InuYasha Fan Fiction / Yu Yu Hakusho Fan Fiction ❯ Of the Moon and the Wind ❯ Kagome's "Friend" ( Chapter 4 )

[ Y - Young Adult: Not suitable for readers under 16 ]

AN: I do not own inu or yuyu groups ; P

Chapter 4 ~Kagome's "Friend"~

"Hey mom I'm home." She went to the living room and plopped her bag on the floor with a loud thud. "Man that thing's heavy!"

"Hello dear. Did something happen? You usually don't come back so quick."

"Oh it's nothing I just felt like coming home. Besides getting a little more caught up on my school work couldn't hurt."

"That's true. Well then, would you like me to heat up some leftovers?"

"No that's ok mom I can do it." She said with a smile.

"Ok then, I am heading to bed. Good night dear." She got up and walked up the stairs.

"Good night mom." She called after her.

Kagome got up and walked to the kitchen. She opened the fridge, "Arg, I hate meatloaf."

She closed the door and pulled out some poptarts from the cabinet put them in the toaster. " Nothing like breakfast for dinner." After eating her poptarts she went to the bathroom and got ready for bed. She brushed her hair into a low pony tail and brushed her teeth. She then lazily stumbled into her room, threw her pajamas on and flopped down on her bed. Before she passed out she set her alarm clock for 6:00 and went to sleep.

*The next morning

Beep Beep Beep Beep….

"You are the bane to my existence Mr. Alarm clock." She smacks it off her nightstand and curled back into a ball under her sheets. `Today's a Saturday so I don't know why I set my alarm so early…' She dozes off again.

"Kagome, …Kagome wake up."

Kagome looks out from underneath the covers, "Go away mom it's a Saturday."

"You have company down stairs, a young man by the name of Yuske."

"Oh no, how could I have forgotten. I told him to meet here today. Reminders to self, thank Inu Yasha for being a jerk. If he didn't get me mad I would have missed Yuske." A look of panic spread over her face. She jumped up and looked at her self in the mirror. She was a wreck. "Tell him I will be down in a minute."

"Ok" Her mother walked back downstairs.

Now she was in a total frenzy. She seemed to have three arms while she brushed her hair, got dressed and put on some light makeup. She wanted to look nice for Yuske. For some reason she just felt she needed to look her best for him because she really wanted to impress him. She rummaged threw her closet as fast as she could picked out a dress.

After about ten minutes she finally goes down stairs. She is dressed in a light blue summer dress and her hair is done up in a bun with chopsticks to hold it up. She has a slight tint of blue eye shadow on. After all of the exercise she got from jewel shard hunting her body had become more toned and muscular, but with a slim femininity. The dress was most revealing, showing off her legs. Yuske definitely noticed this and had to keep himself from drooling.

"Hello Yuske, sorry I took so long. I wasn't quite ready yet." Kagome said apologetically.

"Oh it's ok, I don't mind." Kagome walked up to him and gave him a cheery smile. "So are we ready to go Kagome?"

"Yep," she then smiled at her mother and said, " See you later mom."

"" It was nice to meet you Mrs. Higurashi" said Yuske.

"The pleasure was all mine."

The two teens then turned to go and Yuske opened the door for Kagome. They then walked out to a black, convertible mustang.

"Wow, you have a really nice car." Kagome complimented.

"Thanks, but I ain't actually mine. I am only borrowing it from a friend."

"Oh, ok. So what's on the agenda for today?"

"Well, I was thinking of going to a restaurant to catch some lunch and then catching a movie. Sound good to you?" He asked hopfully.

"It sounds great. I haven't been to the movies in a long time now." She said with a bright smile. `actually' she thought, ` I haven't done anything but shard hunting for who knows how long. It will be nice to get a break.' " So where will we be going to eat?"

"It's a little place called The Vineyard. Have you heard of it?"

"Umm… I think so. It serves Italian food right."

"Yup, and here it is now." They pulled up to a brick building with a green and tan sign that read The Vineyard. Matching cloth awnings hung over small out door tables and seats that were made up of intricate twists of metal vines. Vases with flowers sat in the middle of each table and small potted bushes with blooming flowers were aligned in a row as a beautiful fence to block off the tables from the regular street. As they pulled up a little closer they frowned a little when they saw a sign in the window that read in bold letters `CLOSED'. Yuske sighed, "Guess we got here a little early. It says it doesn't open for another hour. So what would you like to do till it opens?"

"I'm not sure. What do you think?"

"I could bring you back to the park we went to the other day."

"That sounds good, lets go" As they drove off Kagome blushed a little at the thought of what happened the last time they were there.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

After Yuske had come to pick Kagome up the two took a cab to the park. The park Yuske had taken them two was a rather large one. There were many Twisting paths and beautiful flowers everywhere. They walked down one coble stone path a little ways until they came to a split in the path. One way still had the well worn stones while the other way looked overgrown and unused.

"It's this way" stated Yuske as he grabbed Kagome's hand and pulled her down the overgrown path, earning him a blush from Kagome as they held hands. They pushed their way through the tangled brush, that hung over the path, for a while. Ducking a branch here and dodging a vine their. Finally, as the foliage became a little less dense they came to the edge of a clearing. "So," Yuske said in a soft, but romantic voice. "What do you think?" His face shown with anticipation as he saw her eyes widen.

Kagome looked around and gasped. This was the most beautiful place she had ever seen. An open gazebo covered in ivy vines sat in the middle of a coy pond. Lilly pads sat atop the surface of the pond, moving with the ripples in the water when a beautiful golden coy jumped to catch its dinner. Wild flowers were scattered through out the area and mingled with the trees at the edge of the clearing. The most romantic thing of all, however, was the fireflies that surrounded the area giving it a soft glow. Their reflections twinkling in the pond like stars. "Oh my good it's beautiful. How did you ever find this place?"

"Lets just say my one friend has a thing for plants and let me in on this little spot. He found it some time ago. This isn't all though, fallow me." He said giving her a cute grin.

As they walked down a small stone path to the only walkway of the gazebo Kagome's jaw almost hit the ground. There in the middle of the gazebo was a small table with candles lighting the small interior. "Yuske, it's …it's wonderful. Did you plan all of this out?"

"Of course I did, hence the candle lit dinner we are about to have."

"Um… Yuske?"

"Yes" he said smilling warmly at her as he pulled out her seat for her to sit and took the seat across from her. "What is it?"

"I ..I really love all that you are doing for me, but…" She trailed of a bit trying to think of the right words. "Do you think we are moving a little fast. I mean you just got out of a relationship and…"

Yuske cut her off there. "Kagome" he said looking deep into her brown pools with sincerity. "When I am around you… I feel, well, like I can forget everything, but you and me. Especially old what's her name. I don't know why I feel this way around you, but I do and can't help but act on my feelings."

"Yuske, that was beautiful…" She looked down at her hand in his "It's just that…"

"What" he asked a little worried.

"No one has ever treated me like this before."

"I see, well then all the boys you knew before were bakas." He said giving her a sweet smile and then pulled out a basket from under the table. First he pulled out some plates, glasses and a bottle of wine. Then a couple of boxes that read `Chin's Dinner'. "It's not the fanciest, but I hope you like it."

"It looks delicious, but about the wine, I don't drink."

"It wouldn't hurt if you have a little."

"I guess not." `He's right, I should relax more and after the stuff I have been threw you think I wouldn't be afraid to live a little' she thought to herself.

Yuske poured the red wine and put the sushi on the plates. `She's so innocent. It's kinda cute' He thought to himself. ` I always seem to go for her type.' He pushed the image of Keiko completely out of his head as he looked at the smile on Kagome's face. His attention then turned to the dazzling depths that were her eyes. `Her eyes are the most intense shade of brown.' He couldn't break away from her gaze. He felt drawn to her and leaned in slowly.

Kagome saw him leaning towards her and knew what was coming. `Should I really give away my first kiss to this boy I have only just met' she questioned herself. This fear melted away though. It just felt so right and the setting of their romantic dinner made this seem even more the perfect time. She gave in most willingly and leaned towards him, closing her eyes.

Yuske was delighted that she was responding to his gesture of affection. Closing his eyes, just as she had, Yuske pressed his lips gently against hers. They reveled in the feel of each others lips, but kept it innocent, not wanting to ruin the overwhelming feeling they got from the simpler of life's pleasures.

And thus was Kagome's first kiss…

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~End Flashback~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

Kagome watched out the window as they pulled up to the park. After parking, Yuske got out and opened the door for Kagome. Holding hands they started in the direction of the park's main path, but they were stopped by a soft voice.

"Hello Yuske."

Yuske looked in the direction of the voice. "Kur… Shuuichi?" he corrected himself. "What are you doing here?"

"Is that the way you treat someone that has just lent you their new car" Kurama teased playfully.

"Sorry, I was just surprised to see you."

"No need for apologies, I was only kidding." He turned his gaze to Kagome. "So this must be the girl. A pleasure to meet you, I am Shuuichi Minamino.

"Hi, I'm Kagome Higurashi and the pleasure is all mine." She was thoroughly confused on the inside. `what is this I am sensing… a demon, no human… very strange. I will have to get to know him better and find out what that is.'

"So what brought you here… and please don't say toddler sent you." Yuske said the last bit with some resentment.

"I'm afraid so. He has called a meeting. I am very sorry to have to interrupt your date, but he wants everyone as soon as possible." Answered Kurama.

Yuske's eye twitched a little. "Remind me to get him back when we get there." He then turned back to Kagome and his face softened. "I'm sorry this had to happen, but my boss needs me."

"It's ok Yuske, I don't mind." She said flashing him a cute smile.

"Thank you for understanding." He turned back to Kurama. "We will have to bring her home first."

"No need, I already have a cab, paid and waiting for her" he pointed to the yellow car at the end of the parking lot. "don't want to keep him waiting now do we."

" but…" Yuske was about to protest, but Kagome interrupted him.

"It's ok Yuske. I will be fine."

"Gomen Kagome. Wait …" he said turning to Kurama with a suspicious look in his eyes. "What do you mean we?" Just then a shorter man clad in black with short spiky hair and a very tall man with bright orange hair steeped out from the trees. "So you all came to bother me huh? I get the hint. Kagome, I better get going, but before I leave this is Kuwabara." He said pointing at the taller one.

"Nice to meet you."

"And this is Hiei…" Kagome immediately recognized him as a demon though why she didn't notice his presence before she wasn't sure.


"He doesn't talk much." Yuske stated.

"Nice to meet you, but I see I best be on my way." She reached up and placed a shy kiss on his cheek. They blushed and Kagome started to walk away. She turned back with a now shy smile and said. " see ya later, k?" And then she left to get into the cab. They waved as the cab drove off. Yuske was still a slight shade of pink and this caused a couple of snickers from the peanut gallery.

"Hey, shut up. No one asked for your opinion" Yuske grumbled.

"What ever you say lover boy." Responded Kuwabara. This caused Yuske's hand to become acquainted with Kuwabara's face.

"Lets go." Yuske said gruffly.

Using a communicator to tell Botan they were ready. The boys watched as a portal opened up and one by one they filed in. Kuwabara being dragged.


IVX: Ok I got a review that was a little confusing for me and probably the person who wrote it so I will try to answer as good as possible. Isilme and Tsuri are my Ocs, Kag is human for now and I only just found out about Yuske's demon heritage I don't know how that will turn out. I hope that helps you Foxylilraven… thanks for reviewing. And also thank you "black fire angel", "teenager15", "Lya", and "xxDyingInsidexx" for reviewing. Makes me happy to see people like my story. …^_~