InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Mistakes ❯ Chapter 3

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]
Disclaimer: I do not own Inu Yasha or Yu Yu Hakusho.

Q & A: pairing? I don’t know yet. It really depends on the reviews and reader input I get.

CH 3

The sun was high in the sky, sending down warm rays that brightened the spirits of the villagers. The warmth penetrated the autumn chill. Kaede was happy for the warmer day, the cold was hard on her aged bones. She noticed, however, that two people in particular were not cheered up by the nice day.

Inuyasha and Sango barely even noticed the weather’s change. Inuyasha’s mind was still going over what had happened. Kikyo had used him. Kagome had gone home and sealed the well. She had been gone for nearly a week. He knew that he had hurt Kagome, but at least he was honest with her. He loved her, but it wasn’t enough. She deserved more. He was alone now. Kikyo had finally revealed her true colors. He felt more than a little lost.

Sango sat polishing Hiraikotsu. Miroku still hadn’t come back. She wondered if things were going well between him and the princess. Maybe they were already married. The thought made her angry. She hated the way her emotions were right now. She couldn’t help the jealousy and betrayal she felt. She looked up to the sky. Inuyasha’s red haori caught her eye. He seemed about as happy as she was. He was just sitting in the branches of a tree, gazing out at nothing. She didn’t need his droopy ears to tell her that he felt miserable.

She called out to him. “Inuyasha! While the others are preoccupied, I would like to train some to keep my skills sharp. Would you care to join me?”

He looked at her for a moment, then nodded his head. He jumped from his branch and landed lightly beside her. They walked in silence to a clearing away from the village. They decided it would be hand to hand, no weapons or youki attacks. Sango slid out of her normal kimono to reveal her taijiya uniform.

Inuyasha, like any male, could appreciate the way the cat suit hugged her body, like a second skin. He watched as she pulled her hair up into her normal ponytail. He thought Miroku was an idiot to have gone after the princess. He knew that Sango and Miroku had been having sex. He could imagine Sango in bed. She’d probably be quite a lover. But he also knew of Miroku’s need to produce offspring, which he and Sango had yet to do. He shook off the strangely arousing thoughts of Sango while slipping off both layers of his haori.

She came at him, quick as any youkai, and immediate began her assault. She admired his speed and stamina. But without the use of his sword or claws, he was definitely at a disadvantage. He wasn’t much good when it came to strategy or anticipating your opponent’s attacks. She landed blow after blow. So far he’d only caught her off guard once.

It continued like this for a couple hours. Sango was impressed that he could take so much damage. She knew that she would tire before he would. ‘He must last forever in bed.’ The thought surprised her, having no idea where it had come from. She was so distracted, that Inuyasha managed to sweep her legs out from under her. He followed her down, ending with him on top of her, pinning her arms over her head. They looked at each other, both surprised at their position, but neither thinking about sparring anymore.

Inuyasha saw the blush stain her tan skin. His eyes moved down her figure slowly. He watched, hypnotized, as her breasts rose and fell with each panted breath. He looked back at her face to find her mahogany eyes roving his chest, stomach, and lower.

She breathed his name, her scent heavy with her arousal. “Inuyasha…”

And that was all it took. Something in him snarled its way to the surface. Everything was in sharp detail for him. They both stripped off their clothing and began caressing the other’s sweaty body.

An hour later, the sun had nearly set. With Sango on her hands and knees, Inuyasha roughly pounded into her once more, before both called out their release. Both figures slumped to the ground. Inuyasha rolled off of Sango onto his side, then pulled her to his chest. Exhausted and satisfied, they both fell asleep.


Kagome and Souta were in the living room eating sandwiches, ignoring the sound of Rizu and her boyfriend of the day upstairs having sex. No matter how loud they turned up the volume, they couldn’t block out the sound. There heads snapped to the kitchen door as they heard someone trying to get in. After realizing it was locked, the person began to pound on the door rudely. Kagome always locked the doors when she was here. It was like a warning to any of Souta’s gang members. She smiled evilly.

Seeing the look on his sister’s face, Souta waved a hand towards the kitchen. Giving her the go ahead for his sister to amuse herself at the person’s expense. It had been pretty boring this past week.

She appeared suddenly at the door and unlocked it. Quickly opening the door, the man jumped back. He squirmed under her dark scowl. “Um… I… I… I need to see Souta. It’s… important.”

Kagome nearly laughed at him. He stood there, entire body clenched, eyes closed, like he was waiting for some kind of attack. “Sure.”

The man opened his eyes slowly. Kagome called to him from the living room and he walked in to see the siblings on the couch, watching TV and eating. He was amazed that she had gotten there so quickly, but he had heard stranger stories about her.

“What is the problem?”

Souta addressed him with a no nonsense tone. Kagome thought he sounded rather close to Sesshomaru. It was a bit strange to hear it come from her brother. She wondered what she sounded like to other people. Probably something similar.

The man straightened his posture before replying. It reminded Kagome of a soldier speaking to his commanding officer. “Urameshi Yususke was seen in our territory. We have people watching him, but he hasn’t done anything yet. No one can think of a reason for him to be this far from his turf, unless it was to stir up trouble. He seems to be headed in this direction. I was told to inform you.”

Souta huffed. “Fine. I’ll take care of it. Now leave.”

The man left quickly, all but running, in his haste to leave.

Souta stood and stretched. Kagome followed him as he walked out of the house. In one jump, he landed at the bottom of the shrine steps. Kagome followed suit. They hadn’t really tested the limits of their new abilities farther than the speed and strength aspects. Kagome had spent much of the past week either at school or working on a huge pile of makeup work. All of her old friends seemed to keep their distance, having heard about her involvement in a gang. Even though she really wasn’t, she didn’t feel the need to correct them. It was easier to focus when people left her alone.

She tucked her short green skirt under her as she sat on the steps. Souta stood at attention, waiting for whoever this Yusuke person was. The man walking towards them brought an involuntary snarl from Kagome. She and Souta went on the defensive. He was a very strong youkai and his presence brought out their territorial instincts.

The man walked closer and Kagome’s instincts turned to something else. He was attractive and he was powerful. His black hair was slicked back. Underneath a green jacket, white t shirt, and jeans was a very strong body. The force of her arousal had Kagome hissing under her breath. Clenching her fists, she reigned in the foreign feelings. With a clearer mind, she thought to mask her aura as best she could. Kagome worried her lower lip, realizing there was nothing she could do for Souta’s aura.

Nearly to his destination, Yusuke took notice of the youkai ahead. It seemed to be a hanyou, but it had a large amount of power. The girl sitting near him, though she looked like she could be his sister, registered as human to him. Both had silky black hair and icy blue eyes. The glare the boy was giving him told him that he knew that Yusuke was part youkai as well. Even the girl looked as if she could tell. They were at the bottom of the shrine’s steps. He was sure that the boy belonged to one of the gangs from around here. He approached them cautiously.

He pulled the wallet out of his pocket and looked at the picture id. A woman who drank with his mother had left it at her house. It said Rizu Higurashi and all her information on it.

“Is this the Higurashi Shrine?” he asked them.

The girl stood gracefully and put a tight smile on as she answered him. “Yes it is. How can we help you?”

Something about the girl was off, but he couldn’t put his finger on it. She drew him in and it severely unnerved him. He needed to get out of there. More importantly, he needed to report the youkai to Koenma. So without any further conversation, he handed her the wallet and left.

When he was a safe distance away, he pulled out his communicator and told Boton that he needed to see Koenma immediately.

Kagome and Souta looked at each other for a minute. They were both thinking about the letter their grandfather had left and all the warnings. Kagome was putting two and two together and realized her instincts were trying to find her a mate. She thought about what Kouga had said about a youkai’s one hundredth birthday marking their sexual maturity. Because of her grandfather’s spell, she was 144 years old. Or at least her body was. She wondered what would happen when she went back through the well and was around youkai all the time.

Souta was thinking about a different warning. One concerning Reikai.

“Kagome, do you think he could have had anything to do with the Reikai that Gramps wrote about? The journal did say that youkai weren’t supposed to be in Ningenkai.”

Kagome looked shocked for a moment, not having thought about that. She shook her head.

“I just don’t know Souta. We should try to lay low for a while and see what happens. If no one shows up looking for us, we can assume he just isn’t supposed to be here either.”



Thank you LadyNorth76, for being my first review. I’m glad to see it has so many views after only being up for a couple days.