled white shirt that hung off her shoulders with a black corset cinching her waist. Her sleeves flared exaggeratedly so, with decorated black lacing around the belling of the fabric. Black stonewashed flare jeans covered her legs, while black platform boots gave her an extra inch of height. A black choker hugged her neck with a bright blue pendent dangling at her throat, which her black painted nails were nervously playing with it.
“Kagome, you look…beautiful.” He said in awe at her appearance. She smiled and playfully hit his arm. “Yusuke, you're just saying that, but thank you. It's very much appreciated.” She grinned, taking his hand. That was the moment that Yusuke's brain popped. *This isn't real, there's no way that I'm spending the afternoon with the Tenshi that answered the door. Reality came back when he felt a small pain. “Yusuke!” she called, pinching his arm. “Ah, sorry Kagome.” He apologized sheepishly, rubbing the back of his head. “Don't worry about it. So like I said shall we go?” she asked, looking at him expectedly. “Y-Yeah. Let's go.” He said the two of them walking to the black vehicle. “So where to first?” Kagome asked excitedly, strapping in. Yusuke cranked the engine and smiled. *I guess the only thing to do is take her to all the places I enjoy. That's how I'll be able to tell. * He thought to himself, backing into the street. “You'll see.” He said mysteriously, shooting out of the street and into main traffic.
Yusuke was on cloud nine. They had been driving around for about two hours and he could honestly say that he was really enjoying Kagome's company to the fullest. “Ok Madame, we are here.” He said pulling into a parking space. Before he could reach her door, Kagome was already out and waiting for him. “C'mon let's go, I haven't seen a movie in forever.” She said excitedly, practically dragging him into the large building. He looked at all the advertising posters and looked on the screen at what was playing. He sighed. *She's probably going to pick a chick flick or some boring movie like that. * He thought, remembering all the horrible movies Keiko would make him watch. He silently cringed and looked to find the girl, and found her located at the food stand already ordering.
“Hey, shouldn't we get tickets or something before we get food?” he asked. “No worries, I already bought the tickets.” She grinned holding up the two thin pieces of paper. I figured I'd do one nice favor for you for the night. The rest is all on you.” She grinned impishly. Yusuke sighed and smiled. “Ah, but what if I just decide to take off?” he smirked. Kagome grinned mischievously and leaned forward, her breath ghosting onto his ear. “Then I would haunt you to the end of existence.” She whispered, silently laughing at the involuntary shiver that went though the brazen boy.
“Then it seems my sanity is at your mercy so I have no choice but to stay.” He said, watching Kagome in amazement trying to carry everything by herself. “Ya know, these arms of mine aren't just for show.” He sighed, grabbing the food and carrying it securely. “If you need help just ask. I have no problem being you bag holder for the day.” He grinned at her while she laughed. “Thanks Yusuke, I'll make sure to have you carry everything then.” She told him teasingly while handing the tickets to the attendant and guiding Yusuke to the appropriate theater room. Finally sitting down, he glanced around the large space. “Yay, we're here.” She said excitedly.
“So what are we seeing and why are you so excited? It's almost like you've never seen a movie before.” He said, suddenly wishing he'd kept his mouth shut. *Aw, hell. * He thought, watching the girl's features fall instantly. “Sorry Yusuke. I guess I kind of over reacted a bit huh?”' she said softly with a smile that never reached her eyes. “You see, it really has been a long time since I've been to the movies. I can't remember the last time I've done something so normal.” She said softly, reflecting on all the years she spent away in the Sengoku Jidai. She never knew how much she missed having something so close to a normal life since she met Yusuke and Kurama. Having youkai around may have not been normal for other people but it was normal for her and she was so thankful for their presence.
*I was too careless. I should have been more conscious of my actions. *Kagome thought to herself sullenly. After all, here she was out with one of her great friends and she was acting like a hyperactive kid. *Are you really that easily impressed that you get giddy from a movie? * She thought again, sighing and leaning back. There was just no way she could think of to make Yusuke really understand. She didn't know if she trusted him enough to tell him her whole story yet. It was such a long and depressing story, and her heart suffered more then it should have through it all. However that was just that, the past and that's where it should stay. Her focus should be more on the present. “Kagome.” The voice called pulling her from her own deep thoughts. Instantly sweet brown eyes caught her, and she could do nothing but drown.
“Finally, look. I'm sorry for what I said. I didn't mean to make you uncomfortable or feel embarrassed. I didn't realize you just hadn't been out a lot. So go ahead and act as giddy as you want. Hell it's cute and if you want I'll be giddy with ya.” He told her with an awkward smile. He looked so adorable that she just had to laugh. “Arigato Yusuke.” She said cuddling up to his arm. “Um, Y-Yeah.” He said nervously. “So ah, what are we watching anyway?” he asked, looking at the previews for the upcoming films. “We are watching Tank Girl.” She said excitedly. “Tank Girl?” he said skeptically. “Yes, it's an American movie, and you know how they've recently started showing them in theaters here. I had an American pen pal of mine from a long time ago tell me about it and since then I've always wanted to see it.” she said excitedly, when the theater started to darken and the movie start.
Yusuke had to admit that the movie had been pretty decent and was also kinda funny. Snacks had been equally distributed between the two throughout the film. His favorite part had to have been the part with the weapon raid. Becca was truly an interesting character. He was excited to see that the ending was a good one and chuckled when he and Kagome were on their way out the door. “Wasn't it good?” she asked, very obviously excited. “Yeah I have to say it was. That girl and her tank were cool.” He said, making his way to the parking lot. “Definitely buying it.” Kagome announced crawling into the car. “You know, your taste in movies isn't all that bad.” Yusuke said, when he cranked the engine.
“Oh well glad to know I meet you approval.” She said sarcastically. “I'm serious.” Yusuke told her. “This is the first time I've gone to the movies with a girl and haven't been bored to tears or fallen asleep.” He said honestly. Kagome looked at him. “What kind of movies did you see? Sappy chick flicks?” she asked, when the toushin laughed. “Actually yeah. Keiko would always want to watch a love story or some serious drama type of things.” He said. “Or Kabuki.” Kagome added, laughing when Yusuke tried to hit her. “You're a brat you know that?” he said half smirking at her. “Well I can say that that's never really been an interest of mine. Love stories are lies, because you never really have a happy ending. Love can only end in sorrow. Drama is also not needed because life is filled with it excessively.” She said quietly, Yusuke could hear the double meaning of her words and wondered exactly how much of her life she held from them the day they met.
“So.” Kagome began. “Is food part of our outing?” she asked. “Oh yeah of course. Where do you want to go?” he asked her. “Take me where you got that yummy strawberry shake.” She said casually. Yusuke paused, nodding and pulling the car down the familiar route to the restaurant. *This is unreal. * He thought to himself. Here he is taking both girls to the same restaurant? It was definitely awkward for Yusuke to take Kagome there, but at the same time he knew he couldn't deny her request. “Maybe it wont turn out so bad this time.” He said quietly to himself. “Hmm? What did you say Yusuke?” Kagome asked. “Ah nothing, just thinking about something.” He told her. “I see.” She said, positioning herself to where she was leaning against his shoulder and the two drove in comfortable silence until they reached the diner.
The moment the two of them stepped inside, Yusuke could see all the male attention Kagome attracted and immediately had a bad feeling. *Chill out, she's not your girl so you can't get jealous of some punk comes up to her. * He quickly told himself while the two of them were seated. The two put in orders for their drinks and moments later were rewarded with two cokes. “This really is a cute place.” Kagome commented looking around the small diner. “I'm going to have to come here sometime.” She said, taking another sip of her coke. “It's really good here. I've been coming here for years, but some people don't really have much taste for it which is why they can't really grow bigger.” He said, getting more comfortable in their booth. “So tell me something that I don't know about you.” Yusuke asked.
Kagome paused for a moment and laughed. This confused and somewhat irritated the spirit detective while he pasted on a smile. “What's so funny Kag?” he asked. “Ah gomen ne. That was kind of rude huh?” she asked sobering. She didn't mean to laugh, not really. There were just such an infinite amount of things that he or anyone there didn't know about her and her past. How do you tell someone that you one of the most powerful beings to exist and can save or damn the world in an instant? After all, she was the shikon no tama. Not only that but there was also the crazy life she held traveling back and forth in the past. The truth was that Yusuke was indeed a youkai and she knew nothing of his pass also. Maybe now was the time to take their friendship to a deeper level.
“Well, Kirara was a going away present from some friends of mine that I can't see anymore.” Kagome admitted. “Oh? What friend did you have that had a fire neko?” Yusuke asked, interested. “Well she was a Taijiya. Kirara was her companion and they fought many demons together. She felt that I needed to be looked after so sent Kirara with me.” She said, suddenly thinking about Sango. “That was very nice of her. But Kagome you shouldn't just leave your friends hangin like that. GO see her.” He said, sincerely. Kagome pulled a smile over her face and shield in front of her eyes from her true feelings. She didn't want Yusuke to know how much it hurt to hear that because she wanted nothing more then to see her beloved friends again. “If I were able to see her I would love that.” She said, when thankfully for her the waitress appeared.
“Hi, what can I get you two?” she asked smiling. Kagome returned the infectious smile the girl seemed to have. “I'll have the turkey swiss burger with fries and a small side of ribs.” She said, missing the stunned look Yusuke gave her. “Um, uh, I'll have the slim jim and a Burger deluxe with fries also.” He said, still looking intently at Kagome. “Oh I almost forgot. Can you add a side of honey mustard and ranch?” she asked the waitress, who happily complied with her demands. “The service is really nice here. Oh! We should have ordered an appetizer.” She said regretfully. “Would you be able to eat that and all the food you ordered?” he asked curiously.
Kagome giggled. “Just because I'm a girl doesn't mean I can't eat.” She commented, happy to have another refill of her coke before she even had to get the staff's attention. “So your not a salad and water type of chick huh?” he asked jokingly. “Ha, that's not for me. I like to enjoy my food.” She laughed, when she stilled suddenly. Yusuke looked at her with concern. “What is it?” he asked. “Oh nothing.” She replied sighing. “I just felt a ripple and I'm not sure on what it was exactly.” She admitted. “Well if you want we can go check it out if it's bothering you.” He said seriously. “No, I'm fine. It's probably nothing. After all not every day I get to go out with you like this and besides, after one Halloween incident, you owe me.” She grinned, enjoying having something to hold over his head.
“Aww Jeez Kagome, are you ever gonna let that go?” he asked exasperatedly. Kagome smiled and pinched his nose. “When the night is over.” She told him impishly. Without thinking about it, he reached under the table and grabbed her leg tickling the poor miko. “You've been asking for it all night haven't you, you little punk.” He mumbled, while Kagome silently laughed, trying her hardest not to cause attention. Desperately trying to get away, she pleaded. “P-Please!” she whispered. “Mercy.” Kagome breathed, unable to contain herself anymore. Reluctantly Yusuke released her, giving a boyish grin. “You're evil.” She glared, pulling herself upright. “Oh right, you've been jabbing at me all night.” Yusuke chuckled. “That's because you're just so adorable.” She smiled.
Yusuke looked at her for a moment and stared. No matter what, she was always so radiant. Since the moment he came into her company tonight the time he spent with her was honestly and fully enjoyable. He wanted to learn everything he could about the girl. He could tell that she had a troubled past, but knew that it was no good to make someone talk if they didn't want to. If he were lucky she would tell him over time and if not, oh well. He still enjoyed the person that she was. It was really an eye opener for him. When he really thought about it, this was his first outing with a girl. The only girl he'd ever spent any time with was Keiko. No other girl ever looked twice at him or dare approach him. Well, none that were every worth his time anyway.
Also the fact that he was in a place with Kagome where he was also with Keiko not to long ago was something else. It was only the other day he was here having the most horrible night he'd ever had with her and now here he was having so far an awesome time with the charming little miko. *I wonder what she thinks of me. * He thought to himself, very tempted to ask the question but knew that it would have to be a question for later. There were other things he needed to handle first before he even though of going down that road. “Yusuke.” Kagome said suddenly calling his name and reverting him back from the dwellings of his mine. “Y-yeah Kagome?” he replied. “I'm curious, how did you meet Kurama and Hiei?” she asked.
He smiled and sighed. That was a difficult question to answer without reveling everything. *Damn Kurama, why couldn't I have some of your smarts? * He thought to himself. “Well, I saved Kurama's life. I'm sure I've never told you exactly what I do but, I'm a Spirit Detective.” He admitted. Kagome looked at him with inquiring eyes. “What's a Spirit Detective? I've never heard of one.” She said. Yusuke sighed and scratched behind his head. “Well, a SD is someone who works for the Rekai and keeps the Makai in check. Sometimes the demons in the Makai try to sneak into the Ningenkai and cause trouble or try to kidnap humans and sell them in the Makai on the black market…or use them as food.” He said bitterly. “Well mine, Kurama's and Hiei's job is to stop them and pretty much keep order in the Ningenkai and Makai and make sure that the youkai don't get too out of hand and deal with other types of issues that happen there too.” He told her.
“Well, Kurama had taken something that was a very powerful artifact. His mother's life at the time was in danger and he was willing to do whatever it took to save her, even at the cost of his own life. I didn't know him well at the time but I just couldn't watch anyone who had such a love for his parent leave like that. So I offered my life instead, the item apparently decided that because I did that it would save his mother and spare our lives. We were really lucky.” He said, thinking back on that moment. “So after that, he felt that he owed me and that started the beginning of our friendship. Hiei well, Hiei was a bastard then and is still one now.” He chuckled; enjoying how engrossed Kagome was with his story. “Well our partnership started because we were assigned to work together.” He said, leaving out the fact that the two other demons were actually former thieves and serving a probationary sentence for the Rekai for items they stole. That was something he'd leave for them to tell her if they ever decided on it.
“Wow, Yusuke I never knew that your jobs were so important. Heh but thinking about it, it really suits you. Your truly the save everyone type.” Kagome said aloud, when at that moment their food arrived. “Oh, this looks good.” She said enthusiastically, while eyeing her food. “Heh, if you liked that shake then you have to dig into the food. It'll have you drooling for more.” Yusuke chuckled while taking a large bite out of his burger. Oh how he loved the food there. It was that moment he eyed the amount of food on Kagome's plate. He knew the food was a bit bigger when it came to the burgers and fries and thought of something interesting. “I bet you twenty bucks that you wont be able to finish all of that and down a shake.” He said cockily. “Oh, is someone testing me?” the miko asked, smirking slightly. Yusuke grinned largely. “Maybe.” He bantered back. “You know your not gonna finish it.” he said confidently. Kagome laughed. “You owe me twenty bucks.” She grinned, digging hungrily into her food. The wager was on.
The detective looked in awe to the fact that the girl in front of him not only polished off her more then decently sized burger and fries, but also was now digging fully into her ribs. *Where the FUCK is she putting it all? * He wondered, thoroughly perplexed. *Shit, at this rate I am gonna end up owing her money. * He though distressed. “Y-You know Kagome, I was only kidding about that bet right?” he asked hoping that she would let him off. She looked at him, smirking while she picked up another rib. “Oh hell no buddy. You're payin'.” She declared, eagerly biting into the deliciously cooked meat. “Fuck.” Yusuke swore, scowling at the girl. Kagome raised a brow at the outburst and finished off her remaining two ribs, while also ordering a strawberry shake with extra whip cream. “A little moody aren't we?” she asked casually.
The man sighed heavily and leaned on the table. “Sorry Kag, just never had anyone let alone a girl beat me at anything that had to deal with food.” He said honestly. Kagome laughed and reached for his hand. “Awww don't worry Yusuke. I'll get you use to loosing at a lot of things.” She said, her blue eyes sparkling playfully. Yusuke chuckled and grinned. “You really are a brat.” He told her calling the waitress over for the bill. “Hey mind getting the shake to go?” he asked. “Nope it's all fine with me.” Kagome said easily. “Cool.” He told her while telling the waitress the plan. The two exited on the arrival of the strawberry shake that was now eagerly being guzzled by the blue-eyed girl. Yusuke frowned. “Your gonna get a brain freeze if you keep chuggin it like that.” He warned her. Not two seconds later he sighed knowingly when he heard the big oww along with a hiss. “I told ya.” He said getting into the car.
“Shut it.” she pouted, holding each side of her temples. He watched, momentarily mesmerized when she closed her eyes and watched her fingers glow light blue. Instantly she grinned and grabbed the container. “All better.” She said happily. “That's cheating.” Yusuke grumbled driving toward the highway. “I still don't get where the fuck you put all the food.” He said, looking at her in wonder. Kagome giggled. “Well, I don't normally eat like that, but for a while there were times I would have to eat heavy because there was no guarantee for the next meal.” She said casually leaning against the window and closing her eyes. Yusuke couldn't help but mull over her words wondering what exactly she meant. *I don't think her family had money problems. * He thought, still trying to figure out the odd phrase. After some time when his head began to hurt he immediately pushed the thought out of his mind. *Fuck it. * He thought, cruising along the road when a massive cluster of lights caught his attention. “What's that?” he said to himself.
Kagome opened her eyes to peer at what Yusuke was looking at. “It's a festival.” She said softly. Instantly she thought of home and longed to be there. She turned to her companion. “Yusuke can we go?” she asked, looking at him with pleading eyes. “You don't have to look at me like I'm gonna say no.” he barked jokingly. “Sure we can go. I'll kick you ass at games to make me feel better about giving you twenty bucks.” He grinned. Kagome smiled mysteriously. “If you say so Yusuke.” She told him. She wasn't about to say that she had years of experience. That would ruin the fun of beating him. “Why is that when you smile like that I get nervous.” He said, glancing at her. Kagome laughed and smiled, when they pulled into the lot, “I wonder.”
Kagome walked happily beside Yusuke marveling at the colored lights. She looked at the girls giggling in yukata's and smiled wistfully. In this moment she felt truly at home, she really missed being in the village with everyone. *I wonder how you're all doing. * She thought to herself. Kagome was also happy for another reason. Today she was able to spend time with Yusuke and not only that but she was having an excellent time. She saw and walked over to the attendant “Excuse me, when is the festival over?” she asked. “Everything is over in an hour, child.” The woman smiled at her. “I suggest you have as much fun as you can. Go on.” The woman told them, ushering them into the crowd. “Guess we're catching the end if it.” Kagome said. “Too bad we didn't get to the diner earlier. Well even so, there's still the winter festival coming up next month.” Yusuke said. “That's true.” Kagome smiled, spotting a dango stand. “Yusuke lets go!” she said excitedly, grabbing his hand dragging him all over the event.
The two enjoyed themselves in each other's company; especially while trying to out do each other in prizes. Right now they were tied since they both had ten. “This time I'm going to beat you. There are no tricks here so it wont be like Halloween.” Kagome taunted. “Oh bull, I would have won if you chickened out. This will prove who will be the prize victor of the night.” Yuske said heatedly when his attention was diverted to something else. “Whoa.” He said looking off to the side. “What are you looking at?” Kagome asked. “They have a really wicked looking sword over there for the grand prize.” He said pointing to one of the exhibits. “Let's go see.” She said walking hand in hand with Yusuke who was quite thankful she couldn't see the faint redness in his cheeks.
“Excuse me, can we look at that sword please?” Kagome asked the stand runner. The man took it down and held it for them to see. It was really beautiful. “May we touch it?” Kagome asked. “Sure, as long as you let me hold on to your ID's.” the man said. Nodding Kagome fished in her messenger bag for the requested item while Yusuke did the same through his wallet. Sword in hand the two looked over the item. “Wow I'm surprised.” Kagome said, running her finger over the blade. “I know, it's really well made.” Yusuke said, holding the hilt and feeling the weight of it. “Its' really well balanced too.” He mumbled. The blade was silver with black markings that looked a lot like the pattern of his youkai markings when he was in demon form, a blue and black sheath with silver tribal decorations fully covered the scabbard.
Kagome smiled. “You really like it don't you?” she asked. “Heh I do actually. Also I could actually use it and not just have it for show.” He said aloud, still awing at the blade. Coming to a decision she turned back to the stand runner. “Excuse me, what is the event to win that sword?” she asked. “Ah, it's archery.” He told her. Kagome's smile widened. “For you guys to place such a nice sword for the grand prize means you thought no one would really be able to win it didn't you?” she asked, watching the man shift uncomfortably. “Look lady, I'm just running this thing, I don't know anything other then what they tell me to do.” He said quickly. “Of course, my apologies.” She said coolly.
Yusuke had to do a double take when looking at the girl. He'd never seen Kagome the was she was just now, the girl was usually full of smiles and sweet, he wasn't sure exactly what this would be called but she definitely didn't seem like the simple girl he knew. It must really suck to be put down by a girl who was being nice about in a way where you couldn't argue back without looking like an ass. However Yusuke knew she had a point. No one would put such a classy item out unless they thought no one could win it. That also meant that the challenge would also be very difficult…fuck. Also, the event
to win the sword was archery; he had never done archery or picked up a bow in his life…double fuck. “Damn, it had to be fuckin archery.” He growled. “ Guess we'll move on to something else.” Yusuke sighed, turning away.
“No Yusuke.” Kagome told him, meeting his eyes. “I'm going to win you that sword.” She told him, with a fiery look in her eyes. “What does the course consist of?” she asked the man. “You first have to hit one target. Once you complete that you have to split your arrow. Then after you split your arrow you have to hit the winning target, which is also a moving target with two arrows at the same time.” He said. Kagome's smile was blinding, while Yusuke blanched. “Kag forget, let's just go.” He said, scowling at the beady-eyed man. “OH no this is perfect. I would love to complete this and win you your prize Yusuke.” She purred, her eyes never leaving the stand runner. “Set everything up, I'll complete it with no problem.” She told the worker. “Whatever, no one's been able to beat this.” He sighed, moving to set up the targets.
“Kagome, are you sure about this? I mean I know your sword skills are superb, but can you really handle a bow?” he asked, very unsure of their current situation. The girl sighed and looked into his eyes. “Yusuke, please. Trust me, I wouldn't push this if I wasn't confident in my ability to complete the task.” She told him. He looked away, feeling extremely guilty. He should have realized already that she wasn't a normal girl. She was a miko and should have some kind of long-range skills considering that day he saw her fight. He was seeing her as a normal girl like Keiko and these two girls weren't anything alike at all. “Kag, I'm sorry. Sometimes I guess I forget that you're this top-notch fighter when you seem so normal all the time. I promise to have nothing but faith in you ok?” he said, being rewarded with the most dazzling smile he'd ever seen. “Arigato Yusuke.” She grinned, turning back to the returning worker.
“All right miss, you targets have been set. Here's your bow.” He said handing her the item. Kagome looked at the piece of wood and frowned. “This is the most unacceptable thing I've ever seen. This bow is not strong enough, also do you have a long bow?” she asked. The man gave her a look before turning to go search. “Also before you go, can you bring me all the bows you have? I need the best pick.” She told him again, earning a meaningful glare. “Whatever.” He snapped while disappearing to collect the archery supplies. Yusuke laughed, turning to the blue - eyed girl. “You are evil.” He said grinning. Kagome gave her most poised smile. “But Yusuke, If I'm going to make this shot I need the best bow. After all he should be happy that I'm relieving him of their grand prize.” She said evenly, never loosing her smile. Even Yusuke had to admit she was a bit creepy right then.
The angry worker came back and dumped all the bows on the table. “Here.” He spat grabbing ten arrows and placing them down also. “And before you even start, there are no other arrows. You play with these only. Miss two shots and your out.” He told her nastily. “Of course.” Kagome said looking through her selections. In all honesty, even though the bows looked good on the outside, she quality of the wood was poor and cheap. There was one however that caught her eye. These people obviously didn't know the first thing about archery other then you needed bows and arrows. On the outside it looked pretty shabby, but Kagome could see that the bow was very well made with a high grade of wood and with a good sanding would be quite beautiful.
“I'll take this one.” She said picking up the frayed bow. “You sent me through all that trouble to pick a useless bow?” the man asked incredulously. “If you wanted garbage you should have just said so.” He sneered, having more then enough of the woman. Kagome gave a small smile, shaking her head. “The value of a bow is not just on the outward appearance. While these other bows look good, the quality of them isn't worth a thing considering their mass produced and made from cheap wood.” She told him. “This one.” She said holding up the old bow. “While its looks have faded, it's more useful then the others because it will last for a very long time. It's been neglected so of course its looks aren't the best, however it's the best value.” She said while the man sighed. “Whatever. Everything is set, just shoot and leave.” He said stepping to the side.
Kagome sighed and looked at her first target. “Whatever happens, your still amazing Kagome.” Yusuke told her. She smiled at him and picked up an arrow. “Piece of cake.” She said, focusing on her target while notching the ya. The arrow left her hand before it even settled and nailed the first target right in the middle. “A perfect bull's-eye. Lucky you.” The worker said looking the target over. “But can you do it twice.” He said sarcastically, moving out the way again. “I figured it would have been obvious.” She said, notching and releasing another arrow quickly splitting the other one in two “Way to go Kag.” Yusuke called, amazed that the girl could split her arrow. Kagome smiled. “Next is a moving target right?” she asked politely.
“Yes. But can you shoot two arrows?” he asked spitefully, which his attitude was beginning to piss Yusuke off. “Look asshole, no one's asking for your comments, so why don't you shut the hell up and let her win me my damn sword?” He growled. The man jumped, forgetting he was there and nodded, no longer saying anything. Kagome gave him an appreciative glance and grabbed two arrows. The moving target was about fifty meters away. Kagome studied it for some time. It was then she noticed something was off in the middle of the circle. *So they want to cheat do they? * She thought angrily, sending a bit of her miko ki into the arrow. She saw the workers knowing smile. “Just so you know, these arrows will pierce that target.” She announced, catching him off guard. Turning her attention back to the target, Kagome notched the twin arrows, pulling the bow completely taught.
A thundering snap sounded around her when the arrows flew from her hand. A loud pop sounded when both arrows blasted their way through the center straddling the target. Unbeknownst to them a crowd had formed around them and cheered. “H-How? How the hell did you…” The man trailed in disbelief. Kagome merely smiled and placed the bow back on the stand. “I believe you owe me a sword.” She said while the worker blanched. Reluctantly he went and picked up the blade and pushed into the hands of the girl. “Here. Don't come back.” He said angrily, shooing them away. The two walked away from the stand, while Yusuke looked in awe. “Kagome, you were amazing. I don't really get it though, why were you so determined to get that sword?” he asked.
Kagome smiled holding up the wrapped sword. “Yusuke today has been awesome. I honestly can't think of a time since I've been here that I've ever had this much fun. It really means a lot to me.” She said holding out the piece of steel for him to take. “So this is an object of my thanks. Thank you Yusuke for taking the time to spend with me. Not only that but for being such a great person to be with. You really have no idea what your friendship means to me.” She said softly. Yusuke picked up the sword and was silent. He couldn't believe that he had received so much from her but felt like he gave so little. “Kagome…” he said tightly, gripping the blade. This was more then likely the first time he'd ever gotten something like this. “Thank you.” He whispered, pulling her into a tight hug. Slowly he let her go and took her hand. “So, yeah. We have prizes to win right? You're in the lead and I can't have that.” He said quickly walking with her. Kagome smiled and followed him. “Yup and you still owe me twenty bucks.” She added, the two laughing, both equally content with the other.
`The grounds will be closing in fifteen minutes.' An announcer said to the crowd. “Damn, well looks like you're the winner Kag.” Yusuke grinned. It had been a fierce match, he had twenty-five and she had twenty-seven. “Man, prize victor of the night and you owe me twenty bucks. This just isn't your night.” She laughed, wrapping an arm around Yusuke's waist. The demon pulled her into a one armed hug. “Yeah, Yeah.” He chuckled, when he had to have chosen that moment to look up into the crows. *The fuck? * He thought quickly staring at the scene before him. He knew that figure anywhere and felt his heart sink a little the closer it came. There was Keiko in a beautiful blue and yellow yukata with some punk guy holding her hand and a bag full of prizes. He felt is blood boil a bit when with closer inspection he saw it was the same fucker who kissed Kagome. “Fucking bastard.” He growled softly.
It was that moment the image is the punks' lips on his present companions sparked the burning flames of anger that ignited instantly within him. Oh how he wanted to tear that prick a new asshole and more. He could feel the blood beast in him thrashing to get out since his eyes began to lighten in a shade of yellow. *Fuck I can't do that now. * He thought angrily trying to regain control. He closed his eyes and pulled Kagome closer nuzzling his nose in the crook of her neck to breath in her claming sent. *I can't loose control. Not in front of her. * He thought firmly. “Yusuke?” Kagome called, looking at him with concerned eyes. He smiled at her and kissed her forehead. “Kag, I'm fine.” He said softly. “Let's take you home.” He sighed, pulling the small girl close and walking to the lot, praying he didn't run into his girlfriend and her companion.
The two rode in silence, Yusuke happy that there wasn't an incident on the way to the car. Kagome looked at him and reached for his arm. “Yusuke are you sure everything is ok? I felt your youki rise. You saw something that angered you didn't you?” she asked. Yusuke mentally cursed her powers and awareness. *Fuck it. I'm not going to let her ruin this night. * He though to himself. “Yeah I did see something but I'm over it now. Sorry if I caused you to worry. But uh, what are you gonna do with all this loot?” he asked. “Huh? What do you mean?” Kagome asked, currently confused. Yusuke chuckled. “You have two bags of prizes. What are you going to do with them all?” he asked again. “You mean your giving me you bag of wins?” she asked. “Well duh, I won them for you, even if I didn't say anything. I don't need them, you already gave me a prize that's honestly more amazing then any of the things I won you.” He said, glancing at the sword sitting in the backseat.
Kagome gave him a soft smile. “Yusuke you really are something.” She said, when he pulled his car in front of her street. “Yeah I know. I'm just so dashing.” He said in a falsetto voice, batting his lashes. In that moment Kagome howled with laughter. “You baka.” She cackled, wiping a tear from her eyes. “Jeez anything can make you laugh.” He chuckled, grabbing the two bags. Sobering up she giggled and got out of the car. The two walked up the steps, which this time to Yusuke didn't seem long at all. He placed the two bags in her living room. “Your really gonna keep it all?” Yusuke asked. “Well if not I can give a lot of it to my younger brother.” She said, thinking about what he might like. Yusuke turned to look at her. “You have a younger brother?” He asked. “Yep, I sure do. He's fourteen now.” She told him. “Well where is he? I don't think me or Kurama have seen him at all.” he said, thinking on if he ever saw a young boy in the house.
Kagome laughed. “No you haven't seen him. He's going to an away school this year. I also stay with my mom and Oji - San. The two of them are away right now with family matters but if I'm lucky they'll be back soon. I hate staying here by myself.” She sighed. Yusuke whistled. “And here I thought you stayed in this huge shrine all alone, with your cat.” He said aloud. Kagome shrugged and sat down. “Well for now I do. And sorry if the other day I seemed pushy about you staying over. It's just…difficult for me to be alone.” She said, a hint of sadness creeping in her voice. “Well seeing as I'm here you're not alone, though it makes a lot more sense to me now. And don't worry; I'm sure you family will be home soon before you know it. I don't think they'll leave their daughter home alone for very long.” Yusuke told her. Kagome grinned and brightened some. “Yeah Yusuke, your right. They will be home soon.” She agreed and pulled out a movie. “Let's watch Willow.” She suggested. “Sure.” He said, sinking into the couch with her as the movie started.
The two finished the movie and hung out for a while, when finally Yusuke walked with her to the door. *Man it got late quick. * He thought, glancing at his cell. But the time had been worth it to be with Kagome. “So did you enjoy spending all of my money?” Yusuke grinned. Kagome smirked and pinches his side. “But of course. It's always more fun when it's someone else's money.” She giggled. “Man your dangerous all over.” He muttered rubbing his injured side. “Aww your not that easily wounded are you.?” The miko teased. “Maybe.” He grumbled. Kagome laughed lightly. “Aww you poor thing. Well g'night `Usuke” She said playfully leaning up to kiss his cheek. It was that moment that timing went askew when Yusuke also turned to banter back with the dark haired woman, and their lips touched. Fire exploded inside the detective when he felt the touch of those soft lips upon his own. Surprised, Kagome jerked back, blinking at him with unbelieving eyes. “Um…” she began unsure of what to say.
Hazel eyes caught blue for some time. Yusuke smiled and stepped closer. There was no escaping the feeling he felt now, and he had no choice but to give in to the moment. “Y-Yusuke?” Kagome stammered taking a step back, unsure of what to do. “Kagome.” He whispered, closing in on the miko. The toushin pulled the girl close, enjoying the silk feeling of her lips against his. His soul soared when he felt her arms wrap around him, his own hands fingering those long ebony tresses while she eagerly responded to his kiss. The detective felt like he would drown if he didn't get enough of her. Needing more, he nipped her lip, which caused her to gasp. The perfect opportunity for him to have more, and he didn't disappoint. Instantly he invaded her mouth, thoroughly searching the sweet cavern and earning a moan much to his delight.
Kagome felt as though she were drowning in an onslaught of emotions. All she could feel were the delicious sensations Yusuke was pulling through her body. Eagerly she slipped her fingers in his hair, playing with the baby soft locks and pulling him closer. “Yusuke.” She breathed against his lips, needing so much more then what he was giving. Her body shuddered when she felt his hands ghost along her sides, tentatively exploring. Feeling bold, she leaned forward and brushed her lips against his ear, lightly toying it with innocent touches. A feral growl escaped from the demon while he gripped her harder. It was that moment Yusuke pulled her tight against him and the reddening of her cheeks darkened when she felt his undeniable attraction for her. *Oh Kami - Sama. * She thought, biting her lip when he attacked a spot on her neck unknowingly guiding her directly against a wall.
Heat. Delicious wicked heat was all the two felt, the sensation nearly consuming them. “Kagome.” Yusuke growled against her ear enjoying having her currently pinned beneath him upon the wall. He had to feel more, his blood burned for it. He felt in that moment that she was the only one who could satisfy the hunger in his soul, which currently felt as though it were starving. Funny how he'd never noticed such a hunger before. He took hold of her mouth once again; leaving not a trace untouched while thoroughly enjoying the effect she was causing on his body. When Kagome licked her own trail along his neck, Yusuke gripped the girls backside and pulled her flushed against him, holding her thighs to pull them up around his hips, which caused her to cling to him in such a devious way. His hands crept up her side and rested on her chest, toying with the sensitive mound of flesh. Kagome sighed happily, leaning her neck to the side to give him more access to the spot he was currently teasing.
Her body flamed with heat and in that moment she wanted the toushin more then she'd wanted anything in her entire life. Delicate moans and mews left her mouth while the detective played her body expertly. It was when she felt his fingers dip behind the fabric of her jeans that reality came crashing down upon her. *Fuck. * She thought, her mind, much to Kagome's displeasure, clearing from its lust-induced haze. When the kiss broke she gently pulled back and looked him in the face. “Yusuke.” She whispered, trying to catch her voice. He moved in again, confused when once again she pulled back and placed her hands on his chest, creating distance. “Yusuke, we have to stop.” She said softly.
Clarity struck through him also when he stepped back and gave a deep sigh. “Kagome I'm sorry.” He said, closing his eyes to reign in the emotions that were currently still active. “Yusuke.” Kagome began, touching his face for him to look at her. “I want you to know that I don't regret what happened, but I do which it could have occurred at a more convenient time.” She said, sighing slightly. “While I can no longer deny my attraction for you, Yusuke you have a girlfriend. This would be wrong to continue and I'm glad that we came to our senses before anything else could occur.” She told him, dropping her hand and stepping away. “Your right Kagome. I shouldn't have put you of all people in this situation.” He said in a voice full of disappointment, mostly within himself. *First you fuck Kurama and now you nearly attempt whatever with Kgome? What the fuck is wrong with you? * Yusuke thought angrily with himself. He always prided himself in being loyal and it pissed him off the things that were occurring in his life that slashed at the things he felt pride in.
“Don't worry about it so much ok? Just, get things settled first and we can figure it out from there.” She told him with a smile. “No matter what happens you and I are still friends and you're still my Yusuke.” She said enveloping him with a hug. Immediately he latched onto her drawing her close and taking in her calming scent. “Thank you.” He whispered, nuzzling her hair. She was right. He needed to do some serious thinking and figure out what he was going to do from there. Kagome was much too important to him to turn into a regret and he truly was glad that things stopped before they really had a chance to begin. “I truly am lucky to have a friend like you.” He said, smiling slightly.
The two of them walked to her door and she pulled Yusuke into another hug. “Seriously don't think about that happened to much and everything will work out the way it was meant to.” She said stepping back. “I wish you all the luck with Keiko.” She added smiling. Yusuke gave a small smile. “Thanks. We need it,” he said, looking out the door. “See you later?” he asked look back at the blue eyed girl. The miko laughed and pushed him out the door. “You baka, when will you not see me? You still owe me cash.” She grinned playfully. “I still need to kick your ass in few challenges anyway.” She taunted. “Are you sure it's me that's gonna get my ass kicked.” He asked back, grinning. “Well you and I will have to see. I'll win just like I did tonight.” She smirked. “YOU just got lucky. Goodnight gremlin.” He chuckled heading down her walkway. Kagome laughed, watching him depart. “Goodnight Goober.” She smirked closing her door.
Kagome sighed and slid down against the frame of her door. “Damn.” She whispered, dazing off into the distance. She did a good job of controlling herself, but her body still burned from the heat of his touches. She didn't even think something like that would happen between them. While she didn't mind the kiss, she just wished he were free when they had it. *I'm not going to be another girl on the side. * She told herself, her mind reflecting. She had already been involved with a guy who had a girl. Inuyasha and Kikyo. Three way relationships like that were over in her mind. Never again would she be a third wheel no matter who they were.
However it perplexed her as to why Yusuke would kiss her. HE couldn't be attracted to her could he? What exactly was she in his eyes? This event caused her to have so many questions and she didn't know where to start in finding answers. Then there was the whole matter between him and Keiko. While she could now honestly say that she held a desire for her friend, she didn't want to be one to break apart a relationship either. *Ugh so freaking complicated. * She thought, holding her head. It seemed life was slowly becoming complicated. Briefly her mind once again returned to the sudden incident between her and Yusuke. “Fucking bastard.” She growled, giving a very frustrated sighed. It seemed sleep would be very difficult to come by this night.
A yawn escaped his lips while he rolled over. He looked up at his paint chipped walls and to an object that was currently resting in one of his chairs. *Kagome. * He thought, slowly rubbing his eyes. Rising he leaned against his headboard while reaching for the blade that was won for him. Yesterday had been the most amazing and enjoyable time he'd ever spent with a woman. More then any time he'd ever spent with Keiko in his life. The question was why? Why was it so easy to be in her presence then it was with Keiko? A groan escaped his lips and he gazed upward at his ceiling.
“Think of when things began to change huh?” He said aloud, thinking on the words Kagome told him for advice. When did things change for him and Keiko? The dark haired boy thought long and hard on that one question. When exactly did things change between him and his first love? Yusuke thought about all the changes and stages his life went through along with Keiko and it was then he realized what had changed. It was the moment he found he had demon blood. That was when their happy world began to change into what it is now. The day he told her that he wasn't human anymore and pretty much had never really been human from the start.
*Can it be fixed? * He wondered to himself. He knew that over the years Keiko did the best she could with what she learned to accept and adapt. After all, how many girls can say that their boyfriend is a youkai and not only that but works for an alternate dimension and fights demons to ensure the Ningenkai's safety. None, that's who…well unless he started dating again he thought at first before realizing that it would be the same also for whoever Hiei and Kurama chose at mates if they ever picked anyone human. Which that was something that was a lot more believable with Kurama then it ever would be with Hiei. “I wonder how that runt is?” he thought to himself. It had been while since he paid the hybrid a visit, since he wasn't one that Yusuke normally visited socially.
Yusuke lay there and thought for some time about him and Keiko. The life she truly wanted for them and wondered if he tried could he really do it? Could he really have just a normal human life with her? He could probably get a job as a police officer, which would really be the only thing he could do somewhat comfortably. He thought long and hard of leaving his world behind. “I can't do it,” he said aloud. There was no way it would stop. He had too many enemies he'd made within the prison walls of the Rekai and not only that but tons of dangers that hunted him in the Makai as well. If it ever became word that he was nothing but a normal human…Keiko would never be safe. As long as she was with him, she would and could never have that normal human life she wanted.
It wasn't just on that level either, but while really thinking on everything, he knew that they had no real compatibility. They had no common interest, nothing they could talk about together, and no common goals for life or the future. She was a wonderfully educated woman but that was something that just wasn't in his life for the moment. School had never been something he was strong in, hell he barely managed to graduate. He was more of a physical type of guy that had good fighting strategies and that was really about it. There was also something missing. There was no spark between him and Keiko. No passion, no desire or anything. She felt nothing in a sexual nature for him that was proven and pointed out the last time the two engaged on a date. She didn't even really try to touch him or anything. Not even a smile ,hug or cuddle.
So many times he wanted what happened accidentally that one night with her, but she was scared. However it was what she was scared of that he so desperately needed. That passion that occurred so easily between him and Kagome that Keiko turned away from. “Fuck it.” he said aloud, hunting through his covers. Yusuke had finally made a decision, however there was one more person he needed to talk to for their advice. Finally finding what he was searching for he picked up his phone and dialed the necessary digits. There was someone he wanted to speak with that he hadn't talked to in quite some time.
“Hello?” The voice answered on the other end of the phone.
“Hey you ugly bastard.” Yusuke grinned.
“Who the hell you callin ugly you helmet head.” the masculine voiced yelled.
“Heh, yeah whatever Kuwabaka.” He laughed, jokingly at his friend.
“Anyway when the hell are ya commin home ya mutt?” Yusuke asked.
“Hmm, not too sure but it should be soon I hope. I miss real Japanese food.” Kazuma sighed.
“Have I missed anything?” he asked.
Yusuke sighed. Thinking on all the crazy things that happened that happened with the appearance of Kagome.
“Yeah Kaz. You could say you really missed a lot.” He said tiredly.
“I'm thinking of breaking up with Keiko.” He said quietly. He never thought that phrase would be so difficult to say.
“What?! Why? You two have been together forever. Can't you work it out?” he asked, franticly.
“She wants a human life. That's something I can't give her. You and I know that.” The toushin whispered.
“Give her some time? I'm sure Keiko can adjust.” Kazuma said hopefully.
“No, we've been there. She wants me to quit being a detective and go to fucking school.” Yusuke grumbled slightly.
“Kaz, I can't fucking give her something that I'm not. Shit, I'm not even human to begin with.” He sighed, flopping on his bed.
“Shit Yusuke, you've really got it rough.” Kuwabara sighed.
“There's also something else.” He added.
“Fuck, your gonna give me more bad news?” he asked, sadly. Yusuke chuckled.
“Well depends on how you look at it really. There's a girl.” He told him
“Is she the reason you're thinking of leavin Keiko?” Kuwabara asked accusingly.
“No she's not. She's unlike anything you've ever seen and she's the most beautiful girl in the world.” Yusuke sighed dreamily.
“Well she's fully caught Kurama's attention and I'm kinda crushin on her as well.” Yusuke admitted.
“ Hiei might also be interested but I'm not sure though he is training her. It's weird but the four of us are connected some how.” The spirit detective sighed.
“That flame throwing bastard is actually helping someone?” Kazuma asked in amazement while Yusuke laughed.
“Yeah she is. I dunno this girl changes people man.” Yusuke sighed, thinking on the blue-eyed vixen.
“Yusuke, I don't know fully what's going on, but the only thing I can say is that you have to do what makes you happy. I hate to see that you and Keiko are gonna break up but if it's an action that can lean to her happiness as well as yours then I do support it.” Kazuma said encouragingly. Yusuke grinned.
“Thanks Kuwabara. Ya know sometimes you say some surprisingly smart things.” He grinned.
“Well I am smart ya know.” Kuwabara mumbled.
“No, you're a baka. Kuwabaka.” He chuckled, earning an earful of curses.
“Well Kaz I gotta go. Call me when you come home. And good luck at that US school. The whole gang will be waiting for ya.” He smiled.
“Thanks Yusuke. I miss you guys and make sure you look after Yukina for me.” He asked before clicking off the line.
He laid there thinking on his phone call with Kuwabara. It had felt damn good to hear his voice and he really did hope that his friend would return soon. It wasn't really quite the same without him. “What makes me happy?” he said to himself. That was something he hadn't thought of in a long time. As much as it hurt to admit, the toushin couldn't deny the fact that Keiko didn't make him happy anymore. It was Kagome who was bringing that joy into his life. “It's dead.” He whispered. The moments those words slipped from his lips he knew them to be true. After all, this heart and soul yearned for another and he was sure she was also vying for someone else's attention.
Yusuke sat up and ran a hand over his face. The two of them had been together for so long but it seemed that their time running together had come to an end. Keiko had no desire for him and he could see now that they were just together for the sake of being together and he didn't want a relationship like that. Even so he still couldn't deny that he cared for her. She had been his longest friend and a person close to his heart. Even so, there was no passion, or steam between them. Not even a puff of any kind. So if those feelings weren't there by now they never would be. This really would be the easiest solution, because no matter how he felt for her… he knew he could never stop being who or what he was.
He was a demon. His offspring would have that same youkai blood coursing through their veins and if that were the case, then Keiko would never have that normal human life she always wanted. Yusuke knew that, and even though she accepted him, he knew deep within his heart that she would never be able to give him that full acceptance that he needed. If she truly did then she wouldn't ask him to do something that he knew he couldn't. “I guess there's only one thing left to do.” He mumbled, getting out of bed to get dressed. In the middle of buttoning his slacks he heard a knocking at the door.
“Guess I'm home alone today.” He thought on his way to the front. Anytime someone came weather he was there or not his mother would yell for him to get the door. “Damn it hold your horses.” He grumbled at the persistent knocking. Opening it he looked in surprise on who was on the other side. “Hello Yusuke.” They said smiling politely. “K-Keiko? Uh, wow I can't remember the last time you've ever come here. Come in.” he said quickly, bringing her inside. “Well I was in the area so I thought I would drop by.” She told him sitting on a sofa. Yusuke took the seat beside her and got comfortable.
“So what have you been up to?” he asked looking at her. She giggled. “Yusuke it hasn't even been that long since you've seen me.” She said smiling. The girl took a moment to look around. “Nothings changed in here since we were little has it?” she asked quietly. “If anything things have just gotten worse.” He sighed, looking at the growing cracks in the wall. “It just shows character. How is you mother?” she asked. “Heh, you should already know. She goes through her liquor as quickly as she does her men.” He sneered. “I'm sorry.” Keiko said quietly, an awkward silence settling over the room.
“Ah, so how are Kurama and Hiei?” Keiko asked. “Kurama is great and Hiei has his hands full giving our friend Kagome sword training. Her skills are already pretty good but wow, her techniques are amazing.” He said half grinning. “Oh? So that girl is a fighter also?” Keiko questioned. “Well she's a miko, and she has fighting abilities unlike I've ever seen. Also she seems to have had contact with youkai and can sense and even tell what they are. She had me and Kurama pegged from day one.” He chuckled. “This girl definitely sounds interesting.” Keiko commented.
“OH yeah so did you have fun yesterday?” Yusuke asked casually. “What do you mean?” Keiko wondered. “Well I saw you and a guy which I'm guessing was your new guy friend at the festival yesterday.” He shrugged. “Oh, I had no idea. He saw I was feeling a bit blue and wanted to cheer me up.” Keiko told him awkwardly. “So what's the little punks name anyway?” he asked, the name forgotten from his mind from before. “Yusuke, I told you who he was before when we went out. His name is Houjo and he's not a punk. He's a well mannered gentlemen who had his heart broken by the rejection of a girl he loved for along time.” Keiko said, defending her new companion.
Yusuke laughed. “I see so Kagome rejected him huh? Must not be much if he can't hold her interest.” He mused aloud. “What are you talking about?” Keiko asked with much irritation. “Your boy Houbo, is someone my friend Kagome knows. I guess you could say she's the girl that broke his heart.” He smirked. “You're kidding.” She said in shock “Nope. Small world ain't it?” Yusuke chuckled. He sighed and looked at Keiko, just for the moment truly taking her in. “Keiko, your not happy with me are you?” he asked her honestly, getting straight to the point.
“W-Where are all these things coming from Yusuke? First it's these odd questions of touching you then you ask if I'm happy with you? What's going on?” She grumbled with much embarrassment and annoyance in her voice. “I've just been doing a lot of thinking Keiko. About me, you, and us.” He admitted gazing upward at the ceiling. “What about us?” Keiko asked curiously. “If you and I really belong together…if we can really make each other happy.” He said dully. “Yusuke…” Keiko trailed, unsure of how to say what she also felt as well. Things were just so odd between them lately she didn't know what to do.
“Look Kei-.” Yusuke began when his communicator went off. “Damn it!” he grumbled fishing for the annoying black object. The item retrieved he flipped it open to answer the call. “What the hell do you bastards want?” he growled. “Yusuke! You no better then to talk that way in front of a lady.” Bulma yelled at him, swinging her oar wildly in the background. “Yeah, yeah sorry, Cut to the chase and what's up?” he asked, very quickly tired with the conversation. “Well Yusuke, it seems we may be busy soon. All four of you to be honest, there have been reports of strange and odd activity within the Makai among the youkai and lower level youkai so we may need to pull all of you together to investigate.” The death keeper said seriously.
“I figured my time off was too good to last.” He grumbled. “Fine call me when you need me.” He sighed, flipping the black device close. Silence settled over the two once again and Keiko rose to stand by the window. “It will never change will it?” she asked quietly. “No, it really won't.” Yusuke said tiredly. “Keiko this is something that I need to, no I have to do. So many people depend on me and I can't let this go until the day I die.” He said softly. “But what about me?” Keiko asked with teary eyes. “Yusuke I needed you to be here with me, to always be safe. Is that really so hard?” Yusuke sighed and ran a hand over his face. “I want you to look at something.” He said quietly.
A soft glow covered his frame, his form changing, twisting and growing. Keiko took a step back when she looked into wild yellow eyes. “Yusuke, that's not fair.” She whimpered turning away. “No Keiko, it is fair.” He said carefully reaching for her chin to pull it in his direction. “The way you see me now, this demonic form…. Keiko this is who and what I really am.” He told her. “Keiko I love you and I want you to be happy. I want you to have that wonderful human life that you've always dreamed. I want someone who can keep you safe from only just the mortal dangers of this world and you not having to worry about the demonic ones.” He sighed, letting her go and turning away. Keiko looked at him with somber eyes. “It'll never be you will it?” she asked sadly.
Yusuke gave her a small smile. “No, it can't be me. There are to many demons that I've imprisoned. Their families all want my blood. There will always be some prick out there wanting to challenge me. My name has become a symbol of power that those who wish to crush me will claim and be above me. I'm like the ultimate fucking boss that these little shits want to win against. With my life being like this and you unable to fight against these things, Keiko I'll only be a danger to you. And while I care about you greatly this is a job I wont quit doing even 500 years from now. As long as my strength and power is needed, I'll continue to do what I need to do to make sure that you and all the humans I care about are safe.” He said quietly.
They looked to one another for some time. Both of them truly taking the other in for all they were worth. Keiko saw the wonderful boy she knew all her life and full inhuman aspect of what he was. She knew then that it was thoughtless for her to have kept asking Yusuke to do something so foolish. Her best she did, but there was no way that she could survive in his dangerous lifestyle any longer. The toushin looked at his first love and knew that he couldn't keep her. The two of them were far too different and she didn't have the skills needed to be in his world. So quickly would she be kidnapped, only to be used as leverage over his head. Though the care was there, the paths they walked were now turning away from the other. They knew it then, there was no turning back from this. It was time for them to say good-bye.
She walked up quietly and wrapped her arms around his solid waist. “Yusuke, you take care of yourself. And keep in contact with me from time to time ok?” she asked. He chuckled and looked into her eyes. “You know I will, and see if you can work something out with that guy. I really think the two of you can have something. I saw the way you were with him and I know he can be good for you. After all, your both equally boring.” He snickered. “Yusuke!” She growled, swatting him against his arm. They looked at each other and smiled. “Friends?” He asked. Keiko giggled and gave him a dazzling smile. “Friends indeed would be nice.” She said, softly smiling.
There was something else he had to say. It would be nagging at him for years. “Um, Keiko?” he said nervously. “There's something that I need to tell you.” He told her looking away. She looked at him, worry clear in her features. “Whatever it is, tell me.” She told him. “See it all started with Youko.” He sighed, remembering that night. “Youko?” she asked. “Yeah, Youko is the promiscuous fox spirit that lives within Kurama. He's a total horn ball.” Yusuke sighed. “And you see, foxes like that only see beauty. They have no care for male or female.” He told her, her eyes widened in realization. “Oh my.” She said, blushing horribly. “Did something happen with you two?” she asked hesitantly. “Yes.” He said in a small voice. Yusuke was prepared to receive whatever she decided to unleash upon him.
“…. What was it like?” she asked, shocking him. “K-Keiko?” he asked, bewildered. The girl laughed a bit. “Well I overheard a boy in my class speaking on him being intimate with his boyfriend and I always wondered. Besides I always suspected something since he would look at you like a hot dish he couldn't wait to bite into.” She shrugged walking up to him. The girl leaned down and gently pressed her lips against his temple. “Goodbye Yusuke and thank you. To be honest I thought the same way. I guess I just didn't think you were going to break up with me first.” She giggled, embracing him and walking out the door.
He sat there completely flabbergasted. Not only did he just break up with his long-term girlfriend, but also she didn't care that he had been intimate with Kurama? Not that he went into details of what really happened but hell. “Fuck. That shit is too much.” He sighed going back to taking a long shower to help ease things out. Finally stepping out and dressed in simple black loose jeans with a black t-shirt, her grabbed his silver chain and matching hoop. He looked in the mirror and saw his hair was indeed lengthening quickly near his shoulders. It was then Kagome came across his mind. He looked on with wide eyes as realization overcame him. *Kagome. * He thought happily. A cocky smile graced his lips, walking out the door. He had a miko he had to see.
OMG YAY!!!!!!! Lol so excited that I've finished this! I know I should have posted it eons ago, but there has just been so much going on and I'm happy that I have everything set for me to give this to you. I know that I seemed a bit slow but I really wanted to focus on Yusuke in this chapter and yes I know there was a total lack of Hiei but I promise that will definitely be bad up for as it all goes on :3 Also I'm kind of thinking of changing the pairing around to a Yusuke/Kagome/Kurama and maybe put Hiei with someone else? Give me your feed back on that idea. Also any ideas you have that you think would be cool to see in the story let me know! I'd be happy to use any ideas fans have for the stories I write :3 I hope you all have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Ja ne ^_^