InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Missing pieces ❯ Knowing Kagome... ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

Hello mina san! GOMEN NO SAI!!!!!! -______-
I'm terribly sorry that' it's been over a year. I just could no longer find the inspiration as I was trapped in writers block. Also life happened. I went though a pretty heavy year. This story however I've decided is going to have a yaoi twist. I don't know how the pairings will work out yet but I think I have a pretty good idea. Those interested in my life can go to as I blog their often. So now you not I have NOT abandoned ANY of my fics, nor was I ever thinking it. Again life happened. Just so you know I have the entire outline of chapter 12 for “The Nameless Youkai” all written up and now the only thing left for me to do is type. And alternating between that and class, I will do my best to have it up as soon as I possibly can. Not to mention I'm having a hard time fighting my plot bunnies which one of them you've already received lol. But also thank you to all of you who have kept on loving my fics ^_^ lol I do all my writing for you.
Now as always…
He sighed in frustration as he looked upon the ceiling of his room. His eyes painted the picture of the girl clear for him to see. He groaned as he rolled over and closed his eyes in his pillow, but again the image of the girl resurfaced… added with the images of his dreams. He was unable to escape her. Sighing in defeat, he rolled out of bed and walked over to his mirror as he looked over his reflection. His normally tidy red hair was disheveled and wild looking and his jade green eyes seemed practically glow. To any girl who knew him he never looked sexier.
Feeling an undeniable tingle on his body, Kurama looked down at his arms. The very arms that held her…touched her. The same arms that longed to have her in their presence once again. It had felt as an eternity had passed when in fact it had only been a day. He shook his head in disbelief, as he saw how strongly he reacted to a fantasy girl he saw was real for the very first time yesterday afternoon. The very thought of her made his body feel alive on it's own accord as this was the day they would return the wallet that so conveniently fell away from her.
He stripped off his clothes as he walked into the shower and somehow in a daze managed to properly clean his body. Drying off he walked over to his closet as he looked for something to wear. This was going to be the day he was finally given a chance to meet her and Damnit he wanted to look good. Trying to remember, he was doing his best to recall the outfit he wore that caused his fan club to literally attack him the moment he walked onto his doorstep.
Grinning he pulled out his selected clothing and glanced at the clock which read 1:35. He had 25 minutes to get there as they were all meeting at 2:00 to go and meet the woman he so long desired to see. Rushing he pulled on his slightly baggy dark green cargo jeans with his long sleeved jet black button downed shirt with a blood red t-shirt underneath.
Quickly running a brush through his hair, he once again glanced at the clock which glowed 1:45. He looked at the last item he debated with putting on his person… small silver hoops in a set of three. One on one ear and two for the other…the look seemed it would work but he wondered. Glancing at the clock he threw caution to the wind and grabbed the trinkets as he raced out the door and out of sight.
Yusuke stood there staring at his towel-covered reflection looking pissed. He would be seeing Kagome today…the girl who haunted his dreams… and could not think of a fucking single thing to wear and it ticked him off to hell and back. Sighing once again he made another attempt to go through his closet and see if there was something he overlooked. He smiled as he saw something he completely missed and could not honestly think of how.
Grinning he grabbed the shirt of the hanger and tossed it onto his bed. Looking around on the floor he grabbed a pair of black jeans and pulled them on as they slightly slipped down to his waist. He pulled on a black wife beater and then he pulled on the royal blue button up shirt while fastening only one latch and inspected himself. *Not bad…. * He thought as he looked himself over. Leaving the shirt un-tucked he grabbed his black jacket as he threw it on and grabbed a silver chain with his stud already intact. Looking at his clock it saw that it was five minutes until 2:00. “Shit!” he cried as he grabbed his keys and raced out of the door.
Hiei glanced up in time to see Kurama come toward him out of the sea of ningens. “Hn. Took you long enough, fox.” The hybrid drawled in annoyance as he looked up the steps of the shrine. “Gomen Hiei.” Kurama replied slightly panting. “I had…a slight interference.” He spoke as a blush adorned his face.
Hiei smirked, as he knew right away what happened to the kitsune. “Rabid females can't keep away from you again?” he stated as Kurama merely scowled in reply. Hiei shook his head as he watched the people walk by. “I honestly can't see how you stand these sickening ningen onna.” He stated as he frowned at one in particular looking at him.
“I find that interesting, coming from someone who's about to meet one.” Kurama commented, receiving a well-earned glare from the small youkai. “I have no interest in the baka onna what so ever!” Hiei growled. “This is purely business. Whatever else comes out of this is between you and the detective, fox.” Hiei stated as they watched Yusuke shove his way through the crowd.
“Yo.” He greeted as he looked anxiously at the shrine. “Your late.” Hiei stated, as Yusuke merely shrugged his shoulders and stood on the first step. “Whatever. So how are you gonna go about this?” He asked. “She has a neko youkai with her who is hell bent on not letting any of us near her again I'm sure. We could more then likely go in stealth mode and have her see us before the neko.” Yusuke pondered as he looked at the two youkai. “So what do you guys think?” He asked.
~Not bad…for a ningen…. ~ Youko commented as Kurama chuckled in there mind. ~Yusuke was always pretty smart…he just never applied himself. But I do think he as a good idea. How about you Hiei? ~ The Kitsune asked.~Hn. ~ came the reply from the apparition as Kurama smiled. “I think you have a good idea there.” Kurama replied as walked up to the detective. “Well
Then lets go!” Yusuke said excitedly as they all shielded themselves and hurried up to the shrine.
Kagome slowly awoke as they sun gently kissed her eyes through her window. She groaned slightly as she turned over eye to eye with Kirara. “Hey Kirara.” She greeted sleepily as she scratched the neko softly behind its ears, as it purred in response. Kagome smiled as she sat up and pulled herself out of bed.
The young miko went to her closet and lazily pulled out a large black towel and walked into her bathroom. As she finally set the water to her liking she stripped down and stepped under the warm hot spray of the shower. This was what she needed… a chance to truly unwind.
Suddenly Kagome's eyes flew open as she remembered. “Oh my God!” she gasped as a hand flew over to her parted lips. *This can't be real…it's not possible! Things like this just don't happen! * She ranted in her mind. But she couldn't deny the feel of the redhead holding her. Her body remembered.
“Am I going crazy?” she asked herself as she sunk down to the bottom of the tub as the warm water continued it's assault on her now reddened skin. Yesterday those three men struck something in her she never felt before…she knew them now. They were the three men from her dreams. She never fathomed that it was possible for dreams of those sort or the people in them to be real. …she wondered…why? Why do they come in her dreams almost every night? Why do these kinds of things always seem to happen to her?
Kagome sighed as she leaned her head against the tile as the heated spray covered her body. What would she do if she saw them again? What could she possibly say? `Hey um, I wanna know why I end up nearly sleeping with you in my dreams every night?' yeah…that go over real well.
Sighing once again she stood up and finally cleaned her body and washed her hair. Stepping out she grabbed her black towel and hugged it around her as she walked back into her room where Kirara slept on her bed. *You're so lucky you're a cat…. * She thought longingly. Animals never had emotional problems…not complicated ones anyway.
Kagome turned away from her feline companion as she walked to her closet to decide her attire for the day. *Hmm…I think a bit of training would be good for me…. * She thought to herself as she pulled out some loose black dance pants and a blank tank to go with it. Walking over to her dresser she ran a brush through her thick silky black locks and pulled her choker on as she fingered the silver kanji dangling on her throat.
Leaving Kirara where the little neko was, Kagome headed out of her house over to the far side by the Goshinboku. Kagome loved this tree. Every time she had a fight with Inuyasha, or when things were too much for her to handle, she always came to this tree. The little miko slowly slide her hand over the bark of the tree as she felt it's magic flow through her.
Sitting with her back comfortably against it, she closed her eyes and focused on the power inside her. Slowly a soft blue shone around her skin as it began to glow. Kagome molded and moved the power inside of her as gently pushed it out of her body, working on moving it around her. Soon she felt the warm tingle on her skin as she felt it mover around her body as she gently increased the speed little by little.
Gradually she slowed the movement down and pulled it back into herself. Kagome sighed as she slumped against the tree and wiped the sweat from her brow. This was always the hardest when trying to create new developments with her Ki. She was currently working on a new type of barrier that moved more easily around you and was also stronger. This was her battle barrier. She grabbed the water bottle sitting beside her as she drank heartily of its contents.
Kagome tensed slightly as she felt something. *What was that? * She wondered as she closed her eyes and focused. It was then she felt it…three demonic energies coming into her shrine. Kagome frowned as she sat up. *What would youkai want on my shrine? * She thought to herself as she scanned the area. “Well whatever it is it shall be interesting.” She thought aloud to herself…only she didn't know how true that statement was.
Yusuke sighed as she walked along the grounds of the shrine looking for Kagome. He smiled as he played her name in his head. He could hardily contain his excitement in knowing that she was so close to him and that most of all she was real. Yusuke sniffed the air as he caught a slight trace of her sent.
He motioned for Hiei and Kurama to follow him as she made a turn and they came upon the house. Quickly they traveled on the outskirts of the house to avoid detection by the neko, incase it was close by. Soon they found her. She was standing there looking to the sky as the wind danced with her hair. At that moment Yusuke nearly forgot how to breathe, as he could only think of one thing to describe her. *Beautiful…. * He thought as he decided it was best to approach her once more. Clearing his throat he spoke out to her first. “Excuse me.” He called
His breath stilled as she turned around and faced him again with wide eyes. “Ano…we um…we were returning something to you.” He flustered as he looked at Kurama to help him out who was equally entranced with her by the yellow that was peeking through his normal jade green eyes. Kurama caught his eyes and smiled as he nodded.
“Gomen ne.” He spoke kindly as he took a step near her and bowed. “My name is Minnamino, Suuichi. The other two behind me are Urameshi, Yusuke, and our friend Hiei. We did not mean to startle you the other day and we greatly apologize. But in the midst of the commotion as you left we saw that you had dropped you wallet and thought it best to come again the next day to return it to you.” He told her as he looked into her dazzling blue eyes.
“A-Arigato!” She told them as she smiled kindly. “I appreciate you bringing it out here to me. W-Why don't we go inside for some tea? She asked as she looked at them expectantly. “Yea, we'd love to.” Yusuke replied as he smiled at her. He couldn't get over the fact that she was real. He gazed at her as he imprinted every aspect about her to memory. The way her hair curved around her face, the way her ears poked slightly from underneath her tresses, and even the different stances she took as she was talking to them…somehow he ingrained them all. Deciding to be brave, he grabbed the girl's hand as he gave her a reassuring smile as he let her lead the way into the house.
Kagome sighed as she leaned her head against the wall. She was nervous as all hell and it didn't make any sense! Ok…it made perfect sense. After all how many girls end up meeting guys that they have sexual dreams about who are not figments of their imaginations but real? One. Who could that girl be now? Kagome. That's who and she's the only one. She groaned into the wall as if maybe by luck it could swallow her whole “Why me?” She whispered into the wall.
“Ano…Higurashi-San? Are you ok?” Asked a red headed Kitsune as he poked his head behind the door. “Hai!” Kagome called back as she straightened up and picked up the whistling teakettle. “Gomen ne.” She told Kurama and she placed the teakettle on the trey and went to get and get the cups. “I was just thinking that's all. No need to worry.” She told him as she smiled and placed the cups on the trey as well.
Kurama watched her movements as she went around the kitchen. “Is there anything on your mind? I know you don't know me that well, but if you want to talk I'll be more then happy to listen.” He told her earnestly, as Kagome turned around and looked into his dazzling green eyes. For the first time that day Kagome managed to give a genuine smile, as she thought on Kurama's words. “Arigato.” She said as she turned to walk into the living room to serve tea.
Kagome curled up in her favorite black armchair as she sipped on her cup of rose tea. “Well allow me to introduce myself to you all officially.” She said with a smile and she bowed her head. “My name is Higarashi Kagome, I am 19 years of age, I finished High School when I was 17 as I made arrangements to have all my classes online due to…certain circumstances. Also I am the future owner of this shrine.” She said as she took another sip of her tea.
“My name is Minamino Suuichi, I am 19 years of age also I graduated a year ago along with my friend here and I am currently employed in a…protection agency of sorts.” Kurama said as he finished the last of his tea. “All right, looks like it's my turn.” Yusuke stated as he flashed Kagome a smile. “Name's Urameshi Yusuke. 18 years of age, graduated the same time as Ku-Suuichi here and all three of us work for the same agency.” Yusuke volunteered as Hiei merely `Hn'ed' in response as he glared out the window. The two sighed at their companion as Yusuke spoke up one more. “And the bug on the wall over there is Hiei.” He said as Kagome smiled.
The conversation afterwards progressed and Kagome found herself having fun with the two youkai as the third one refused to talk despite her efforts. She found that they were indeed the ones she rode that monster of a roller coaster with and they had, to her mortification, had seen her become `sick' after the ride, as they now teased her mercilessly. Kagome noticed she was indeed enjoying the company of the two men and could not remember a time where she felt so relaxed, other then the time she spent with Sango, and Miroku.
She smiled softly to herself as she thought of her missed companions…especially Sango. How she missed her Nee-chan. She wondered how the demon slayer was without her as a soft sigh escaped her lips. Her thoughts were suddenly snapped forward as she heard a feral growl. She turned to see Kirara glaring and the three men before her. “Kirara shhhh.” Kagome told her as she picked up the two-tailed neko. “You know it's all right Kirara. You don't have to worry.” She told the neko softly as it continued to growl in her lap.
“What an…interesting cat you have.” Yusuke said uneasily as he remembered it's warning. Kagome gave him a confused look as she looked at him from the neko. “Why would she be interesting? All fire neko youkai look like her.” She said as settled Kirara in her lap. “Speaking of youkai, that reminds me.” She said with a smirk. “I know Kurama, that you are a Kitsune of sorts but oddly you feel ningen, and you Hiei I believe are some sort of cross between fire and another element that maybe opposes one another but you Yusuke…yours escapes me. I can't tell your type. But I do know that all of you are strong.” She concluded as she stroked the silky fur of the neko in her lap.
All three youkai looked at her in shock as she called them out perfectly almost…save for Yusuke. “H-How do you know about youkai? And if you do why are not afraid?” He asked curiously as Hiei and Kurama waited intently for her response. “Well….” Kagome began as she scratched her head. “I learned of them when I was rather young, and I'm not afraid because if I thought you were a danger to me, you'd all be dead in less then five seconds.” She said casually as she began playing with the little neko in her lap.
Hiei glared at her as he placed his hand on his katana. “Is that a threat Onna?” he asked as his eyes promised her death. Kagome met his gaze equally as she refused to back down. “Let's get something straight. My name is Kagome, Ka-Go-Me. Not that difficult to say. So please. Lets be grown ups here and use each other's names or I will be forced to give you a type of reminder that you will not want to suffer through.” she said with a gaze just as deadly as his as she briefly flared her aura to show who exactly was the strongest of the two.
~I'm impressed. No one has ever stood up so bluntly to Hiei before…not to mention she has the balls to back it up. ~ Youko purred as he eyed this new vixen happily. Kurama chuckled as they watched Hiei turn blue in the face as she flared her aura. ~Holy-Youko…. ~ Kurama trailed as he looked at the girl in awe. ~I know red…this little ningen girl is stronger then all three of us combined… and apparently has excellent control. ~ The Kitsune observed, as he shuddered in excitement at the feel of Kagome's power. ~I could grow to like this one red…she would definitely give us a challenge. ~ The Silver Kitsune commented as he gazed hungrily at the girl. ~Hmm…indeed. ~ The red head agreed as they watched the girl with interest.
Kurama grinned impishly as he leaned forward, while catching Kagome's attention. “Well then Ka-go-me.” He pronounced as he caught her glare. “I have a question for you as well.” He declared as he caught her sapphire gaze to his own. “Why is it that you come to us in the most…enticing of dreams?” He asked as he noticed the quickened blush that traveled down to her neck. *Wonder exactly how far that goes…. * The avatar thought as his counterpart agreed exuberantly in finding out.
“This…is something we want to know as well, Kagome.” Yusuke said in agreement as he watched Kagome focus solely on Kirara. “Ano…Kagome?” He asked hesitantly, as he watched the girls' obvious discomfort. He sighed as he leaned his head back and closed his eyes. Ever since he had been near her he was nothing more then a nervous wreck! He mentally chuckled if Kuwabara could see him now. He, the great Urameshi, was acting like a little git over a girl.
He sighed as he looked at her once again. But this was something he couldn't help. Maybe after all this damn awkwardness was over he could show her who he really was. Yusuke scowled as he realized this `situation' more then likely thanks to Hiei and Kurama wouldn't be over anytime soon. He sighed. Until then he had to settle for looking like a git.
Kagome could feel the heat increasing on her face as all three pairs of eyes stared at her expectantly. She didn't know that they had the dreams as well! She figured it was something wacky that her mind had pulled just to torment her. *Tell me please…oh great Kami, WHAT have I done? WHAT could I have POSSIBLY DONE to invoke your wrath? Tell me and I promise I'll be a good girl for the rest of my natural born life…oh wait…I'm never gonna die aren't I? * She thought as she sighed, one of the apparently `lucky' aspects of fusing with the jewel. It was always her life that was the most fucked up.
Deciding to face the inevitable, she turned her eyes to the three men in front of her. “Actually…that was something I wanted to ask you as well. You three are in…um…my dreams as well and I also wanted answers.” She admitted as her cheeks stained even further, as she nervously petted Kirara who mewled as the neko tried to calm its mistress's tension.
Kurama raised one perfectly sculpted brow as he realized. “You mean that you have not produced yourself purposely into our dreams and you have dreams of the three of us as well?” he questioned as she nodded. Slowly the wheels in his head began to turn as he tried to figure this out. ~You've been strangely quiet Hiei. What is your take on this situation? ~Kurama asked as he continued to gaze upon the girl. ~Hn. Unfortunately she speaks the truth. ~ Hiei commented. ~I have been attempting to use the jagen but her barriers are well done. ~ Hiei growled through their link as Kurama watched him visibly scowl.
All three of the Rekai tentai neither noticed how Kagome had suddenly became rigid, as they were lost in thought. Kirara meowed in concern as she watched her mistress become almost stone like. The miko's eyes unfocused as they began to swirl from red, green, gold, and blue until they finally settled on a dark violet as her body began to glow, which apparently then warranted the full and undivided attention of the three boys currently in the room.
“Kurama what's happening to her!” Yusuke demanded as he noticed her body began to sway in the chair as she began to glow brighter. Kurama did not answer him as he was to stunned to do anything but observe as the energy focused on her chest and a small glowing transparent lavender orb moved from out of her body and suspended itself in front of them all. Suddenly a gentile, hollow, voice sounded around them as it filled the air in a whisper as it clearly said:
Many souls destined to unite,
Though one is an enemy by blood.
The thing one needs most,
All have in them to give.
The souls must agree
Or no one can keep.
When four become one,
Light will look over the world.
The path, is destined by what you choose.
The three watched in awe as the orb dissipated back into Kagome, along with the power inside her as she slumped in her chair as Yusuke quickly caught her before she slid to the floor. “Kagome?” He called to her softly as he carried her to his chair and cradled her in his arms. Gently he patted her face as he called her name once more. “Kagome?” he said a little louder as she gently groaned and snuggled into his embrace. Yusuke looked at her in surprise as he smiled at her and a smirk crossed his features as he looked at his two teammates. “Well looks as if she's comfortable, so we might as well let her be ne?” The detective stated happily as the two youkai wore identical looks of displeasure on their faces.
“That will not be necessary.” Kurama stated crossly as instantly a plant seemed to grow out of his hand as it fed off his youki that he was streaming constantly into the plant to get his desired results. Suddenly it began to bloom as he took one of the petals of the plant and placed it close to her nose where Yusuke frowned, as she instantly stirred into consciousness. “Spoil sport.” He grumbled as Kagome slowly turned her head his way. “Yusuke?” She questioned as she looked to where she was. “What happened?” she asked as she tried to sit up but noticed something blocking her way. Confused she looked down to see the cause of her restraint when her gaze landed on a firm muscular arm wrapper around her waist.
A blush tinted her cheek, as she gently pulled herself out of his reach, much to Yusuke's dismay. “So would anyone care to tell me what happened?” she asked kindly as she waited for an answer. “Well Kagome…you were taken over by a power that resides in you and it came forth and spoke to us. It gave a riddle, which said:“Many souls destined to unite, though one is an enemy by blood. The thing one needs most, all have in them to give. The souls must agree, or no one can keep. When four become one, Light will look over the world. The path is destined by what you choose.”
“But we are unsure of what it could mean.” Kurama finished as he contemplated once more on the rapidly growing puzzle before him. Looking around Kagome noticed that one was not there. “Kurama, where's Hiei?” she asked. Kurama paused as he realized she had asked him a question. “Gomen ne, Hiei left to look into something.” He said as he stood. “Oh.” Was her only reply as she looked to the floor.
“Well, all things considered, do you think it's ok if we stick around a while?” Yusuke asked, as he wanted to spend more time with the girl. “Oh, of course you can stay.” She told him as she smiled which made all of his tension melt away, and Yusuke couldn't help but to smile back.
The trio decided on a movie and much to the boys protest, Kagome went and paid for three large pizzas while she insisted to do so because they were her guests and it would be improper to have them pay. Sighing in defeat the two males gave in as the settled down to munch on the pizza as they watched her shuffle through video's as she popped one in. “I think you guys will like this. It's one of my favorite American movies.” She told them excitedly as she plopped down on the couch between them as started digging into her plate of hot double cheesy pepperoni and ham pizza with garlic butter parmesan crust.
Soon the movie started and found themselves laughing through Dogma which though the end was a bit sad for one of the fallen angels, over all had a good ending. Kurama and Yusuke talked over the movie as suddenly they noticed there would be host had fallen asleep on Kurama. Looking at the clock the two noticed that it was more then time for them to depart home and reluctantly woke up the girl.
“Oh I'm so sorry!” Kagome apologized sleepily as she wobbly stood up as both boys grabbed an arm to steady her. “You need to be more careful. Last thing we'd want is for you to break your neck or something.” Yusuke stated playfully as Kagome sleepily smiled. “But see I didn't because of you so you can't say anything can you?” She bantered as she made her way to the kitchen to clean up and was surprised as Kurama assisted her. “You really don't have to do that you know.” She said as she tried to take the dirty plates from him.
Kurama smiled as he lifted them from out of her reach. “I am well aware of that fact, thank you.” He told her as suddenly he leaned down where his forehead almost touched hers. “But you see I want to help. After all I would be a very rude guest if I didn't help you with anything now wouldn't I?” Kurama spoke a voice that was smooth as silk. *Damn kitsune's * Kagome thought as she finished up the kitchen and went to the living room only to find Yusuke coming in through the front door.
“Yusuke?” she questioned as she slightly cocked her head. “Where did you go?” she asked as she noticed the small tired look on his face. “Oh. Nothin' really. Just went and took out your trash, as I saw it was kinda heavy and all.” He said as he leaned against the wall. “You didn't have to do that either!” Kagome said as a blush stained her cheeks. “T-Thank you both for your kindness.” Kagome said softly as she went to put the video away.
“We really should be on our way.” Kurama said as he glanced over at the clock. “We've kept you too late as it is.” Kurama stated as the three of them walked to the door. Taking her hand he gave it a gentile kiss as he gave her a devilish smile. “Goodbye Miss. Kagome.” He parted as he walked out the door. Yusuke smiled as he parted with the girl until he paused. He realized that just because he came here today, may not mean that he could see her again. Suddenly Keiko came into his mind and he felt a guilt he's never known.
*It's not like I'm doing anything…. I'm just talking to her! …I would never cheat on Keiko…. * he thought to himself. But he knew it would drive him mad if he ended up not seeing Kagome as well. Turning around he gazed into wondering blue orbs as he nervously scratched the back of his head. “Um…do you think it'd be cool if I came and saw you again?” he asked as he suddenly realized the stupidity of his question.
*Of course she isn't gonna wanna see you again. You're a common street thug. Who'd want to? * He thought as he was suddenly pulled out of his musings by a small laugh. Turning once more to Kagome he saw her eyes sparkle as she smiled at him. “Of course you can come and see me again Yusuke. I enjoy your company and Kurama's as well.” She told him as his eyes widened briefly in disbelief. Yusuke gave her one of his signature smiles as he waved and ran to join Kurama. Kagome waved goodbye once again as she closed her door for the night.
The miko walked into her room as she toweled her hair. She was lost in thought over the three men who came to her home. Just as the first time, as she saw them something grew inside her that she couldn't explain. She liked Kurama as he reminded her a little bit of Miroku in his mischievousness. She smiled at that as she realized she had been over drying her hair. She couldn't quite put her finger on it but there was something about Yusuke that was calling out to her as well. Something said he needed her. And Hiei…he was a mystery she wanted to solve so badly that for some reason oddly reminded her slightly of Inuyasha. Not to mention all three were devilishly sexy.
Slowly she climbed into her bed after putting away and putting on her clothes. She turned as she looked at the sky. * …It's a new moon. * She thought absently. She hoped that Inuyasha was all right over the well, but put the thought out of her mind as she remembered Shippo's letter. Sighing she turned over as she rubbed Kirara behind the ears. “So what do you think of the guys Kira?” she asked. Kagome laughed as the neko scrunched its nose and growled. “I guess that's a no huh?” she chuckled as she pulled the covers tighter as within minutes, she had fallen into the darkness of sleep
Yusuke sighed once again as he scowled. This was the fifth time within the last two months, and he was seriously getting fed up with this shit. He turned his gaze once more on Keiko. She was pissed, and who is the only one she got pissed at? Him. That's who. She was angry because he had been on a mission again and he didn't have the time to tell her, as it was an emergency. The princess of Makai was kidnapped by some rouge youkai who turned on the ruler.
Lately they had been some busy little fuckers and he was the one who caught the end of it. He didn't have a work schedule. There was never a clock in and a clock out. He was just there was he was called in and if he didn't have to work it meant some serious down time. Buuut…someone didn't understand that.
Finally tiring down Keiko let up on her rant as she looked out the window into the rainy gray sky. “Yusuke…why do you do this to me?” she asked as she continued to look out the window. “Say what?” Yusuke asked. He wasn't quite sure he heard right. What the FUCK did he do to her?
Keiko snapped her head as her eyes flared with raw anger. “I said why do you do this to me? Why do we constantly have to have these fights? Why do always have to go off on these missions and never tell me? And when you do come back how come I'm never the first one you come to?” she shouted as tears began to prick her eyes. “Yusuke…I love you. I want to be with you and have a normal life with you. Can't you see? You can be so much more then just some fighter for hire.” She said softly as she came to him and held his hands.
Yusuke closed his eyes as his hands closed around hers. “Keiko. Say I did have a normal job. My spirit and youkai powers were gone and I was turned into a normal human. We have our family, were on an outing when the sky turns dark. Youkai are coming from everywhere because my replacement wasn't strong enough. The youkai came for us and I couldn't do a damn thing about it. What would you do? How would you feel knowing that because I'm normal I can't save you?” he asked her as he peered into her eyes.
“Y-Yusuke that's not fair.” Keiko whispered as she fought off the tears. “That would never happen! You said there was a barrier! They can just make it stronger!” she spoke desperately as she focused on the hem of her skirt. “Koenma's a god right? Can't he do something?” The distraught girl cried as tears began to stream from her eyes. Why couldn't he understand she only wanted what's best for him…what's best for them?
Yusuke sighed as he reached for the girl and held her in a tight embrace. Why couldn't she understand? This was who he was. It was something about him that could never change and was in his blood to be the way he was. He knew she understood to a point…but not fully. And it was that full understanding from her that he needed.
Gently he brushed the tears from her eyes as he held her close. “Babe…I think we've both said enough for tonight.” Yusuke stated as he ran his hand in small circled on her back. Standing up the detective pulled the girl up with him as he held her close. Softly he brought his lips down on her forehead as he wiped away another stray tear. “Goodnight Keiko.” He told her softly as he kissed her cheek and walked out the door.
Yusuke walked around as he absentmindedly kicked a can with him to his unknown destination. He groaned as he closed his eyes and leaned his head back as he sat on a bench. Two months. It had been two months since they had all met Kagome and he hadn't been happier since. She was nothing like he'd ever thought a girl could be…although her temper did sometimes outdo Keiko's. Nonetheless he cared about the girl in a way he was beginning to not ignore.
What drew him most of all was that she accepted him…all of him. She didn't care that he had youkai blood. She didn't care that he was gone for days at a time or sometimes more. As long as he eventually came back she was fine, because she believed in his strength. She believed he was smart…all the things that Keiko didn't.
The detective sighed as he looked away from the night sky. But…Keiko and him had so much…she had done so much for him and she was always the one he could turn to no matter even in some cases today. But things were slowly beginning to change and he couldn't understand why. Was it really that bad that he wanted to protect her and the people around her? He just hoped that the statement he made earlier made her think.
Kagome and Keiko. The two girls who held his attention like no other. Keiko was sweet and made him happy…but…Kagome put a fire in his blood and a stirring in his soul like he'd never felt before. She was addictive, and he knew in his heart that there was no way in hell he could ever leave her alone. The detective sighed in frustration once again as he pulled himself up. *One day…. * He thought to himself as he slowly traveled the road home. One day he hoped that whatever his feelings would turn to be…soon they would be figured out.
She sighed as she kicked her feet in the cool water of the pond. This was what she needed…a chance to be with nature. She had been in the house mostly, but decided that with the new happenings in her life…she needed a moment away from what she knew and a return to simplicity. The blue-eyed woman giggled as she saw a family of swans swim by her as a duckling strayed behind due to his curiosity to the human before him. Unfortunately this caused him to get in trouble as he hurried up and joined his family as he turned back to look at the strange creature with blue eyes.
Kagome smiled as she leaned back until she was lying in the warm grass. “If only I could stay like this forever….” She said softly to herself as a soft set of footprints came her way. “Higarashi-San?” the masculine voice questioned as she sat up to find herself staring into almond colored eyes. “H-Houjo-Kun?” she voiced uncertainty.
She looked at the young man before and thought of how he had changed. No longer did his face have the boyish roundness to it she remembered. That had gone away and in its place was the defined features of a man. His brown hair had grown out a little past his shoulders into a Miroku sort of look, as it was bound at the nape of his neck. The boyish frame he once held no longer existed as a more muscular shape took its place and made up the boy she once knew as Houjo.
“Houjo-Kun you look so different!” Kagome laughed as she gave her old friends a hug, which he returned happily. “Arigato, Higarashi-San.” Houjo replied as he took Kagome in for the first time in so long. “And you have grown even more beautiful then when I last saw you.” Houjo spoke softly as Kagome blushed. Confirming what he was going to do, the young man stood as he brushed the dirt off his pants as he held out his hand. “C'mon…Kagome-Chan. I want to show you something,” he told her with a grin.
Kagome sat there in awe, as she realized Houjo had actually used her name. *Maybe… he really has changed…and maybe he no longer has a crush on me. * She added hopefully as she returned his smile as she allowed him to help her up. “Ok Houjo-Kun. Show me.” Was all she said as the boy who was now a man led her to where he wanted to go.
Houjo walked slowly as he held Kagome's hand. He hadn't seen her in so long and he realized…his feelings for her never changed. He still desired to pursue a romantic relationship with her. It was true…he had changed in appearance…and maybe a little in personality. He just hoped that Kagome would give him the chance she denied him when they were younger. If not he would still at least be her friend if nothing more.
“Where here…now close your eyes.” Houjo said softly as he walked behind Kagome and placed his hands over her eyes. “Ok now let me guide you.” He instructed as she gave a nod. He walked them through the forest like path, as he pushed over the overgrown ivy, as he led her to a clearing. “You can open your eyes now.” Houjo whispered as he stepped away.
Kagome gasped as she opened her eyes and took in the scene before her. The entire area was secluded, and reminded her greatly of her friends she left behind as it was untouched by human hands. Lush green grass covered the area as a clear glittering pond danced in the sunlight as the smell of orchids overwhelmed her senses along with other flowers. “Hojou-Kun it's beautiful….” She told him as she lost herself in the natural wonders before her.
Houjo smiled as he watched the different emotions cross her face. “When I first came across here, you were the one I thought of, and I swore to myself that if I ever saw you again I would show you this place.” He told her as he looked off to the distance. Kagome watched as a sort of resolve came across his features, as he looked her in the eye. “Kagome…I know I've asked you this many times before…but I was a child then and I hope that maybe your heart will turn a different light….” He began as he paused for what to say. *Oh please no…anything but this! * Kagome pleaded to herself as she braced herself for what was to come.
“I have feelings for you Kagome-Chan. I want to be able to have a relationship with you and see where it can take us. I know it's sudden and we haven't seen each other and there is a possibility that there is someone else…but I want you to know that all these years I've always thought of you. So please…would you do me the honor of allowing me to start a romantic relationship with you?” He asked, as he looked straight into her sapphire gems.
“H-Houjo-Kun….” She trailed as she thought desperately for what to say. *Damn you, Yuka, Eri, and Ayame! * She growled in her mind as she cursed her friends who caused him to have this…dedication to her. Sighing Kagome took Houjo's hand as she closed her eyes and gazed upon his handsome face.
“Houjo-Kun...arigato. I appreciate you feelings for me and I thank you greatly for showing me this beautiful place, but I cannot be with you the way you want me to.” She admitted finally after all these years. “Yes we were young but to me you have always been and I hope you'll continue to be a very dear friend to me. Gomen no sai.” She said as she placed a soft kiss on his cheek as she pulled away.
Houjo closed his eyes as he gave a deep sigh. He thought it may have turned out like this but he could never blame her. He knew for a while it was always one-sided…he just hoped…that maybe things could be different that they were older…that she would see him as a great man who could take care of her the way he wanted to. …To be his own personal hime. He smiled as he gazed into her dazzling blue eyes. “It's ok Kagome-Chan. I understand and accept you feelings. I would never try to push what I feel on you.” He told her as Kagome smiled. “I know that baka.” She teased as she playfully hit him on the head.
“There is one thing however….” Houjo began as a cloud of mischievousness tinted his features. Kagome raised a brow in amusement as she eyed him. “And that would be…?” she asked as she waited for him to continue. “That you allow me to say goodbye to you in my own way…at the right time of course.” He added as he watched to see what her answer would be.
Kagome pondered this as Houjo waited for her answer. She knew that he would never disrespect her, and he would never do anything that would violate or harm her person…but he was also male. Also a male who had romantic feelings for her. So she decided to think this through very carefully. As she contemplated all the different ways that this could go, she decided that she would trust Houjo…after all he had never done anything inappropriate, so Kagome decided to believe in her friend.
Houjo smiled as Kagome agreed. “All right Houjo-Kun.” He heard he say as he took her hand. “C'mon. Let me walk you home.” He told her as he led her out of the clearing and back to the main park, where Kagome memorized every step. For she did not want this to become the last time she set foot upon the land that felt so much like home.
Kagome laughed as her and Houjo reminisced about high school as they neared her shrine. “I remember that!” Kagome said excitedly as she had nearly forgotten the time Eri and Yuka got thrown out of class for writing note and in one of them was a rather rude drawing of their teacher. “They never did learn there lesson did they?” she giggled as they came near the shrine steps. “It would seem so….” Houjo mused as he took Kagome's hand to aid her up the stairs.
As they reached the top he looked at Kagome as he smiled. “Arigato Kagome. Thank you for being so kind and also thank you for all the precious time you spent with me when we were younger.” He told her as he noticed the adorable way her cheeks tinted a rosy pink. “Really Houjo-Kun! It really was nothing.” She giggled nervously as she looked into his almond colored eyes. “Good-bye…Kagome…Chan.” He whispered softly as he caught Kagome off guard and stole a kiss.
Kagome gasped in surprise at the sudden feel of Houjo's lips on hers. *…Houjo? * She wondered as slowly she began to loose herself in this kiss as she felt his tongue delve into her mouth. Something shivered in her body as she felt arms pull her tighter to his body as one snuck it's way in her hair. *Funny…. * she thought as she suddenly became aware of his arms. *His arms never seemed so strong before…. * she mused as she placed her hands lazily on Houjo's chest.
This is what he always wanted…this feeling of contentment. A small groan escaped his mouth as he pulled Kagome closer to him as he ran his hands through her hair. He struggled to keep himself aware as he began to become lost in the kiss. He noticed soon it picked up as he fingered his way through her think silky locks. Everything about her was everything he thought it would be and more and he imprinted every aspect of it to memory. Her taste, feel, warmth…even the small sounds she made as he kissed her. Slowly he stilled the kiss as he nibbled on her bottom lip and slowly pulled away.
Kagome slowly opened her eyes as he watched her. The Miko smiled as she looked at the male in front of her. “My, my…Houjo -Kun…what would your mother say?” she teased as she laughed as the boys smirk grew wider. “Well what she doesn't know won't hurt her now…will it?” he bantered back as he moved nose to nose with Kagome. Giving off a laugh he pulled back as he winked her way and walked down the steps. “See ya later…Kagome.” He called as he turned the corner and headed home.
“So…who was that…Kagome?” a voice called out as Kagome froze like a deer. *Oh shit, oh shit, oh shit! * Was the mantra in her mind as she dreaded the thought of turning around. “I agree. I as well would like to know who that…male was that felt the need to…silence you in such a way.” Another voice said as an icy wind seemed to flow through every word. Kagome gulped as she slowly turned around to face the two figures behind her. “Ano…hey Kurama…Yusuke…um how are you?” she said awkwardly as her mind raced for an explanation.
Yusuke and Kurama were pissed. A deep need to kill the male who had touched her lips nearly overwhelmed them as there blood beast fought to come forth. Yusuke growled. *Who the FUCK does that pansy pretty boy thinks he is? * The mazako grounded in his mind. *She doesn't actually GO for that type does she? * He whined as he closed his eyes to try and calm his beast. His eyes tinted a darker shade of red as every time he almost cleared his anger the image of him kissing her would fill his mind and he would feel the need to gut him every single time.
The Kitsune was no better off as he was having trouble-taming Youko as well who was being quite feral. ~BLOOD! I DEMAND BLOOD! ~ Youko snarled in the confines of his mind as he struggled to get free. ~I will not stand by and allow some FILTHY NINGEN to touch what IS MINE! ~ The silver youkai hissed as it roared and fought to get free once more. ~Youko calm down! ~ Kurama said with a grimace. ~She is not ours, as we have no claim over her so she is another free onna. ~ Kurama threw at him as it stilled the spirit in his mind for the moment. ~Well then your just gonna have to fix that. ~ Youko spat as he fought to get free once more.
Kagome stared in awe as she looked at the sight before her. Two youkai…pissed off as all hell…close to going berserk. This little realization finally hit out beloved as she truly realized what was at hand and responded accordingly. “Oh fuck….” She moaned as she ran to the two youkai and pulled out her aura and she held their hands. She looked from one to the other as she saw with a smile that they were instantly calming. *Whew…that almost had me worried for a sec…. * she thought as she felt there hands close around hers.
“Gomen ne.” she whispered to them as she looked worriedly in their eyes. “What ever I've done I'm sorry.” She said as out of relief she pulled both of them in a tight embrace. “Just don't scare me like that again ok? I don't want to think about what could have happened if I couldn't reach you.” She said softly as she gently pulled away. Kagome looked at both of them as she held out both her hands and tenderly ran them over the side of their face. “You two look tired. I suggest you get some sleep and go home ok? You can come see me another time, but for now I want you two to rest.” She added before they could protest.
Sighing in defeat they smiled as each gave her a hug before heading down the steps of the shrine and away from the extremely loveable miko. They walked a long ways in comfortable silence as Yusuke turned to look at the red headed Kitsune. “Kurama?” he asked as the green eyed boy stopped to look his way. “Yes, Yusuke?” he replied as he waited for his friend to say whatever he needed to speak.
Yusuke paused as he thought about the shrine. “Seriously, what the fuck happened back there man?” he asked as he leaned against the wall. “The both of us nearly lost control and all because some punk kid kissed her!” he cried as he leaned his head back in frustration. “Why…why does she make me react so strongly?” he asked as he jerked himself away from the wall as he began to walk away.
“I wish I could answer you Yusuke.” Kurama said, as he watched his friend's retreating back. Sighing he continued his way home as he too began to muse over the days happenings. He could not remember a time he ever lost control and most of all to a female. He always maintained perfect self-control in every situation. So for something like this to happen was most peculiar.
~Youko…. ~Kurama called to him. The fox spirit stirred as it turned to his human counterpart. ~Yes Red? ~ He asked as Kurama could see his yellow eyes sill slightly burn. ~I want to know…what is happening to us? ~ He asked honestly. ~You know as well as I we have never lost control like that before…especially in the matters of a woman. I know I have an attraction to her and an interest…but what would cause us to react so strongly over some silly little ningen fool. ~ Kurama said as confusion settled briefly across his features.
Youko was silent for some time until he finally decided to answer his other self. ~Red…She speaks to us. ~ The spirit said carefully as he saw Kurama raise a brow in their mind. ~What exactly is it that speaks to us? Also what was with you calling her mine as well? ~ Kurama asked as he focused inward to his other half. Youko growled in frustration. ~I swear it's that damn human blood that makes me ashamed to even be in the same body as you, you know that? ~ He shot as he sulked away from his counterpart.
~Really Youko I know your older than this so stop being a child and tell me what's going on or no `videos' for a month. ~ The avatar declared as he saw the spirit still. Youko whined as he realized his human countenance was serious. ~That's not fair! That's the only action I get out of you, as you're too prudish to actually go out on a hunt. ~ Youko declared as he licked his lips at the memory of the prey he went after when he still had his body.
~Youko focus! ~ Kurama snapped as he walked inside his home and to his room as he closed his door. It appeared mother was out for the evening. The silver Kitsune sighed, as he turned serious while addressing Kurama. ~She speaks to us, because our body recognizes her as a possible mate. ~ Youko stated. ~…Our mate? ~ Kurama asked uncertainty.
~Well why not! The girls attractive, she's strong, she knows about youkai, and maybe she could even understand the complicated puzzled that we are! ~ He declared as Kurama thought on his statement. ~Let's think about this later on. I don't know about you, but I am in need of rest. ~ Kurama admitted tiredly, as he went to shower and dress for bed. For it had turned to be a long, long day.
Keiko smiled as she sun kissed her face as she walked down the street. It was a lovely mid May Day as she looked around at the local shops that were on her way. *Hmm…you'd think they would have newer stuff here…. * she mused, as she turned away and continued to her destination. She was heading to here favorite spot…the one spot she came to think about him. She smiled as she walked into the playground and sat on the colored bench. This was where she first met Yusuke.
She looked over as she noticed that she was not alone. A handsome young man was sitting near her, as he seemed to be lost in thought. Turning her head away she looked ahead as she thought on her own problems…her and Yusuke. She felt she loved him, she truly did. She would give anything of her to make him happy…but the one thing she needed from him, was the safety of knowing he would be coming home every night if they had a family and not with a black eye.
She sighed as she leaned back and thought on one of the later `discussions' they had. Yusuke had asked her what she would do if he couldn't protect them. A tear slipped from her eye, as she knew. In her heart she couldn't bear it either way. To her he had always been strong enough to do whatever…but when he died and came back, he was stronger then before.
Why? Why did their have to be youkai in the world? If they didn't exist…she and Yusuke would be able to have a normal life and a normal relationship, knowing that there wouldn't be any danger lurking over their shoulders 24/7. She shuddered as she thought of an entire world where they thrived freely. If the barrier had even dropped for a second…she would hate to see that.
Sadly that made her realize that maybe Yusuke would never stop working for Koenma. Demons were always trying to make there way over here and kidnap humans. Apparently they were a rare food item, and the thought of that alone made her cringe. Also…Yusuke had demon blood. She had known about that for some time now, as a thought crossed her mind.
If they married, her children would have that same blood flowing through them as well. Would they end up looking normal like Yusuke and her? She didn't know. …Not that she would love her children any less but she didn't know. Not to mention it would be hard to explain the markings if they had them to other people when she would sign them up for school.
She shifted slightly as she felt her body tingle. Ever since that night every now and then her body would tingle in certain ways, to relive the feelings that Yusuke had made her feel when he was tight against her person. She sighed as she looked into the blue sky. Was this what the girls at school would talk about feeling? Even thought she was in college she had once again earned the rep of being a `good girl' again in her life as she scowled at the fact. What was wrong in having morals?
A sigh broke her out of her musings as she turned over to her left. “Ah gomen!” the boy spoke in surprise as he realized he had caused her to look at him. “I didn't mean to be rude and cause your attention. “ he spoke as a red blush crept onto his cheeks. “Keiko giggled as she smiled. “It's ok; you did not interrupt me at all. In fact I would love your company.” She said a bit timidly as a blush flared across her cheeks.
He looked at her kindly with his soft almond colored eyes. “Arigato.” He said warmly. “You are truly kind.” He said as he once again glanced out to the empty playground and sighed. Keiko took this moment to inspect the guy next to her. He had cargo khakis that were well sized and a black T-shirt that fitted neatly. She looked onto his face as her gaze lingered a bit too long as he turned and saw her fixated stare.
Realizing she'd been caught Keiko quickly turned away as a blush stained her cheeks. “So…ano…what brings you here?” Keiko asked trying to forget the earlier moment. Keiko watched as he gave a small sad smile as he looked into her honey colored eyes. “Well, a few weeks ago a woman who I could never bring myself to forget, officially made her feelings for me known.” He admitted softly.
“We were often set on dates when we were younger due to her overly energetic friends.” He told her while he gave a small laugh that didn't reach his eyes. “She told me she appreciated me, but the only thing she could ever feel for me was friendship.” He told her sadly as he watched the sun slowly start to fade behind the swing set.
Keiko watched the boy sadly as she gently clasped his hand. “I'm so sorry. I know it must be tough knowing the one you care for doesn't return your feelings.” She said in comfort as he smiled. “Thank you. It means a lot.” He told her kindly as he looked deep into her eyes. “So why does someone as nice as you have such a sad look in there eyes?” he asked her quietly. She sighed as she looked to the ground.
“Well….” Keiko began as she turned her gaze toward him. “The one I care for is most happy at this…job he works… a protection agency. He gets great benefits you could say and everything else…but it's a bit dangerous. I want him to stop and do something safer…but the thing is since he's done this I've never seen him happier.” She admitted as a stray tear fell from her eye.
“Because I hope to one day have a family with him, but I don't want to worry about possibly being put in dangerous situations if…say his work happened to follow him home.” She sad sadly, while turning to look him in the eyes. “Am I wrong for asking this?” she questioned as she looked at the now star covered sky. He held her hands as he contemplated what to say.
“I believe…if his feelings for you are just, then he will do whatever he can to make you happy. Even if this ends up costing him his own happiness…if he truly loves you he'll give up the world for you.” He told her honestly. “Well that's what I belive, though I've been told I'm often old fashioned.” He said as she gripped her hand and smiled. “Arigato.” She said as a tear once more slid from her eye.
Slowly he wiped it away. “You never told me your name.” He said as he waited for her to answer. Smiling she brushed her hair away from her face as she went to answer him. “Yukimora…Yukimora Keiko.” He smiled as he stood and held out his hand. “ Mine is Shiomi Houjo,” he told her as he helped her up. Looking up he saw the darkening sky. “M-May I walk you home? It isn't safe to go alone.” He told her nervously. Keiko smiled as she nodded as headed down the street so Houjo could walk her home.
Kurama smiled as he and Yusuke headed over to Kagome's. It was a warm October day, and only a few days before Halloween and they decided that they wanted Kagome to come with them. ~Let's see if we can get her to dress as one of those naked fairies. ~ Youko said excitedly as Kurama fought the urge to smack himself. ~Youko, please. ~ Kurama said in exasperation at his counterpart.
The Kitsune sniggered in his mind as he decided to pick on his other half. ~Oh please Red. You know you'd like to see her…especially spread out underneath us as we…. ~ he trailed as she showed Kurama a montage of scenes that involved him and the lovely miko in a multitude of positions and her constantly climaxing as her fast flushed in the most provocative way.
Kurama stopped a moment to keep himself under control. ~Is that even possible? ~ He asked as he mentally glared at the Kitsune. ~That wasn't funny Youko. ~ He growled as he walked in place beside Yusuke as the boy seemed to be lost in thought…and apparently happy ones considering the grin he was sporting at the moment. ~Too bad Keiko doesn't make him smile like that anymore. ~ The avatar mused as Youko agreed.
~Yes it's nice an all, but you have to think of something. WE have an interest in the girl as well…and also Yusuke is with Keiko so he's not in the game at the moment…but what do you think would happen if Kagome gave him a signal? ~The silver declared as Kurama thought on this. ~ Yes I understand that…but I know now that I as Yusuke's best friend want him to be happy. If he comes to terms with what he feels for her…I wouldn't really object to sharing her. ~ He admitted as they headed up the shrine steps.
Whatever else he was about to say was forgotten as he lost himself into a sea of blue. “Kagome.” He smiled as she grinned in response. “Hello my dear Kitsune.” She said as she hugged and kissed both of them on the cheek. “Heya Kags.” Yusuke grinned at her pulled her into bone-crushing hug. “Y-Yusuke! Can't…breath!” she gasped as he chuckled while placing her down. “Sorry.” He told her as he kissed her cheek, while walking into the house, completely missing the blush that suddenly stained the girls cheeks.
Kurama watched the whole scene with amusement as he grinned. *It's amazing how oblivious he is at times…. * The avatar mused as he went into the house as well as they all settled themselves in her living room. “Kagome, what are you doing for Halloween?” he asked as he looked at her excitedly.
Kagome quirked an eye as she looked at him skeptically, “Nothing, except for sitting at home…why?” she asked. “We would like for you to accompany us on that night for the evening festivities.” Kurama told her as he smiled. Kagome smirked as she looked at the two. “Don't you think you're a little old to be trick or treating?” she asked as Yusuke frowned. “What's wrong with getting candy?” he demanded. Kagome snorted as she tried to hold back the laughter that threatened to come forth. “Nothing if you're five.” She replied as she giggled at the pouting detective. “Awww ok Yusuke. If it means that much I'll go.” She said as she went to kiss Yusuke's forehead.
~Now why can't you get her to kiss us? ~ Youko whined as Kurama closed his eyes in irritation. ~Well maybe if I didn't have a hounding Kitsune in my ear I would be able to think of ways to make her interested in us. ~ Kurama snapped as he ignored the spirit in his head. It was then he noticed Kagome's interested stare. “Why do you do that?” she asked curiously as Kurama stilled. “And what is it exactly you're referring to?” he asked as he met her stare.
“Why do you space out from time to time. It's quite interesting because your eyes will flash from green to gold. Now why is it that you do that?” Kagome asked again as Yusuke looked worriedly at the avatar. Kagome noticed the look as she glanced at Yusuke, but turned her attention back to Kurama as she looked at him expectantly.
“I'm afraid my dear that the story you seek is a bit long for me to tell you tonight.” He told her as he kissed her hand smiled. “I promise you that you will know everything that you wish, if you give me time.” He told her as she nodded her head in acceptance. “OK. Whenever you're ready I'll be waiting.” She told him as she kissed his cheek and turned away, unknowingly boosting a certain Kitsune's ego.
“So….” Yusuke started as he looked at Kagome. “What are you gonna wear for a costume?” The miko thought for a moment as she contemplated as a panicked look adorned her features. “I have no idea!” she realized as she slowly began to panic. “It's only a few days away right? Man! By then all the good costume will be gone and I'll have to-.” She ranted as Kurama's fingers softly placed over her lips suddenly cut her off.
“Trust me. We'll be able to come up with something.” He told her as the two males pushed her to the door as they all scrambled to put on their shoes and such. “Wah- where are we going!” Kagome cried as she was pulled out of her own house. “Were gonna go costume shopping!” Yusuke said excitedly as they walked her down the steps. *Sexy costume's here we come! * He thought happily as they all headed to the town.
Yusuke was greatly beginning to regret his decision as he looked at Kagome clad in a skimpy purple genie outfit, that hardily covered the important places. He groaned as his hard-on throbbed painfully as she re-emerged from the dressing rooms in a sexy witch's outfit. The front had a low cut that almost reached her navel. It went all the way down in the back, but picked a little above the knees, as it was all slinky and tight.
Kurama was wondering about these decisions as well, as he too was becoming affected and also from the smell of Yusuke's arousal as well. Not to mention keeping Youko locked up extra tight in remembrance of the last time Yusuke had a `problem'. Each time he was in doubt his resolve would be strengthened as he saw Kagome come out in a extremely sexy and immodest Indian costume and it took everything he had not to rip the bloody thing off and fuck her senseless.
Kagome smiled as she walked out in her normal attire. She looked at herself in the mirror as she passed by. She had on her low-rise fitted black cargos and a black baby doll tee with a big silver K on it, which ended right above her navel. She sighed. She knew she probably shouldn't have teased them like that, but they did bring it on themselves as they had picked out most of the outfits. She glanced once more in the mirror as she lightly traced her fingers over it. *How could they find someone like me attractive? * She thought sadly to herself.
“Kagome?” She heard one of them say as she turned and smiled. “I can't seem to find what I want here so why don't I just go home now…I'm kind of tired anyways.” She added as they nodded. They smiled softly as each took and arm and walked with the miko on her way home.
Kagome's brow was furrowed by the time the three had reached her home. What the devil was she going to wear? Her mind raced for ideas, as she wanted to go as something she could enjoy…but she also didn't want to do something everyone else might do as well. Sighing in disappointment she turned to the two males beside her. “What are you two going as?” she asked in hope to possibly get some kind of inspiration. “We decided we were going to go as our Youkai selves.” Kurama informed as confusion set on Kagome's features.
Yusuke smirked. “What you see in front of you is us as humans. On Halloween were going to go as Youkai. I don't change much…heh but wait until you see Kurama here.” Yusuke teased as the avatar sent him a glare. “She will find out when she sees me Yusuke. Don't ruin a good surprise.” He said as aggravation clouded his voice.
“Alright I get it.” Yusuke said as a grin sounded in his voice. “But as much as I would love to stay I gotta jet. Mom's been on a binge lately and I gotta make sure she hasn't killed herself.” He said with a sigh as a scowl settled across boyish face. Before anyone could say a word, Yusuke briefly gave a hug to Kagome as he walked out the door.
“Kurama? What did he mean? Why did he look so upset?” Kagome asked in concern as she looked at the redhead hopefully for answers. Kurama sighed as he ran a hand through his long silky hair. “It really isn't my place to say this.” He told her as he noticed the sadness in her eyes. “Since however he is not present, I shall tell you what he at the moment cannot since it's something that all of us know.” Kurama began as a smile of thanks shown in her big blue eyes.
“Yusuke's mother suffers from an…addictions of sorts.” He told her as her hand flew to her mouth in surprise. “It's nothing extremely dangerous, but his mother is an alcoholic. Every now and then she goes on a drinking binge and Yusuke has to check and take care of her to make sure she doesn't harm herself or leave there home vulnerable.” He said as he thought on what to say next.
“This is something he's grown up with all his life. So when it came to growing up…anyone could see that the only person who was really raising Yusuke was himself.” He said as he slowly stood. Kagome nodded as she took everything in. Her heart cried for him as she fought the urge to do the same as well. “Thank you Kurama. It means a lot to me that you told me this.” She told him as she walked him to the door. “Anything for you…Kagome.” He whispered in her ear as he stole a chaste kiss and headed near the steps laughing as Kagome muttered “Damn Kitsune's.” as she closed her door.
Three youkai climbed the steps to the shrine on Halloween night as they went to collect the miko for the evening. Two were excited as the miko had phoned them the night before saying she realized what to wear. Thanks to them and that they as well would be surprised with her, as she would with them. The other…tagged along from sheer boredom. So they all made their way up the stairs as they walked up to her door and let themselves in.
“I'll be right down!” a voice called as they waited around the base of the stairs. “Do all ningens take their time, when they have company present?” droned a snide voice as Kurama sighed. “I seriously doubt she is `taking her time' as you put it. More then likely she is adjusting parts of her costume.” He commented as he tried to clam the energetic Kitsune in his head. ~I Wanna see her! ~ Youko pouted as Kurama slowly began rubbing his temples. ~You will see her when she is ready, Youko. ~ He sighed as the Kitsune bounced inside his head.
~But now is the best time! We can help her with her clothing. ~ The fox purred as Kurama mentally quirked a brow. ~By helping don't you mean removing? ~ He asked as his other half chuckled. ~What else? She can put them back on when we finish. ~ He cooed as he wrapped his tail around himself proudly. Sometimes he was amazed that he managed to keep his sanity, with the raving Kitsune in his head.
“Sorry about the wait!” she breathed as she rushed down the stairs. All they could do was stare in awe at the sight she gave. She had on black hakama's that had a small slit on each side, so the smooth tan skin was teasingly visible. The Houri was formed in a tank style that buttoned up and seemed as smooth as silk, as light silver dragons danced around the dark fabric. The brightly white yukata was formed in the same tank style as well as it lined perfectly under her houri. A beautifully crafted katana was strapped to her side, as something else seemed to be strapped to her right thigh. In her hands was a sacred staff, and placed on her neck was a black choker that had a silver kanji for guardian dangling off her neckline. Long rivers of black slightly curled hair flowed around her as two long front pieces were pulled back with a black clasp as a smile shone in her bright eyes.
She grinned at them as she strapped on her black fingerless gloves. “I take it you two haven't changed into your costumes yet.” She mused as she leaned against the wall. Noticing the other occupant of the room she smiled. “Hello Hiei.” She greeted as he merely turned away. “And apparently still suffering from the same ol stick in your ass as well.” She snickered as the other two fought to hold back a laugh at the hybrids expense. She merely rolled her eyes as she heard his low growl. *Really he's a threatening as a puppy! * She thought, as she knew she could purify him before he could even touch his sword, if the situation ever came to it.
“Now, Now…” Kurama intervened before conflict could arise. “Were all here to have fun right?” he said as Hiei merely `Hn'd' and turned away. “Your right Kurama. Let's have fun.” She said as she walked in front of Hiei. “Sorry for what I said.” She told him as she smiled and turned away before the hybrid could form a retort. Focusing her gaze on the other two, she eyed them intensely as a frown marred her face. “Some of us aren't in costume yet,” she declared as she looked at the two humanoid youkai before her.
Yusuke gave her a sheepish smile as he ran a hand through his un-gelled hair. “Well…we thought you might want to watch the change.” He told her as he watched her eyes light up in excitement. “Really?” she squealed as she looked at them both excitedly. Kurama chuckled at the girls' childish nature. “Of course…Kagome-Chan.” He told her. The avatar looked over to Yusuke who gave a curt nod. He sighed as he leaned away from the wall. “All right then.” He stated as he looked over at the spirit detective. “You first.” He said as the mozoku shrugged.
Kagome looked in awe at Yusuke as he began to glow. A soft golden light encased his features, giving him an almost angelic look, as he grew a little taller. Dark tribal markings began to ease its way all over his skin, like an impressive intricate tattoo. Drawing her attention to his face, Kagome watched as his hair grew like wild silk all the way down ending near his waist. He stretched slightly as he opened his eyes that were now the color of dark gold. “Well….” He spoke in a voice that was now an octave or two lower then usual. “Now one of us is in costume.” He said with a smirk as she continued to stare.
“Yusuke…” she trailed as she continued to stare at the devilishly handsome man before her. Slowly she walked near him as she timidly placed a hand on his chest and gently fingered the dark markings that now covered his body. Yusuke closed his eyes as a low purr filled his chest, vibrating against the miko's fingers, causing her to jump. Yusuke opened his eyes as he watched her intensely to see her reaction to his youkai form.
Inwardly he sighed. He knew not to expect much. After all…Keiko had taught him well. No girl would be comfortable with his youkai self. He just…hoped that Kagome would be different. Just as he was about to revert back to his ningen self, he stiffened. Arms encircled his waist and he looked curiously to see who it was. Kagome had herself wrapped snugly against his bare chest as she smiled. “Yusuke you look…” she began as she blushed a little for what she was about to say. “Right now to me you look perfect just like this.” She told him softly as she kissed his cheek and looked at Kurama, completely missing the astonished look across the boy's face.
Kurama watched the whole scene intently, as he noticed the small attraction that was beginning to grow more between the detective and the girl. Grabbing her hand he held it close to his chest as he caught her eyes with his own. “I believe my dear Kagome, it's my turn.” He purred as he released his youkai form. Kagome watched in fascination, as a white mist circled around him. She watches in awe, as his body seemed to slightly stretch, as it grew taller and more muscular. Slowly his red hair lengthened and faded into silver as a matching silver tail sprouted from behind wrapping itself snugly around his waist as his modern clothes melted away and in it's place came a blindingly white tunic, with hakama's that tapered in an the ankles. Two velvet smooth silver ears migrated themselves to the top of his head, as his face became more defined. Drawn to them, Kagome noticed how his eyes turned from their normal shade of emerald green, to almost white gold in color.
Kagome took a step back as she placed a hand over her mouth to hide the gasp she made as she took in his appearance. *Inuyasha…* she thought, as the demon before her reminded her so much of the one she left behind. How she missed the man that was her best friend and so much more. She watched the silver form before her move and wiped away an unknown tear.
“Kagome, are you all right?” spoke a deep velvety smooth voice. She gave him a watery smile as she roughly wiped her eyes. “Gomen ne. You just reminded me of someone I miss that's all. They looked a lot like you.” She told him as she walked closer now and inspected. “Kurama, your form is beautiful.” She grinned as she now noticed the overwhelming urge within her. She tried…really she did, but before she knew it her hands had latched themselves to his ears giving them a good rub.
Kurama purred from the contact and gently removed her hands from his head as he leaned in close to her ear. “Do that again Kagome, and you may make me take you into a another room….” he whispered seductively. “And whatever happens next…I can promise you wont ask me to stop…or would you rather see what'll happen right here?” He told her as he smirked while her face turned a perfect shade of crimson. ~Red I never knew you had it in ya. ~ The Kitsune praised, as he bounced up and down happily. ~…Although, ~ he began. ~You may want to use some of those moves on Yusuke, as he is quite lust worthy at the moment. ~ The silver said as he sent a triage of images of the Urameshi boy topping them.
Kurama groaned inwardly as he tried to rush the images out of his mind. ~Youko please! Thoughts like that are pointless you realize? Not to mention in case you haven't noticed…he's straight!~ The avatar said. Amusement sparkled in his voice as he realized what he was shown. ~The great Youko Kurama? An uke? Surely you jest, I would never have considered you letting anyone top you. ~ Kurama commented. He grinned mentally as the silver Kitsune puffed up in pride. ~I never have nor shall I ever be an uke. If anyone were to top me it would be because I graciously gave them the honor to. There's a difference Red. ~. Youko stated cockily.
Kurama merely smirked as he shook his head. ~Whatever you say, Youko. ~. He teased as he brought his attention back to the blushing girl in front of him. “Well, if what you say is true…then I'll just have to keep it in mind.” She told him as she ran a finger down his chest. “Wont I?” She grinned as she pushed him back hard, laughing. Kurama for the first time in his life was confused. …That had never happened before.
Kagome giggled as she looked at the puzzled look on Kurama's face. “Sorry, Kurama you skill's are indeed good, considering you're a Kitsune.” She told him. “But seduction at that level won't work with me.” She said as she winked and turned towards Yusuke. “Ready to go? I wanna see who can get the most candy.” She grinned as Yusuke followed her happily out the door with a floored Kurama and a cranky hybrid in tow.
The quartet had traveled the neighborhood in speed as Yusuke and Kagome raced neck in neck to see who would be the candy victor of the night. Kagome smirked; as her bag was a bit wider then Yusuke's who just looked at hers and scowled. “Awwww what's a matter hun?” she chided. “Upset because the neighbors like me more then you?” she grinned as he huffed and turned away from her. “They only reason you have more candy is because you're a girl!” He growled, as he stomped along the pavement to the next house on the block.
Kagome giggled as she ran behind the toushin. “Isn't that something only a sore looser would say?” she asked innocently as she laughed while dodging a hit from the over tempered youkai. “Ya know what? We'll make this fair. I choose the next house. This is the house that decided the candy victor once and for all.” He declared with a smirk as he thought of the exact house to lead her to. Kagome's eyes shown with a competitive fire like no other. “Very well Yusuke.” She said as she leaned seductively close. “I fully accept and cannot wait until we get there.” She purred in a sultry voice as she abruptly pulled away from the detective laughing as she walked in stride with Kurama.
Hiei rolled his eyes at the bickering two. Why in the seven hells did he let Kurama talk himself into this? Ah…he remembered. He wasn't doing anything this particular night, and didn't know what this holiday was. Damn him and his own foolish curiosity. So far from what he'd seen, all this is, is an opportune time for youkai to walk the streets free, for these pathetic ningen wouldn't see them as what they really were before them. He sighed. This onna was tiring. There was something slightly off with the way she carried herself around them, as if it was the most natural thing to do and none of them were blood enemies.
Didn't she know that if he truly desired, since her guard is down he could kill her in a matter of seconds? Not that Yusuke and Kurama would let him, but still. The Detective and the Kitsune are of no problem; merely minor obstacles to his goal if he so truly wished it. Also there was another factor, his time in the Rekai. If he went anywhere out of the lines of his probation, then he would be dealt a death sentence, he was sure. That was not something he wished to risk at the moment.
He sighed. He watched the girl interact with Kurama and could very well see the mutual attraction, that was growing and could feel a certain sign the Kit was weaving around the woman, it was almost as if he were silently and sneakily staking a claim on the woman…surly Kurama would not…not for some ningen …would he? The very idea perplexed him. She was weak, could not look after herself, and would only die within a few short years. Why would Kurama, if he did, desire a mate such as that?
Kurama wasn't the only one. He could smell Yusuke's overwhelming attraction and desire for the onna and his confusion for it as well, yet he already had a ningen lover. He knew the toushin wasn't the kind to take women carelessly, which led to believe that deep feelings for the miko somehow occurred, and neither of his companions could see that this woman had the slim chance of killing them all. He narrowed his eyes at the onna just as she turned around and caught his gaze. This woman has yet to give him a reason to trust her, and until she does so, he would be cautious around her for himself…and his friends.
Kagome pouted as she walked beside Kurama as they ignored an aggravated Yusuke that was up ahead. “Kurama, why does he hate me so? I cannot think of anything I have done or said that could warrant such treatment. Even if he does not care for me couldn't he at least be civil?” She asked as a slight sadness coated her voice, which the avatar noticed quickly. “Do not take Hiei's behavior personally. He isn't very…socially adept. He never grew up around humans and was a fighter since the day he was born. He doesn't fully understand what it means to be civil or sociable. So please…be patient with him ne? He will grow to know and trust you in time if he sees you worthy.” Kurama told her with a pleading smile.
Kagome passed him an unsure look as she furrowed her brow in contemplation. “If… I am worthy?” Her eyes narrowed as those words played in her mind. “Fuck that. If he wants to be an ass, then let him. I have done nothing for him to be that way and if he decides not to like me then fuck him in his color blind height deficient ass!” Kagome growled under her breath as Kurama fought not to let the uncontrollable laughter he was holding inside break. His only thought was of thanks that the hybrid was unable to hear her, for surely if he did, she would most likely be dead.
“Don't worry of what he thinks, your worth in my opinion is invaluable.” The fox told her as he held her hand and squeezed it gently. Kagome smiled at Kurama's kind words. “Arigato, you really are a good person.” She told him as they both continued down the street behind the ill-tempered toushin. “You need not thank me Kagome…after all I only speak the truth.” He told her with a wink as a light blush graced her cheeks.
It was at that time that Yusuke finally stopped. “All right were here!” he exclaimed with excitement as the other three took in the house. Old dark molded wood made up the outside of the house as the wind blew harshly across it making the home creak. Broken boards were propped against the quarters as the old dusted windows gave tell to time to how long the residence had been emptied. Across the paneling of the house time shown in evidence, to the heavily chipping of the paint, and the tile of the roofing was coming of in patches as two more pieces fell right in front of them, what was the oddest, was that an old flickering light came on as they approached the house, trying to make them believe that a person may actually be inhabiting the abode.
Kagome shook her head in disbelief. “Yusuke…your joking right? There's no way ANYONE would be insane enough to live here!” she spoke as she looked into his bright chocolate eyes and crossed her arms. “I thought we were coming here for candy, not food poisoning or digesting razor blades for the evening.” She shot off as she challenged his eyes. A cocky grin drawled across his lips as he eyed the girl. “Sorry to break it to you but this isn't a joke, we are going to collect the candy hun, and according to our little agreement earlier, this house is the one I chose….” He told her as he looked to the old creaky door that was suddenly pulled open.
All four of them jumped slightly in surprise at the occupant of the entryway. In the frame of the door stood a scraggily middle aged woman with pale-yellowed skin. Long brown matted hair hung from her head, as wild gray eyes met with their own… eyes that held a hunger for something none of them had ever seen before. The eyes flickered over the group excitedly as the woman took them in as they did the same. Tattered white clothes hung from her small frame, as a black tattered skirt from the same design, hung off her narrow waist.
“Children…” her smooth voice called to them almost like course velvet. “Come and collect your candy.” Yusuke looked Kagome in the eye. “You don't have to go ya know, you can just forfeit and I'll win.” He told her as he smirked. “And let you win that easy? Hell no! I'd sleep with Hiei first before I let you win.” She spoke not seeing the surprised look in the hybrids face as she held her goods, and walked confidently to the woman's door with Yusuke right at her heels.
*Keep it together…just a bit longer Kagome and you can get through this and throw it in his stupid face. * She told herself as she felt her nerves growing. She may have made herself seem like she was confidant and unafraid but that couldn't have been farther from the truth. Funny how a mere human could frighten her, yet a horde of wild youkai couldn't…go figure. Taking in a silent breath, she let her feet automatically guide her to the creepy woman before her holding the dark moth eaten sack of colorful candy to give to them as she apparently graced them with a snagged yellow smile.
The woman smiled as the two older children approached the doorway. She didn't think her luck would run this good. She thanked the fates that sent these two her way, as they were just what she needed for her masters hunger, oh how he would reward her for the treasures she presented him. After all he loved them to be attractive…and now she needed them to come inside and she knew just how to do it…oh how her master would be pleased.
“Come in.” she spoke hoarsely as the woman grabbed their arms with surprising strength as the door closed instantly behind them.
Kagome's eyes widened in surprise as the older woman yanked them inside the obviously condemned home. “Um…is it really ok for us to be inside? We thank you for wanting to bring is in, but our friends are waiting for us.” She said quickly as her fingers tightened around her sack. “So if you'd please give us our candy, so we can leave, we would very much appreciate it.” she told the strange looking woman as a shiver went up her back at the hungry look that flashed in her eyes.
“Oh must you children? You have to come and see. After all you are the first to come to my haunted house.” She told him as she gave them a blackened smile. Almost instantly the statement calmed Kagome's nerves…some. *It's just a haunted house…nothing to be scared of, that's the only reason why she's here! * She told her self mentally, but there was just an off feeling she couldn't shake. She wondered if he felt it as well but stiffened as she saw the excited look in Yusuke's eyes. *Oh no…. * she thought as she knew they were going to have to travel the house.
Yusuke had heard the magic words, he had started to have a feeling of unease about the home in his concern for Kagome, not to mention he had only picked this house because it was the creepiest and hoped to scare the miko into an easy win, but all of it melted away when he heard the woman say `haunted house' as the detective held an uncanny love for them. That had explained the overwhelming creepiness he sensed from the home. Grinning he slung an arm around Kagome as pulled her close. “C'mon Kags. Let's go see what were made of.” He jested as he led the uneasy girl after the woman and into unknown danger.
Hiei narrowed his eyes at the old manor, as he waited on the pair to come out. ~Something's not right. ~ He told the fox as unease settled itself in his spine. As much as he willed it the unpleasant feeling would not pass, as it only increased the longer they stood. “Unfortunately I must agree. This does not bode well with me also.” Kurama stated as a frown marred his beautifully sculpted face. “What is your opinion Hiei?” he asked as the hybrid closed his eyes in concentration. Hiei glared as his hand dashed to the hilt of his blade. “My opinion Fox, is that we go in there and rescue our companion and your friend. This house has a barrier against my Jagen, which means that is no normal woman.” He stated as alarm flared in Kurama's eyes. “Let's go.” He stated as the two youkai raced off to force their way into the tattered old house.
Kagome's stomach tightened with every step they made through the dank and rotted house. *I really don't like this…. * she thought to herself as she gripped the staff tighter to help calm her. “How much further?” she asked the woman as she led them to another turn that took them even deeper in home as she hastily ushered the two in a dark room. “Wait here, and when you see the light go through that door.” She told them as she quickly shut the door behind her and the two were left alone.
“Yusuke, I really don't like this.” She told him as she closed her eyes to try and ease her nerves. Suddenly she narrowed her eyes at the toushin. “Why…tell me why Yusuke do I feel like we've stepped into a possibly dangerous situation? This is so not worth the candy!” she told him as she crossed her arms. “Kagome, it's a haunted house. It's supposed to make you feel all creepy like and shit.” He told her as he came up behind her. “Does this make you feel better?” he asked as he wrapped his arms around her shoulders and hugging her close.
Red flamed around Kagome's cheeks as she fought not to lean into his embrace. Yet she could not deny the feeling of comfort that flooded through her as he held her in his arms. Gaining her composure she turned around and playfully poked him in the ribs. “I'm not a kid ya know.” she told him as he grinned and backed away. “Oh I know your not.” He told her as he gave her a lecherous look. “You hentai!” she grinned as she swatted him on the arm. Her smile faded as she remembered where she was. The unsettling feeling did not leave her and only grew as the minutes passed on.
Closing her eyes, Kagome stretched her senses trying to find what distressed her so. Gently she felt outside the room and through the broken house. *So far so good…. * she thought to herself as she stretched further through the home. Her blue eyes flashed open as she realized what was in the house. “Yusuke, we have to get out of here and we need to get out of here NOW!” she said as she grabbed his hand and yanked him to the door. Grabbing the handle she gave it a violent turn as a dark green shield flared before her and threw her back.
“…The hell?” Yusuke asked as he rubbed his head from the throw. Suddenly the fact of reality set in as he realized the truth of the situation. …They were trapped…trapped because of him, and his inability to sense the danger that was lying in wait for them. “Fuck!” being the only thing the detective could say as he slumped against the wall as shame overtook him. They were stuck there…and it was all his fault.
Kagome sighed as she closed her eyes. “Yusuke its all right.” She said. “It's not your fault ok? After all it IS Halloween, it's only natural you wouldn't think twice about this, so don't blame yourself ok?” she told him as she gripped her staff and looked steely towards the door. “We'll get out and our ticket is coming through that door.” She said as he quickly got off the floor and followed the miko's gaze as the edges of the door glowed white.
The figure on the other side would have been beautiful if it hadn't been for the intense need to kill that radiated from them like beacon of light. The door seemed to dissolve in the bright light as a tall figure glided forth. Dark hair tinted in the end in silver cascaded past his shoulders as soft lilac eyes shined at them as a gentile smile played on his lips. She would have thought to be his friend if it wasn't for the vile wicked malevolent aura that seemed to seep from his very being. “Hello.” His voice floated out to them like a soft summer wave. “I'm glad to have you here.” He told them, as he looked them both over as his eyes lingered on Kagome.
“It's a shame you wont be around very long. You're both so beautiful, but it appears that I'm too hungry to spare one of you. Gomen ne.” he told the two stunned warriors as he circled the priestess once again and held a tendril of hair between his delicate fingers as he took in her scent. “You have a wonderful smell, the most pleasant and addictive scent I have ever smelled on a ningen. Maybe I shall spare you after all; it depends on how you fight.” He told her as he gave them both a bright happy smile, which dazzled them. It was then his eyes turned black and he pounced.
Kagome was revolted that the man had actually touched her. Yet she could not understand why she was unable to move, as it seemed Yusuke was affected by it as well as she could see the struggle in his eyes to move when the man touched her. The two of them had barely gotten out of the way when he attacked. Oddly enough he just stopped, which luckily enough gave Kagome and Yusuke enough time to stand ready as they both perceived their opponent with much caution, as his speed was most exceedingly formidable. *He's nearly as fast if not faster then Sesshomaru. * Kagome though to herself as she readied her staff.
He turned as he bowed and gave them an apologetic smile. “Gomen ne. It's rude of me, quite terribly rude.” He mused as he closed his eyes in thought as his fingers caressed his chin. “Yes.” He spoke suddenly as his eyes flashed open. “Gomen. It appears in your presence and in my eagerness I have yet to give you my name.” He told them as he bowed again. “Hello, I am Yanka. Blood bound creature to darkness that is neither devil nor youkai. I cannot die; no matter how many times my body is cut, hacked into pieces, or grounded up like jam.” He began which a Cheshire like grin.
“ Also, the only thing my body can seem to feast on is blood, and ironically enough the blood of beautiful people. My stomach wont hold the blood of those who are unattractive, or at very best ok, and because of the condition of this house, I only am able to eat once a year. Well once a year if I can find a suitable blood substance.” He told them with a grim smile that seemed to mar his lovely face. “How very fortunate that you both are intoxicatingly beautiful.” He told them as be bowed again and rushed them once more.
“Damnit fox how much longer!” he growled as he sliced his blade though another now lifeless body as he raced through the rotted house with his companion. Kurama sliced his own enemy in half as he took a sniff and raced down and through the maze like hallway with Hiei close behind. “Not that much longer at all my friend. I only ask that you be patient. I just hope Yusuke will protect Kagome well.” He stated as he swiftly cut down the oncoming body in his path as Hiei snorted. ~Fox you disappoint me. The onna's life is of no concern as she is not one of us. Why you as well as Yusuke choose to consort with a weak ningen is beyond me. ~ He glowered as they darted into another hallway.
Kurama sighed as he stopped. He turned to face the hybrid square in the eyes as his golden orbs held a slight trace of green. “I don't `consort' with a weak ningen onna. I enjoy spending time with a beautiful and charming miko who does not despise youkai but embraces them and fully accepts me as I am and does not wish to change, challenge, or battle me as most youkai women do.” He stated as he ran a clawed hand through his silver mane.
“If I come to find I desire more from her, then if she will have me I will take her.” He told his friend, as age seemed to creep into his fine features as he let down his mask as his eyes met the fire youkai's. “Hiei I've been alone for far too long. Me being what I am it's been killing me slowly all these years. You know as well as I do that in my being a Kitsune I need constant affection, which my Okaa-san can only give so much. So in respect of this light I ask you, Hiei please. Respect her. She deserves it more then you know.” He finished as he once again flashed through the halls to get to Kagome.
Hiei followed as he thought silently on the fox's words. He could understand the Kitsune's reasoning, and know that based on his youkai type that most of what he said was true in light of his situation as well. Most youkai women would kill him of they ever saw their mate take on the form of a human and sense that they were truly human and it not be just a cover up. Not to mention his human mother would be killed as well if the youkai woman felt threatened by her presence or was just jealous in general.
Then there was the need to dominate their men. While there may have been some degree of possible love, most youkai mating were induced because of lust, the desire of strong offspring, and bringing together packs. And Yet It
was Kurama's human ideals of love, that had him speaking this way. Although his Kitsune nature had a major part to play as well as the race was known for taking lovers for love only. They were an affectionate race that thrived on physical contact and attention.
~Hn. Do what you will the both of you Fox. I only hope you don't get turned to ash in the process. ~ The fire youkai grunted as a faint smile played across his lips. “Thank you, Hiei.” He told his friend, as the stoic fire demon snorted. ~Whatever Fox, now pay attention! We have to reach them, so left or right? ~ The youkai stated as the fox dashed to his friends in a silver blur.
Kagome dodged another deathly blow of his clawed hands as she looked over at Yusuke who was just shakily getting up. “Fight with me you fuckin bastard!” he yelled as he ran head first to the dark being who smiled and bowed as the detective advanced. “As you wish.” He responded softly as he flicked his finger and watched with amusement as Yusuke flew back and made a crater into the wall.
Yanka turned his lilac eyes to the feminine form in front of him. “Now lovely, I do hope that you'll be more sport then your friend here.” He told Kagome kindly as the darkness in his aura escalated rapidly. “Kagome get out of the way!” Yusuke shouted as she dogged and not a second later in the air was Yusuke's cry. “Spirit Gun!” the detective roared as blinding blue light filled the room.
Kagome shook the debris off her as she coughed slightly and looked around. “Yusuke?” she called out as she spotted a hand underneath a bunch of plaster and dry wood. She quickly went to his side as she unearthed him and sat him upright. “Yusuke?” she called again. “Yusuke are you alright?” she questioned as the toushin slowly opened his eyes. “Heh, I'm fine. I'm just glad I beat the bastard.” He grinned as she smiled. “Wait here.” She told him as he scoffed. “Like there's really anywhere I can go. That last attack zapped me.” He told her form as it walked away.
Kagome walked over to where the evil creature once stood. She looked at his corpse and saw that his head was blown completely off along with his right arm. Suddenly she froze. A sound filled the room as she struggled to comprehend. *It's not possible… I'm looking at his body it's not possible! * She thought franticly as suddenly she remembered. `I cannot die; no matter how many times my body is cut, hacked into pieces, or grounded up like jam.' “Oh no.” she whispered as she leaped away from the body and stood protectively in front of Yusuke. “Kagome?” He called worriedly. “Gomen ne Yusuke. It's not over like we thought.” She told him as his eyes widened in disbelief. Laughter echoed against the walls as Kagome watched in morbid fascination as he pieced himself together.
Little bits of pink flesh slithered their way to the body that was now beginning to sit up without a head. Pieces of bone flew their way to his arm as skin and tendons began to form over the newly healed flesh. As soon as the hand was intact the headless body lifted itself up and stretched. The horrible laughter rose up once again as a head rolled itself forward in front of the body's feet looking straight at Kagome with wild eyes.
Kagome gasped as she unconsciously stepped back as the body picked up the head and reattached it to its neckline. Now fully whole Yanka stretched his neck, looked at the two, and laughed once again. “It appears little one, that you friend was not listening to me. I cannot die.” He said as he gave a wide smile that froze her to the very core. Kagome shook her head as her eyes narrowed. *You've defeated Naraku, and surely you can take care of this guy. You have to…. * she thought as she gave a quick glance to Yusuke's weary form.
Grabbing hold of the staff that gave her so much comfort, Kagome let her power levels soar. “I'm afraid that you shall be mistaken. You shall die unless I see it better to keep you alive.” She told him as a deadly smile creped across her face as her body glowed a deep indigo. Yanka's eyes widened in surprise as a small smile played across his delicate features. “It seems princess I have underestimated you. Let's play.” He told her gently as his eyes darkened.
He stilled, as his eyes seemed to grow colder, which Kagome took with extreme caution. Suddenly the woman who had let them in the abomination of a home shimmered in front of them as she bowed lowly to her master. “Forgive me! The other two have broken in. They have made it past all my advances and still pursue. Aid me please.” She begged as she kissed his feet. He smiled grimly as he looked to the miko. “Good help is so hard to find these days no?” he smiled as she kicked his servant harshly in the ribs.
The woman gasped roughly as she was yanked up by her hair. “P-Please! Forgive me.” She voiced hoarsely. Yanka smiled at her as her stroked the side of her face almost lovingly. “You've messed up haven't you Noe?” he asked as the girl now known as Noe nodded. “The one time you've properly succeeded in feeding me and you muck it up don't you?” he asked her as he gripped her face more firmly.
“And we both know my body can barely stomach you, so I want you to know exactly how much I needed you to do this right, as you know what happens when I drink the wrong blood, and now you have me where my hunger is too great.” He whispered softly as her eyes widened. “No master you can't! Not me! You'll die!” she spoke desperately as tears began to well in her eyes. He smiled again as he closed his eyes and held her to his chest. “Foolish ningen. I've said it once before. I can never die.” He spoke sadly as he lunged forward and latched his teeth into her throat.
Kagome was revolted at the scene as she could barely turn away. Unshed tears burned in the back of her eyes as she glared angrily at the twisted being before her. She watched as he pushed Noe's body to the side and wobbly stood. He gave her a blood smeared smiled as he bowed. “Gomen ne, princess. I didn't mean for you to see that. Shall we continue?” he asked as he rushed down on her without warning.
Kagome dodged as she narrowly avoided a nasty blow from his claws. She flipped back as she drew out her katana. The Miko pulsed the blade with her energy and lunged at Yanka with deadly speed. Leaping back himself he smiled at her as he grew one of his claws out to form a sword of his own. “Very well kitten, seeing as your sporting you claws it's only fair I show you mine.” He grinned as he darted forth and slashed down with his sword like claw.
Kurama raced down the hallway pissed. They had been running for twenty minutes and they have yet to come across the object of his affections. ~Damnit Fox, would you hurry up and find the damned onna already. ~ The hybrid growled. His patience was wearing thin and if things did not progress it would be the Kitsune's blood on his sword next. “I'm trying Hiei. I lost her scent. There were too many smells, but right now the strongest one is that of blood.” He spoke grimly as Hiei gave an exasperated sigh. “I'll be leading this time fox.” He snarled as he picked up the scent and ran with an agitated Kitsune at his heels.
“You know Hiei I'm quite capable of sniffing her out my self.” The Silver snapped, as they turned another corner to the ever-growing smell of Kagome. `Hn.” He growled as he slashed through another obstacle. ~Which is why you were able to get this close to her then huh? ~ The hybrid sniped. Kurama's eyes nearly flashed red as Youko finally after all this time raised his head. ~Red, you had better damn well make sure it is US that saves her. Because if it isn't…I'm going to make your life hell for the rest of the week. ~ The silver fox glared in this back his mind as Kurama noticed he had gone quite feral. ~Don't worry Youko…I will. ~ He told his other half as he focused on the world around him to realize that Hiei was already in the process of breaking down a door.
Not one to miss an opportunity, he dashed through the door before Hiei to stop at the awing sight. He felt the Hybrids present next to him as they both stood on the sideline to watch. ~Youko…. ~ Kurama stated as the Kitsune looked on in awe as well. ~I know Red…I know. ~ He breathed as they watched the scene unfold before them. Kurama watched in amazement as Kagome fought with the man head on. He looked on as blades clashed against each other and Kagome take a nasty hit that sent her though the wall. Before he knew it Hiei held him telling him to wait. “Hiei she's human!” he growled when he heard a snap, and looked to see Kagome breaking one of his arms. The only thought being `When did she move?'
The dark creature stilled as he looked forward. He focused on the vibrant figure before him as he inwardly struggled for control of his body. Grimly he allowed himself to smile as a wave of pain rushed though his body. She truly was an ugly creature to affect him this badly. He raised his hand to slash her again as she effectively dodged and rolled to the side surprisingly spearing him with her own sword.
He looked down at the protruding blade and sighed. His body's reflexes were slowing and he knew the pain would soon come. Then…he would be in no position to fight at all…maybe then…this girl could give him the peace he longed since he stopped counting the years. He gave her a dazzling smile as he pulled the offending piece of metal from his person and bowed.
“This has been a most enjoyable experience. I am happy to have laid eyes on such a lovely one as your-self. But my dear you have won this battle as I am no longer in any condition to fight.” he told her as Kagome noticed now a light sheen of sweat crept around his face that was not there during their battle. Kagome still held her blade to him as she eyed him critically. “What is it that ails you?” she inquired as he surprised her buy suddenly dropping to the ground in pain.
Kagome's eyes narrowed. “Just because you're in pain doesn't mean I'll forgive you.” The miko spoke coldly as her person began to glow a violent blue. She looked over again to the crumpled female body lying lifelessly on the harsh ground. Kagome's powers erupted from her as Hiei and Kurama darted back as it enveloped the males' form. The last describable look on his face being that of hope as his body exploded into dust.
Kagome catching the look found it was too late. It was then she wondered about the odd creature. She pushed the thought from her mind as she went and checked Yusuke over one more time. “Yusuke…if you EVER plan another evening like this again I believe I'm going to personally kill you.” She told as a harsh smile crept across her face as the male shivered. “Yeah, yeah, let's go.” He voiced as they all raced from the abandoned home. It was a pity the failed to notice the dust had begun moving on it's own. “Interesting.” Whispered the bodiless voice from the shadows as it began to slowly reconstruct.
Kagome sighed as they walked closer to her shrine. “Yusuke I expect a month's worth of candy after this.” She smirked as the toushin cast her another irritated look. “Feh.” Was the only thing the detective said as he walked closer to the front of the group. Kurama chose this time to place himself beside the miko as he eyed her. “That was quite and impressive show.” He told her as she smiled. “You don't really think about theatrics when your live is on the line.” She spoke, as he knew to well the truth of her words.
He thought for a moment as he replied. “Quite right you are.” He said as one of his ears twitched, which did not go unnoticed by the girl at all. “But still your fighting skills are indeed incredible. The three of us usually go and meet at a shrine and spare…there is also another of out team you've yet to meet and he might be back by now. You are more then welcome to join us.” He told her girl as he could see the interest she had in the prospect. “Hmm…. That could be useful to me. Arigato Kurama.” She said as she flashed him a smile.
“Hn.” The hybrid frowned gaining the miko's attention. “The fox is right. You fight well. But your sword skills need work.” He told her as her eyes widened in surprise. “I can help you, but be warned. I do not go easy and you could die. If so your blood is not on my hands.” He growled as his eyes narrowed in challenge.
Kagome realized that this would be the most praise he would more then likely ever give her. His request came because he now respected her as a warrior. She smiled at him as her eyes fired in response. “I can guarantee if anything my blood will not be the only ones that's spilt my little hiyoukai.” She cooed as Hiei frowned in distaste and made his leave. “So sensitive.” She grumbled as the two laughed and walked the miko home.
“Gomen ne!” the girl cried as she ran to meet up with the man. His warm almond eyes glowing as they happily reached her figure. “It's ok Keiko-Chan.” He told her as they walked inside the store. Keiko frowned while walking through a door he held open for her. “I know, But I still feel bad Houjo-Kun.” She said as the guy kindly wrapped an arm around her shoulder. “Then have fun with me today. That's all you have to do to make up for it then her told her as her grinned, which was infectious as she smiled in the same fashion.
She found herself noticing all the wonderful things there were about Houjo. His morals, manners, what he believed in, and the kind of person he was. She was so very thankful for that day in the park, as it allowed her to come in the company of a great friend. “So …how are your exams going?” she asked suddenly. He had great dreams of becoming a pediatrician, as he has a fierce love for all children.
He smiled at her as her rubbed the back of his head in thought. “I guess I'm fairing ok. But I know I definitely need to up my studying if I wand to get into the top percentile.” He commented as Keiko nodded. “Well then why don't we have a study session this weekend? I'm a hell of a driller.” She joked, as he laughed. “I may very well take you up on that offer.” He mused. “Very well. Let's go see the shops.” He said as he took her hand and led her through the arrangements of stores.
Keiko was having a ball. Houjo didn't mind her shop-a-holic ways and actually helped her picked out some pretty good outfits. And she never once had to ask him to hold a thing; he just wordlessly did it with a smile. If it were Yusuke he would constantly be complaining on when they could leave to go to the arcade or something or that she was buying too much, and even then she still had to yell at him to hold her bags.
She slowed down as she thought of her current boyfriend. She knew Yusuke loved her…and she was happy with that. But she couldn't help the now growing feeling of wanting more…and normalcy. She never got to see him but could see Houjo all the time. Yusuke could care less about school and yet Houjo and her were both academically driven because they both wanted to better their futures.
She felt as if her love for Yusuke was changing and that scared her. Yet Houjo knew more about her and what she wanted in 4 months then Yusuke did in their 4 years. She didn't like to fight, she didn't like blood, she didn't care about power, and she hated magic. Yet those were the things his life became about…because of what he is. *I need to see him…. * she thought. She realized there was one way to figure out everything once and for all…and that was to see Yusuke. She would know what to do from there.
She became aware as Houjo turned his worried eyes to her. “Keiko are you all right?” he asked, as his low voice was full of nothing but concern. “Gomen ne Houjo.” She said as she smiled. “I was just thinking that's all. Wanna see a movie?” she asked as he smiled and nodded and led her to the direction of his car. Once again she became lost in thought. She could now recognize the fact that she was beginning to like Houjo…but she also knew that Yusuke had also newly acquired a female friend as well.
Coming to a decision she asked Houjo to make a stop on the way to the movies and hurried up the many, many steps of the shrine. As she reached the top she panted from the heave exertion it took and noticed a small two-tailed cat peeping at her with curious eyes. “Hey there little guy.” She cooed as she petted the disfigured animal. “I need to find my boyfriend. Have you seen him.” She smiled but cocked her head as the cat nodded and started walking while giver her a look that said `follow'.
“Odd….” Keiko thought as she followed the cat to a clearing that looked like it was recently demolished. …And resting near the devastation was Kurama who was leaned against a tree, a stunning girl with black hair and tanned skin she had never seen before, and with their head resting on her well-defined stomach was Yusuke. She quickly digested the scene as she left and raced to the car. “Ok Houjo. Let's go.” Was all she said as they drove away from the shrine.
Yusuke opened his eyes. He realized that at this moment…for the first time in his life …he felt truly happy. The source of this happiness was all because he was in Kagome's presence. This troubled him, as the person he was supposed to feel that with was Keiko. Inwardly he sighed. His relationship with the girl was nothing now but confusion. They hardly spent any time together as she was doing whatever and he was always well…with Kagome and Kurama.
He turned and looked past Kagome to the Kitsune and quickly looked away. He still remembered very clearly what happened that night at Kurama's and it still puzzled him. Many nights's he'd gotten off on the combination of what Kurama's tongue could do to him with Kagome's unique influences. But what did it mean? He wasn't gay…not by a long shot. So why is it after the incident there was a slight attraction there between himself and the avatar?
`Fuck me….' He thought. This shit was way too fucking confusing. It was bad enough that he was attracted to the miko while he had a girlfriend, but to also become attracted to a guy who was his best friend? That was the bloody icing on the fucking cake. He knew that male relationships we not frowned upon in the youkai world, but it was just…weird. He looked at his phone and saw the time. He should be home anyways…ne hadn't checked on his mother yet.
With a small grunt he sat up as Kagome began to slightly stir from the sudden departure of his warmth. He smiled as he looked at her and brushed a lock of hair away from her face. His eyes locked on her lips as a pink tongue darted out to lick it and he suddenly had a desire to wet those lips his own way. He shook his head while taking Kurama's hand and placed it where his own head rested and watched as she stilled some as his hand still rested on his friends. Standing now he cast the two one last look before walking away to think.
“Kaa-san!” he called as he walked into the doorway of their apartment. “Are you sober?” he asked as he locked the door and searched for the figure that was his mother. Walking into the kitchen he saw a woman sprawled out with three drained vodka bottled decorating the floor around her with a partial empty one still clutched tightly in her thin hands. “Guess your not.” He muttered to himself as he properly disposed of the bottled and drained the rest of the contents of the fourth one into the mouth of the sink.
He looked at the woman who was called his mother. …But had there ever really been a time when she was his mother? That she actually took the time to take care of him like a mother should? He searched him mind…desperately so, but all he could remember were the many faces of different men that shuffled in and out of their home and her life.
There was one moment…one moment he remembered her acting as a mother should…and that was when he died. She had honestly and openly grieved for him. And for the first time he could remember, the day he had been revived…she had hugged him. Then a few days after she was back to her old self. The drunkard of a mother who never really noticed she had a son… a son who rose himself all alone and most importantly without a mother.
Shaking away the thoughts he picked her up and took her to her bed where he checked her over to see if she was in any danger of alcohol poisoning. It was something he always wondered. When would the time be when he would come home and find her dead with an empty bottle in her hand? Quietly he tucked her in as he eased out her room and to his own. *She'll be fine in the morning. She never remembers a thing anyway. * He thought as he lay on his own bed.
His gaze went to a picture of him and Keiko that was tilted over on his dresser. *What the hell, can't hurt to try right? * He thought as he mindlessly dialed the necessary digits. He listened for the familiar ringing and the pickup of a phone. It was then he froze. The voice on the other end was not Keiko…but a man. *Chill out dude. Your reading too much into it…just some dude. * He told himself as he turned his attention back to the person on the other line. “Hey man. IS Keiko there?” he asked. “Yes she is. One moment let me get her.” The mysterious male told him as his girlfriend was now being sought after. He heard a scuffle and then the soft familiar glide of her voice.
“Hello?” she called.
“Hey” Yusuke replied.
“Oh…Hi. What's up?” she asked
That had stung a little. They were in a relationship for four fuckin years and all he gets in a bloody oh hi?
“Gee nice to know someone's excited to hear from me.” He stated sarcastically as he heard his girlfriend huff.
“Well maybe if someone would call more I wouldn't be so surprised when I DO hear from them.” She sniped.
“Well if SOMEONE would have their ass home then maybe I WOULD call more Damnit.” He growled as he pinched the bridge of his nose. This was not how he planned this to turn out.
“Look, I'm sorry ok? I didn't call you to fight. I just miss you.” He told her as he could feel the tension that was their now melt away.
“I-I've missed you too Yusuke. But I'm out with a friend now so let me call you back later ok?” she asked as he sighed.
“Yeah. Sure. Just tell him to make sure you stay safe.” He told her.
“Ok. I'll talk to you later Yusuke. Goodbye.” She told him as the line clicked.
That was it. No `I love you' or anything like that just goodbye. *Way to feel like my girlfriend fucking loves me. * He thought to himself. His thoughts were way too jumbled and he knew he couldn't stay there. So he quickly checked on his mom one last time as he then turned to grab his keys and jacket and walked out the door.
He was a bit startled to see that his footsteps let him once again to Kurama's house. *Why am I always going here? * He thought to himself as confusion settled even more into his mind. But he did need someone to talk to and there was no one he trusted more then the Kitsune. He shook the memories that tried to come into place and knocked on the Kitsune's door.
The red head did not disappoint as moment later her peeped from behind his door and wordlessly ushered Yusuke inside as he already had a pot of tea on. Yusuke grabbed two teacups and also a bottle of strong sake…he knew he was gonna need it later on himself. They both entered the den and Yusuke sat on his favorite sofa as Kurama occupied the seat next to him and waited patiently for the toushin while drinking his tea…he would talk when he was ready. ~Red…he really needs us right now. I don't like to see him this way. It's too hard. Tell me everything that transpires in the morning. ~ The silver fox stated as he dove into the deep undergoing of their mine where Kurama could not reach. ~Very well Youko, I shall inform you on the arrival of the next day. ~ He mentally sighed as he refocused his attention on his friend.
After a long moment the silence was finally broken. “I don't know what to do.” He said at last. Kurama looked intently as his close friend as he listened to young man. “I feel confused man…like I'm overwhelmed or something. I'm with Keiko and I would never betray her. At the same time…I can't deny that I have very strong feelings for Kagome. She makes me happy, yet I don't know how it is she feels for me. I hardly see Keiko anymore because she's never home and I think my love for her is dying.” Yusuke said as he paused.
“I also recognize that you are as attracted to her as I am and feel something for her as well. Also I don't want to hurt her Keiko, but I also don't want to hurt you as well since you obviously desire a relationship with her as well. Tell me Kurama…what do I do?” he asked as he looked at the avatar with hopeful eyes.
Kurama took in everything he said and could not help but inwardly smile at the detective. He was well aware of the attraction and was not adverse to it. He knew what he would do in the long run anyways…though these matters came first. “Yusuke….” He began. “I've told you one before that I do not think Keiko is right for you. She cannot accept you because of your youkai nature. She will want you to turn human for her and we both know that is not possible. I do however think that Kagome IS right for you. She knows what you are and accepts you and does not try to change you.” He told the boy as He looked at Kurama in wonderment. “Would you really give up your claim?” he asked his friend as the red head chuckled.
“I'll get to that.” He grinned. “So you can figure out your true feelings however. I suggest that you take both Kagome and Keiko on a date…different days of course.” Said Kurama. “After the dates are over you can see who it is you like the most and who it is you feel strongest for. If the love is really there…you wont have to question it…It'll show itself.” He spoke as his eyes narrowed a little. “Ya know what fox that just might work.” Yusuke said in realization as he smiled in appreciation for his friend. “Arigato Kurama…you really are a great person.” He said as Kurama smiled.
“Now Yusuke…concerning my intentions for the miko we do not intend to give up. We intend to share.” He said as he smiled as Yusuke's confused look. It is not abnormal for two youkai to share the same mate. Multiple people can share the same mate if all parties involved agree. I have no problems Yusuke sharing Kagome with you if out relationship should lead to that and she agrees as well. If having two people be with her is too much, then it shall be up to her choosing. No hard feelings.” The Kitsune spoke as Yusuke digested everything.
The toushin nodded in understand as he un-corked the bottle and began to greedily down it's contents. “Man this shit is good. Here try some.” Yusuke said as he offered the bottle to Kurama. The fox took the bottle and took a drink as well before he gave the bottle back to Yusuke. “It's nice, but not necessarily for me.” He said as the dark haired boy laughed while downing the rest of the large bottle.
Kurama watched with interest as Yusuke's cheeks pinked from the consumption of alcohol. Brown eyes fixed themselves on him in an intense gaze as the red head involuntarily shivered. “Kurama….” the low voice called, which was deeper then Yusuke's regular voice. “H-Hai Yusuke?” he answered. “I have something else I want to ask you about. I can't forget man. I can't forget what happened that night and now it's stuck in my head.” He said as he stumbled to stand. He reached and finished the last of the strong sake and tipped over on the couch. And fell conveniently flush against Kurama.
Yusuke started down into twin pools of emerald for the longest time. His body reacting instantly from the memory of Youko and he could not help what his instincts were demanding he do. “Yusuke?” Kurama questioned as he searched Yusuke's eyes. He sighed as he leaned his head down to rest on Kurama's shoulder. “Fuck it…just fuck it all.” he heard the detective whisper when in the blink of an eye the mazako was dominating his mouth.
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He didn't care anymore. He had an undying curiosity about this and tonight he was gonna do whatever his dirty little mind desired…and right now that was Kurama. He moaned as he invaded his friends' lips as he kissed him raw, swallowing the musical moans that escaped from that dirty mouth. He looked deep and hard in the avatars eyes and they had an understanding. This was only for one night.
Not one to be bested the fox retaliated with his own digit and the battle of wills began. Kurama opened his eyes and looked into the now yellow eyes of Yusuke in his demonic form. *Fuck Youko was right…he's practically a walking hard on when he looked like this…. * he thought as he skillfully maneuvered where both their erections were pleasurably aligned. Yusuke pinned his arms over his head as he growled dangerously. Kurama knew what he wanted and turned his head to the side exposing the creamy column of his throat as a sign of submission.
Satisfied he rewarded the Kitsune with a devilish roll of his hips to the Kitsune's already sensitive arousal as Kurama's voice called out in a seductive moan. The youkai captured the avatars lips in a kiss as the two preceded to ground their painfully hard erections against each other…desperate for any kind of way to ease the ache. “M-more.” He rasped against tanned lips as he started grounding against him at an almost inhuman pace, the need nearly overwhelming him.
Kurama was still lost in a world of surprise and lust. He had thought about what it would be like to take Yusuke as a lover, but never really thought twice about it, as he never really held a romantic interest for his friend. But after Youko's little tryst he had slowly begun to think a little differently. But never really thought much on as the heart he wanted was Kagome's. This however, was an entirely different need and want…as for the moment this was nothing more then lust and experimentation.
The toushin wanted to see skin as he yanked harshly at Kurama's clothes before completely divesting him of his garments as well as himself. He licked, nipped and sucked sinful trails down the fox's skin. “Yusuke…this will be more comfortable in somewhere other then he sofa.” He said as he hoped he got the drift. Getting the message he yanked the fox up and held him flush against him as he walked them to the fox's bedroom. With every step their arousals would rub deliciously against one another before he placed him on the bed and one again resumed his exploration of his body. Not one to be outdone Kurama sat up and pushed Yusuke down as he placed his own kisses and loves bits on the spirit detective's sensitive tanned skin.
He looked as the impressive erection that out did his own. *That's gonna hurt in the morning. * He thought to himself, as he sighed. Maybe he tried to top Yusuke a different day, as with his youkai blood present it was not an option. Skillfully he slid the sleek golden erection into his mouth as Yusuke growled in pleasure. “FUCK!” he cried as he shuddered from the dirty heat that came from the Kitsune's mouth.
Deciding now was not the time to play games he got straight to the point as he took all of him in his mouth as his tongue drew wicked and sinful designs on the around his shaft that almost had him loosing control. “K-K FUCK KURAMA!” he cried as he shoved himself deeper inside the fox's hot cavern and gave Kurama a brutal face fucking that made the kinky Kitsune drip over himself in pleasure at the fact that he was being completely assaulted.
Yusuke knew he couldn't hold on anymore as a clawed hand gripped a handful of red hair as he lodged himself down his throat as release overcame him and left him weak in the knees. “Damn horny fox.” He muttered as he looked him in the eyes and smirked. “You going to pay for that fox.” He whispered as he pinned the avatar down once again.
Kurama's green eyes flashed in mischief and anticipation as he bated his lover. “Well I guess you going to have to try aren't you,” he taunted while he watched as Yusuke popped two fingered in mouth as he sucked on them how Kurama desperately wished Yusuke would suck on him. “Yusuke…onegai.” he whispered to his friend, as he needed to badly what he just gave. He looked over to the toushin's hand seeing how slick the fingers were the old fox knew exactly what was coming next. “You know Yusuke it's not really fair of you to not return the favor.” He said as a slight irritation coated his voice.
Yusuke thought about this as he squeezed out the last drops of cum from his shaft for extra lubrication as he eyed the Kitsune. “Trust me. You'll be more then happy with me later.” He purred, as Kurama couldn't help but shiver in anticipation. Truth was…he was a bit afraid. He realized he's gone this far so he's pushed that part of his mind back as he knew from here he was only going further.
Kurama could feel the itch of dominance stir within him as he was never dominated…but Yusuke was a special case, so he pushed the need aside and opted to be their for his friend and enjoy what pleasure his friend was confident enough to give him. “Don't leave me with empty promises detective.” He drawled as he leant up nip at a rather sensitive spot along his lover's shoulder.
Kurama gasped as he felt Yusuke's finger enter him and hit his sweet spot. “Right there don't stop touching it!” he breathed harshly as he felt him add another finger and begin attacking the sensitive place that was his prostate. “You fucking love it don't you?” Yusuke whispered harshly against his ear Kurama cried out nodding dumbly as he ground helplessly against the toushin, as he was anxious for his release. Yusuke's hot mouth latched onto a rose colored nipple as the red headed fox nearly came right then with the boys fingers buried up his ass digging relentlessly into his spot.
When he felt a soft hot mouth wrap tightly around his own shaft as a deep growl vibrated all around his aching cock as his lovers head was coming down on him fast and strong. As he looked into Yusuke's smoldering eyes he came right then as he went limp in his arms and Yusuke took all of him into his mouth and licked him clean. He realized then it wasn't really that great of a taste, but had been worth to see the fox look like that as he pulled his slick fingered out of the Kitsune's rear.
Lining up at his entrance he gave the fox a searing kiss as he pushed himself through the pink ring of muscle and he made sure he went very slow.”Fuck Kurama.” He breathed as the boys passage snugged him just right. He looked down and saw he wasn't even half way. “Just tell me if it's too much.” He said as he winced himself at the slight look of pain of his friend. Pushing himself all the way in he had to fight the need to move right then as he waited for the OK from Kurama. When the fox game two hard pushes onto him his eyes darkened at the unspoken challenge as he growled and pulled his legs up on his shoulders. He smirked as he pulled himself out and pushed in hard as the fox shivered.
The only sound that could be heard was the muffled cries of Kurama and the low growls of Yusuke as he was literally fucking him senseless. Kurama was nothing more then a mass of nerves as the only thing he could feel was immense pleasure as Yusuke drove into his spot with every thrust. “FUCK `USKE” he cried as the demon on top of him thankfully started fucking him harder. He had to give credit what credit is due as the detective made him cum three times already and he hadn't even came once. But he was going to change that as he tightened himself, which caused Yusuke to growl as he pummeled him, even harder.
Kurama moaned harshly as he leaned up and kissed as his hand reached down up cup and play with the toushin's sac. “I'm gonna make you fucking raw.” The mozoko grounded as he reached and rapidly fisted the red heads hard on. The double onslaught was too much for the both of them as they each cried their own release, while Kurama was screaming his name. Yusuke gritted his teeth as he forcibly pumped himself hard and fast into Kurama he felt the overwhelming need to bite him. Yusuke slumped to the side as he pulled Kurama next to him, while never bothering to pull out. He took the sheet and pulled it over them both and before he knew it he was fast asleep, both utterly exhausted. Kurama faintly grinned as sheep rushed upon him. Youko was gonna get an earful.
FINALLY! Lol a lemon done by me. Do you like it? I hope I did ok, as that was my first one. And honestly I wasn't really gonna do it but I figured I owed it to ya as I've been severely behind with my updates. It sucks. I have all these plot bunnies running around in my head begging for freedom, but I refuse to have more then 3 projects. Also my muse is not really sticking around much so if there is something that you want to see or you have an idea for me to place in my story please! Feel free to do so as you just may see it in my story ^_^ I hope you all enjoyed this and Pray that my muse doesn't leave me again to I can continue to update my stories regularly. I hope everyone has a happy holidays and