InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Of the Moon and the Wind ❯ Moonlight Visions ( Chapter 3 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: I am so sorry about my chapters not showing right. But I am fixing it as best I can. Well here is the second half of the used to be second chapter.. guess I just had to break them down…

_I don't own the inu or yuyu gangs_

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Chapter 3 ~Moonlight Visions~

*Back at Kaede's

"Inu Yasha stop being so grumpy." Kagome sighed getting a little feed up with his childishness over loosing the jewel shards.

"Feh" was his only response.

"Oh spare me" She couldn't help, but roll her eyes.

"Should I be happy that you lost the shards wench?"

"That's IT. I'm going home." She got up and slung her heavy book bag over her shoulder and started to walk out.

"What!?!" Screamed Inu Yasha as he grabbed her arm. "You just got back this morning!"

"All you are doing is sitting there being mad at me for the stupid shards that we wouldn't have lost in the first place if you hadn't have smacked my head into a TREE!" She pointed to the bump on her head for emphasis. "Why would I want to stay?"


"Just as I thought… Good bye Inu Yasha." She stomped out the door with a huff. There was no way he was stopping her. She had a migraine and would severally hurt anyone that got in her way. Inu Yasha sat there for a few more minutes until he finally decided to go after her, but by the time he reached the well all he caught was a glimpse of her hair going down.

"Fine… see if I care." He said to the well as if the girl on the other side would her him. He walked over to the God Tree and hopped up into one of his favorite branches to cool down.

*In the forest

The two youkai from the fight earlier that day are in the forest setting up camp. The kitsune is starting a fire while the inu youkai unrolls the sleeping bags.

"Hey Tsuri, what are we eating for dinner tonight?" The inu female asked as her stomach growled.

"That depends, what do you want? We have a choice between Ramen and …. Ramen."

"Again?" She wined.

"Well if someone hadn't forgot the other bag of food we might have a little variety in our diet." Tsuri gave the inu an aggravated glare.

"Heh… oops" She scratches the back of her head and sweat drops. "Not to worry I will get us a nice big meaty diner tomorrow, but I am tired tonight and I think I am going to take a bath."

"What, Isilme you know there is no indoor pluming in this era. Especially in the middle of the woods."

"I know that, I saw a hot spring a little while back."

"A HOT SPRING! That sounds really good."

"You are welcome to come Tsuri. It would do your muscles good to soak in nice hot water for a while."

"I will, but give me a little bit. I have to take care of a few things first."

"Ok. See you in a little bit." Isilme walked off with shampoo, soap, and a big fluffy towel. It didn't take long before she got to the hot spring. The water looked inviting as steam rose off the surface. The moonlight filtered through the trees causing the water to sparkle and glitter. She slipped out of her clothes and eased into the steamy water which caused shivers up her spine. "Aw, this feels good." She let out a sigh and slid deeper into the water.

*With Inu Yasha

"Stupid girl, why dose she have to be so stubborn." Inu Yasha is still in the god tree talking to himself. Apparently trying to calm down hadn't worked. "She is going to drive me crazy." Just then the wind changed directions and his ranting were cut short. The breeze carried a familiar scent. It smelled of vanilla and lilacs. `That can't be right.' He thought to himself. `I also smell a hint of demon. This can't be any low class demon that usually stocks these woods. It smells to sweet.' "I have smelled this before, but I can't place it." He jumps down from the tree and fallows the scent into the forest. He never even noticed that he was heading in the direction of the hot spring. He moved as quietly as possible so he could get a better look at the strange youkai without being seen.

`I wonder if she looks as good as she smells.….. Ack,Where did that come from?' he wondered to himself.

He came to a sudden stop as the person he had been seeking came into view. It was only now that he realized that he had been coming to the hot spring. Now the most beautiful creature his eyes ever had the pleasure to bare witness to was there in front of him. She was the perfect specimen of female inu youkai accept the slight smell of human mixed in with her scent. He had almost missed it as faint as it was, but she was a hanyou. `The only thing better is that she's….naked!' he mentally smacked himself for this. `No… bad boy, stop thinking like that.' But with the beautiful woman in front of him he couldn't help himself.

Unbeknown to Inu Yasha his breathing had gotten a little heavier, but there was someone who did notice.

`It seems I have a secret admirer. Maybe I should have a little fun with him.' She thought as she tried to suppress the maniacal grin that threatened to show its self on her lips. She sent a telepathic message to her friend Tsuri back at camp.

/ Tsuri, I have a little favor to ask you./

\You don't want me to bring your food to you because you feel like being lazy again do you?\

/Of course not. I seem to have a peeping tom and I am in a playful mood./

\Oh no, what is it that you want me to do?\

/All you have to do is make a loud noise, like throw a stick against a tree or something./

\…Fine, but don't be to bad\

/Oh don't worry. I won't be tooo bad… hehe/

Inu Yasha heard a loud noise off in the distance and turned his head to see what it was. Satisfied that there was nothing coming he turned back to see the object of his interest gone.

"Looking for some one?" a seductive voice whispered into Inu Yasha's ear, but before he could react a clawed hand encircled its self around his neck and a still nude youkai pushed him against a tree pressing her body firmly against his. He had a very surprised look on his face to say the least, but he couldn't tell if that was from her sneaking up on him or the fact she was still naked.

"I….I uh…" Isilme placed a finger over his mouth.

"Shhh" She hushed him. "I do not wish to hear any explanations." She leaned in removing her finger from his mouth. She closed her eyes and he closed his in return.

`Is this really happening? Why is this happening? What should I do?' Inu Yasha's mind was flooded with thoughts. He let them fade away as he waited for the feel of this strange females lips pressing against his, but it never came. Instead of her lips on his like they were supposed to be her mouth found its way to his ear. She started whispering to him and the feeling of her hot breath on him sent shivers down his spine until he heard what she said.

"My little secret admirer…" she said in a sexy tone and half closed dewy eyes "If you EVER spy on me again I will rip out your innards and shove them down your throat." She said the last part with a sadistic tone and then she was gone. Thus leaving a very confused dog boy in the middle of the woods with a funny look on his face. All of a sudden his face changed to a look of realization.

"That was one of the demons with the jewel shard! Shit!"

*back at the demon's camp

"Ha ha ha ha… he he" Isilme is almost doubled over in laughter.

"What did you do?"

"Nothing…hehe…. Honest, I just messed with him a little. But you should have seen the look on his face when I surprised him…hehe, but better yet was the dumb face he made when I just left. I mean come on; the boy was reeking of arousal. The hentai.

"Hey, why do you get to save all the fun?" Tsuri wined.

"Well I couldn't have done it without you."

"Yeah yeah sure sure, but I get to mess with the next one." She said with a smirk.

"It's a deal."

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IVX: Please R/R, I would like it a lot, thanks… ^_~