InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ My Twin's Reflection ❯ How much do you hate me, God? ( Chapter 5 )

[ X - Adult: No readers under 18. Contains Graphic Adult Themes/Extreme violence. ]

My Twin's Reflection
Inuyasha and Yu Yu Hakusho do not belong to me but are the property of Rumiko Takahashi and Yoshihiro Togashi.
Chapter Five: How much do you hate me, God?
Kurama had managed to carry the girl into the cramped apartment and lay her on his bed. She snuggled into his sheets and smiled contentedly. He smiled in response. He grimaced at her wound that stretched from the edge of her neck to her shoulder. He gently placed his fingers over her shredded shirts to pull it down a bit, but pulled it back at her soft whimper. He paused for a moment, thinking.
Looking over onto a shelf in the corner of the room he saw what he was looking for. Getting up, he quickly grabbed the scissors, and then returned to the girl's side. He grabbed a small bit of the fabric and cut an incision. Ripping off the shoulder of her shirt, he threw it to the side. Blood began to pool into the sheets beneath her.
The wounds were relatively clean. The nails of the demon had cut in a straight line so there were no ragged pieces of skin. This was good, Kurama thought. This meant she would have little to no scarring.
Yes, we don't need her scarring. Her skin is too beautiful for that. Make sure you use a combination of cokaya leaf and bonsai root, Kurama. It will make sure any poison is drawn out and prevent scarring.
“I know this Youko. Calm down, she's going to be fine. You're driving me nuts with you jumping everywhere.”
Fine. He could feel Youko retreat back slightly. Only Slightly. The Fox had been going wild ever since they had discovered that this was the same girl from the ball. And it didn't help Kurama to know that Youko was growing an unhealthy and curious obsession with the girl. Unfortunately, when Youko had a kitsune obsession he focused on it until everything he could discover about was revealed…and Kurama couldn't help but be dragged along for the ride.
He sighed to himself, as he took a bowl from a shelf that he used to mix his herbs. He took out a seed from his hair and forced his ki into it, watching it sprout in his hand. Then taking a few leaves her placed them into the bowl. Taking a small stick he used to grind plants into his medicines…or poisons, he swirled it around the leaves until they made a rope. Then reaching up and taking a glass jar with chopped pieces of root down. Picking a couple out, he placed the jar back up onto the shelf, then placed the roots into the bowl. The he spit in it. It helped to moisten it and add healing properties that were critical. Using a speed that wasn't human, he swirled it all around until it became a fine powder. He could feel Youko nod his approval.
Walking back over to the girl, he knelt down and carefully placed the herbs within her wounds. He smiled with relief as the medicine quickly took effect and started to close her wounds right before his eyes. He had already noted that her own powers had already started to heal her body. That and the medicine would mean she would be completely healed within a few hours. Looking her over he observed that she seemed to be completely tired, her breathing was deep and even. He'd let her sleep for a while, the sheets he could change later. He stood up after brushing her bangs away from her face.
She had the most beautiful lips… They were plump and a reddish pink. They were slightly parted from her breathing. He couldn't help but lick his own at the thought. Her skin was pale with a warm tan. Her cheeks were pink tinged as well as the thin skin over her eyes. Her eye lashes pressed gently on the skin beneath her, the shadows giving them volume.
`Fox.' He was brought out of his musings by the irritated sound of Hiei's voice in his head.
“Yes Hiei.”
`Come now before this baka ningen gets killed.' Hiei closed the communication line. Kurama could only imagine that he was talking about Yusuke. Taking one last look at the sleeping girl, he turned around and walked out the door and down the hallway. He could hear the growls of Yusuke in the next room.
Presently Yusuke was screaming at his communicator, which in turn was screaming back.
“WHAT DO YOU WANT YOU DAMN TODDLER!! YOU'RE BLOWING UP MY COMMUNICATOR AS THOUGH YOU'RE MY GIRLFRIEND AND YOU JUST CAUGHT ME AT THE STRIP CLUB!!” Kurama had to smirk at this. Leave it to Yusuke to come up with outrageous synonyms.
“SHUT UP YUSUKE! I'M CALLING TO FIGURE OUT WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!” Kurama noticed Yusuke pause for a moment. The demi god only ever cursed when he was really mad. And it seemed he was really, really mad.
“I send you on a mission to kill two demons. I then tell you to go to a hospital in Tokyo because that's where they where the other three demon's were located. NEXT THING YOU KNOW, I have all of spirit world going crazy because the shikon no tama, of which should have burned out of existence centuries ago, has not on reappeared, but has also been shattered and sent to all three worlds. DO YOU KNOW WHAT THIS MEANS!!!!” Kurama was curious. The demi god's head seemed to about to explode with stress, his face was turning a dark shade of purple to prove it. Yusuke just shook his head, keeping tight rein on his own anger and frustration. Kurama glanced over to Hiei who was leaning against the wall; his eyes were closed, but Kurama could tell he was in deep thought.
“The shikon no tama is an infamous jewel that can give unimaginable power, or a life that was once dead, to those who wield it. That's for human's and demons too. We all know how corrupt humans and demons can be. Not only that, but the shards have managed to cross the barrier; a few have even gotten stuck in the barrier itself. Already there are hundreds of demons in the makai who have acquired just a fragment of the jewel and are growing stronger as we speak. Humans in the nigenkai are attempting the same thing as well. However. This is not the worst thing.” Koenma sighed and started rubbing the bridge between his eyes.
“There have been a few that have fallen into the Reikai. A few. Only a few: maybe two or three have fallen into hell. But can you imagine what that means. Anyone in hell who gains the power of the jewel shard could escape and reak havoc in the reikai and then cross the barrier into the other worlds. Going even further then that. The jewels that have landed in the barrier are stuck there. At the moment, they are only adding strength to the barrier itself, which is one blessing in this whole mess. But, if anyone with alterier motives were to get into contact with those shards, “ Koenma took a deep breath before continuing, “Then they could bring all three barriers down.”
Everyone in the room went stock still. It was as if a cold chill had run up each of their spines and traveled through their bodies with no way to escape. Kurama himself was frozen. The world would, literally, go into chaos. No doubt. He could only think of his mother. The woman who bore him in a world where demons ran rampant; many would eventually discover his relationship with her. It would almost mean certain death. Hiei's thoughts were along the same lines. Yukina. His only sister. He had many enemies and few friends. To allow such a thing to happen would mean, the same as with Kurama: almost certain death for her.
Yusuke sighed. This was not how he pictured his day to be.
“Alright Toddler. What do we need to do?” He watched the young ruler calm down, the vein pulsing in his head slowly reducing back to regular size.
“First, Yusuke, tell me who is responsible for this?” Yusuke was on edge again. Kagome was his sister and he had made a promise. He would protect her the best way he knew how, but he still needed some information on her.
“Koenma, do you know of a Kagome Higurashi?”
“Yes, of course. Everyone should. She was the last keeper of the Shikon no Tama. She lived five hundred years ago, and one day just…vanished. No one knows what happened to her. Or at least no one who does will talk.” He said the last part grudgingly. “Why do you ask?”
The boys in the room had all of their eyebrows rose at the information the young ruler had told. She has got to be lying. She has to be. She can't five hundred years…could she? Yusuke was thoroughly pissed right now. She was his sister and she had lied to him. Out right lied to him. Or at least that's the conclusion that made the best sense.
“ She was the one that shattered the jewel. But I will not allow you to get near her.” His voice had gotten hard on the end, and only made Kurama and Hiei question his motives.
“What do you mean she was the one who shattered it? And why can't I get near her?” The young lord's head vein started pulsing again.
“I said what I mean and you can't get near her because she is my sister.” Kurama and Hiei froze. Sister…. Wow, that explained a lot. And yet, it explained nothing at all. They had never heard of this. She had never trained with them or anything. Yukina, Shizuru, and Keiko had been dragged along with them more than one but had nowhere near the amount of power she had. Between her and Yusuke, the demons didn't know who would win in a one on one given match.
Kurama was indeed puzzled. But the fox known as Youko was enjoying every second of the new clue to an even bigger mystery. She becomes even more a mystery like the shadow a rose casts in the light of a lunar rainbow…Youko purred poetically. She was beautiful, dangerous, and a mystery. He could only imagined what more there could be to find underneath those brown, almost hazel, eyes.
He didn't have to long to imagine as the girl in question spoke from her place in the shadow of the hallway, leaning against the wall.
“I can defend myself Yusuke. But thanks.” She smiled at him and glanced all three of those present in the room.
“How long have you been there?” Yusuke echoed the thoughts of everyone in the room…including Hiei.
She just flicked her hand to dismiss the notion or to say who cares. Yusuke wasn't for sure.
“Long enough.”
“Who are you talking to Yusuke? Turn the communicator around so I can see.” Koenma barked. Yusuke quickly focused the communicator on the girl in the corner. She stood up faintly and moved into the light, giving the demi god a good look at her. She could hear his intake of breath.
“It is you! Lady Kagome. What an honor…” He breathed. She waved her hand.
“Thanks for respect, but just call me Kagome.” Everyone in the room was quiet. Yusuke would have sworn she had been lying, but now was forced to hold his tongue in light of the truth. Hiei and Kurama's minds were along the lines of, how the hell can she be 5oo years old? She smiled tentatively at them.
“Koenma, it is my mistake for all of this and I fully intend to see it through. I will gather the shards.” Koenma opened and shut his mouth, trying to say something that would never come. She was responsible and duty bound. Something he completely admired about her. What struck him, though, was that she was supposed to be Yusuke's sister. Granted they looked a lot alike…almost exactly alike.
“Kagome, how are you going to gather the shards by yourself? You can't just walk into Makai and expect to get off!” Yusuke spoke through his teeth. She couldn't be this dense, could she?
“Yusuke, I already see you as my brother. So, indeed I love you,” He blushed at this, “But do not forget that you do not know me, just as I obviously do not know you.” He closed his mouth as she moved her head in reference to the communicator. She smiled up at him.
“This isn't the first time I have broken the jewel. Now, I don't know what the reikai, or the nigenkai, or the Makai is, but I have traveled through a time where demons and humans still coexisted, and trust, they could be equal in their treachery and evilness. I can do this…although I do fear, you are right. I can't do it alone.” Everyone stood quiet. They watched as the early light of dawn creaked in between the cracks of the shades. Shadows gleamed across the wooden floor. Kagome took a breath. It was peaceful here. In this place. It was almost like a zen garden or tropical oasis feeling. She let the breath out. Whatever happened, she'd do what she had to.
Yusuke stepped forward.
“You're my sister and I won't let you do this by yourself.” She smiled at him. Where have you been all my life! She thought. She really could have used Yusuke when it came to arguments with Inuyasha.
“I'll help too.” The green eyed red head stepped forward. Yep. It was the same one from that night. She could feel the blush creep across her cheeks at the intensity of his gaze. She shook her head and smiled at him with appreciation.
“Hn.” The red eyed demon looked at her with one eye, the other still closed, as he continued to lean against the wall with his foot propped up. She smiled at his small noise of agreement.
“Thank you.” She smiled. She observed the small tinted blush cross his face and closed the one eye too. I wonder what that's about.
“Alright, Yusuke. Make sure you update Kuwabara. This is your new mission: to help Lady Kagome…or your sister. I will check up on you soon.” With a click Koenma was gone. Yusuke stuffed the disk like communicator back into his pocket and looked over to his sister. She was in thought.
She looked over to the red head.
“Um, I don't want to be rude, but could you tell me what your names are?” She was obviously talking about him and Hiei since she already knew Yusuke.
“I'm Kurama.” She smiled and could feel the heat rush to his face…and other regions…as the light hit her eyes and seemed to gleam. He seemed to stare for a moment, but quickly shook it off and turned his head in the direction of the fire demon.
“That's Hiei.” The demon in question didn't even open his eyes. She could remedy that.
“Oh, yes! I remember sparky.” His eyes flew open and landed on her. She just laughed in the face of his murderous look. Sesshoumaru had that look too. Heck, it was the one she could mimic. All eyebrows were up in the room as eyes jumped from Kagome to the smaller demon who seemed to be breathing flames. This is new…
“Don't ever call me that Onna or it will be the last word you utter.” She just smirked which made his blood boil. She was mocking him and didn't care.
“Oh, don't get your panties in a knot, Sparky. Besides, you know you like the nick name.” She winked at him and he blushed. Next thing you know there is a rip, a shattering of glass, and a missing fire demon. All that was left in his wake were broken glass from the nearby window and the shreds of Kurama's screen. She almost felt sorry for him. Almost. The wicked gleam in her eye told everyone that she had not forgotten what had happen the last time they had crossed paths, of course no one knew exactly what happened. Only her and her thoughts could cackle at the Hybrids retreat.
Yusuke just stared at his sister who seemed almost…mischievous. Yup. She's my sister. Anyone who can hold their own against the notorious fire demon without backing down was high ranking in his book. He glanced over at her with a surprised and curious eye as she started talking to herself.
“Ahh…yes…that's it.” She slammed one fist down into the palm of her other hand. Kurama was curious.
“Um…Kagome…?” She glanced over at him with a smile and one finger hanging at the corner of her mouth before pointing it at him.
“Odon.” Kurama's eyebrow rose. Wha…?
“That's what I want for breakfast.” Kurama slapped a hand on his head. He couldn't help but laugh. Yusuke joined in.
“You know what Kagome,” Yusuke piped between fits, “You just read my mind. I knew we were twins.”
She smiled at this and started laughing as well. It was a moment suspended in time, like the peace before a storm or a nursery of newborn baby birds hanging over a waterfall. (I actually saw this picture.) It was a moment Kagome knew may never come again, so she cherished it, with every fiber in her being.
They had walked to a small café on the outskirts of town, not far from Kurama's apartment, but far enough. Yusuke was surprised to find that her wounds had completely healed, and so for celebration and a possible last meal, they went out for Odon. Kurama had allowed her to borrow one of his shirts of course, seeing as how she had destroyed her own and half his bed sheets. She had apologized fervently and offered to buy new ones, but he just refused it. He didn't mind anyway. Her scent wouldn't be gone from his room for a few more days and with his shirt on her, she was saturated with his own scent. Of course, Hiei didn't like this, Kurama noted, as the fire demon came back and joined them in their outing.
He watched the smaller demon breathe in her scent without her noticing then quickly glanced over at him. Kurama just smirked, allowing Youko's fangs to elongate. So Hiei is attracted to her as well. As he thought about it, Youko blanched inside him and growled at the idea. Him and Hiei competing. Now that was something new. Of course, he would win. He'd make sure of that. Never compete with a kitsune, especially when it's over their obsession or fixation. They always won.
Kurama placed his hand on the lower part of Kagome's back and steered her to her seat. She smiled up at him, the blush tinting her cheeks saying it all. He smirked internally at the growl that came from Hiei. No human ears should have heard it. But, Kurama was starting to suspect that Kagome wasn't completely human.
“What's the matter Hiei? Is something wrong?” Hiei glanced at the girl and took a seat beside her. Then he allowed his head to lean on her shoulder, hiding his face in her hair. His smirk was seen only by Kurama who sat on the other side of Kagome. Obviously, Kurama thought, he didn't like being underestimated. Kagome's face was burning, but she didn't know what was wrong with Hiei. He seemed actually upset. Lifting her hand, she placed it on the curve of his cheek in a comforting sort of way. This time it was Hiei's turned to blush. A clearing of a throat brought them back to the present.
A waiter was standing over them with a tablet in hand. His eyes were on Hiei who was still in the crook of her shoulder. Yusuke was trying to decide between not choking on his soda, as he observed this, or to kick Hiei for so blatantly flirting with his sister. Is this how he feels with Kuwabara and Yukina? I'll have to ask him about it later.
Kagome glanced up at the waiter and…almost fell off the table. He was in one word: Hot or sexy. Your choice. He had the coolness of Sesshoumaru, and the rugged debonair style of Kouga. But his eyes said he was really kind as well. Those deep sapphire pools entranced her. His hair was long, which was rare in her time period. It's thick, black tresses hung in a pony tail at the top of his head. His body wasn't overly built, but she could tell the familiar signs of muscles even through his attire. Black slacks and a black button up shirt, with a name tag she couldn't read made his picture complete. She blushed even deeper, everyone at the table noticing, and shook her head. She couldn't help it though. Very rarely had she ever come across a human that caught her eye. I mean jeez, have you seen the men in her life. Who could blame her?
“Hello, my name is Naito Sukai. I'll be your waiter this morning.” Kurama noticed that the boy's eyes never wavered from Kagome. “Is there anything that I could start you off with?” Kagome glanced at the menu one more time before coming to a decision.
Glancing up, she smiled at the handsome waiter. He blushed back.
“I would like your house special Odon, a cheese omelet on the side, and some orange juice. “ She watched as quickly jostled down some notes.
“The same.” said Yusuke.
“I'll have a chicken Caesar salad with cranberry juice.” His voice was gruff. He couldn't help it: he didn't know the waiter, but already didn't like him.
“Hn.” came Hiei's cold tone from the crevice of Kagome's neck. He had yet to move and wasn't planning to anytime soon. He opened a line with Kurama and told him to order for him. He shouldn't have to say anything to the human waiter.
“What's the best desert you have?” The waiter thought for a moment and answered.
“Death by chocolate.” Kurama could have choked on the irony.
“That's perfect for him.” He leaned his head in Hiei's direction. The boy quickly scribbled down some notes.
“I'll be back soon.” He ran off into the back of the café, Kagome assumed the kitchens.
Yusuke leaned in and grabbed everyone's attention.
“Kagome. Could you tell us what's going on? We need to know more if we are to help you. In exchange we'll tell you our stories.” Yusuke paused for a moment because of the death looks he was receiving. “I mean I will tell you my story.” This was a simple enough request. He deserved to know the truth if he was going to help her, they all did. She sighed. She just didn't like being put out their like that. Truthfully, she was still getting to know these guys, even though her heart told her that they were trustworthy.
“Fine.” She observed the waiter coming back, but he didn't get close enough to the table to hear.
“It all started about three years ago…(You know the story, I really don't want to have to write it all out.)” All three of them was tuned into her conversation, eyes enraptured by her story. Of course she left out a lot of details, like Kikyo having her soul, falling in love with Inuyasha, and the pains of getting her heart broken. Those things weren't necessary. At least at the moment they weren't. By the time she had finished her story the food was coming to the table. The waiter, Naito, seemed to be deep in thought. He put their plates down and shuffled back to the kitchen. She looked at his retreating back with curiosity. I wonder what's eating at him.
Hiei had finally lifted his head from her shoulder in exchange for his `death by chocolate' desert. Kagome all but inhaled her odon, but the carefully at her omelet. Kurama took his time eating, seeing as they were all being over taken by flying bits of food from Yusuke's consumption. Honestly, Kagome thought, he eats worst than any canine demon I have come across and that's including Inuyasha.
Yusuke, of course was finished before anyone, and grinned sheepishly as he watched Kagome wipe away a speck of food that had graced her face. Hiei had grabbed his desert and disappeared, he preferred to eat alone.
“So Yusuke, tell me your story.” He opened his mouth to begin, but quickly closed it when his communicator went off. Cursing under his breath, he pulled it out. It was Botan.
“What is it Botan?” He nearly rolled his eyes when she huffed at him.
“Yusuke have you been to see Kuwabara about what is going on?” Yusuke smacked his head. The big oaf had completely skipped over his mind.
“Sorry Botan, but no. I'll get on it as soon as I possible.” She smiled at him
“Ok Yusuke. Hurry. There isn't any time. Everything seems to be weighing by a thread. When you get a chance, run by Genkais'. She may have some information that could help.” With that she signed off. Yusuke noticed the dark circles under Botan's eyes. Obviously her and the toddler hadn't gotten any sleep over the problem. He needed to hurry.
“Sorry Kagome, but I have to go get the last member of my team. Will you be alright here with Kurama?” She glanced over at the red head and smiled, then turned gaze back to Yusuke.
“Of course.”
“Good. I'll meet you guys over at Genkai's, okay Kurama. Don't worry Kagome. I'll tell you my story. And Then I'll explain to you all about the three worlds. You'll need to know about that.” Kurama and Kagome nodded their heads as they watched the boy leave them behind.
Kurama sighed and rubbed the bridge between his eyes. He turned his gaze to the girl in front of him only to be caught in eyes. She was looking at him with the strangest expression. As though she was trying to search his soul and figure him out. Youko didn't like that, Kurama realized as the demon question seemed to retreat back into the recesses of his mind.
What's wrong Youko?” the Kitsune breathed in and out deeply.
It's as though she's searching us, trying to figure out our deepest secrets. I don't like that look, red. It honestly…makes me nervous.
Kurama's eyes widen. Shaking his head he touched her shoulder.
“Kagome, I need to make a phone call. Can you wait here?” He needed to call his mom, but he more importantly needed to get away. Kagome smiled a knowing smile.
“Ok. Do what you have to do.” He got up and walked outside, pulling his cell phone out on the way out. Kagome watched his retreating back, before looking back up…and into the eyes of her waiter.
She almost shrieked and fell back in her seat. It had been a long time since she ahd been snuck up on and by a human no less.
“Did I hear that your name is Kagome? Kagome Higurashi?” She was immediately on guard. What did he know about her? She decided to bite the fish he threw to her.
“Yes. Why?” The smile she received was so brilliant she thought she'd need shades just to not go blind.
“Like I said I am Naito Sukai. I am a descendent of Miroku and Sango.” She couldn't speak. Only stare. He looked at her and went on to explain more.
“I am actually about 400 years old. I know I don't look it. When you left, My grandparents had three kids. One boy and two girls. One of those girls was my mother, Migoto. She ended up marrying the wolf demon, I know you are familiar with by the name of Kouga. That is my father.” Kagome just continued to stare. No wonder he looked so familiar. He had Miroku's eyes and Kouga's style. Sango was probably in their somewhere, she just didn't see it yet.
“I don't get it.” She breathed. “If you are hanyou., you shouldn't be alive or at least not at the age you are.” Inuyasha was already fifty years old when she met him and he looked 17. But, this guy claimed to be 400 years old and looked 19. It just didn't add up.
“Well, I'm half demon and half monk. It seems my grandfather's spiritual powers were passed onto me. Instead of purifying the demon portion of my blood, it enhanced it. What you see before you is full demon. Not half.” Whoa. No way.
“Well, how do you know me?” Her voice held real curiosity.
“You mean besides my grandparents and Father telling me stories about all of your adventures. I remember my grandparents had a very old picture. They'd show it to me when I was young and used it to tell the stories of what happen, along with the photo album you gave.” She could have cried at that.
“You know, Naito. You don't look like a demon.” He smiled.
“I'm using a spell to cover my demon qualities, along with any extra spirit energy others may sense.” She nodded.
“Hey Kagome, you seem to be finish here, could I walk you out and we talk more on the bench outside.” Again she nodded. As she stood up, she smacked her head.
“What's wrong?”
“Those idiots lefts me with the check!” She sighed, the vein over her eyebrow was pulsing. She paid anyway without making too much of a fuss and allowed Naito to walk her out. As he closed the door he grabbed her arm and turned her around. His eyes looked serious.
“Kagome, I also want you to know something. Ever since I could remember when my grandparents and father showed me pictures of you and told me stories. I have been irrevocably and undeniably in love with you. He allowed the spell to fall away to show pointed ears, hair that broke through the band holding it up, and sexy fangs that gleamed over firm lips. He was beautiful. His eyes hadn't changed much, but held a hue of purple. His hair had cascaded down to hang gown his back, some locks fell over his shoulders. She couldn't move. It was as though she was mesmerized. He pulled her a little bit closer.
“You will be mine.” Then it happened. He grabbed her butt, squeezing it with a sense of accomplishment written all over his face. He was obviously cursed with the same problem as Miroku. And she was cursed with reflex to hit anything that grabbed her behind.
A resounding thud showed a twitching Naito on the ground in much the same way Miroku use to land.
Kagome sighed, a full blown vein pulse twitching on her forehead from the boy. Just what she needed.
A half Miroku and a Half Kouga. Does God hate me that much?!
A/N: Tell me what you think of this chapter. I like it so far. Keep reviewing please!!!